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MCQ on Cytology - Cell and Cell organelles

1. The term cell was coined by

a) Schwann
b) Robert Hooke
c) de Bary
d) Tatum

2. Cell theory was proposed by

a) Beadle and Tatum
b) Robert Hooke
c) Schleiden and Schwann
d) Leenuwenhoeck

3. The cell theory is not applicable to

a) Bacteria
b) algae
c) Virus
d) fungi

4. Semiautonomous organelle in the cell is

a) Peroxisomes
b) Chloroplast
c) Endoplasmic reticulam
d) Golgibodies

5. The membrane around the vacuole is called

a) cytoplast
b) tonoplast
c) amyloplast
d) elaioplast

6. Identify the non -membraneous organelle from the following

a) Ribosome
b) Endoplasmic reticulam
c) Nucleus
d) Chloroplast

7. Microfilaments are composed mainly of a protein called

a) actin
c) myosin
d) chitin
8. Experiments demonstrating the importance of the nucleus in controlling the growth of the cell
was performed in
a) Starfish
b) Acetabularia
c) Neurospora
d) Leucocytes

9. Which of the following is associated with the structure of Golgicomplex?

a) Cristae
b) Cisternae
c) Annuli
d) Quatasomes

10. The subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes are

a) 60 S+40 S
b) 70 S+30 S
c) 60 S+30 S
d) 50 S+30 S

11. Plant cell wall mainly composed of

a) cellulose
b) starch
c) protein
d) lipid

12. Smooth endoplasmic reticulam is the site of

a) protein synthesis
b) carbohydrate synthesis
c) amino acid synthesis
d) Lipid synthesis

13. In higher plants, the shape of the chloroplast is

a) Discoid
b) cup shaped
c) girdle shaped
d) ribbon shaped

14. The main function of Centrosome is

a) Secretion
b) osmoregulation
c) Protein synthesis
d) Formation of spindle fibre

15. Assembly of two subunits 40 S and 60 S of the ribosome is

a) 100 S unit
b) 80 S unit
c) 70 S unit
d) 90 S unit

1- b
2- c

Multiple Choice Questions on Cell Structure and Function

MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelle

1. The main difference between animal and plant cell is that

a) Animal cell lack rigid cell wall
b) Animal cells have vacuoles
c) Plant cell lack rigid cell wall
d) Plant cells have small vacuoles
2. Extra nuclear DNA is found in
a) Chloroplast
b) Endoplasmic reticulum
c) Ribosomes
d) Nucleus
3. Cell theory states that
a) All cell have nuclei
b) All cells are living
c) Cell reproduce by mitosis and meiosis
d) Cells are fundamental structural units of plants and animals
4. Mitochondria have first seen by
a) Robert Hooke
b) Robert Brown
c) Lipmann
d) Altmann
5. Prokaryotic cell does not possess
a) Cell wall
b) Nuclear membrane
c) Cytoplasm
d) Plasma membrane
6. Plasma membrane is composed of
a) Protein
b) Lipids
c) Cellulose
d) Protein and Lipids
7. Cellular organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes are called
a) Peroxisomes
b) Lysosomes
c) Ribosomes
d) Mesosomes
8. The sedimentation constant of ribosome is generally 70S . Its breaks up into two subunits whose
sedimentation constants are
a) 50 S and 20S
b) 40 S and 30 S
c) 60 S and 10 S
d) 50 S and 30 S
9. Ribosomes help in
a) Photosyntheis
b) Protein synthesis
c) Lipid Synthesis
d) Respiration
10. Food is converted to energy in
a) Nucleus
b) Nucleolus
c) Chloroplast
d) Mitochondria
a) Animal cell lack rigid cell wall
a) Chloroplast
d) Cells are fundamental structural units of plants and animals
d) Altmann
b) Nuclear membrane
d) Protein and Lipids
b) Lysosomes
d) 50 S and 30 S
b) Protein synthesis
d) Mitochondria
Learn more: Cell Structure and Function MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions on Plasma Membrane

11. Lipid bi layer is
a) hydrophilic
b) hydrophobic
c) hydrophilic and hydrophobic
d) depends on the surrounding medium
12. Which of the following membrane has the largest amount of proteins
a) erythrocyte membrane
b) myelin sheath membrane
c) inner mitochondrial membrane
d) outer mitochondrial membrane
13. High lipid content is a characteristic of
a) erythrocyte membrane
b) myelin sheath membrane
c) inner mitochondrial membrane
d) outer mitochondrial membrane
14. The distribution of intrinsic proteins in the cell membrane is
a) symmetrical
c) random
15. In cell membrane, carbohydrates in glycoproteins or glycolipids are oriented
a) towards outside
b)towards inside
c) towards outside and inside
d)randomly distributed
16. The plasma membrane is impermeable to all molecules except
a) Glucose
b) ATP
17. The erythrocyte glucose transporter is an example of

