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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

List of Article
An Investigation About The Relationship Between Mathematics Physics And Economics
In Senior High School ........................................................................................................... 1
The Quality of Linear Algebra Achievement Test and its Implications for the Achievement
of Learning Objectives .......................................................................................................... 5
Scientific Inquiry Approach For Math Problem Solving Ability Islamic Senior High School
(MAN) Students .................................................................................................................... 10
Relationship Between The Educational Background With Syntax Model Of Learning
Problem Solving Midwifery Students STIKES ...................................................................... 15
High Order Thinking Skills(HOTs) in Malaysia: Concept and Continuity Efforts................... 22
The Nature of Critical Thinking and Implementation of Learning in Mathematics.................. 31
Critical Thinking In Mathematics Learning At Elementary School........................................ 39
The Effect of Using Counter Example Learning Strategy Towards Students Mathematical
Concept Understanding ......................................................................................................... 47
The Impact of Using Visualisation Technique Towards Mathematics Problem Solving
Involving HOTs Question...................................................................................................... 53
Analysis of Scientific Literacy Through PISA 2015 Framework ............................................ 60
The Concept, Proxy Variables and Significance of Opportunity to Learn ............................... 70
Board Games In Curriculum & Co-Curriculum Activities As A Step Towards Funs And
Sustainability Of Science Education:A Survey In Two Primary Schools In Sarawak .............. 78
Choosing Teaching As A Profession Among Science Teacher Trainees ................................. 83
Problem Based Learning Model With Science Props To Enhancing Students Science
Process Skills And Cognitive Learning Outcome ................................................................... 92
Cooperative Learning Model Design Based On Collaborative Game-Based Learning
Approach As A Soft Scaffolding Strategy: Preliminary Research........................................... 101
Student Worksheet Based On Prediction, Observation, Explanation in Physics Subject for
10th Grade ............................................................................................................................ 113
Cooperative Learning Model Application Type Of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (
Stad ) Increase In The Process Of Science Student Skills ....................................................... 119
The Implementation of Integrating Researching Reasoning Reflecting (3R) Process on
Problem based Learning Model and the Improvement of Senior High School Students
Scientific Literacy : A Literacy Study .................................................................................... 125
Construction of An Instrument Test for Measuring Students Understand of Force and
Newtons Laws ..................................................................................................................... 128
The Development of Performance Assessment Computer Network Server Administration
Skills .................................................................................................................................... 133
Development of A Three-tier Test Diagnostic Instrument to Assess Student's Misconception
About Acids and Bases.......................................................................................................... 147
Need Analysis Study On The Textbook Of Secondary School Teacher .................................. 153
Teaching Chemistry Using Mix And Match Board Game...................................................... 157
Creativity, Interest and Students Entrepreneural Quality at Applied Biology Courses based
on Local Resources: a case study as a basis for improving the quality of biology teacher
education programs ............................................................................................................... 164
Students Reasoning on Decision Making in Cosmetic Products Utility................................... 169
Role of Self Reflection on Ability of Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Genetic Concept
Biology Pre Service Teacher.................................................................................................. 173

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

An Investigation About The Relationship Between Mathematics
Physics And Economics In Senior High School
Maruf Rivaldi1), Wahyudin Abdullah2)
Departement of Mathematics Education, University of Singaper bangsa, Karawang
Post Graduate School, Indonesia University Of Education,Bandung

Article info Abstract

Keywords: The study aims at investigating the corelation between students ability
in mathematics, physics and economics; determining the closest relevant
correlation, contributions, subjects to mathematics; and evaluating their contribution to
mathematics, physics, mathematical physics and economics. This study used quantitative
economics research methods. This method is also called confirmatory method
because the method is suitable for verification / confirmation. The
population of this study were all students of SMAN 1 Telagasari by
sampling using cluster sampling. The data in this study were processed
using regression analysis in SPSS 21 software, then the results showed
that the correlation between mathematics with physics is stronger than
the correlation between mathematics with economics. Correlation
Corresponding Author: mathematics with physics is 0.798, while the mathematical correlation
demarivaldi@yahoo.co.id with the economy is 0.377. Then, the contribution of mathematics to
idinsuteja92@gmail.com physics that 0.873 was greater than the mathematical contributions to
the economy, namely 0.382.


Kurikulum 2013 has three aspects of assessment, namely the aspect of knowledge, skills and
attitude aspect. In Kurikulum 2013, learning materials are downsized because of perceived relate to
each other [1]. Streamlined some learning material contained in Bahasa Indonesia and IPS. a lot of
material on other areas of related to Mathematics learning material Among other vector material
being taught in physics, differential material that is used to calculate the speed on the physics, then
the material that is used to calculate the logarithm of the acidity of a chemical agent. and much
more material mathematic related to the study of science . Basic math skills to make greater
contributions to physics learning achievement compared to the habit of learning [2]. There is the
influence of students who have the math skills of high and low on student achievement in physics
[3]. It shows the relationship between mathematics with physics. In addition to science, social
science some also have an attachment with math.
Teaching materials linear program in mathematical economics used to calculate the
maximum profit of a production or a minimum loss of production on the other hand, the economic
subjects discussed material accounting requires calculating manner in accordance with the
principles and rules of mathematics. The results showed that the accounting Mathematics has a
fairly close relationship [4]. How many of his mathematical teaching materials related teaching
materials other areas of study. As the description that has been described previously, the authors
are interested in examining the relationship / linkages with other subject areas of mathematics
entitled "The Relationship Between Mathematics Physics And Economics In Senior High
Mathematics as a field of science which is a tool think, communicate, tools to solve practical
problems, the elements of logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and
individuality and has branches include arithmetic, algebra, geometry and analysis [5]. a branch of
mathematics that includes the role of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes
use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of scientific

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

disciplines are entirely new, such as statistics and game theory. Today, mathematics is used
throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including science, engineering, medicine /
medical and social sciences such as economics, and psychology. The development of pure
mathematics may precede or be preceded his or her needs in life. Practical application of
mathematical ideas that become the background of the emergence of pure mathematics are often
discovered later.

Physics given at secondary level as specialized subjects. Unlike the elementary level, physics
integrated in science lessons. Physics as science has evolved since the beginning of the 14th
century physics together with biology, chemistry, and astronomy is included in a group of science.
Physics is able to foster thinking skills that are useful in solving problems of everyday life. To
learn physics, learners should possess good mathematical ability. The subject of Physics aims to
make the students have the ability to be able to define problems, propose and test hypotheses
through experimentation, design and assemble the experimental instruments, collect, process, and
interpret data, and communicate the results of the experiment orally and in writing. Develop
analytical reasoning ability to think inductively and deductively by using the concepts and
principles from some of these points, it can be deduced that in physics learning, students need to be
given more find direct experiences in everyday life.

Economics is a part of the subjects in school that studies the behavior of individuals and
communities in an effort to meet their needs. According to Paul A. Samuelson argues that:
economics as a study of the behavior of people and communities to choose how to use scarce
resources and have few alternative uses, in order to produce various commodities, to be channeled,
both today and in the future to the various individuals and groups within a society [6]. Economics
are not subjects that are rote, so students should be taught to recognize the economically with
various facts and events that occur in the real economy.
Economic subjects given at the secondary level as specialized subjects. Unlike the basic
level, economic subjects integrated in social studies. Middle school, one of the lessons learned in
the economy is accounting. Accounting is focused on services and trade accounting behavior.
Therefore, learners are required to understand the company's financial transactions and trade
services as well as record it in an accounting system for financial statements which are prepared in
it all requires calculating manner in accordance with the principles and rules of mathematics.

The method used is survey method with quantitative approach. In the survey, researchers
asked respondents about to some beliefs, opinions, and behaviors characteristic of an object that
has past or present. Survey research is generally undertaken to observe a generalization of
observations that are not deep. According to David Kline Although the method of this survey
method does not require the control group as in the experimental method, but the generalization
that can be done more accurately when used in a representative sample. The population in this
study were students of Class X SMAN 1 Telagasari Karawang sampling using Cluster sampling is
a technique to determine the sample when the object to be studied widely.


The data in this study were obtained after investigators determined the sample then
conducted interviews with subject teachers of mathematics, physics and economics in class XI and
class XI MIA 1 IIS 1. After obtaining the desired data further if the data in SPSS 21 to find the
relationship between mathematics with physics contained in the following figure:

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Figure 1. Graph Plotting Mathematics with Physics

The figure 1 shows that there is a linear relationship between the subjects of mathematics
with physics. Plot the data also show a wide / variance value of physics more varied if the
mathematical value is low or moderate. The results of the mathematical relationship with economic
output is also presented in the figure below:

Figure 2. Graph Plotting Mathematics with economics

The figure shows that there is a linear relationship between mathematics with economics
although the relationship is not very strong.
Table 1. Pearson correlation Mathematics with Physics
Model R R Square
1 0.798a 0.638

Table 2. Regression coefficients on Mathematical Physics

Unstandardized Coefficients
B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 0.062 0.394
MatMP 0.873 0.121
The calculation results SPSS 21 showed that the correlation between mathematics with
physics in 0.798 that means there is a strong relationship between mathematics with physics. While
it shows that when the math scores increased by 1 (one) point, the value of physics will be
increased by 0.873 points.
Table.3 Pearson correlation Mathematics with economics
Model R R Square
1 0.377a 0.077
Table 4. Regression coefficients on Mathematical economics
Model B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 2.127 0.527
MatIS 0.382 0.162

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The calculation results SPSS 21 in the table shows that the correlation between mathematics
with economics, ie 0377 it means there is a relationship but not too strong between mathematics
with economics. Meanwhile in the table shows that when the math scores increased by 1 (one)
point, the economic value will increase by 0.382 points

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is strong
correlation and contribution of mathematics to physics, while between mathematics with
economics, correlation and its contribution is not as big as between mathematics and physics.
As for suggestions from researchers to readers of this research is that readers can add what
the shortage of this research and can complete what has been produced in this study. Then the
researchers also suggested that teaching materials will be taught physics and economics that first
studied in mathematics, because there will be a coordination between mathematics with other areas
of study such as what is desired by the kurikulum 2013.

Anas, Z., dan Supriyatna, A. 2014. Hitam Putih Kurikulum 2013. Serang: Pustaka Bina Putera.

Lukyto, Tatas. 2009. Hubungan Antara Kemampuan Dasar Matematika Dan Kebiasaan
Belajar Siswa Dengan Prestasi Belajar Fisika Pada Bab Cahaya Siswa Smp Negeri
3 Ponorogo.UNM. Malang

Prasetyo, Herry. 2011. Penerapan Model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) Untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika pada Pokok Bahasan Bangun Ruang Sisi
Lengkungdi Kelas IX H SMP Negeri 2 Majenang. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika
FMIPA UNY Yogyakarta : tidak dipublikasikan.

Rosita. Buwono dkk. Hubungan hasil belajar akuntansi dengan hasil belajar matematika siswa
Jurusan IPA SMAN 1 SERASAN. Journal pedidikan dan pembelajaran vol 2. No 3. Maret

Uno, Hamzah B. 2008. Model pembelajaran menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif dan
efektif. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Sukwiaty. 2009. Ekonomi SMA Kelas X. Jakarta: Yudistira.

Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Quality of Linear Algebra Achievement Test and its
Implications for the Achievement of Learning Objectives
Rahayu Kariadinata
Study Program of Mathematics Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung
Djati Bandung- Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This study aims to describe the quality of test items Linear Algebra
learning outcomes. The items were analyzed based on the level of
Analysis items, reliability, validity, distinguishing items and level of difficulty of
Validity, items. This research is a descriptive study using a quantitative
Reliability, approach because all of the data or information obtained is in the form
Revel of the difficulty items, of figures and analyzed statistically using ANATES program of
Distinguishing items version 4.0. developed by Karno To and Yudi Wibisono. Subjects in
this study were students of 3rd semester of academic year 2015/2016
study program Mathematics Education UIN Bandung. The conclusion
of this study are: 1) based on the validity of theoretical, test items
Linear Algebra has qualified, it is based on the assessment results
validator which includes aspects of material, construction and
language / culture, while based on the validity of the empirical terms,
described as follows: a) in terms of the validity of high category / well,
the score each items has parallels with the direction of the total score.
Based on the analysis, 9 items invalid (90%) and 1 item invalid
(10%), b) in terms of the level of reliability, high category with a
reliability index of 0.793, thus Linear Algebra test items that have a
Corresponding Author: degree of consistency is reliable so that it can be trusted, c) in terms of
the level difficulty of items, items difficult there are 2 of the 10 points
rahayu_kariadinata@yahoo.co.id (20%), item currently there are 3 of the 10 points (30%), item easy
there are 4 of the 10 points (40%), and the items are very easy there
are 1 of 10 points (10%), d) in terms of distinguishing items good
categories, item by distinguishing very good there are 5 of the 10
points (50%), item by distinguishing enough there are 3 of the 10
points (30%) and items with the distinguishing ugly there are 2 of 10
grains (20%). 2) Linear Algebra lectures goal achievement through
achievement test reached 68% of these results are based on
peresentase sum of correct answers on each item on divided by the
sumr of students.


Assessment of student learning outcomes is an attempt to assess the competence of students

who must have her by collecting data through the procedures and assessment tools in accordance
with the competence or learning outcomes that will be judged. To be able to develop instruments
with good ratings, the item writers should understand the principles of evaluation, the signs of
writing items, and the steps to create items.
In each of the middle and end of the semester, teachers are required to make the test material for
the purpose of a midterm (UTS) and Final Exam (UAS). The test materials are used as learning
assessments that have been implemented over the middle to the end of the semester. Evaluation is
said to be effective if you use the proper test. Test as an assessment tool in education has an
important role in measuring the achievement of student learning outcomes
According Djemari Mardapi (2008: 67) test is one way of evaluation tools to assess the amount
of a person's ability to stimuli or questions. Tests can also be interpreted as a number of questions
that must be given answers to the purpose of measuring a person's level of ability. Test participants'
responses to a number of questions can describe a person's ability in a specific field. Through the

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

test, the teacher can obtain information about the success or failure of students in mastering the
objectives of the course that has been set in the curriculum or program and the semester learning
activities that have been created by teachers
Teacher-made tests can be grouped into: (1) the test corresponding to the characteristics of
teaching subjects ie whether the description or objective, (2) based on the type of stimulus material
that is verbal and non-verbal, (3) based on the purpose, such as achievement and performance.
teacher-made tests may affect the effectiveness of learning programs and learning outcomes of
students. Therefore, teachers are required to be able to create their own tests, both the description
and objective measures of student learning outcomes.
A good test need to consider the validity and reliability. As according to the Ministry of
Education (2008: 3) that the requirement that a qualified items is that the items must be valid and
reliable. Valid means that each measuring instrument measures only one dimension / aspect only.
Reliable means that each measuring instrument should be able to provide precise measurement
results, careful, and steady. Achievement test is said to be valid if it can measure exactly the state
you want to measure (Purwanto, 2011: 115).
To be able to produce items are valid and reliable, author of items must formulate blue-print
and write items based on the rule-writing is good writing conventions about the form of objective
/multiple choice, description or practice, then the items was analyzed to determine the level of
validity and reliability. Analysis items is a systematic procedure that will provide highly
specialized information to the test items were prepared (Arikunto, 2006: 205). Analysis of items is
the assessment of test questions in order to obtain the questions that have sufficient quality.
Analysis conducted on the basis of a test called the empirical analysis. While the analysis is based
on the characteristics shown in the test without trial called rational analysis, because it is done on
the basis of the ratio.
The empirical analysis (quantitative) includes measurements of item difficulty and
discrimination items which included the deployment items, distractors, level of difficulty grains,
distinguishing buitr, the validity of items, and reliability of the test (Sudjana, 2008).
Based on the description that has been presented, encourage researchers to conduct research on
the quality of test items Linear Algebra implications for the achievement of learning objectives.
Form of written test (description). The quality of test items Linear Algebra learning outcomes are
assessed views of the degree of reliability of the test, the validity of the items, distinguishing item,
and the level of difficulty of items.
Problem Formulation
The problems of this study are:
1. How is the quality of Linear Algebra tets, in terms of the validity of theoretical (qualitative) and
the validity of the empirical (quantitative) on the aspect, the level of reliability, validity items,
level of difficulty items, and the level of distinguishing items?
2. How is the level of achievement of learning objectives through Linear Algebra achievement test
The aim of this study for :
1. Knowing the level of quality items Linear Algebra achievement test
2. Knowing the level of achievement of learning objectives through Linear Algebra achievement
Learning Achievement Tests
In the world of education, learning achievement tests is an activity that is often done.
Achievement test done to measure the extent of learners in understanding teaching materials.
Additionally achievement test is a measure that is most widely used to determine the success of a
person in a learning process. Learning achievement tests can be made in the form of descriptions
and objective form. Assessment of learning outcomes can also be done through various means,
such as performance assessment (performance), attitude assessment, written assessment (paper and
pencil test), project assessment, product assessment, assessment through a collection of work /
work of students (portfolio), and self-assessment. (Anas Sudijono, 2009)

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Learning achievement test usually consists of a number of items that have a certain difficulty
level (easy, medium, and hard). Such tests should be done learners within a specified time.
Therefore, learning achievement test is a power test, the intention is to measure the ability of
learners in answering any questions or concerns. In designing the learning achievement tests,
educators can choose the technical assessment through test consisting of three types, namely (a)
written test (b) an oral test, and (c) test actions (Ministry of Education, 2008: 6).
Analysis of Item Test
According Arikunto (2009) analysis of the items is a systematic procedure, which will provide
information that is very specific to items. Analysis of items intended to hold identification items
were good, less good items, and items that ugly, a good test is a test that can serve as a
measurement of learning outcomes for students. Through analysis of the items can be obtained
information about the ugliness of an items and clues to make improvements.
1. The validity of theoretical (qualitative)
Validation of theoretical (qualitative) is the process of validating items by writing conventions
items, which are reviewed in terms of material, construction, language / culture, the truth of the key
answer / guidance score performed by several reviewers. The trick is some reviewers awarded:
those items that will be explored, the format of the review and validation guidelines
2. The validity of the empirical (quantitative)
Empirical validation (quantitative) is the validation of items based on the empirical data of the
items concerned. This empirical data obtained from items that have been tested on students.
Validated aspect of any items, namely: the level of test reliability, validity items, distinguishing
items, items and level of difficulty of deployment choice answers (for a matter of objective form)
or frequency response at each answer choice.
the validity of

Linear (qualitative)
Analysis Quality of Achievement
Algebra Validity
Result items of Learning Objectives
Achievement Process
the validity of
the empirical

Figure 1. Framework Research

This research is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach because all of the data or
information obtained is in the form of figures and analyzed statistically using ANATES program of
version 4.0. developed by Karno To and Yudi Wibisono. Subjects in this study were students of
3rd semester of academic year 2015/2016 study program Mathematics Education UIN Bandung.
The data used in this study is the syllabus and class events unit of Linear Algebra, blue-print of
items, those items midtest, and answer students.
To test the quality of the items tested by analyzing of the validity of theoretical (qualitative) and
the validity of the empirical (quantitative) on the aspect, the level of reliability, validity items, level
of difficulty items, and the level of distinguishing items.


Based on the validation of the theoretical (qualitative) conducted by three validator, the result,
that all the indicators, namely the aspect of material, Construction and Language / Culture, overall
it has been suitable/eligible,but the construction aspects of the number 8) tables, images, graphics,
maps, or the like is presented clearly and legibly, not fulfilled, because the items no picture / table /
graph. This is because the material being tested does not need tables, pictures, graphs, maps, or the
like. The results of the validation of the validator can be seen in Table 1.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Tabel 1. Results of Validation of the Theoretical (Qualitative)

Validity Assessment for Items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Validator 1 * * * * * * ** * * *
Validator 2 * * * * * * * ** * *
Validator 3 * * * * ** * * * * *
Source: Primary Data Processed
Information :
* : Proper to use
** : Decent Used to Repair

Based on the validation of the empirical (quantitative) , the results are as follows: empirically
determined by the uality of the statistics items which include: the level of reliability test, validity
items, the level of difficulty items and distinguishing items. Based on the analysis obtained
reliability coefficient was 0.793 including high category, and it can be concluded that the item was
reliable. Result of the validation of the empirical (quantitative) can be seen in Table 2 and Table 3.

Tabel 2. Result of Linear Algebra Achievement Test

Difficulty level of Distinguishing of
items items Conclu-
Coeffi- Interpre- Coeffi Interpre- Coeffi Interpre- sion
cient tation -cient tation -cient tation
1. 0,15 very low 0,98 very easy 0,00 ugly not used
2. 0,36 low 0,77 easy 0,17 ugly not used
3. 0,29 low 0,80 easy 0,23 moderate revised
4. 0,36 low 0,80 easy 0,35 moderate revised
5. 0,36 low 0,74 easy 0,33 moderate revised
6. 0,55 Moderate 0,56 moderate 0,84 very good be used
7. 0,71 high 0,68 moderate 0,95 very good be used
8. 0,86 high 0,56 moderate 1,07 very good be used
9. 0,77 high 0,25 difficult 0,74 very good be used
10. 0,70 high 0,22 difficult 0,91 very good be used

Tabel 3. Quality of Linear Algebra Learning Achievement Test

Category Items Sum Percentage
Very Good (be Used) 6,7,8,9,10 5 50%
Moderate ( revised) 3,4,5 3 30%
Ugly (not used) 1,2 2 20%

Based on the analysis and discussion, we concluded as follows:
1) based on the validity of theoretical, test items Linear Algebra has qualified, it is based on the
assessment results validator which includes aspects of material, construction and language /
culture, while based on the validity of the empirical terms, described as follows:
a. in terms of the validity of high category / well, the score each items has parallels with the
direction of the total score. Based on the analysis, 9 items invalid (90%) and 1 item invalid
b. in terms of the level of reliability, high category with a reliability index of 0.793, thus Linear
Algebra test items that have a degree of consistency is reliable so that it can be trusted,
c. in terms of the level difficulty of items, items difficult there are 2 of the 10 points (20%), item
currently there are 3 of the 10 points (30%), item easy there are 4 of the 10 points (40%), and
the items are very easy there are 1 of 10 points (10%),

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

d. in terms of distinguishing items good categories, item by distinguishing very good there are 5
of the 10 points (50%), item by distinguishing enough there are 3 of the 10 points (30%) and
items with the distinguishing ugly there are 2 of 10 grains (20%)


Arikunto, Suharsimi.(2002).Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.Edisi Revisi V Jakarta:

Rineka Cipta.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006)Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara.

Depdiknas. (2008).Panduan Penulisan Butir Soal. Jakarta :Ditjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar
dan Menengah, Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas.

Depdiknas.(2008). Panduan Analisis Butir Soal. Jakarta: Ditjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan
Menengah, Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas.

Djemari Mardapi.(2008).Teknik Penyusunan Instrumen dan Nontes. Yogyakarta: Mitra Cendikia


Purwanto. (2009 ).Evaluasi Hasil Belajar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Sudijono, Anas.(2009).Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan.Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada

Sudijono, Anas. (2011).Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta : PT Rajagrafindo Persada.

Sudjana,N.(2008).Penilaian Hasil Belajar Mengajar. Rosdakarya, Bandung.

Sugiyono.(2011). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.

Bandung: Alfabeta.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Scientific Inquiry Approach For Math Problem Solving Ability
Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Students
Wahyudin Abdullah, Pirmansyah
Department of Mathematics Education Indonesia University of Education, Bandung
Article info Abstract
Keywords: This study examines the mathematical problem solving abilities among
the students whose learning approach scientific inquiry and student
Scientific Inquiry, learning using teacher centered approach. The method used is quasi-
Mathematical problem experimental, with a population of 146 students. The results showed
solving abylity. that; 1) the ability of solving mathematical problems got learning by
using scientific inquiry approach better than students who received
teacher centered learning approaches; 2) overall response of students
Corresponding Author: who study mathematics by using scientific inquiry approach showed a
positive attitude. It is obtained from the questionnaire results with
idinsuteja92@gmail.com indicators of: (a) the seriousness of learning and liking for mathematics.
(B) A Scientific Inquiry approach to use in learning mathematics. (C)
the seriousness and the ability to think in solving problems

In general, one of the goals of mathematics learning in school is to solve problems in daily
life through basic training with logical thinking, critical and creative. Mathematics learning should
be improved to develop the students' ability to think logically, critically, creatively and initiative in
responding to problems that occur Problem-solving skills acquired in a study of mathematics in
general can be transferred for use in solving other problems in daily life, The skill of problem
solving is acquiring the knowledge that will lead one to a solution, and ones ability to combine
that knowledge in a ready To use format and utilize it to find a solution.
This means problem-solving ability is knowledge which requires a special skill in finding
solutions to the problems faced by combining the concepts and rules that have been obtained
previously, in order to obtain the path to reach a desired goal. Problem solving capabilities
including a skill, because in solving the problem involves all aspects of knowledge (memory,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) and attitude willing to accept the
Although math get more time than the other subjects in school learning, but students give
less attention to this lesson because students think math lesson was scary and have problems
difficult to solve. The causes include the material factors and the learning process. lots and learning
materials focused solely on teachers (teacher centered) makes the learning process becomes
monotonous and less interesting. These issues are always relevant for all educational actors in
finding a strategy or approach to learning as well as possible.
The learning approach chosen with the expectation it can be useful for efforts to improve
mathematics learning process to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities in
particular and in general mathematics achievement of students. approach is the first step in forming
an idea of looking at a problem or object of study. This approach will shape the implementation of
these ideas to describe the treatment applied to the problem or object of study that will be handled.
The approach is a series of scientific inquiry learning process that involves students
systematically acquire knowledge and can formulate its own inventions with aplomb Scientific
inquiry is a powerful way of understanding science content. Students learn how to ask questions
and use evidence to answer them. In the process of learning the strategies of scientific inquiry,
students learn to conduct an investigation and collect evidence from a variety of sources, develop
an explanation from the data, and communicate and defend their conclusions.
Approach to scientific inquiry other than to make the students more active in constructing
their knowledge and skills, can also encourage students to undertake an investigation to find the

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

facts of a phenomenon or event. That is, in the learning process, students are taught and
conditioned to discover the scientific truth and solve mathematical problems Scientific inquiry
reflects how scientists come to understand the natural world, and it is at the heart of how students
learn. From a very early age, children interact with their environment, ask questions, and seek
ways to answer those questions. Understanding science content is significantly enhanced when
ideas are anchored to inquiry experiences.
Scientific inquiry seeks learning students to recognize the problem, formulating a problem,
finding a solution or test the temporary answer to a problem / question with an investigation (find
facts through sensing), finally able to draw conclusions and to present it orally and in writing
By applying scientific inquiry approach to learning, students are taught and conditioned to
find scientific truth, can think critically and solve mathematical problems. Based on the description
above, the writer is interested in studying about scientific inquiry approach to mathematics
problem solving ability of students. as for the purpose of this study was to determine the ability of
solving mathematical problems students acquire scientific inquiry approach to learning with better
than students who received teacher centered learning approach. Formulation of the problem in this
research is: 1) Is mathematics problem solving ability of students who obtain scientific inquiry
learning approach is better than the mathematical problem solving ability of students obtaining
teacher centered learning approaches; 2) How is the response of students who got to use traditional
learning approach to scientific inquiry and problems solving math problems?

1. The ability of students' mathematical problem solving

Problem solving ability is very important for students and their future. Problem solving skill
is defined as a cognitive-affective behavioral process through which an individual or group
identifies or discovers effective means of coping with problem encountered in everyday living.[4]
Therefore, solving the problem is the process of receiving the challenge and work hard to resolve
problems. In addressing the problem of students have to work hard to accept the challenge to solve
its problems problem solving in an effort to find a way out of a difficulty, achieve a goal which
is not immediately achievable.
A variety of thinking skills of the students such as: memory, understanding, and application
of various theorems, rules, formulas, the arguments, and the law will be very helpful in solving a
mathematical problem faced by the students. Problem solving refers to a goal directed sequence of
cognitive operations. Selain itu, Problem solving ability is the basic skill of identifying a problem
and taking steps to resolve problem).[1] It can be concluded that the problem-solving ability is
knowledge which requires a special skill in finding solutions to the problems faced by combining
the concepts and rules that have been obtained previously, in order to obtain the path to reach a
desired goal. The importance of the use of steps to solve a problem, show that the answer to
solving the problem is not easily obtained, but must go through a variety of procedural steps
and was able to link the concepts that have been there before.

2. Scientific Inquiry Approach

Scientific inquiry is viewed as a teaching approach used to communicate scientific
knowledge to students as opposed to an educational outcome that students are expected to learn
about and learn how to do.[6] Approach to scientific inquiry is a series of learning in which
students in obtaining the information systematically and logically. The approach in this study is
expected to improve learning outcomes and foster students.
Scientific inquiry as the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose
explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Scientific inquiry also refers to the
activities through which students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, as well
as an understanding of how scientists study the natural world.[7] The students learn how to ask and
use the evidence to answer. In the process of scientific inquiry learning, students learn to conduct
an investigation and collect data from various sources, develop a description of the data and
communicate the conclusions mereka.Pendekatan scientific inquiry aims to develop students' skills
in problem solving through a scientific activity (scientific) by comparing problems with the real
conditions in the area of science, helping students identify the concept or method of problem
solving and design a way to solve the problem.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The method used is a quasi-experimental research methods. This method has the control
group, but not able to function fully to control external variables that affect the implementation of
the experiment. Quasi-experimental research is research that is closer to real trial where it is
impossible to hold control / manipulate all relevant variables, there must be a compromise in
determining the appropriate internal and external validity of existing boundaries.[8] This research
use only posttest research design. The population in this study were students of class X MAN
Rengasdengklok Karawang. sampling using purposive sampling that is sampling technique with a
certain considerations.


Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
The purpose of this study was to determine the problem solving ability of students who
received learning by using scientific inquiry approach and students who obtain learning by using
teacher centered approach. Descriptive analyzes are presented in the following table1.
Table 1. Descriptive analyzes problem solving ability of students
Class Skor Ideal
Average S xmin xmaks
Eksperiment 18 11.40 1.748 8,00 15,00
Control 18 10.14 1.849 7,00 15,00
Then the data is processed by using a non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney U to see the
mathematical problem solving ability of students to scientific inquiry approach. Presented in the
following table 2.
Tabel 2. Mann-Whitney U mathematical problem solving ability of students
Test Statisticsa
Problem Solving
Mann-Whitney U 408,500
Wilcoxon W 1038,500
Z -2,426
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,015
Based on the above table, the significant value on a 2-tailed test non-parametric Mann-
Whitney U to score postes students' mathematical problem solving ability of 0.015, smaller than
= 0.05, then H0 is rejected. It shows that at the 95% confidence level, mathematical problem
solving ability of students who obtain scientific inquiry learning approach is better than the
mathematical problem solving ability of students obtaining teacher centered learning approach.
In line with the study of theory, that the scientific approach to develop the students' ability to
solve problems through a scientific activity (scientific) by comparing the problem to the real
conditions in the area of science, helping students identify the concept or method of problem
solving and design a way to solve the problem. Problem-solving skills acquired in a teaching
mathematics in general can be transferred for use in solving other problems in daily life.
The response of students to learning
Award questionnaire in the experimental class aims to determine student response after
following mathematical learning using scientific inquiry approach. Questionnaires were given
consisted of 20 statements which includes three indicators. namely: (1) Demonstrate the
seriousness of learning and liking for mathematics. (2) Shows preference for the use of Scientific
Inquiry approach in mathematics. (3) Demonstrate sincerity and thinking skills by mastering the
problems of solving a given problem. The following are presented in the table 3.
Tabel 3. Result student response (questionnaire) at experimental class
Statement Attitude score
Item Answer
SS S TS STS Item class
1 Positif Frekuensi 14 15 3 3 3,97
% 40 42,86 8,57 8,57 3,69
2 Postif Frekuensi 8 18 7 2 3,65

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Statement Attitude score

Item Answer
SS S TS STS Item class
% 22,86 51,43 20 5,71
4 Positif Frekuensi 9 24 2 0 4,14
% 25,71 68,57 5,71 0
3 Negatif Frekuensi 9 8 10 8 3,00
% 25,71 22,86 28,57 22,86
Based on the data in the table to the indicator shows the seriousness of learning and liking
for mathematics known that 68.57% of students do not want to miss in the following math other
than that only 5.71% of students do not prepare mathematics learning tools. For indicators show
sensitivity to the use of Scientific Inquiry approach in learning mathematics are presented in the
following table 4.
Statement Attitude score
Item Answer
SS S TS STS Item class
Frekuensi 8 22 5 0
6 Positif 3,94
% 22,86 62,86 14,29 0
Frekuensi 4 19 8 4
7 Positif 3,31
% 11,43 54,29 22,86 11,43
Frekuensi 13 13 4 5
9 Positif 3,71
% 37,14 37,14 11,43 14,29
Frekuensi 5 21 4 4
10 Positif 3,45
% 14,29 60 11,43 11,43
Frekuensi 5 20 8 2
11 Positif 3,51
% 14,29 57,14 22,86 5,71
Frekuensi 4 13 12 6
5 Negatif 3,08
% 11,43 37,14 34,29 17,14
Frekuensi 6 14 12 3
8 Negatif 2,77
% 17,14 40 34,29 8,57
Frekuensi 8 10 12 5
12 Negatif 2,88
% 22,86 28,57 34,29 14,29

Based on the table above, unknown 28.57% students tend only as listeners in discussions in
class. While as many as 57.14% of students stated learning groups, stimulate the involvement of
students in learning math and 60% of students stated that learning by using the LAS can help in
understanding the material being discussed.
The results of the questionnaire of indicators which shows the sincerity and thinking skills by
mastering the problems of solving the given problem presented in the following table 5.
Table 5. Results of the questionnaire of indicators mastering the problems of solving
Statement Attitude score
Item Answer
SS S TS STS Item class
Frekuensi 10 15 5 5
13 Positif 3,57
% 28,57 42,86 14,29 14,29
Frekuensi 12 23 0 0
14 Positif 4,34
% 34,29 65,71 0 0
Frekuensi 11 17 3 4 3,57
15 Positif 3,8
% 31,43 48,57 8,57 11,43
Frekuensi 13 21 1 0
18 Positif 4,31
% 37,14 60 2,86 0
Frekuensi 5 17 3 10
19 Positif 3,11
% 14,29 48,57 8,57 28,57

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Statement Attitude score

Item Answer
SS S TS STS Item class
Frekuensi 8 20 5 2
20 Positif 3,77
% 22,86 57,14 14,29 5,71
Frekuensi 8 10 9 8
16 Negatif 2,97
% 22,86 28,57 25,71 22,86
Frekuensi 10 11 9 5
17 Negatif % 28,57 31,43 25,71 14,29 2,65

Based on the above table is obtained as much as 31.43% of the students were unable to
complete math problems are given when not assisted by a friend or a teacher, and 28.57% of
students do not get excited every completed math problems are given. While as many as 60% of
students are not afraid to answer wrong in doing maths and 42.86% of students stated the questions
provided by the teacher to help improve the ability of mathematical problem solving. MSI
calculation results obtained an average score of students overall attitude is 3.53. It showed a
positive response to the learning of mathematics using scientific inquiry approach.

Based on the analysis and discussion of the results that have been described previously, it
was concluded that the mathematical problem solving ability of students who obtain scientific
inquiry learning approach is better than the mathematical problem solving ability of students
obtaining teacher centered learning approach. This is demonstrated by the average score of
students' mathematical problem solving ability using scientific inquiry approach 11.40 higher than
the average score of mathematical problem solving ability of students with teacher centered
approach that is 10.14. Then the students showed a positive response to the approach of scientific
inquiry and problems of mathematical problem solving, obtained an average score of students'
overall attitude is 3.53.
Suggestions of constituent regarding the implementation of scientific inquiry approach that is
necessary to conduct further research on the implementation of the learning of mathematics
through scientific inquiry approach to the condition of a particular school to develop other
mathematical ability with the principal study broader and different levels.


Anderson, 1980. Cognitive psychology and its implications, New York: Freeman.
Adjie, N. and Rostika, R.D.2006.Konsep Dasar Matematika, Bandung: UPI PRESS.
http://www.nsta.org/about/positions/inquiry.aspx Nasional Science Teachers Assosiation
Giter K. 2013.The Examining Problem Solving Skills and Preferences of Turkish University
Students in Relation to Sport and Social Activity Educational research International. Vol.
1 no. 3 June
Sudia M and Kadir.2011.Developing Skills Resolution Mathematical Primary School Students.
International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 2 No. 10 October
Norman. 2013.Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry as Contexts for the Learning of Science
and Achievement of Scientific Literacy. International Journal of Education in
Mathematics, Science and Technology. Volume 1, Number 3, July 2013, 138-147
National Research Council.1996.National science education standards. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press.
Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Relationship Between The Educational Background With

Syntax Model Of Learning Problem Solving Midwifery
Students STIKES
Saparudin1), Nuryani Rustaman1)
Department of Science Education Indonesia University of Education. Bandung

Article info Abstract

Keywords: Microbiology course material given to students so that they have the ability or
competencies that will support the improvement of the competence of graduates,
Syntax, and professional expertise in the field work, and can respond to the advancement
Problem solving, of science and technology to participate resolve clinical issues. Based on the
Models, above background, encourages research has been conducted to further analyze
Descriptive correlational the correlation between educational background with the implementation of the
syntax problem solving learning model, of midwifery students one STIKes, in
West Java 2nd semester 2015/2016 academic year. The method used is
descriptive correlational method, the target population in this study is one of the
midwifery students, in West Java STIKes second semester, of the 2015/2016
academic year, sampling using total sampling technique, whereas research
design using cross sectional analytic study. The independent variable is the
educational background, covering school background, and the background of the
program at the time in senior high school/vocasional senior high school, while
the dependent variable, is the syntax implementation model of problem solving.
The average implementation syntax model of problem solving was measured
after the students carry out practical problem solving based on the material
effect of temperature on microbial growth.The results showed that students
whose background high schools, the implementation of syntax model of
problem solving in Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5, higher than
background vocasional senior high school and all phases is not significant at test
Corresponding Author: level 5%. Percentage of the implementation of the syntax model of problem
solving by students, a background of the natural sciences program, in Phase 1 -
yudhisaparudin@yahoo.co.id Phase 5 is higher than, the background program social sciences, pharmaceutical,
and chemical analysts at the time in vocasional senior high school, but not
significant at the test level of 5%, except in phase 3 and phase 5 is significant at
the 5% test level.


Health workers should have to have three competencies are knowledge, practical skills
(hands on) and attitude. Competence of graduates should be dominated, so that no gap to the
institution works. This gap can be anticipated if the health profession graduates, can apply the
lecture material when it is in the institution where the work. In anticipation of this, the necessary
changes that are innovative reorientation, reform in the development of health education, all such
changes should be toward achieving satisfaction stakeholders. This satisfaction is achieved if the
provision of education can produce graduates according to national standards, with reference to
efforts to achieve Healthy Indonesia 2015 [1]. In based on national standards, the delivery of such
education should prepare to adapt to the international standard qualification. Health Science
Technology Education Standar [2], Medical Microbiology informs that lecture, should be directed
so that students understand: (1) the process of infection control, (2) the relationship between
microorganisms and health, (3) the role of microorganisms in infectious diseases and (4) the
immune response to infection.
The purpose gave lectures Microbiology to students, so that students have the ability or
competence related to the field of Microbiology, which will support the increased competence of
graduates, and professional expertise in the field work, and can respond to the advancement of
science and technology to participate resolve clinical issues, mainly caused by microbial

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Usage-based learning problem solving in STIKes relatively rare, whereas learning model has
advantages, use problem solving approach in identifying problems, set goals, and determine
alternative treatment plan, which relates to a specific patient, successfully improve clinical learning
experience, and problem solving skills of students, opinion is in line with research conducted by
[8] showed that the use of problem solving based learning can improve student learning outcomes
at the course Microbiology. Syntax model of problem solving that will be developed includes five
phases: (1) determine the problem in the general form, (2) determine the problem urgent into
operational form, (3) formulating alternative hypotheses and settlement procedures problem, (4)
test hypotheses and implement procedures to obtain a solution or specify a set of alternative
solutions, (5) determine or verify the most appropriate solution [9]. However these goals will be
difficult to be realized if the learning outcomes are relatively unsatisfactory Microbiology [10,11],
as shown in Table 1
Table 1. Average Value Theory and Practice of Microbiology Students
Originally based on the Group of Schools and Programs

No Students Value Theory Value Practice

Study Programs T1 T2 Average P1 P2 Average
1 Nursing
a. Senior High 70.87 67.83 69.35 56.30 55.87 56.09
School/ Natural ( 4.17) ( 4.73) ( 4.28) ( 6.61) ( 5.15) ( 5.32)
b. Senior High 62.14 62.86 62.50 50.00 50.00 50.00
School/ Social ( 2.67) ( 2.67) ( 1.44) ( 4.08) ( 2.89) ( 2.50)
2 Midwifery
a. Senior High 66.79 64.82 65.83 54.82 58.04 56.43
School/ Natural ( 5.31) ( 4.99) ( 4.86) ( 4.61) ( 4.78) ( 3.99)
b. Senior High 60.71 60.00 60.36 52.14 48.57 50.36
School/ Social ( 1.89) ( 2.89) ( 1.73) ( 6.36) ( 3.78) ( 4.43)
3 Public Health
a. Senior High 70.75 68.75 69.75 58.50 58.45 58.48
School/ Natural ( 4.38) ( 4.55) ( 4.28) ( 4.89) ( 6.42) ( 5.33)
b. Senior High 61.00 61.00 61.00 49.00 51.00 50.00
School/ Social ( 2.24) ( 2.24) ( 1.37) ( 2.24) ( 2.24) ( 1.77)
Information: T = Theory; P = Practice
Data field study results in Table 1 that has been done with the author regarding the value of
the course Microbiology, both theory and practice in all students study program Midwifery,
Nursing, and Public Health the second half, at one STIKes in West Java showed unsatisfactory
results. Average value theory and practice of student background Microbiology Natural Sciences
program is better than student backgrounds Social Sciences program. Likewise with the students
problem solving abilities are relatively unsatisfactory Table 2.
Table 2. Average score problem solving ability students
Study Program Average Ability to Solve Problems
Nursing 55.50 (6.74)
Widwifery 53.80 (4.60)
Public Health 57.44 (5.19)
The data in Table 2 shows that the average problem solving skills students both study
programs of nursing, midwifery and public health has not been satisfactory. Research on the

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

relationship between educational background with the implementation of the model syntax
problem solving relatively not much done. Based on the above background, encourages research
has been conducted to further analyze the correlation between educational background with the
implementation of the syntax problem solving model of midwifery students STIKes second half of
the school year 2015/2016.

The method used is descriptive correlational method, the method of this study to determine
the relationship between the educational background to the implementation of the syntax problem
solving model of midwifery students STIKES.
Population and Sample
The target population in this study is one of the midwifery students in West Java STIKes
second semester of academic year 2015/2016. The samples using total sampling technique, the
entire student population sampled, as many as 30 students.
Research Design
This study is a cross sectional analytic study, the researchers assessed the implementation of
the educational background and the model syntax problem solving simultaneously or at the same
time. The data collected in this study are primary data, including school background, the
background of the program, and the implementation of the model syntax problem solving. Data
Collection Instrument for the implementation of variable syntax problem solving model of
midwifery students in the form of observation sheets.Testing Measurement prior to use, a list of
questions or statements must be subjected to validity, reliability, level of difficulty, power
measuring distinguishing. Testing of measuring instruments carried at semester four midwifery
Data Analysis
In this research, data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical test by using test
univariable, and bivariable. Univariable used to see the percentage scores from the school of
origin, background and implementation of the program syntax model of problem solving based on
the variables studied. Analysis bivariable used is Chi Square test.The study was conducted in the
2nd half midwifery students STKINDO Wirautama in the district of Bandung, in January 4 -
February 27, 2016


Background Education
Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Educational Background
N %
Background Education:
Senior High School 24 80.00
Vocasional Senior High School 6 20.00
Background program:
Natural Sciences 16 53.30
Sosial science 8 26.70
Chemical Analyst 3 10.00
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3 10.00

The data in Table 4 shows that the percentage of high school student background is higher
than the vocasional senior high school, as well as student backgrounds Natural Sciences at the time
of high school is higher than the Sosial Sciences program and other programs, Pharmaceutical and
Chemical Analyst at times in Vocasional Senior High School

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Implementation of Problem Solving Model Syntax

Figure 2. Graph model syntax problem solving on material effect of temperature on

microbial growth
The data in Figure 2 shows that the percentage of implementation of syntax model of
problem solving in Phase 1 is the highest, followed by Phase 2, Phase 4 and Phase 5, the lowest
Phase 3. These conditions indicate that more students master Phase 1 and Phase 2 compared to
Phase 4 and phase 5, students experiencing difficulties, to implement Phase 3 syntax model of
problem solving.
Analysis Bivariat
1) Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax Implementation
Phase 1 Midwifery Student STIKes
Table 5. Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 1 Midwifery Students STIKes
Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 1 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
1. Background Education:
a. Senior High School 8 33.3 16 66.7 24 100.0 0.136 2.222
b. Vocasional Senior High 4 66.7 2 33.3 6 100.0
2. Background program:
a. Natural Sciences 4 25.0 12 75.0 16 100.0 0.307 3.611
b. Sosial science 4 50.0 4 50.0 8 100.0
c. Chemical Analyst 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 100.0
d. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 100.0
2) Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax Implementation
Phase 2 Midwifery Student STIKes

Table 6. Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax

Implementation Phase 2 Midwifery Student STIKes
Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 2 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
1. Background Education:
a. Senior High School 6 25.0 18 75.0 24 100.0 0.232 1.429
b. Vocasional Senior High 3 50.0 3 50.0 6 100.0
2. Background program:
a. Natural Sciences 3 18.8 13 81.3 16 100.0 0.374 3.115
b. Sosial science 3 37.5 5 62.5 8 100.0
c. Chemical Analyst 1 33.3 2 66.7 3 100.0
d. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 100.0

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

3) Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax Implementation

Phase 3 Midwifery Student STIKes
Table 7 Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 3 Midwifery Student STIKes
Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 3 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
1. Background Education:
a. Senior High School 5 20.8 19 79.2 24 100.0 0.819 0.052
b. Vocasional Senior High 1 16.7 5 83.3 6 100.0
2. Background program:
a. Natural Sciences 0 0 16 100.0 16 100.0 0.003 14.115
b. Sosial science 5 62.5 3 37.5 8 100.0
c. Chemical Analyst 0 0 3 100.0 3 100.0
d. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 33.3 2 66.7 3 100.0

4)Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax Implementation

Phase 4 Midwifery Student STIKes
Table 8. Educational background relationship with problem solving model syntax
implementation phase 4 midwifery student stikes
Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 4 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
1. Background Education:
a. Senior High School 2 8.3 22 91.7 24 100.0
b. Vocasional Senior 0.107 2.596
High School 2 33.3 4 66.7 6 100.0
2. Background program:
a. Natural Sciences 1 6.3 15 93.8 16 100.0 0.427 2.776
b. Sosial science 1 12.5 7 87.5 8 100.0
c. Chemical Analyst 1 33.3 2 66.7 3 100.0
d. Pharmaceutical 1 33.3 2 66.7 3 100.0
5) Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 5 Midwifery Student STIKes
Table 9 Educational Background relationship with Problem Solving Model Syntax Implementation
Phase 5 Midwifery Student STIKes
Problem Solving Model Syntax
Implementation Phase 5 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
1. Background Education:
a. Senior High School 3 12.5 21 87.5 24 100.0 0.361 0.833
b. Vocasional Senior 0 0 6 100.0 6 100.0
High School
2. Background program:
a. Natural Sciences 0 0 16 100.0 16 100.0
b. Sosial science 3 37.5 5 62.5 8 100.0 0.027 9.167
c. Chemical Analyst 0 0 3 100.0 3 100.0

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Problem Solving Model Syntax

Implementation Phase 5 95%
No Variable Pvalue
Do Not Doing Amount CI
n % n % N %
d. Pharmaceutical 0 0 3 100.0 3 100.0

Data in Table 6 - Table 9 shows that the student whose background senior high school, the
implementation of syntax model of problem solving in Phase 1 - Phase 5, higher than background
in Vocasional Senior High School and all Phase 1 - Phase 5 is not significant at test level 5%.
Percentage of implementation of syntax model of problem solving by students, a background
program natural sciences, in Phase 1 - Phase 5 is higher than the background program social
sciences, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Analyst, but not significant at the test level of 5%, except
in Phase 3 (Table 7) and Phase 5 (Table 9) significant at the 5% test level.
The data show that student background senior high school, with a background program
natural sciences, when he studied senior high school more number of hours of subjects of natural
sciences such as biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics than students, the background
science programs social and other programs in Vocasional Senior High School, so that an
understanding of science and the ability to solve the problem will be relatively more.
The number of hours and the depth of science subjects (Mathematics, Biology, Physics
and Chemistry) students of Vocasional Senior High School, depending Expertise takes, for
example, vocasional senior high school students Expertise Pharmaceuticals, obtaining subjects
Biology only in class X and XI by the number 2 hours lesson. So understanding about science and
problem solving abilities of senior high school students on the natural science program, will be
better than the high school students Program Social Sciences, Linguistics and Culture, as well as
vocational senior high school students. Students senior high school science courses more number
of hours of natural science subjects, so that they are equipped with more depth to the learning
activities that can encourage the development of the implementation of the model syntax problem
The learning process is carried out at a high school program natural sciences generally
centered on students (demands of the curriculum in 2013), encourages students to opportunities
and facilities to develop their own knowledge, so that they can gain a deep learning, and ultimately
improve the quality of student learning. Learning to use a relatively innovative student centered
learning, and adhering to the constructivist learning paradigm, students play an active role in
constructing the concepts learned


Based on the research, processing and discussion that has been done, it can be
explained:Students whose background senior high school, syntax implementation model of
problem solving in Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5, higher than background in
vocational Senior High School and all phases is not significant at test level 5 % test level.
Presentation of the implementation of the model syntax problem solving by students, backgrounds
Natural Sciences program, in Phase 1 - Phase 5 is higher than the background of the Sosial science
program, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Analysts at the time in Vocasional Senior High School, but
not significant at the 5% test level, except in Phase 3 and Phase 5 significant at test level 5%.


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Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

High Order Thinking Skills(HOTs) in Malaysia:
Concept and Continuity Efforts
Ismail Bin Salleh1), Abd Razak Bin Othman2), Kalaivani a/p shanmugam

Mathematics Department Teacher Education Institute , Tuanku Bainun, Penang, Malaysia

Article info Abstract
Keywords: This is a conceptual paper (not a research) discusses about the concept
and continuity efforts of High Order Thinking Skills(HOTs) with four
High Order Thinking Skills, subtitles such as The 2013-2025 Malaysian Education Blueprint and
Concept, Thinking Skills, The concept of the High Order Thinking
Continuity Efforts, Skills(HOTs), Thinking skills in mathematics standard curriculum and
Corresponding Author: Continuity of efforts



This paper discusses the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in Malaysia
primary school mathematics curriculum, the concepts and challenges in implementing HOTS in
mathematics lesson and public examinations. Thinking skills is becoming one of the essential
elements in education and it is well documented in most of curriculum's across the world
(NCTM,2000, Singapore Ministry of Education, 2000, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, 1993).
Since 1994, thinking skills was given much attention in the Malaysian mathematics curriculum as
well as in other subjects (Ministry of Education, 1994, 2002, 2010). The terms of critical and
creative thinking (CCTS) skills have been introduced to elucidate those skills in teaching and
learning processes. However, the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS) report showed that the systems performance had slipped to below international average
in both Mathematics and Science.
The students unsatisfactory performances had captured the governments attention
particularly when the performance of Malaysian students in 2009 TIMMS report was higher than
the international average in both Mathematics and Science. The rankings of Malaysian students in
Mathematics as reported in TIMMS in 1999, 2003, 2007 2011 were at 16th,10th, 20th, 26th
respectively. The similar patterns happened when we refer to PISA report. According to the report,
Malaysia students were ranked at 57th and 52th in 2009 and 2012 respectively. The government
relates the students capabilities with the way they think. As a result, the Ministry of Education has
taken into account the deficiencies in students thinking skills in the development of the 2013-2025
Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB). It is clearly stated in MEB that high order thinking skills
(HOTs) is becoming one of the important elements in describing the future students
characteristics. The implementation of HOTS in the teaching and learning as well as in the
common examinations are put as priority.

The 2013-2025 Malaysian Education Blueprint And Thinking Skills

The MEB was developed with three specific objectives; understanding the current
performances and challenges, establishing a clear vision and aspiration, and outlining a
comprehensive programme for the system. The blueprint are working on 11 major shifts, five
system aspirations and six key attributes for students. The eleven major shifts comprises provide
equal access to quality education of an international standard; ensure every child is proficient in
Bahasa Malaysia (a national language) and English language and is encouraged to learn an
additional language; develop values-driven Malaysians; transform teaching into the profession of
choice; ensure high-performing school leaders in every school; empower State Education
Departments, District Education Offices, and schools to customize solutions based on need;
leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia; Transform Ministry delivery capabilities

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and capacity, partner with parents, community, and private sector at scale, maximize student
outcomes for every ringgit, and to increase transparency for direct public accountability.
The five system aspirations include access (100% enrolment from kindergarten to upper
secondary), quality (top third countries in international assessment), equity (50% percent in
achievement gap), unity (provides shared values and embrace diversity) and efficiency (maximizes
students outcomes within current budget). The six key attributes needed by students to be
globally competitive are knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics
and spirituality, and national identity. The eleven major shift are geared toward strengthening the
five system aspirations to ensure the Malaysian students are fully equipped with six key attributes.
Among those attributes, thinking skills need more attention.
The Concept Of Higher Order Thinking Skills
This section discusses thinking skills in general. Then the discussion will look into higher
thinking skills (HOTS) in mathematics curriculum as well as the application of HOTS in the
teaching and learning. Thinking skills were first introduced and incorporated in curriculum by the
Ministry of Education in 1994. The focus was merely on critical and creative thinking skills
(CCTS) as proposed by Swartz and Parks (1994). Critical thinking focuses on skills in comparing
and contrasting, categorizing, sequencing, visualizing, examining parts and whole, predicting and
inferring. While creative thinking involves skills in generating ideas and creating analogies and
The idea of meta-cognition was introduced along with CCTS.Coming together with
thinking skills are thinking tools. For each critical thinking skill there is a graphic organizer
(Swartz & Parks, 1994) to help students to think clearer. For examples, to compare and contrast
between two concepts the graphic organizer as shown in Figure 1 is used.

Figure 1. Graphics Organizer (comparing and contrasting)

In addition to helping student thinks, the I-Think program was introduced in all schools
since 2012. I-think offers eight thinking maps to be used in the classroom instruction. The maps
are Circle Map (for defining in contexts), Bubble Map (for describing using adjectives), Double
Bubble Map (for comparing and contrasting), Tree Map (for classifying and grouping), Brace Map
(for analyzing whole object and parts), Flow Map (for sequencing and ordering), Multi Flow Map
(causes and effects), and Bridge Map (for seeing analogies). There are differences between
thinking maps and graphic organizers in term of layout. However, both serve the same purpose in
the sense that to help students think clearly. Figure 2 shows how the Double Bubble map is used to
compare and contrast
Compared to the earlier curriculum, the MEB provides a broader definition of thinking skills.
It goes beyond CCTS. The elements of reasoning and innovation were incorporated with CCTS to
develop higher order thinking skills. The MEB outlines the students attributes in thinking skills as,

Every child will learn how to continue acquiring knowledge throughout their lives
(instilling a love for inquiry and lifelong learning), to be able to connect different
pieces of knowledge, and to create new knowledge. Every child will master a

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

range of important cognitive skills, including critical thinking, reasoning, creative

thinking, and innovation. (Ministry of Education, 2012, p. E16)

Figure 2. Double Bubble Map (comparing and contrasting)

In the latest development, Ministry of Education then defines HOTs as the ability to apply
knowledge, skills and values in reasoning and reflection to solve problems, making decision and
able to create something (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2013,p). The definition of HOTs are
related with Bloom (1956, 1992??) works. Bloom (1956) described the taxonomy of thinking
which comprised six level of thinking; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis
and evaluation. Later, an improved version of Blooms (1992) taxonomy proposed the six levels of
thinking in verbs; remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Here,
concepts of HOTs refers to thinking which involves the action of analyzing, evaluating and

Thinking Skills In The Mathematics Standard Curriculum

Earlier we have discussed the concepts of HOTs in general which applies to all
subjects. Next we are going to explain the position of thinking skills in the current primary
school mathematics curriculum standard or Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)
and secondary school mathematics curriculum standard or Kurikulum Standard Sekolah
Menengah (KSSM).
The KSSR was implemented in 2011 by replacing the previous curriculum,
Integrated Curriculum for Primary School (KBSR) which was operated from 1983 to 2010.
Like other countries, the primary school mathematics curriculum standard provides a
framework to support mathematical thinking in a classroom. Figure 3 shows the
framework that support learning of mathematics. The framework comprises four important
domains; learning areas, process, skills and attitudes and values.
Learning Areas Number and Operations
Measurement and Geometry
Relationship and Algebra
Statistics and Probability

Attitudes and Values
Solving Problems Assumption, interest, gratitude,
Mathematical skills confidence and perseverance
Analysing skills Personal, interaction,
Problem solving skills procedural and intrinsic
Making connections
Research skills
Communication skills
Technological skills

Figure 3. Mathematical Curriculum Framework

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The frameworks lists five elements in mathematical process; to develop thinking

skills. The elements are solving problems, communicating, reasoning, connecting and
representing. Skills is another domain that support mathematical processes. Therefore,
mathematical processes and skills are closely associated with higher-order thinking skills.
The framework challenges mathematics teachers to translate mathematical process, skills,
attitude and values into mathematical lessons and assessment.
Accordingly, school mathematics curriculum emphasize on mathematical thinking
skills as a major component that should be developed among primary the pupils. There are
four main components that support the mathematical thinking skills comprise of learning
area (number and operations; geometry and measurement, algebra, statistics and
probability; mathematics skills, skills analyzing, problem solving skills, research skills,
communication skills, and solve the problem including attitude and values. Further, the
curriculum's documented in our primary school standard curriculum (KSSR) was also
emphasized on strategies and effectiveness of teaching and learning m athematics related
to thinking skills and others. For example:

Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik sekolah rendah

menggalakkan penggunaan mempelbagaikan kaedah mengajar. Guru boleh
memilih pendekatan dan kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang sesuai
dengan kebolehan murid. Keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran
bergantung pada pengolahan teknik dan penggunaan bahan bantu belajar serta
teknologi yang dapat merangsang dan menggalakkan murid berfikir secara
kritis dan kreatif, inovatif, berkomunikasi, dan berinteraksi (Kementerian
Pendidikan Malaysia, 2010, p. xix)

Higher order thinking skills (HOTs) which were involved in curriculum's, pedagogy
and assessments has been verified supported by extra-curricular, community, private
sectors, capacity building and resources activities. Further the achievement of HOTs were
measured through assessments at school levels upon the implementation of school based
assessment(SBA),Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah(UPSR),Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM)
and Penilaian Tingkatan 3(PT3) as public examinations and the international evaluations
as TIMSS and PISA test.
Meanwhile, among the teaching approaches that could help strengthened HOTs was
the introduction of i-Think program consist of eight mind maps in year 2013. However,
teaching and learning using HOTs was based on the explicitly written document of the
curriculum; various pedagogy teaching and learning strategies that apply HOTS as
thinking tools; high-level questions; and inquiry based learning. For this reason, there were
various challenges with higher assessment in national or international examinations. HOTs
started with how teachers stimulate students to ask more challenging questions. For

If we expect students to engage in the thought process more creative and

stimulating, we as teachers must encourage students to ask higher level
questions. (Karron G Lewis : Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University
of Texas)

Apart from that, MEB (2013-2025) also outlined the characteristics of HOTs when a
pupil ask questions and give suggestions solution based on existing knowledge. The use of
stimulus materials such as higher-level questions to encourage pupils to think in-depth,
draw conclusions and reflections mainly to apply that knowledge in real life situations.
Nevertheless, teachers questioning techniques is an important key element in HOTs that

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

elicit the pupils to think on a higher level. Teachers who stimulate HOTs were described as
facilitators where they tend to implement variety of student-centred activities; provide
activities that challenge the mind; and questioning pupils on high level of stages in order to
encourage pupils to give opinions (MEB, 2013).
The third element was mentioned as skilled teachers where they provide more
challenging exercises and exam questions in order to produce higher level thinking
pupils.HOTs questions which were defined by Andersons Taxonomy is more challenging
than Bloom's Taxonomy. HOTs were referred to four top floors of applying, analyzing,
evaluating and creating. The highlights of the highest level of achievement in HOTs were
when students can create anything. But, in another context creating means, even students'
ability to process the questions in the form of sentences or understood in accordance with
the requirements of the real questions. Example of HOTs questions as follows:
Maria bought a carton of milk at a price of RM1.55 and a packet biscuits with
RM1.70. He gave RM4.00 to salesmen. How many coins received by Maria if
salesmen it gave some coins 5 cents, 10 cents and 20 cents? Explain your
answer. (HOTs Course material, 2013).
Compared with low challenged questions as:
Maria bought a carton of milk at a price of RM1.55 and a packet biscuits with
RM1.70. What amount of money paid by Maria? (HOTs Course material, 2013)
Even HOTs questions are in category of non-routine questions as:
Mamat wants to build a chicken coop fence for a square. He has a 20 meter
wire fence. What is the size of the rectangular can he produce? Which one is
the best? (HOTs Course material, 2013)
HOTs can also be carried out during or at the end of set inductions of a classroom
teaching activity particularly to stimulate thinking ability of the pupils. Meanwhile, the
materials used also need to be more challenging. Materials used can cross the age of the
pupils as appropriate and at the carefulness of teachers in the classroom. Sample of HOTs
questions were shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3

Figure 1. First sample of HOTs Question

Figure 2. Second Sample of HOTs Question

What is the fraction for every piece of land belonging to the owner? This question
can be solved when the pupils applied the meaning and definition of fractions; analyze the
underlying forms that figure can be attributed to equalize shape and size; assess; and create

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

or process diagram form in accordance with the requirements of the original question.
Pupils can use diagram to help them to solve the problem such as shown the diagram 4.
The answers will be obtained are as displayed in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Students Answer
Lapp 8/64
Bouck, Fuentes 2/64
Wong 3/64
Krebs 1/64
Fitz, Stewart 5/64
Gardella 6/64

Figure 4. Process diagram form in accordance with the requirements

The Continuity Efforts

This part have discusses about the continuity efforts of HOTs implementations. All
organizations under the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education have
been given the responsibility on jointly realizing the implementation of HOTs programme
in schools. This is refer to the aspirations of the MEB includes previous studies. The
examples of continuity efforts were:

Study the scientific review

Thinking skills in mathematics have been noticed in most of the research in the
world (Singapore Ministry of Education, 2006; NCTM, 2000). Past studies focused on the
ability of students and teachers use thinking skills. For example, Ridgway, Swan, and
Burkhardt (2001) evaluate the mathematical thinking skills and Gan (2009) studied on
Grade five pupils learning algebra. The study involved many teachers whom focused on
the program particularly to improve higher-order thinking skills (Butkowski et al, 1994;
Robins, 2011); the types of low and high level questions posed by the teacher (Velayat &
Hafiz, 2011; Way, 2008); the importance of algebraic thinking among teachers (1998);
making interpretation of the students' thinking and to use it in teaching (Doerr, 2006);
teachers' perceptions about the challenges and advantages of studying students' thinking
(Anderson-Pence, 2015); and the application of higher order thinking skills in teaching

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

(Fischer , Bol and Probesh (2011). However, the studies related to teachers involved in
HOTs and how to plan for teaching has not gained a deep concern among the educators in
Malaysia. Thinking skills were first introduced by Bloom (1956) with six taxonomic
studies of the knowledge, understanding, storage, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. But
Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) contended by modifying the taxonomy level to
remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create.
Past studies reviewed involving HOTs engage more thinking of pupils (Gan, 2009;
Ridgway, Swan, & Burkhardt, 2001). They describe how pupils algebraic thinking and
determine the level of students' thinking when given a mathematic problem. HOTS were
included in the various programs to enhance higher order thinking skills (Butkowski et al,
1994; Robins, 2011); the types of questions floors low and high are submitted by teachers
(Velayat & Hafiz, 2011; Way, 2008); the importance of algebraic thinking among teachers
(1998); making interpretation of the students 'thinking and to use it in teaching (Doerr,
2006); teachers' perceptions about the challenges and advantages assess students' thinking
(Anderson-Pence, 2015); and the application of higher order thinking skills in the teaching
of social science subjects (Fischer, Bol and Probesh (2011).

