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Freeze concentration of sugarcane juice in

a jaggery making process

Article in Applied Thermal Engineering October 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2005.01.014


28 446

2 authors:

Milind V Rane Siddharth K. Jabade

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Vishwakarma Institute of Technology


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Freeze concentration of sugarcane juice in a
jaggery making process
Milind V. Rane *, Siddharth K. Jabade
Mechanical Engineering Department, Heat Pump Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, India


A heat pump based Freeze Concentration System (FCS) is proposed to concentrate sugarcane juice from
20 to 40 Brix in a jaggery making process. Further concentration of the juice is carried out in a boiling pan.
Inclusion analysis is carried out to estimate sucrose loss in the ice formed in a layer freezing process. A
mathematical model is developed taking in to consideration eect of time varying ice thickness on evapo-
rator temperature, compressor capacity, Coecient of Performance (COP) of the heat pump. Data on
operating parameters for a jaggery unit located at Rahu Pimplgaon in Daund District, Maharashtra was
collected through eld visits. Using this data, energy consumption of this conventional jaggery making pro-
cess is calculated. Energy balance has been carried out and Sankey diagram is drawn. Energy consumption
of the FCS is calculated using results of the mathematical model. Total energy consumption of the FCS
integrated jaggery making process is calculated. Comparison of the conventional process and FCS inte-
grated process is presented. Bagasse saving of about 1338 kg per day can be achieved using heat pump
based FCS along with bagasse red pan boiling. Further, hot spots are eliminated thereby reducing cara-
melisation signicantly resulting in improved jaggery color.

Keywords: Freeze concentration; Heat pump; Jaggery



Bx brix,
CL concentration of liquid phase, Bx
CS concentration of solid phase, Bx
DL diusion coecient in the liquid phase, m2/s
Ds diusion coecient in the solid phase, m2/s
K distribution coecient, DCS/DCL
r radial distance, m
t time, s
T temperature, C
e position of solidliquid interface, m
m mass of melted ice water, kg
qice density of pure ice, kg/m3
xs,ice solute mass fraction of ice, w/w
A area covered by ice on the plate surface, m2
s run time, s
Bxice sucrose concentration in ice, Bx
Bxbulk sucrose concentration in bulk solution, Bx
hl convective heat transfer coecient from juice to growing ice body, W/m2 K
ho convective heat transfer coecient on the refrigerant side, W/m2 K
tl juice temperature, C
to refrigerant temperature, C
x ice thickness, m
ki thermal conductivity of ice, W/mK
tfs thickness of the freezing surface material, m
hlat,ice latent heat of fusion, kJ/kg
Dtj time step, s
ljuice viscosity of sugarcane juice, kg/m s
mwater mass ow rate of water to be separated, kg/h
mjuice mass ow rate of sugarcane juice, kg/h
Bxj initial brix, Bx
Bxf nal brix, Bx
c specic heat, kJ/kg K
Tjuice temperature of sugarcane juice, C
P purity of sugarcane juice
d lm thickness, m
C mass ow rate per unit width of the surface, kg/m s
hjuice,20Bx, 1 C enthalpy of juice at 1 C and 20 Brix, kJ/kg
hSyrup,40Bx, 5 C enthalpy of syrup at 5 C and 40 Brix, kJ/kg
hfg enthalpy of evaporation, kJ/kg
CVbagasse caloric value of bagasse, kJ/kg

COPnet net coecient of performance

QR,ice heat rejected for ice melting, kW
QR,sink heat rejected to sink, kW
PTotal total power input, kW
Pe,FCS electrical energy consumption of the FCS, kW h
QL,heat latent load for concentrated juice heating, kW
hfg latent heat of vaporization, kJ/kg
Qs, sensible load, kW
QT,heat total heat load, kW
Qin,con energy input in conventional process, kW
s sucrose content per unit bagasse
w moisture in bagasse relative to unity
mbagasse rate of bagasse consumption, kg/s
mbaggase.jag bagasse consumption per kg of jaggery, kg/kg of jaggery
mjaggery rate of jaggery production, kg/s
c CO2 content per unit volume of ue gas
m ratio of excess air weight to weight theoretical air
Tf temperature of ue gas, C
xs,1 mass fraction of the solute in the bulk solution, w/w
mice average ice growth rate in, lm/s
uS,1 solution velocity, m/s