a)simple diffusion
b)active transport
c) facilitated diffusion
d) ion driven active transport
18. Which of the following transport induces conformational change in protein
a) simple diffusion
b) active transport
c) facilitated diffusion
d) ion driven active transport
19. Na+ glucose transporter is an example of
a) facilitated diffusion
b) ATP driven active transport
c) Symport
d) antiport
20. Clathrin coated pits are associated with
a) phagocytosis
b) pinocytosis
c) receptor mediated endocytosis
d) exocytosis
Learn more
Plasma membrane, Structure and Function
Membrane Transport for Macromolecules
Membrane Transport: The transportation mechanism into the cell
MCQ on Cell wall
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
MCQ on Plasma Membrane
11.c) hydrophilic and hydrophobic
12.c) inner mitochondrial membrane
13. b) myelin sheath membrane
14. b)assymetrical
15. a) towards outside
16. c) urea
17. c) facilitated diffusion
18. c) facilitated diffusion
19. c) Symport
20. c)receptor mediated endocytosis

Multiple Choice Questions on Plastids

MCQ on Plastids
1. Which of the following is a double membrane bound organelle
a) mitochondria
b) chloroplast
c) nucleus
d) all of these

2. Plastids are absent in

a) animals and plants
b) fungi and animals
c) animals, bacterium and fungi
d) none of these
3. All are colourless plastids (leucoplasts) except
a) elaioplast
b) amyloplast
c) proteinoplast
d) rhodoplast

4. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding leucoplasts

a) leucoplasts contain thylakoids and photosynthetic pigments
b) Elaioplasts store lipids
c) proteinoplats store proteins
d) amyloplasts store starch
5. The organelle responsible for life on this planet is
a) mitochondria
b) chloroplast
c) nucleus
d) ribosomes

6. Which of the statements are true regarding chloroplast

a) It is a double membrane bound organelle

b) Chloroplasts are site of photosynthesis
c) Chloroplasts are responsible for the synthesis of carbohydrates
d) all of these

7. Chloroplast is similar to mitochondria in having a

a) double layered membrane
b) Circular DNA
c) 70S ribosomes
d) all of these

8. The site of light reaction is

a) grana
b) stroma
c) thylakoid lumen
d) outer membrane

9. Photolysis or water splitting complex is present in

a) grana
b) stroma
c) thylakoid lumen
d) outer membrane

10. Calvin cycle or dark reaction occurs in the

a) grana
b) stroma
c) thylakoid lumen
d) outer membrane

11. Which of the following pigment is most abundant in green plants

a) chlorophyll a
b) chlorophyll b
c) carotene
d) xanthophyll

12. Photosynthetic Pigments are located on the

a) Inner membrane
b) thylakoid membrane
c) thylakoid lumen
d) outer membrane

13. Which of the following is an accessory pigment

a) chl a
b) chl b
c) carotenoids
d) none of these

14. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding photosystems

a) The reaction of PS I is P 700 and Chl a is predominant pigment
b) The reaction centre of PS II is P680 and Chl b is predominant pigment
c) Both photosystems are located on the outer membrane
d) PSI is located on the thylakoid membrane

15. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding light reaction
a) light reaction is called as Hill reaction
b) light reaction takes place in the grana of the chloroplast
c) CO2 fixation to carbohydrate is the major event in light reaction
d) ATP and NADPH are produced in light reaction

Learn more
MCQ on Photosynthesis
Multiple Choice Questions on Cell & Cell organelles
1. d) all of these
2. c) animals, bacterium and fungi
3. d) rhodoplast
4. a) leucoplasts contain thylakoids and photosynthetic pigments
5. b) chloroplast
6. d) all of these
7. d) all of these
8. a) grana
9. b) stroma
10. b) stroma
11. a) chlorophyll a
12. b) thylakoid membrane
13. c) carotenoids
14. c) Both photosystems are located on the outer membrane
15. c) CO2 fixation to carbohydrate is the major event in light reaction

Multiple Choice Questions on Cell wall

1. Which of the following groups has cell wall

a) Bacteria, plant and animals

b) Bacteria, fungi and plants
c) Bacteria, fungi, plants and animals
d) Bacteria and plants only
2. Bacterial cell wall is made up of
a) N-acetyl glucosamine
b) N-acetyl muramic acid
c) Both a and b
d) N-acetyl glucosamine, N-acetyl muramic acid and amino acids

3. Which of the following statements are not true regarding cell wall
a) Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose
b) Plant cell wall is a non-living structure
c) Cell wall provides mechanical support to the cell
d) Cell was is semi-permeable

