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A High Performance Post

Top Luminaire to Comple-

ment Curvilinear Form.
For Area or Roadway


Innovative Design:
Sealed Optical Chamber with Air Cooled Components
Simply stated, the CSB s
revo ut ofary Ten years ol
successfu y producifg
sea ed opt cal charnbers has
been refifed to the Lrlt mate.
The most met cLr ously sealed
opt cal chamber we have eveT
produced s now a owed to
foat with n a one p ece hous
ng lhat ndLrces af nterna ar
f ow. Sens tive e ectr cal corn
ponents are ntenraly cooled
substantia y be ow a owab e
evels promot ng maximurar on
gevity As a r fiows naturaly
around the llxture a low pres
sure area s created on th-o
leading edge This draws heat
lrom the ho!slng nterior and
starts an air c rcu at on that
contlnuous y coo s the electr -
cal components The optica
chamber s kept a rt ght
becaus-o the one p ece hydro
formed reflector is tota ly
sea ed around every surtace

A round shape is an aero

dynam c shape. and
results n two major bene-
f ts lt promotes the natura
cooling effect and a lows
sma er po es to be Lrsed wh le
satisfying w nd oad require
r.rents Extens ve test ng at K m
has shown that a mere 5 rn.p.h
breeze produces temper-
ature drops on cr t cal elec
trical components ol 40"F. to
50'F. Even n abso ute sti a I
nterna temperalures on aL
cornponents are below the
manufacturers Tecommenda-
l ons and U L. standards. The
cy ndr ca hous ng has a coef
f c ent ol drag that s 70% ess
than a square housing. This
has enab ed K m eng feers to
reduce pole sizes wh e st I
satisly ng w fd oad requ re
mefts All of these engineenng
factors point to the CSB as the
most advanced high Perforrn
ance uminaire ava abe
lmproved Optics:
Up to 78% Efficiency with Sharp Cutoff
n! ,r"'tn o!f prove|l
afrl aa systcn's K n
has maa]e s ENi
adtrsllI]efts lf ,arnp-:e1 ectcr
ers geomtry' tiat has sLrD
!r3.1a v ncrcascd ght
ef i c ef cy !!l_ 1e 'f a rlil rfg
oLr al sc p nc of sharp cLtcff
I hc:c nrprovc'lcnts lr gl-t
oLrip!t a'c at The h gfrer:lrg e:l
,"\,lrcrc tfrc!i NCrease po e
spac ng and c',cra fsti: 3t oi'
cff c cncv anc ccoforry A
lieef acco,rp slred
lh !r lras
,r'i i roLrt cltofi As r
sacr f c .,c
a K r tUlr pc.foffrafce
urf ,ri] reS ihe CSB f:r nia rr:;
a lr !h regree ci ij aTe contfo
!,Jir ch trars ates fto qcod \, s
ll t\r arir:ree fg corriort T!4/(l
!llrt rJ sir LiLil cns are ava ab c
ior l.ax milr apLr lcai on

Square Distrbution. Asymmetric Distribution

^, r, ile\r-r !Deal t rc -t(l-rn'c illl To i1 '",;; 1'1-- llsts t,lr at' rti1
5 rc| f c;: r,, flr l itl ,- '
!:1.ter'r I !rr f cr I Ti' tr e il-qtrf rr -:l a
arl.f a ti] liorlrrt r tltc|
-- tlr I lr:r'1--'t rt o',r: !trea gl.i
aTea l]in rat ai Vr)l f rr I r!- lro r_ tle par lrCtar arr p'.r)
io c r:Dna nq s ;iarl .larri il c,t! 'ra Tl,:i ii :rlr olt !f -q

