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En la actualidad, el avance de la tecnologa, la globalizacin y el crecimiento del comercio

han sobrepasado los lmites a travs del conocimiento del idioma, por lo tanto, aprender
ingls es de suma importancia en el crecimiento profesional de toda persona.

En esta evidencia tiene la oportunidad de conocer las particularidades de una situacin

real para tomarlo como referencia en un anlisis de caso que le permita identificar la
importancia de establecer una buena comunicacin al manejar el idioma con un

Para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de esta evidencia, consulte en internet u otra fuente de
investigacin, el video denominado Les Luthiers - Radio Tertulia - Parte VI, luego de
observarlo, responda y argumente en ingls las preguntas que se le plantean a

What communication problem did you find between the two parties?

The communication between the parties was confusing

Was the information given by the speakers correct? Justify your answer.

It was not correct because they could not understand what the ideas were or what the
English were saying, they felt a little angry because they did not speak well.

List other similar situations you know where this problem occurs.

When traveling to another country

What concludes this situation?

The need to achieve to speak, understand and interpret what they are saying, it is
concluded that it is important to know the language.


1. she was studing at university.

2. he working in the restaurant.
3. What are you going at the momento.
4. do you study in the Sena,

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