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1. IMPORTANT: having a great effect or value: EX: Im taken an

important decision.
2. LIGHT: Full of light, having the natural light of Dag: EX: The
night is very light because the moon appears.
3. Low : Not high or tall, below the usual level value or
amount :EX :Bought a beautiful dress with a low price
4. HEAVY: Weighing a lot, difficult to lift or move of more than the
usual amount: EX: The bog of the primary school pupil is so
5. HIGH: Measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top:
EX: The wall is sin feet high.
6. TOUGH: Having or causing difficulties/ strong enough to deal
with difficult situations.
7. BRITTLE : Hand but easily Brocken.
8. CONSTANT: Continuing all the time/ not changing: EX: It is
constant temperature.
9. SOFT: Not hard or stiff/ smooth and pleasant to touch: EX: It is a
constant temperature.

10. HARD: Firm and solid not easy to bend/ difficult needing or
showing great effort/ showing no mindedness Harrah: EX: Ive passed
a hand exam.

11. ORIGINAL: Existing at the beginning of a period, process or

Activity: EX: You should go back to your original plan.

12. PLASTIC: Made of plastic easily formed into different shapes: EX:
Plastic surge.

13. DIFFERENT: Not the same as sb/ sth not like sb/ sth/ separate and
individudud: EX: There exist different qualities of people in this would.
14. MALLEABLE: That can be beaten or pressed into new shapes.

15. WPPER: Made of copper.

16. GOOD: Of a high quality/ pleasant that you enjoy or want: EX: She
has very exam results.

17. BAD: Not good UN pleasant of poor quality: EX: I heard a bad

18. WOODEN: Mode of wood: EX: I eat with a wooden spoon.

19. UNPROTECTED: Not providing or untended to proud protection:

EX: This Ares is unprotected.

20. RESTY: A ward with rust.

21. POLISHED: Shin as a result of polishing elegant confident and or

highly skilled.

22. OPPOSITE: Facing the speaker/ as different as rossible from sth:

EX: The house is in the opppsite.

23. FOLLOWING: Next about tobe mentioned: EX: The following

example emplains that.

24. COMPRESSIVE: Pressed together, forced into a small space.

25. NEW: Not emisting before recently made Introduced different

from the previous one: EX:She gets anew job.

26. CHEMICAL: Of or relating to chemistry produced by or using

processes wich unwolue change to a tons or molecules: EX:It causes a
chemical reaction.

27. ELECTRICAL: Using, producing or connected with electricity:EX:A

lot of materials use electrical energy.

28. HEAVIER: Comparative of heavy.

29. HARDER: Comparative of hard.

30. BETTER: Comparative of good.

31. MOIST: Slightly wet.

32. DRY: Not wet:EX:They wears adry cloth.

33. FREE: Not controlled by sb alse, rules a governement:EX: You are

free to do what are you want.

34. BOILED: Bubble and change into steam or rapous by being

heated:EX: Boiled eggs give a lot of energy.

35. GLASSE: Made of glass:EX:The boy broke the glass cup.

36. ALUMINUM: Made of aluminum.




1. PRESENTATION: Act of showing sth or giving sth to sb/ way in
which sth is presented:EX:The presentation of my topic will take
place next week.
2. PROPRTIES: Plural of proprty:thing(s) owned by sb/
posession/Quality or characteristic that sth has:EX:We study
chemical properties of the metal.
3. MATERIALS: Substence that thing can be made from:EX:They need
building material.
4. ENGINEERING: Work of engineer, study of engineering as a subject.
5. MASSE: Large amount of a substance that does not have a definite
6. LOAD: Quality that can be corried:EX:Bus load of tourist.
7. SPRING: Length of wited wire which to vits shape after bieng pulled
or pressed.
8. COIN: Piece metal used as money.
9. SHAPE: Outer form/ physical condition of sb/sth:EX:It has a round

10.FORCE: Strength, power or violence:EX:Using force is not the

suitable way of solving problems.

11.GROUPE: Number of peaple or thing together.

12.DIRECTION: General position, a person or thing moves.

13.WIRE: Metal in the form of a thin thread:EX:The telegram wire.

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