1. Introduction

Heat pump based FCS is proposed to concentrate sugarcane juice from 20 to 40 Bx in jaggery
making process. The juice concentration in FCS is carried out up to 40 Bx because juice viscosity
increases considerably beyond 40 Bx, which has an adverse eect on heat transfer and sucrose
inclusion as well. Further concentration of the juice can be carried out in a boiling pan.
A unit at Rahu Pimpalgaon, Daund District in Maharashtra is considered for case study. Data
collected through the eld visits is used as a basis for calculations in this paper. Following are the
details of the data:

a. Capacity 1000 kg jaggery per day

b. Working hours per day 10
c. Batches per day 4
d. Batch Duration 2.5 h
e. Sugarcane juice concentration rate 400 kg/h
f. Jaggery production rate 100 kg/h
g. Sucrose content per unit sugarcane 0.120.15
h. Initial juice concentration 2022 Bx
i. Juice purity 84
j. Weight of juice per batch 1000 kg

k. Jaggery produced per batch 250 kg

l. Fuel Bagasse
m. Bagasse consumption per kg of jaggery 1.52 kg
n. Exhaust ue gas temperature 400 C
o. Striking temperature of the juice 118 C
p. Moisture in bagasse relative to unity 0.50
q. Foot print of the unit along with chimney 7.5 m 7.5 m

2. Working principle of Freeze Concentration System (FCS)

The heat pump based FCS uses layer freezing process. The juice ows over the refrigerated sur-
face, called as freezing surface. This surface alternately performs function of a condenser or evapo-
rator. Layer freezing of water from the sugarcane juice and subsequent melting of ice takes place
on the freezing surface. Ice is melted using condenser heat. The ice in contact with the freezing
surface will melt using the heat of condensation of part of the vapours and the rest of the ice will
slide down the vertical freezing surface. The ice collected in the lower collection bin will melt using
the rest of the condensing vapours. Incoming juice is pre-cooled to 1 C using melted water and
concentrated juice leaving the FCS. The use of heat pump facilitates rejection of a major part of
the condenser heat at about 10 C while melting the ice. The temperature lift in this case is of the
order of 20 C.

3. Inclusion analysis of layer freezing process

Average Distribution Coecient (ADC) for solute inclusion (solute mass fraction in ice), is de-
ned as ratio of the solute inclusion in ice to that in the bulk solution [1]. Experimental data on
the partitioning of solute between liquid phases is usually reported in terms of distribution coef-
cient K.

3.1. Experimental apparatus

Test section is in the form of a C shaped stainless steel channel. It acts as a freezing surface for
layer freezing of water from the sugar solution. Refrigerant passage is provided at the bottom of
the channel. The test section is insulated.

3.2. Experimental procedure

Sugar solution was prepared adding sucrose crystals in distilled water. Experiments were con-
ducted using 20 Bx concentration solution. It was conrmed that ice formation takes place over
the complete surface. The surface of the ice layer was washed with ice water immediately after the
solution ow was stopped. This helped in removing the thin dendritic layer of ice formed in which
sucrose is entrapped. Samples were collected for inclusion analysis.

3.3. Measurements

The sucrose inclusion in ice and concentration of sucrose in bulk solution was measured using a
temperature controlled bench type Abbe Refractometer with a refractive index in the range of
1.30001.7000 nD and accuracy of 0.0001 nD at room temperature. Temperature was measured
using thermocouples (K type) with accuracy 1 C and an indicator with accuracy 0.2 C, su-
crose and water weight was measured using weighing balance with accuracy 0.1 g.

3.4. Results and discussion

Figs. 1 and 2 indicate eect of operating parameters on ADC. It is a function of freezing surface
temperature, ice growth rate, solution velocity and bulk solution concentration. Chen has pro-
posed following correlation [2]
ADC 0:145 2:05xs;1 0:139 0:5 1
ADC, that is inclusion is more at a higher ice growth rate, because growth rate of the ice front can
become too high to overtake the solute outward movement. Increase in velocity increases mass
transfer coecient. This helps solute at ice solution interface to be transported in to bulk ow
and reduces inclusion. At a lower freezing surface temperature, the driving force for ice growth is
larger, which results in increased inclusion [3]. The experimental results are in good agreement with
the Chens correlation. Fig. 2 indicates ADC value of 0.20 at 1 m/s velocity. Sucrose included in ice is
From Eqs. (2), sucrose in ice formed is 4 Bx. That is 4% sucrose is included in the ice. Thus, ice
purity is 96%.

