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Reprinted from Tobacco: Production, Chemistry, And Technology, D.

Layten Davis
and Mark T. Nielson, Eds., Blackwell Science (Pub.), 1999

Chapter 8
leaf Chemistry

BA Basic Chemical Constituents of Tobacco Leaf

and Differences among Tobacco Types
J.C. Leffingwe ll
Leffingwell and Associates
Canton, Georgia, USA

INTRODUCTION multitude of nitrogenous chemicals important in the

development of aroma and flavor quality. Dawson
In 1960, a little over 200 chemical constituents had (1952) has suggested a concept based on the Krebs cycle
been identified in tobacco leaf of all types and less than to account for inherited and culturally induced varia-
450 had been reported in smoke. Today, approximately tions in gross tobacco composition. Using this concept,
3000 have been identified and characterized in tobacco he rationally suggested that for tobaccos where the
leaf and some 4000 in smoke. Estimates are that the nitrogen supply is abundant, such as in cigar and burley
total num ber of chemical constituents in leaf exceeds tobacco production, there should be an abundant for-
4000 and there are over 6000 in tobacco smoke. It is not mation of protein, amino acids and nicotine. For
the purpose of this section to comprehensively review Oriental tobacco, where growth is maintained with
all of the known constituents, but rather to provide an limited supplies of nitrogen nutrients and water, there is
insight into the known composition and chemistry of an accumulation ofacetate in the Krebs cycle resulting in
tobacco types that impact tobacco quality and differ- the biosynthesis ofterpenoids via mevalonic acid as well
entiate tobacco types. Emphasis will be placed on the as a higher production of carbohydrates, 'aromatic' acids
major tobaccos utilized commercially: Virginia (flue- and resins at the expense of nitrogen constituents. Flue-
cured), air-cured (burley and cigar) and Oriental. cured tobacco is intermediate in that the phytochemistry
The physical and chemical properties of leaf tobacco during the plant's life cycle is balanced by a moderate
are influenced by genetics, agricultural practices, soil supply of nitrogen which is depleted as the plant reaches
type and nutrients, weather conditions, plant disease, maturity.
stalk position, harvesting and curing procedures. A Examination of representative analyses of the major
change in any of these factors can markedly alter the cigarette tobacco types as presented by Harlan and
chemical composition of leaf and thus affect smoking Moseley ( 1955) (Table 8.1) provides an overview of the
quality (Tso, 1972; Tso, 1990). major differences in aged flue-cured, burley, Maryland
It is now generally accepted that the metabolic and Oriental tobaccos.
carbon- nitrogen balance in living plants is due to Although average reducing sugar content in flue-
continuing transformations based on the Krebs tri- cured and Oriental cigarette tobaccos today rarely runs
carboxylic acid cycle. In the Krebs cycle, carbon dioxide as high as reported in Table 8.1 , the basic analytical
from air is assimilated through photosynthesis in the trends still remain valid. T hus, in air-cured burley,
tobacco leaf while inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and/or Maryland and cigar tobaccos the carbohydrates have
ammonia) is assimilated through the roots from the soil. been virtually depleted via metabolism of the living
Soil nitrate is converted to ammonia which is utilized in cells, whereas the protein and ex-amino nitrogen are
the Krebs cycle to form amino acids which serve as a obviously higher than in flue-cured or Oriental
nitrogen pool for the formation and transformation of a tobaccos. Conversely, the flue-cured and Oriental

266 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology LeafCho

Table 8.1 Composition of cigarette tobaccos: representative analyses of cigarette tobaccos (leaf web after Table 8 ..
aging, moisture-free basis). tobacco
(%)' Flue-cured, type 13 Burley, type 31 Maryland, type 32 Oriental 2 Constitue
Total volatile bases as ammonia 0.282 0.621 0.366 0.289 Starch
Nicotine 1.93 2.91 1.27 1.05 Free redu
Ammonia 0.019 0.159 0.130 0.105 Levulose
Glutamine as ammonia 0.033 0.035 0.041 0.020 Sucrose
Asparagine as ammonia 0.025 0.111 0.016 0.058 Crude fib
()(-Amino nitrogen as ammonia 0.065 0.203 0.075 0.118 Total nitre
Protein nitrogen as ammonia 0.91 1.77 1.61 1.19 Protein ni
Nitrate nitrogen as N03 trace 1.70 0.087 trace Nicotine
Total nitrogen as ammonia 1.97 3.96 2.80 2.65 Ash
pH 5.45 5.80 6.60 4.90 Calcium
Total volatile acids as acetic acid 0.153 0.103 0.090 0.194 Oxalic ac
Formic acid 0.059 0.027 0.022 0.079 Citric acic
Malic acid 2.83 6.75 2.43 3.87 Malic acio
Citric acid 0.78 8.22 2.98 1.03 Resins
Oxalic acid 0.81 3.04 2.79 3.16 Pectinic a
Volatile oils 0.148 0.141 0.140 0.248 pH of tob
Alcohol-soluble resins 9.08 9.27 8.94 11.28
Reducing sugars as dextrose 22.09 0.21 0.21 12.39 Source: Bao
Pectin as calcium pectate 6.91 9.91 12.41 6.77
Crude fiber 7.88 9.29 21.79 6.63
Calcium as CaO
10.81 24.53 21.98 14.78 I 20
2.22 8.01 4.79 4.22
Potassium as K2 0 2.47 5.22 4.40 2.33
Magnesium as MgO 0.36 1.29 1.03 0.69
Chlorine as Cl
Phosphorus as P2 0 5
0.84 0.71 0.26 0.69 f: 15
0.51 0.57 0.53 0.47
Sulfur as S0 4 1.23 1.98
3.34 1.40 <ll
Alkalinity of water-soluble ash 3 15.9 36.2 36.9 22.5

cf 10

In %except for pH and alkalinity. .r:0
Blend of Macedonia, Smyrna, and Samsun types.
Milliliters of 1 N acid per 100 g tobacco. ~
Source: Harlan and Moseley (1955).

tobaccos possess significant amounts of reducing during flue-curing which causes enzyme inactivation.
sugars (which are virtually absent in the air-cured Nevertheless, considerable change has occurred (Table 0
tobaccos) and lesser amounts of protein and a-amino 8.2) in the leaf (during the period after priming and
nitrogen. Substantial changes in the chemical compo- early stages of curing) as starch loss occurs via enzy-
sition of tobacco leaf occur following harvest and matic hydrolysis with a concomitant increase in redu-
during subsequent processes. cing sugar (Bacon, et al., 1952). This is illustrated for Fig. 8.1 I

the starch depletion during cure of Virginia tobacco Virginia tc:

CARBOHYDRATES: STARCH, SUGARS, (Fig. 8.1) and the concurrent generation of reducing
sugars (Long & Weybrew, 1981) (Fig. 8.2). Starch
In burley tobacco the starch accumulation during saccharid
PECTIN growth is only about 25% the amount in Virginia has appr
(a) Starch and sugars tobacco (W eybrew & Hamann, 1977) and this is nearly pectin, v
depleted completely during the catabolic respiration of approx1m
In flue-cured tobacco, respiration in the primed leaf is the plant while air-curing leaving negligible sucrose, Gohnston
arrested by the controlled desiccative dehydration and reducing sugars in the cured leaf. estimated

nd Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 267

Eaf web after Table 8.2 Changes in composition of Virginia

tobacco during the flue-curing process (% of dry
Oriental 2 Constituents Green Yellowed Cured

