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Centro de Estudios de Idiomas

Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching

Mixed Mode



Student: Jessica Flores Fernndez.

Instructor: Joel Palazuelos L.

Sep 26th, 2017.


Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology.

The rapid growth and excessive use of electronic devices have had relevance in
globalizations development. ICTs came to change the worlds societies. People can be
communicated in seconds as well as closed distances. Information is spread quickly and nothing
can be hidden. Globalization and ICTs have brought new professions and jobs. Now, people
choose the job that fit them the best. Therefore people look for better job opportunities and are
better educated and competent.

Many areas like medical, religion, family and marketing have suffered this social
phenomenon. In marketing everything could be bought by the use of ICTs. The competitiveness
and prices play an important role in business. Globalizations trend is to buy anything in the
fastest and safest way. For instance big American chains of business are dominating the world
market with their operating systems like: changing the way of sales, standardized service with
very little room for human error in sales and products. Thus this systems have made to get
everything faster with effortless, demanding reduce of cognitive work and learning.

Hence, this process has significantly affected the education. Institutions see students as

In language, the education is compacted like those business chains systems and
products. Institutions dont care of hiring inexperienced and untrained teachers because lessons
and course-books are easy and predictable. Everything is standardized and compacted. In spite
of course-books content is extended and do not allow a second thought, so retention is one of
the issues to be focused in.

Education needs to be improved urgently and definitely teachers are who take control of
it. But, how teachers are going to improve their practice? teachers have to evaluate themselves
by questioning what they are doing about education, if the course-books are adequately for
preparing students in language?, and finally, as communication teachers, are students being
prepared to develop the critical thinking to face the outside world?

Therefore and so far, teachers are moving away from those compact education
tendencies. The future curriculum leans towards find the significant content, decision making in
the classroom, use of students intelligence, cultural understanding, and critical language
awareness. In conclusion, globalization is encouraging teachers to be better educated. The
future of education is what teachers are shaping now. Language teachers have in their hands
the future they would like their students have.




Marco Antonio Lpez and Jessica Flores Fernndez.

TONY: hello, were ready, okay. So, my partner and I, Jessica. My name is Tony Lopez we are
talking about the experience we had applying some summary about and specific topic so, I
welcome to my partner Jessica.

JESSICA: Hello, how are you Tony?

TONY: really good.

JESSICA: So, lets start! Do you want to star first?

TONY: Okay. I gonna start about my experience making a summary, so since I need to reorganize
my ideas but I need to talk about the topic. To be specific, something that I learned about this one
is to have a good paragraph structure so the demain, aaaa the first part is about talking about the
topic itself its like talking about the tittle, about the author, and later a paragraph with supporting
ideas about the author like the body that contains of the topic and conclude with another
paragraph that is a kind of conclusion in this order. Those was for me kind of challenges to write a
summary with a few words. What about your experience?

JESSICA: On my experience I can tell you that I have done many times summaries and it was a
challenge for me because. You know what? I did it once and then I read it again, and I deleted
some information or omitted some information that I thought it wasnt essential or it wasnt
significant for the text in order to compacted a little bit more my summary so I need to improve
about summaries in compacting information. My vocabulary in order to use one word instead
three or four words. I need to improve my vocabulary, I need to improve the use of linking words
because it is one of my weaknesses also I need to improve about ee, eee about how to design a
perfect topic sentence because I think thats not easy to design a perfect topic sentence for a
summary and those skills I consider for reading comprehension and writing, so those are my
weaknesses especially reading, because are involved vocabulary and thats my weakness, so what
ca you tell? Do you wanna add something about it?

TONY: Oh yes for sure, yes I have deal with some problems with the understanding of the
sentences to using linking words to make a congruence, congruence sentences and also I noticed
the lack of punctuation marks like columns, semi-columns to later explain examples eee thats a
kind of mistake that I made in this summary, the lack of punctuation marks. In keep in mind the
reader must to have the main purpose of the topic. That is something that I noticed. That I lack of
vocabulary, linking words and the use of punctuation marks. Like I said before.

JESSICA: What is the level that you worked? What is the students level that you worked? Basic?
Low intermediate?

TONY: Its a basic. I work wit a kids, Elementary school from third grade to sixth grade.

JESSICA: Okay, you know what? I dont know if you have the same..aaa. I dont know if you agree
with me. My experience is about thatI have a basic level. My students are from university, but
anyway, the level is basic, their background is really poor, you know, and I have another level that
they are intermediate. MY students arent really manage, they do not manage a context, you
know, high vocabulary in order to structure context sentences, so I need to speak with the
vocabulary, I need to lower my vocabulary level in order for them to understand me, so its been
going difficult for myself in order to improve my vocabulary if the vocabulary I usually speak in the
classes is lower, so I accept that this kind of exercises or tasks like summaries, like essays, and all
reading is improving my vocabulary honestly because when I read I have noticed that my
vocabulary is better, you know? But is kind of challenge for myself because I cant, honestly. Its
been going difficult on my own. I want to improve but I cant because the way I learn myself Is to
practice to put the words in practice but I cant because my students wont understand me. I dont
know if that happen to you?

TONY: Yeeeees!! The same thing is happen to me. Were the level is high you feel that you have to
do the best and practice more complicate vocabulary. And, thats the same that happen to me. So
I use very baasic, basic vocabulary with my students.

JESSICA: (interrupts Tony) Basic

TONY: Yes, something that I noticed about my summary that I have in here and you made me
some notes here and the use of, the lack of coherence according to the previous sentences. I saw
this one and that was the same problem with the lacks of punctuation marks, so I noticed these
mistakes in mine. And yes the lack of more formal vocabulary is something that I need to improve
more and more and working in reading so many PDFs, reading books, this kind of complex

JESSICA: Yeah, I, I , I agree with you in that way that we are improving but in my case I need to
improve a lot, but the conclusion I can tell you about this exer..this task or this exercise is that it is
the best way of getting improving, getting betterit is the best way we are educating ourselves.
And not only by the use of strategies, you know, we are evaluating each other, co-evaluating so, I
am taking care about your mistakes, you are taking care about mine and I completely sure that if I
read again the text I posted and you did it, as you told me that you did it, we are going to find
more mistakes and we are going to find more information that is unnecessarily in the text, so that
is kind of the practice and I learned that when we are writers, a person who writes, read the text
and then read the text and omit some information and leave the text and then come back and so, I
know we need time like a we said that McDonalization this ocurses have a looot of content in a
short time and kind of hard to can..to be able to practice and practice everything. So, this is a good
exercise experience on my own. How do you conclude?

TONY: Well, my conclusion, okay so, to give..one of the best conclusions that I can say, talking
about this summary is that we have to use our own words and to make sure that the reader
understand the main topic, right? And use our knowledge even experience, own experience to
talking about the topic and be aware that the reader get the main point or the think that you want
to say, and another one, I dont know if we are missing something..so and another think is not to
rewrite the words that the author said so use different sentences, forms and paragraphs like the
author, thats one of my conclusion anddd
JESSICA: You paraphrased, riiight? Yeah, okay there is more, there is much more information to
say about this experience because aaa about you dont speak about dates, years, numbers, so you
dont speak about the authors idea just give our opinion you know, but it is good because we are
working in our weaknesses, especially for compacting information, for seeing the vocabulary
and pay attention about those weaknesses and start working on those for our future education
and for educate our students in those areas. So, Tony thank you for listened to me and it was a
pleasure work with you.

TONY: thats my pleasure to work with you and nice to be here, sharing ideas with you so, see you.

JESSICA: Oh right! Have a good night.

TONY: have a good night.

BOTH: see you, bye. =)

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