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Name: Heather DeLude Date: 11/28/17

School: Glenbrook Middle School Lesson #: 7

Grade: 7 Class size: 18 Class/Time: 47 minutes

Unit/Theme: Puberty Lesson Focus: Websearch and Anatomy

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of

success) Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health
Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define male and female body parts and their functions as it has to do with the
reproductive system.
Understand that there are many different things said and thought about puberty as it
discussed between friends, family members, and what they may say on Television.

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
Amazing changes in boys and girls movie
Assessment worksheets

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be

- Have to make sure that the students realize that the facts that are being taught to them
although can be funny in different ways that they have been displayed in the movie
- Some maturity level is not all there

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Adapted worksheets from Mrs. Siegel
MA Health Curriculum Frameworks
Glencoe Hands on Health Book

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Do Now Journal Entry: Students will come in and there will be a Do Now Journal on the board
for them to answer, it will state write down something you have learned about puberty, either in
class yesterday, or last year in health class, write down one thing you would like to know more
about in health class, or one question you have about puberty that you would like to know more
about. This should take about the first 10 minutes of class for the students to write down their
various ideas, as well as the guided questions that will be asked of them after they have finished
the Do now.

Procedures Step by step description of teaching

strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used. (Include time frame for each activity,
transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning techniques jig saw,
pair/share, etc.)
1. Do Now Journal Entry: Students will come in and there will be a Do Now Journal on
the board for them to answer, it will state write down something you have learned about
puberty, either in class yesterday, or last year in health class, write down one thing you
would like to know more about in health class, or one question you have about puberty
that you would like to know about.
a. This should take about the first 10 minutes of class for the students to write down
their various ideas, as well as the guided questions that will be asked of them after
they have finished the Do now.
2. Bowl of Milk Activity: this is an activity to help the students identify the mixed
messages that they get about sexual behavior from the media, their parents, their friends,
and in school lesson. I will have a large bowl of milk on a desk in the front of the
classroom, I will ask all of the students to come up and stand around the bowl. I will then
describe how the bowl is a representation of a teenager, the milk is the individual's mind.
Then I will take out the food coloring, for one color I will ask a few students to tell me
different messages they are given from the media about puberty either in TV shows or
movies, I will put a drop of one color in for each of those messages (7-10 drops). Then I
will pick up a different color food coloring and I will ask the students for some examples
of different things they are told by their friends or peers about puberty. Again I will place
one drop for each of these messages (7-10 drops). After that I will pick up another color
and ask for different messages they have been given from their family, so their parents or
their siblings and what we think about those messages. Again I will ask for people to
volunteer answers (7-10 drops). Lastly I will pick up one final color and will ask them
for different messages they have been given from their teachers and doctors about
puberty, I will ask for another 7-10 message. I will ask the students to look at the bowl
and tell me what they think this represents in their own brains with all of the different
colors and possibly conflicting messages. I will then take out the dish soap and place a
drop in I will talk about how the dish soap represents our different hormones in our
bodies. Once this is done all of the colors mix and it is hard to tell which drop was which
message. I will go on to talk about how it is challenging at this age to figure out which
messages are the right ones or the ones they should be focusing on and I will talk about
how the goal of the puberty unit is to make these questions or uneasiness about
everything much more clear.
a. This will probably take about 25-30 minutes of class.
3. Match that Part: students will be matched up with a partner and they will each be given
a different vocabulary term from the female reproductive system, on the board there will
be all of the definitions of the parts and their job is as a class to match all of the parts to
the proper definition. I will then correct them and make any changes needed. They will
then hand in their female parts and be given a male part and we will do it all again.
a. This should take the last 10 minutes and be the summarizer for that day,
recapping everything they learned that period.

List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned
the desired content and you have achieved your objectives?
Informal: class completed vocab
Informal: D oNow journal

Match that Part: students will be matched up with a partner and they will each be given a
different vocabulary term from the female reproductive system, on the board there will be all of
the definitions of the parts and their job is as a class to match all of the parts to the proper
definition. I will then correct them and make any changes needed. They will then hand in their
female parts and be given a male part and we will do it all again. This should take the last 10
minutes and be the summarizer for that day, recapping everything they learned that period.

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular

lesson) What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What
would you leave the same and what might you change in the future to improve
this lesson?
Bowl of milk activity went really well. The students enjoyed being able to be up and out of their
seats and getting to experience a much more interactive kind of setting and it is a different take
on how they would think about their hormones and it gives them something that sticks out that
they can remember later on in life, rather than just remembering that they were looking at
pictures of a male or female anatomy.

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