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Snowflake Bentley- Test

Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the letter with the answer that best corresponds with the
statement or answers question.
1. Willie was most happy when ______________________________.
a. it came a snowstorm
b. he spent time with friends
c. it stopped snowing
2. Why did Willie show his family butterflies and apple blossoms, but not
a. His mother wouldnt let him because it was messy
b. The snowflakes would melt
c. His brother had better things to show
3. How old was Willie when he got his first camera with a microscope?
a. 14
b. 16
c. 17
4. About how big was the camera that Willie received?
a. A new born calf
b. A modern day cell phone
c. Willies Father
5. When Willie learned to photograph snowflakes, he _______________.
a. Was worried no one would support him
b. Had a plan to make something new
c. Was happy for everyone to see the beautiful snowflakes
6. Willie said photographs of the snow___________________________.
a. Were his way of expressing himself
b. Were special because of each snowflakes uniqueness
c. Were his gift to the world

7. How did Willie catch snowflakes?

a. In a tray
b. With his hands
c. In a bottle
8. Willie showed his work to his friends by
a. Showing them on their lawns with a slide show
b. Having a party
c. Giving his work away

True or False
Directions: Read the statement and write T in the blank if it is true, and F if the
statement is false.
9. ____ Willie had many failures before he could figure out the right
10. ____ Willie took pictures only in the winter season
11. ____ Willie struggled with catching and photographing the snowflakes
because the season changed fast.
12. ____ Eventually, Willie sold his snow crystal photos for money and also
gave some away.
13. ____ Willie wrote about snow and was published in magazines.

Directions: Match the letter next to the word that best fits with the statements
14. Willie lived in _________. A. snowstorms
15. A __________ was used by Willie to look at the B. Vermont
16. Willie studied _________. C. microscope
D. telescope

Short Answer/Fill in the Blank

Directions: Write a word, phrase, or a complete sentence to best complete the
sentence or answer the question.
17. What was Willies main problem when drawing snow crystals?

18. What did Willie Bentley discover about each snowflake?


19. Why did the neighbors feel as if the photographs of snow were pointless?

20. Willie became known as


21. Willie passed away from ________________________________________.

22. A ________________ and ___________________ was built for Willie in

his town to honor the farmer-scientist.
Essay/ Reflection
*** CHOOSE ONE ***
Directions: Choose one of the two essay question to answer and reflect on the book
on the lines on the next page.
1. Willie lived in a place where snowflakes were common so no one really
thought what he was doing would ever turn into something big. What was an
experience in your life where you wanted to do something but no one
thought it would turn into anything, but it did. How did that make you feel?
What was it? Give detail on your experience. Write at least 4-5 sentences.

2. Reflect on the story of Willie Bentley as a whole. Do not retell the story,
write how you enjoyed the story or did not enjoy the story. Did it inspire
you? If so to do what? Give thought and details. Write at least 4-5 sentences.


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