0.6 0.6
Average Distribution Coefficient

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
-14 -12 -8 -6 -4 -2
Surface Temperature oC

Fig. 1. Eect of freezing surface temperature on average distribution coecient.


0.50 0.50

0.45 Velocity 0.5m/s


Average Distribution Coefficient

Velocity 0.75m/s
Velocity 1m/s
0.40 0.40

0.35 0.35

0.30 0.30

0.25 0.25

0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Ice Growth Rate x 10 (m/s)

Fig. 2. Eect of sucrose solution velocity and ice growth rate on average distribution coecient.

4. Method to calculate FCS energy consumption

Since juice is a binary mixture, its properties change with the concentration as it ows over the
freezing surface. Freezing surface is assumed to be divided in number of segments. Mass of ice
formed and corresponding concentration of the juice is calculated in each segment. Based on this
concentration, properties of the juice such as freezing point, density, viscosity, velocity and spe-
cic heat are calculated for the subsequent segment and are used for heat transfer calculations.
Fig. 3 shows ow chart of the method.
Fig. 4 shows idealized thermal circuit [4]. Initially, freezing surface is bare, that is there is no ice
built up (Fig. 4a). The rate equation for this heat transfer qr is
tl to
qr   3
tkfs h1o

Ice thickness in ith segment and corresponding properties of the solution at the entry of the i + 1th
segment are calculated as follows.
As shown in (Fig. 4b), equation for heat transfer q2 is
q2   4

The rate equation for heat transfer q1 is

q1   5
x tfs 1

From energy balance consideration, q1 is in excess of q2 by the amount required for the rate of ice
formation dx/dt.
q1  q2 qice hlat;ice dx=dt 6


Input initial juice and refrigerant temperature,

freezing surface dimensions, total run time,
time steps, number of segments, juice

Assume refrigerant temperature for first

time step j

Calculate overall heat transfer

coefficient in segment i

Calculate heat transfer in segment i

Calculate mass of ice formed in ith


Calculate concentration of the juice

at the end of the ith segment

Calculate juice viscosity, density, specific

heat, freezing temperature for the new
concentration of juice in i+1 th segment

Summation of the individual heat transfers in

segments 1 to i to calculate total heat transfer Qr

Calculate capacity of compressor Qc

corresponding to assumed refrigerant temperature

Is Qc=Qr


Calculate COP and energy consumption of

the compressor corresponding to the
refrigerant temperature

Next time step j+1 and repeat calculations

taking into account ice thickness in the
previous time step

Fig. 3. Flow chart of method of analysis for calculation of energy consumption of the Freeze Concentration System.

t fs

Surface Rh = t/k q r

Refrigerant Sugarcane juice Ro = 1/ ho
tl Rl = 1/ h l

to to
qr tl

t fs
Surface Ice hl Rh = t/k Ri = x/k
t =0
h0 q2
Ro = 1/ ho
Rl = 1/ h l
Refrigerant Sugarcane juice


Fig. 4. Thermal circuit representations (a) bare freezing surface; (b) freezing surface with ice formation.

Thermal energy abstraction in sub-cooling the ice is not considered. It is negligible relative to the
latent heat of freezing requirement [5].
Mass of ice is formed in the ith segment calculated as
q1  q2  Dtj
Dmice;i 7
Concentration of the juice entering i + 1 segment in terms of brix is calculated as
2 3
mjuice;i  100Bx
Bxi1 1  4 5 8
mjuice;i  mice;i

Mass ow rate of juice in the i + 1 segment is calculated as

mjuice;i1 mjuice;i  mice;i 9
The relation between concentration and freezing temperature is obtained from the sugarcane juice
phase diagram [6] using curve tting as
T solution;i1 1  Bxi1  15  0:18 10

The relation between viscosity and Bx in i + 1 segment is obtained from a graph of temperature,
concentration and viscosity [7] as
ljuice;i1   11
a b  Bxi1 c  Bxi1 2

where a = 1.8214, b = 0.0337, c = 0.0002; Bx concentration of sugarcane juice (Bx).

