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Fundacin VERA-CRUZ
Ejercicios refuerzo
Departamento de Idiomas Fecha: __________

Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________


1.- Completa los huecos con A LITTLE o A FEW segn convenga, y traduce:

- I know _______ English.

- Could I have ________ more coffee?
- And I speak _______ words of Spanish.
- Ill be on holiday in ________ days.
- Can you give me _______ help?
- Ann will be ready in ________ minutes.
- Id like to ask you _______ questions.
- Im having _______ trouble with the police.
- The soup needs_______ more salt.
- Im going away for ________weeks.

2.- Subraya o haz crculo la opcin correcta:

- I have little / a little time to read newspaper and no time to read books.
- Come about 8 oclock; Ill have little / a little time then.
- There was little / a little water on the mountains and we all got very thirsty.
- Foreign languages are difficult, and few / a few people learn them perfectly.
- Im going to Scotland with few / a few friends next week.
- Ive brought you few / a few flowers.
- Life is very hard in the Artic, so few / a few people live there.

3.- Completa con FEW, LITTLE, A FEW, A LITTLE:

- We must be quick. We have _______ time.

- Listen carefully. Im going to give you _______ advice.
- Do you mind if I ask you ________ questions?
- This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so _________ tourists come
- I dont think Jill would be a very good teacher. Shes got ________patience.
- Would you like milk in your coffee? Yes, please.__________.
- This is a very boring place to live. Theres ________ to do.
- Have you ever been in Paris? Yes, Ive been there _________ times.

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