HOTs Coaching
The Ministry of Education has given the trust and responsibility to the Division of
Teacher Education and SEAMEO RECSAM to conduct coaching course or called as major
trainer. The course was conducted on 23 September 2013 to 11 October 2013 at SEAMEO
RECSAM, Penang. A total of 195 teachers and lecturers from Malaysian schools and
teacher training institutes has been called to attend the course and then served as master
trainers to deliver courses nationwide.
Development of staff programs
The master trainers then train teachers and lecturers to help them run the whole
courses related to HOTS which was also involved school principals and teachers
particularly mathematics teachers. Teacher Education Institute Tuanku Bainun Campus
was also involved and conducted HOTs courses at the schools nearby through the
professional development programs.

Techniques of Answering HOTs Question

There were few schools who took the initiative to conduct the workshops on
techniques of answering HOTs questions mainly in public examinations such as UPSR ,
PT3 and in Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM). Additionally, other non-
governmental agencies and NGOs were also seen put efforts in organising conferences and
workshops related to HOTs for the different level of pupils.

The involvement of the District Education Officers.

In every District Education Offices nationwide were appointed a number of officers
among experienced the teachers and given a role as counselors called School Improvement
Specialist (SISC +). They were involved in helping and guiding teachers under their
supervision in particular subjects such as mathematics, science and English. Among the
important tasks of SISC + partners is to help teachers to carry out HOTS in teaching and
learning activities. Their prior job is supervising, guiding, form groups and monitor the
implementation of the module on HOTs in schools. Two other assistant district education
officers respectively for the primary and secondary schools will be assisting and more
focus given on the implementation of HOTs in the schools under their supervision. For
example, the State Education Department in Kedah was aided to conduct the trial test of
TIMSS and PISA. It was implemented throughout country to ensure the continuity of

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

efforts to make the pupils develop HOTS. Further, the officials at the district education
office also serve to draw up programs and activities to improve the skills among the
teachers in order to conduct teaching and learning activities which were molded up with

Classroom Infrastructure
In accordance with developing pupils state of mind on implementing HOTS,
classroom atmosphere and the preparations should also be improved accordingly. Pupils
could be nurtured with HOTs in real life situations for example during the visits, projects
or the fieldwork's. Mainly, the classroom environment must be cheerful with pupils work
displayed around the classroom and exhibiting active learning. Moreover, the pupils
classrooms settings are important in order for them to sit in groups which allow them to
interact and collaborates each other. For instance, teachers should also use teaching
materials as shown in Diagram 5 to support that can improve student learning (CPC,

Figure 5. teaching materials

Malaysia is striving hard on its efforts in education up to global level align with
other developed world countries. Our educational leaders are moving forward to achieve
the content of MEB, 2013-2025 and it is passions for them essentially focus on TIMSS and
PISA assessments. Further, HOTs skills became significant and relevant starting point for
improving the quality of education dignity of our country. Therefore, when the pupils able
to think on a higher level, it will definitely be a mechanism to measure the level of our
education in Malaysia among other world countries. HOTs skills are achieved when pupils
are able to apply their thinking, analyze, evaluate and create using the modified Blooms
taxonomy (Anderson). In order to move up the HOTs skills in teaching, teachers should
always encourage and stimulate pupils to ask more challenging higher level questions and
vice versa. The collaborative works among relevant agencies are important to sustain the
requirements of MEB.
There are few on-going studies mainly to investigate the possible constraints and
challenges that may exist. Various training's were received from the master trainers further
to their assistants who then expand their knowledge in professional development
programs. The educational leaders from the State and District Education Departments
work together thus to assist schools, teachers education institutes and universities
including of an individual experts in achieving HOTs skills. Apart from that, pupils also
need a physical capability to build their student-centred learning priory to enhance their
thinking lead to HOTs. Although the outcome may not been seen at the moment, the
sustainability of HOTs will be realized in teaching and learning activities in shools which
will consequently produce the expected quality of education.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching
and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives:
Complete edition, New York : Longman.
Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives handbook 1: Cognitive domain.
New York: David Mackay.
Butkowski, J., Corrigan, C., Nemeth, T.& Spencer, L (1994). Improving students higher
order thinking skills in mathematics. Eric Document ED383256.
Doerr, H. (2006). Examining the tasks of teaching when using students mathematical
thinking. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 62, 324. doi:10.1007/s10649-006-
Fischer, C., Bol, L & Pribesh, S. (2011). An investigation of higher order thinking skills
in smaller learning community in social studies classroom.
Gan, W.L (2009). A study into year 5 algebraic thinking in solving problems. Tesis yang
tidak diterbitkan. Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (2010). Kurikulum standard sekolah rendah tahun satu.
Kuala Lumpur. Bahagian Perkembangan Kurikulum.
NCTM. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, Va: Author
Ridgway, J, Swan, M and Burkhardt, H. (2001). Assessing mathematical thinking via
FLAG, in: D Holton and M Niss (Eds) Teaching and Learning Mathematics at
University Level - An ICMI Study. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,pp
423-430. Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG).
Robbins J. K. (2011). Problem solving, reasoning, and analytical thinking in a classroom
environment. The Behavior Analyst Today, 12(1).40-26
Way, J. (2008). Using questioning to stimulate mathematical thinking. APMC, 13(3)
Velayat Bibi Khan & Hafiz Muhamad Innamullah (2011). A study of lower-order and
higher-order questions at secondary level. Asian Science Social, 7(9), 149-157.
Bahagian Pendidikan Guru & SEAMEO Recsam,(Tidak diterbitkan), Modul kursus
kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) 2013.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2015(2013)
Polly, D & Orrill Chandra (2012). Examining the critical areas in grades 5 and 6. Teaching
Children Mathematics, NCTM.p.566-573
Swartz, R. & Parks, S. (1994). Infusing the teaching of critical and creative thinking into
content instruction: A lesson design handbook for the elementary grades.
California: Critical Thinking Press & Software.
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2013). Inisiatif kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi.
Cyberjaya: Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Nature of Critical Thinking and Implementation of

Learning in Mathematics
Riandi Maris1), Ety Mukhlesi Yeni1) and Tatang Herman2)

Student of Postgraduate School, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: Teachers' understanding of the implementation of critical thinking
skills-based learning should be based on the nature of critical thinking
The nature of critical thinking; itself. In essence endowed with a variety of potential, especially the
Skill of mathematic teaching ability to think. In terms of thinking, the man also has the potential for
critical thinking. In an effort to improve the quality of human resources
through education, especially math education, the development of
critical thinking skills a very important role. In this case, the teacher's
knowledge in the implementation of learning-based critical thinking
skills a very important role. Math teachers need to be challenged to face
the present context in education, particularly in mathematics education.
Corresponding Author: Planting critical thinking across the curriculum is necessary and
riandy_marisa@yahoo.co.id desirable. Objectively teachers can be guided in their teaching approach
emy_itsme@yahoo.com to design so that it can develop critical thinking skills, while developing
tatangherman@upi.edu lesson content. However, critical thinking can be taught directly to
improve the metacognitive ability to spur the success of the appreciation
of the complexity of the students' studies in an interdisciplinary manner.


In essence endowed with a variety of potential, especially the ability to think. In terms of
thinking, the man also has the potential for critical thinking. In an effort to improve the quality of
human resources through education, especially math education, the development of critical
thinking skills a very important role. Therefore, critical thinking should be taught both special and
independent or integrated in any discipline or across the curriculum in order to enhance the
effectiveness of learning (especially math oriented to building metacognitive skills).[1]
Teaching critical thinking in schools is an effort in order to bridge the gap between the
problems that are taught in schools with problems in the field (the real world). So the need to take
the classroom experience of teaching critical thinking that are relevant to students' lives. The
implication is that teachers must design and implement a connection between what is taught in
schools and what is expected of students outside the classroom.
As a teacher, the teacher needs to create and enhance the critical thinking, so meaningful for
students intellectual globalization era full of challenges and life at very competitive climate.

The nature of think

Thinking is the work of the mind. The human mind and the processes of thinking always
look the same, mysterious and amazing. Research on the nature of the new thinking into the field
of experimental science is relatively recent. Plato argued that the mind is "the only organ that deals
with ideas of pure, meaning there is nothing to do with sensing, because sensing is a function of
low body". Aristoles found that thoughts do think it is a potential action or one of the sense
functions, in addition to the function of sensing, feeling and will.[2]
Intellect is the "potential that has a wide range of abilities", such as the ability to think, the
ability to realize the ability to live, to know and understand. So, thought, awareness, appreciation,
understanding or comprehension, everything is a term that means that the activity was centered
sense or ability comes from someone called intelligence (intelligence nature). Intelligence itself has

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

the ability to generate ideas or inventions and create mind quickly and precisely (theory), also has
the ability to solve problems (practice). Intelligence as potential or ability and the ability of the
human soul inborn which then undergoes the process of development and improvement, centered
in the brain. But the quality and quality, in addition affected by several external factors,
development is also dependent on the methodical way of thinking.[2]
Thinking can be interpreted as a "whole range of mental processes that conscious",
(Descartes) is famous dictum which says "Cogito ergo sum", I think, therefore I exist. The thinking
is that the symptoms of an awareness in man that has the ability to form a knowledge - knowledge
(data) (ordinary thinking). Thinking is a process of reasoning, composing caught - caught there
toward a conclusion that is true (logical thinking). Thinking is a series of activities of reason (ratio)
of human beings to be able to discriminate between things that are different (reality) and identified
the things that are the same (objective) and seek ascription between the two is to achieve a truth
(scientific thinking).
Thinking is a dialectical process that is targeted to find something true nature of the integral
and universal (think philosophically). Thinking is a process of learning to approach reality of what
is around us and that there is in ourselves in order to achieve certainty (confidence) on to the One
God (theological thinking).[3]
From the above definition contained already what to think, the goal and the stages or levels
of thinking process, steps and patterns will be discussed in the second part, namely How to Think.
According Galotti that thinking is defined as actions that exceed the information provided. Another
Similarly, Nickerson suggest that most cognitive psychologists define thinking as a deliberate and
conscious effort to obtain a result. Meanwhile, according to Suriasumantri that thinking is an
activity to find the right knowledge. [4]
According to Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary: All New 1994 Edition, p. 1078;
explained that "thinking" is "the action of using one's mind to produce thoughts" ("thinking" is an
activity that reasoning to generate ideas).[5] There are six basic elements of thought known as
FRISCO (Focus, Reason. Inference, Situation, Clarity, Overview): (1) Focus, (2) Reason, (3)
concluding, (4) the situation, (5) clarity, and (6) reviews. [6]
There are 12 skills that are known as "Taxonomy Ennis" which includes: (1) focus on the
question, (4) criticized the credibility of a source, (5) review and criticize reports a source, (6) to
summarize and criticize deduction, (7) cause and criticizing induction, (8) takes the value of the
decision, (9) defines the term and consider the definitions, (10) introduces the notion, (11)
determine a course of action, and (12) affect the other. [7] Reasoning, decision making, and
problem solving is a cognitive process that is highly interconnected to one another. Reasoning
includes various conclusions from current knowledge and belief; decision-making involves an
evaluation of the results of alternative or take a selection among the results of these alternatives;
while solving the problem include efforts to reach every variation of the types of interest. [8] Thus,
the reasoning included in the general category called "thinking".
In essence the thinking aims to "know something of the unknown", ie something called
"truth". So, to reach the truth of human thought. The object of human thinking, can be divided into
two kinds of material objects, ie everything that can be achieved by the mind, and the object
formal, namely the search for the truth about material objects.

Mathematical thinking
One of the significant factors that contributed to the formation of a wide range of a person's
ability to learn mathematics is the personality and psychiatric someone who studied mathematics.
Besides interest, motivation, attitude, appreciation of mathematics, the ability to "control and
discipline themselves" to form good study habits is very important in learning mathematics.
Opinions Morgan and King support it, because they think that thought is a symbolic behavior or
sequence of symbolization process of learning outcomes and past experiences that can be enabled
or disabled by the habits that have been formed in a person. The impact of the habit of self-control
person will look at it a habit to be conscientious, diligent, critical and positive qualities more
needed to acquire the skills to learn math. Intellectual potential and the means adequate learning is

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

of little use without the ability to discipline himself in forming a good habit to learn
Basically, in every normal person, abilities proposed to study mathematics in this section,
can be owned by a process and the activity was good in school, because according to Trow, in each
person there are three main capabilities: the ability of adjustment, learning ability and the ability to
think abstractly. Thus it is possible for each student to gain special abilities mentioned above in
mental development and intellectual and personality when studying mathematics at the school as it
should be.[9]
The abilities gained in the study of mathematics in the school will be able to enable students
to achieve the objectives of curricular and educational purposes, when the math teachers realize
that teaching mathematics is not just to make students understand the objects of mathematics, but
on the part of teachers at least as well have abilities above the higher levels of the students, at least
about the same as students. An overview of the various abilities in mathematics learning that had
nothing to do close to the teacher's ability to manage the learning process of mathematics,
especially in the preparation and planning of teaching, and supported by the possession of the
abilities mentioned above are far better than the students. In Indonesia there are 10 abilities that
need to be achieved in teaching materials subject areas of mathematics, namely (1) the application
of algorithms including numeracy, (2) change theorem into an allegation of mathematics, (3)
organizing data, (4) utilizing the symbol, (5) recognize patterns, (6) makes physical interpretation,
(7) draw conclusions through reasoning, (8) the creation of the model, (9) creates a new synthesis,
(10) shows the math in intellectual experience.[9]
There are two dangers according to Cornelius that often occur in the process of teaching and
learning mathematics, mainly caused by the assumption that the extreme of mathematics: (1)
understanding that emphasizes the notion that mathematics only as a tool helper to answer the
questions, so that mathematics is considered simply as a set objects that can answer the question. If
the answers to the problems has been found, it is considered that that the learning objectives to be
achieved, which in fact it is only a short-term goal. As a result, long-term goals in order to
establish the ability of reasoning in thinking is not reached. It also led to the frequent occurrence of
the learning process that goes passing for just memorizing by rote sequence of steps to resolve
problems and formulas that are used without thinking and the main priority is the speed and sheer
numeracy skills. It makes rigid way of thinking and make the students' minds have a hard time
getting used to perform the activities of learning throughout life, particularly when confronted with
issues that require analysis capabilities to its solution; (2) an understanding that emphasizes
mathematics only as a field of study that consists of a set of abstract structures that most businesses
often overlook learn concrete examples. Mathematics is considered only as a brain game created
with special languages meaningless. This assumption leads to the understanding that mathematics
is only abstract relationships so it is misleading, confusing and difficult or cannot be understood at
Both of the above is an indication that teachers often do not realize that there are specific
goals that most essential of which must be achieved in mathematics teaching and learning activities
through the presentation topics of study areas of mathematics in schools. The intended destination
is the formation of computational ability, the ability to apply mathematics internally and externally
to get the value practicality and also the ability to think logically and abstractly. Furthermore, for
the long-term goals through learning and teaching of mathematics can make the thought process of
each student as a means and media to form the "ability to think mathematically" that can later be
used in a variety of troubleshooting effort both in mathematics and the sciences other.
Shaping mathematical thinking skills and habits are very necessary for the students in the
school because in addition to facilitate the formation of math learning skills and enable the
achievement of mathematics education in general, also had a positive impact on the way of
thinking in dealing with problems in various aspects of life. Of course, to achieve the intended
goals, much depends on the quality of the learning process which created the teacher. For it
requires planning and preparation to produce a system that is efficient and effective learning.[10]
The establishment and development of mathematical thinking is not by itself going though
the students are required to learn mathematic for many years at the school. Although the subject
areas of mathematics considered a science that developed the discipline to think according to

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

logical reasoning and it is expected that the logical thinking has been stated and have been
absorbed and understood the students in all aspects of their life as long as they follow the
mathematics, but cannot guarantee the formation of habits of mathematical thinking as it should be,
After passing through a number of very much time at school used for teaching and learning
mathematics, usually more attention is given to the content and techniques of problem solving to
find answers, but very little attention to split through the steps of the investigation and assessment
of systematic and logical. This can be caused because the process is much overlooked in the books
for more emphasis on its contents. Perhaps also because the teachers do not understand the ways
and steps, phases, components as well as the conditions and terms that are required in
mathematical thinking that is the source to be able to examine the expected process of learning
mathematics. In other words, teachers often do not appreciate the mathematical function as a tool
of thought.[11]
Meaning "mathematical thinking" based on the concept of thinking which is defined as the
way that humans use to improve their understanding of their environment by using the efforts of
monitoring, control, research or study on the environment. Understanding of this thinking proceed
from the assumption that every individual is always trying to increase awareness of the scope of
thinking so that it can carry out choices in a wider range.[11]
Mathematical thinking associated with the concept of thinking means "a way to enhance the
understanding of math by compiling data and information obtained through research or assessment
of mathematical objects. Before you can use a mathematical way of thinking, there is a
preliminary stage in which information is separated and then translated into symbols. Mathematical
patterns and ways of thinking can be applied to any field of study of mathematics and materials
used when working on the problems in each of the appropriate fields appropriately. There are three
components in mathematical thinking by Burton, namely:
1) Operations in mathematical thinking, namely the process of doing the work-the work
mathematically using elements of mathematics as an incentive to think and do by some
means, methods or operations that use can be known by the properties of the rules of
mathematics . This process is essentially the study of the relationships between the
elements in mathematics and is a key operations in doing mathematics. The operations
were performed in the process include counting, repeating, sort, constitute, add,
subtract, multiply, divide, unite, matching, merging, combining, changing, form the
equivalent class, grouping.
2) The process of mathematical thinking that is the core process of mathematical activity
in an effort to implement measures in general think. There are four processes in this
process, namely deepening (specializing), estimate (conjecturing), lead to the
conclusion (generalizing), and strengthen confidence (convincing). INSIGHT is the use
of a powerful way to assess the meaning of a question or problem with the testing of
the specific examples. INSIGHT is the key to the learning process with the inductive
approach. The estimation is to estimate the fundamental patterns that can be used for
the investigation, the disclosure clearly and precisely and then convincingly can
provide strong support to justify patterns obtained in solving problems or issues. A
conclusion is the process of making statements conclusion of an understanding of
patterns or regularities were found to have been tested. Statements that appear can be a
benchmark used as a guide for generating sequence patterns, order and meaning of a
lot of data. Success in this process at several stages of conclusion in solving problems
and complicated problem much depends on one's ability to do so carefully. Convincing
is the testing process to strengthen the conclusions made, in order to be accepted by
many people. When individual conclusions that do have believed the other parties need
to be convinced. This strengthening process can be done in the process of inductive
learning through steps deepening, predictions were later inference, but can also be
done in the learning process with deductive approach from inference and then
estimating the deepening.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

3) The dynamics of mathematical thinking is a thought process that moves to increase and
spread, as if to form a spiral, to achieve understanding and awareness as a result of
dynamic thinking. This process began with "manipulation" is encouraged and
stimulated by the allegations and the curiosity to discover the elements that need to be
investigated. These elements can be physical objects, diagrams, ideas or symbols that
should be found in a concrete situation that should be acceptable to interpret. The gap
between what is expected in the manipulation of what really happened, a strain that can
provide power to keep the process. When some pattern or regularity relationship can be
found, then the tension eased and it will turn into success, admiration, pleasure or
curiosity more, where this situation can power the next. Despite conjecture about what
is gained and facing often still unclear to understand, further efforts remain necessary
manipulation to what is alleged to be expressed in the form of the ideas articulated.
The expression of the ideas do not have to be verbal but better in concrete form,
diagrams, symbols that can be stated clearly the basics and essentials are achieved, as a
result of the manipulation process. This process takes place continuously in
mathematics learning activities. Thus, the dynamics of mathematical thinking usually
lasts through the process of repeating the experience of "manipulation", "expect to find
a pattern" (getting a sense of pattern) and then "declared patterns obtained
symbolically" (articulating that pattern symbolically).[12]
An important thing to understand and realize the dynamic process of mathematical thinking
is that along with the ongoing activities of manipulation, looking for patterns and proclaim a
pattern as a cognitive activity that drives the process of mathematical thinking, it is also a process
of affective reactions which passes through three phases: (a) involved (entry), (b) seeking to
resolve (attack) and (c) review (review). Ebb and flow of the process flow dynamics on the level of
cognitive thinking mapped by the reaction of the affective reaction.
Phase "entry" is the phase that occurs when someone manipulation attempt to find meaning
or intent matter, in which occurs the generation of responsibility and a sense of belonging. Besides
the sense of wonder, curiosity or suspense in this phase creates affective needs. To meet this need
required ongoing investigation process, which in turn will satisfy cognitive needs when finding the
basic patterns. According to Bruner, as stated by Burton, the stages of the business work hard to
find "a matter of intent", it is considered as a part of human needs in solving "cognitive conflict".
There are two affective meaning in the face of the conflict. Can happen, someone will withdraw
leaving this activity because of feelings of failure and inadequacy. On the other hand, a person will
continue to move forward from the phase of "entry" into the next phase of "seeking to resolve
Phase "attack" is the phase in which a person involve himself further and try to do a search
of ways and alternative solutions. This could only happen to someone who has experience and is
aware of the success of the previous solution, which gives him the confidence to overcome the
possibility of failure on the following occasion. At this stage it is the interdependence between the
region and the area of cognitive affective in searching for patterns, which will bring important
consequences and positive impact on the learning process to achieve the desire to succeed.
Phase "review" is the phase in which someone is trying to use the opportunity to review and
rethink and expand the success and experience, as can reveal the result in symbolic form the
patterns found. This opportunity is used to look back on general and complete to be compared
against the actual situation and the experience to find solutions in addition to looking for a step
forward by reviewing the following questions were put forward to test the results achieved in order
to be acceptable and generally applicable.[12]
Overall, the description of mathematical thinking phases associated with affective aspects
can be explained as follows: in passing earlier phases need to be underlined the interrelationship
between cognition and emotion. When a person obtains concrete results that can be accepted as
true at the time of manipulating the elements of mathematics, there will be a strong desire to find
solutions to develop the ability to find patterns of concrete deepened. Further arise curiosity and
emotional tension that could support efforts toward solving a situation to try wherever possible

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

sought revealing patterns. This situation, for successful will be followed by the satisfaction of
success. Circumstances are satisfied this will be filled by the desire to do a review of the results
and the measures implemented activities to the next can arise the need to put on and take advantage
of the form of notions that have been achieved in a broader scope. This process continues in a
continuous cycle for learning mathematics.
The process of mathematical thinking, the dimensions of cognitive and affective region are
interdependent in which manifested in the form of connectedness can switch between functions
intellectually emotionally. This situation played a role in learning and teaching mathematics,
especially for the benefit of individuals. The ability of abstraction and generalization are important
factors that must occur in the process of learning and thinking mathematically so that the
involvement of the affective dimension may also occur. Because abstraction is an intensive aspects
(amplifier) of mathematical thinking, while generalization is an aspect of extensive (widen the
horizon) of mathematical thinking. To be able to implement, the necessary impetus affective
aspects are quite large in someone who studied mathematics among other interests, attitudes and
motivation and a strong positive towards mathematics. The role of the teacher in the school is
trying to create the habit of thinking mathematically possible while giving the possibility for
students to explore the phases required for it, while trying to eliminate the rapid nature of feel like
a failure for not able to trace the logic of mathematical learning.[13]

Critical thinking and implementation in learning mathematics

Critical Thinking
Criticism means: giving consideration, denounced, condemned and tried to find fault the
thinking of others and then reject it. The person called critics. The attitude and the way thoughts
are called "critical". Some experts define critical thinking, among others, as follows: critical
thinking is reflective thinking that focuses on what is believed to be a decision or what to do
(Ennis, 1987). Critical thinking is thinking the best (better thinking) (Perkins, 1987). Critical
thinking is the distinction between thinking directed at the opponent agreement explanation of a
goal (Nickerson, 1987); (1) - (3) are presented in Bruning, et al., 1995, p. 198).[7]
Furthermore, according to Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary: All New 1994 Edition,
p. 239; explained that "critical thinking" can be defined as thinking nature requires the
opinion/decision carefully. A definition highlights three (3) important dimension of critical
thinking, namely: (1) the perfection of thinking, (2) the elements of thought, and (3) the domain of
thinking. [14]
Perfection thinking include: clarity, accuracy, specificity, accuracy, appropriateness,
consistency, logical, into, completeness, significance, honesty, and adequacy. Meanwhile, elements
of thought includes the understanding and ability to formulate, analyze, and assess against: (1)
problems or questions at issue, (2) the intent or purpose of thinking, (3) frame of reference or
matters covered, (4) make assuming, (5) the concept and the idea of a central covered, (6) the
principle or theory used, (7) the evidence, (8) inter - interpretation and claims made, (9) the
inference, reasoning, and mind-formulated, and (10) the implications and consequences that
followed. [14]
Thinking has the possibility for erroneous. Because sometimes think face most obstacles
make it deviated from the straight path and can be prevented for up to reality to achieve. If the
thought of someone many obstacles would make it static and unable to accept the opinions and
new ideas. And when it came to such a state that it thought would lose a great value in life, and no
longer work in the process of choosing between right and wrong.
Errors in thinking can be caused by having to cling to old thoughts fanatically, is not
sufficient reason and the data, the emotional bias and a priori, and an error of reasoning. People
who think critically are not satisfied with just one opinion or single answer. He will always try to
find things what lies behind the symptoms, behind the facts that it faces. The attitude of curiosity
pose a strong motivation to learn and because the motivation there was a critical stance. He did not
want quick to believe, so he sought as much information before he determines his opinion to
respond, correct or rectify an error thoughts or opinions. Therefore, the critical attitude must be
accompanied meticulous attitude, selective, analytical and logical. For someone who is critical,

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

then the laws of nature, empirical data is very important and key. He is able to distinguish between
natural law, hypothesis, theory, conjecture and opinion, and he was meticulous in comparing
similar phenomena.

Implementation in Learning Mathematics

Metacognition Ability to Grow
One of the conditions that must be raised in a planned and aims to develop critical thinking
skills in the learning process of mathematics is process of potential students' metacognition, so as
to carry out the activity of "learning how to learn". This is important because it is one learning
approaches to highlight learn about the importance of supervision, monitoring, and strategic
planning of student learning in terms of learning. The term "metacognition" describes a review of a
student who can effectively have a range of different strategic to learn the routine so that teachers
can monitor student achievement, making changes where necessary. Metacognition is a complex
skill. Metacognition students need to master a range of intellectual skills special, then collect and
reassemble these skills into learning strategies appropriate to a specific problem or issue in a
different context. [15]
Various learning outcomes expected are covered in the achievement of the complex in
question, can be classified into categories: comprehension, logical reasoning, critical thinking,
thinking scientific, creative thinking, problem solving. [16]
How students gradually master the skills of "metacognition"? This is a fairly long process.
However, teachers can begin, early in school. With this model these skills, teachers in a specific
manner train students in the skills and specific strategies (such as planning an evaluation, analysis
of the problem) and to the structure of their teaching so that the students focused on how they learn
and what they learn.
Teaching Critical Thinking
Math teachers need to be challenged to face the present context in education, particularly in
mathematics education with the question: "Is critical thinking skills can be taught directly in
mathematics or will be developed as part of the regular curriculum by integrating them into related
disciplines? "Of course, planting critical thinking across the curriculum is necessary and desirable.
Objectively teachers can be guided in their teaching approach to design so that it can develop
critical thinking skills, while developing lesson content. However, critical thinking can be taught
directly to improve the metacognitive ability to spur the success of the appreciation of the
complexity of the students' studies in an interdisciplinary manner.
The reason for learning to get used to foster critical thinking are: (1) critical thinking can
improve the effectiveness of human thinking skills; (2) critical thinking can quickly develop the
higher-order thinking and literacy capabilities.
Teaching critical thinking in itself is an integral part of the development of professional
competency. For students to develop the ability to think critically and creatively, then they should
be taught by teachers who are critical and creative thinkers, who realize and simulate this quality in
every phase of teaching. Most strategies, effective for developing the condition and potential
teachers into a habit of thinking in the learning of critical analysis. Although it depends on the
context, but there are factors that are relevant to the success of such support, which includes: (1)
curriculum, (2) the cooperation of staff, (3) the expertise of the teaching staff, and (4) be able to
teach it to all students. [14]
To be conditioned as stipulated there should be "preparation for teaching critical thinking"
on every teacher. Preparation for teaching critical thinking are: (1) has mastered the skills of
thinking and ready to teach more familiar explicit, more precise and metacognitive; (2) mastery of
disciplines; (3) improve critical thinking skills through seminars, conferences or workshops
regional/national/international; (4) learn how to teach critical thinking; and (5) were able to
redesign the lesson. The next factor is no less important is the "thinking skills specific discipline",
namely: (1) the argument, (2) definition, (3) strategies of problem solving and decision making, (4)
conceptualization or classification, and (5) creativity. [14]

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


One of the important factors that contributed to the formation of a wide range of a person's
ability to learn mathematics is the personality and psychiatric someone who studied mathematics.
Besides interest, motivation, attitude, appreciation of mathematics, the ability to "control and
discipline themselves" to form good study habits is very important in learning mathematics. People
who think critically are not satisfied with just one opinion or single answer. He will always try to
find things what lies behind the symptoms, behind the facts that it faces. Therefore, the critical
attitude must be accompanied meticulous attitude, selective, analytical and logical. Teaching
critical thinking in itself is an integral part of the development of professional competency. Most
strategies, effective for developing the condition and potential teachers into a habit of thinking in
the learning of critical analysis. To be conditioned as stipulated there should be "preparation for
teaching critical thinking" on every teacher. Preparation for teaching critical thinking are: (1) has
mastered the skills of thinking and ready to teach more familiar explicit, more precise and
metacognitive; (2) mastery of disciplines; (3) improve critical thinking skills through seminars,
conferences or workshops regional/national/international; (4) learn how to teach critical thinking;
and (5) were able to redesign the lesson.

