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e-poe kaardimakse privaatsus


Interneti kaardimakse (Visa, MasterCard)

Peale tellimuse vormistamist suunatakse klient makse sooritamiseks Nets Estonia AS-i
turvalisse keskkonda. Seal on eeltidetud maksekorraldus, kus on kirjas tasumisele kuuluv
summa. Peale kaardinumbri, turvakoodi (3 numbriline kood kaardi tagakljel) ning kaardi
kehtivusaja lpu sisestamist autoriseerib Nets Estonia tehingu kliendi pangas.
Kaardiandmete ksimisel kasutatakse SSL-turvaprotokolli ning MasterCard SecureCode ja
Verified by Visa turvaprogramme, mis tagavad selle, et vahetatavat informatsiooni ei saa
krvalised isikud pealt kuulata ega muuta.

Methods of payment

Internet card payment (Visa, MasterCard)

After an order has been placed, the client is automatically directed to the payment page of E-
Commerce Payment Gateway interface, where he shall insert his card data. E-Commerce
Payment Gateway interface authorises the transaction at the bank through Nets Estonia AS.
After entering the card number, security code and expiry date, the payment is authorised by
the client`s bank. When the system requests the card data, the SSL, MasterCard SecureCode,
Verified by Visa will be used, ensuring that the exchanged information cannot be copied or
altered by unauthorised persons.

(Visa, MasterCard)

Nets Estonia AS.
, .
, (3- )
Nets Estonia .
MasterCard SecureCode Verified by Visa,

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