Specic heat of sugarcane juice varies with its concentration (Bx) and temperature, it is calcu-
lated as [7]
c 1  0:6  0:0018T juice 0:0008100  P   4:19 12
Density of sugarcane juice in the i + 1 segment is
Bxi1 100  Bxi1
qjuice;i1 1:59   100 13
100 100
Velocity of the sugarcane juice in i + 1 segment is calculated by substituting the values from equa-
tions (11) and (13) in the following equations [8]:
V 14

d 15
q2 g
This equation assumes that there is no drag force at the gas liquid interface.
Initially, evaporator temperature is assumed. For the rst time step, the heat transfer from juice
to refrigerant, that is qr is calculated for each of the segments taking in to consideration corre-
sponding properties of the juice in the respective segment. Compressor cooling capacity qc at
the assumed evaporator temperature and sum of the individual heat transfers in all the segments
are equated. If they do not converge, new evaporator temperature is assumed and above men-
tioned calculation is repeated to get evaporator temperature. Similar procedure is repeated for
the next time step. Resistance due to the ice formed in the previous time step in the corresponding
segments is taken in to consideration in the next time step. Compressor capacity and COP is cal-
culated for every time step using vapor compression cycle simulation program for R 22 refrigerant
with condenser temperature of 10 C and compressor isentropic eciency: 0.8.

5. Electrical energy consumption of the FCS

Compressor of the FCS is selected based on the nominal capacity and evaporator temperature.
Nominal cooling capacity is calculated for the specications of the unit at Rahu Pimpalgaon.
Water to be separated from the 400 kg/h juice to concentrate it from 20 to 40 Brix is
mwater mjuice 1  Bxj =Bxf 200 kg=h 16

Thus, concentrated juice (syrup) ow rate at the exit of the FCS is 200 kg/h. In FCS, juice is
cooled from 1 C at 20 Bx to 5 C corresponding to 40 Bx is. Total load is

Qtot ; Qsensible;FCS Qlatent;FCS

mJuice;20 Bx  hJuice;20 Bx;1  C  mSyrup;40 Bx  hSyrup;40 Bx;5  C mwater  hlat;ice
3 18:6 21:6 kW

Heat gain from ambient into the ice separated is, assumed to be 10% of the latent heat load, which
is 1.8 kW. Thus, nominal cooling capacity of the FCS is 23.4 kW. Assuming minimum approach
of 3 C, initial evaporator temperature is xed at 8 C. Results were computed using the above
discussed model.

5.1. Results and discussion

Results are shown in Fig. 5, the evaporator temperature decreases through out the ice building
process. As ice thickness on the freezing surface increases, overall heat transfer coecient de-
creases because of increased ice resistance. This results in reduction of the evaporator temperature
and pressure leading to reduced cooling eect and power consumption. However, reduction in
cooling eect is much more than the reduction in power consumption leading to reduction in
the COP.
It can be seen that at 7 mm ice thickness, COP of the system is around 8. This COP value does
not take into account eect of mismatch of condenser and evaporator duties. The COP is based on
the assumption that the total heat in the condenser is rejected for melting ice only. In practice,
condenser can reject a part of the total heat (equivalent to the latent load) at 10 C for ice melting.

10.5 -7 8 28

-8 7 27
Ice Thickness

-9 6 26
Evaporator Temperature oC
Coefficient of Performance

Compressor Capacity (kW)
Ice Thickness (mm)

-10 5 25

. 9.0 -11 Evaporator Temperature 4 24

-12 3 23
Compressor Capacity
-13 2 22

8.0 Coefficient of Performance

. -14 1 21

7.5 -15 0 20
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 125 135
. Time (minutes)

Fig. 5. Eect of time varying ice thickness on the compressor performance.


Excess heat, contributed by compressor power input and leakages has to be rejected to heat sink
at ambient temperature. Eect of this heat rejection on the COP is analyzed in the following
Fig. 6 illustrates the cooling loads and eect of delivery of excess heat to the sink at ambient
temperature on net COP. Thus, 23.4 kW heat has to be pumped to a higher temperature. Out
of this, part of the heat (16.5 kW) is pumped at 10 C for ice melting. Since cooling COP of
the FCS is 8, power input for pumping 16.5 kW heat is 16.5/8 = 2.1 kWe. Thus, total heat deliv-
ered for ice melting is 16.5 + 2.1 = 18.6 kW which is equal to the latent load.
Excess heat (6.9 kW) is pumped to 36 C in the water cooled condenser. Cooling COP of 3.7 is
calculated for this condensing temperature using vapor cycle simulation program. Power input for
pumping 6.9 kW heat to 36 C sink is 6.9/3.7 = 1.9 kWe. Thus, total heat delivered at 36 C is
6.9 + 1.9 = 8.8 kW.
The net COP is calculated as
QR;ice QR;sink 18:6 8:8
COPnet 6:8 17
P Total 1:9 2:1
Electrical energy consumption is
Qcooling 23:4
P e;FCS 3:44 kW h 18
COPnet 6:8
Since unit works for 10 h in a day, total electrical energy consumption of the FCS to concentrate
juice from 20 to 40 Bx for the day is 34.4 kW h.