R. Harsanto. (2005)Melatih Anak Berpikir Analisis, Kritis, dan Kreatif. Grasindo, Jakarta
M. E. Dwi.( 2006) Peran Guru dalam Membangun Kesadaran Kritis Siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan
Penabur No. 06/Th. V/Juni 2006. [online]
J. R. Evan.(1991) Creative Thinking in the Decision and Management Science. South-Western
Publishing Co. USA.
J. S. Suriasumantri,(1984).Ilmu dalam Perspektif: sebuah kumpulan karangan tentang hakekat
Ilmu, PT Gramedia, Jakarta,.
Websters. (1994)New Encyclopedic Dictionari: All Nre 1994 Edition. Konemann Cologne
Germany, New York,
H. Ennis, (1996). Critical Thinking, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 17458, New Jersey,.
H. Bruning, & G. J. Schraw, & R. R.(1995) Ronnimg, Cognitive Psychologi and Instruction,
Second Edition, Merril, an imprint of Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,.
L. Glass, & K. J. Holyoak,(1986) Cognition, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill International,
A. L. Costa.(2001).Developing Minds A Resource Book for Teaching Thinking. 3rd Edition.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Alexandria, Virginia, USA,.
F.H. Bell. (1978)Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Secondary School. Wm C. Brown
Company Publisher. New York,.
A. Fisher.(2001) Critical Thinking an Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Australia,.
U. Sumarmo.( 1999). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Intelektual Tingkat Tinggi Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Laporan Penelitian pada
T. Herman. (2005). Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir
Matematika Tingkat Tinggi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Disertasi PPS UPI
A. Barnes,(1992) Mathematical Thinking, McMillan Publishing Company, New York,.
Sharples, & B. Mathews. (1989) Learning How to Learn: Investigating Effective Learning
Strategias, Office of School Administration, Victoria,.
E. Gronlund, & R. L. Linn,(1990). Measurement and Evalution in Teaching, Sixth Edition.
McMillah Pubishing Company, New York.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
Critical Thinking In Mathematics Learning At Elementary
Ety Mukhlesi Yeni1), Riandi Marisa2), Tatang Herman3)

1) 2)
Doctoral Student at Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
FPMIPA Indonesia University of Education Bandung, Indonesia
Article info Abstract
Keywords: Mathematics should be given to all learners from primary schools to
equip learners with the ability to think logically, analytically,
Math, systematically, critically, and creatively, as well as the ability to
Critical Thinking, cooperate. Critical thinking has become one of the tools used in a life to
Learning Mathematics. face the challenges of survival. Critical thinking is the cognitive ability
in using knowledge flexibly, through the understanding of the problem
or issue, evaluating evidence, developing reasoning, taking conclusions
or decisions of the issues that create the good ability or skill in a life.
Critical thinking can be trained and developed in mathematics learning
Corresponding Author: because mathematics learning aims to organize students reasoning,
emy_itsme@yahoo.com form attitudes and improve the ability to use and set mathematics skill.
This is consistent with the objectives of the subjects of mathematics, so
that teacher as part of the study is expected to facilitate in growing and
developing the critical thinking skills of students from primary level.


Mathematics is one of the subjects studied from elementary school through university, even
into subjects compulsory tested nationally. According to Permen No. 22 Tahun 2006, the subjects
of Mathematics should be given to all learners from primary schools to equip learners with the
ability to think logically, analytically, systematically, critically, and creatively, as well as the
ability to cooperate. The competencies required so that learners can have the ability to acquire,
manage, and use information in order to survive in a state that is always changing, uncertain and
The importance of math is because of very relevant in daily life, such as in economy
transaction, time, spatial, fields on buildings, even the mathematics involved in other fields of
science such as physics, chemistry, biology, economics, geography, agriculture, technology, and
others. In the field of geography, math concepts are used to scale or compare in making the map. In
physics and chemistry, mathematical concepts are used to facilitate reduction in formulas, such as
the decrease in the formula of Newton's law of force derived from the integral and differential
(derivative). In economics, mathematical concepts are used to calculate profit, or loss, net, gross,
and in the process of bookkeeping such as the balance of buying and selling. While in the field of
technology, mathematical concepts are used in programming language for a computer application
and also how to use a binary number.
Mathematics is not just counting numbers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or
division, but there is also about getting flat, geometry, measurement, logic, and statistics. Seeing
the importance of math in humans daily activity and various other fields of science, so that
thinking skills is needed in mastering mathematics. Elaboration of curriculum in 2013 in the
implementation of the class, defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture
No. 103 of 2014 on learning chapter 2, verse 1, learning in primary education and secondary
education be conducted on an activity with characteristics: (a) interactive and inspiring; (b) be fun,
challenging, and motivating learners to actively participate; (c) contextual and collaborative; (d)
provides ample space for innovation, creativity, and independence of learners; and (e) in
accordance with their talents, interests, abilities, and physical and psychological development of
learners. This learning will bring critical thinking, creative, logical and systematic student in math.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Critical thinking is important because it can help a person understand how he views himself,
sees the world, and relates to others, helps to examine the behavior of himself, and judges himself.
Critical thinking allows one to analyze his own thoughts to ensure that he has determined the
choice and drawn intelligent conclusions.[1]
The importance of critical thinking skills today has become a global issue, therefore, several
countries in the world such as the UK, USA, and Australia from the west, as well as Hong Kong
and Japan from Asia tried to assess and develop it. However, work on critical thinking to students
is not easy. It takes the seriousness of educators if they want their students succeed in resolving
problems with critical thinking.[2]
According to Maulana [3], critical thinking skills can be developed through learning
mathematics in school or college, which focused on systems, structures, concepts, principles, and
tight linkage between an element and the other element. Furthermore, Ruggiero [3] states that
critical thinking is a life skill, not a hobby in the academic field. The development of critical
thinking skills in mathematics learning is possible, since the material of math and critical thinking
skills are the two things that can not be separated. Material mathematics understood through
critical thinking and critical thinking is trained through learning mathematics.[1]
Critical thinking skills in school is necessary to prepare the younger generation that is able to
make good decisions and become a mature thinker, so that they are able to bring the nation to a
better condition. To develop critical thinking skills in mathematical teaching and learning
activities, it is expected in teaching-learning process to use strategies, models, methods,
techniques, and tactics. In learning, it does not just increase the knowledge only for students but
also to help students analyze and evaluate measures workmanship step in finding a true solution of
the problems faced. Selection of appropriate learning models expected to maximize processes and
students learning outcomes. Students are actively in class with teacher assistance. Teachers
encourage students to be able to develop their creative ideas, answer questions, explain the answers
and give reasons for the answer.[4]
Based on the explanation above, it is highly recommended for critical thinking taught to
students from elementary school. This can be done in learning mathematics through learning model
approaches, methods, bring in any given teaching materials and test questions. Although it may
seem difficult, but competence in critical thinking should already be accustomed to the students for
ease them in solving problems.


Critical thinking is one of the competencies that must be mastered by learners in math.
Critical word derived from the Greek kritikos and criterion (Paul, Elder, & Bartell) [1]. Word
kritikos means consideration while criterion implies a standard measure or standard. So
etymologically, the word implies critical considerations based on a standard measure or standard.
Thus, etymologically critical thinking implies a mental activity or thinks that a person can give
consideration to using a standard size or specific.
Critical thinking has become one of the tools used in everyday life to face the challenges of
survival. In daily life people are faced with decisions that require reasoning, understanding,
interpreting, analyzing and evaluating information before deciding. This process involves critical
thinking because it will allow a person to make decisions that are reliable and valid, act ethically,
and can adapt to changes in the particular environment.[5]
Community critical thinking defines critical thinking as an intellectual process discipline
actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and / or evaluating
information gathered from, or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or
communication as a guide to belief and action (Scriven and Paul, [6]). Critical thinking is also
referred to as metacognition (Tempelaar, [6]) or the process of thinking about thinking. Critical
thinking skills are important because they allow students to deal effectively with the problems of
social, scientific, and practical (Shakirova, [6]). Simply put, the students who are able to think
critically are able to solve problems effectively. Just having knowledge or information is not
enough. To be effective in the workplace (and in their personal life), students should be able to
solve the problem to make effective decisions; it must be able to think critically.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Some other experts argue that critical thinking is based on certain skills, such as the ability to
judge the true reason, or to consider the relevant evidence, or to identify a false argument. Others
argue that the most important is the critical attitude or disposition, such as the tendency to ask
probing questions, or critical orientation, or such attributes intrinsic character. Or, if critical
thinking is based on the knowledge dispositional, some suggest that this would be the sense of
moral perspective or set of values that motivate critical thinking.[7]
Paul Ernest [8] defines critical thinking as the ability to make conclusions based on
observations and information. According to Beyer [8], describes the critical thinking as an accurate
evaluation activities, beliefs, and by using the argument, or briefly he stated that critical thinking is
an action that a person in making judgments with good reasoning. Furthermore, Norris [1] defines
critical thinking as rational decision making what is believed and done.
Another definition of critical thinking is the ability to use knowledge in a flexible and means,
through the understanding of the problem or issue, evaluating the evidence, to consider multiple
perspectives, and take a position (Vanderstoep and Pintrich) [9]. Halpern [10] defines critical
thinking as the use of cognitive skills or strategies that increase the likelihood of desired results.
The other definitions include: the establishment of a logical conclusion (Simon & Kaplan),
develop reasoning and logical (Stahl & Stahl), decide on actions to take or what to believe through
reflective thought reasonable (Ennis), and the determination of the purpose of whether to accept,
reject, or suspend judgment (Moore & Parker). In a comprehensive effort to define critical
thinking, Pascarella and Terenzini states that critical thinking has been defined and measured in
several ways, but usually involves an individual's ability to perform some or all of the following:
identify the central issues and assumption in the argument, recognizes the important relationships,
make the right conclusions from the data, deduce conclusions from the information or data
provided, interpret whether the conclusions are guaranteed on the basis of the data provided, and
evaluate evidence or authority.[10]
While according to Ennis [1] critical thinking is rational and reflective thinking that is
focused on what is believed and done. Rational means having faith and a view supported by the
evidence standard, actual, fairly, and relevant. Reflective means considering a problem actively,
diligently and carefully all the alternatives before making a decision. This means that critical
thinking requires the use of various strategies to be able to produce a decision as a basis for taking
action or belief. The definition of critical thinking at least contains three things. First, critical
thinking is a problem-solving process in a context of interaction with oneself, others and the world
or the environment. Second, critical thinking is a process of reflective reasoning and conclusions
based on the information that has been received before the results are manifest in conclusion.
Third, critical thinking ended in a decision what is believed and done.
Ennis and Morris [1] stated that critical thinking has two components, namely the ability to
master knowledge and disposition. Component of the ability to master knowledge in critical
thinking is often referred to as the critical thinking skills. While the disposition of a component
called a disposition to think critically. The term critical thinking skills refers to the special abilities
acquired through experience or training to perform certain tasks properly, and refers to something
that exists in the individual. Critical thinking skills even this emphasis on actual performance in
carrying out the task as well as the quality of performance. Thus, the term is understood as the
ability of the skills that exist within (inner ability) and as something that can be identified
Ennis and Morris [1] divided the component of the ability to master knowledge into five
skill, hereinafter referred to as critical thinking skills, namely: (1) Elementary clarification,
include: focus questions, analyze arguments, ask and answer the questions which requires
explanation or challenge. (2) Basic support, include: consider the credibility of the source and
deliberation observation. (3) Inference, includes: performing and expensive deductions, doing and
considering induction, committing and taking into consideration the value of the decision. (4)
Advanced clarification, includes: identifying the term and considering the definitions, and
identifying assumption. (5) Strategies and tactics, includes: determining a course of action,
interacting with others.
Facione [5] identified six cognitive skills as central to the concept of critical thinking,
namely; interpretation, analysis, explanation, evaluation, self-regulation and inference. Therefore,

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

the ability of critical thinking is a skill that allows one to analyze and synthesize information to
solve problems in a variety of domains or fields. In ensuring the arguments, the facts will be
collected, analyzed, evaluated and conclusions will be taken based on the facts in front of them.
Furthermore, Inch [8] stated that critical thinking has eight interrelated components, namely
(1) the existence of a problem (question at issue), (2) has the objective (purpose), (3) their data /
facts (information), (4) theory, definition, axiom, postulate (concepts), (5) early settlement
(Assumptions), (6) the framework of the settlement (points of view), (7) the completion and
conclusion (interpretation and inference), and (8) implications (implication and consequences).
This is similar according to Krulik and Rudnick [11] which said that in critical thinking there
is a thinking which test, question, connect, evaluate all aspects of the situation or a problem. For
example, when a person is reading a text or listening to a mathematical explanation of the
mathematical expressions or she should be trying to understand and trying to find or detect the
presence of things that are special and the need or important. Likewise, from a data or information
he will be able to make conclusions that are true at the same time see a contradiction or whether
there is any consistency or discrepancies in the information. Thus, in critical thinking, people
analyze and reflect on the results of thinking.
According to Burden and Byrd, categorized critical thinking as a thinking activity that
requires a set of high-level cognitive skills [10]. In 1987, in a comprehensive review of the existing
literature, Beyer [10] suggested that critical thinking requires a set of skills and effective approach
that include:
1. Distinguish between verifiable facts and claims of the value
2. Distinguish relevant from irrelevant information, claims and reasons
3. Determine the factual accuracy of statements
4. Determine the credibility of the source
5. Identifying ambiguous claims or arguments
6. Identify unstated assumptions
7. Detecting bias
8. Identify the logical error
9. Recognizing logical inconsistencies in this line of reasoning
10. Determining the strength of the argument or claim
In developing critical thinking skills as above, it takes a certain strategies. Fisher [1] outlines
three types of critical thinking strategies that can be used, namely: (1) the affective strategy is the
ability to think independently of the other; (2) The macro capability is the ability to take of
advantage, and have an understanding of mechanical or other skills that are being used to complete
the task; and (3) a micro skills are stressed to learn how to ask, when to ask, what to ask and learn
how to give a reason, when to give a reason, what methods are used.
There are three indicators of critical thinking according to Krulik and Rudnick, 1995; Glazer,
2001; Ennis, 1996; Facione 2010 [12], namely (1) the identification and interpretation of
information, (2) the analysis of information, and (3) evaluation of the evidence and arguments.
Additionally, Gokhale [13] in a study entitled Critical Thinking Collaborative Learning
enhances stated that the definition of critical thinking about is a matter that involves the analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation of a concept. Cotton [13], stated that critical thinking is also called
logical thinking and analytical thinking. Furthermore, according to Langrehr [13] to train students'
critical thinking should be encouraged to answer questions relating to the following matters: (1)
Determine the consequences of a decision or an event; (2) Identify the assumptions used in a
statement; (3) To formulate main problems; (4) Finding a bias based on a different view point; (5)
Disclose the cause of an event; (6) Choose factors that supports the decision.


Learning is a process of interaction of learners with educators and learning resources in a
learning environment. Learning is run to provide knowledge for students, mastery of skills and
behavior, as well as the formation of attitudes and beliefs on learners [14]. In Corey opinion [15]
learning is a process of creating an environment of someone intentionally managed so that he or
she participated in a particular behavior in special conditions or generate a response to a particular

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Mathematics is a tool to study all about calculation, investigation, and reason or ability to
think logically and clear mind [16]. Meanwhile, according to the National Education Standards
(BSNP) [17], mathematics, a universal science that underlies the development of modern
technology, has an important role in a variety of disciplines and promote the power of human
Based on the significance of learning and mathematics, according to Muksetyo [16]
mathematics learning is the process of providing learning experiences to learners through a series
of activities that are planned so that students acquire competency in mathematics materials studied.
Then, according to Soedjadi and Moesono [18] mathematics learning intends to organize
mathematics reasoning, create kinds of attitudes and increase the ability to use and set
mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics is a way of thinking and reasoning used to solve different
types of problems in daily life, science, government, and industry. BSNP states that the purposes
of learning mathematics in Curriculum Education Unit are:
1. Understand the concepts of mathematics, describe the relationship between concepts and
apply concepts or algorithms flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and precisely in problem
2. Use the reasoning in the patterns and nature, perform mathematical manipulation in making
generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements.
3. Solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devise a mathematical
model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution.
4. Communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or
5. Have the attitude to honor usefulness of mathematics in life, such as curious and interest in
studying mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in solving problems.
The characteristics of the learning of mathematics by Suwangsih and Tiurlina [19] are:
1. Learning math using spiral
Spiral approach in mathematics learning is an approach where learning math concept or
topic always associate or connect with the previous topic. Previous topic can be a
prerequisite to be able to understand and learn a mathematical topic.
2. Learning mathematics gradually
The subject matter of mathematics taught in stages starting from simple concepts, to the
more difficult concepts. Besides, mathematics starts from the concrete, semi-concrete and
finally to the abstract concept.
3. Learning math using the inductive method
Mathematics is a deductive science. However, because mathematics learning must be
appropriate by stage of mental development of students, so the learning of mathematics in
elementary school used an inductive approach.
4. Learning mathematics embrace the truth of consistency
Mathematical truth is the truth that consistence. It means that there is no contradiction
between one truths with other truth. A statement is true if it is based on previous statements
that have been accepted as true.
5. Learning mathematics should be meaningful
Meaningful learning is a way to teach the subject matter that promotes understanding of the
rote. In meaningful learning there are rules, properties, and arguments that are not given
directly, on the contrary they are found by students through inductive learning in elementary
school then proven deductively on the next level.



According to Ruseffendi [20] mathematics is the language of symbols, science that does not
receive proof inductively, the study of patterns of regularity, and organized structure, ranging from
elements that are not defined, all elements are defined, to the axioms or postulates and finally to
the proposition. From the mathematical definition, it is expected in mathematics at the primary
level occurring rediscovery. Rediscovery is to find a way of solving informally in the classroom.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Although the result that is found to be the simple according to people who are experts, but for
elementary students the findings is remarkable.
The purpose of the present invention is to enable students to acquire knowledge in a way that
can train a wide range of intellectual abilities of students, stimulate curiosity and motivate the
student's ability. This is in accordance with the opinion of Bruner [20] that the method of the
invention in learning mathematics, students must find their own range of knowledge needed. It can
stimulate students to keep thinking, such as critical thinking in solving the problems set by the
teacher in math or in daily life.
Based on age, elementary students are age ranging from 6-7 until 12-13 years. According to
Piaget's theory, this age is the age of the child at the concrete operational phase. A capability in this
phase in the process of thinking is the ability to operate the rules of logic, although it is still bound
to the object that is concrete. So it is possible for elementary students to grow and develop critical
thinking skills in mathematics.
Learning math is a complex one, involving several elements such as teachers, students,
mathematics and characteristics, and learning situations. There are two important things in
mathematics, namely: (a). learning involves knowledge of: mathematics topics that will be taught,
student diversity, the way students how to learn, the classroom environment, educational
institutions and the community. In addition to the general terms as above, teachers should also
consider specific issues, for example: the characteristics of the topics to be taught and pedagogy to
teach it. (b). As an implication that learning involves a variety of domains, then the teacher should
also specify: how to ask and respond to questions, how to present the idea of mathematical
precisely, how long the discussions need to be held, the type and depth of mathematical tasks, and
the balance between the objectives and considerations.[21]
Berman [21] suggests nine learning strategy to develop open-minded and critical
understanding in students, namely: 1) Create a safe environment, 2) Follow the way of thinking of
students, 3) Encourage students to think collaboratively, 4) teaching how to ask and not how to
answer, 5) teaching about relationships, 6) Instruct the students to think in multiple perspectives, 7)
Encourage students to be sensitive, 8) Help students to set standards and work in a positive outlook
for the future, and 9) Give a chance / opportunity for student to act according to his way of
To develop critical thinking skills in mathematics learning mathematically, it must be
developed learning model that is not simply increase the knowledge only for students but also to
help students analyze and evaluate measures progress in finding a true solution of the problems
faced. Learning mathematics makes it possible to develop the critical thinking skills of children,
for example children are given a problem why the area of a rectangle = length x width? But it was
not a straightforward manner provides formulas to memorize that the area of a rectangle = P x L.
As another example, which fractional value is closer to 1 between and 1/3? Teachers as mentors
in the classroom should be able to facilitate students in developing math skills include critical
thinking skills. So much hope that the teacher is able to design learning mathematics that can grow
and develop students' critical thinking skills. Teachers can give practice questions matter, teaching
materials associated with critical thinking and teachers should be able to guide and facilitate
students with student center approach.
Based on the description above it can be concluded that critical thinking is the ability to think
rationally and logically in assessing a problem accurately and making decisions rationally. There
are several indicators in critical thinking, namely (1) The ability to identify assumptions given; (2)
The ability to formulate the problem issues; (3) The ability to determine the result of a provision
taken; (4) The ability to uncover data / definition / theorem in problem solving; and (5) the ability
to evaluate the relevant arguments in solving a problem.
In mathematics, critical thinking skills should be trained from an early ages, it will become a
habit in students from elementary school. This is supported by the readiness of students in terms of
age and cognitive skills that students already have the ability although limited in scope, and
teachers can be trained to provide teaching materials and problems that can support in developing
the students' critical thinking skills.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
The Effect of Using Counter Example Learning Strategy
Towards Students Mathematical Concept Understanding
Uly Maratu Zakiyah, Khairunnisa and Lia Kurniawati

Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: The term understanding means the ability to relate ideas, facts, or
procedures. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
Ability of mathematical counter example learning strategy towards the ability of the students to
concept understanding, mathematical concept understanding on statistical material. The study
Counter example learning was conducted at SMAN 10 South Tangerang Academic Year
strategy 2015/2016. The method used in this research is quasi experiment with
posttest only control group research design. The sampling technique
used is cluster random sampling. The subjects of this study are 71
students of class 11 which consists of 36 students in experimental group
and 35 students in control group. The instrument used to collect data in
Corresponding Author: this study is to test the ability of understanding mathematical concepts
Uly.mz92@gmail.com from the description form. Hypothesis test showed that the students
khairunnisa@uinjkt.ac.id mathematics concept understanding in experimental group which is
Lia.kurniawati@uinjkt.ac.id taught by using learning strategy counter example are better than
students mathematics concept understanding in control group which
using conventional learning strategy.


One of the common goal of learning mathematics is to mathematical concept understanding;

explaining the relevance between concepts or logarithm in troubleshooting with flexibly,
accurately, efficiently, and precisely. A good understanding towards mathematical concepts is
expected could support and assist students to solve mathematical problems as good as to develop
other skills.
Country Knowing Applying Reasoning
Singapura 82 73 62
Korea Ref. 80 73 65
Jepang 70 64 56
Malaysia 44 33 23
Thailand 38 30 22
Indonesia 37 23 17
Rata-rata Internasional 49 39 30
In the table, it appears that the knowing aspect of the students of Indonesia are still below the
average (37%). Copeland defines understanding as knowing how to and knowing. Knowing means
the ability to do something with conscious and ascertain the process that is being carried out.
Meanwhile, in the aspect of reasoning achievement of students in Indonesia is 17%. In indicator
reasoning skills there is the ability to compile direct and indirect evidence and mathematical
induction. This is similar to the notion of rational understanding encountered by Polya; proving the
Wahyudin suggested that one tendency that led to a number of students failing to master the
points of discussion in mathematics very well is that the students lack understanding and using
good reasoning in solving a given problem. Understanding capability of mathematics as one of the
goals in mathematics gives the sense that the materials taught to students not only as a rote, but
more. So, with a good comprehending that students can better understand the concept of the

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

subject matter itself. This very clearly shows that the role of the teacher as a teacher is not only to
inform the material, but also to seeks and make students truly understand what they are learning,
what its benefits and usefulness in solving problems.
One of the strategies that can be used is counter example learning strategy. A teaching
strategy that encourages students to prove the validity of an argument, sentence, or statement by
showing an example that can abort argument, sentence or statement.
This strategy is interesting to be applied because they have many challenges, requires a lot of
trial and error, imagination, and presentation of exercises that seem like a puzzle. Problems which
given is designed in such a way to make it look easy but actually requires thought and analysis of
deep thinking. Besides this strategy is also different from the most strategies which refers to the
search for truth or the answer to a given problem, in contrary this strategy requires students to look
for the fault of a given statement.

Concept Understanding
Hilbert and Carpenter defines understanding as "making connections between ideas, facts, or
procedures, where the extent of understanding is Directly related to the characteristics of the
connection. It is also helpfull to extinguishing between different kinds of mathematical
understanding, and these are often expressed in the form knowing". Understanding relating to the
characteristics of the connection between ideas, facts, or procedures. This understanding is
expressed in the form of knowing.
Mnchener stated understanding as an absorption of the meaning from subject material
provided. To understand an object deeply, people must know the object itself, its relationship with
other similar objects, its relationships with other objects that are not similar, and its relationship
with objects in other theories. Minchener statement is also corelated with Hilbert and Carpenters
statement. The ability to connect supports the development of the capability of understanding.
Some expert gives the definition of understanding, some of them are Polya, Skemp, Bloom,
and Copeland. Their opinion could be broad divide into two groups:
a The low level understanding includes mechanics understanding, inductive, instrumental,
translation and knowing how to. This type of this understanding is related to procedural
knowledge and it is about series of actions which can be learnt by or without understanding its
meaning. At this stage, students only know series of action or step in working the activity and
how to use it but they do not know why the activity is done.
b The high level understanding includes rational and intuitive understanding, interpretation,
extrapolation, and knowing. This type of understanding includes validating the truth,
connecting a concept to the other one, working on mathematical activity consciously, and
estimating the truth without hesitation. The understanding about a concept not only makes
students able to give arguments related to material which is learnt but also knowing or even
remembering. The students are also able to develop their own ideas and abilities to solve a
non routine test.
The mathematical concept understanding will not be separated from understanding a concept
in mathematics. At the beginning, Mnchener explained about understanding an object. From what
Mnchener explained above, it can be conclude that the definition of object is similar with the
meaning of a concept. Slameto argued that a concept is as similar information which is gained
related to objects, characters, events which are intended to gain same concepts (having similar
meaning). In addition to the experiences which produce meaningful similar concept, everyone has
his or her own unique experiences related to certain concept. These concepts have special concept
for one person and different concepts for the others.
Based on the explanation written above, it can be concluded that the ability of understanding
a concept is the students abilities in working on a routine problem (test) algorithmically or based
on procedural matters and solving non routine problem (test) consciously by using intuition,
rationality, and ability to connect a concept with the other one. Additionally, the indicator which
will be used to improve the ability of mathematical concept understanding is the indicator which
was ever explained by Copeland. He said that the indicator is about knowing how to and knowing.
In his argument, knowing how to is student ability to solve routine problem, test related to

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

examples, and algorithm. Meanwhile, knowing is student ability in solving a problem consciously
and it means that student know the reason of the use of concept in solving a problem, the use of
ideas, facts, and procedure which is used. Student is also able to connect a concept to the other one
and validate the truth.

Strategy of Counter Example Learning

There is a strategy in learning which uses validity as its concept and this learning is well
known as counter example. Actually, counter example is an example which shows that a statement
given is wrong. An example denial can be easy and quick to show that a statement is incorrect. One
example denial is enough to argue or disagree with a statement
The objectives of using counter example learning strategy are:
a. To deepen a conceptual understanding
b. To reduce or lose common misunderstanding
c. To improve mathematical thinking ability more than a procedural matter or algorithm
d. To improve critical thinking ability (analyzing, validating, verifying, checking, and
e. To enlarge students example room
f. To make learning more active and creative
The procedure and steps the writer used in counter example learning strategy are taken from
the research which was done by Sergiy Klymchuk as follow:
a. Ask student to find error on a sentence or certain statement by giving a reason such as
example denial
b. Ask student to prove the truth by showing error
c. Ask student to analyze the truth from the comparison of picture or data based on
condition which is expected
d. Ask student to create a correct and incorrect statement, then ask the other students to
identify error on the statement
e. Give appreciation to student which creates the best example denial during learning
process in classroom

The method used in this research is quasy experiment method using research design posttest
only control group design and cluster random sampling as technique in taking a sample. The
subjects of the research are 71 students from eleventh grade students which consist of 35 control
group students and 36 experiment group students. Before the test was done, the intervention or
treatment was given to the experiment group (counter example learning strategy) to test the
effectiveness of an intervention in students mathematical concept understanding. Meanwhile, the
control group was given a conventional learning as a comparison. The instrument used in
collecting the data in the research was essay test relates to the ability of mathematics concept


The result gained from the test (the control and experiment group students ability in
mathematical concept understanding) is as follow:
Table 2. The Result of Mathematical Concept Understanding Test
Experiment Control
36 35
Maximum 91 91
Minimum 26 22
Average 64,92 55,61

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Experiment Control
Median 65,83 54
Modus 65,83 52,05
Variance 210,02 270,57
Standard Deviation 14,49 16,45
From the table 2 above, it can be seen that there was 22 students or approximately 61, 11%
from the experiment group who got the higher score from the average score, whereas there was 18
students or approximately 51, 43% from the control group.

The Result of Hypothesis Test

The result of hypothesis testing on the post-test obtained the value of t-count = 2.53 and t-
table = 1.69 at the degree of significance level 5% or ( =0.05). It means t-count is more than t-
table. Therefore, H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted. H0 is that the students understanding of
mathematic concept in control class is lower than or as same as those in control class. Whereas,
H1 is that the students understanding of mathematic concept in experiment class is higher than
those in control class.

Research Discussion
This research was conducted for eight meetings in which seven meetings were for treatment
and one meeting was for post-test. The students were given a problem related to the counter
example strategy in every meeting. After that, the students were asked to solve it by themselves
and to discuss it with their groups using LKS and the teachers help.
The counter example is a learning strategy which focuses on the students, trains them to
solve problems by themselves, and to find the mathematic concept. There are no exact steps to
solve the problems, but it is very helpful for students to develop their ideas, facts, and procedures
related to the result. Thus, the counter example strategy is appropriate for students to improve their

TABLE 3The Comparison Between The Concept Understanding Ability In The Experiment Class
And The Control Class Based On The Indicator Of Concept Understanding
The indicator of Experiment class Control class
No mathematic concept
score % %
understanding ability
1 Knowing How to 11 9,64 87,63 9,28 84,41
2 Knowing 12 5,44 45,37 3,68 30,71
There is no significant difference between experiment class and control class in knowing
how to. It is because the problems are easy. However, the students concept understanding ability
in the experiment class is higher than in control class. In the control class the students were asked
to memorize formulas, so it was difficult for them to develop the formulas in solving problems.
However, the students in the experiment class who were taught through observation and analysis
tended to remember the materials longer because they focused on finding the origin of the
formulas, the functions of the formulas, and its application in other problems.
In knowing indicator, the control class is better than the experiment class because the
students get used to solve the problems by proving. Thus, they not only get the exact answer, but
also the origin of the formulas in order to support their argument or the proof. Besides, they also
get used to train their understanding in using counter example strategy.
Based on the explanation above, the use of counter example learning strategy affected
students understanding of Mathematic concept, especially in knowing as the second indicator. In
the first indicator, knowing how to, there was no any significant difference. Therefore, students
who are taught by using counter example learning strategy had better mathematical concept
understanding than those students taught by using conventional learning strategy.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The use of counter example learning strategy is effective in improving students
mathematical concept understanding. The hypothesis test showed that the use of counter example
learning strategy improved students mathematical concept understanding in the experimental
group. In addition, this research is only for statistical material. Therefore, there must be other
research in other mathematic materials. The next researchers who would do research on counter
example learning strategy are expected to study students mathematical concept understanding of
other mathematical ability that need to be improved, and other materials with different level.


