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Does Virtual Reality Can Replace Actual Reality?

Alejandro Diaz

Rhetoric 1302

University of Texas at El Paso



Throughout history, the human being has been affected by the technology. The human

being is so lazy that it always invented things to make its life easier. Technology now in days is

reaching a point where humans can live in another dimension and molding it to its pleasure.

Humans do these in order to escape from their reality and try to live in one where they are actually

happy and feel satisfied.


The world is constantly changing, sometimes for good or sometimes for bad but during the

last years technology has been developing to make things easier for society. One of the advantages

of our technology is virtual reality. Virtual reality is also known as near-reality. This definition

comes when you define these words separately. Virtual means near and the term reality means the

experience as human beings. So virtual reality can be used to describe another dimension generated

by our computer that doesnt really exist. This dimension is most likely to be explored by a human

being. The human being in this dimension has the capacity to carry out a different series of actions.

Virtual reality in simple words is believable, interactive, computer-generated, explorable,

and immersive. Virtual reality is so useful and mainstream that it is considered believable because

in order for the illusion to work you need to believable you are really involved with the

environment or otherwise the virtual world people were experiencing will disappear. It is

interactive for the reason that you can move around as if it was you just in another dimension.

Considering this definition there is the main question that needs to be answered and it is if virtual

reality is capable of replacing our actual reality. If these are possible there are four questions

needed to be answered which are:

1. Where is virtual reality used today?

2. How mainstream is this technology going to be in our society?

3. Do people from all classes have the availability to use virtual reality?

4. Can virtual reality replace actual reality?


Where is virtual reality used today?

During these days people mainly will think that virtual reality is present only in video

games, but virtual reality has been used for many other things the most common ones are the

military, sports, constructions, engineering, education, business, programming languages, film,

and telecommunications.

Virtual reality on the military has been used by the navy, air force, and the army. The

military has proved that using virtual reality is more costly but safer than using the common

training methods. Navy, air force, and army used this technology to train their soldiers in dangerous

settings without needing to put them in danger or at a risk of death. Their virtual reality equipment

to achieve this dimension are ahead with mounted displays with gloves to achieve the interaction

with the environment. The head with mounted displays is used to display an illusion was the

soldiers are training and the gloves serve as a conductor to be able to use your hands during the

virtual reality and be able to operate and be able to move your hands-free during this dimension.

Virtual reality in sports is very different it is used as a personal trainer that helps athletes

to achieve its high performance. This personal trainer record and analyze its technique as well as

the performance and helps to improve it by changing mainly the biomechanics to achieve the users

best performance.

Virtual reality in constructions contains many benefits which are to construct one of the

buildings without cost and time and try to reduced or improve the errors in the finish project or

building. Building a design on virtual reality is very viable because workers, employers, and people

can explore and see the details of the building without being built and by this way they can decide

whether if they can want to modify the model or not.


Virtual reality is also used in education as a helper for teachers. The virtual reality applied

in educations make it easier for teachers to teach and for their students to learn. Learning with

virtual reality is not only easier but it can also be fun at the same time. An example of learning

with virtual reality can be by learning about the solar system, for example instead of reading the

information about the planet and the stars they can use virtual reality to make a dimension where

they can physically move, see and appreciate the planets as well as the stars instead of only reading

about them

Virtual reality in engineering is one of the most recent technology improvements. Virtual

technology in engineering can be considered de 3D modeling tools. The 3D technology helps the

engineers to save their money and time when creating a new project. It also helps to observe their

project in a 3D model and appreciate how it works, what it needs to be modified, and how it can

be improved.

How mainstream is this technology going to be in our society?

Some engineers have the idea that virtual reality is the future of our technological

experiences. People believe that the way we use virtual reality will evolve as we do. Scientist,

engineers believe that they have not even scratched the surface on the possibilities people can

obtain through this technology. Anything ranging from conversing with family members to visiting

sites all over the world. The possibilities are endless. And when the question is asked, "How

mainstream will virtual reality will be?". I respond to the most mainstream media outlet we will


Every technologic outlet we use has the potential of being upgraded with the

implementation of virtual realities. For example, video games, video games as of now have

evolved tremendously but if one were able to add virtual reality to the wide world that is gaming.

One would create a new trend in the gaming community that could, later on, become the standard.

Another is human interaction. As of now the closest thing we have to that now is FaceTime. As

technology evolves one could definitely see this creation expand to something way bigger. Maybe

even being able to create the illusion you are in one place and actually being able to move there

when in reality you are not. When technology catches up to the grand realm that is virtual reality.

It will be the future. The technology in the future can be so mainstream that we can live mainly on

the computers, in the future we can encapsulate ourselves and then live in a virtual reality in which

computers are the one who takes charge of us and we can live a full life without any concern.

