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TELL B Online Dictionary Report

Dewi Wulan Suci Rahmadhani


Online Dictionary Meriam Webster

I choose Meriam Webster as my favorite online dictionary because of some
consideration. First,it is not too difficult to access, we can access it in laptop and smartphone
with symbian or android system. Second, the appearance is user friendly (it is not too
confusing), even for newbe user. Third, it can be used for free, we do not have to have an
account to use it. Moreover, Merriam webster has an instagram account @merriamwebster to
share a daily update (word of the day). We do not need to worry about the daily update. We
can get it from the most used application nowdays, instagram.
Moreover it provides some interesting features like dictionary, thesaurus, games, videos. Not
all features can be accessed in both smartphone and laptop. Video is only available in laptop.
We can improve our vocabulary by playing vocabulary game.
Ive used Merriam Webster for about two years. But Ive calculated for a week, I use
Merriam webster (in average) 10 times in a day. Id rather use English-English dictionary or
thesaurus to find the meaning of the word in a context properly.

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