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Matematika dan pendidikan Matematika: Algoritma. Vol. 1 No. 1, June.

Munir.(2008).Kurikulum Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Bandung: Alfabeta,.

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Polya, G. (1973).How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Second Edition. New
Jersey: Princenton University Press,

Ramayulis. (2015). Dasar-dasar Kependidikan: Suatu Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kalam

Rosnawati, R.(2013).Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika Siswa SMP Indonesia pada TIMSS

2011. Makalah disampaikan pada Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan dan
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Slameto.(1998).Proses Belajar Mengajar dalam Sistem Kredit Semester. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,.

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Sugiono. (2010) Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
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Suherman, Erman. (2003).Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika. Bandung: JICA,.

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Supardi. (2012)Aplikasi Statistika Dalam penelitian. Jakarta Selatan: Ufuk Press..

Taniredja, Tukiran.(2013).Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif dan Efektif. Bandung: Alfabeta,.

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Representational-Abstract) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Pemecahan
Masalah Matematik Siswa SMP. SIGMA Journal, No. 1, Vol. III,.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
The Impact of Using Visualisation Technique Towards
Mathematics Problem Solving Involving HOTs Question
Afizal Abd Ghani, Effandi Zakaria and Saemah Rahman

Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: Higher order thinking skills (HOTs) is an element that has been
absorbed gradually in Malaysia public examinations. This has led to the
Higher order thinking, achievement of students affected because they failed to master this
Visualisation higher order thinking skills . Therefore, teachers are responsible in
ensuring that students are willing and able to solve HOTs questions.
This study aims to identify the impact of Visualisation Technique on
students' achievement in solving Mathematic problem solving
involving Hots questions. This study used a quasi-experimental design
with pre-and post-test on 60 students Year 6 in a schools in Alor Gajah.
An inferential statistical analysis t-test was used to compare the mean
achievement of the experimental and control groups. Based on the t- test
analysis, the experimental group that was taught through visualisation
technique showed higher proficiency scores in reading skills compared
Corresponding Author: to the control group who were taught through the conventional
approach. The findings show the visualisation method may help students
fyzl_88@yahoo.com.my to understand HOTs question needs and then help them to solve the
question . Hopefully, this study will be a guide to reader and can be use
in schools to improve the performance of pupils.


Eleven shifts contained in Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 stated that, revamp the
examination and assessment are important to enhance the focus on higher order thinking skills in
order to improve the quality of international education. This matter needs to be focused in order to
produce human capital that is intelligent, creative and innovative to face the challenges of the 21st
century so that the country is able to compete on the world stage. The assessment system in the
education field is also undergoing a revolution especially public examinations. This is because by
the year 2016, the percentage of higher-order thinking questions will be added to cover 80% of the
overall UPSR (Primary School Evaluation Test) questions. Next, 80 % in the assessment center to
Form Three, 75% of the questions for SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education) core subjects and
50% of the questions for SPMelective subjects.
Based on the 2014 UPSR results were announced, the overall achievements of candidates
declined slightly based on the National Average Grade (GPN) compared to previous years. GPN
overall UPSR candidates in 2014 was 2.29 points, less 0.02 point compared to 2.27 points in 2013.
The smaller GPN value indicates a better candidate achievement. There were two others UPSR
subjects named English and Science also drop GPN.
Analysis carried out by the Ministry of Education found that the factor and the exact cause of
the decline in 2014 achievement was due to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) questions
where truly challenged candidates. In 2014, 40% of UPSR examination questions covered with
HOTs questions compared to 25% in the previous year. This analysis showed a decrease in
excellent result of all Grade A due to the implementation of the higher order thinking skills
questions. UPSR candidates making numerous mistakes in answering HOTs questions compared to
other questions.
Furthermore, the findings gathered by the United Nations Education Index, Malaysia is in
the last third place of the 181 countries involved. At the same time, the Programme for

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

International Student Assessment (PISA) puts Malaysia on the 55th out of 74 countries. The report
of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 also revealed a decline in
Malaysia's ranking in Mathematics, which was at 16th in 1999, 10th in 2003, 20th in 2007 and
26th in 2011. Moreover, Malaysia recorded a fall in an average score which is 519 marks in 1999,
508 marks in 2003, 474 marks in 2007 and 440 marks in 2011. TIMSS and PISA test the higher-
order thinking skills of students.
Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 emphasizes the concept of higher order thinking
skills in creating more competitive Malaysians in this 21st-century. The higher-order thinking
skills include critical thinking, creative thinking, logical thinking, reflective thinking and meta-
cognitive thinking skills. In addition, higher order thinking skills refer to the four top level in
Bloom's taxonomy which are applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Critical thinking skills
is one aspect that has been emphasized since 90s by the Malaysia education system.
The Ministry of Education has set critical thinking skills to be part of the basis for the
acquisition of knowledge and skills in the subject (Som, 2003). Moreover, critical thinking and
problem solving skills are also among the elements contained in the 21st Century Skills (Education
Technology, 2012). This is because the world today is concerned with the education sector which
plays an important role in human capital to form a complete package of high character and quality.
Furthermore, critical thinking and problem solving skills are also one of the elements found in soft
skills (soft skills) that are required for the development of human capital.
Johari and Yeong (2010) states that among the weaknesses of students in problem solving is
the low ability to make generalizations and low ability in mathematically thinking. These
weaknesses also affect students' mastery in solving mathematical problems. Next, a study
conducted by AyuErlina (2014), found that among the factors that affect students achievement is
the ability to solve problems. The study found a significant relationship between students
achievement and problem solving ability. Based on previous studies, various strategies have been
proposed and used to help students solve the math problem solving questions.
There are some studies found the use of visualization or diagram that help students generate
thought and comprehension questions for the next sketch to help them solve the problem solving
questions. However, there were no studies yet that show the ability of the strategy to apply on the
HOTs questions. Therefore, visualization strategy has been chosen to review the increase in
students achievement in answering problem solving questions involving HOTs skills and see the
difference between a control group and the experimental group. The problem of HOTs questions
need to be solved, because in 2016 the percentage of higher-order thinking questions will be added
to cover 80% of the overall UPSR examination and other examinations.
Theoretical framework
Visualisation skills are related to the theory of cognitive development and intellectual
development of Jean Piaget. Theory of cognitive development Piaget (1952) states that the
cognitive development of children is different and changed through four levels according to the age
of the sensory-motor (up to 2 years), preoperative (2-7 years), concrete operations (7-11 years )
and formal operations (12 and older). Clearly, primary school pupils are at the stage of concrete
operations. Pupils at the concrete operational stage able to think logically but still limited to
something that is real.
Consequently, the learning activities at the stage of concrete operations still rely on concrete
objects and use "hand-on material". Therefore, students at this level require the support material is
concrete and can be processed in order to strengthen the understanding of concepts related to
mathematics. Wiley cognitive theory (1990), Visual Cognitive theory divides into three parts, there
are; visual memory, visual perception and visualization skills. The skills will be a factor ingenuity
and wisdom of someone.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Control Group Experiment Group

(Using Visualisation technique)

Theory of cognitive development

Piaget (1952) . Wileys Cognitive
Archevement in problem theory (1990); Visual Cognitive
solving involving HOTS theory
questions - visual memory
- visual perception
Polya Methods (1957): - visualisation skills.
1.Understanding problems.
2.Devising a plan
3.Carrying out the plan.
4.Looking back

Figure. 1.Theoretical Framework Diagram

Research Design
Method of a study carried out should be determined by the study design that has been
chosen. According to Chua (2006), a study design should be choose based on the purpose of the
study. This study involved a quasi-experimental study. This study used a quantitative approach
using the test method (pre and post) .
The design of this quantitative study using a static design for the two groups (Static - Group
Comparisons). In the static design of these two groups, there are two groups that are selected as the
object of study. The first group was received treatment, while no treatment for second group. The
experimental design is described as below in Table 1..
Table 1. Experimental design
Treatment Post test
(Independent Variable) (Dependent Variable)
E(experiment) X Y
C(Control) - Y
Source: McMillandan Schumacher 2010
Based on the description, the following will be explained about the variables in this study.
Table 2. Variables in this study
Group Treatment Post test
(Independent Variable) (Dependent Variable)
Class Year 6 A Use Visualisation Learning Outcomes
Class Year 6 B None Learning Outcomes
This study will be carried out in a primary school in Alor Gajah, Malacca. The study will be
conducted over 5 sessions either control or experimental class class. Pre-test will be carried out in
advance to determine the two groups are homogeneous or similar nature before a quasi-
experimental study was conducted.
The Sample of Study
The selection of the sample to determine the experimental class and control class is
conducted using a random sample group. These samples were made by a vote of four classes of
year 6 existing in the school. Voting is done by using paper that has been writen the name of the
class, from class Year 6 A to class Year 6 D. Then the paper was folded and randomly selected to
determine the experimental class and control class. From here it can be seen that every class has
the potential to become a class experiment and control class. The first draw will be experimental
group while the second draw for control group.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Intervention Method
As an intervention, visualization methods have been used to help students to solve a problem
solving involving HOTs questions. Visualization methods are required students to add to the visual
image to the questions and help them to understand the needs of the questions. Solving technique
by using visualization methods involving individual to mentally visualize a process or situation in
questions given. The pupils in experiment class are using visualization techniques to help them to
solve the math problem solving questions involving HOTs questions. There were five sessions
conducted to ensure that pupils can master this method well. After this learning session, pupils will
be tested again in the post-test.
Research Instrument
Achievement Test (Test Pre and Post): These instruments are used to measure the results of
learning students better than students in the control class or experimental class. In this study, a test
to measure student learning outcomes isdone twice through pre and post test. The post-test was
performed after the treatment sessions in class experiments performed. Before the test is given to
students, a pilot test was conducted in advance to obtain validity and reliability.
Precedure of Data Acquisition
Before conducting the study, researchers will be applied to study in advance of the party
concerned. This is done after discussion with the supervisor. A letter of authorization from the
Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of SMEs also needs to be obtained before the study
was conducted. After getting the approval letter, researchers will find great teachers of the schools
involved. In the meeting, the researchers will tell the purpose of study and research interests are
There will be a meeting designed to find assistant principals and department heads and
teachers of mathematics involved. Researchers also will discuss with the class teacher involved.
This will make it easier for researchers to get an initial overview of the student whose will be
selected and facilitate researchers conducted interviews later. Meeting with teachers is also
important because researchers will assist the teachers if the methods used to achieve the objectives.


The Result of Pre-Test
Nul Hypothesis 1: There was no significant difference in mean achievement between the
control group and the experimental group answering HOTs questions in the pre-test.
Data analysis was carried out to determine the mean performance of the experimental group
and the control group before the lesson and treatment starts. Both groups were given a pre-test
questions of problem solving involving HOTs questions. As such, in order to identify significant
differences in mean achievement between the experimental group and the control group, the t-test
independent sample analysis was performed. Based on Table 4, it was found that the mean results
obtained by the experimental group was 58.1 and the standard deviation is 12.68. While the control
group received a mean score of 62.0 and a standard deviation of 14.63. The mean difference
between experimental and control groups in the pre-test is only of 3.9.
Table 3: The t-test to compare the achievement of experimental group and the control group
in the pre-test
Standard Mean
Group N Mean t-value df p
Deviation Diffe
Experiment 30 58.1 12.68 rent
3.9 -1.103 58 0.2
Control 30 62.0 14.63
*Level of significant is p<0.05

T-test analysis showed no significant difference between the scores of the experimental
group and the control group, t(60) = -1103 , p>0.05 . Therefore , the first hypothesis of this study
that there was no significant difference for the mean achievement of the experimental group and

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

the control group in the pre-test is failed to reject. This means that both groups have the same level
of performance before treatment done.
The Result of Post Test
Nul Hypothesis 2: The There was no significant difference in mean achievement between the
control group and the experimental group answering HOTs questions in the post-test.
Based on Table 5, the mean archievement obtained from the experimental group whose
follow the teaching method of visualization is 71.27 and standar devition is 11:39. While the
treatment group that followed the conventional teaching were got 63.80 mean and standard
deviation is 14:40. The difference of mean between experimental and control groups in post-test
was 7:47. T-test analysis also shows that there are significant differences in terms of mean
achievement scores between the experimental group and the control group, t(60)=2.23, p<0.05.
These results indicate that the achievements in solving problems of HOTs questions between the
experimental group whose had been taught using the method of visualization is much higher
compared with the control group were only taught using conventional approaches. As such, the
second null hypothesis, that there's no significant difference in mean achievement experimental
group and the control group in post-test is rejected.
Table 4. The t-test to compare the achievement of experimental group and the control group
in the post-test
Standar Mean
Group N Mean t-value df p
d Different
Experiment 30 71.27 Deviatio 11.39 7.47 2.23 58 0.03
Control 30 63.80 14.40
*Level of significant is p<0.05
Comparison of Pre and Post Test Performance
Nul Hypothesis 3 : There was no significant difference in terms of the achievement mean pre
and post test for the control group and the experimental group in solving HOTS questions .
Analysis of paired samples t-test was used to test the existence of the mean difference for a
pair of variables that rely on each other for one population group . A comparative analysis was
conducted to test the hypothesis of the occurrence of the development of pupils knowledge after
teaching for using an approach . Table 6 shows the differences of score mean achievement of pre-
test mean and post-test mean score for the control group.
Table 5. The t-test to determine the difference mean score in the control group for pre-test
and post-test.
Test N Mean t-value df p
Pre-test 30 61.97 14.63 -5.248 29 0.000*
Post-test 30 63.80 14.40
*Level of significant is p<0.05
The findings showed there were significant differences of mean score of pre-test and post-
test achievement for the control group. The findings in the control group showed a mean score of
post-test is bigger than the mean score of pre-test of which is an increase in mean achievement
score of 1.83. Paired t-test findings showing a significant value (0.000) for the control group is less
than the value of alpha (0.005) , p=0.000 <0.05 by t (30) = -5.248 . As such , the null hypothesis
for this study was rejected . The conclusions of the study proved that there is a significant
difference between pre and post test in solving HOTs question for the control group.
Table 6. The t-test to determine the difference mean score in the experimental group for pre-
test and post-test
Test N Mean t-value df p
Pre-test 30 58.07 12.679 - 29 0.000*
Post-test 30 71.27 11.390
While the findings of experimental group showed that the post-test mean score exceeds a
pre-test mean score, which is increase of 13.20. Paired t-test findings showing a significant value

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

(0.000) is less than the value of alpha (0.05), p=0.000 <0.05 by t(30) = -21.278. So, the null
hypothesis is rejected.
Conclusion, the study showed significant different in mean achievement in the experimental
group pre-test and post-test. These results showed an increase in the percentage of score achieved
after teaching is carried out for both groups using both conventional and visualization methods.
Indicated significant differences explain the occurrence of knowledge of students based on the
approach used in teaching. However, the percentage increase in achievement scores of solving
HOTs questions of the experimental group is larger, that is 13.20 compared to the percentage
increase in the control group, which is 1.83. Its showed that the experiment group can build much
better level of knowledge and performance after treatment done.


The findings are based on results of t-test. The study also showed a mean achievement in
post-test was higher compared to the mean pre-test result. This finding is consistent with the
findings Mat Jamudin (2002), which showed a significant difference in student achievement in pre-
test and post after the intervention. This suggests the use of visualization methods effective in
improving student achievement in resolving HOTs questions. The study carried out after the
treatment demonstrates the significant improvement of the experimental group in the post-test
compared to pre-test. It was found that the number of students who can master has increased in the
post-test. This achievement demonstrates the use of visualization methods to improve students'
ability to solve HOTs questions. The study also proved that using visualization methods, it can
improve the problem solving skills of students surveyed HOTs shaped.
In addition, this study had a positive impact on teachers in the use of alternative teaching
methods or techniques in the teaching of Mathematics. The use of visualization in the study gives
the option for teachers to improve student achievement in problem solving mastery mainly
involving HOTs questions. The use of this method can also be used in solving the questions that
often become a burden to the students. Teachers can practice these visualization methods overall
involve problem solving questions, especially to poor students.
The study was obtained a finding that the use of visualization methods affects very positively
and significantly to advance the performance and achievements of students in solving a
mathematical problem solving involving HOTs questions. The findings also show that teaching the
use of visualization methods are more effective than conventional teaching and learning.
Therefore, teachers need to use creativity and innovation in teaching and learning so that students
do not miss out and it should be in line with changes in the curriculum and educational wave.


Ayu Erlina, (2013). The using of Geogebra Software toward Problem Solving Ability and
Mathematics Archievement, Malaysia. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,

Fatimah Saleh,(1991) Visualisasi Sebagai Satu Teknik Pengajaran Matematik, in Journal of The
Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Penang, pp. 36-42.

Johari Hassan and Yeong Wai Chung,(2010).The Ability and The Weaknesess of Problem
Solving Ability in Form Five Students, Johor: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Mat Jamudin Jamrin,(2002). The Impact of Using Concept Maps Technique in Basic Economy
Subjet Form Four, Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Newman, M. A, (1983). Strategies for Diagnosis and Remediation, Sydney, Harcourt, Brace,

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Noor Shah Saad,(2005). Pengajaran Matematik Sekolah Rendah & Menengah: Teori dan
Pengkaedahan Petaling Jaya: Harmoni Publications.

Som Haji Noor dan Mohamad Dahalan Mohd Ramli, Critical and Creative Thinking Skills,
Selangor: Pearson Malaysia.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Analysis of Scientific Literacy Through PISA 2015 Framework
Muhammad Arsyad1), Wahyu Sopandi 2), Didi Teguh Chandra 3)

Science Education
Science Education of Indonesia University of Education Bandung, Indonesia
Chemistry Education Indonesia University of Education Bandung, Indonesia
Physics Education Indonesia University of Education Bandung, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This study aims to measure the quality of teaching in secondary
schools in the city of Bandung. The quality in question is with the
scientific literacy, emergence of scientific literacy indicators according to the PISA
PISA, 2015 study was conducted in three schools using 12 kinds of
framework, instruments to see the indicator-indicator scientific literacy on the
analysis Lesson Plan (LP), Teaching and Learning Process (TLP), and
Midterm Exam (MTE). Subjects were students aged 13 years at
Corresponding Author: three schools, three documents LP, and three documents of MTE.
The results show that the data analyst aspects most often arise is the
muhammad.arsyad.yahya@gmail.com* aspect of competencies with a total accumulation 1428 poins. The
wsopandi@upi.edu results also show that the school is located in the central of city
shows the emergence of sub- scientific literacy than schools in the
north and south..


Indonesia face the challenges of globalization. The era of globalization is characterized by the
occurrence of the phenomenon of international relations and interstate without being bound by the
limits of geo-political or geo-national / ideological. The whole world seems to be one and formed a
dependency without clear boundaries [1]. This is evidenced by the participation of Indonesia in
various international activities, ranging from APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Community), AFTA
(ASEAN Free Trade Area), World Trade Organization (WTO), the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC), and the latest AEC (ASEAN Economic Community), which has just started
in 2016
Indonesia's participation in the International Trends in International Mathematics and Science
Study (TIMSS) since 1999 and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) since
2000, also showed that the achievement of Indonesian children are not encouraging in a couple of
times a report issued TIMSS and PISA. PISA and TIMSS are several indicators that may indicate
the quality of a country's literacy. PISA (Programme forInternational Student Assessment) is a
study of literacy that aims to examine periodically on the ability of students aged 15 years (class IX
Junior High School and class X Senior High School) in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and
science literacy. PISA studies carried out by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development) and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, aims to determine a student's readiness
to face the challenges of society-knowledge (knowledge-society). While TIMSS (Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study) is an international study coordinated by the IEA
(International Education Association) aims to determine the level of student achievement in
various countries around the world as well as gain useful information about the context of
Mathematics and Science Education.
The most recent PISA results are PISA 2012. Of the 65 participating countries, to the field of
mathematics Indonesia was ranked 64, for science on the order of 64, and for the field of 60. PISA
reading in order to be implemented is the closest PISA 2015 which will be published end of the
year 2016.
Need to do assessments of the level of readiness of students of Indonesia early on in the face of
PISA is conducted every three years. The assessment can be done by examining matters related to

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

learning. It is a very substantial and influential among them is the readiness of the teacher and the
learning process. It can be seen from the documents LP, Teaching and Learning, and also questions
tested to students, for example, is the Midterm Exam are routinely carried out by the school.
Bandung City as a big city and become a piloting cities both in terms infrastructures, economic,
cultural, demographic, and also educational. Bandung has many renowned campuses and schools
excel at national and international level. So it is worth mentioning as well as the city of education.
This research was conducted by examining the first secondary school in Bandung by taking into
account the location criteria to give some idea descriptive of the quality of education in the city is
using the 2015 PISA science literacy framework.
Scientific Literacy
Scientific Literacy has a lot to be studied and the main goals of education, especially science
education. Scientific literacy be a term used to express the breadth, slogan, keywords, and coverage
of the main objectives of education and science curriculum.
The term scientific literacy began in the late 1950s and the publication of the first possibility is
entitled "Scientific Literacy: Its Meaning for American Schools" by Paul Hurd in 1958. Hurd
defines scientific literacy as the intellectual ability and knowledge of one's essential to make
responsible decisions or perform cognitive actions in situations that require an understanding of
science and technology.
Scientific literacy is also defined as the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and
processes required by a person in making decisions, participation in society, cultural affairs, and
economic productivity . Science literacy associated with the capacity to perceive, use, and dealing
with science and its application in everyday life, particularly in the context of the transfer of
knowledge, science communication through the media and political decision-making or policy
related to science, and conduct in human activities .
Framework of PISA 2015
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial international survey
which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-
year-old students. Providing indicators on effectiveness, equity, and efficiency of educational
systems, setting benchmarks for international comparison, and monitoring trends over time are the
most important goals of the PISA. To date, students representing more than 70 countries have
participated in the assessment. The most recently published results are from the assessment in
PISA 2015 will be the sixth wave of the programme. Conducted by OECD on 27 July until 4
September 2015 and joined by more than 5500 students across 70 countries. The result will be
published in December 2016[16]. However, the framework of the program can be downloaded on
OECDs site.
Similar to the previous edition, PISA 2012, the PISA 2015 also consists of four domain or main
aspects namely: Contexts, Know ledges, Competencies and Attitude. The PISA 2015 major
difference is that the notion of knowledge about science has been specified more clearly and split
into two components procedural knowledge and epistemic knowledge. Below is the
composition of the aspects of scientific literacy in PISA 2015 framework:
Tabel 1. PISA 2015 Structure
Aspect/ Domain Indicators Sub-indicators
Health and Disease
Natural Resources
44 sub-
Contexts Environmental Quality
Frontiers of Science and Technology
Content Knowledge
Procedural Knowledge 35 sub-
Epistemic Knowledge
Competencies Explain phenomena scientifically 16 sub-

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Aspect/ Domain Indicators Sub-indicators

Evaluate and design scientific enquiry indicators
Interpret data and evidence scientifically
Interest in Science
Attitudes Valuing Scientific approaches to Enquiry 8 sub-indicators
Environmental Awareness

This study was a descriptive study. The method uses a combination of the two methods of
observation and document analysis.
Subject Of Research
This research was conducted on a class VII student at Junior High School level. Selection of
this age level is to look at the extent to which the emergence of scientific literacy indicators in a
timely fashion. The location of research is in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. By selecting at
random three schools in the region by taking into account the location of the school. Bandung area
is quite wide, so that the selected three schools that are considered representative, ie each of the
schools in the north, one school in the south, and one school in the middle
The first method is a method of observation. Through observing the learning process under the
researchers and two observers. Observations were made one at a school.
The second method is a method of analysis of the document. Through by analyzing documents
held by teachers and schools are given to students. The document is twofold LP and manuscripts
Midterm Exam. Documents analyzed by three raters who understand the ins and outs of education
and science literacy.
Instruments used in this study there are four instruments that each one for each domain.
Because there are three components that are diteli learning, then there are 12 total
Tabel 2. The Instruments
Scientific Literacy
Contexts Knowledge Competencies (3) Attitude (4)
Lesson Plan / LP Instruments Instruments Instruments Instruments
(A) A1 A2 A3 A4
and Learning Instruments Instruments Instruments Instruments
Process/T LP B1 B2 B3 B4
Midterm Instruments Instruments Instruments Instruments
Exam/M TE C1 C2 C3 C4

Each instrument is composed of sub -indicators of sub- indicators of the four domains of
scientific literacy. The instrument is filled using an ordinal scale of 0 -4. Where the number 0
when sub- not appear, figure 1 when sub-indicators appears briefly, figure 2 when sub -indicators
appear in the majority, and the number 3 when sub -indicators emerge fully.
Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed with the help of Microsoft Excel by performing tabulation and
technically the entire instrument that has been filled. The figures are filled by the rater and the
observer is calculated by summing all the numbers written in columns in each component of
learning. After all data were tabulated learning component, these data are then tabulated again
in the tabulation of the domain with the count of the amount of data on i ndividual learning
components. So that would be obtained table results in all four domains as in Table III to Table VI.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

This last phase is the fourth making this table into smaller table again, namely to see the
number of scores obtained by each domain. The higher the score obtained indicates that
subindicators in many emerging domain in the three learning components that are analysis. At this
table will also be seen in the sub-indicators emergence comparison schools in Bandung where
research was conducted.


This study was conducted at three schools in the city of Bandung in different locations.
One school in the north, one in the south, and one school in the middle. Each school, there are
three sources of data that each observation da ta is one of learning, the LP document, and the
document of MTE.
Learning observed by three observers who observe activities in class VII learning for two
hours the lesson, or about 2 x40 minutes. While LP and MTE analyzed using each
instrument A and C by three raters. The results of this three - rater then tabulated in each
Context Domain
Domain context obtained using instruments coded 1 ie A1, B 1, and C1. A1 is used to analyze
the LP, used to observe learning B1, and C1 to analyze the MTE. The en tire 44 sub- domain
context tabulated and the results can be seen in Table III.
On the table is visible only a small number subindikaator aspects emerging context. That is
marked not receive a score of zero. Namely nutrition, social transmission, biodivers ity, and
others. Sub-indicators of context that appears most frequently is biodiversity. Viewed from
the side of the location of the school, looks on to the domain context, schools located in the
city center tend to be better than the schools in the north and the south, which obtained a score of
Knowledge Domain
Domain knowledge gained by using 2 -coded instruments namely A2, B2 and C2. A2 is
used to analyze the LP, B2 is used to observe learning and C2 to analyze the MTE. The entire
35 sub- domain knowledge tabulated and the results can be seen in Table IV. On the table is
visible only a small number subindikaator aspects emerging context. That is marked not
receive a score of zero. Namely nutrition, social transmission, biodervisty, and others. Sub -
aspects of knowledge that most often arises is the population
Viewed from the side of the location of the school, looks on to the domain context, the
school is in the center of town is still better than the schools in the north and the south, which
obtained a score of 191. This time the school is in uata better than in the South.
Table 3. Result Of Context Domain
Sampling Schools TOTAL
Sub-Indicators Northern Junior Southern Junior Centrum Junior
No. of Scientific High School High School High School
1. Maintenance of health 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 P
13 0 3 1 13
2. Accidents 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 0 0 3 1 7
3. Nutrition 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 3 0 17
4. Control of disease 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
5. Social transmission 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 3 3
6. Food choices 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
7. Community health 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 2
8. Epidemics 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 4 1
Spread of infectious
9. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Personal consumption of
10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 3 1 0 0 16
material and energy

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Sampling Schools TOTAL

Sub-Indicators Northern Junior Southern Junior Centrum Junior
No. of Scientific High School High School High School
Maintenance of human P
11. 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
12. Quality of life 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 2 8
13. Security 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Production and
14. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6
distribution of food
15. Energy supply 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 5 0 0 0 18
Renewable and
16. nonrenewable natural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Population growth 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 2 4 4 5
Sustainable use of
18. 6 0 0 2 6 0 0 3 1 6 8 4
Environmental friendly
19. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Use and disposal of
20. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
material and devices
21. Population istribution 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
22. Disposal waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. Environmental impact 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24. Biodiversity 51 3 0 58 12 0 0 13 2 54 70 15
25. Ecological sustainability4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 2
26. Control ofpollution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Production and loss of
27. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Risk assessments of
28. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lifestyle choices
29. Rapid changes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slow andprogressive
30. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31. Risk assessment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32. Climate change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Impact of modern
33. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Scientific aspects of
34. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35. Personal technology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Music and sporting
36. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37. New materials 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
38. Devices and processes 0 0 2 0 0 1 6 0 2 2 1 8
39. Genetic modifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40. Health technology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41. Transport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Extinction ofspecies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Exploration of space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Origin and structure of the
44. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
TOTAL 75 3 11 73 35 2 49 71 11 89 110 131

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Table 4. Result Of Context Domain

Sampling Schools TOTAL
Northern Southern Junior Centrum
Sub-Indicators of
NO. Junior High High Junior High NJ SJ CJ
Scientific Literacy
School (NJHS) School (SJHS) School (CJHS) HS HS HS
1. Structure of matter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Properties of matter 0 0 1 0 0 2 48 1 2 1 2 51
3. Chemical changes of matter 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1
Motion andforces and action
4. 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 4 2
at a distance
5. Energy and its transformation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
Interactions between energy
6. 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 11
and matter
7. Cells 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 4
8. The concept of an organism 16 3 0 19 4 0 0 6 0 19 23 6
9. Humans 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 3 5
10. Populations 38 10 0 46 5 1 0 7 1 48 52 8
11. Ecosystems 6 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 13 2 4
12. Biosphere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Structures of the Earth systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Energy in the Earth systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. Change in Earth systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. Earths history 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Earth in space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The history and scale of the
18. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Universe and its history
The concept of variables
including dependent,
19. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
independent and control
20. Concepts of measurement 8 0 2 11 0 1 5 0 1 10 12 6
Ways of assessing and
minimizing uncertainty such as
21. 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0
repeating and averaging
Mechanisms to ensure the
22. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0
replicability ,accuracy of data
Common ways of abstracting
and representing data using
23. 10 0 1 0 0 2 8 3 2 11 2 13
tables, graphs and charts and
their appropriate use
The control of variables
24 strategy and its role in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
experimental design
The nature of an appropriate
25. design for a given scientific 12 0 1 17 4 1 13 0 2 13 22 15
The nature of scientific
26. observations,facts, hypotheses, 13 0 1 11 3 0 15 0 2 14 14 17
models and theories
The purpose and goals
ofscienceas distinguished from
27. technology , what constitutes 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
a scientific or technological
question and appropriate data
28. The values of science 7 1 0 4 1 0 7 0 0 8 5 7
29. The nature of reasoning 5 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 5 4 6
30. How scientific claims are 7 0 0 5 0 0 11 0 0 7 5 11