itlr( r'iJ l-rl.t ar'(l I a:a!r',,r t ! r :r 5it s.rlreiI l.r !liri t!l 5ue!t:
[.]ai '/ Lirlorr' !l t e",.. s :ll Lhe ilr!,j:ri] patt ",,,,-t,, s ''cn_ a curl:
ar t af rl.r I ha 3liLrtre
rr dpi] rre oani of Al ll . proaierLy
ll t frailer I :r a:o d-oa lor f c lt arrru,!! il-. 5l e al lpt o.
r--iiarlI pr! ect! o rcaai,',,a], ! ai.ia atb e to aro rtrt t-iiak qrrl
:1ft n! lr.,iir :r ifarl af lrlr a) itl] rc !rlh..r!l i)1r|e ti
!-l !j Pal!|t .,1 011 3Utj llS P:rlefl 3786:,:18
Parking Lot Applications

Main Lot Areas.

The square iight pattern offers
exce lent po e spaclnq and
un formity, with cons derab'le
f exib lity n adapting to park ng
ot geometry. Po e height and
fixture wattage can be
adjusted to produce almost
any des red iqht evel w th
poles located on the desired
parking rows

Perimeters. Liqht Trespass"

At the property llne or along Nlany commerc al, nstitutiona
drives, the CSB is offered with or corporat on deveiopments
an asymmetr c d jstribut on to are located next lo residential
efficient y light areas on one property or in cit es that have
s de of the po e ocatlon. This ght trespass laws The CSB,
al ows al the lum naires on a wlth asymmetr c distribution, is
given prolect to have the same avai ab e wlth an optlonal
appearance while adapt ng houses de shie d to restrict
lght palterns to area geometry light from nelghboring property
when fixtures must be located
at the property line.
Roadway Applications

From the Cu rb.

The carelu y des gned
asyfirrretT c light pattern g ves
Lrn iotm coverage lrom neaT
cLrrb to oppos te curb w th
good s dewalk I ght ng n back
of the um na re L ght throw is
lvlde enough to lght most
road\,vays from ore s de on y.
nstal if g lixtures on both s des
s required only tor very wlde
stTeets or u/heTe h gher lght
leve s are des red

From the Med ian. Light Trespass.

For th s appl cat on the square As lots get sma er residences
d str bLrt on can prov de excel are ocated c oser to the street.
ellt ghtrng across the ent re Street ghting caf become an
roadway with the economy of annoy ng irvasion of pr vacy
or y one umlnaire per po e With our optiona houseside
For rafiower side streets, the sh e d fg lor the asymmetr c
asymmetr c lght pattern caf ight pattern this problem has
be used from ofe slde only been v rtua ye mnatedwh e
reta I rg the satne !m fa Te st I reta n ng enough light tor
appearance for the ent re srdewa ks See cata og Ag for
projecl. photoraretrics.

lmportant Features

Aswith a Km hgh perlorm
ance products s mple and
rapid nsta lat or was a malor
design parameter S nce a
CSB components are rl]odLr ar
the f xture is eas y attached to
the po e with the ba ast and
reflector mod ule removed A
s fg e concea ed mount rg
bolt and patented expansion
device are used to preserve
clean exter or detar ng Feld I
w res are pu ed through the
pole to the fixture tenon, and .t

the ba ast and reilector mod

! es are snapped into place.
Ou ck-disconnect p ugs are
mated, f eld w Tes are con
nected and stored n the fixture
tenor, and the um na re s
operatlona Th s entire proce-
dure ls fast, sirnp e and resu ts
I corslderall e labor sav ngs
to the contractor
U.S. Patent 4,064,432