A professional answer could be an engineer. An engineer called Rafael Payan who

graduated from the UACJ a university in Juarez, Chihuahua respond to the following questions:

1. What did you think about virtual and how it has affected society? His response was

that Virtual reality has affected society in a great way, even though it still has a long way to go,

virtual reality is a pretty good technology but that still needs a lot of development and research for

it to be optimal, because now that3D and 4D are no more a fad, and people are always looking for

new entertainment. So, in general, it stills need more research because right now it kind of traps

society instead of letting it out of the box!

2. Is virtual reality worth in inversion? His answer was Yes, this technology is worth

investing in, entertainment is one of the most lucrative business, because is something everyone

needs, and technologies are always improving to fulfill the people's growing expectations, as it has

great potential but still a long path to reach optimal conditions


3. How will new innovations change the way people live work and interact in the future?

He said They will make people connect easier with each other and with the outside world in ways

we've yet to imagine

4. Can virtual reality replace our reality? He argued that Never, and that is the problem

right now, virtual reality isnt being tailored correctly, its trying to take over our reality instead of

opening a new one

Now that the virtual reality is among us, how this can affect society? What consequences

can bring? VR allows us to go beyond the limitations of physical tools to do anything that can be

computed. However, some negative aspects would be that human interaction is lost from day to

day and we become automatic people without that extra that gives us life, it removes certain

authenticity and even a certain part of us. Also having those tools can make us a little lazy, the

principal reason for that is that Technology is making everything easier for us, now we do not have

to sacrifice our time, our energy, you do not have to make some effort. This is why people will

lose a lot of meaning on hard work, they will just need to do a click to make done their job. It can

be good to do that faster than ever before, however, is not the same to do it with hard work.

Do people from all classes have the availability to use virtual reality?

For the past 25 years, society have been living a real change of our culture, cities, states,

countries, even continents are making a develop on technology. As we noticed that every different

country is making new products with technology, is the new culture with new tools to use in the

future. So, as you can see, we are living in a world with opportunities and with easier and faster

ways to do things (jobs, schools, hospitals, etc.) However, that does not mean that everybody can

enjoy that opportunity, it is very common that if you do not have enough economic support, it

might be difficult to enjoy that technology. That is something terrible that it might happen in the

future, with the more developed with the technology, the more the money will be necessary. But

we can do something about that problem, we can use that problem to rise and to help those that do

not have that availability to enjoy this new era, with new technology, and experiences to the virtual


Can virtual reality replace actual reality?

Technology will be always a surprise for the human being, no matter what year, time or

generation, technology is always advancing, making everything easier, like searching a specific

topic, communicate with other people, all around the world. As you can see, todays technology

has become an important element or tool for school, jobs, emergency, even for entertainment.

People have noticed that technology is now replacing a lot of things, books, watches,

letters, therefore, we are living in an era more advanced and smatter; smatter on now getting more

information and knowledge. However, this does not mean that technology is now replacing the

reality with the virtual reality, this is a powerful tool and is too much for us, and too much for this

generation. Now we can say that is possible to do things, talk with others from another country,

search for something specific, also for a place, street, that is something positive for this virtual

reality, it is true that virtual reality is now increasing, but it does not have the capacity to replace

the reality. There is something that will never be replaced by technology, and it is the feelings, as

you can see, there is something called emojis, there are used to transmit and express your feelings,

however is not the same when you send some little faces that talk with your feelings, on what you

feel inside, and most important, to talk with your heart.


It is nice to get this new technology now on these days, but we have to get in mind that

maybe this technology is not a good tool, it all depends on the way you use, the way you take

advantage with this new virtual reality. Changes happen for one reason, it can happen today,

tomorrow, one year, or maybe the change has already happened. If you ask for the last generation,

for them, those tools we use now in these days, computers, tablets, smartphones, everything that

is new for them, they experienced a new change, a technologic revolution. This revolution is

normal for this generation because we are growing with it, however, things can change for the next

10 years. Therefore, back to the main idea, if technology had the capacity to replace reality, it

might happen when the world is ready for evolve, for a new way to do some things, easier, faster,

does not matter, the only thing that matters is that when the change occurs, it will be when we are

ready to do the impossible.

Changes happen for a reason, it might happen for been desperate, frustrated, tired of not

getting the things that we want, for just living in a reality that just says no to our dreams.

Sometimes it might be a good idea to get a change, but every action has a consequence. If virtual

reality is capable to replace the world. it will be my most likely to improve 7 ways to help society.

These seven ways are gaming, watching films, visiting places, surgery, space exploration, teaching

people to fly and improving their quality of life.



In conclusion, virtual reality will replace our actual reality. Maybe not yet but eventually

it will do it, it would do it because now in days when people use the new VR lenses the only thing

that people are looking for is to escape from their daily lives, they do it to create a perfect world

where there are no wars, no work or suffering involved, but if you see it in another way there is

already a reality where you can escape from your everyday life and that is with the movies and

video games. Some ideas or research that could be useful for this research could be some projects

that scientist, engineers, and people are developing to improve virtual reality.


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