4. Plant cell wall is made up of

a) Cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin
b) Cellulose and chitin
c) Cellulose, hemicelluloses and chitin
d) Cellulose only
5. Chitinous cell wall is present in
a) Plants
b) Bacteria
c) Protists
d) Fungi
6. Pectin is stained using
a) Sudan III
b) acetocrmine
c) Ruthenium red
d) Iodine
7. Cellulose is a polymer of D-glucose units joined by
a) 1-4 linkage
b) 1-6 linkage
c) 1-4 linkage
d) 1-6 linkage
8. Chlorzinc Iodide is used to stain
a) Cellulose
b) Hemicellulose
c) Pectin
d) Lignin
9. Middle lamella is made up of pectin. Pectin is chemically
a) N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid
b) Heteropolymer of xylose, mannose and arabinose
c) Glucoronic and galacturonic acid
d) Polymer of D-glucose units
10. Which of the following is a aromatic polymer of phenols
a) Pectin
b) Chitin
c) Lignin
d) Cutin
11. Fine cytoplasmic connections between neighbouring cells through the cell wall for cell to cell
communication is called
a) Plasmosome
b) Plasmodesmata
c) Mesosome
d) All of these
12. Which of the following organelle is involved in cell wall synthesis
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Golgi apparatus
d) lysosome
13. Which of the following statements are true regarding cellulose synthesis
a) Cellulose is synthesized on the external surface of the cell
b) The enzyme involved is a plasma membrane bound complex called cellulose synthetase
c) UDP glucose is the precursor of cellulose
d) All of these
14. Secondary cell wall of plants is
a) Located outside the primary wall
b) Located inside the plasma membrane
c) Located inside the primary wall
d) Located just beneath middle lamellae
15. Which of the statements are incorrect regarding plant cell wall
a) Primary and secondary walls are present in meristamatic cells
b) Secondary cell wall consists of three concentric layers (S1, S2 and S3) one after the other
c) In certain plants, tertiary cell wall is also present which has xylan beside cellulose
d) Middle lamella is made up of pectin and lignin

1) b) Bacteria, fungi and plants
2) d) N-acetyl glucosamine, N-acetyl muramic acid and amino acids
3) d) Cell was is semi-permeable
4) a) Cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin
5) d) Fungi
6) c) Ruthenium red
7) c) 1-4 linkage
8) a) Cellulose
9) c) Glucoronic and galacturonic acid
10) c) Lignin
11) b) Plasmodesmata
12) c) Golgi apparatus
13) d) All of these
14) c) Located inside the primary wall
15) a) Primary and secondary walls are present in meristamatic cells

Multiple Choice Questions on Chloroplast

11.The plastid responsible for photosynthesis is
a) Leucoplast
b) Chromoplast
c) Chloroplast
d) All of these

12. Which of the following pigment is most abundant in green plants

a) chlorophyll a
b) chlorophyll b
c) carotene
d) xanthophyll
13. Photosynthetic Pigments are located on the
a) Inner membrane
b) thylakoid membrane
c) thylakoid lumen
d) outer membrane
14. Which of the following is an accessory pigment
a) chl a
b) chl b
c) carotenoids
d) none of these
15. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding photosystems
a) The reaction of PS I is P 700 and Chl a is predominant pigment
b) The reaction centre of PS II is P680 and Chl b is predominant pigment
c) Both photosystems are located on the outer membrane
d) PSI is located on the thylakoid membrane
16. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding light reaction
a) lIght reaction is called as Hill reaction
b) light reaction takes place in the grana of the chloroplast
c) CO2 fixation to carbohydrate is the major event in light reaction
d) ATP and NADPH are produced in light reaction
17. All plastids have similar structure because they can
a) store starch, lipids and proteins
b) gets transformed from one type to another
c) be present together
d) perform some function
18. All types of plastids possess essentially the same structure because they
a) perform the same function
b) occur in aerial parts
c) store food materials like starch, fats and protein
d) can transform from one form to another
19. Chlorophyll in Chloroplast is located in
a) grana
b) stroma
c) thylakoids
d) both grana and stroma
20. Chlorophyll consists of
a) 75% chlorophyll a and 25% chlorophyll b
b) 75% chlorophyll b and 25% chlorophyll a
c) 60% chlorophyll a and 40% chlorophyll b
d) 100% chlorophyll a
Learn more
MCQ on Endoplasmic reticulum
MCQ on Mitochondria
MCQ on Plasma membrane
MCQ on Golgibodies
MCQ on Cell wall
11. c) Chloroplast
12. a) chlorophyll a
13. b) thylakoid membrane
14. c) carotenoids
15. c) Both photosystems are located on the outer membrane
16. c) CO2 fixation to carbohydrate is the major event in light reaction
17. b) gets transformed from one type to another
18. d) can transform from one form to another
19. c) thylakoids
20. a) 75% chlorophyll a and 25% chlorophyll b

MCQ on Cell organelles- Endoplasmic reticulum

1. Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding ER?

a) The adipose tissue has both SER and RER

b) Plasma cells has RER only
c) RBC lacks both RER and SER
d) Hepatocytes has both RER and SER
2. The term endoplasmic reticulum was coined by
a) Reinert
b) Porter
c) Pomaret
d) Johnson
3. Which of the following organelles has a continuous connection with nuclear membrane
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Lysosome
c) RER
d) SER
4. In RER, ribosomes are located on
a) the cytoplasmic side
b) on the luminal side
c) both a and b
d) all through out
5. SER is involved in
a) Phospholipid biosynthesis and detoxification reaction
b) Phospholipid biosynthesis and protein synthesis
c) Protein synthesis
d) Phospholipid biosynthesis
6. SER in the retinal cells are called as
a) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
b) Retinal reticulam
c) Myeloid bodies
d) Amyloid bodies
7. The functions of RER include