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Sampling Schools TOTAL

Northern Southern Junior Centrum
Sub-Indicators of
NO. Junior High High Junior High NJ SJ CJ
Scientific Literacy
School (NJHS) School (SJHS) School (CJHS) HS HS HS
supported by data and
reasoning in science
Thefunction of differentforms
of empirical enquiry in
31. 5 0 0 0 3 0 7 0 0 5 3 7
establishing knowledge, their
goal and their design
How measurement error
affects the degree of
32. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
confidence in scientific
The use and role of physical,
33. system and abstract models 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and their limits
The role of collaboration and
critique and how peer review
34. 6 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 0 6 5 9
helps to establish confidence
in scientific claims
The role ofscientific
knowledge, along with
otherforms of knowledge,
35. 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 2 1 4
identifying and addressing
societal and technological
Total 146 23 9 125 23 13 146 26 19 178 161 191

Table 5. Result Of Competencies Domain

Sampling Schools TOTAL
Nothern Junior Southern Junior Centrum Junior
Sub-Indicators of Scientific
No High High School High School NJ SJ CJ
Recall and apply appropriate
1 43 4 3 45 17 2 27 47 1 50 64 75
scientific knowledge
Identify, use and generate
2 explanatory models and 13 6 0 15 7 0 18 19 2 19 22 39
Make andjustify appropriate
3 15 0 0 19 2 0 7 15 3 15 21 25
4 Offer explanatory hypotheses 4 0 0 5 0 0 7 4 1 4 5 12
Explain the potential
5 implications of scientific 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 3 0 3 4 8
knowledgefor society
Identify the question explored in a
6 given 9 0 0 3 4 0 5 9 0 9 7 14
scientific study
Distinguish questions that are
7 possible to investigate 4 0 0 3 5 0 0 4 0 4 8 4
Propose a way of exploring a
8 2 0 0 3 3 0 1 2 0 2 6 3
given question scientifically
Evaluate ways of exploring a
9 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 4 0 4 3 8
given question scientifically
Describe and evaluate a range
10 11 0 0 2 0 0 7 11 0 11 2 18
of ways that scientists use to

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Sampling Schools TOTAL

Nothern Junior Southern Junior Centrum Junior
Sub-Indicators of Scientific
No High High School High School NJ SJ CJ
ensure the reliability of data
and the objectivity and
generalisability of
Transform data from one
11 representation to 15 7 0 17 0 2 7 22 1 22 19 30
Analyse and interpret data and
12 18 10 0 16 0 2 11 28 2 28 18 41
draw appropriate conclusions
Identify the assumptions,
13 evidence and reasoning in 17 0 0 9 0 1 6 17 1 17 10 24
science-related texts
Distinguish between
arguments which are based on
14 scientific evidence and theory 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
and those based on other
Evaluate scientific arguments
and evidence from different
15 10 0 0 9 0 0 6 10 0 10 9 16
sources (e.g. newspaper,
internet, journals)
Recall and apply appropriate
16 scientific 168 27 3 153 38 7 112 195 11 198 198 318
Total 43 4 3 45 17 2 27 47 1 396 396 636

Table 6. Result Of Attitude Domain

Sampling Schools TOTAL
Northern Junior Southern Centrum Junior
Sub-Indicators of
NO High School Junior High High School
Scientific Literacy NJHS SJHS CJHS
(NJHS) School (SJHS) (CJHS)
A curiosity in science
1. and science-related 16 7 1 18 21 1 13 15 1 24 40 29
issues and endeavors;
A willingness to
acquire additional
scientific knowledge
2. 10 6 1 8 15 1 11 12 1 17 24 24
and skills, using a
variety of resources and
An on-going interest in
science, including
3. 0 1 0 3 15 0 1 0 0 1 18 1
consideration of
science-related careers
A commitment to
evidence as the basis of
4. 5 9 0 3 0 1 6 0 1 14 4 7
belief for explanations
of the material world
A commitment to the
scientific approach to
5. 3 0 0 1 3 1 3 0 0 3 5 3
enquiry when

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Sampling Schools TOTAL

Northern Junior Southern Centrum Junior
Sub-Indicators of
NO High School Junior High High School
Scientific Literacy NJHS SJHS CJHS
(NJHS) School (SJHS) (CJHS)
A valuing of criticism
as a means of
6. 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 3
establishing the validity
of any idea.
A concern for the
7. environment and 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
sustainable living
A disposition to
take and promote
8. environmentally 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Total 36 23 3 33 57 4 37 27 4 62 94 68
Competencies Domain
Domain context obtained using coded instrument 3 to the A3, B3 and C3. A3 is used to analyze
the LP, used to observe learning B3, and C3 to analyze the MTE. The entire 16 sub- domain
context tabulated and the results can be seen in table V. On the table is visible only a small number
sub-indicator aspects emerging context. That is marked not receive a score of zero. Namely
nutrition, social transmission, biodiversity, and others. Sub-indicators of aspects of competence
that appears most frequently is biodiversity. Viewed from the side of the location of the school,
looks on to the domain context, schools located in the city center tend to be better than the schools
in the north and the south, which obtained a score of 131.
Attitude Domain
Domain context obtained using 4-coded instruments which should be A4, B4 and C4. A4 is
used to analyze the LP, used to observe learning B4, and C4 to analyze the MTE. The entire 8 sub-
domain context tabulated and the results can be seen in Table VI.
On the table is visible only a small number sub-indicators aspects emerging context. That is
marked not receive a score of zero. Namely nutrition, social transmission, biodiversity, and others.
Sub- stance aspects of the context that appears most frequently is biodiversity. Viewed from the
side of the location of the school, looks on to the domain context, schools located in the city center
tend to be better than the schools in the north and the south, which obtained a score of 131.
General Perspective
As the major result showed below:
Tabel 7. Major Result
Sampling Schools
Scientific Literacy Nothern Southern Junior Centrum
Junior High High School Junior High Total
School (NJHS) (SJHS) School
Context 89 110 (CJHS)
131 330
Knowledge 178 161 191 530
Competency 396 396 636 1428
Attitude 62 94 68 224
Total 725 761 1026

From the table above shows t hat the aspects most often arises is the aspect of competence
and very dominant than the other aspects. You can also see that the school is located in the
city center have quality scientific literacy are better than schools in the north and south.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

W e acknowledged to the principal who has given permission data retrieval, teachers
who are willing to observe, colleagues who are willing to become an observer and raters in this

Hosnan, M. (2014). Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21, Cetakan
2. Bogor: Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia.Yusuf
Bybee, R., McCrae, B., Laurie, R. (2009). PISA 2006: An Assesment of Scientific Literacy.
Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching, 46(8), 865- 883.Tsaparlis et al, 2013: 1964
Osborne, J. (2002). Science Without Literacy: A Ship Without a Sail?. Cambridge Journal of
Education, 32(2), 203-218.Bacanak and Gokdere, 2009: 2;
Smith, K. V. et al. (2012). Developing Scientific Literacy in a Primary School. International
Journal of Science Education, 34(1), 127-152. (DeBoer, 2000: 582;
Laugksch, R.C. (2000). Scientific Literacy: A Conceptual Overview. Science Education, 84(1), 71-
94.BouJaoude, 2002: 141)
National Research Council. (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington DC:
National Academy Press.Preczewski et al, 2009: 248).
OECD. (2006). Assessing Scientific, Reading, and Mathematical Literacy: A Framework for PISA
2006. Paris: OECD.;
Lima, A. et al. (2010). Field Trip Activity in an Ancient Gold Mine: Scientific Literacy in Informal
Education. Public Understanding Science, 19(3), 322 -334.
Garthwaite et al, (2013) https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/data-services/datacollections/
OECD. 2013. Draff Science Framework.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Concept, Proxy Variables and Significance of Opportunity
to Learn
Aszunarni Ayob, Ruhizan Mohamad Yassin dan Natrah Mohamad

Faculty of Education National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This paper focuses on the concept, evolution of proxy variables and
significance of opportunity to learn. The concept of opportunity to learn
opportunity to learn, is twofold: a validity mechanism in international educational surveys
equity, and indicators for teaching and learning processes. The evolution of
accountability proxy variables for opportunity to learn is mainly influenced by the
complex and multifaceted teaching and learning processes. Thus, the
proxy variables for opportunity learn are not static, but rather dynamic
Corresponding Author: as they are continually changing over time. In addition, the significance
of opportunity to learn can be valued from the equity and accountability
diditefgh@gmail.com perspectives. Schools and teachers must provide equitable opportunity
to learn to all students, regardless of their background, failing which,
students should not be held responsible for their achievements and the
schools and teachers should take the responsibility.


Too little attention paid to opportunity gap is believably one of the causes behind widening
gap in student achievement [1][3]. Extreme emphasis on achievement gap by the United States
has been argued as one of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of educational reforms implemented
over three decades ago [4], [5]. These educational reforms included Charlottesville Education
Summit 1989, Goals 2000 Act 1994, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and Race to the Top 2009.
Disadvantaged students (i.e. those with low socio-economic status (SES)) in the United States
often find it difficult to compete with their peers from higher SES, especially in terms of access to
education that can provide greater learning opportunities. As a result, these disadvantaged students
usually achieve less remarkable results in examinations and hence are far less likely to pursue
higher education [5].
The achievement gap however, is commonly misunderstood as an opportunity gap, despite
the fact that the two terms are different. The achievement gap frequently relates student
background, such as gender and SES, as contributing factors to student low achievement, and puts
fewer responsibilities to schools and teachers [5][4]. In contrast to the achievement gap, the
opportunity gap links teachers and schools accountability in providing opportunity to learn to all
students, regardless of their background [2]. Thus, opportunity to learn is closely connected to the
concept of equity, which accentuates the principles of justice, rather than similarities [6][8].
In the context of teaching and learning processes in schools, the concept of equity in general
is based on the principle that the difference in achievement should not be haphazardly associated to
factors beyond students control, such as their background and the quality of learning inputs [9].
Specifically, teachers should provide the same teaching and learning activities to all students from
homogeneous groups (such as students from the same background). Meanwhile, when teaching
heterogeneous groups of students, teachers should carry out different activities in accordance with
students abilities. This is to ensure that all students receive fair and impartial treatments in
accordance with their needs, and hence their opportunities to learn can be maximized. Thus, if
schools and teachers fail to provide opportunities for students to learn what they need to learn,
students should not be held responsible for their achievement, and the schools and teachers must
take those responsibilities [10][13].
In Malaysia, despite continuous efforts taken in ensuring equity in educational
opportunities since the country's post-independence [14], the provision of equity in the context of

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

opportunity to learn still receives less consideration. Indeed, in the Malaysian Education Blueprint
2013 - 2025 (MEB), the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MMOE) has put less emphasis on the
opportunity gap as compared to the achievement gap, which has been explicitly stated as an equity
"50% reduction in achievement gaps (urban-rural, socioeconomic, gender) by 2020"
Looking at the previously highlighted scenario in the USA, less attention paid to the
opportunity gap would fearfully result in the MOEs difficulty in realizing not only the MEBs
equity aspiration, but also MEBs quality aspiration below:
Top third of countries in international assessments such as the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) in 15 years"

This is partly due to the fact that opportunity to learn and student achievement are both
intertwined, as shown in many previous studies. Based on the relationship between opportunity to
learn and student achievement, a few researchers have suggested that opportunity to learn
variables shall be included in the student achievement model. Opportunity to learn variables, which
reflect teaching and learning processes, can be used not only in interpreting student achievement,
but also in evaluating the quality of learning environment, and hence explaining the variation in
student achievement.
The importance of opportunity to learn in narrowing student achievement gap has indeed
become a primary motivation of this paper, which focuses on the concept, evolution of proxy
variables and significance of opportunity to learn. First, the concept of opportunity to learn will be
conscientiously discussed followed by the evolution of proxy variables for opportunity to learn
since 1960s. The significance of opportunity to learn is then elaborated.
The concept of opportunity to learn
The principal concept of opportunity to learn can be classified into two categories: survey
validity mechanism and indicators of teaching and learning processes. The explanation of both
categories is given below.
Survey Validity Mechanism
The opportunity to learn concept was formally introduced by John Carroll in his 1963s
Model of School Learning (MOSL) [22]. In the MOSL, Carroll identified five constructs that were
believed to be related to student learning, namely aptitude, opportunity to learn, perseverance,
ability to understand instruction, and quality of instruction. The opportunity to learn was defined
by Carroll as "the amount of time allowed for learning, for example by a school schedule or
program" [22].
Although Carroll initiated the formal term of opportunity to learn, the opportunity to learn
concept was rather influenced by its usage in the context of international educational surveys, such
as the First International Mathematics Survey (FIMS) and Second International Mathematics Study
(SIMS), which were both conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement (IEA). Since various countries of different education systems
participated in FIMS and SIMS, therefore FIMS and SIMS took into account the diversity of
curricula adopted in each country, so that justifiable comparability of findings can be made. Hence,
unlike the concept highlighted by Carroll, opportunity to learn in FIMS and SIMS was perceived as
a survey validity mechanism [21].
Specifically, the definition of opportunity to learn in FIMS was given as "whether students
are given the opportunity to study a particular topic or learn how to solve problems which are
tested" [23], [24]. The usage of opportunity to learn in FIMS however was apparently disputable.
Instead of measuring the extent of the test items taught by teachers, opportunity to learn in FIMS
was lamentably interpreted as teachers estimate of their class performance [24]. Based on this
criticism, opportunity to learn in SIMS was therefore redefined as "whether students learn the
content needed to answer the test items specified" [25].
Teachers involved in SIMS were asked to estimate the percentage of their students who
would answer correctly for each item tested and also verify whether the related content were taught
to the students. Teachers were also asked to give reasons why the content was not taught. At the

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

same time, students were also required to confirm whether they had been taught the tested content
[25], [26]. Thus in SIMS, the opportunity to learn was considered as content coverage. The
opportunity to learn information provided by teachers and students in SIMS therefore gave a
clearer picture of the teaching and learning processes in the classroom [24].
Similar to FIMS and SIMS, recent international studies such as TIMSS, which is also
conducted by IEA, and PISA, which is conducted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), also include opportunity to learn as one of the assessed variables. In
TIMSS, opportunity to learn is still measured in the context of content coverage, and
simultaneously used as a survey validity mechanism. On the contrary, in PISA, opportunity to
learn has been modified in line with the main aim of PISA itself, which is to measure how well
students are able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, in the context of real
life [27].
As in FIMS and SIMS, the role of opportunity to learn as a validity mechanism in TIMSS
however was also without criticism. To ensure the extent of TIMMS findings can be used to make
valid inferences, the Education Quality and Accountability Office for Ontario had conducted
follow-up studies in Ontario (Russell 2004). The findings indicated that only 45% of the content
tested in TIMSS was taught to students in Ontario. This suggested that validity issue of the
international educational surveys was apparently incessant, at least until the implementation of the
Third International Mathematics and Science Study in 1996 (now known as the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) [28], [29].
Although there had been continuous debate regarding the validity of the FIMS, SIMS and
TIMSS, the IEAs contribution to the development of opportunity to learn concept was
nevertheless conspicuous. The SIMSs findings were actually parallel with the previous survey
findings that showed significant relationship between the content coverage and student
achievement [21]. Based on the findings of SIMS in the 1980s and the findings of other studies,
opportunity to learn had increasingly received tremendous interest among researchers, and had
impacted the development of indicators that could be used to measure student learning experience
in the classroom [12], [13], [20], [21]. Thus, starting in the 1980s, the opportunity to learn concept
had been extended from merely a survey validity mechanism in the international educational
surveys to the indicators of teaching and learning processes in the classroom. At that time,
indicator development was relatively influenced by the development of the education system which
put emphasis on accountability. The detail of opportunity to learn concept as indicators of teaching
and learning process is given below.

Indicators of Teaching and Learning Process

The development of opportunity to learn concept as an indicator of teaching and learning
processes was somehow due to limited apposite data to monitor schools and teachers
accountability [21]. School-related input data such as buildings, human resources and school
facilities were often collected but they were insufficient in explaining variation in student
achievement, both within and between schools. Studies comparing schools situations are more
compelling if they are based on the opportunity to learn data that include classroom teaching and
learning processes [21], [30]. Input data only roughly describe whether a condition is getting better
or worse. On the contrary, opportunity to learn data provide evidence of why a situation occurs,
and how interventions can be implemented to deal with the situation [21]. Thus, opportunity to
learn as indicator of teaching and learning processes had continually gained interest among
researchers since 40 years ago [19]. However, since teaching and learning involved complex and
multifaceted processes, variables that were often chosen as proxy variables for opportunity to learn
have been incessantly changing from time to time [3], [17], [30][37]. Further discussion regarding
the evolution of proxy variables for opportunity to learn over five decades is depicted below.
The evolution of proxy variables for opportunity to learn
Since the emergence of opportunity to learn concept over half a century ago, many
variables have been used as proxy variables for opportunity to learn. Carroll initially used the
amount of time allotted to teaching by a school or program as a proxy variable for opportunity to
learn [22], whilst in the international educational surveys, content coverage was typically

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

considered as a proxy variable for opportunity to learn [24]. This is congruent with the purpose of
measuring the opportunity to learn in the international educational surveys as previously
elucidated, which is as a survey validity mechanism,
When the opportunity to learn concept had been expanded as indicators of teaching and
learning processes, the proxy variables for opportunity to learn had encompassed a wide range of
factors. Stevens [36] was one of the earliest researchers who introduced the opportunity to learn
concept beyond the concept used in the international educational surveys. Based on Stevens
opportunity to learn framework, the proxy variables for opportunity to learn were not only focused
on the content coverage, but also included how content was taught and who taught them.
Specifically, [36] introduced four components related to teaching and learning processes as proxy
variables for opportunity to learn: content coverage, content exposure, content emphasis and
quality of teaching. Based on Stevens framework, the proxy variables for opportunity to learn had
been further developed to include various other factors (see Table 1), that were perceived to affect
teaching and learning processes.
Although Stevens opportunity to learn proxy variables were dominant in the previous
studies, the integration of various other variables indicates that the opportunity to learn concept is
not static, but rather dynamic. Stevens herself in 1996 revised her 1993s opportunity to learn
framework to include three new factors, i.e family support for student academic behavior, school
support for student academic behavior, and school support for student behavior, which are believed
to be closely linked to student achievement [36].
Following Stevens work, [30] had further developed proxy variables for opportunity to learn
and taken into account various factors, such as teacher readiness, teaching strategies and practices,
and resource quality as well as content coverage as emphasized by [36]. Herman & Kleins proxy
variables for opportunity to learn were partially in line with those used in PISA [34]. Specifically,
while PISA focused on teaching practices and quality of teaching that include classroom
management; social and emotional support; and cognitive activation, [30] emphasized on the
quality of resources, including human resources and teaching materials.
Hitherto, proxy variables for opportunity to learn continue to grow in accordance with the
development of the educational system that fosters equity, accountability and excellence. However,
opportunity to learn studies which were often carried out in developed countries, have incited
debate among researchers regarding proxy variables for opportunity to learn that are relevant for
developing countries. Gillies & Quijada [11] argued that proxy variables for opportunity to learn in
developing countries are different than those in developed countries due to different needs and
priorities in both types of countries.
In developed countries like the United States, the proxy variables for opportunity to learn
usually include curriculum and teaching materials; the ability of teachers, continuous professional
development; alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment practices with content
standards; a safe learning environment and school funding [38]. However, in developing countries,
these issues are less relevant because there are other fundamental issues that are more critical and
need more attention, such as the age of first reading, student attendance, teacher attendance, pupil-
teacher ratios, time spent for teaching activities, time teaching and instructional materials [11],
[39]. If these fundamental issues are not properly addressed, it would be more arduous to resolve
more complex issues related to opportunity and achievement gaps. For example, in Ghana, less
than half of the curriculum content is taught in schools in a period of one year of study. Since the
national assessment in Ghana covers all curriculum content, then in theory, students are only able
to obtain a maximum score of 50 [39].
The evolution of proxy variables for opportunity to learn can also be seen in the international
studies, such as PISA. Opportunity to learn in PISA includes various proxy variables, such as
content coverage, teaching practice and quality of teaching. Content coverage however is slightly
differently defined as both theoretical and application aspects of mathematical content taught to
students, whereas teaching practice includes teachers teaching behavior in the classroom. In
addition, teaching quality covers many aspects of classroom teaching, such as classroom
management, teachers social and emotional support and cognitive activation [34].
Based on the above discussion, although opportunity to learn concept can be traced back for
over half a century ago, the proxy variables for opportunity to learn are constantly changing [34].

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

This is mainly due to the fact that opportunity to learn is related to the teaching and learning
processes that are complex and interconnected. The opportunity to learn highlighted by previous
researchers may be less relevant in the context of teaching and learning nowadays [11], [40] and
some modifications shall be done to ensure opportunity to learn measurement is more relevant and
meaningful. The evolution of proxy variables for opportunity to learn is somehow related to the
significance of measuring opportunity to learn itself, as illustrated below.
In general, opportunity to learn measurement can be used as determinant of whether
resources, practices and conditions are sufficient and of high quality, so that students will be able
to get adequate opportunity to learn the intended curriculum [4], [39]. Opportunity to learn is
related to the provision of fair and equitable learning environment so that students can learn
without any hindrance [41]. Specifically, opportunity to learn measurement can be used to ensure
the implementation of educational equity and accountability of schools and teachers, as described
All pupils should be given adequate opportunity to succeed through fair learning
experiences [30]. However, previous studies [11], [27], [30], [39] found that there were inequality
of opportunities to learn in the education system, both in developed countries or even in developing
countries. Thus, measuring opportunity to learn can help schools and teachers determine whether
all students, regardless of their background, receive adequate opportunity to learn what they need
to learn, failing which, students should not be held responsible for their achievement [4], [21].
In a broader context, the opportunity to learn measurement can be used to ensure
implementation of equitable educational system. Although equity in education is often viewed in
terms of access to education and access to resources [9], equity as an opportunity to learn is also
noteworthy as emphasized by [42] almost three decades ago. In other words, equity as an
opportunity to learn simply means equal access to learning. These three equity elements - access to
school, access to resources and access to learning - are of great importance because outstanding
achievement of an educational system accompanied by equity gap is believed to widen economic
and social gap [43]. Opportunity to learn measurement can provide evidence for equity in the
context of access to learning, which is accountability of the school and teacher. Discussion on the
significance of measuring opportunity to learn as a tool in assuring accountability of schools and
teachers is given next.
B. Accountability
Opportunity to learn data is one of the mechanisms to ensure accountability of schools and
teachers on student outcomes [11]. In other words, students should not be held responsible for their
performance if they are not getting full opportunity to learn what they need to learn. Teachers
should be accountable for ensuring that all content and emphasis in the curriculum are sufficiently
taught to all students. Opportunity to learn data can be used to determine whether content and
emphasis in the intended curriculum are fully implemented by the teachers [2].
The significance of opportunity to learn in ensuring the accountability of schools and
teachers can be seen with the formulation of opportunity to learn standards in a few countries,
including the United States [4], [12]. The birth of opportunity to learn standards in the United
States nearly 20 years ago was partly due to the awareness of the disparities in access to knowledge
and inequality distributions of resources within and between schools, which led to inequities in
opportunities for students to succeed. The opportunity to learn standards were specifically defined
"... The criteria for, and the basis of, assessing the sufficiency of the quality of
the resource, practices, and conditions necessary at each level of the education
system (schools, local educational agencies, and states) to provide all students
with an opportunity to learn content material in voluntary national standards ...

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Opportunity to learn standards emphasize the importance of providing resources, practices

and environment of adequate quality at all levels of the education system, either at the school or the
district education department. This is to ensure that students get fair opportunity to learn. In short,
the opportunity to learn standards claim that school should not be held accountable for the
achievement of students if the resources for teaching and learning are insufficient [4], [12] hence
leading to gap in opportunity to learn and widening the achievement gap among students. The
emphasis on the opportunity gap is critical because a reduction in the achievement gap is
dependent on the reduction in opportunity gap as the two things are interrelated.

In the beginning, the concept of opportunity to learn was merely introduced as a survey
validity mechanism in the international educational surveys, before it was expanded to represent
indicators for teaching and learning processes. The proxy variables for opportunity to learn
however had been continuously changing in line with the complex and multifaceted teaching and
learning processes. Data on opportunity to learn is beneficial because it can provide equity-related
information, especially equity in the context of access to learning, which is clearly the schools and
teachers accountability. In conclusion, the opportunity to learn measurement is worthy of
consideration because both opportunity to learn and achievement gaps are plausibly interrelated, as
accentuated by [4]:
The achievement gap has not arisen by coincidence; children learn when they
have opportunities to learn, and gaps in opportunities have led to gaps in
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Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


Board Games In Curriculum & Co-Curriculum Activities As A

Step Towards Funs And Sustainability Of Science Education:A
Survey In Two Primary Schools In Sarawak
Teh Tiam Kian, Chuah Boon Keat
IPG Kampus Tuanku Bainun Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Article info Abstract
Keywords: The aim of this research is to identify the potential use of board games
in the curriculum and co-curriculum activities in schools as a step
Board Games, towards the sustainability of science education in Malaysia. A total of
Sustainability 100 students and 20 teachers from two primary schools in Sarawak were
randomly selected as respondents. Two school headmistresses were also
interviewed as triangulation of data. The study was conducted by using
quantitative design (quasi-experimental, questionnaire) and qualitative
method ( interview school headmistresses). The respondents were given
a survey form questionnaire to obtain their perceptions regarding the use
of board games in the curriculum and co-curriculum activities in schools
as a step towards the sustainability and fun in science education. Data
was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found that there is
Corresponding Author: an average of 89.8% of students and 92.2% of teachers and two
skyttk@gmail.com headmistresses strongly agreed to use the board games in curriculum
and co-curriculum activities in schools as a step towards the
sustainability and fun in modern science education.


The concept of sustainable education refers to efforts to maintain, sustain and yet does not
change the main purpose of quality education system. Wisdom in terms of methods, approaches
and implementation has always welcomed with the findings of best practice. Schools and teachers
need to find ways so that students will always enjoy with the best learning experience. This study
focuses on cultural practices with learning through fun in learning trough board games.
Approaches to learning through playing are the focus of priorities in the process of teaching and
This is because playing is the nature of children who can be a mediator and help improve
children's learning to optimal levels (Hamzah Dadu, 1994)[1]. This study focuses on the use of
board games that have been modified from the traditional and classic games concept by
incorporating lifestyle. It aims to prevent the extinction of traditional games and classic on the
ground were outdated and inappropriate adopted in this contemporary times. Young people today
are so obsessed with the games of virtual digital or so people now known as "OTAKU Syndrome "
or Puak Gajet as always concentrated their attention to video games and mobile phones only.
Sports and traditional games and classic proven to strengthen relationships among people
increasingly ignored and feared to be extinct in the near future.
The word Playing or Permainan as stated in the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Fourth Edition (2007 ) means to do something pleasing . This is supported by Anggani Sudono
(2006 )[2] in the book ' Learning Resources and Toys ' state that playing is that the activities
carried out with or without the use of tools that generate understanding with fun and be able to
develop children's imagination.
Strategy approach in this board games serves as a reinforcement and enrichment activities in
the education curriculum and curriculum activities in schools. According to Brock et. al (2009),
playing may provide opportunities to children through the process of restructuring, new discovery,
enrichment, construction experience and knowledge as well as the discovery of new concepts.
Board games kits deemed suitable for primary school activities or secondary schools activities.
Board games can be used as a support in curriculum and curriculum activities as fun learning

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

materials. Board games also provided a learning environment in or outside the classroom and
provide children a chance to interact with the surrounding environment and people.
Traditional board games are one example of local culture that should be preserved. The
traditional games are closely associated with child development. The traditional games also
provide many benefits for children which can train children become more creative, increasing the
children's emotional quotient and also make them more comfortable and accustomed to their peer
groups. Most traditional games using materials easily found from nature because a child will be
trained creativity in utilizing the materials and tools to be used as a traditional games. In addition,
traditional games can also train the emotional intelligence of children.
However now very few children recognize traditional games and cultural heritage Limited
traditional games are available nowadays. With the invention of more modern and advance
electronic games and, children often like to play with advance electronic media games. The effect
to the children is they become more individualistic and lazy to do outdoor activities. Perhaps in
near future the traditional games may become extinct. Traditional games are now also becoming
restricted in their roles (Keen Achroni, 2012)[3].

Research Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of teachers and administrators on using
the traditional board games in curriculum and curriculum activities in schools as a step towards the
sustainability of modern education. This study provides an opportunity for teachers to be sensitive
to the issues in education and is willing to make research and innovation in sustainable practices in

The objectives of this study were:

To analyze the perception the students to the use the board games in curriculum and co-
curriculum activities in schools.
To analyze the perceptions of teachers and administrators on the use of board games in the
curriculum and curriculum activities in schools.
To analyze the perceptions of administrators on the use of board games in the curriculum and
curriculum activities in schools as a positive step towards the sustainability and funs of education
in Malaysia.

Research Questions
The research question is:
What is the perception of the students when using the board games in curriculum and co-
curriculum activities in school?
What is the perception of teachers and administrators on the use of board games in curriculum
and co-curriculum activities in school?
What is the perception of teachers and administrators on the use of board games in the curriculum
and curriculum activities in schools as a positive step towards the sustainability and funs in
science education in Malaysia?

Importance of this study

This study is expected to raise awareness to the teachers and the school management about
the use of board games in curriculum and curriculum activities in schools as a step towards the
sustainability of education. The strategy of using board games can continue to learn while having
fun cultural practices fostered by the older generation in the education system of the present and
the future in Malaysia. The strategy of the board games as the strengthening and enrichment
activities in co-curriculum education. Therefore, the strategy board games can be used to fill the
free time of the students in extra-curricular activities while enhancing pupils' knowledge about
healthy living. In conclusion, the benefits obtained by students through the board games can be
elicited higher thinking skills levels. Teaching and learning times will be more fun and meaningful
as well as to acquire more knowledge, experiences and new skills.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

In this study, data collection methodology involved is explicit quantitative and qualitative
methods. Design of quantitative research conducted in three phases. Quantitative Instrument is
questionnaire about the use of board games. The instrument used to obtain qualitative data includes
interviews with two headmistresses to support the findings of the quantitative statistical analysis.
The interview is a triangulation of data to quantitative data so that the data obtained has high
validity and reliability.
Table 1: Kriteria Dan Instrument Of Data Colllection
Collection of Collection of Implementation of
Data Criterias Data Instruments Instruments
Quantitative: Questionnaire (answered by 100 The questionnaire consists of 5
students and 20 teachers from questions on the use of the
two schools in Sarawak) board games in Teaching &
Learning and co-curricular
activities in school
Questionnaire modified from Board Games Questionnaire in the URL address
https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/viewform? formkey=dDJ5SlQx
Interviews :
Triangulation Data Based on the questions
2 headmistresses in two primary
(Analyzed using structured interview
schools in Sarawak
ATLAS.ti version 5)
The questionnaire adapted from a questionnaire - Roslita Bt. Abd. Rahman (2008) Teaching
and learning modules Enzyme games in Biology, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
Flow chart of the study board games and Co-curriculum activities in the school curriculum
appear as shown in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1. Activities in the school curriculu

Questions for teacher Yes No

1. Can the strategy of board games successful introduced in
Teaching & Learning and the co-curricular activities? 91.0% 9.0%

2. Is the board games able to sustain the culture of traditional games 98.0% 2.0%
. 3. Can board games improve the social
involvement of pupils? 94.0% 6.0%

4. Can the board games enlighten students about the importance of

cultural heritage? 94.0% 6.0%

5. Is the board games effective in reducing the generation

phenomenon of "puak gajet" or gadgets tribe/ OTAKU 84.0% 16.0%

MIN 92.2% 7.8%

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Cronbach Alpha reliability test was carried out on all questionnaires were distributed.
Cronbach Alpha value obtained is in the range of 0687 and 0698. According to Nunnally
(1978)[4], if the value of Cronbach Alpha confidence index equals or exceeds 0.7, the items of the
questionnaire has high reliability.