Heat rejection to heat sink

8.8 kW
at 36oC

COPc = 3.7 Heat rejection for ice melting

Power Input
18.6 kW
1.9 kWe at 10 o C

COPc = 8
Power Input
6.9 kW 16.5 kW 2.1 kWe

Freeze Concentration System Net COP = (8.8 + 18.6)/(1.9 + 2.1)

= 6.85

Total cooling load

23.4 kW

Heat leakage
1.8 kW

Sensible heat load

3 kWc

Latent heat load

18.6 kWc at -10oC

Fig. 6. Eect of excess heat rejection on COP.


6. Bagasse consumption for the concentrated juice boiling

It is required to evaporate 100 kg/h water at a striking temperature of 118 C from (200 kg/h)
concentrated juice coming from the FCS. Vapor generated in the boiling pan at 118 C is used to
heat the concentrated juice at the exit of the FCS. With an approach of 6 C, the concentrated
juice is heated from 112 C before entering the boiling pan.The juice is heated from 112 to
118 C in the boiling pan. Total heat load in the boiling pan is
QT;heat mw  hfg mSyrup  c  T f  T i
100=3600 kg=s  2300 kJ=kg 200=3600 kg=s  3 kJ=kg K118  112
64:8 kW 19

Caloric value of bagasse with 50% moisture and 12% sucrose content is calculated as [7]:
Gross Calorific Value 4600  1  w  1200  s  4:187 9027 kJ=kg 20
Bagasse consumption is
mbagasse 25:8 kg=h 21

Assuming combustion eciency to be 60%, actual bagasse consumption is 41.2 kg/h. Thus, total
bagasse consumption for producing 1000 kg jaggery in 10 h using FCS is 412 kg.
The total energy consumption for producing 1000 kg jaggery in 10 h constitutes the following:

a. Electrical energy consumption for concentration of the juice from 20 to 40 Bx using FCS is
34.4 kW h.
b. Bagasse consumption in the boiling pan for further concentration is 412 kg.

7. Case study: Energy consumption of the conventional jaggery making process

Details of the energy consumption are:

Energy supplied by combustion of bagasse is calculated as
Qin;con mbagasse CVbagasse 22

The bagasse consumption per kg of jaggery produced is in the range of 1.52 kg. An average value
of 1.75 kg is considered for the analysis. The jaggery production rate is 100 kg/h, that is 0.03 kg/s.
Bagasse consumption rate is
mbagasse;con mbaggase;jag mjaggery 1:75  0:03 0:05 kg=s 23
From Eqs. (20), (22) and (23)
Qin;con 415:3 kW

As indicated by Tiwari [9], natural convection boiling of sugarcane juice is up to 90 C and pool/
nucleate boiling starts at 9095 C. Fig. 7 shows the temperature ranges with corresponding sen-
sible and latent heat loads. It may be noted that in practice, sugarcane juice is heated in pan from
about 27 to 118 C in a single stage. Three stages and corresponding temperature ranges consid-
ered in Fig. 7 are assumed for calculation of sensible and latent loads.
Total heat load is summation of latent and sensible heats in three stages. Thus
mjuice  cavg  90  27 mjuice  cavg  109  90 mjuice  cavg  118  109
mw;e hfg @ 99:5  C mw;e hfg @ 113:5  C 216:6 kW 24

7.1. Sensible heat loss in ue gas

Ratio excess air weight to weight of air theoretically necessary is calculated as [7]:
0:871  w
c 25
4:451  wm  0:0561  w
Assuming CO2 content per unit volume of ue gas to be 0.13, from Eq. (25)
m 1:52

Suarcane Juice at 20Bx,

400 kg/h, 30 oC

Sensible heat Stage I

90 oC,400kg/h , 20 Bx

Sensible heat + Latent Heat

Stage II Vapor

109 oC,250kg/h , 32 Bx

Sensible heat + Latent Heat

Stage III Vapor
113.5 o C,150kg/h

Jaggery paste
118 oC,100kg/h , 80 Bx

Fig. 7. Temperature ranges for heat load calculations.


Heat loss is
Qf 1  w  1:4m  0:13 0:5  T  4:18  mbagasse;con 125:5 kW 26
Other losses include unburnt and radiation loss. Unburnt loss is assumed to be 10% of the total
heat input. The result of the energy balance is indicated in Fig. 8(a).