Slnce pole mounted fxtures
require ft un ts for serv c ng
t me is critica . W th the CSB.
rapid nsta atlon features also
become rap d serv ce features
For relamping the hous ng s
qu ckly opened w th captive
quarter turn latches, and s
he d by a se f-lock ng support
arm. For bal ast access the
ref ector a so hinges open
us ng quarter-turn latches l
A though the ref ector modu e
can be snapped out t s not
necessary as adequate roorn
s prov ded for ba ast remova.
A spare ba last is snapped into
place for min mum lft truck
time. wh e the old modu e s
returned to the shop for repa r
Th s system has been
extrernely successlu I other
Kim um na res over the past
ten years.
Superior Optics.
K ni opt ca systcfirs can ce s!mmat zc.l very d rect y :hey oLrt
perform any other :iysiems aval ab e There alle iwo d s1 nct ree
sons \,vhy th :r is t.ue Flrst. K m ref cc:or:i are of super of des !lrr
I r,, J q, o o o.
of-o p ece hydrolormed rcl eolors aae used h !llr y po shell afd
protected lrom sLrrlace al-atel olat orl fiy the exc Lls ve A lak"
process Secon(l :lrey are rrlet c!lous y seil ed aloLlrld e\?elV sur
fac-o to efs!re a h gh e!e of ma n:a nc(l !llll oLrtpJt on the lob
Wh ie other opt ca sysiems lapid y alccLlrlrll ate d lt llLlgs
smog afd mo stLre. K m s stay {l -aalu yeal alter yeal ..a rl lit f irrg
a h ql []ercentaqe oi rilt a ght otltp!t.

Adaptability to Future Technology.

Elrerqy corser,iat or s 3 fat ona ccm- irfldfl afd ncreas rg
energy costs chi erge the deve oilment of rle!! anrp arrc ba ast
tectno ogy Recollf r n! tlat amp lranlfi]cltlrels afe constaft y
deve op llg ghl soLfces thal a]te mo.e cnerqy elf c efl tlre CSB
fras bcer en.!l nec'eo to accept the:le soLllces as they elo ve
Ihc Key to tfrls adaptafi ty lcs rt modr ar I xlll:e ies !r \ille.e
ii conrporentg that may 'eq! re l!1!le mod f cai on or rep ace
'-ent are accessed eas v lri cg ca qroilps Conseqt,-oniy tfe
CSB l.as lreen d vdcd r,io 1!,e modr es hoLls ng -'f s llamc
I ref -a.Tor sockei anC ba ast No CS3 nccri ever becorne ofiso ete
l or reff clcrl 1 s trLr y a fellme fvestrl-ant backed Dy the man!
l factur rg anc l nafc a strength ol K m L ght rrtl

tt]i::f.. . .'

CSB Retrofit

The refurb shrneft of o d arch -

tecture has becorne an attrac-
tive and econom ca aternatve
to new construct on. P ann ng
for a remode must go beyord
the building, because most
o der projects still have energy
wasteiul outdoor i ghting that
uti izes ineffic ent mercury
vapor or incandescent lamps.
ln addit on, these o der
lum na res probab y have no
aesthet c relationsh p to the
refurb shed arch tecture Tftey
wi become an energy-wast ng
eyesore lf alowed to rema n.
Retrof tt ng w th Kim high per
formance lum fa res is a og
ca cost justll able a ternative,
provid rg energy savings wh e
mprov ng overa I appearance

Ny'ountng the CSB to existing

po es is simp y a rnatter of

determin ng the most econom-
ca method that wl lsatisfy
aesthet c requ rements
Standard CSB rnountings wi I

adapt to rnany po -o diameters
afd cusiom mountifgs can be
made for a most any po e.
Where post top bracketry
ex sts, poles can be cut to
prov de a c ean mount ng.

The CSB lum na res are dea

for retrofit prolects. With their
h gh perlorrnance, g are con
tro and sing e f xture mount
ing, the CSB eas ly adapts to
ex st ng systerns wth mmedi-
ate energy savings improved
vlsib lty and aesthet c har-
mony. ln most instances no
pole strength problems are
created when the fixture s
moufted to existing po es
Loca Km representatlves can
ass St with retrof t inqu I es.
Req uired project nlormat on
includes deta ls on e ectrica
distribut on a ong with dirnen
slonal and spec fication data
on exist ng po es. Respons b
ity for structural ntegrity of
exlst ng poles with K m fxtLrres
nust ie with others. Upor
request,Kmw suppyacom
puter ana ysis of the new ght-
ing scheme.
Kim Computer Layout Service