0.289 Starch 29.30 12.40 5.52

1.05 Free reducing sugars 6.68 15.92 16.47
0.105 Levulose 2.87 7.06 7.06 5
0.020 Sucrose 1.73 5.22 7.30
0.058 Crude fiber 7.28 7.16 7.24
0.118 Total nitrogen 1.08 1.04 1.05
1.19 Protein nitrogen 0.65 0.56 0.51
4.90 Calcium 1.37 1.37 1.37
0.194 Oxalic acid 0.96 0.92 0.85
0.079 Citric acid 0.40 0.37 0.38
3.87 Malic acid 8.62 9.85 8.73
1.03 Resins 7.05 6.53 6.61 0 30 60 90 120 150
3.16 Pectinic acid 10.99 10.22 8.48 Hours - Rue Curing
0.248 pH of tobacco 5.55 5.64 5.55
11.28 Fig. 8.2 Change in lamina reducing sugars during flue-
12.39 Source: Bacon, eta/. (1952).
curing of Virginia tobacco (adapted from Long & Weybrew,
6.77 1981).
glucose units, while the amylopectin has about 26
0.69 glucose units.
0.69 15 15
0.47 c
(b) Sugar esters
1.40 u
~ 10 10
The first report of sugar esters in Oriental tobacco
.s::: came in 1970 with the isolation, structure elucidation
~ and synthesis of 6-0-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-0-[( + )-3-
(/) methylvaleryl]-beta-o-glucopyranose (a glucose tet-
raester) by Schumacher (1970). This and the more
5 5
predominant sucrose tetraesters (STE) of lower car-
boxylic acids (Fig. 8.3) are now considered to be some
vme inactivation. of the most important aroma precursors responsible for
i occurred (Table 0 Oriental flavor (Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1988).
fter priming and 0 30 60 90 120 150 In 1981, Severson, et. al., found that the cuticular
occurs via enzy- Hours - Flue Curing waxes of a tobacco budworm resistant tobacco con-
increase in redu- tained a series of STE which are the probable pre-
Fig. 8.1 Change in lamina starch during flue-curing of cursors of 6-0-acetyltriacylglucopyranosides (glucose
i is illustrated for
Virginia tobacco (adapted from Long & Weybrew, 1981 ).
Virginia tobacco tetraesters (GTE)) isolated from Oriental tobacco
ttion of reducing (Severson, et al., 1981; Severson, et al., 1985a; Sever-
~ 8.2). Starches are generally polymers of two poly- son, et al., 1985b ).
tmulation during saccharides: amylose and amylopectin. Corn starch Einolf and Chan have quantified the accumulation of
ount in Virginia has approximately 27% amylose and 73% amylo- STE for Coker 319 (Virginia), Kentucky 14 (burley)
and this is nearly pectin, whereas tobacco has been found to have and Smyrna (Oriental) tobaccos utilizing flue-curing,
olic respiration of approximately 23% amylose and 77% amylopectin air-curing and sun-curing respectively to mimic the
egligible sucrose, Oohnstone & Plimmer, 1959). The amylose portion is field-curing practices for each tobacco type (Einolf &
f. estimated to have a chain length of 40 to 47 anhydro- Chan, 1984 ). The graphic representation (Leffingwell
268 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology Leaf Chen

Table 8.3

:H 2 0R~ OH
more aromatic C 5 and C6 carboxylic acids (Severson, et
ar, 1985b).
OR H From a smoke aroma and flavor standpoint, it is
interesting that GTE and STE readily release free 3-MethylbL
carboxylic acids on thermolysis while totally esterified Benzyl alec
sucrose and glucose esters (such as glucose pentaiso- 2-Phenyletl
valerate and the sucrose octaesters) do not easily release 2-Methoxy-
their acid moieties on thermolysis. 4-Vinylphe-
(c) Glucosides 3-Keto-cx-io

CH 2 0R~ H
H The suggestion that nonvolatile aroma precursors of
OR 3-Hydroxy-
tobacco existed in the form of glucosides was made by 4-(3-HydrOo
RO , ~CH,OH the observation that materials such as 3-hydro-
H OR OH H 3-(2-HydrOo
HOCH 2 H xydamascone and 3-keto-ionol were released from 6-Hydroxy-
H OH tobacco by hydrolysis (Green, eta!., 1980). Very little Vomifoliol
information on the hydrolytic release of aroma com-
Source: Hec
pounds from fruits and other plant materials by either
SUCROSE TETRAESTERS the acid or enzymatic hydrolysis of glycosidically
bound terpenoid and norterpenoid materials was
R = C 3 -C 8 Carboxylate known prior to the mid-1970s. Today, it is clear that Cellulo:
many plants, including tobacco, which have sugars (C 6H100s
R' =Acetate
(mono- and disaccharides) generate nonvolatile mate- units. Ac
Fig. 8.3 Sugar esters present in Oriental tobacco. rials with an inter-sugar link to aroma materials arising Japanese
from the oxidative and metabolic transformation of glucose fr
carotenoid pigments (Williams, 1993). Many tobacco another,
& Leffingwell, 1988) (Fig. 8.4) shows that accumula- arabinose
identical aroma compounds have now been found in
tion of STE for Oriental and burley is greater than for Normal
fruits, wines and other products, primarily bound as
Virginia tobacco, with the Oriental and burley maxima is a nega1
glucosides. Heckman, eta!. ( 1981) demonstrated that a
occurring at full maturity. impart as
series of tobacco aglucone isolates are significantly
It has been demonstrated that the tetraesters of odor to th
increased by enzymatic hydrolysis of glucosides from
Oriental STE tended to have higher amounts of the an import
Virginia tobacco (Table 8.3).
5000 r--------------------------------------, The commercial enzymatic hydrolysis of tobacco tobacco bo
The degr
scrap and dust has been used to generate tobacco aroma
materials from the glucosidically bound precursors in leaflamin:
4000 virginia liD Oriental stems (D.E
tobacco by one of the major flavor companies. The use
DBurley of glucosides for flavoring tobacco has been patented for leafm
(Anderson, et a!., 1976), and commercial use of the than that
3000 glucoside of ethyl vanillin (Herron, 1987) (an artificial addition, 1
.f flavor about three times more powerful than vanillin) than for a_
g for improving sidestream aroma was employed at one studies or:
8'"' 2000 time in the US in cigarettes. also suggt:
mean chai
~ As tob
(d) Cellulose modern
It has been estimated (Green, 1977) that cigarette blends employed
contain approximately 10% of cellulose and hemi- cellulose
cellulose, which corresponds closely to the values that Virgi.
20 34 41 49 55 62 66 obtained for a series of flue-cured varieties (Collins & cured ster
Days After Transplant Legg, 1977). However, it must be noted that the tobacco to the difl
Fig. 8.4 Sucrose tetraesters in tobacco types (adapted from stalk, stem and mid-rib portion of the leaf are much other mal
Einolf & Chan, 1984). higher in cellulose than the lamina portion of the leaf. combustit
y and Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 269

acids (Severson, et Table 8.3 Aglucone increase from enzymatic hydrolysis of glucosides in Virginia tobacco (mg/1 00 g).

Aglucone Virginia control Enzyme-treated Percent increase

r standpoint, it is
eadily release free 3-Methylbutanol 0 104 N/A
e totally esterified Benzyl alcohol 1815 3167 74
glucose pentaiso- 2-Phenylethanol 887 1744 97
o not easily release 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol 498 792 59
4-Vinylphenol 1023 1255 23
3-Hydroxyldamascone 2469 2697 9
4-Vinylsyringol 1615 2850 77
3-Keto-a-ionol 7257 10993 52
4-(4-Hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yll-3-butyn-2-ol 1783 1805
oma precursors of 3-Hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-P-ionol 248 698 181
>sides was made by 4-(3-Hydroxybutenylidene)-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one 426 1146 169
mch as 3-hydro- 3-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-phenol 155 1207 679
ere released from 6-Hydroxy-3-keto-a-ionone 67 109 63
, 1980). Very little Vomifoliol 416 701 69
ase of aroma com-
Source: Heckman, eta/. (1981 ).
materials by either
of glycosidically
>id materials was
day, it is clear that Cellulose is a polysaccharide of the general formula (e) Hemicellulose
vhich have sugars (CoHwOs), which usually consists mainly of glucose
units. Acid hydrolysis of cellulose fractions from Hemicelluloses are a group of polysaccharides found
: nonvolatile mate- in the cell walls of all plants in association with lig-
Ja materials arising Japanese Bright (Virginia) tobacco leaf yielded only
glucose from one fraction and mainly galactose from nin. Whether lignin and hemicellulose are bonded or
transformation of the hemicellulose is mechanically entrapped by lignin
'3). Many tobacco another, while the stem cellulose yielded mainly
arabinose and glucose Qohnstone & Plimmer, 1959). is unclear (Anon, 1989). The hemicellulose of
ow been found in Japanese Bright (Virginia) tobacco leaf was separated
1rimarily bound as Normally, high cellulose content in a tobacco blend
into two fractions which on hydrolysis gave mainly
emonstrated that a is a negative to smoking quality in that it tends to
arabinose, galactose and glucose, along with lesser
1 are significant! y impart a sharp stinging harshness and a 'burnt paper'
odor to the smoke. The cellulose content of stems plays amounts of xylose Qohnstone & Plimmer, 1959).
>f glucosides from Hemicellulose is subject to extreme variations as its
an important part in the manufacture of reconstituted
composition can change with growth and maturation
rolysis of tobacco tobacco because the fiber provides structural strength.
The degree of polymerization (DP) of cellulose from and is influenced by cultural and environmental
rate tobacco aroma factors.
und precursors in leaf lamina varies considerably from that of mid-rib and
1mpanies. The use stems (DP of 1100-1650 for lamina versus 1600-1800
!las been patented for leaf mid-ribs). These values are considerably lower
(f) Pectin
11ercial use of the than that found for wood fiber (DP of about 3000). In
1987) (an artificial addition, the DP for Virginia tobacco tends to be lower The tobacco pectins are the 'glue' that holds tobacco
rful than vanillin) than for air-cured tobaccos (Stedman, 1968). Pyrolysis leaf together. Pectin comprises 6 to 12% of tobacco
: employed at one studies on the generation of formic acid from tobaccos weight and as such contributes importan,tly both to the
also suggest that Virginia cellulose may have a shorter structural stability of!eaf and to pyrolysis products that
mean chain length than burley (Fenner, 1988). contribute to the smoke chemistry.
As tobacco stems play an important role in the The pectin molecule is basically a polymeric carbo-
modern economics of tobacco manufacture, being hydrate comprised of 1,4-linked a-o-galactouronic
at cigarette blends employed as both cut rolled expanded stems and as a acids with various degrees of methylation of the car-
lulose and hemi- cellulose source in reconstituted tobacco, it is noted boxylic acid groups. Dispersed within the poly-
ly to the values that Virginia or flue-cured stems are preferred to air- galacturonic acid backbone are neutral sugar moieties
ifieties (Collins & cured stems for their smoking quality. This may be due such as galactose, rhamnose and arabinose.
id that the tobacco to the difference in cellulose polymerization, as well as Bokelman and coworkers (Sun, et a!., 1987) found
he leaf are much other materials present (such as higher nitrate (and that the mam pectic polysaccharide fraction from
ortion of the leaf. combustibility)) in air-cured stems. tobacco has a backbone of 1,4-linked a-o-
270 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology LeafCher