a) Protein synthesis and detoxification

b) Protein synthesis and post translational modification
c) Protein synthesis and phospholipid biosynthesis
d) Protein synthesis only
8. Which of the following statements are true regarding endoplasmic reticulum
a) ER provides structural framework to the cell
b) ER acts as an intracellular transporting system
c) SER is involved in synthesis of lipids
d) All of these
9. The transport of secretory proteins takes place trough organelles in the order
a) RER->SER->golgi-> secretory vescicles
b) SER->RER->golgi-> secretory vescicles
c) RER->SER-> secretory vescicles -> golgi
d) RER->golgi->SER-> secretory vescicles
10. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is called rough because
a) rough texture of the surface
b) surface is studded with membrane proteins
c) surface is studded with ribosomes
d) All of these
11. RER is involved in the synthesis of
a) Membrane proteins and secretory proteins
b) Different proteins of the cell
c) Membrane proteins, secretory proteins and lysosomal proteins
d) Membrane proteins and secretory proteins and nuclear proteins
12. Which of the following organelle is involved in xenobiotic detoxification
a) Golgi
b) Lysosome
c) SER
d) RER
13. Protein glycosylation occurs in the
a) lumen of mitochondria
b) lumen of rough endoplasmic reticulum
c) lumen of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
d) lumen of lysosomes
14. Which of the following sequence functions as signals for N-linked glycosylation
a) Asn-X-Ser and Asn-X-Thr
b) Asn-X-Ser and Asn-X-Pro
c) Asn-X-Thr and Asn-X-Gly
d) Asn-X-Gly
15. Ribophorins are
a) transmembrane glycoprotein on RER
b) transmembrane glycoprotein on SER
c) luminal proteins on RER
d) luminal proteins on SER
1) a) The adipose tissue has both SER and RER
2) b) Porter
3) c) RER
4) a) the cytoplasmic side
5) a) Phospholipid biosynthesis and detoxification reaction
6) c) Myeloid bodies
7) b) Protein synthesis and post translational modification
8) d) All of these
9) a) RER->SER->golgi-> secretory vescicles
10) c) surface is studded with ribosomes
11) a) Membrane proteins and secretory proteins
12) c) SER
13) b) lumen of rough endoplasmic reticulum
14) a) Asn-X-Ser and Asn-X-Thr
15) a) transmembrane glycoprotein on RER

MCQ on Golgi body (Golgi Apparatus)

11. Which one of the following organelles is located near the nucleus and contains a collection of
flattened membrane bound cisternae?

a) Nucleus
b) Centriole
c) Mitochondrion
d) Golgi apparatus
12. Golgi complex was first recognised in
a) blood cell
b) root cell
c) nerve cell
d) root cell
13. Besides giving out secretary vesicles, the Golgi apparatus is also concerned with the formation
a) Nucleus
b) plastids
c) nucleus
d) Lysosomes
14. Zone of exclusion is associated with
a) Nucleus
b) Nucleolus
c) Nucleoplasm
d) Golgi complex
15. Golgi apparatus is absent in
a) higher plants
b) yeast
c) bacteria and blue green algae
d) none
16. Acid phosphatase is the cytochemical marker for
a) cis-region of GA
b) trans region of GA
c) GERL region
d) median region of GA
17. After synthesis of secretory protein in RER, it moves through
a) RER->cis Golgi->median golgi->trans golgi-> secretory vesicle
b) RER->trans Golgi->median golgi->cis golgi-> secretory vescicel
c) RER-> secretory vescicels ->cis Golgi->median golgi->trans golgi-> secretory vescicel
d) all of these
18. Golgi apparatus is often seen associated with
a) mitochondria
b) RER
c) lysosome
d) none of these
19. Which of the following organelle is called as the sorting centre of the cell

a) RER
b) SER
c) GA
d) lysosome
20. Function of Golgi apparatus (GA) in animal cells include
a) sorting and packaging
b) exocytosis of melanin granules
c) exocytosis of thyroxine hormone
d) all of these
Learn more
MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelles
MCQ on Mitochondria
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
MCQ on Golgi apparatus (Questions: 1-10)
11. d) Golgi apparatus
12. c) nerve cell
13. d) Lysosomes
14. d) Golgi complex
15. c) bacteria and blue green algae
16. c) GERL region
17. a) RER->cis Golgi->median golgi->trans golgi-> secretory vesicle
18. b) RER
19. c) GA
20. d) all of these

Multiple Choice Questions on Golgi apparatus

1. Which of the following organelle is called as the traffic police of the cell?
a) Lysosome
b) SER
c) Golgi apparatus
d) RER
2. In 1873, Camillo Golgi discovered Golgi apparatus in Purkinje cells (nerve cells). Which is the
stain that he used to visualise Golgi apparatus?
a) Janus green
b) Silver stain
c) Orange G
d) Haematoxylin
3. Dictyosomes are
a) golgi apparatus of plant cells
b) golgi apparatus of plant cells and lower invertebrates
c) golgi apparatus of plant cells, lower invertebrates and animal cells
d) golgi apparatus like structure in prokaryotes
4. The simplest unit, the saucer-like closed compartments of Golgi apparatus is called as
a) tubules
b) vescicles
c) cristae
d) cisternae
5. The region around Golgi apparatus where other organelles are absent is called as the
a) zone of inhibition
b) zone of exclusion
c) both a and b
d) organelle inhibition zone
6. GERL region is the
a) Golgi+RER+SER+lysosome+vescicles association involved in packaging and sorting of
cellular materials
b) Golgi+RER+SER+lumen of cytoplasm association involved in packaging and sorting of
cellular materials
c) Golgi+ER+lysosome association involved in packaging and sorting of cellular materials
d) none of these
7. Histochemical localisation of Golgi is by staining with
a) Bismarck red
b) Fast green
c) Osmium tetroxide
d) acetocarmine
8. Which of the following organelle is involved in cell plate formation

