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Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648

15th International scientific conference Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for

Sustainable Development

Design the future urban plan of the underground construction from

the aspect of geological and geotechnical features of Belgrades
inner city area
Nemanja ipeti a,*, Petar Kuzmi b
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Geological research Company Geoalfa Ltd, Belgrade, Serbia


This Issue provides an overview of all the allocated lito-genetic complexes of Belgrade's inner city area, based on a complex
geological map of Belgrade (1: 10000), constructed on the basis of tens of thousands of the executed test drilling holes, from the
aspects of all geological disciplines. Through various types of underground structures, it describes and discusses geological and
geotechnical characteristics of the selected lito-genetic complexes, after the adopted typology of the underground facilities. The
Issue attempts to provide substantial geological, geotechnical and technological data for the design of the future urban plan of the
underground construction in Belgrade. Also, the data obtained through this process will represent a solid basis for both the future
three-dimensional development of the cadaster and urbanism of a developing country, as for raising awareness of the
opportunities and benefits of the underground construction with developers.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Ltd. This
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference Underground
Urbanisation under
as aresponsibility
scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference Underground Urbanisation as a
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Keywords: Geology map, underground facilities, urban plan, three-dimensional cadaster.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +38163364999.

E-mail address: sipetic.nemanja@gmail.com

1877-7058 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference Underground Urbanisation as a
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
642 Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648

1. Introduction

Underground construction in cities is getting increasingly in the focus of urban planners, architects and other
profile experts which, predominantly in developed countries, contribute to significant reduction of disruption of
environment by creating functional, efficient and sustainable development of urban environments. As such
development is defined by urban development plans, underground construction needs to be properly and efficiently
coordinated with urban inheritance through socially responsible urban underground construction plans.
Even though we also have examples in the distant past, it is scientific trend from the second half of the 20th
century which explains why only as of recently the underground space acquires status of "the resource" whose
exploitation must be taken into account. Hence, insufficiently defined terminology represents one of the key
problems in forming of urban design plans of underground construction, especially for developing countries like the
Republic of Serbia. This study aims, in spite of many terminological ambiguities, to define and adopt a model for
determining the typology of zones for underground spaces, applicable in the sphere of development of urban design
plans for underground construction.

2. Theoretical framework

Development of urban environments on the surface and unavoidable use of underground structures for their
normal functioning will force responsible societies to turn to the underground architecture. However, introduction
of functionality, sustainability and efficiency in Master plan is not possible without a comprehensive, scientifically
valid review of the underground space. According to Bobylev (Nikolai Bobylev), this can be achieved with three-
dimensional planning, prioritization of underground services, studying of the future functionality and mutual spatial
relation between the different types of facilities the application of which is integrated. A precondition for this, we
are certain, is in defining types of zones for underground spaces for which we draft a plan, so we could design in
them future underground facilities abiding by consistent rules.
Among the few theoretical researchers of the typology of zones for underground spaces, Golany (Gideon S.
Golany) stands out with his authentic approach, who determined criteria for establishing places where a facility
should be constructed. But, all Golany's criteria relate to horizontal underground positioning of facilities, which is
understandable as he only dealt with construction near the soil surface (shallow burying). On the other hand, in his
time, construction of deep underground facilities was very expensive because of the level of development of
technological processes at that time, so researchers of that era haven't been paying much attention to it.
Kenneth Labs (Kenneth B. Labs) first mentions general deep zoning from the aspect of underground
construction, and was also the first one to separate facilities constructed shallow and deep beneath the ground. He
names his four deep zones according to the geological processes in the soil, determining the scope of depth for each
zone separately. Labs has, therefore, introduced a modern vision of solving problems related to the use of
underground zones, but it is impossible to overcome his over-accentuated generality of his research without the
information provided today by modern technologies thanks to test boreholes.
Analysis of the achievement of other researchers shows the adequacy of a criticism of Raymond Sterling that
certain classifications or listings are a product of a too wide concept or are at the level of yet under-elaborated ideas.
Sterling's open classification, as a capital theoretical inheritance, leaves the possibility to the future researchers to
make their own, special typology for the use of underground spaces, observing it from any of many potential
aspects. Therefore, according to him, the use of key descriptions for any type of observation of the underground
space provides sufficient facts necessary for the classification scheme, which results in specific standardization
when it comes to terminology and other descriptive elements (depth, size...); as well as from the aspect of design
and use of underground facilities. However, it can be concluded from this that finding of the universal
categorization represents the greatest problem and a scientific-research challenge.