The computer has prov ded the lght ng lndustry w th an opportu H gh y funct onal equipment requires a total commitment by the
n ty to rnake more extens ve and meanlnglu use of app cat on m;nulacturer to aid n ts app cat of. At K m we emp oy des gf
data ln the past, po nt by point ca cu ations were so laborious personne fam iar w th a I aspects of outdoor llght ng application
that, by default average uminat on eve s were ihe universa When ca ed !pon, we can prov de design professiofals with
standard But an average ilumination eve n outdoor app lcation suggested layouts and po nt by-point computer pr ntouts to
s not enough when consider ng security and abi ity At K m we ass st yoLr ln your job requ lernents ln addit on average to
uti ize the most sophlst cated programs to prov de mean ngfu rnln mum and max mum to-min mLlm ll umination latios ale
and accurate application ffotmaton Response tuln around t me eas y der ved to conl rrn coralp lance w tfl E S. lecoralmended
is control ed through the use of n house h gh capacity computer praci ce. Your local K r.l replesenlat ve can lransmit lhe pertinent
equ pment pararneters for qu ck response to your project requirements

One ol the great features of our

computer program ls the ab ty
to provide po nt-by point ght
evel pr ftouts, TO SCALE, on ., .g
trans Lrcent vellurn When th s
over ay is p aced on your plot
plan. you can instantly see the
exact ight levels over the
entire design.lf problem areas
exist, t seasyto vsuaLze
where adlustments can be .l
made in order io prodLrce the
desired resu ts. A of our
sca ed complter pr rtouts are
ln MA NTAINED I lum nat on
which accounts for est mated
lamp ard urnina re deprec a '-",'{ft;, '^
tion between maintenance
cyc es. Al K m printouts are
based on data entered nto our
computer direct y frorn inde ,l- ,l
pendent testing abo ratory
reports for each I xtute,/amp
comb nat on.

Fixture and Mounting Details

Balast lt4odu e

Optica Cham ber

- Square D str blt on
- Asymmetric Distribut on

25" D a 150 400 Watl

29 Da l00o Wrll
Optiona Photocell
Receptac e

Lens Frame Assem bly


9" (25" Da )

14%" 125" D a.J

Optona Lexan
Shed npaceol
glass 25" dia only
250 Watts Max.

Standard Flush Ny'ount s automat ca ly supplied with al Kimatu- T Tenon Mount s ava lable for
rninum or sleel po es listed on page '14. Patented wedge gr p with mounting to other po es having
concealed center bolt eliminates al exDosed lasteners a 2" plpe tenon (23ls" O.D x
U.S. Patent 4 064,432. 43la" minimum length).
A8 10
Specif ications:
Standard Equipment Optional Equipment
Fixture sha be Underwrlter s Lalloratories, lnc listed' Lexan Shield sha be one
p ece vacuum lormed c ear
Housing shal be one-piece heavy gauge a um num -sp nnlng ol polycarbonate to rep ace the
alloy 6061 and sha I have a mlnlmum thickness of 125" after standard g ass ens as af inte-
spinning. S des sha I be stra ght and snlooth with a maxlmurn 1" gral and fully gasketed part of
oitapeiand shal be of cons stent thickness around the perime the lens frane 250 Wait.nax
ter Top shaLl be peaked for eff cient water run olf and have a mum n 25" f xtures on y
sharp radlus transit on into the side wal A I nterna mount ng CAUTION: Use only when van
braikets shal be extruded a uminum sect ons, and a cast a um da ism s ant c pated to be
num p ate shal be prov ded for mount ng the door frame h nges' hgh Useful fe s mted by
The entlre housing sha I be rotat ona ly sanded as a base lor d sco orat on caused lly UV
e ther paint or anod zed finlshes lrom sun ght mercury vapor
Lens Frame Assembly sha cons st of a one piece permanent and metal c ha de
mo d a utfinum casl ng, and 3/16" th ck float tempered clear
glass lens enclosed by a one piece gasket that ls extruded and Houseside Shielding shal
6eat vu can zed into one p ece. Lens and gasket shal be consist of two com Ponents
retained n the frame casting by zinc-plated steel clips spaced no permanently installed at the
greater than every 8" of per meter Lens frame assembly shall be Kim factory One comPonent
;ttached to the hous ng us ng zinc plated cold rolled stee hinges sha I reduce lght d rect Y lrom
with stalnless steel pina. A zinc-plated se f ocking stop arm shall the amp. and the other sha I