a) SER
b) RER
c) lysosme
d) Golgi apparatus
9. The functions of Golgi apparatus include all except
a) GA is the sorting centre of the cell
b) GA is involved in post translational modification
c) GA is involved in secretory protein synthesis
d) GA is involved in cell plate formation
10. Which of the following statements are true regarding golgi apparatus
a) GA has polarity
b) cis-face is located close to either nucleus or transitional ER
c) trans-face is located near plasma membrane
d) all of these
Learn more
MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelles
MCQ on Cell wall
MCQ on Plasma membrane
MCQ on Mitochondria
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. c) Golgi apparatus
2. b) Silver stain
3. b) golgi apparatus of plant cells and lower invertebrates
4. d) cisternae
5. b) zone of exclusion
6. c) Golgi + ER + lysosome association involved in packaging and sorting of cellular materials
7. c) Osmium tetroxide
8. d) Golgi apparatus
9. c) GA is involved in secretory protein synthesis
10. d) all of these

Multiple Choice Questions on Mitochondria (Mitochondrion)

1. Which of the following is a semi-autonomous organelle?
a) mitochondrion
b) chloroplast
c) both a and b
d) mitochondrion, chloroplast and ribosomes
2. Who coined the term mitochondria
a) Kolliker
b) Flemming
c) Altman
d) Benda
3. Myocardial muscle cells have numerous large mitochondria called as
a) myocardial mitochondrions
b) mitosomes
c) myosomes
d) sarcosomes
4. The number of mitochondria in a cell depends on
a) pH of the cell
b) shape of the cell
c) both a and b
d) functional state of the cell
5. Which of the following statements are true about mitochondria

a) Mitochondria has two envelopes

b) Outer membrane has porin protein channels
b) Inner membrane is not permeable
c) all of these
6. Cristae are
a) The membraneous infoldings of the outer membrane of mitochondria
b) the jelly like central matrix of mitochondria
c) The membraneous infoldings of the inner membrane of mitochondria
d) enzymes located on the inner mitochondrial membrane
7. F0-F1 particles meant for ATP synthesis are present on

a) outer mitochondrial membrane attached to the cytosolic or C face

b) outer mitochondrial membrane attached to the Matrix or M face
c) inner mitochondrial membrane attached to the Matrix or M face
d) inner mitochondrial membrane attached to the cytosolic or C face
8. Which of the following stain is used to visualise mitochondrion
a) Janus green
b) Acetocarmine
c) Haematoxylin
d) Orange G
9. Which of the following is the histochemical marker for mitochondrial inner membrane
a) monoamine oxidase
b) cytochrome oxidase
c) malate dehydogenase
d) adenylate kinase
10. Mitoplast are
a) mitochondria without membranes
b) mitochondria without outer membrane
c) mitochondria without inner membrane
d) mitochondrial plastids
Learn more
MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelles
MCQ on Plasma Membrane
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
MCQ on cell wall
MCQ on Chloroplast
1. c) both a and b
2. d) Benda
3. d) sarcosomes
4. d) functional state of the cell
5. c) all of these
6. c) The membraneous infoldings of the inner membrane of mitochondria
7. c) inner mitochondrial membrane attached to the Matrix or M face
8. a) Janus green
9. b) cytochrome oxidase
10. b) mitochondria without outer membrane

MCQ on Mitochondria
11. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is usually, highly convoluted forming a series of
infolding known as

a) thylakoids
b) lamellae
c) cristae
d) grana
12. Oxysomes of F0-F1 particles occur on
a) Thylakoids
b) Mitochondrial surface
c) chloroplast surface
d) inner mitochondrial membrane
13. Select the wrong statements from the following.
a) Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain an inner and outer membrane
b) both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bound by
the thylakoid membrane
c) the chloroplasts are generally mush larger than mitochondria
d)Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain DNA
14. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondrial membrane is not correct?
a) the outer membrane resembles a sieve
b) the enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane
c) The outer membrane is permeable to all kinds of molecules
d) the outer membrane permeable to all kinds of molecules
15. In mitochondria , cristae act as sites for
a) protein synthesis
b) phosphoryaltion of flavoproteins
c) breakdown of macromolecules
d) Oxidation reduction reaction
16.Mitochondrial inner membrane is rich in phospholipid
a) Cardiolipin
b) Phosphatidyl inositol
c) Phosphatidyl serine
d) Phosphatidyl choline
17. All the statements are true except
a) Mitochondria are called as the power plants or power houses of the cell
b) Mitochondrial DNA is called mt DNA
c) Mitochondria is the site of oxidative phosphorylation and Krebs cycle
d) Mitochondria is the site of Calvin cycle
18. Which of the following is not a function of mitochondrion
a) electron transport cahin and associated ATP production
b) glycolysis and associated ATP production
c) Fatty acid breakdown
d) non-shivering thermogenesis
19. mt DNA is