galactopranosyluronic acid interspersed with 2-linked lower fatty acids characteristic of Turkish smoke. In
1.-rhamnopyranosyl residues. Approximately 22% of addition, it has been noted that of the 14 7 pyrolysis
the galacturonic acid was methylated. The main pectic products reported from cellulose, starch, mono- and
chain was determined to be branched at carbon-4 of di-saccharides and pectic substances that 121 have been 10
rhamnose with the neutral side chains containing found in tobacco smoke (Heckman, eta!., 1981).
terminal and 4-linked ~-n-galactopyranosyl and ct-1.- X 7.5
arabinofuranosyl residues. ""'c:
Lauterbach and Moldoveanu (1991) determined the SENSORY ROLE OF CARBOHYDRATES, ~
degree of both methylation and amidation by pyrolysis AMMONIA AND NICOTINE- PH OF ~


gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for TOBACCO SMOKE Q; 2.5

the soluble pectic fractions of commercial grades of ti:

cured Virginia, burley and Oriental tobaccos with the Pyrolysis of carbohydrates in tobacco smoke has long
following results: been known empirically to change the sensory
impression of certain types of tobaccos. Even before
Tobacco Methoxylation (%) Amidation (%) cigarettes became popular, sugars were added to air-
cured tobaccos used for pipe smoking to mitigate the
Virginia 20 24 harshness of nicotine in the smoke. And, today, as SO Fig. 8.5 T
years ago, tobaccos are purchased and blended based Fenner, 19c
Burley 4 34
on certain chemical criteria (sugar and nicotine con-
Oriental 12 16
tent) as well as the more subjective criteria of appear-
ance and smoke flavor. In addition, it is a common
It has long been known that the pectin fractions of practice to add sugars (usually invert sugar (Glucose +
tobacco are modified chemically by curing procedures fructose) or partially inverted sugar which still contains
(especially air-curing and cigar fermentation where some sucrose) in American blend cigarettes. Sugars are 12 5
ammonia can interact with the pectic substances known to 'balance' the smoke flavor, primarily by 0
present). modifying the sensory impact of nicotine and other X 10

From a commercial aspect, pectins play an important tobacco alkaloids (Leffingwell, 1976 ). ""'c:
role in the manufacture of reconstituted tobacco. One In the section on nitrogenous constituents of ~

"' 7.5

of the two types of major commercial reconstituted tobacco, the interaction of amino acids and ammonia in .2
tobacco processes involves the treatment of a tobacco the development of important compounds in both
Virginia and air-cured tobaccos (including amino-sugar
slurry with diammonium phosphate to solubilize the 2.5
tobacco pectin. When the tobacco slurry is then cast compounds) will be discussed.
onto a hot metal belt, a portion of the ammonia is However, at this point a brief discussion on the effect
volatilized, 'setting' the tobacco pectin to 'glue' the of the major acid forming constituents (carbohydrates)
reconstituted sheet together. Because the ammonia of tobacco smoke and the interaction with the major
generated plays an important role in natural tobacco basic substances of tobacco and smoke (nicotine and
Fig. 8.6 Tl
flavor formation, this reconstituted process not only ammonia) is in order.
Fenner, 19E
provides a means of extending tobacco utilization, it Fenner (1988) showed the striking differences in the
also provides a superior reconstituted tobacco from a generation of both formic acid (Fig. 8.5) and ammonia
smoking quality standpoint by increasing the flavorful (Fig. 8.6) from Virginia and burley tobaccos on ammo rna
pyrazines. The role of ammonia in tobacco will be pyrolysis over the temperature range encountered in a 350cC. tr~
discussed below. cigarette. transition i
In Fig. 8.5, we see the generation of formic acid in Acid for
Virginia tobacco to be far greater than for burley with constituen-
CARBOHYDRATES AND SMOKE the large transition at 190C being due to simple smoke pH
CHEMISTRY sugars, while the transition at 250C is due to pectin successive
plus hemicellulose and the transition at 310cC. is due to smoke has
Carbohydrates in the forms previously described can cellulose. cigarettes,
account for 40 to 50% of tobacco weight and contribute Conversely, Fig. 8.6 demonstrates that burley with low s
significantly to smoking quality. As mentioned, the tobacco generates significantly more ammonia than than those
sugar esters are a major contributor to the Oriental Virginia. The ammonia transition at 190"C. may sim- progreSS! VI
tobacco flavor, in that they thermally release the potent plistically be considered as a labile or exchangeable As nico
ry and Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 271

Turkish smoke. In
of the 147 pyrolysis 12.5 r-------------------- 8.5
starch, mono- and
s that 121 have been 10
... Rue-Cured Tobacco
I 7.5
n, et a!., 1981 ). - Burley Tobacco
1! 8.5
X 7.5 g 6.5
""c (/)
Q) 5.5
Cil 6.5
NE- PH OF "'
<( 4.5
a 5.5 3.5
cco smoke has long 4.5
hange the sensory
baccos. Even before 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
60 50 40 30 20 10
were added to air- Terrperature, Celcius
Butt Length in Mllimeters
king to mitigate the
e. And, today, as 50 Fig. 8.5 Thermal generation of formic acid (adapted from
Fenner, 1988). D Virginia (15.5% Sugar) Ell Air-Cured (2% Sugar)
and blended based
r and nicotine con- lSI Blended (4.7% Sugar) agarillo (0.5% Sugar)
e criteria of appear-
on, it is a common Fig. 8.7 Cigarette smoke pH (cumulative puffs) (adapted
:rt sugar (Glucose + from Elson, eta/., 1972).
r which still contains
:igarettes. Sugars are 12.5 .... Rue-Cured Tobacco
Javor, primarily by 0
-Burley Tobacco cigarette smoke, the pH of smoke plays an exceedingly
nicotine and other X 10 important role on the sensory impression imparted.
'6). ""c The higher ammonia level of air-cured tobacco
us constituents of -e"' 7.5
containing low or negligible sugar content would pre-
:ids and ammonia in <( sumably have two major effects. It has an effect on the
ompounds in both ratio of nicotine/nicotine salts delivered on smoking
:luding amino-sugar 2.5 relative to high sugar and/or more acidic tobacco types
wherein the nicotine and other alkaloids are complexed
cussion on the effect (more) as salts in the smoke.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
mts (carbohydrates) Terrperature, Celcius Acids ->
:ion with the major
moke (nicotine and :'-Jicotine Alkaloid <-+ Nicotine Alkaloid salt
Fig. 8.6 Thermal generation of ammonia (adapted from
Fenner, 1988). (Free base) +-- :\mmonia (Salt complex)
ag differences in the
:. 8.5) and ammonia Since the pH of smoke in air-cured tobacco is con-
urley tobaccos on ammonia source (e.g. ammonium salts), while the siderably more alkaline than flue-cured or Oriental,
~e encountered in a 350C. transition is amine derived and the 550 C the ratio of nicotine base to nicotine salts increases.
transition is amide-derived ammonia. This causes the sensory and physiological perception
1n of formic acid in Acid forming constituents (carbohydrates) and basic of increased nicotine strength (and harshness). It
~an for burley with constituents (ammonia) can have a significant effect on should also be noted that the pH of air-cured tobacco
.ng due to simple smoke pH. Figure 8.7 shows the cumulative effect of smoke increases with succeeding puff~ from such
1C is due to pectin successive puffs on the pH of water through which cigarettes. Accordingly, the increased alkalinity of
l at 310C. is due to smoke has been passed. In a study of over !50 brands of straight air-cured cigarettes renders them virtually
cigarettes, Elson, eta/. (1972), concluded that brands unacceptable to nearly all smokers as the high smoke
rrates that burley with low sugar content generated more alkaline smoke pH imparts an alkaloid harshness with a flavor distor-
~re ammonia than than those with high sugar content (which become tion which can be unpleasant. Conversely, many
1t 190C. may sim- progressively more acidic). American blend cigarette smokers find the 'acidic'
e or exchangeable As nicotine is a major volatile base present in smoke of straight Virginia cigarettes to be