be provided to hoicl the housing r g dly open Lens frame sha l reduce ref ected I ght. For
-,ot L| e.rl aO"
--ha Plle.lo l'a-gp Js'no loL sa l reta.ed asyrnmetr c d str bution on
qio' .-'rn[tc ".a o o o.roa.r'nrn^ -ol -8 a'oapfor
Not avai able for phosPhor-
internal cool ng of the electr cal cornponenls Four (4) formed coated arnps or 1000 Watt
tubular a umlnurn arms sha I be we ded to the lens frame and a High Pressure Sodium. See
mount ng tenon. [,4ounling tenon shai have a s]ngle nternal cata oq A9 for photometrics
mountind bo t which activates an expans on dev ce for mountilg
to the po]e. No fasteners sha I be vlsillle at the po e top. Mounting
tenon sha I contain a w re spl ce compartment for connectlng Photocell Receptacle sha be factory nsta led top center and
fle d wires to the factory prewired lens lrame assembly Lens shal accept NEN/A base photocel s (by others)
lrame assemb y shal be finished in a natura a um num baked T Tenon Mount shal consist of an extended fixture mount ng
tenon for mounting io poles having a 2" p pe tenon (23/8" A D x
0 enarne lo blend with the reflector f ange
Optical Chamber shal consist ol a one-piece hydroformed
rei ector produc ng e ther a square ol asymmetrlc llght pattern
43l" minimu.n length). Tenon mount shall be provided with eight
(B) stain ess steel allen head cup polnl set screws
depending on uminaire ordered Reflector shall be hlgh y pol- Anodized Finishes shal be Duranodlcro black or dark bronze
shed to a-specular finlsh, and protected by the A zako process app ed over a satln polish accorcllng to Architectura C ass 1
A socket sha I be mounted in a one piece casting whlch is fu ly spec lications.
qasketed at the reflector surface. All wires to the socket sha I be
o-tr\/ crd-oe qeile\'o
oa,keLed.t heOorto lo-heoptcdl
S^a' Oe oesgrocl tO.eeo re tecleo a.le'qv O l1e la-O oe O/v
lamp manuiaiturers' limits for maximum amp ife A gaskeied.
snubber sha I be provlded to support a I appropriate lamps Al
HPS fixiures shaLl be supp ed w th the appropr ale 4KV or sKV
oul,e taied \oc e Opr cd c d"lbe 5al oe otdl'v \eorad
aroL oal ,u ldce, dnos dlbe ''penoeowl^r'l
to a low nterna air f ow between the oplical chamber and hous
ing ifterlor for coo ing of e ectrical components Reflector sha | ,

sniap into and out of housing by no tool spr ng hinges, and sha I

be secured in p ace by two quarter turn atches

All Electrical Components shal lle UL llsted and mounted
lns de the f xlure housing. Ba lasl and related componenls sha
be ntegrated onto a s ngle mounting frame as a se f contained
moclu e- Al components shall be prewired w th qu ck-disconnect
p ugs ancl the entire tfodLrle shal mount to the hous ng with key
sloti. Ballasts shal be component type capallle ol providlng
amp slarting down to 20'F w th power factor of 90% or better
(High Power Facto4.
Standard Finish on fixture houslng shaL be sem gloss black
dark bronze or natural a uminum baked ename app ied over a Lexan s a lrademark 01 Genera E eclr c
satin pol sh and A ocline or lrr dite primer. Lens lrame assemb y is Duranodic s a trader.ark of A coa