a) simple, double stranded linear DNA molecule

b) simple, single stranded linear DNA molecule
c) simple, single stranded circular DNA molecule
d) simple, double stranded circular DNA molecule
20. The inner mitochondrial membrane has
a) NADH dehydrogenase complex
b) b-c1 complex
c) cytochrome oxidase complex
d) all of these
Learn more
MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelles
MCQ on Plasma Membrane
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
MCQ on cell wall
MCQ on Mitochondria (Questions 1-10)
11. c) cristae
12. d) inner mitochondrial membrane
13. b) both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bound
by the thylakoid membrane (Refer: Mitochondria and Chloroplast)
14. b) the enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane
15. d) Oxidation reduction reaction
16. a) Cardiolipin
17. d) Mitochondria is the site of Calvin cycle
18. b) glycolysis and associated ATP production
19. d) simple, double stranded circular DNA molecule
20. d) all of these
Multiple Choice Questions on Cytoskeleton
1. Which of the following cells lacks cytoskeleton?
a) Eukaryotic plant cell
b) prokaryotic bacterial cells
c) both a and b
d) Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic animal cells

2. Cytoskeletons are chemically

a) nucleoprotein filaments
b) nucleoprotein filaments and lipids
c) ribonucleoproteins filaments
d) protein filaments

3. The existence of cytoskeleton was first postulated by

a) Strasburger
b) Koltzoff
c) Meischer
d) Crick

4. The cytoskeleton consists of

a) microtubules
b) microfilamemts
c) intermediate filaments
d) all of these

5. Microtubules are made up of

a) flagellin
b) desmin
c) tubulin
d) actin and myosin

6. Which of the following is a microtubule associated protein (MAPS)

a) tus protein
b) tau protein
c) rho protein
d) G protein

7. The microtubule assembly is inhibited by

a) Colchicine
b) Vincristine
c) Vinblastine
d) All of these

8. Microfilaments are made up of

a) actin
b) tubulin and actin
c) desmin
d) vimetin

9. Microfilaments are involved in

a) cyclosis
b) amoeboid movement
c) furrow formation during cell division
d) all of these

10. The intermediate filament present in nail and hair is a type I IF protein made of
a) lamins
b) vimetins
c) keratins
d) tubulins

11. Which of the following is a microfilament inhibitor

a) aspirin
b) Cinchonine
c) colchicine
d) cytochalasin-B

12. Chromosome movement during cell division is regulated by

a) microtubules
b) microfilaments
c) intermediate filaments
d) all of these

13. Which of the following statements are true

a) Intermediate filaments are resistant to colchicine and cytochalasin-B
b) microtubules are made up of tubulins
c) microfilaments are made up of actin
d) All of these

14. Cilia and flagella of Eukaryotic cells are made up of

a) keratin
b) tubulin
c) lamin
d) desmin

15. Which of the following is the most heterogeneous type of cytoskeletal filament
a) microtubules
b) microfilaments
c) intermediate filaments
d) none of these

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MCQ on Cell and Cell organelles
MCQ on Chloroplast
MCQ on Cell wall
MCQ on Plasma membrane
MCQ on Nucleus
1. b) prokaryotic bacterial cells
2. d) protein filaments
3. b) Koltzoff
4. d) all of these
5. c) tubulin
6. b) tau protein
7. d) All of these
8. a) actin
9. d) all of these
10. c) keratins
11. d) cytochalasin-B
12. a) microtubules
13. d) All of these
14. b) tubulin
15. c) intermediate filaments

Multiple Choice Questions on Lysosomes

MCQ on lysosome (Gr., lyso=digestive +soma=body)
1. Which of the following organelle is called as the perinuclear dense bodies?
a) lysosome
b) nucleolus
c) peroxisome
d) all of these

2. Lysosomes are present in all except

a) muscle cells
b) acinal cells
c) erythrocytes
d) hepatocytes
3. Which is the enzyme used as a marker for the lysosomes
a) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
b) Phospholipase
c) Acid phosphatase
d) Succinate dehydrogenase

4. The pH of lysosome is
a) neutral
b) acidic
c) basic
d) depends on the cell type

5. The staining technique used to locate lysosome is

a) Janus Green staining
b) Bismarck stain
c) Gamori stain
d) Osmium tetroxide

6. Liposomal fractions are isolated by

a) electrophoresis
b) ultra centrifugation
c) both a and b
d) Sucrose density gradient centrifugation

7. The acidic pH of lysosome is due to

a) deposition of waste materials
b) presence of hydrolytic enzymes which has an acidic optimum pH
c) presence of anabolic enzymes which has an acidic optimum pH
d) All of these

