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Name: Nina Mandile

Kyle ODay
Lesson Title: Imaginary Animals Grade Level: Kindergarten

S & S Statements: Students will be introduced to the idea of texture. Students will learn how different
textures achieve different effects.

Concepts and Skills: Students will learn how to use a crayon to record the texture of items throughout
the classroom. Students will also learn how textures are comprised of various shapes, lines, and

Vocabulary: Pattern, Texture, Rubbing, Density, Repetition

Purpose of Lesson (Overall Lesson Objective): Given a powerpoint that explains the concept of
textures while providing a range of examples, students will go around the classroom and collect a
minimum of 5 cleanly captured sample textures from surfaces available in the class and explain the
shapes or patterns present in those textures.

1. Given crayons and paper students will explore the surfaces in the classroom and create a variety of
clean texture rubbings.
2. Students will observantly talk about the shapes they see in their texture rubbings

Assessment Criteria:
1. Students have a minimum of 5 texture rubbings that capture the qualities of the surface used.
2. Students can identify and describe the main component of each rubbing whether it be a repeated
shape or a repeated line.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Smartboard or projector
Powerpoint with examples of textures and patterns
Texture index cards created by the teachers

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

8.5 x 11 Paper
Texture sample cards
Teacher Directed Activities Student Activities

Introduction (15 minutes) Introduction (15 minutes)

-Gather students on rug -Sit on the rug

-Present PowerPoint about texture and pattern then -Engage in a class discussion about the images
introduce vocabulary words displayed in the PowerPoint
-Gather students for a demonstration of recording a -View demonstration of texture rubbing
texture from a surface

-Show students how to hold the crayon and paper -Repeat steps back to teacher to ensure
when collecting a texture. understanding

-Ask two volunteers to demonstrate a texture -Two volunteers demonstrate to ensure

rubbing of two sample surfaces provided by the understanding

Development (10 minutes) Development (10 minutes)

-Instruct students to go around the classroom and -Search for surfaces to collect textures from
collect textures

-As students collect textures ask them to predict -Predict the outcome of surface rubbings
how the surfaces will look in the form of a rubbing

Conclusion (10 minutes) Conclusion (10 minutes)

-Instruct students to clean up -Clean up

-Ask students to sit at their tables -Sit at tables

-Split up so that there are three groups with one -Listen to see which teacher will lead students
teacher each table

-Ask the students to explain what shapes, lines, and -Accurately explain the shapes, lines, and
patterns that go into each of their textures patterns that construct the textures collected

-Collect textures -Turn in textures to teacher

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, differentiated learners, and what to think about for next lesson)

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