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Unit: Text to World Connections

Lesson: A Chair for my Mother text-to-world connections worksheet and discussion

Standard(s) Determine the relevant connections between:

a. text to text (text ideas, including similarities and differences

regarding information and relationships in fiction and
b. text to world (text ideas regarding experiences in the world)

Objective(s) 1. Students will listen to, read, and find text-to-world

connections with the book A Chair for my Mother.
2. Students will compile a list of connections they found
from the book and where they have seen familiar
instances in their own lives.
Materials A Chair for my Mother
Making text-to-world connections worksheet (x25)

Instructional Strategy 1. Hook I will read A Chair for my mother
2. Students are expected to have a level 0 voice
(completely quiet) as I read this book to he whole class.
3. When I notice a big event happen, I will ask if students
can relate to any event that has happened so far. When
students throw out suggestions, this will help them
complete their text-to-world worksheets.
4. I will have the students return to their seats. Depending
on their voice level during the read aloud, I will see if
they can work with a partner!
5. The students and I will fill in one example together.

6. Closure After letting them complete this for fifteen

minutes with their partner, I will have a few students
volunteer to share what they wrote.
7. Students will turn this in!
8. Discussion: I will ask questions to guide discussion
such as, Where did you find it easiest to make
connections, What made you think of the
connections?, Was it easy to make connections?

Completion grade for Making text to world

connections worksheet

Expectations Students find connections and work at a reasonable voice level.

If they work with partners, they are expected to be working on
their assignment at all times or they will be asked to work
Students must turn in a completed copy by no later than the
next morning! (They will have plenty of time to complete this

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