8. Which of the following organelle is called as the suicidal bags of the cell?

a) lysosomes
b) lysosomes and Golgi
c) lysosomes and ER
d) lysosomes and mitochondria

9. Which of the following is the function of lysosomes

a) autophagy
b) autolysis
c) digestion
d) all of these
10. During protein targeting, lysosomal proteins are tagged with
a) sialic acid
b) KDEL sequence
c) mannose -6-phosphate
d) glycolipids

11. Which of the following is not a diseases associated with lysosome malfunctioning
a) Tay-Sachs disease
b) I-cell disease
c) Pompes disease
d) Marfan syndrome

12. lysosomes are involved in

a) Extracellular digestion
b) intracellular digestion
c) both a and b
d) none of these

13. Lysosomes involved in extracellular digestion are present in

a) cardiac cells
b) sperm
c) zygote
d) All of these

14. The acidic pH in the lysosome is maintained by

a) GTP dependent proton pump in the lumen
b) ATP dependent proton pump on the membrane
c) HCl in lysosome
d) all of these

15. Lysosomal membrane is rich in

a) cardiolipin
b) sialic acid
c) sterols
d) all of these
Learn more:
MCQ on Plasma membrane
MCQ on Mitochondria
MCQ on Chloroplast
MCQ on Nucleus
1. a) lysosome
2. c) erythrocytes
3. c) Acid phosphatase
4. b) acidic
5. c) Gamori stain
6. d) Sucrose density gradient centrifugation
7. b) presence of hydrolytic enzymes which has an acidic optimum pH
8. a) lysosomes
9. d) all of these
10. c) mannose -6-phosphate
11. d) Marfan syndrome
12. c) both a and b
13. b) sperm
14. b) ATP dependent proton pump on the membrane
15. b) sialic acid

Multiple Choice Questions on Ribosomes

1. All the following sites has ribosomes except
a) nucleus
b) mitochondrion
c) chloroplast
d) cytoplasm

2. Ribosomes are present in

a) Eukaryotes only
b) Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
c) Prokaryotes only
d) Eukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses

3. In 70S ribosomes, S stands for

a) SI unit
b) Solubility factor
c) Svedberg unit
d) all of these

4. 80 S ribosomes occur in
a) Eukaryotic cells of animals
b) Eukaryotic cells of animals and plants
c) Both Eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells
d) all of these

5. The subunits of 80S ribosome include

a) 40S and 50S
b) 30S and 50S
c) 40S and 60S
d) 20S and 60S

6. Which of the following ions are required for binding of ribosomal subunits
a) Na+
b) Mg++
c) Mn++
d) Fe++

7. 70S ribosome occur in

a) viruses
b) prokaryotes
c) prokaryotes and eukaryotic plant cells
d) All of these

8. The larger and smaller subunit of 70S ribosome is

a) 50S and 30S

b) 30S and 40S
c) 40S and 20S
d) 20S and 50S

9. Ribosomes are made up of

a) RNA only
b) RNA and proteins
c) RNA, DNA and proteins
d) Nucleic acids, proteins and lipids

10. Polysomes are

a) multiple units of ribosomes
b) attachment of many ribosomes to a common mRNA
c) attachment of many mRNA to a common ribosomes
d) lysosomal aggregations

11. The rRNA subunits of 70S ribosome are

a) 23S in larger 50S ribosomal subunit and 16S and 5S rRNA in smaller 30S ribosomal subunit
b) 23S and 5S in larger 50S ribosomal subunit and 16S rRNA and 5S in smaller 30S ribosomal
c) 28S and 5S in larger 50S ribosomal subunit and 16S rRNA in smaller 30S ribosomal subunit
d)23S and 5S in larger 50S ribosomal subunit and 16S rRNA in smaller 30S ribosomal subunit

12. Chloramphenicol inhibits

a) bacterial ribosomes
b) plant ribosomes
c) both a and b
d) animal ribosomes

13. Which of the following organelle lack ribosomes

a) mitochondrion
b) nucleus
c) chloroplast
d) RER

14. Protein synthesis by eukaryotic ribosomes is inhibited by

a) Chloramphenicol
b) cycloheximide
c) Penicillin
d) Cinchonine

15. Which of the following statements are true

a) Ribosomes are self-replicating organelles
b) Ribosomes are double membrane bound organelles
c) Ribosomal components are coded by DNA
d) Ribosomes are deoxyribonucleoproteins

Learn more:
MCQ on Cell and Cell Organelles
MCQ on Nucleus
MCQ on Plasma membrane
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
MCQ on Cell wall
1. a) nucleus
2. b) Eukaryotes and prokaryotes
3. c) Svedberg unit
4. b) Eukaryotic cells of animals and plants
5. c) 40S and 60S
6. b) Mg++
7. b) prokaryotes
8. a) 50S and 30S
9. b) RNA and proteins
10. b) attachment of many ribosomes to a common mRNA
11. d) 23S and 5S in larger 50S ribosomal subunit and 16S rRNA in smaller 30S ribosomal
12. a) bacterial ribosomes
13. b) nucleus
14. b) cycloheximide
15. c) Ribosomal components are coded by DNA