272 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology Leaf Chen

unbalanced. 'Nicotine alone does not determine proteinaceous aroma on smoking which is unpleasant.
smoking flavor' (Leffingwell, 1976 ). Even secondary fermentation of such poor tobaccos 600
often cannot provide sufficient improvement to make
them usable. By comparison to normal burley, in which 500
NITROGENOUS CONSTITUENTS approximately 50% of total protein undergoes hydro- E
lysis to amino acids, such poor tobaccos may exhibit
The data in Table 8.4 for air-cured cigar tobacco show less than 15% protein hydrolysis during air-curing "c..

the gross chemical changes in nitrogen compounds (Heinzer, 1986). Normal air-curing of fully mature
during air-curing (Frankenburg, 1946; Frankenburg, burley shows a rapid drop in protein (Fig. 8.8) "'
..92 300
1950). E
(Hamilton & Lowe, 1978; Long & Weybrew, 1981) l:
with a concomitant initial increase in free amino acids i .!.! 200
for the first few days in cure (Fig. 8.9) (Burton, et al.,
Table 8.4 Changes of nitrogenous compounds in
1983). Then, there is a decrease and finally a leveling
air-cured cigar tobacco (percent of harvested dry
off in total free amino acid concentration. The decrease I
weight). i
in free amino acid content after the fifth day of air- 0
Primed leaf Stalk cured curing is due to both metabolic deamination and
decarboxylation as well as nitrogen translocation. Even
Before After Before After though a slight decrease from a maximum in total free
Type of nitrogen curing curing curing curing amino acids occurs during the cure, some individual Fig. 8.9 T
amino acids show a net decrease while others have a net curing (ada
Total 5.61 5.34 4.70 3.80
Protein (insoluble) 3.69 1.65 3.80 1.85
increase (Burton, et al., 1983). It should be noted that
Soluble 1.92 3.69 0.90 1.95 the ammonia level of air-cured tobacco rapidly
Amino 0.23 0.80 0.15 0.15 increases during this period (Fig. 8.10) (Burton, et al.,
Ammonia plus amide 0.15 1.07 0.05 0.80 1983). 150
Alkaloid 0.35 0.32 0.40 0.40 The role of ammonia on smoke pH and nicotine
Nitrate 0.63 0.77 0.20 0.25 perception has been discussed above, but ammonia also 125
Remainder 0.56 0.73 0.10 0.35 plays an important role in the formation of aroma and E
taste compounds.
Source: Frankenburg (1946).
It is important to remember that, before curing, air- " 100

In general, there occurs some loss in total nitrogen, a

reduction in protein via hydrolysis to amino acids, and 1200 l:
u 50
formation of amino acid amides (as reflected by an :E
increase in soluble nitrogen). Changes occurring in
burley tobacco curing (Hamilton, 1974; Hamilton & 1000 25
Lowe, 1978) are similar to those in stalk-cured cigar E -Leaf #17
tobacco. ~ 800 0
0 .. Leaf #2
Flavor quality for both flue-cured and burley .....
tobaccos is dependent on a variety of complex inter- rf
Vl 600
acting factors related to genetics, agricultural practices, .Sl
soil types, nutrients, weather conditions, plant disease, g Fig. 8.10
stalk position as well as harvesting and curing practices. e
0 400 ,-- ............ --'
(adapted frc

In general, elevated levels of proteins and amino acids :;

appear to contribute negatively to smoke flavor. This is cured burl
particularly true of burley tobaccos grown in cool moist protein ni.
climates with insufficient sunshine which are over- only 15 to
fertilized, harvested and air-cured prematurely. In 0 of the prot
such cases the normal catabolic changes during 0 5 10 15 20 25 air-curing
senescence and curing which result in the enzymatic Days From Harvest hydrolyzec
hydrolysis of fraction I protein to amino acids (which ley tobacc
then can undergo further catabolic changes) are at least Fig. 8.8 Protein decreases during burley air-curing (adapted amino acic
partially arrested. Such immature tobaccos possess a from Long & Weybrew, 1981 ). sentative f
' and Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 273

ich is unpleasant. Table 8.5 Free amino acids in high quality smoking
ch poor tobaccos 600 grade blends (mg/g).
ovement to make
1! burley, in which Amino acid Flue-cured Burley
mdergoes hydro- E
Aspartic acid 0.13 7.84
lccos may exhibit (5"' 400 Threonine 0.04 0.43
luring air-curing ~
Serine 0.06 0.17
of fully mature VI Asparagine 1.12 10.30
otein (Fig. 8.8) .92 300
0 Glutamic acid 0.10 1.78
Weybrew, 1981) E Glutamine 0.82 0.38
free amino acids <.J 200 Proline 4.11 0.45
9) (Burton, et a!., Glycine 0.02 0.14
finally a leveling Alanine 0.32 0.35
ion. The decrease Valine 0.06 Trace
Isoleucine 0.06
fifth day of air- 0 Leucine Trace 0.10
deamination and 0 5 10 15 20 25 Tyrosine 0.68 0.84
mslocation. Even Days From Harvest Phenylalanine 0.24 0.50
num in total free Lysine 0.03 0.33
some individual Fig. 8.9 Total free amino acid changes during burley air- Histidine 0.11 0.45
others have a net curing (adapted from Burton, eta/., 1983). Arginine 0.26
1ld be noted that Tryptophan 0.50
tobacco rapidly
Source: Leffingwell (1976).
)) (Burton, et a!.,
pH and nicotine smoking quality blends of flue-cured and burley
mt ammonia also 125 tobaccos with similar nicotine content illustrates this
ion of aroma and E
dramatically (Leffingwell, 1976). In burley, we find the
100 main free amino acids present to be aspartic acid,
efore curing, air- ~ asparagine and glutamic acid, while for flue-cured,
VI proline, asparagine and glutamine are dominant. In
.92 75
0 total, 43 amino acids have been found in tobacco leaf.
~ Cigarette tobaccos are almost never utilized in con-
<.J 50
~ sumer products unless they have undergone a period of
aging ranging from 12 to 60 months. Of course,
25 inventory control is an important factor requiring
eaf #17 maintenance of adequate stocks to allow periodic blend
0 changes to occur; but, freshly cured and redried leaf is
eaf #2 0 5 10 15 20 25

not used primarily because the smoke changes
Days From Harvest dramatically from a raw, somewhat irritating and dis-
agreeable taste to a smoother, more rounded flavor
Fig. 8.10 Ammonia increases during burley air-curing
during the aging process. Aging is ordinarily carried
(adapted from Burton, eta/., 1983).
out at ambient temperatures and about 12/o moisture.
In areas with relatively long-term high ambient tem-
cured burley or cigar tobaccos may contain 3 to 4% peratures the desired aging effects are produced in
protein nitrogen, while flue-cured tobacco contains shorter periods than in colder climates (Bates, et a!.,
only 15 to 20% of that amount. In addition, about 50% 1974), and it is common for companies located in cold
of the protein in burley may undergo hydrolysis during climate regions to store and age their tobaccos in
20 25 air-curing while only about 20% of the protein is southern locales. The role that nitrogen compounds
est hydrolyzed in curing flue-cured tobaccos. Thus, bur- play in the improvement of tobacco flavor quality with
ley tobacco possesses a relative abundance of free aging is important and the reasons for this will become
'ir-curing (adapted am~no acids compared to flue-cured tobacco. Repre- apparent.
sentative free amino acid analysis (Table 8.5) of high The role of certain amino acids in flue-cured tobacco
274 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology Leaf Chern