Carmody, J., Sterling, R. (1993). Underground Space Design A Guide to Subsurface Utilization and Design for People in Underground space,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, USA - see table of classification on page 46
Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648 643

We rightfully assume that it is necessary to create an optimum model for determining the typology of zones for
Master plan of underground spaces, which would strive towards standardization and would be applicable to any
observed area separately.

3. Methodology

Before determining optimum model for establishing the typology of urbanistic zones for use of underground
space, which would be easily readable and clear for urban development planning, it is necessary to review which are
prerequisite preconditions for planning or designing underground facilities. We come to these prerequisites through
the analysis of legal regulations, as well as expert literature on urban planning parameters which are already required
for Master plans for surface construction.
Then urban parameters for surface construction are compared with experiences of underground designing, taking
into consideration all specifics of designing facilities beneath the ground level. It will turn out that certain urban
development parameters for surface construction are also applicable for underground construction, but that certain
are either not or are in the need of modification. Only when they are identified, modified and accepted, they become
urban planning parameters for underground construction.
Complex review of urban parameters of construction below the ground level, in the context of geological,
technological, property-legal aspect and the aspect of heritage and environmental protection, enables us to define
those individual tasks without preceding solving of which urban planning use of underground spaces, could not
always be quality, functional and usable.
Application of Raymond's classification to the facts obtained through research shall result in forming of the
model for determining of urbanistic zones within the use of underground spaces, while each zone, through further
methodological procedure, when it is once defined, becomes permanently theoretically and practically established,
which is why it is applicable in several regions, especially in zones which belong to the same geographic latitude.

4. Observation aspects

The Law on Planning and Construction defines development of the plan and rules for construction as two basic
functions which relate to the urban development plan. When it comes to development of the plan, the concept is
determined by morphological, urbanistic, historical-environmental, design and other characteristics. There are also
urban planning conditions for development and construction of public surfaces and facilities and infrastructure;
availability of utility connections; ways of environmental protection, etc.
On the other hand, rules of construction also relate to defining of the type and purpose of classes, conditions for
parcelling of land, forming of construction lots, construction index, height, parking, conditions and ways of access
to the lot, etc.
Geology is, according to the logic, a key science for designing and construction of underground facilities.
Namely, soil exploration through test boreholes shall provide a comprehensive picture of the soil composition,
groundwater levels, landslides, water springs, the manner of origin, physical and chemical activities of the soil itself.
Through discovered geological picture we would be able to learn what limitations and obstacles exist for designing
of underground facilities. Observing of urban parameters for underground construction from geological and
geotechnical aspect brings a great number of fixed conditions for defining zones for underground spaces. But, it is
necessary to register and subsequently, through new boreholes, perform new analyses of geological changes which
are obtained in a forceful manner (explosions, excavations, etc...) or as a consequence of natural disasters (i.e.,
floods, earthquakes, volcanic activities).
As opposed to geological and geotechnical aspects which determine unchangeable conditions, the technological
aspect brings variable conditions, which is why each drafting of Master plans must take into consideration the latest
technological achievements in construction of underground facilities. The technological advancement, namely,

See Law on Planning and Construction, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 72/2009 (in Serbia)
644 Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648

rapidly expands the scope of latest possibilities of approach to underground construction.

Construction below ground level cannot be considered bypassing the aspect of urban heritage and the
environment. The case doesn't involve only archaeological sites, old urban cores or naturally created underground
spaces, but also new, modern facilities. Preservation of urban heritage is a precondition for each underground
construction, not only because of legal regulations, but also because preservation of safety of surface and
underground facilities. Environmental protection requires data precision in registering underground water flows,
water springs and surfaces intended for greenery and agriculture, as their mutual misbalance is considered a
As for the legal aspect, we are reviewing whether existing regulations allow construction below ground level in
Belgrade, and in the territory of Serbia. Just three years ago lawmakers made a slight advancement in comparison to
the beginning of this century, by introducing through the Law on Planning and Construction, Article 2, underground
building within the term "building". The said Law expressly mentions underground and surface infrastructure
facilities, while the other legal act states that each construction land is intended for construction and the use of
facilities. As in legal framework anything not prohibited by the lawmaker is allowed, a conclusion is that our
present laws allows construction below ground level.

