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LOG : session X : Date (time taken) * means committed

TOTAL TIME = 126 hours and 24 mins (till session 59 -included-)

Total Time Taken (. hours and . mins)

* session 1: 2017-01-13 (2:10) *

* Pawn piece (no capture) test and creation
* session 2: 2017-01-14 (2:19) *

* re conceptualized Grid (rows are Y , columns are X)

* rook completed and tested
* learned about smart pointers (no code written)
* Board uses Shared pointers to tiles
* game director now have a namespace that contain all global enums
* session 3: 2017-01-15 (0:50)

* introducing board to piece

* session 4: 2017-01-16 (2:30)

* a long talk with chilli (useful) Adversarial Search (AI)

* board and piece have a formal way to talk to each other
* added function isWayClear() to rook, rook now can check its way
* session 5: 2017-01-17 (2:48) *

* no more thane 1 piece can be initialized on same spot (exception

* Pawn now do sexy moves (refactored isValidLocation())
* rook perfected
* Pawn Perfected, it can now eat enemies and don't move over the
others. civilizing is sexy
* bishop is Here (not tested)
* session 6: 2017-01-19 (0:53)

* re factored bishop iswayclear()

* session 7: 2017-01-20 (0:15)

* bishop iswayclear() retouched. bishop now fails gloriously and

success elegantly
* session 8: 2017-01-21 (2:00) *

* king is here (no special cases yet)

* queen is here
* fixed bishop is way clear and move
* session 9: 2017-01-22 (1:25)

* knight is Alive
* GameDirector is now responsible for spawning the pieces on the board
* session 10: 2017-01-24 (0:25) *

* rules are all complete

* board have pieces on the correct position
* session 10: 2017-01-24 (0:35)

* Board is Drawn
* session 11: 2017-01-25 (2:35) *

* redefined max and min cause of the include in graphics.h <wrl.h>

(fuck microsoft)
* board can draw itself
* board can draw pieces on it (colored)
* graphics contain FillRect()
* session 12: 2017-02-02 (1:0)

* fiddled a bit with outputDebugString()

* session 13: 2017-02-03 (1:36)

* make function to change locations from x,y to int and vice versa
* now we can deal with pieces functions via linear location
* session 14: 2017-02-06 (2:53)

* piece contains a new variable OppositeTeam

* session 15: 2017-02-07 (0:54) *

* retrieving pieces from gameDirector is possible via location or

location + type + team
* highlighting a tile - on hover - is now possible
* session 16: 2017-02-09 (1:33)

* moving using mouse input is now possible (can't do two presses tho)
* fixed pawn movement
* session 17: 2017-02-10 (2:29) *

* mouse Input is fully Completed

* session 18: 2017-02-12 (1:23)

* Restructured command hierarchy to Game->Director

* MoveTo() now returns bool
* Game Turns are now a thing
* session 19 : 2017-02-14 (0:30) *

* added cheats to game director

* fixed pawn movement
* session 20: 2017-02-20 (0:40)

* font is working
* added some assertions instead of exceptions
* session 21: 2017-02-22 (0:56) *

* Added New GDI Fonts and surfaces (sprites)

* King's death triggers a GAME OVER
* session 22: 2017-02-24 (2:01)

* fixed Rook and queen_Rook movement

* resized the board and app
* session 23: 2017-02-25 (2:42)

* Graphics Added : Credits

* session 24: 2017-03-05 (2:47)

* added SetStageDebug()
* Pawn Transformation is active -still needs a method to choose-
* added little indicator to the highlighted tile
* session 25: 2017-03-06 (3:24)

* set foundations for auto tiles generation and Kings threat

* captured pieces now are destroyed from the Game!
* session 26: 2017-03-07 (2:21)

* highlighting a set of tiles is now possible

* pawn movement prediction work
* session 27: 2017-03-08 (2:15)

* finished movement predictions for all pieces *

* fixed pawn transformation -still incomplete-
* simple change to highlightTiles()
* session 28: 2017-03-14 (3:06) *

* its possible to determine which king is under threat and by which

* added function PutAt() to piece
* "en passet" move is now functional (swapping king with rook)
* session 29: 2017-03-15 (2:16)