The data obtained from the quantitative study was analyzed with SPSS 22 Version. Data
qualitative interview study processed using software ATLAS.ti version 5. From the analysis
processed descriptive data of 100 students and 20 teachers from 2 primary schools in
Sarawak,there an average of 89.8% students and average of 92.2% of teachers have a high and
positive perception of the use of the board games in curriculum and co-curriculum activities in
Questions for student Yes No
1. Do you feel that playing while learning during Teaching &
Learning and extra-curricular interesting? 71.0% 29.0%

2. If the board game is used during the Teaching And Learning

and Curriculum activities, will there be fun going to school? 92.0% 8.0%

3. Do you agree that if you can play while learning during the
Teaching And Learning and the Co-Curriculum activities? 96.0% 4.0%

4. Do you think the involvement of the students will become

more active through play and learning activities? 97.0% 3.0%

5. Do you want to use the board games in classroom learning and

the co-curricular activities? 93.0% 7.0%

MIN 89.8% 10.2%

Source : Field Study 2014
Question 1, a total of 71 respondents (71.0%) agree that the activity of playing during class
teaching and extra-curricular activities of interest. A total of 29 respondents (29.0%) do not agree
to play while learning interesting activity in Teaching And Learning and co-curricular activities of
the school. Question 2, a total of 92 respondents (92.0%) agree that if the board games used during
teaching & learning and co-curricular activities, they will be fun like going to school. Only a total
of 8 respondents (8.0%) disagree.
Question 3, a total of 96 respondents (96.0%) agree that the board games used during
Teaching And Learning and co-curricular activities. Only a total of 4 respondents (4.0%) disagree
board games activities carried out. From the analysis processed descriptive data of 100 teachers
from two primary schools in Sarawak (Quantitative Study Phase 2), more than 82% of teachers
have a high and positive perception of the use of the board games in curriculum and curriculum
activities in schools. Question 4, a total of 97 respondents (97.0%) agreed that the involvement of
the students to be more active if the board games used during Teaching And Learning and co-
curricular activities. Only 3 of the respondents (3.0%) disagree student participation will be more
active. Question 5, a total of 93 respondents (93.0%) are willing to use the games board games
during the Teaching And Learning and co-curricular activities in school. Only 7 of the respondents
(7.0%) disagreed with the board games.
Question 1, a total of 91 respondents (91.0%) agreed strategy board games game can be
successful in Teaching And Learning and co-curricular activities in school. Only a total of 9
respondents (9.0%) believes the strategy board games can not be successful in Teaching And
Learning and co-curricular activities in school. From the analysis processed descriptive data of 100
teachers from four primary schools in Sarawak (Quantitative Study of Phase 3), more than 84% of
teachers have a high and positive perception of the use of the board in curriculum and curriculum
activities in schools as a step positive towards the sustainability of education in Malaysia.
Question 2, a total of 98 respondents (98.0%) agreed that the board is able to work to
preserve the culture of traditional games. Only a total of 2 respondents (2.0%) thought otherwise.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Question 3, a total of 94 respondents (94.0%) agreed board games can improve social involvement
of pupils. Only 6 of the respondents (6.0%) did not agree that the board is able to increase the
social involvement of pupils. Question 4, a total of 94 respondents (94.0%) agreed that the board is
able to enlighten students about the importance of heritage. Only 6 of the respondents (6.0%) did
not agree that the board is able to enlighten students about the importance of heritage. Question 5,
a total of 84 respondents (84.0%) agreed that the board is effective in reducing the phenomenon of
OTAKU Syndrome. A total of 16 respondents (16.0%) do not agree that the board is effective in
reducing the phenomenon of OTAKU Syndrome.
In the analysis of interviews with two teachers of primary schools in Sarawak, studies show
they have a high and positive perception of the use of the board in curriculum and curriculum
activities in schools as a positive step towards the sustainability of education in Malaysia. Two
professors interviewed was Mrs. Kho Khar Gek, Headmistress of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan
Chung Hua Bintulu 1 and Mrs Ong Yi Ting, headmaster of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Ming
Chiang. Both interviews were analyzed using software ATLAS.ti version 5. From an interview
with Mrs. Kho Khar Gek, Headmistress of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Chung Hua Bintulu 1, she
strongly agrees with the use of board games in the curriculum and curriculum activities in schools
as a positive step towards the sustainability of education in Malaysia.
There are 10 phrases paragraph in an interview that he fully supports the use of the school
board. In the transcript of the interview, there were many statements that she supports the use of
board games in the curriculum and curriculum activities in schools.
From an interview with Mrs. Ong Yi Ting, Headmistress of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Ming
Chiang, she strongly agrees with the use of board games in the curriculum and curriculum
activities in schools as a positive step towards the sustainability of education in Malaysia. Of There
are 7 phrases paragraph in an interview that she fully supports the use of the school board. In the
transcript of the interview, there were many statement that he strongly support the use of board
games in the curriculum and curriculum activities in schools.

Based on the findings or analysis, students and teachers in four primary schools in Sarawak
have a high and positive perception on the use of board games in curriculum and curriculum
activities in schools as a positive step towards the sustainability of education in Malaysia. The
study found that there is an average of 89.8% of students and 92.2% of teachers and two
headmistresses strongly agreed to use the board games in curriculum and co-curriculum activities
in schools as a step towards the sustainability and fun in modern science education.


Hamzah Dadu (1994) Pola-Pola Permainan Dan Pengurusan Aktiviti Di Pusat Pendidikan Kanak-
Kanak Pra-Sekolah. Tesis Sarjana Pendidikan (Tidak Diterbitkan). Bangi: Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Anggani Sudono. (2006). Sumber Belajar Dan Alat Permainan Untuk Usia Dini.
Achroni, Keen. (2012). Mengoptimalkan Tumbuh Kembang Anak MelaluiPermainan Tradisional.
Jakarta : Javalitera.K. Elissa, Title of paper if known, unpublished.
Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory. New York, McGraw-Hill. Pushkin,(2001). Teacher
training : A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, Inc.
Roslita Bt. Abd. Rahman (2008). Pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan modul permainan
bagi topik Enzim dalam subjek Biologi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Choosing Teaching As A Profession Among Science Teacher
Zainal Abidin B. Hj. Abdul Hamid

IPG Kampus Tuanku Bainun 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing the
selection of teaching as a profession among the teacher trainees. This
Factors of selection, study focused on five domain factors which were prestige, reward,
Profession, interest, working environment and encouragement. The sample selected
Teacher, involved 40 respondents from science teacher trainees, the Institute of
Teacher trainee Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB). The respondents
were randomly selected to fulfill the objectives of the study. The
research study was quantitative using a questionnaire as an instrument.
Data was analyzed using Statistical Package For The Social Science
(SPSS) version 22.00. A pilot study was conducted on six teacher
trainees to test the reliability of the instrument. Reliability index value
of instrument was at 0.83. Overall, the results showed that prestige was
the only factor that affected teacher trainees selection of teacher as a
profession instead of interest, reward working environment and
encouragement. The study also found that the prestige factor was the
most influential factor in the selection of teaching as a profession. This
was followed by reward, interest, working environment and
Corresponding Author: encouragement. The study also found a moderate relationship between
the encouragement factor and interest factor (r = .69, p = 0.00).
zaa693@yahoo.com Several suggestions were made for possible improvements to be


Selection of profession nowadays is one of the dilemmas and challenges that must be taken
by all students in making the right choice, especially in the field of education. This phenomenon
also affects the so-called educators in identifying and understanding the reasons and motivations
for choosing the teaching profession which is constantly evolving, focus, commitment and can
improve the quality of education [14]. They expect their chosen profession is right and appropriate
to the instincts for the sake of their future success.
[2] lists three main reasons why there is difficulty in making decisions about the choice of
profession among individuals. Things difficulties presented by him which are a) problem can not
decide because a person has an interest in various fields of interest is not clear or does not have a
direct interest in any profession; b) the absence of perfection while making choices that teachers
can not be tweaked with a good personality, interests, values, abilities and achievements that led to
the choice of profession was not commensurate with his personal capacity; and c) the lack of
knowledge and information about education and job eventually pose a problem to the teacher
trainee identity or adolescents.
Statement Of The Problem
Often heard the issues that have been thrown to the teacher whether in the media or the
public arena. The issues concerning the teaching profession is despised, not respected teacher,
school leavers are less interested in being a teacher or just making the final choice as a profession,
teachers are not committed to the task and teachers are less informative. Hence, the phenomenon is
not only causing decreased performance of teachers to learning, but the pressure on them in
discharging their duties responsibly.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Impacts to these problems cause many students to choose other fields as a profession. Hence,
people now regard the teaching profession as the last or second choice in the selection of their
profession. However, they are still involved in this university. This situation is a problem for the
Ministry of Education in the form of education that is in line with the Mission and Philosophy of
Education. Basically, this field must be held by individuals interested in teaching as well as
individuals who already aspire to be a teacher. This situation will affect the quality of their
teaching and personality of a teacher. The question that arises here is whether the choice of
admission to the institute based on the interest or unwillingly due to the teaching profession as a
last resort. This matter should be discussed further and solutions have to be developed.
Research questions
Specifically this study is to answer the questions below;
1.Is the prestige factor, interest, reward, working environment and encouragement influence the
selection of teachers as a profession?
2. What are the perceptions of teachers on the factors that influence the choice of teachers as a
3. What is the relationship between the factors influence the choice of teachers as a profession?
Significance of the study
This study aims to identify factors that influence the choice of profession among science
teacher trainees, the Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB). The
findings and information obtained is important and useful as a guide and reference to some parties
such as students, teachers, parents, teachers and the pubic, the Ministry of Education and the
researchers that the selection of the profession can be made properly and regularly.
Limitations of the study
In addressing the research questions, the study has its limitataion. The findings of this study
are confined to the perception of the 40 science teacher trainees, the Institute of Teacher Education
Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB). Therefore, no generalization can be made about the perception
of other teacher trainees in the other Institute of Teacher Education Campus.
The success of this study, some operational definitions adopted as follows Training teacher -
Pre-service teacher trainers Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tuanku Bainun (IPG KTB) in
schools or educational institutions with respect to their teaching practice. Teacher - Teachers also
known as a teacher and educator who is teaching in educational institutions skilled in the eyes of a
teacher training and supported by the knowledge in the field of pedagogy.
The definition of the teaching profession
According Noran Fauziah Ahmad Mahzan [11] defined the profession as a profession to be
one way to make a living. While teaching refers to the teaching of the teachers, students and others.
Therefore, the teaching profession is a special job where it is carried out by people who are highly
educated or have qualifications and adequate professional training and quality.
The importance of the teaching profession
Teachers act as a key pillar in strengthening and promoting education in this country is
absolutely no doubt. The function and role of the teacher is highly regarded and recognized not
only as a transmitter of knowledge, social engineers, character builder but as agents of changing.
Teachers act as initiators and actuators to the process of transformation of the national education
system in order to produce future generations of the intellectual, competitive, strong esteem and
cling to religion and universal values.
The selection of the teaching profession
The tendency of a chosen profession as a profession much depends on the interest factor, the
advantages of the profession, the influence of parents, academic results and personality factors
[15]. Studies by [8] found that the wealth benefits, job security, service benefits, advancement of
the profession, environment, job satisfaction, and challenging work also contributed to the choice
of profession. While the reward and encouragement have been studied by researchers in the last
election issues profession [1], [17],[18], [16]. Besides these, [11] indicates that unemplyoment, low
economic conditions, large family size and lack of proper means of income were among the
additional factors which motivated the young teachers to become a teacher.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

This study uses a quantitative approach. This method is selected for conducting reviews or
survey that can measure the subjects for extensive research and information relating to the facts,
beliefs and feelings of respondents [5]. Questionnaires is used in this study because it is a common
method to collect data from a large sample [9], [4]. Reliability coefficient, is used to indicate the
consistency of the instrument. According to [10], Cronbach's alpha, = 0.6 to 0.9 is a high-reliable
questions. From the analysis found that the value of Cronbach's Alpha () is 0.83. Then, the
instrument can be used in this study.
Data collected was analysed based on frequency, mean, standard deviation and percentage
[9], [10]. The relationship of significance between the factors influencing choices in becoming a
teacher as a profession among science teacher trainees, the Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku
Bainun Campus (IPGKTB).
Population and Sample
The population is an important matter because it determines the problem to be investigated
as well as many data and information to be collected. In this study, teacher trainees Preparatory
Programme for Bachelor of Teaching Degree (PPISMP) Semester 1 for June 2015 Intake and
Programme for Bachelor of Teaching Degree (PISMP) Semester 7 for June 2013 Intake, the
Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB) are subject to review. A total of
40 respondents were randomly selected from a population based on a sample size determination
table of population submitted by [7]. The respondents comprised 7 males and 33 females teacher
Research Instruments
The questionnaire is divided into two parts: Section A (Details respondent, 4 items)
This section contains information of the background of teachers which is required for the
study such as age, sex, race (lineage), specialization and experience before enrolling IPGKTB.
Section B (Factors in influencing the selection of teaching as a profession among the
teacher trainees, 40 item).
Table 1:Distribution item B based on influencing the choosing teaching profession
Domain No. Item Total
Prestige 1, 6, 15, 21, 26, 35 6
Interest 2, 7, 14, 19, 22, 34, 36, 39, 40 9
Reward 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33 7
Working environment 4, 9, 12, 17, 20, 24, 29 7
Encouragement 5, 10, 11, 16, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38 11
Total 40
The scale used is a Likert Scale Four Points. This scale consists of four score that is not very
affected (1), not affect (2), influence (3) and greatly influenced (4).
Table 2.Table of marking Likert Scale
Scale Response
1 Very Affected
2 Not Affect
3 Influence
4 Greatly Influence
Data collection and analysis procedures
The questionnaires are used for data collection for the pilot study and the actual study. In the
course of the pilot study, questionnaires were distributed to 6 teacher trainees before the actual
questionnaire distributed to the subjects. Teacher trainees for the pilot study consisted of 6 teacher
trainees including a man and seven women. Questionnaires were distributed to each leader of the
class. All of the forms are returned to the researcher within a week. Descriptive statistics were used
to describe the distribution of the data [10], [4]. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
Version 22.0 for Windows (SPSS) version 22.0 is used in analysis of data which focus in
percentage, mean and standard deviation of significance as well as the relationship between the

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

factors influencing the choice of teachers as a profession. Findings from the data will be presented
and discussed thermatically.


A total of 40 Science teacher trainees have been selected for the sample. The study involved
teacher trainees which consist of 7 (17.5%) men and 33 (82.5%) women which are included malay
(16, 40.0%), chinese (19, 47.5%), indian (1 , 2.5%) and other races (4, 10.0%).

Table 3. Mean and standard deviation of the prestige factor influencing the choices of a
teacher as a profession
No. Standard
Item Mean
Item Deviation
1 Teaching is a noble work 3.70 0.56
6 Teacher respected by the public 3.10 0.84
15 Teacher allows me to get many contacts 2.85 0.74
21 The views of teachers readily accepted by the public 3.03 0.80
26 Teacher enables me to have a standard of living in 2.90 0.87
accordance with the public
35 Chances of have right decision (autonomy) 2.50 0.91
Overall Mean 3.01 0.79
Table 3 shows the responses given by the respondents in the analysis of data for the prestige
factor influencing the choice of teachers as a profession providing overall mean score obtained is
of 3.01 (sd = 0.79). For this feature, items which teacher is a noble work is the highest mean score
(mean = 3.70, sd = 0.56) and the item opportunity to make the decisions (autonomy) with the
lowest score (mean = 2.50, sd = 0.91).

Table 4. Mean and standard deviation of the reward factors influence the choices of a teacher as a
No. Standard
Item Mean
Item Deviation
3 Teachers commensurate with the duties 2.20 0.85
8 Teachers welfare guaranteed 3.05 0.88
13 A lot of holiday for teachers 3.00 0.88
18 I can get along with people 2.90 0.81
23 Promising job after graduation 3.37 0.84
28 Teachers are given an easy chance to pursue 2.95 0.90
28 Teachers are given an easy chance to pursue 2.95 0.90
33 More time to spend with family 2.93 1.02
Overall Mean 2.91 0.88
The finding reward factors influencing the choice of teachers as a profession had showed
overall mean score obtained was 3,162 (sd = 0.74) as shown in Table 4. The study found items
opportunities guaranteed profession after graduated is the highest item (mean = 3.37, sd = 0.84 )),
while the lowest item is the item corresponding to the teachers commensurate with the duties
expenses (mean = 2.20, sd = 0.85).
Table 5. Mean and standard deviation of the interest factor influencing the choices of a
teacher as a profession
No.Item Item Mean Standard Deviation
2 I tend to be taught from a young age 2.85 0.83
7 I am interested in education 2.88 0.76
14 I like the subjects 3.20 0.56
19 I have the characteristics of a teacher 2.88 0.72

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

No.Item Item Mean Standard Deviation

22 I like to serve the pubic 3.20 0.65
Being a teacher allows me to be expert in 2.70 0.88
Being a teacher allows me to keep abreast 3.00 0.96
of evoluton in education
Interested in other courses but insufficient 2.07 0.97
40 Teaching is a lifelong learning profession 3.12 0.91
Overall Mean 2.88 0.80
Table 5 shows the feedback given by respondents in the analysis of data for the interest
factor influencing the choice of teachers as a profession showed overall mean score obtained was
2:88 (sd = 0.80). Item which I like the subjects and to serve the pubic are the highest item (mean =
3.20, sd = 0.56) and (mean = 3.20, sd = 0.65), respectively. The lowest item is the item interested
in other courses but insufficient credentials (mean = 2.07, sd = 0.97).
Table 6. Mean and standard deviation of factors due to working environment influencing
the choices of teacher as a profession
No. Item Item Mean Standard Deviation
4 Teachers are not bound by the time 2.08 0.83
9 Working environment is comfortable 2.80 0.88
12 I have ample opportunity to interact 2.70 0.88
with colleagues
17 Teachers are not bound by strict 2.05 0.68
work rules
20 Teachers could prevent from 3.12 0.72
unhealthy practices
24 The teaching profession allows me 3.30 0.69
to practice the skill
29 Being a teacher allows me to 2.35 0.98
perform ancillary
Overall Mean 2.63 0.81

While the findings do not work environmental factors affecting the choice of teachers as a
profession shows the average mean score was 2.63 (sd = 0.81) (Table 6). Item which teacher is a
profession allows me to practice the skill is the highest score (mean = 3.30, sd = 0.69) and the
lowest score is the item which teachers are not bound by strict work rules (mean = 2.05, sd = 0.68).
Table 7. Mean and standard deviation of the factors due to encouragement influencing the
choices of teacher as a profession
No. Standard
Item Mean
Item Deviation
5 Mother or / and my father is a teacher 2.10 1.13
10 My parents forced me to be a teacher 2.18 1.08
11 Other members of my family is a teacher 2.53 1.15
16 Former teachers became my idol 2.55 0.96
25 Being a teacher allows me to work close family 2.45 1.06
27 Teacher act as a role model to student and society 3.25 0.63
30 My friends are also a teacher 1.75 0.78
31 I love children 2.80 1.07
32 Chances to get a life partner 1.97 0.97
37 SPM examination results affect me 2.70 0.99
38 My gender has influence my selection 2.28 1.04
Overall Mean 2.41 0.99

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Table 7 shows the responses given by the respondents in the analysis of data for the fifth
research question which shows that the encouragement factor does not affect the choice of teachers
as a profession has showed overall mean score obtained is 2.41 (sd = 0.99). The study found items
which teachers as a role model to students and society (mean = 3.25, sd = 0.63)), while the lowest
item is item which my friends are also a teacher (mean = 1.75, sd = 0.78).

Table 8. Pearson correlation between the domain factors influencing the choice of teachers as
a profession
Working envi- Encoura-
Prestige Interest Reward
ronment gement
Presti Pearson
ge Correlation 1 .393 .071 .238 .447**
Sig. (2-tailed) .012 .665 .139 .009
N 40 40 40 40 40
Intere Pearson
st Correlation .393 1 .236 .265 .690**
Sig. (2-tailed) .012 .143 .099 .000
N 40 40 40 40 40
Rewar Pearson
d Correlation .071 .236 1 .201 .303
Sig. (2-tailed) .665 .143 .215 .057
N 40 40 40 40 40
Worki Pearson
ng Correlation .238 .265 .201 1 .414**
enviro Sig. (2-tailed) .139 .099 .215 .008
n- N 40 40 40 40 40
Encou Pearson
ragem Correlation .447** .690** .303 .414** 1
ent Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .000 .057 .008
N 40 40 40 40 40
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Results of inter-correlation analysis to assert that moderate correlation between

encouragement and interest (r = 0.69). While the correlation between encouragement and prestige
(r = 0.45) and encouragement and working environment (r = 0.41) was weak. All correlations were
significant at p <0.01 (Table 8).
Prestige factor identified as the most influential factor in the selection of teachers as a
profession by the teachers. This finding was also supported by [1] found that teachers motif noble
profession has always been a top choice of teachers. Study abroad also proved that there is party
triggering factors among teachers as a profession in Hong Kong [3] and Turkey [17]. Given that
the teaching profession is the profession that trained professional course selection as their main
profession is [12]. Based on the constructs provided to trainees as item 6 (teacher respected by
society) makes them very attracted to this profession. They looked at each profession as a teacher
is still relevant to the present and allow them to be well received by the public. The profession is
highly regarded as a teacher and has a distinctive status in the eyes of society. In this case, the
honor received from the surrounding communities and the ability to believe in themselves will
provide the results of a strong experience of concentration, imagination, effort and desire to
continue to perform certain tasks with responsibility and integrity.
Perception of science teacher trainees showed environmental factors do not affect the work
and urge them to choose teachers as a profession. Analysis of environmental factors showed
71.43% of the items does not influence their choice as a teacher. Item 17 is the lowest mean value
of 2.05. Respondents thought that the teacher was not bound by strict work rules never influence
the selection of teachers as a profession. They think the teaching profession requires a mechanism

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

that can establish identity through ethics education teacher. Therefore, teachers must always
understand ethics education teachers in discharging their responsibilities with full commitment.
While 90.91% of items on encouragement factor does not affect the choice of teachers as a
profession. Influencing by their friends and getting life partner (item 30) the lowest (mean = 1.75)
gave instructions that they can make the best judgement in choosing profession teachers without
pressure or coercion from other side. Clearly show their maturity in decision making willingly and
diligently to become a teacher. However, parental support is needed. These findings demonstrate
that it meets the theory put forward by [6] said the judgment made by the person in determining the
choice of profession is to rely on themselves to judge the abilities, interests and taste of the
working world.
The findings of the analysis of the correlation between the factors influencing the choice of
teachers as a profession is a significant factor between encouragement factor and interest factor,
showed a very positive relationship. The majority of teachers stated that the teaching profession
can improve living standards in accordance with the public (item 26) when supported by the
attitude and manners of good teachers (item 27). Next, item 1 (a glorious work of teachers) to
provide 27 items of significance to (the teacher act as a role model) as influencing each other.
While the relationship between the variables of working environmental factors with interest
showed very weak relationship. These results provide justification that the relationship between the
two factors do not affect each other. Therefore, the working environment will not affect the interest
of teachers in selecting teachers as a profession.
Through the above discussion gives a clear message to the public that the profession still
maintain the identity and image as a profession pure and relevant to education today. It is hoped
that all teacher trainees who was elected do not choose the field of education simply for its own
sake without any intention to become a real educator who served to advance the nation's children.

Descriptive analysis of the findings showed the prestige factor is the most influential factor
in the selection of teachers profession as the profession, followed by reward, interest factors,
working environmental factors and factors of encouragement. The study also found a moderate
significant relationship between the encouragement factor and interest factor.
On considering every aspect of this study, it is recommended that:
a. The teaching profession will become more prestigious and elite recruits only 30 percent
among graduates of the best in the country to be chosen in order to transform it into a
profession chosen profession. This means that the Ministry of Education will raise the entry to
the teaching profession to ensure that all teachers who attended each training colleges to meet
the minimum academic qualifications [13]. Improvements in the selection of candidates is
based on the cognitive, psychomotor and affective namely academic qualifications, candidates
Teacher Eligibility Test (UKCG) the written exam, physical fitness test/exam Practical and
b. The role of the mentor in building students' confidence by giving a boost to provide
appropriate programs for future teachers of excellence, glory and distinction in teaching their
c. Guidance and counseling in schools can help students find the path of their profession.
Through the guidance, the profession can help individuals to generate and receive a picture of
themselve as a whole and suitability for them in making a right decision.


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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Problem Based Learning Model With Science Props To

Enhancing Students Science Process Skills And Cognitive
Learning Outcome
Erwinsyah Satria

Elementary School Teacher Education Program, Faculty of TeacherTraining and

Education,Bung Hatta University, Padang
Article info Abstract
Keywords: This classroom action research was motivated by the students low
science process skills and cognitive learning outcome in natural
Problem Based Learning, science. One of the reasons is the lack of teachers ability in choosing
Model, appropriate learning model and using of science props in natural science
Science Props, learning. Thus, the implementation of Problem Based Learning model
Science Process Skills, with science props to students of class IV SD Negeri 15 Surau Gadang
Cognitive Learning_Outcome Siteba Padang is one of the ways to solve this problem. The objective of
this research is to describe the improvement of the students science
process skills and cognitive learning outcome in natural science at class
Corresponding Author: IV at SD Negeri 15 Surau Gadang Siteba Padang by using Problem
Based Learning model with science props. The instruments of this
erwinsyahsatria.rr@gmail.com research were the observation sheets of students science process skills
and teachers activities and the test sheets of students cognitive learning
outcome. The results showed that there was a significant improvement
of students science process skills and cognitive learning outcome in
natural science class IV by using Problem Based Learning model with
science props from the first cycle to the second cycle..


Advances in science and technology had an impact on the development of education and
learning in elementary school. Along with advances in information technology, education and
learning also efforts change to be better. Education can be defined as a process of changing
learners behavior and attitude to become independent human beings and part of a community who
can adapt with their environment [1]. Qualified education will involve children to actively learn
from any resources. Teachers are functioned to facilitate learners in teaching process that they
possess good learning outcomes and life skills needed by the students in their life settings. The
childrens potentials, skills and creativity can be well-developed when teachers realize that using
varied teaching approach may motivate learners to study. Learning outcomes will be obviously
improved when contextual teaching and learning process is conducted and the availability of
teaching media or props is guaranteed.
Learning is defined as the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying,
practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. Learning is also defined as the act of
acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or
preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information [2]. Learning is also
defined as process of interaction between students with teacher and learning sources on a learning
environment [3].
Learning science at elementary school require students able to analyze the problem to do
their own investigation. Natural science is related to investigation, finding, solving problems and
understanding the surrounding scientifically and systematically through observations. This subject
is not merely about mastering factual knowledge, concepts, or principles but also finding process
that it will develop learners scientific concepts, process skills and attitude. Problem solving skill is
one of important thinking skills for students in science learning. Students which problem solving
skills will be able to identify problems, create experiment design, do experiments independently in
groups, and communicate their results of solution to their classmate.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Understanding concepts, investigating and solving problems by the students will be easier to
do if teacher supply or exhibit props, tools or equipments in learning science. Props are something
that give special attention to students for understanding something learn. Props are something that
use to communicate learning materials in order learning process take place.
Most learning natural science in West Sumatera still conventional, use lecture and ask-
answer method. Based on interview and observation to the teacher class IV at SD Negeri 15 Surau
Gadang Siteba Padang, she state that generally natural science learning science learning is
dominant by the teacher role than students, because time and space to do their own observation and
investigation to solve the problems is limited, so the science process skills and natural science
learning outcomes is not reach fully by students (only 26% of the students who were able to
achieve the score above the Minimum Standard Score). Teachers skills and knowledge still does
not meet the expectation that students cannot complete the learning objectives stated in learning
instruction. Another issue is that the teachers mostly do not make use of teaching and learning
media or props. There are some reasons why this happens; laziness and bothered of the teacher
preparing media or props for learning, teachers lack of understanding and skills in using the props
and teachers reluctance to train themselves in using the media or props.
Based on the observation it can be concluded that learners low learning outcome in
subject of natural science caused by the lack of optimality of learners science process skills
and science props. The teachers should stimulate the students to actively use their science
process skills to solve the problems in learning process through making use of props in
their science class. One of the approaches that could improve learners science process
skills and elevate their understanding of scientific concepts and principles is Problem
Based Learning (PBL) model using science props.
Science props is making used that the teaching and learning process through PBL
model enable to motivate learners that they actively use their science process skills in
conducting an experiments, observation and problem solving. PBL model ia a model that
is used science process skills to facilitate the students to construct their own knowledge
that stimulus by the problem. This approach is believed to be enhancing students self-
learning ability and enjoyable that all concepts and materials will be saved in learners
long term memory or in other words, the learners will always remember the concept taught
by the teachers through the use of science props. This approach is expected to reduce
students boredom of learning their classroom. This will be a factor that might influence
learners learning outcome which has been determined in the objectives of teaching.
Science process skills are some steps used by scientists in conducting their researches. A
scientist should possess some skills that enable him/her to conduct a research namely:
observation, measurement, questions, making a hypothesis, classification, guessing,
interpreting data, presentation, experiment, etc.
Natural Science
Natural science is a collection of systematic theory, its application generally limited on
natural phenomenons, born and develop by scientific method like observation, and experiment,
also involve scientific attitude as curiousity, open minded, honest, etc [4]. Natural science is human
being effort in understanding universe through observation right on target, using procedure, and
explain with logical thinking so derive a conclusion [5].
Natural science is expected to become a vehicle for the students to learn themselves and their
physical surroundings. It is also objected that learners are able to implement their knowledge in
their real life. Natural science learning process is emphasized on giving direct experiences that the
expected competencies can be developed. There are some objectives of subject of natural science
in elementary schools determined by National Education Assurance Board in KTSP [6]. It is to
develop learners knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts which are beneficial and
applicable in daily life basis. Moreover, it is expected that learners curiosity, positive attitude and
awareness are elevated that they understand that science is mutually related to learners
environment, technology, and community. It is objected that learners are able to expand their
science process skills to study their physical surroundings, to solve problems and to find the

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

solution of problems. Last, but not the least, it is expected that learners will possess the knowledge,
concepts and skills of Natural Science as one of the basis for their advanced level of education
(SMP/ MTs).
Problem Based Learning Model
To achieve the objectives of the science subject, it is highly recommended that teachers
should pay a massive attention to appropriate model, approaches, learning strategies, and learning
props or media and infrastructure that must support teaching and learning processes.
Problem based Learning (PBL) is based on the thinking that every individual form their
understanding through their life experiences [7]. This inquiry learning method requires students to
get and process the new information in the suitable way of real or nature brain process. Learning
science through PBL is a learning process which is started from problems which are found in the
environment . Through PBL the students not only learn about the abstract concepts but also learn
how to apply it in their real life environment. Therefore, its hoped that the students have good
ability in understanding materials holistically. In PBL model, students are given problems, and
then in group they will try to solve the problems. To solve the problems, the students need to find
information from various sources. The problems are formed in order that the students could find
their learning need through solving the problems.
The steps below give guidelines for teachers to apply the PBL.
Step 1. The teacher begins the PBL process through developing real world, open,
and problems without solutions. Those problems are related to learning material.
Step 2. After the teacher chooses the problems holistically, they have to think of the
ways in which the students use the different research method and tools to find the
solution for the problems. The teacher presents the problems for their students.
Step 3. After presenting the problems, the students could begin their research. The
teacher could help students to begin it through providing them with some web site
lists which are appropriate or learning sources which could prove it. after that, the
students do the research, plan their strategies, form the hypothesis, collect
information, doing experiment and find the solutions.
Step 4. Developing and presenting students report with helping by the teacher. The
teacher help students sharing their task with others.
Step 5. Analysis and evaluation problem solving process. The teacher help students doing
reflection or evaluation about their investigation and processes that they used.
Through the steps of PBL, the students could understand and solve the problems which are
given in learning process. Then through PBL steps the students could comprehend the knowledge
and get real experiences so that it can increase students science process skills and learning
Science Props
Prop is component of learning sources at student environment which could arouse students
for learning. Prop is physical space vehicle that contain learning material. So prop is something
that used to communicate learning materials in order learning process occure. Props as helping tool
in learning have function to clarify, facilitate students understanding the concepts or principle or
theory, and make curriculum message will be deliver to students more interesting, so could
increase learning motivation of the student and increase effectiveness and efficiency of the learning
process [11].
Generally, props as educational medium betwixt include as follows; (1) printed materials
e.g.: book, magazine, charta, photo, card, poster, (2) media audio visual e.g.: computer, VCD,
DVD, TV, hand phone, audio visual card, slide, radio tape, cassette recorder, (3) things in daily life
e.g.: lamp, balance, spring, rubber band, battery, magnet, pulley, scissor, shovel, lever, wedge, gear
Application of science props needed it most in natural science learning that use science
process skills, so learning will be more meaningful for the students. The role of science props

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

between it could: (a) activate communication and interaction between teacher and and student and
between students in learning, (b) arouse mind, feeling, attention, and desire of student in learning
so give learning experience more meaningful fo students, (c) activate student wish and learning
interest, (d) building basics for learn development, so make science material saved in learners long
term memory longer, (e) giving real experience that could raise students independent [11].
Science Process Skills
It is undeniable that scientific skills, or more specifically science process skills such as
observing, hypothesizing, conducting experiments, interpreting data, communicating and so on are
among the ingredients to produce scientific society [12]. Scientists do not use a specific, step-by-
step method in their research but through several ways to approach a problem [13]. The
compilation of all these skills is what we call science process skills which are always associated
with scientific inquiry [12]. Different researchers provide different sets of skills that are to be
included in science process skills. Six process skills observing, inferring, communicating,
classifying, measuring and experimenting [14]. However, the more common definition of science
process skills contains two levels of skills the basic skills and the integrated skills [15]. Again,
researchers have different views when it comes to categorizing the skills into these two sub-
categories. Despite the differences in categorization, the following is a set of science process skills
agrees by all the authors: Observing, Classifying, Predicting, Using numbers, Measuring, Inferring,
Interpreting data, Controlling variables, Hypothesizing, Defining operationally, Experimenting.
The learning of science among students is greatly influenced by the mastery of science process
skills [16].
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcome is measure repel to see student success in mastering learning materials
that deliver during learning process. Learning outcomes is changing in behaviour as a result of
learning activities in broad understanding cover up domain cognitive, affective, and psychomotor .
Educational goals in the formulation of the national education system using the classification of
learning outcomes of the revised Bloom. In this study the learning outcomes measured only in
cognitive domain aspect given and understanding.
Cognitive domain with respect to the results of intellectual learning that consist of six
aspects, as follows:
(1) Given (C1): to capture relevant knowledge from long term memory.
(2) Understanding (C2): build understanding based instruction either orally, writing or in
the form of reading the chart.
(3) Apply (C3): use or apply the procedure of creating a situation.
(4) Analyze (C4): solve material into the principal portion and determine the part and
connect with others.
(5) Evaluate (C5): making a decision based on a criteria and standards.
(6) Creating (C6): gives a lot of elements to form an overall coherence or functionally
into a new pattern or structure.
At elementary school only three cognitive aspects evaluation apply in student learning.