8. Comparison of the FCS integrated jaggery making with the conventional process

Fig. 8 shows that, bagasse consumption in FCS integrated process is 41.2 kg/h as against
175 kg/h in conventional process. Saving in bagasse is
175  41:2 133:8 kg=h

Energy Input 415.3 kWh

Bagasse Consumption 175 kg/h

Other Loss
Loss in Flue Gas 73.2 kW
125.5 kW

Juice Evaporation
(a) 216.6 kW

Ice Water
200 kg/h
0o C
Concentrated Juice
200 kg/h
Sugarcane Juice 1o C
400 kg/h 40 Bx
27o C 112o C Jaggery Paste
20 Bx 100 kg/h
Freeze Concentration Boiling Pan
System (FCS)

Water Vapor
100 kg/h
118o C 64.8 kW
Condensate Other Loss
100 kg/h 9.5 kW
Electrical Energy Input 34.4 kWe 118 oC,
Loss in Flue Gas
28.7 kW

Energy Input 103 kWh

(b) Bagasse Consumption 41.2 kg/h

Fig. 8. Comparison of energy consumption of the Freeze Concentration System integrated jaggery making and
conventional process.

Thus, bagasse saving for 1000 kg jaggery production in 10 h is 1338 kg.

8.1. Initial cost

The FCS consists of two latent heat exchangers, a sensible heat exchanger, multi way valve and
controls. A boiling pan of juice holding capacity 500 kg is used to further concentrate the juice
from the FCS. The initial cost of FCS and boiling pan is about Rs. 2 Lakh. Conventional jaggery
making unit essentially consists of a furnace, chimney and a boiling pan of juice holding capacity
1000 kg. Cost of the complete unit including construction of the chimney and furnace is about 2

8.2. Jaggery quality

The boiling pan in the proposed unit is half the capacity of the conventional jaggery making
unit. Reduced size of the boiling pan facilitates proper stirring of the juice. This reduces localized
hot spots. Further, time for which juice is exposed to high temperature reduces because 50% of the
concentration is carried out in the FCS. This reduces caramelisation and improves jaggery color
and quality.

9. Techno economics

As indicated in the results of the experiments, loss of sucrose is 4%. During 10 h working,
2000 kg ice is separated. Loss of sucrose in this ice is (2000 0.04) 80 kg. It is assumed that
80 kg jaggery forms out of 80 kg sucrose loss in ice. Considering rate of jaggery as Rs. 3 per
kg realized by the farmer [10], Rs. 240 is the loss due to sucrose inclusion.

9.1. Net savings

Saved bagasse can be sold to various industries like sugar factory, paper and pulp industry at
the rate in the range of Rs. 0.60 to Rs. 1.2 per kg [10]. Considering an average value of Rs. 0.9 per
kg, revenue generated per day by sell of the 1338 kg saved bagasse is Rs. 1204.2.
Electrical energy consumption of the FCS for 1000 kg jaggery production is 34.4 kW h. Con-
sidering electricity rate of Rs. 5/kW h (in Maharashtra), electricity cost is Rs. 172.

Net saving per day is Revenue generated by the sell of bagasse

 Electricity cost of the FCS
cost of the sucrose lost in inclusion
Rs: 1204  Rs: 172 Rs: 240 Rs: 792 per day

Simple pay back period of the system is about 252 days.


10. Conclusion

A heat pump based Freeze Concentration System is proposed to concentrate sugarcane juice
from 20 to 40 Brix in a jaggery making process to save bagasse and enhance jaggery quality. Eect
of operating parameters on ADC is studied through experiments. Use of heat pump facilitates
rejection of a major part of the condenser heat at about 10 C while melting the ice. COP of
the FCS is estimated as 6.8 using mathematical model and considering heat losses and mismatch
of evaporator and condenser duty. Comparison of the conventional and FCS integrated jaggery
making process is presented. FCS integrated process results in better quality jaggery by reducing
hot spots and caramelisation due to reduced size of the boiling pan. Bagasse saving of 1338 kg per
day or for 1000 kg jaggery can be achieved.


The authors would like to acknowledge the help and support oered by Dr. J.P. Patil, Director,
Regional Sugarcane and Jaggery Research Station, Kolhapur, Dr. B.S. Patil (Kolhapur) and Mr.
Hanumant Shinde from Rahu Pimpalgaon.


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