Multiple Choice Questions on Nucleus

1. Nuclei were first discovered by
a) Strasburger
b) Fonatana
c) Robert Brown
d) Robert Koch
2. Which of the is the central commanding centre of the cell

a) nucleus
b) mitchondria
c) ER
d) ribosomes

3. The Grafting experiment of Hammerling established the role of nucleus in heredity. The
experimental material was
a) Chlorella
b) Acetabularia
c) Chara
d) Scendesmus

4. Nucleus are absent in

a) Red blood cells and bacterium
b) Red blood cells, sieve cells and bacterium
c) Red blood cells only
d) none of these

5. Which of the following statements is true regarding the size of nucleus?

a) The size of the nucleus is directly proportional to that of the cytoplasm
b) The size of the nucleus depends on the total cell volume
c) The size of the nucleus depends on the chromosome number or ploidy level of the cell
d) all of these
6. Nucleus has
a) DNA only
b) DNA and protein only
c) DNA, RNA and proteins
d) none of these

7. Nuclear membrane is in continuous connection with

a) SER
b) RER
c) Golgi apparatus
d) lysosomes

8. The protein network that lines the inner side of nuclear membrane is called
a) Nucleolus
b) nuclear matrix
c) nuclear lamina
d) nuclear proteins

9. The number of nuclear pores depends on the

a) size of the cell
b) transcriptional activity of the cell
c) DNA content of the cell
d) all of these

10. The most important function of nuclear envelope is to

a) regulate nucleo cytoplasmic traffic
b) protect genetic material
c) prevent the entrance of active ribosomes into the nucleus
d) synthesis rRNAs

11. The DNA protein ratio in chromatin is

a) 3:1
b) 2:1
c) 1:1
d) 4:1

12. Nucleolus is a prominent acidophilic spherical bodies in the nucleus. The function is
a) RNA synthesis
b) DNA synthesis
c) histone synthesis
d) ribosomal subunit synthesis

13. The basic proteins of the nucleus are

a) nucleohistones
b) nucleoprotamines
c) both a and b
d) none of these

14. The major amino acids in histones are

a) Gluatamate and aspartic acid
b) lysine and arginine
c) arginine, lysine and histidine
d) histidine

15. The light stained and diffused region of chromatin is known as

a) Heterochromatin
b) Euchromatin
c) chromatin
d) none of these

Learn more
MCQ on Cell and cell organelles
MCQ on Cell wall
MCQ on Cell membrane
MCQ on Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. c) Robert Brown
2. a) nucleus
3. b) Acetabularia
4. b) Red blood cells, sieve cells and bacterium
5. d) all of these
6. c) DNA, RNA and proteins
7. b) RER
8. c) nuclear lamina
9. b) transcriptional activity of the cell
10. c) prevent the entrance of active ribosomes into the nucleus
11. c) 1:1
12. d) ribosomal subunit synthesis
13. c) both a and b
14. c) arginine, lysine and histidine
15. b) Euchromatin

Multiple Choice Questions on Cilia and Flagella

MCQ on Cilia and Flagella (L., cili=eye lash; Flagella=little whip)
1. Which of the following are functions of cilia and flagella?
a) locomotion
b) bodys defence
c) excretion
d) all of these

2. Which of the following are the features that differentiates cilia from flagella
a) Cilia are short compared to flagella
b) Flagella are less in number compared to cilia
c) Cilia are distributed throughout the cell surface
d) all of these

3. Ciliary membrane is
a) Continuous with plasma membrane
b) Continuous with cell wall
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

4. The basic microtubular structure of cilia and flagella is called

a) radial spoke
b) axoneme
c) nexin
d) dyenein

5. The immobile cytoplasmic ciliary extensions from the cell is called

a) Kinocilia
b) sterocilia
c) motocilia
d) none of these

6. In eukaryotic flagella, the arrangement of microtubules in axoneme is

a) 9+4
b) 9+3
c) 9+0
d) 9+2

7. The adjacent doublets in the outer ring are joined by a highly extensible protein called
a) radial spoke
b) axoneme
c) nexin
d) dyenein

8. Bacterial flagella is made up of

a) dyenien
b) tubulin
c) flagellin
d) vimetin

9. Eukaryotic flagella is made up of

a) dyenien
b) tubulin
c) flagellin
d) vimetin

10. Bacterial flagella is

a) ATP driven
b) proton driven
c) both a and b
d) none of these

11. Eukaryotic flagella is driven by

a) ATP
b) proton
c) both a and b
d) none of these

12. Defects or absence in any one of the proteins in axoneme of cilia lead to
a) immotile cilia syndrome
b) motile cilia syndrome
c) both a and b
d) none of these

Learn more:
MCQ on Cell & Cell organelles
MCQ on Cytoskeleton
MCQ on Lysosomes
MCQ on Mitochondria
MCQ on Cell wall
1. d) all of these
2. d) all of these
3. a) Continuous with plasma membrane
4. b) axoneme
5. b) sterocilia
6. d) 9+2
7. c) nexin
8. c) flagellin
9. b) tubulin
10. b) proton driven
11. a) ATP
12. a) immotile cilia syndrome

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