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Bailey Green

Government and politics 11:00


October 25th, 2017

Conservative or Liberal?

Political awareness helps us work together and helps us solve some of the issues that we could

be facing politically. Also knowing how you peers side politically could help you in the long run. After

having a class survey at the beginning of the semester some of the results varied whether the majority

of our class was conservative or liberal but mostly I would say the class was conservative. Mostly they

wanted less government involvement, more rights, and follow by the constitution a little more.

Conservatives want more local government but not more federal government. They want more

individual freedoms such as keeping the right to bear arms where 83% of our class agreed. But legalizing

gay marriage the class percentage agreeing that it was a good idea to legalize this was 90%. One thing

that did surprise me was on the question about if the united states should be conducting surveillance on

its citizens through NSA 40% of people voted yes, definitely higher then I would have thought.

Having less government is nice and also helps us keep our rights as citizens. Such as the right to

bear arms 83% said we should continue to have this right if you are a law-abiding citizen. Liberals believe

that we need more addition gun laws to limit our access to guns, conservatives feel we should limit our

laws and that our second amendment should be protected. Although there are some issues where more

government id needed such as in the question about the United States relaxing 1st amendment rights to

combat terrorism 90% said no. When asked if we should implement a more restrictive immigration
policy 67% of our class said no, leading more towards liberals. They dont care if you are legal or illegal

you should have all the same rights, but on the other side some of us believe that if you are not here

legally you dont deserve the same rights until you are legal. Breaking the law is not a popular topic

when coming to conservatives. Having the government more involved is not the answer to all the issues

but I think that from these percentages I believe that it shows our class could be conservative.

Over the past couple years, we have lost track of following the constitution and conservatives

are wanting that back. We worked really hard to get a constitution and yes, I believe that it does need

some work but the majority of it would be fine if we would stop trying to change it all the time. Lately

our society is focused on changing everything because everything so easily offends us these days. We

are focused on perfecting things that do not even need to be changed. There are some issues that do

need to be addressed but that should not involve blaming the constitution and automatically wanting to

change it when something goes wrong, and from our survey results I think the majority of the class will

agree with me.

In conclusion I feel most of our government class is conservative, we want less government,

more individual freedoms, and less changing or modifying our united states constitution. There were

some results from the survey that could have been liberal and defiantly gave me a challenge on my view

point of the classs opinion. Conservatives want harsher immigration laws, and they believe that our

founding fathers designated marriage as husband and wife, they dont care if you are gay but feel

marriage is between a man and a women. Although on this topic our class was swayed more liberal

because of equal rights for everyone. Liberals dont want a strong military defense and conservatives

want more military presence. Liberals believe that you have the right to choose what you do with your

body such as abortions they feel that is perfectly okay because life hasnt officially started, on the

other side conservatives feel that it is wrong and murder. They are traditionalist and I think thats where

most of the class sided.

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