Azak s a trademark 01A coa
always natura alumlnum baked ename

WARNING: This fixture must be grounded n accordance with

local codes. or the Nat ona Electric Code Fai ure to do so tnay
result in serlous Persona iniurY
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide
1 2 3 456 7
.:: :':r'; .' ' on .o
. ,o. o.
tttw' . ' oo o; f"x'J;":""t" ' ooo"oo""' 'li"*" '"
V +{'vr
Exampre: CSB525 / 40OHPS277| NA-E/LS/A-25lPBSB25-5188/NA-E

{I Fixture

Catalog number inc udes corrt-

plete fixture and opt cal systerrr
w th standard baked enamel
finish Less Bal ast N,4odule and
lamp. A I amps by others.
F ush Cat No CSB525 T Tenon ---------r- Cat. No CSB525T
lVount----------r- 150 Watt to 400 Watt l\.4ourt for 150 Watt to 400 Watt
Square 23/a" O D. x Square
D str bution 43/4" ong D str bution
pole tenon

Fush+ Cat. No. CSB325 T Tenor+ Cat. No. CSB325T

l\,4ou nt 150 Watt to 400 Watt lVount for 150 Watt to 400 Watl
/^\ Asymmetric 23/a" a.D. x Asymmetric
fl!l_.1 Dtstr butron 43/a" ong Distrlbution
pole tenor

Cat. No. CSB529 T Tenon-i No. CSB529T

1000 Watt l\4ount for 1000 Wall
/:) Souare 23/e" O.D x
43/4" lorg
o it, our on
pole tenon

T T-onon
Flush+ Cat No CSB329 Mount for+ Cat. No CSB329T
l\,4ou nt 1000 Watt 23/a" a.D. x 1000 Walt
/.UN Asyrnmetrlc 43/4" lorg /A\ Asymmetric
lu=l, Distr buton pole tenon l-Ef D str butron

Ba ast ModLr e Catalog

2 nlrlr&M NLrmber and Ava ab Lity per

F xture S ze
NA:Not Ava ab e.

25" csB525 |29" csB52e

Lne I
asB32s a s8329 Lne Operat ng Start ng
Lanrp (by Others) Vo ts csB325Tl csB l29T Watts Amps Arn ps

124 150HPS120 1BB 170 200

T50W High Pressure Sodium 208 150HPS208 188 1.00 115
C ealE 23Y2,16,000 umens 240 150HP5240 NA 1BB 085 r00
55Vot 277 1ffiHPs277 0.7s 085
480 1sOHPS,r80 188 045 050
120 250HPS120 310 274 0.80
250W High Pressure Sodium 204 250HPS208 310 155 0.45
C eal E-18,30,000 umens 240 250HPS240 NA 3r0 135 0.40
277 250HPs277 310 T l6 0.35
480 250HPS4A0 310 068 o20
120 400HPS120 465 4.30 282
400W H gh Pressure Sodium 208 400HP5208 465 248 1.56
Clear, E-]8 50,000 lumens 240 400HP5240 NA 465 215 T36
277 400HPS27/ 465 186 I18
480 400HPS,r80 1Al 0.75