will be briefly discussed. Protein hydrolysis with for- pyrroles an

14 r---------------------------~14
mation of free amino acids occurs also at the yellowing the major
13 13
and early stages of drying during flue-curing, although dimethylpy:
flue-cured tobacco contains only about 20 to 25;h of 12 ~.. 12 methylpyra:
the total amount of protein/amino acids as burley 11 ' 11 pyrazines a!:
tobacco. The major amino acid in flue-cured tobacco, "' 10
/ 10 tobacco wei
t5 / the flavor a
proline, seems to be an anomaly in that as much as a 25-
~ 9
8 Bright ar:
fold increase has been observed during the curing ifl
schedule for both flue-cured and air-cured (Maryland) g
tobaccos (Weybrew, et al., 1966). This appears to be e
~ 6 lt. -.to 6
reduced b~
greater than can be accounted for by proteolysis of 5 .... ................................. tobacco caL
5 (especially
fraction 1 protein - a hypothesis (Hamilton & Lowe,
4 4 cursors) ur:
1978) being that proline is partially formed by a
metabolic conversion of the pyrrolic portion of chlor- 3 3 remained c
ophyll (which is rapidly decreasing during this stage). 2 ~-----J------L-----~----~2 1975).
In flue-cured tobaccos, proline reacts with the 0 2 3 4
reducing sugar, glucose, to form 1-deoxy-1-(L-prolino)- YEARS Table 8.6
o-fructose (Noguchi, et al., 1971 ), an Amadori com- 1st Grade Leaf (Myazaki) +1st Grade Leaf (Kurashaki) after roastir
pound, which along with other amino-sugars comprises 6 3d Grade Cutter
as much as 1.5 to 2.0% of the dry aged tobacco weight. Amino acid
This compound is significant because it has been
shown to undergo low temperature degradation Fig. 8.11 Changes in Amadori compounds (prolino-
fructose) during aging of flue-cured tobacco (adapted from Aspartic acic
primarily to the probable precursor (2,3-dihydro-3,5- Proline
Noguchi, eta/., 1971).
dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one (DDMP)) of the Lysine
important volatile flavorant, maltol, found in Virginia Histidine
tobacco (Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1988). It has been Arginine
shown that the smoking properties of DDMP are
Source: Bright
identical to that of maltol (Leffingwell, 1976).
Figures 8.11 and 8.12 show the change in two of the
major Amadori compounds in Virginia tobacco grown 10 10 Table 8.7
in Japan over a 4-year aging period (Noguchi, et al., concentrat
1971). The major Amadori compounds present tend to 9 9
show a gradual increase peaking at about 2 years and +----- ...
then a decrease. During the same period, the amino E 8 8
acid content of the tobaccos shows decreasing values 0
each year. Of course, it is also known that the flavor of ~ 7 7
/ Virginia
Virginia tobacco improves with aging, it rarely being ~
g 6
f ... ' ............... ' 6 Turkish
used for cigarettes prior to 12 to 14 months aging, and 0 ......... ... ~~ Burley
preferably 18 to 24 months, which interestingly cor- t;
::; 5
responds quite well to these graphs. Amadori com- ALANINO-FRUCTOSE
pounds are also known to generate a number of Tobacco sam1
4 4 hours at 120'
flavorful pyrazines and pyrroles on pyrolysis. Source: Brigh-
Amino acids as well as ammonia interactions with 3 L-L--------''--------'------'-------'--' 3
sugars or carbonyl compounds can form a variety of 0 2 3 4
chemical entities. For example, a number of groups YEARS Wahlber
have reported the isolation of fructosazines and deox- changes oc
1st Grade Leaf (Myazaki) +1st Grade Leaf (Kurashaki)
yfructosazines from Virginia tobacco (Shigematsu & Virginia to
A- 3d Grade Cutter number of
Kitami, 1978; Heckman, et al., 1981) and these are
known to be formed by the interaction of ammonia with during the
glucose and fructose under weakly acidic conditions. 1977). As r:
Fig. 8.12 Changes in Amadori compounds (alanino-
On pyrolysis, these polyhydroxypyrazines generate fructose) during aging of flue-cured tobacco (adapted from
tobaccos b
products such as water, acetic acid, acetol, furans, Noguchi, eta/., 1971 ). from the h.
stry and Technology l.eaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 275

pyrroles and a number of simple pyrazines (including to the interaction of amino acids and/ or ammonia with
the major tobacco leaf pyrazines, 2,5- and 2,6- sugars or carbonyl constituents, suffice it to say, no
dimethylpyrazine, trimethylpyrazine and tetra- single pathway is involved and that this complex

methylpyrazine) (Heckman, et a!., 1981). Although transformation is dependent on a variety of factors and
11 pyrazines as a class represent a very small percentage of chemical mechanisms (Leffingwell & Leffingwell,
10 tobacco weight, they are known to be very important to 1988). The generation of certain pyridines (e.g. methyl
" 9 the flavor and aroma of roasted foodstuffs and tobacco. nicotinate, 3-cyanopyridine and 3-acetylnicotine) can
Bright and co-workers demonstrated that the weight be derived from degradation of nicotine.
ose I 8
percentages of five amino acids were significantly
reduced by heat treatment, while the roasting of
........... ............ 6
tobacco caused dramatic increases in pyrazine levels
(especially those high in ammonia or ammonia pre-
4 cursors) under conditions where percent of nicotine The major tobacco alkaloids are nicotine, cotmme,
3 remained constant (Tables 8.6 and 8.7) (Bright, eta/., nornicotine, myosmine, nicotyrine, anabasine and
2 1975). anatabine. This subject is covered in greater detail
3 4 elsewhere in this book (Chapter 8B) and will not be
Table 8.6 Change in amino acid levels of tobacco discussed here except to note that nicotine can range in
Grade Leaf (Kurashaki) after roasting (complete cigarette blend). concentration from 0.5 to 8% in the major cultivated
tobacco species, N. tabacum and N. rustica. The
Amino acid Before After D.% interaction of smoke pH and the sensory perception of
(%) (%) nicotine is discussed above.
pounds (prolino-
.obacco (adapted from Aspartic acid 1.39 0.82 -41
Proline 0.65 0.31 -52
Lysine 0.32 0.10 -69 PLASTID PIGMENTS
Histidine 0.24 0.16 -33
Arginine 0.16 0.06 -62 The major pigments of tobacco are the chlorophylls
and carotenoid pigments, plastid pigments found in a
Source: Bright, eta/. (1975). wide variety of plants. The chlorophyll and carotenoid
contents and changes during the latter stages of
-----.10 Table 8.7 Effects of roasting on dimethylpyrazine growing (and the curing processes) have been studied
concentration. in significant detail for both burley and Virginia
9 tobaccos.
Concn before Concn after
8 roasting roasting
(ppb) (ppb) (a) Chlorophylls

~7 Virginia
As shown in Fig 8.13 for burley tobacco, the major
green pigments are chlorophyll-A and chlorophyll-B,
Burley 0.1 460
both of which decrease as the tobacco reaches maturity,
Reconstituted leaf 0.1 200 proceeds into senescence and continues to decrease
5 during barn curing (Burton & Kasperbauer, 1985).
Tobacco samples were shredded, without additives and roasted for 4 Studies on Virginia tobacco show similar trends as the
4 hours at 120 YC. tobacco reaches maturity (Court & Hendel, 1984).
Source: Bright, eta/. (1975).
Leaf color in the field as well as for cured leaf is
3 4
considered to be important in judging the quality ofleaf
Wahlberg, et al. (1977) have examined the chemical and this has been extensively studied (Tso, 1972; Tso,
changes occurring during the flue-curing and aging of 1990).
~e Leaf (Kurashaki)
Virginia tobacco. One of the observations was that a
number of pyrazines, pyrroles and pyridines increased
(b) Carotenoid pigments
during the flue-curing and aging process (Enzell, eta!.,
1unds (alanino- 1977). As pyrroles, pyridines and pyrazines can arise in The major carotenoid pigments in tobacco are lutein,
acco (adapted from tobaccos by a number of chemical pathways ranging P-carotene, neoxanthin and violaxanthin. In addition to
from the heating or aging of proteins and amino acids being major color pigments (red-orange to yellow), the
276 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology LeafChem

More extensive degradation oflutein has been reported Table 8.8
6 for Virginia tobacco (Court & Hendel 1984 Court et products.
al., 1993). ' ' '
6 Compound
~ 5
~ 4
~ Wahlberg and Enzell ( 1987) have comprehensively lsophorone
~ 3
reviewed the subject of tobacco isoprenoid con-
f 2
stituents, therefore only comments on some of the .ff
more important materials will be included in this 4-Ketoisopn

