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Solid Waste In Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan


Piles of garbage have piled up on the roadside in Pamulang has made local residents
uncomfortable. In addition to the unsightly piles of garbage also cause odor so that people would not
want to have to hold your breath with his nose.

During this time residents Pamulang not have waste disposal facilities, and many are still relying
on an empty park or vacant land as a garbage dump. They did so without any sense of responsibility.
They throw trash out of the motor while driving or intentionally throwing at night to places they
consider garbage disposal. Although the land is vacant and residential gardens. Some of burning trash in
the yard, but this action is also not good because of the smoke of burning trash contaminated air, will
damage the respiratory tract if often inhale. This phenomenon is also strongly influence the social
relationships between people.

This problem has not been solved, because it is still a lack of awareness of the people who lack
empathy and mental confusion may be in taking out the trash where, given South Tangerang do not
have adequate waste disposal facilities even some point do not have a garbage disposal. So that
residents feel there is no other solution than to trash and burn.

There has not been any prefuse research about solid waste in Pamulang. So, this research is
important. Im doing this research because in Pamulang, growing ang piling garbage, this occurs in the
absence of a place for the final processing of waste generated from the government and lack of
awareness to manage waste or not littering.


1. To make people aware of the environment is good and healthy

2. In order for the government to provide a place for the final processing of garbage

3. To sensitize the public so as not littering

4. To make people aware that waste also have value if we recycle

Liturature Review

1. Definition

Waste is an unwanted waste material after the end of a process. Waste is defined by the man in
degrees usefulness, in the processes of nature actually no concept of garbage, only products produced
after and during the natural process take place.
2. The Types Of Solid Waste
a. by source :
Trash nature
Human Waste
Trash consumption
Nuclear Waste
The industrial waste
waste mining
b. by its nature:
Organic Waste : waste perishable like food scraps, vegetables, dried leaves, and
so on. This garbage can be further processed into compost.
Inorganic rubbish : garbage that is not easily decompose, such as plastic food
packaging containers, paper, plastic toys, bottles and drink cups, cans, wood, and
so on. This garbage can be used as commercial waste or garbage to be sold
laiannya products. Some inorganic waste that can be sold is a plastic container
food packaging, bottles and empty drink cups, cans, glass, and paper, whether
newspaper, HVS, or cardboard.
c. based on the shape
Solid waste, is any waste material other than feces, urine and liquid waste. Can
be a household waste: kitchen waste, garden waste, plastic, metal, glass and
Liquid waste is a liquid material that has been used and is not needed to go back
and dumped into landfills.
Natural trash is waste produced in the wild through natural recycling process,
such as dead leaves in the woods that break down into the soil. Beyond the
wildlife, the garbage can be a problem, for example dead leaves in the
residential neighborhood.
Human waste is the term used to the outcome of human digestion, such as feces
and urine.
Trash consumption is waste generated by the (human) user of goods, in other
words, is the garbage being dumped into the trash.
Nuclear waste is the result of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission that produces
uranium and thorium are very harmful to the environment and humans.

3. Impact Of Waste
a) Impact on Health : Such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, fungal diseases, etc.
b) Impact on the Environment :
Water pollution
Air pollution
Soil pollution, etc
c) Impact on social and economic circumstances
Poor waste management will form a less favorable environment for the
community, odor and bad sight Because garbage strewn everywhere.
Provide a negative impact on tourism, etc

4. Benefits Of Waste
As an organic fertilizer for plants
Source of humus.
The trash can be recycled.
Used as an alternative fuel.
Being a power source.

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