120 't000HPS120 1090 10.00 B r0

1000W High Pressure Sod urn 208 't000HPS208 1090 580 470
Clear, TT8, 140 000 umens 240 NA 1000HPS240 1090 500 410
277 1000HPs277 1090 434 350
480 1000HP5480 1090 250 200
124 175MHt20 210 180 0.90
175W lvletallic Ha ide C ear 208 't75MH208 2r0 1.10 0s3
BT-28, 15 000 umens Socket 244 't75MH240 NA 210 492 046
prov ded for curved arc laaa P. 277 175MH277 214 080 040
.180 '175MH480 2r0 447 023
r20 250MH120 294 260 144
250W Metalllc Ha ide C ear 208 250MH208 294 150 0Bl
BT-28 23,000 Lrrnens. Socket 240 250MH240 NA 294 130 o.71
prov ded for curved arc amp 277 250MH277 294 112 0.60
480 25OMHit80 294 065 035
120 400MH120 455 ,1.00 150
400w N,4etallc Ha de Clear 208 400MH208 455 2.30 087
BT-37, 40,000 umens Socket 240 400MH240 NA 455 2.04 075
prov ded lor curved arc laanP 271 400MH277 455 175 065
480 400MH1l80 4s5 100 038
120 1000MH120 070 920 400
1000W Nleta ic Halde C ear 208 1000MH208 070 530 2.40
BT 56 102800 lumens 244 NA 1000MH240 070 460 2.00
277 1000MH277 070 400 170
480 1000MH/180 070 234 1.00

120 250MVt20 290 260 240

250W Mercury Vapor De uxe 2AB 250MV208 294 r60 140
White, E 28. T1 500lumens 244 240MV240 NA 294 140 120
277 250MV277 294 1.15 110
4nt) 250MV480 290 470 060
120 400Mv120 454 390 3.20
400W MercLry Vapor De uxe 248 400Mv208 454 224 200
Whlte, E-37 21.750 lumens 240 400Mv240 NA 454 195 174
211 400Mv277 454 174 150
480 400MV480 454 098 095
124 1000Mvt20 T075 950 430
1000W N/ercury Vapor DelLrxe 208 '1000Mv208 1075 550 2.50
Wh te BT 56 60,000 Lrmens 244 NA 1000MV240 1075 480
277 1000Mv277 T075 430 190
480 1000MV,180 r 075 254 r30
Fixture Finish Standard baked enamel Opt onal Architectural Class 1
3 f nishes. anod zed fin shes at extra cost
Standard baked enamel fin- Cat. No. Cat No.
ishes are applied over a satin BL-E B ack baked enamel BL-A Black anodize
pollsh and A odine or rrldite over satin polish. over satin pol sh.
primer. Optional anodize f n- DB-E Dark Bronze baked DB"A Dark Bronze anodlze
ishes are app ed over a satin ename over satin over sat n pol sh.
poiish. po ish.
For all lin shes lens frame Resemb es Duranodic
assembly ls natural a um num 313 n color.
baked ename to blend w th NA-E Natural Aluminum baked
reflector flanoe. ename over satin polish

Optional Lexan Shield

Optional Houseside
4 Shield
Cat. No. LS Cat. No HS
Optional Lexan Shleld furnrshed
in place of standard glass ens Houses de Shie d cons sts of
atextra cost 250 Watts max. two components permanently I
CAUT ON: Use only wh-.n
installed at the Kirn factory For
vanda ism is anticrpated to be asymmetr c d stribut on only. I
h gh. Uselu ile s lmited by
Not ava lab e for phosphor Houseside
d scoloration caused by UV coated la.rps or 1000 Watt
from sunlght, rnercury vapor,
High Pressure Sodlurn. See
afd metallic haiide lamps. cataloq Ag for photometrics

a ODtional Photocell
I Receptacle
Cat. No A-25
Photoce I Receptacle is factory
nsta led top center, and
accepts NEMIA base photo-
ce ls (by others). Good for all
lamps 150 Watt to '1000 Watt.

See specllication sheets
marked as avai able for CSB .Availab e with
frxtures on y.
excluslve Kirn
ll nged Base
in heights up
12', to 14 feet 14' 12'
to U S. Patent to to
30' 4,079,559 50' 35',

Pole type and Non-tapered Tapered Tape red Non tapered

material: Round Round Round Lamrnated
Aluminum A um num Steel Square Wood


Spec Sheet

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