0 7 14 21
Days After Harvest
28 42 90 (a) Degraded carotenoids
A large number of carotenoid metabolites are
fig. 8.13 Changes in chlorophyll content of burley tobacco encountered in tobacco. The degradation process of the
during air-curing (adapted from Burton & Kasperbauer,
carotenoid pigments in tobacco has been hypothesized
to be probably both enzymatic and autooxidative in .~
nature. As indicated in Fig. 8.15 for carotene, the
carotenoids are the precursors to many of the volatile
aroma components of tobacco.
carotenoid chain may be cleaved in a number of loca-
tions resulting in a variety ofC9 to C 13 chemicals, many
Figure 8.14 shows the decrease in carotenoids dur- of which possess important aroma properties. Table 8.8
(Wilson, et al., 1982; Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1988)
ing maturation, senescence and curing for burley
tobacco (Burton & Kasperbauer, 1985). Unlike the illustrates the quantitative amounts found for a number cx-lonone

chloroplastid pigments, the carotenoids do not undergo of important nor-carotenoids for various tobacco types.
as extensive degradation (metabolism). Lutein and The degradation of both lutein and ~-carotene by
carotene undergo about 65% degradation in burley. both photo-oxidation and high pressure oxidation (at ~-lonone
elevated temperature) has been shown to generate

P.")l....(,.._,,.,.................l 0 Violaxanthin 0 beta-Carotene

Ol 1200
(5 3-Ketodihy-

~ 1000
Ol 800 ~
a, HO

600 \IOL.\X.\:".Tfll:\
~ OH
400 3-Hydroxy-
200 ~
HO .~
(5 Isomers)
-28 -14 0 14 28 90
-21 -7 7 21 42
Days From Harvest

fig. 8.14 Changes in carotenoid pigments of burley

NEOXA:\THI~ NR =not reF
tobacco during air-curing (adapted from Burton & Table adaptE
Kasperbauer, 1985). fig. 8.15 Carotenoid consituents of burley tobacco. Leffingwell (
ry and Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 277

1 has been reported Table 8.8 Major tobacco carotenoid degradation many of the same nor-carotenoid components found in
lei, 1984; Court, et products. tobacco (Heij, et a!., 1992).

Compound Virginia Burley Oriental

(ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (b) Acyclic isoprenoids and nor-derivatives
112 29 33 Solanesol (a C 45 polyprenol) is a major component of
tobaccos, generally ranging in quantity from 0.4 to 4%.
: comprehensively lsophorone While this polyprenol was first isolated from tobacco, it
' isoprenoid con- 47 17 42 is now considered to be a ubiquitous leaf component in
s on some of the
included in this
the plant kingdom. The progression of solanesol
change during growth and air curing for middle stalk
32 4 burley tobacco is shown in Fig. 8.16 (Long & Wey-
brew, 1981).
Safran a I

metabolites are
Hi on process of the
150 26 73

r-----------------------------~ 5

139 25 34
been hypothesized
d autooxidative in .$
0 Free Solanesol

for carotene, the

47 27 73 Bound Solanesol
a number of loca-
13 chemicals, many

operties. Table 8.8

+ + +
Leffingwell, 1988) 2
ound for a number cx-lonone

ious tobacco types. + + +
md P-carotene by
;sure oxidation (at ~-Ion one

aown to generate + NR NR


.~~ .. + 4 + -00 -46 -32 -18 -4 10

Days from Harvest
24 38

23 Fig. 8.16 Changes in solanesol levels of burley tobacco

51 31
during air-curing (adapted from Long & Weybrew, 1981 ).

168 42 39
It should be noted that solanesol is present as both
the free alcohol and in bound forms primarily as
acetate, palmitate and linolate esters. Solanesol nor-

24 11 +
mally ranges from I to 2% in Virginia tobacco and from
1% to as much as 4% in burley tobacco.
~OH 3-Hydroxy-~-damascone
The concentration of solanesol in burley tobacco has
1272 248 415
Megastigmatrienones been shown to be effected by genetic lines and, more
(5 Isomers) importantly, by production practices. Water stress,
+ NR through decreased soil moisture, leads to an increase in

solanesol content as does the length of senescence from
time of topping (Burton, et a!., 1989).
4-Keto-~-ionone Neophytadiene (a C 20 isoprenoid polyene) IS a
tobacco diterpene whose concentration increases sig-
NR = not reported; + = present, but quantitation not available.
Table adapted from Wilson, eta/. (1982) and Leffingwell & nificantly upon curing and aging. Generally, low levels
rley tobacco. Leffingwell (1988). are present in green tobacco leaf, but neophytadiene

278 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology LeafChem

increases during the yellowing and curing phases. Fig. It has been assumed that neophytadiene is produced (d) Cern
8.17 shows the neophytadiene change in curing burley by dehydration of phytol. Phytol is a metabolite from products
tobacco (Burton & Kasperbauer, 1985) and Fig. 8.18 chlorophyll hydrolysis, but it has been concluded that
shows the change in flue-curing Virginia tobacco only 15 to 30% of neophytadiene generated during More thar1
(Long & Weybrew, 1981). flue-curing could be accounted for from this source in tobacco. T
the case of flue-cured tobacco (Amin, 1979). Neo- major cern-
phytadiene has been suggested to be a tobacco flavor example, h
1200 0.23% by.
enhancer in that it may act as a flavor carrier by
entrapping volatiles in the tobacco smoke aerosol
E 1100 (Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1988).
C!) Among other major acyclic isoprenoids are linalool,
~ 1000 linalool oxide, geranylacetone and farnesylacetone.
Table 8.9 provides comparative data on some acyclic
E isoprenoids, nor-derivatives and neophytadiene
"' 900
0, obtained by the steam distillation of various tobacco
e types (Wilson, et a!., 1982).
~ 800

Table 8.9 Some major acyclic isoprenoids and nor- CEMBR.
isoprenoid products isolated from the steam
distillation of tobacco types. Fig. 8.19 C

0 3 5 7 10 12 18 21 24 90 Compound Virginia Burley Oriental

Days After Harvest (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Perhaps
flavor are t!-
Fig. 8.17 Changes in neophytadiene content of burley Linalool 281 160 by oxidatiV'
tobacco during air-curing (adapted from Burton & Linalool oxide 118 than 60de
Kasperbauer, 1985). Geranyl acetone 181 84 130 isolated frc
Farnesylacetone 16 22 trace some of the
6-Methylhepta-3,5-dien-2-one 40 17
6-Methyl hept-5-en-2-one 78 17 78
Table 8.1
products i=
(c) Carbocyclic diterpenoids and their tobacco ty
degradation products Compound
Two major classes of diterpenoids are found in tobacco,
3000 the monocyclic cembranoids and the bicyclic lab-
danoids (Wahlberg & Enzell, 1987). These diter- Solano I
E penoids are produced in the glandular heads of the Norsolanadi
~ 2000
trichomes on the leaf surface as well as in tobacco Solanascone
cf flowers and are part of the surface cuticular waxes Solavetivon
~ 1500 where they occur along with the sucrose tetraesters, 6-Methylhe1
~ wax hydrocarbons, esters and alcohols.
~ 1000 Virginia and burley tobaccos contain only the cem-
branoids, while Oriental and cigar tobaccos contain Solanon
500 both labdanoids and cembranoids. The variety specific is consider
occurrence is due to the fact that Nicotiana tabacum L. stituent.
is a hybrid of N. tomentosiformis (which produces lab-
0 30 60 85 150 danoids) and N. sylvestris (which produces cem-
Rue-Curing in Hours (e) Labd
branoids). It has been shown that the biosynthesis of
the cembranoids is controlled by two dominant genes, products
Fig. 8.18 Changes in neophytadiene content during curing whereas labdanoid synthesis is controlled by a single (Z)-Abienc
of the flue-cured tobacco. dominant gene (Wahlberg & Enzell, 1987). Oriental tc
rtry and Technology Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 279

ytadiene is produced (d) Cembranoids and their degradation growth regulator. During air- and sun-curing, the
is a metabolite from products concentration of abienol decreases significantly while
been concluded that numerous other labdanoids and labdanoid degradation
1e generated during More than 50 cembranoids have been isolated from products are formed. In cured leaf about 20 labdanoids
r from this source in tobacco. The cembra-2, 7, 11-triene-4 ,6-diols are the and an additional 25 or more degradation products are
:Amin, 1979). Neo- major cembranoids of tobaccos (Fig. 8.19) which, for found. (Z)-Abienol has been shown to undergo various
1 be a tobacco flavor
example, have been found in Virginia to be present at oxidative processes to many of these products (Wahl-
a flavor carrier by 0.23% by weight (Court, eta!., 1993). berg & Enzell, 1987). Figure 8.20 shows some impor-
~ceo smoke aerosol tant labdanoid derived products in Oriental tobacco.

>renoids are linalool,

1nd farnesylacetone.
lata on some acyclic
md neophytadiene
1 of various tobacco

soprenoids and nor- CEMBRA-2,7,11-TRIENE-4,6-DIOLS (2 ISOMERS)

1the steam
Fig. 8.19 Cembranoids in tobacco.