5. Defining of urban planning parameters for underground construction

A conclusion that geological structure and geotechnics represent the most important factors in construction of
underground spaces induces as one of the main tasks systematization and re-interpretation of geological
knowledge fund for the purpose of methodologically correct planning. In order to obtain urban planning parameters
for underground construction, we need to test the applicability of criteria according to which the standard surface
construction is conducted. As certain parameters are applicable on detail plan levels, we turn to the next three which
are important for determining of zones at the level of Master plan.
Purpose of the city construction land is not decisive, but unavoidable parameter, as it separates urban land
functions and creates a difference between the public and private use of the underground space. The height of
facility as a parameter would have to be renamed into the "depth of facility". We have already spoken about
protection of urban heritage as a criterion. By reviewing the stated parameters and selecting those appropriate for
development of the model for determining zones for the underground Master plan, we can easily separate from
Raymond's classification which descriptions are key for basis of the model for determining typology for urbanistic
underground zones.

6. Determining of sets of criteria and criteria

By reviewing Raymond's classification through accepted urban parameters which relate to underground
construction, we shall determine sets of criteria. If we accept that each zone contains all main groups from the
stated classification, it is necessary to characterize main groups with sets of criteria which are imperative for
forming of the model for determining typology of zones for underground spaces.
The purpose (function), as the main classification group, was divided by Raymond to residential, non-residential,
infrastructure and military facilities. First two sub-groups comprise a set named as regular facilities, and contains
residential and non-residential criteria. The following set includes infrastructure facilities divided into two criteria
local infrastructure and urban transit. The third set of criteria relates to mines surface and pit mines.
When it comes to geometric dimensions and shapes as a classification method, the only set here represents the
depth, which is an unclarified term in the sphere of underground design, so Raymond's division shall be applied as a
sub-model in this model.**

Law on Construction Land, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 44/95 (in Serbia)
Carmody, J., Sterling, R. (1993). Underground Space Design A Guide to Subsurface Utilization and Design for People in Underground space,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, USA - see table on page 50
Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648 645

The next group of sets is divided according to the way of genesis of underground spaces to those which occurred
naturally or artificially (historic or contemporary). The third set describes the space in which there are no
underground facilities at the moment.
Raymond's five sub-main groups in the fourth main group reduce this research to the analysis of two sets: the use
of land and land conditions. The land use set includes criteria which were obtained through presently valid criteria
for surface constriction: agricultural and construction land, green, water and traffic surfaces and protected sites. As
for land conditions, according to the results of test boreholes, criteria for the set shall include different land
structures. In this regard, the Complex Geological Map of Belgrade, as a unique geological survey map in 1:10 000
ratio (hereinafter: KGK-10), covers the area of Master Plan of Belgrade of about 1000 km2, and synthetizes
geological, engineering-geological and hydro-geological researches from the period of Yugoslavia, as well as
dedicated researches conducted after its break-up. Each of at least 10.000 research studies used for drafting of the
KGK-10 was presented in the map (the work on which started in 1987), and received a reference card. This map is
unique as it presents complete content of surface geological creations, with elements of engineering geology,
hydrology and hydro-geology as well as mineral materials. Underlying stratums (bedrock) of surface complexes
were presented linearly here for the first time, while all terraces were also for the first time presented separately in
detail which are relevant for urban development.
This is why we can use KGK-10 as the basis for planning of underground construction. This more so, as this
map is also accompanied by divisions, distribution patterns and categorizations, so the space it covers is divided into
three regions (region A: foothills between rivers Sava and Danube, region B: alluvial plains of rivers Sava and
Danube, region C: Zemun loess plateau), with a total of 12 engineering-geological regions (in each region
construction conditions are different); while the regions, according to the natural soil characteristics and works
required by urban development, are classified into four categories (marked with Roman numerals between I and IV).
I category are terrains suitable for construction: flattened surfaces, ridges and plateaus with an angle of slope of
up to five percent; terrains with a level of underground water higher than 5m; stable terrains which the underlying
stratums mainly include bedrock masses or deeper parts of loess plains (Figure 1.A). The II category are
conditionally favorable terrains and it relates to terrains with an angle of slope of 5-10% which are considered on the
surface conditionally stable terrains with the level of underground water lower than 5m, flattened terrains along the
water flows beneath which is a bedrock (Figure 1.B), artificially made parts of alluvial plains of rivers Sava and
Danube as well as parts of the loess plateau with a lower overburden. The III category includes unfavorable
terrains: parts of narrow proluvial plains and spring drainage basins, spread underground aquifer, meaning that water
may appear at different depths; potentially unstable slopes with moderate landslides; parts of alluvial plains with
present stagnant tributaries, ponds and abandoned watercourses (Figure 1.C); zones of loess bluffs with a potential
for rockslides along the whole height of bluff. The IV category of exceptionally unfavorable terrains includes:
active landslides with a great depth of sliding plains where underground construction may activate and
additionally contribute to development of landslides (Figure 1.D); parts of alluvial plains which can be flooded.
646 Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648