* "en passet" is now function

* refactored moveTo() to be inside piece.h
* added UndoMove()
* session 30: 2017-03-17 (2:05) *

* pawn got its own undoMove

* King is now safe
* promotion screen created
* session 31: 2017-03-20 (2:15) *

* Promotion Finished
* polished game a little
* session 32: 2017-03-21 (1:24) *

* added copy this turn to putAt() in piece

* added DoEnPassant()
* renamed DoEnPassant to DoCastling
* session 33: 2017-03-31 (0:36) *

* added IsTileUnderThreat() and the plural of it

* fixed castling
* session 34: 2017-04-01 (2:20)

* mark/unmark piece for destruction

* undo tileState
* fixed undo issue where a piece disappears from grid
* session 35: 2017-04-02 (3:33)

* added foundation for enPassant

* session 36: 2017-04-05 (1:03)

* en passant totally crashed

* session 37: 2017-04-14 (1:45)

* checking if location "checked" before

* session 38: 2017-04-20 (0:57) *

* en passant is working
* removed shitty warnings
* session 39: 2017-04-21 (1:48) *

* revised alpha blending

* session 40: 2017-04-22 (1:37) *

* added putPixelAlpha() to Graphics

* Finished Alpha Blending
* session 41: 2017-04-25 (2:00) *

* added buttons foundation

* added save foundations
* added drawMenu
* session 42: 2017-05-2 (4:00) *

* added load and quickload

* added save and quicksave
* added loading Constructor for game director
* press f1 for quick save
* press f2 for quick load
* all tested and working
* Fixed bugs 1&2
* session 43: 2017-05-8 (0:45)

* added move constructor to Board

* session 44: 2017-05-11 (1:00)

* encapsulated tile into board

* found new bug
* session 45: 2017-05-22 (3:00)

* labeled the grid

* session 46: 2017-05-28 (0:47) *

* solved bug 4
* turn is saved
* internalized info showing (code in game.cpp)
* session 47: 2017-09-21 (1:55) *

* Refactored IsValidLocation() for rook,bishop,king and Queen using

strategy design pattern so that there is no need for code duplication when queen
uses same code of rook,bishop and king.
* IsWayClear() not obligatory function for pieces
* session 48: 2017-09-22 (4:14)

* all screens now are under GameScreen Class

* screen Drawing only happens through a screen it self
* session 49: 2017-09-26 ( 3:46 ) *

* created class Painter

* BoardPainter is the sole responsible for drawing the board or the
* PiecesPainter is the sole responsible for drawing the pieces
* session 50: 2017-09-28 ( 4:48 ) *

* Painter is the only object responsible for drawing

* screen consists of buttons,texts and sprites
* session 51: 2017-10-2 ( 2:10 )

* created game manager

* created event system for director
* session 51: 2017-10-3 ( 4:14 ) *

* game manager is now responsible for handling input and drawing

* GameDirector no longer draw, update turns or get mouse input
* splitted handleInput into handleInput and handleInputCheat
* event system is working as it should be
* removed some inlines
* session 52: 2017-10-8 ( 2:16 )

* board is no longer an artist (no drawing happens there)

* session 53: 2017-10-8 ( 0:14 )

* all drawing happens through gfx.drawSpriteClipped

* session 54: 2017-10-10 ( 1:35 )

* work in progress (decoupling board from director)

* session 55: 2017-10-12 ( 1:43 )

* director decoupled from board

* moved global enums to separate header
* session 56: 2017-10-15 ( 2:03 )

* created IOMANAGER
* session 57: 2017-10-16 ( 5:28 ) *Branched* (EyeCandy)

* ioManager fully funcitonal

* Screens are fully interactive
* Refactoring Finished
* buttons expanded
* StartMenu finished
* session 58: 2017-10-17 ( 4:00 ) *

* created input handler

* re-made parts of game manger
* added options menu screen
* session 59: 2017-10-18 ( 3:31 ) *

* fixed en passant and castling

* added gameover screen
* feedback is working
* cheat mode is working
* game finished (no save and load)

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