1ia Burley Oriental

Perhaps more important to the quality of tobacco
flavor are the cembranoid metabolite products produced
160 by oxidative processes and retro-aldol reactions. More NORAMBREINOLIDE
than 60 degradation products of cembranoids have been
isolated from tobacco. Of these degradation products, ~O ~OH
17 78
some of the major metabolites are shown in Table 8.10.

Table 8.10 Some major cembranoid degradation

XV ~-0
products isolated from the steam distillation of
tobacco types.
ids and their
Compound Virginia Burley Oriental
(ppb) (ppb) (ppb)
are found in tobacco,
td the bicyclic lab- Solanone 1725 493 1497
1987). These diter- Solanol 545 84 177
ndular heads of the Norsolanadione 156 26 137 AMBROX
; well as in tobacco Solanascone 24 33 trace
face cuticular waxes Solavetivone 18 15 trace Fig. 8.20 Some major labdanoid-derived constituents in
~ sucrose tetraesters, 6-Methylhepta-2,5-dione 101 Oriental tobacco.
ontain only the cem- In 1959, norambreinolide (sclareolide), an important
~ar tobaccos contain Solan one, a major cembranoid metabolite in tobacco, constituent of Oriental tobacco and cigar tobacco, was
. The variety specific is considered to be an important tobacco flavor con- patented (Schumacher, 1959) as possessing a cedar
Nicotiana tabacum L. stituent. character on smoking, although isolation from tobacco
(which produces lab- (cigar leaf) was not reported until the early 1970s
ich produces cem- (e) Labdanoids and their degradation (Kaneko, 1971). It is now known that norambreinolide
.t the biosynthesis of and related compounds, such as sclaral, are responsible
two dominant genes, for the characteristic cedar-amber notes of Havana leaf
ontrolled by a single (Z)-Abienol is a major labdanoid in the green leaf of and Oriental tobacco. The important fragrance com-
ell, 1987). Oriental tobacco and has been shown to be a plant pound Ambrox is found to a much lesser extent in
280 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology LeafChemis

Oriental tobacco, but this material is a key component citric and oxalic acids (Kalianos, 1976), although this is Table 8.12
in ambergris derived from whales; the exotic aroma and probably just an indicator, and is not due to the abso- tobacco smc
fixative value of ambergris is largely due to this lute amounts of these acids present in leaf. tetraesters.
material. The volatile CrC 8 acids are known to be important
The combination of labdanoid-derived flavorants aroma compounds in many fruits, foodstuffs and Acid
and sucrose tetraesters present in Oriental tobacco tobacco. Table 8.11 shows the relative amounts of the
comprises the major flavor-forming components of this major volatile organic acids for various tobacco types Propionic acic
variety (Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1988). Within the (Kalianos, 1976). Butyric acid
Oriental types, the Greek and Macedonian types tend Valerie acid
to be higher in labdanoid-derived compounds, while Table 8.11 Volatile organic acids in tobacco. 2-Methylbuty!
the Turkish Smyrna (lzmir) types are higher in sucrose Isovaleric acic
tetraesters containing the 3-methylvaleric acid com- Acid Virginia Burley Oriental Threshold 3-Methylvaler
ponent. (!lg/g) (!lg/g) (!lg/g) (ppb) Hexanoic acic
Octanoic acic
Formic acid 597 288 587 45000 Phenylacetic
Acetic acid 877 372 688 22000
CARBOXYLIC ACIDS Propionic acid 12 Source: Heckm
13 24 20000
Isobutyric acid 32 29 72 8100
The major carboxylic acids in tobacco are citric, malic, Butyric acid 2 0 0 240
oxalic and malonic which in total can comprise 14 to ing cigarett<;;
2-Methylbutyric 247 26 313 1 600
18% in burley and cigar tobacco, 7 to 10% in Mary- provides an i
land, 6 to 8% in Oriental and 5 to 10% in Virginia leaf, Isovaleric acid 116 20 202 120
to thermolys
after curing. A substantial portion of such acids are 2-Butenoic acid 12 1 3 NA Leffingwell,
complexed as salts with nicotine, ammonia and inor- Valerie acid 0 4 3000 Withoutq
ganic anions of calcium, potassium and sodium. The 3-Methylvaleric 4 1 1372 300* of the most ir
bar diagram (Fig. 8.21) adapted from Kalianos (1976) acid the powerfu.
graphically shows the differing acidity profiles by Hexanoic 5 3 5 3000 additions to c
Heptanoic acid 5 5 6 3000 have a profo
tobacco type.
Octanoic acid 5 12 5 3000 The high
Considerable effort has been expended trying to Nonanoic acid 16 21 24 3000
relate such acids to tobacco quality. Several studies oleic, linolei
2-Furoic acid 32 36 125 NA
indicate that there is an inverse relationship to the 1.1% in Vir
Benzoic acid 22 14 25 85000
smoking quality of Virginia tobacco and the quantity of Phenylacetic acid with palmiti
36 0 65 10000
Table 8.13
*Author's estimate. found in a 2:
Delphi, Ont:
Mlliequivalents Per Gram It should be noted that the Oriental sample above is
o __or.2__orA__o,..s--;::=o::r.a=::::::!==1.c2==,!:.4=~,.s an Izmir type which should have a high 3-methylvaleric Table 8.13
1 acid content and that the reported values must include
the bound acids released by hydrolysis of sucrose tet- Acid
Malonic Acid
0 Virginia IZI Ogar raesters.
One of the ways to assess a compound's odor or Myristic acid
ll! Burley Oriental
Palmitic acid
Oxalic Acid Ill Maryland llll Latakia flavor potency is to evaluate its minimum detectable
Stearic acid
threshold level. In the table above are included the Oleic acid
detection thresholds (Leffingwell & Leffingwell, 1991) Linoleic acid
for many of the tobacco acids. If one divides the relative Linolenic acic
concentration of a material by the threshold one can
approximate the relative odor potency. For example,
for acetic acid, 688/2200 = 0.03, while for 3-
methylvaleric acid, 1372/300 = 4.57, indicating the
aroma contribution of the latter would be about 152 x
that of the acetic acid.
(a) Polypi
Fig. 8.21 Major organic acids in different tobacco types Table 8.12 shows the concentrations of free acids in The amoum
(adapted from Kalianos, 1976). an Oriental tobacco blend and that of the correspond- tobacco type
y and Technology l.eaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 281

6), although this is Table 8.12 Increase in aromatic acids in Oriental Table 8.14 Polyphenols by tobacco type.
lt due to the abso- tobacco smoke due to thermolysis of sucrose
tetra esters. Tobacco 1980 1981
in leaf.
(%) (%)
vn to be important
Acid Tobacco Smoke Change
s, foodstuffs and Virginia 3.13 3.75
()lg/g) ()lg/g) (%)
ive amounts of the Burley 1.78 2.05
ious tobacco types Propionic acid 17.0 66.8 +293 Cigar wrapper 2.13 2.65
Butyric acid 2.5 9.7 +288 Cigar filler 2.03 3.40
Valerie acid 4.3 3.6 -16 Cigar binder 2.27 3.54
2-Methylbutyric acid 2.1 12.4 +490 Maryland 2.09 3.25
in tobacco. Dark fire-cured 2.78 3.64
Isovaleric acid 5.1 19.7 +286
3-Methylvaleric acid 12.0 62.0 +417 Oriental 1.83 2.09
Oriental Threshold
()lg/g) (ppb) Hexanoic acid 7.5 3.9 -48
Source: Smeeton (1987).
Octanoic acid 1.7 6.2 +265
587 45000 Phenylacetic acid 48.9 19.9 -59
688 22000 tural variability. In a 2-year study the average poly-
Source: Heckman, eta/. (1981 ).
24 20000 phenol amounts found were as listed in Table 8.14
72 8100 (Smeeton, 1987).
0 240 ing cigarette smoke (Heckman, et a!., 1981 ). This Major polyphenolics found in tobacco include
313 1600
provides an indication of the increase in free acids due chlorogenic acid, rutin, scopoletin and scopolen, along
to thermolysis of the sucrose tetraesters (Leffingwell & with materials such as quercetin and kaempferol. The
202 120
Leffingwell, 1988). biogenesis of plant phenolics with relationship to the
3 NA
4 3 000 Without question, the volatile tobacco acids are some pathways relevant to the major groups in tobacco for
1372 300* of the most important contributors to smoke quality and compounds formed via shikamic acid has been
the powerful contribution from Oriental means that reviewed by Enzell & Wahlberg (1980). The amounts
5 3 000 additions to cigarette blends at even low percentages can of polyphenols for Virginia NC 95 and Burley 21 have
6 3000 have a profound effect on product acceptability. been reported (Table 8.15) (Sheen, eta!., 1979).
5 3000 The higher fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic,
24 3 000 oleic, linoleic and linolenic) comprise about 0.75 to
125 NA
Table 8.15 Typical polyphenols in tobacco.
1.1% in Virginia tobacco and about 0.5% in burley,
25 85000
with palmitic being about 25% of these total acids. Virginia Burley
65 10000
Table 8.13 lists the average amounts of fatty acids (mg/g) (mg/g)
found in a 2-year study on Virginia tobacco grown at
Chlorogenic acids 34.71 12.83
Delphi, Ontario, Canada (Court, eta!., 1993).
Rutin 7.95 4.00
ttal sample above is Scopoletin 0.13 0.06
igh 3-methylvaleric Table 8.13 Fatty acids in Virginia tobacco. Scopolin 0.94 0.35
ralues must include
Source: Sheen, eta/. (1979).
lysis of sucrose tet- Acid %