Fig. 1. 4 of 12 region used in categorization.

Project features, the last main group of Raymond's classification, relate to the rationalization, design, construction
and age of facilities. As for the sub-group of construction of underground facilities, observed from the aspect of
technological processes, we adopt four modern ways: cut and cover, trenchless, Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) and
New Austrian Technological Method (NATM), which represent criteria for determining of zones.
After defining sets of criteria which will form a certain urban development zone of the underground space, we
can conclude that this model of determination is not closed. We obtain new research facts through special
geological and geotechnical researches, comparative analyses of previous researches, and registering of everything
that is of interest for the model in a given moment.

Table 1. Model of subcategories and criteria.

1 residential
2 nonresidential
3 utilities
4 urban transit
5 surface
6 pits
1 shallow
3 deep
A NATURAL 1 caves
2 historical
3 contemporary
C NON EXISTENT 4 space without underground structures
1 I category
2 II category
4 IV category
B LAND USE 1 agriculture
Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648 647

2 civil construction
3 green areas
4 water areas
5 protected sites
1 cut and cover
4 trenchless

7. Forming of the zoning model

We are reaching the basis of the zoning model through three phases: semantics of the zoning criteria, determining
of mutually excluding elements, determining of the zone syntax notation. Semantics of criteria is simple and clear
as the basic main groups are assigned Roman numerals, as standard bearers of groups of sets, while sets of criteria
required for determining of zones for underground construction are marked alphabetically, in small printed letters,
while Arabic numerals are applied to criteria. In the second phase excluding elements should be schematically
presented, and incompatible criteria (criterion from one, aside from criteria of its own set, may also exclude criteria
from other sets). It is necessary to respect the principle of systematization of all potential notations of criteria, so the
model could strive towards standardization on the global level. When speaking about the syntax according to which
the zone notation with all its characteristics is determined, Roman numeral one marks the first main group of sets,
followed by analogue placement of the printed letter of the set of criteria, and then the serial number of the final
criteria. Notation series is thus applied consecutively, to the end. Because of graphic presentation of zones in plans,
and detection of differences, each notation gets a unique color/hachure.

8. Conclusion

Finding of the model for determining of urbanistic zones is definitely needed for solving of problems in the
sphere of underground urban development. From the aspect of profession, this is a basic step for recognizing and
marking of potential underground space for which a planning disposal is possible when other conditions are also
met. Quality zoning of underground spaces is not possible without previously conducted geological and
geotechnical researches, comparative analyses of previous experiences and cataloging of existing underground
spaces. We can conclude from this that a well-established model foundation enables systematic collecting of new
knowledge, through both new and classic methods of research of underground spaces around the world. Even
though plans are developed for a narrow observed area compared to the global Earth surface, structure of the model
is such that it is suitable without any major problems for perfection in each segment. The final result is
standardization of the model, which would be applicable in all parts of the world, through a simple incorporation of
newly-obtained facts. Besides, implementation of the model into information technologies was made possible and
well as into the latest Geographic information system (GIS) software, while the model first needs to be converted
into a programming language. After converting the model into a digital form, meeting with a new spectrum of
innovative questions is inevitable.


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648 Nemanja ipeti and Petar Kuzmi / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 641 648

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