Myristic acid 0.02

mpound's odor or The chlorogenic acids are primarily 3-0-caffeoyl-
Palmitic acid 0.28
tinimum detectable 0.05
quinic acid with lesser amounts of the 5- and 6- linked
Stearic acid
e are included the Oleic acid 0.11 isomers. Scopolin and scopoletin are the major
: Leffingwell, 1991) Linoleic acid 0.18 coumarin compounds in tobacco.
:divides the relative Linolenic acid 0.35
threshold one can
(b) Lignin
mcy. For example,
,03, while for 3- Lignin comprises as much as 4 to 5% of tobacco weight
TOBACCO PHENOLICS and is the most abundant natural organic aromatic
1.57, indicating the
uld be about 152 x polymer found in the vascular plant kingdom. With
(a) Polyphenols
cellulose and hemicellulose, lignin is one of the major
ions of free acids in The amount of total phenols varies considerably by cell wall components in leaf. Lignin is composed of a
of the correspond- tobacco type suggesting considerable genetic and cui- chain of polymeric phenolic constituents, such as
282 Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology Leaf Chern~

coniferyl alcohol, p-coumaryl- and synapyl alcohol. In distribution of sterols for both green and cured leaf has holding pro
many reviews on tobacco, lignin has been classified been studied and they can vary greatly within the chloride ten
with 'carbohydrates' due to its association with, and tobacco plant. The major sterols are cholesterol, cam- chloride lev
being bound to hemicellulose. In woody plants, lignin pesterol, stigmasterol and ~-sistosterol. Table 8.17 characterist:
acts as a cementing agent to help bind the matrix of provides the amounts of total individual sterols (after Tobacco\0
cellulose fibers (Goheen & Hoyt, 1985). hydrolysis) reported in a sample of Virginia tobacco the burnin
Lignin is known to produce high levels of phenolic (Ellington, et al., 1977) and in two lines of burley material. Ir:
constituents on thermolysis, such as 2-propylphenol, tobacco (Davis, 1976). accumulate
vanillin, eugenol, guaiacol, pryrogallol and cresols, major reasc
which are found in tobacco smoke. stems are i1
Table 8.17 Major sterols in tobacco.
major cigar
Burley lines stems to re
(c) Other phenolics purposes:
Many more phenolics are found in tobacco smoke than Virginia L-1 L-7 removed th.
(mglg) (mglg) (mglg) nitrosamine
in leaf, but the major isolated leaf phenols are shown in
Table 8.16 (Wilson, et al., 1982), albeit they are present The trac
Cholesterol 0.30 0.18 0.21
in low quantities in leaf. Campesterol 0.53 0.23 0.33
have a proi
Stigmasterol 0.75 0.72 0.82 pie, iron h:
Table 8.16 Major phenolics isolated from steam Sistosterol 0.88 0.38 0.94 that develo
distillation of tobacco types (parts per billion in leaf). Total sterols 2.46 1.51 2.30 of Virginia

SourceL Davis (1976).

Virginia Burley Oriental
Phenol 16 13 39
Flue-cured, burley and Maryland tobaccos have
a-Cresol 9 4 11 Tobacco is.
been reported to have higher sterol contents than
m-Cresol 26 8 46 compositio:
p-Cresol 31 4 18 Oriental, fire-cured and cigar leaf tobaccos Gohnstone
& Plimmer, 1959). been studic
Guaiacol 80 23 28
Sterols in tobacco are considered to be a potential Yet even tc
Dimethyl phenols 9 3 15
4-Vinylphenol 54 2 161 health negative in that the parent polycyclic structure by empiri_
2-Acetyl-3-methylphenol 2 2 may form polynuclear hydrocarbons on pyrolysis (e.g. evaluation.
Trimethylphenols 5 4 stigmasterol forms benzo(a)pyrene at 750C) Gohn- properties
4-Ethylguaiacol 8 stone & Plimmer, 1959; Stedman, 1968). through cl
4-t-Butylphenol 8 there is no
Eugenol 0.5 growth an
4-Vinylguaiacol 14 3 8
4-AIIyl-2,6-dimethylphenol 52 0.3 2
INORGANICS improveme
the world
Source: Wilson, eta/. (1982). Significant amounts of calcium, potassium, magne- tobacco its
sium, chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur are found in the
ash of tobacco (as well as sodium), as shown in Table
In addition, the vanilla-like phenolic, vanillin, has
8.1. In addition, both free and complexed ammonia and REFERH
been isolated from the steam distillation of a tobacco
nitrate are found in tobacco. The topic of ammonia in
blend (Green, eta!., 1980). It is probable that some of Amin, A.N.J
tobacco has previously been discussed in this section.
the phenolics isolated from tobacco by steam distilla- stituents de
The tobacco content of these inorganics is in large
tion may arise from lignin hydrolysis and, in fact, may North Ca1
part due to soil and fertilizer practices. Lower amounts Anderson, R:
be artifacts.
of many other inorganic anions (e.g. zinc, aluminum smoke fla
Phenolics are powerful aroma compounds and are
titanium, strontium, silicon, rubidium, nickel, man- African P
considered to contribute significantly to smoke quality.
ganese, lithium, lead, iron, copper, chromium, cesium, Anonymous
boron, barium and arsenic) have been found in tobacco (ed. S. Bt:
TOBACCO STEROLS Gohnstone & Plimmer, 1959; Stedman, 1968). The Bacon, C.W.
presence of the major metallic anions certainly impacts in tobaccc
Sterols, steryl esters and esterified steryl glucosides (for example, magnesium and potassium accelerate) the Bates,W.W.
aging and
comprise about 0.1 to 0.3% of tobacco weight. The burning characteristics of tobacco leaf and the ash-
istry and Techno/ogy Leaf Chemistry: Basic Chemical Constituents & Differences among Tobacco Types 283

een and cured leaf has holding properties of cigarettes. Phosphorous and Bright, M.N., Larsen, T.M. & Lewis, C.I. (1975) Analytical
y greatly within the chloride tend to slow the burning process. In fact, high method for the determination of pyrazines and alkylpyrazines
chloride levels provide both negative burning and taste in shredded tobacco. In: 29th Tob. Chem. Con[., College Park,
are cholesterol, cam-
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Burton, H.R., Bush, L.P. & Hamilton, JL. (1983) Effect of
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e of Virginia tobacco the burning process as nitrate is itself a combustible Adc'. Tob. Sci., 9, 91-153.
two lines of burley material. In air-cured tobaccos, the nitrate tends to Burton, H.R. & Kasperbauer, M.J. (1985) Changes in chemical
accumulate in the stem portion and is considered a composition of tobacco lamina during senescence and curing,
major reason why the smoking properties of burley I. Plastid pigments, J. Agric. Food Chem., 33, 879-83.
1acco. stems are inferior to Virginia stems. For many years, Burton, H.R., Leggett, E. & Philips, R.E. (1989) Factors influ-
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Burley lines stems to reduce the nitrate content. This served two Tabakforsch., 14(5), 313-20.
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0.18 0.21
The trace elements (such as iron) in tobacco can Court, \V.A. & Hendel, j.G. (1984) Changes in leaf pigments
0.23 0.33 have a profound effect on tobacco quality. For exam- during senescence and curing of flue-cured tobacco. Can. J.
0.72 0.82 ple, iron has been implicated in the speckling effects Plant Sci., 64, 229-32.
0.38 0.94 that develop in the so-called 'grey tobacco' deficiency Court, \V.A., Hendel, JG. & Pocs, R. (1993) Influence of
1.51 2.30 of Virginia tobacco (Tso, 1972; Tso, 1990). transplanting and harvesting date on the agronomic and
chemical characteristics of flue-cured tobacco. Tob. Sci., 37,
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to smoking quality and aroma. Rec. Adv. Tob. Sci., 2, 80-111.
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, 1968). through chemical knowledge and genetic advances, of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke, Proc. Am. Chem. Soc. Svmp.,
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