This study is classified into Classroom Action Research which was conducted in two cycles.
Each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. This research was conducted at
SD Negeri 15 Surau Gadang Siteba Padang, West Sumatra. The subjects of the research were 23
students; 8 female students and 15 male students in grade four. This research was conducted
collaboratively in four meetings. It was started from January 2016. The sources of the data were
the teachers and the students who were involved directly in the learning process. The data were
obtained from the results of observation on the implementation of Problem Based Learning model
assisted with Natural Science props and observation on the students science process skills, and
learning achievement test. There were two observers involved in this research. The data were
gathered through observation, and learning achievement test. The data gathered were analyzed by
using qualitative and quantitative models.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The complete procedure of action research could be described as follows. In the planning
stage, there was a discussion held with the teachers and the principal to decide when the research
would be carried out, to determine the materials to be taught in this research, to design the Lesson
Plan with the teacher teaching in the fourth grade, to prepare tools, to prepare Natural Science
props and instructional media, to practice teaching by using Problem Based Learning model
assisted with Natural Science props, to design exercises for each meeting, to explain the way to use
observation instruments to the teacher and the observers. Either the researcher or the observers
recognized the students names. They worked together to arrange study groups and assignments for
the students, write students workbooks, observation sheet and learning achievement test. He also
prepared camera for documentation purposes during the research and explained to the observers
what should be documented.
In the action phase, the researcher applied Problem Based Learning model assisted with
Natural Science props. It started with the teacher building positive relationship with the students so
that they were motivate to learn. The teacher then raised the students learning interest by
displaying pictures about the materials to be learned. The teacher made a linkage between the new
materials with the students real life interestingly and pleasantly. The teacher asked the students to
do investigation activities related to the materials of the meeting by using Student Worksheet and
Natural Science props provided in groups. The teacher helped the students to actively find and
construct their own knowledge and make use of their science process skills in various ways. After
all of the groups completed the activities, the teacher asked one of the groups to present their work
in front of the class, while teacher and the rest students gave evaluation and flashback. The teacher
encouraged the students to learn. At last, the teacher and the students celebrated their success in
that meeting. During the learning process, the teacher facilitated, gave direction and guidance to
the students. Meanwhile, their learning achievement could be identified through learning
achievement test administered at the end of each cycle.
Observation was done by two observers through which they observed the students' scientific
skills and the implementation of Brain Based Learning approach assisted with Natural Science
props during the learning process. The implementation of this approach and the students scientific
skills were recorded on the observation sheets. The observations were carried out intensively,
objectively, and systematically. During the observation, the researcher and the observers tried to
recognize and record the changes occurred over the students and the teacher in the learning process
of Problem Based Learning model assisted with Natural Science props; was it better or worse? The
science process skills of the students which were observed were: doing observation, doing
experiment and communicating. These observations were continuously conducted from cycle I to
cycle II. The results of the observation in cycle I could be used as the basis for doing action in the
next cycle. The results were discussed with the observers as a reflection for the following plan. At
the end of each cycle, a test was given to the students in order to know their cognitive achievement
in the level of knowledge and comprehension.
Reflection is held at the end of every action. On this stage, the researcher and the observers
discussed about the action taken. The materials discussed were the reflection of the result achieved
in Natural Science learning process which was related to the studentsscience process skills, their
cognitive learning achievement, and the teachers activities after the learning process, the
disparities between the plan and the action carried out, and the conclusion for the data obtained.
These data were used as the consideration for the next action. The result of the reflection was
needed to see the accomplishment of the indicators. If the achievement indicator in cycle I had
been reached, the cycle was stopped in cycle II. However, it would be continued to the next cycle
if the achievement indicators were not yet achieved. In the discussion stage, the weaknesses of
each cycle were brought into a discussion, as well as to find out the solution of the problems and to
do improvement in the next cycle. It was done based on the results of the observation and
The results of the test were analyzed qualitatively by calculating the average score of the
class and the percentage of the students who had achieved the score above the Minimum Standard
Score namely 75% of the students obtained 75 or more out of 100. The results of the observation
were analyzed by counting the scores, the average scores, and the percentage of the indicators of
each activity carried out compared to the total activities and the total number of students.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


Cycle I
In cycle I, the learning materials were about Force. The materials delivered in the first and
second meeting of cycle I were Forces cause changing motion of moving object and Forces could
changing the shape and size of an object and Types of forces. They were taught to the students
by using Problem Based Learning model assisted with science props like book, ball, can, sailboat
toy, spring magnet, bottle, and ball bearing. The time allocated for each meeting was 2 x 35
minutes. The results of the observation on the treatment given were as follows.
The Result of the Observation on the Students Science Process Skills
The result of the observation in Cycle I toward the development of learners science
process skills during the teaching and learning process though Problem Based Learning model by
using science props is described in Table I.
Table 1. The Students Science Process Skills in Cycle I
Indicators of Science Meeting Averag
Process Skills 1 2 e
1. Observing 43.5% 60.9% 52.2%
2. Experimenting 43.5% 60.9% 52.2%
3. Communicating 43.5% 66.7% 53.1%

The Table I indicates that:

a The students science process skills in doing observation increased slightly from meeting 1 to
meeting 2. The percentage of the students who were able to do this activity was 60.9% or 14
students in the second meeting. Its showing that almost half of the students were able to do
observation in groups based on the tasks given. However, there were still many students who
were not able to do observation (on guiding group investigation phase), they instead looked
confusedly at the activities done by their friends. This was caused by the students who did not
understand about what should be observed and they were not accustomed to Natural Science
learning process of Problem Based Learning model assisted with science props. In addition, the
students had lack of understanding on the assignments contained in the Student Worksheet. The
teacher also gave less guidance and motivation to the students to do observation on
experimenting Forces required in the Student Worksheet.
b .The improvement of the students science process skills in the indicators of doing experiment
in the second meeting was also still low. The number of the students who were able to do this
activity was 14 students in the second meeting. Many of student still unwilling to do this. The
students lack of understanding on the instructions given in the Student Worksheet was assumed
as the cause of the problem. Many of the students also felt afraid of doing experiment of Forces
properties. Furthermore, some of them used the learning props as toys. Meanwhile, the teacher
also given less guidance and motivation to the students doing the experiment for the learning
c . The students science process skills in communicating the learning activities in cycle I was
also still low. This result showed that many students did not understand about the learning
materials and the activities being done. The number of the students who were able to do this
activity was 15 students in the second meeting.. This number suggests that there were only a
half of the students who were able to deliver or write the result of their observation on the
Student Worksheet, and there was also similar number of students who were able to draw
conclusion about properties of Forces. A large number of students were also unable to see the
application of Forces properties in their daily life.
In cycle I, it seemed that many students were not able to perform science process skills as the
learning model applied by the teacher was different from the previous ones. They were not
accustomed to such approach and did not understand what they should solved in the learning
posted by the teacher. The students were also not accustomed to their new teacher.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Students Cognitive Learning Outcome

The result of the test in cycle I at third meeting revealed about the students learning
outcome about Forces materials, the number of the students who were able to achieve the
Minimum Standard Score, the number of the students who were not able to achieve the Minimum
Standard Score, the students average score and the percentage students learning mastery
classically. The results were presented in Table II.

Description Total
The number of students who were able to achieve the score
1. 16
above the Minimum Standard Score
The number of students who were not able to achieve the score
2. 7
above the Minimum Standard Score
3. The students average score 76.6
The percentage of the students who were able to achieve the
4. 69.6%
score above the Minimum Standard Score
5. Target 75%
From Table II, it was revealed that the students cognitive learning outcome in cycle I was
still low, and there were many students who were not able to achieve the score above the Minimum
Standard Score. The number of the students who got score above the Minimum Standard Score
was 16 indicating that the target of 75% students achieving the standard score was not yet
achieved. This problem was trigged by the students who were not familiar to the learning process
of Problem Based Learning model with Science props. The teacher was less skillful in guiding
students, explaining how to solve the problem and giving reflection and evaluation of the learning
materials during and on the end activity so that the students could not understand the learning that
deliver by teacher and could not much memorize the materials. In the initial activity, the teacher
rarely correlated the learning materials to the students real experience which was concrete and
easy to be understood. In the end activity, the teacher did not yet verify thoroughly whether the
students had understood the materials or not. The students science process skills which were low
in observing, experimenting, and communicating the learning materials had made the students got
low mastery/understanding on the materials being learned. Many of them were not able to answer
questions in the test of the cycle I. The students low learning outcome was also caused by the
teacher who was not good at managing the time and class, stimulating the students to actively use
their science process skills in the learning process. In addition, the teacher was not fully proficient
in applying the steps suggested in Problem Based Learning model with Science props.
After the action stage and observation were done, reflection activity with the teacher and
observers was carried out to discuss the results of the observation. The results of the observation
revealed that the student did not have interest or faith that problem learnt hard to solve, they feel
reluctant to try it. The teacher was still awkward/less proficient in conducting the steps suggested
in Problem Based Learning model using science props. The teacher was not yet able to raise the
students learning motivation at the beginning to make them more active in using their science
process skill in the learning process. The teacher needed to improve her ways of teaching in initial
activity, in core activity, in end activity.
In order to increase the students understanding, the teacher should guiding the students
doing problem solving or experimenting using science props. The teacher was also required to
stimulate the students to work actively by making use of science props provided for groups, and
challenge them to interpreting. The teacher could give some helps especially to those who were shy
and quiet. The teacher was also expected to guide the students in doing observation through the
Student Worksheet which had been revised (accompanied by better pictures and instructions). In
the next cycle, the teacher was expected to be more skillful/effective in making use of the time
provided and to be able to explain the lesson more clearly by using pictures and props at initial

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

She was also demanded to give reinforcement in reflection stage. By doing such
improvement, it was expected that there would be many students who were able to answer the
questions in the test. The teacher was demanded to guide her students to think about the application
of the learning materials in their daily life. To the two observers, it was expected to do observation
well and carefully during the learning process.
Cycle II
Based on the reflection result in cycle I, a better planning was remade regarding the way the
teacher taught by using the Problem Based Learning model with the Science props. The teacher
was asked to do better classroom management and instructional time. She was also asked giving
more motivation to students at the beginning of learning. The improvement was also made by
making concept pictures with colors, and attractive words in order to create meanings for the
students and help the teacher in explaining the concept to enable students to understand more
easily and remember the material that they studied longer. A better planning on how the teacher
explained the material was also done in the initial with using video and end activity by connecting
the material to be taught with real-life experiences. It was helpful because the brain learned best
from concrete experiences.
The teacher guided and motivated the students better in order to improve their will to
observe, experiment, communicate during the core activity as well as when they performed inquiry
activities. The teacher also intensively guided and facilitated the students who wanted to try and to
be able to communicate what they had learned. After discussing with the teacher, it was found that
other aspect that needed to be improved in cycle II was the worksheets. It was hoped that the
worksheets would help the students to understand easily and be active in doing the observation and
experiment. The way the teacher provided reinforcement to the students towards learning in the
end activity was also improved. She checked whether the students were already familiar with the
material they had learned or not, so that it was expected that a lot of them obtained satisfactory
learning achievement in the final test.
In the implementation of the natural science learning activities in cycle II, the material being
taught was Heat and Sound Energy in first meeting and Transfer of Heat Energy through
Conduction, Convection, and Radiation in the second meeting by using the Problem Based
Learning model with Science props. The observation was carried out by two observers using
observation sheets. The result of the observation showed that the teacher was successful in
motivating and building a positive relationship with the students, in implementing the Problem
Based Learning model, in presenting the subject matter by using pictures/video and giving concrete
She was also successful in motivating and guiding the students to observe and solve the
activities and things learned by using available worksheets and Natural Science props as well as
guiding them in a group to communicate about their activities in the worksheets. She also
succeeded in motivating and guiding groups of students in making observations and asking them to
consider the applications of heat and sound energy in daily life by giving few clues. In addition,
she checked her students understanding about the material that had been taught and reminded
them to read more material about Heat and Sound Energy and Transfer of Heat Energy at home at
the end of the second meeting. Thus, the students would be able to pass the cycle IIs final test. The
full descriptions of students increased activities in cycle II were as follows:
The Result of the Observation on the Students Science Process Skills
Based on the data obtained, it could be observed that the development of students science
process skills in cycle II was in Table III:

Table III . The Students Science Process Skills in Cycle II

Indicators of Science Meeting
No Average
Process Skills 1 2
1. Observing 73.9% 91.3% 82.6%
2. Experimenting 83.3% 87.0% 85.2%

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Indicators of Science Meeting

No Average
Process Skills 1 2
3. Communicating 83.3% 87.0% 85.2%

The data in Table III could be interpreted as follows:

a. There were 91.3% or 21 students who had been actively involved in doing observation at the
end of the second meeting of Cycle II. They were able to describe Heat transfer. The students
got much guidance from the teacher to actively observe experiment and investigation
activities to solve the problems by using candle, spoon, steel and cooper bar, glass, wood,
matches, lamp cable, water, beaker, stand and as it was required in the Student Worksheet.
The students were motivated, pleased and highly interested to do observation during the
learning process in the class.
b. The students science process skills in doing experiment also increased at the end of the
second meeting of cycle II in which 20 students were motivating and willing to do experiment
about Heat Transfer in the daily life. The students were guided by the teachers and they were
able to it during the learning process so that they could answers very well the questions
contained in the Student Worksheet.
c. The science process skills of communicating was done by 20 students at the end of the cycle
II. It could be done actively by the students because they were guided by their teacher so that
they were able to communicate the results of their investigations on the applications of the
heat transfer on the Student Worksheet and presented the result of their observations in front
of the class. This skill needed to be taught to the students so that they could think the
examples of the heat transfer applications in everyday life. The teacher also helped the
students to draw conclusion appropriately. In the future, students will need to be left alone to
think about solving the problem or answering the question asked in the learning activities.
From these results, it can be concluded that all of the science process skills of students
studied in this research had corresponded to the indicators set out. It could be concluded that the
use of the Problem Based Learning model assisted with Science props could increase the fourth
grade students science process skills.

The Students Cognitive Learning Outcome

Cycle II test was conducted after second meeting. The students learning outcome was
shown in Table IV. From the table, it could be seen that the students who passed were 87.0%, or 20
people. The percentage exceeded the specified passed score indicators. Learning science by using
the Problem Based Learning model using the Science props successfully improved the students
natural science learning outcome. This could not be separated from the teachers corrective action
efforts taken on the cycle II so that the students became more motivated and active in using their
science process skills and understood about the lessons more easily.
The improvement of the students science process skills in the cycle II helped them to get
better learning outcome. It could also not be separated from the number of students who motivated
solve the problems and got involved in the spirit of trying to use the Science props in the learning
activities of cycle II, who were good at observing the activities performed, and who were active in
communicating data. They could easily answer the cycle IIs final test because they had observed
well, had understood the material being taught, and they were motivated and pleased with the way
activity and their teacher taught so that they became eager to follow the lessons. The tests
questions were related to what they did in the activities of the first and second meeting in cycle II.
The result of the test in cycle II at third meeting revealed about the students learning
outcome about Heat and Sound Energy and Heat Transfer materials, the number of the students
who were able to achieve the Minimum Standard Score, the number of the students who were not
able to achieve the Minimum Standard Score, the students average score and the percentage
students learning mastery classically as follows.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Table 4. The Students Cognitive Learning Outcome in Cycle II

No Description Total
The number of students who were able to achieve the score
1. 20
above the Minimum Standard Score
The number of students who were not able to achieve the
2. 3
score above the Minimum Standard Score
3. The students average score 83.6
The percentage of the students who were able to achieve the
4. 87.0%
score above the Minimum Standard Score
5. Target 75%

Reflection was done after the observation activities. From the results obtained in cycle II and
a discussion with the teacher, it was found that it was not necessary to continue the actions in the
next cycle because the indicator of success for the science skills, and cognitive learning outcomes
had been reached.


Based on the findings and the discussions of the research, it was revealed that the PBL model
with the Natural Science props was successfully implemented in the fourth grade of SD Negeri 15
Surau Gadang Siteba Padang through which it could improve the students science process skill
and their cognitive learning achievement in Natural Science. Based on the results of the research, it
was concluded that: (1) the fourth grade students science process skills in doing observation
increased from 52.2% in cycle I to 82.6% in cycle II, (2) the fourth grade students science process
skills in experimenting increased from 52.2% in cycle I to 85.2% in cycle II, (3) the fourth grade
students science process skills in communicating increased from 53.1% in cycle I to 85.2% in
cycle II, (4) the fourth grade students cognitive learning achievement increased from 69.6% in
cycle I to 87.0% in cycle II


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Depdiknas, (2003). UU Sisdiknas No. 20, Jakarta: Depdiknas,

Trianto, (2011) Mendesain model pembelajaran inovatif-progresif, Jakarta: Kencana Prenada

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Depdiknas, (2006). Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, Jakarta: Depdiknas,

Hosnan, (2014) Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual dalam pembelajaran abad 21, Bogor:
Ghalia Indonesia,.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
Cooperative Learning Model Design Based On Collaborative
Game-Based Learning Approach As A Soft Scaffolding
Strategy: Preliminary Research
Novinta Nurulsari, Agus Suyatna and Abdurrahman
Master of Physics Education Lampung University, Lampung, Indonesia
Article info Abstract
Keywords: This research aims to describe the implementation and development
needs of cooperative learning model design based on collaborative
Cooperative learning model, game-based learning approach at school and to design cooperative
Collaborative game-based, learning model based on collaborative game-based learning approach as
learning approac, a soft scaffolding strategy based on needs. The study was conducted in
soft scaffolding three private high schools in Bandar Lampung. The research method
applied is a survey method with cross sectional design using
questionnaire. The development included preliminary research and
gathering the data, planning, and designing the product. The preliminary
study results showed that we needed to develop a learning model design
based on collaborative games to create a more conducive atmosphere
and to reach learning outcomes more optimally. Model development
Corresponding Author: design was conducted through study of literature. Cooperative learning
novintanurulsari@ymail.com model initial design based on collaborative game-based learning
approach was succesfully developed named BIGSAGGIR, including the
main syntax of Building, Identifying, Guiding, Simulating, Analyzing,
Generalizing, and Giving Reward.


Physics learning outcomes is a crucial component which should be achieved optimally when
the teacher held a lesson in class. According to [1], sometimes teachers think that they have
explored the abilities of students to understand the concept of certain material through the teaching
which they apply, but the reality is not so. The way to improve the students science process skill,
as in [2], the teacher should have a learning process including the steps of controlling variables,
defining operational variables, formulating hypothesis, formulating model, interpreting data, and
experimenting. As stated in [3], the learning process is closely related to the learning model. The
reality showed that one of the learning model often applied by the teachers is cooperative learning
model. Cooperative learning model is defined as a model which guides students work in team to
complete the task decided by the teacher [4], while as in [5], cooperative learning model is an
active method which require appropriate teaching and learning stages. References [6] and [7]
describe that cooperative learning model can improve team-work skill. Cooperative learning model
can be implemented through some learning syntaxs including positive interpendence, individual
accountability, face-to-face promotive interaction, appropriate use of collaborative skill, dan group
processing [8]. So, it means that cooperative learning model is defined as a learning model which
requires students to work either in a group to accomplish tasks that have been determined by the
teacher based on certain stages.
Researchers lead the study to the development of cooperative learning model because
cooperative learning can offer a learning situation that is fun for all students, all students can have
equal opportunities, competition between groups can strengthen the friendship, the spirit of
working together can be increased, and all students can explore the capabilities and creativities [9].
However, according to [10], to direct the learning in the classroom toward cooperative learning,
one of the keys is planning to obtain optimal learning objectives. There are several things that need
to be considered in planning a learning model to be applied in the classroom, especially for
cooperative learning model, they are: tasks completed by the student, the form of reward that will
be given to a group that showed a positive performance, and assessment of the achievements of

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

every student at every learning phase [11]. By knowing what is happening in the classroom, the
teacher will understand things that affect the interaction between the students with the knowledge
and learning, so teachers would be more adept at designing a better learning system [12].
One approach that can be taken into consideration in designing a cooperative learning model
is collaborative game-based learning approach. Game-based learning is defined as a learning
strategy that focuses in the achievement of learning goals in particular of the learning content
delivered through playing techniques [13]. Game-based learning requires students to be actively
involved and participate in the learning process. Currently, the game is rarely implemented by
teachers as one of the strategies to attract the attention of students. In fact, according to [14],
playing may be one of the reasons why students want to learn and can provide the opportunity for
students to express, explore, and change their conceptual understanding. The implementation of
game-based learning also needs to consider about the teachers pedagogical abilities and the
appropriate assessment tools. Reference [15] revealed that the game context in learning process
will make students involved and participate in learning.
In this article, researchers will use a collaborative game-based learning approach in the
implementation of cooperative learning model. According to [16], collaborative learning is defined
as learning situation that consist of more than one student in a collaborative learning environment
(more than one game) that requires the involvement of student roles to achieve certain goals.
Reference [17] stated that the collaborative game-based learning involves the use of a multi-player
game design to develop collaborative learning among students involved in learning. Through the
process of collaborative learning in a collaborative learning environment, it will assist students in
generating new ideas to complete the learning task [18].
Reference [19] stated that the game has the potential to provide a high positive impact on the
learning process. Through playing activities, students can get the chance to see the situation from
many perspective, it is one of the concepts of learning theory of constructivism [20]. To design a
game based learning, teachers need to understand the students' everyday knowledge [21].
Reference [22] stated that the activity of playing a role has been widely applied in the science
classroom because it can help students learn complex things. Collaborative game-based learning
approach which is combined with a cooperative learning model will get optimal results if they are
supported by an effective learning environment. Reference [23] provides a list of characteristics or
requirements of an environment said to be an effective learning environment, such as (1) provide
an opportunity to achieve high intensity of interaction and feedback, (2) have a clear learning goals
and procedures to achieve them, (3) can motivate all the participants involved in that environment,
(4) provide a challenge and motivate students to complete tasks, (5) create a direct engagement
atmosphere between students with tasks prescribed, (6) provides tools, property, or instruments
which are accordance with students' tasks, and (7) avoid distraction and discruptions factors that
can ruin the students experience. Games designed for the learning process should be educative. The
main characteristic of an educational game is consisted of the essential learning content. The game
must be able to motivate students [24]. However, any form of the game that will be designed, game
can attract students to participate. There are some main steps which are very important that there
should be on a learning game, such as seeking information, choosing the appropriate information,
developing a discussion strategy, resolving conflicts, and improving ability to take a decision and
have a negotiation. Then reference [25] added that a game can be described through six following
process, (1) a player must take a role or assumes itself as other characters that suit the environment,
(2) players must perform a task that has been instructed, automatically definitely all of those will
show progress, (3) the player will learn the ' new vocabulary' in rules and the game character, (4)
the player interacts with the environment, (5) players do not have judgment system directly to
absorb information based on a player's perspective.
Researchers also focus in the development of effort to provide a strategy for Physics teachers
at school to provide soft scaffolding for students through interaction that will take place during the
model implemented later. According to [26], scaffolding is divided into two types, soft and hard
scaffolding. Example of the soft scaffolding type in the classroom is when the teacher has an
interaction and conversations with students who need help [27]. Thus, soft scaffolding will have a
role as a support to all students who have difficulties in learning process. We also have to
remember that the type of support needed by students must be related to the student needs and

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

difficulties of when learning takes place [28]. However, to apply the correct and consistent
scaffolding is very difficult for a large class with a number of students who have differential
difficulties. Researchers will focus in the development of model design that lead to attract the
attention of students through a task, directing students to a lot of debate, discussion, simulation,
and then help the student to complete an assigned task. One soft scaffolding strategy through the
development of this learning model is very relevant example of a strategy called modeling is
already widely used by other researcherss. Modeling is widely used to demonstrate the student's
assignments expected in accordance with the needs of students [29], to present a learning step, to
attract students to continue to interact in a problem or task given [30].
Based on the explanations above, researchers intends to develop a cooperative learning
model based on collaborative game-based learning approach in learning physics to achieve more
optimal learning outcomes. The purpose of development research is to describe the implementation
and development needs of cooperative learning model design based on collaborative game-based
learning approach at school and to design cooperative learning model based on collaborative game-
based learning approach as a soft scaffolding strategy based on needs.

Researchers conducted a needs analysis of model design development from the perspectives
of three teachers and twenty students in three private high schools in Bandar Lampung.
This study was conducted using research and development method. In this development
research, we present cooperative learning model design based on collaborative game-based
learning approach in high school physics learning as a soft scaffolding strategy. The development
procedures conducted refered to [31], including the steps of: (1) preliminary research and gathering
data, (2) planning, and (3) developing the initial product.
The development of the initial product was conducted through the study of literature. The
prototype of cooperative learning model developed in this study was designed based on the model
framework belongs to [32], which includes theoretical rational, syntax, the principle of interaction,
the social system, the support system, and the impact of learning.

Assessment Measures
Methods of data collection and needs analysis were carried out using survey method with
cross sectional design by distributing questionnaires to teachers and students in three private high
schools in Bandar Lampung. The data was obtained using questionnaire. The questionnaire of the
teachers needs consisted of 31 items and 18 items for students. Data analysis techniques were
conducted by: (1) coding data, (2) making a tabulation based on the classification made, (3) giving
score to each item, (4) processing the total scores, (5) calculating the percentage of each item, (6)
calculating the average percentage of questionnaires, (7) visualizing the data, and (8) interpreting
the overall percentag, at for the teacher to solicit opinions about the difficultiese xperienced in


This development research was conducted up to the third stage of the research procedures in
[9], it was developing the initial product. Researchers analyzed the needs of models design
development. Results of the teacher needs analysis were shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Results of the teacher needs analysis
Teachers opinion 67% of teachers often plan a learning model before entering the
about the classroom and apply the model has been designed.
implementation of 67% of teachers often use the cooperative learning model, but only
cooperative 33% of teachers who ever applied the cooperative learning model

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

learning model based on game.
based on game-
based learning The games had ever implemented consisted of 67% varied games
approach. and 33% not varied games.
All teachers often feel confused about what kind of the learning
model they have to use in physics learning process in the classroom.
67% of teachers often face difficulties to make the class condition
become conducive and fun.
Teachers viewpoint Only 33% of teachers always feel happy and get spirit when they will
when teaching teach in the classroom.
physics. 67% of teachers agreed that for this recent time, the conventional
learning by providing a broad range of material (concept +
application) would be more meaningful than a fun learning (using the
game) with less the core concept.
All teachers argued that they often apply conventional learning in
conveying difficult materials of physics.
All teachers agreed that cooperative learning model can facilitate
teachers in teaching physics materials to students and learning will
be more effective.
No teachers argued that students will feel bored in learning when
teachers use cooperative learning model based on game.
All teachers believed and agreed that students achievements can be
Teachers opinion improved when teachers use cooperative learning model based on
about the game.
development needs Only 33% of teachers ever personally designing cooperative learning
of cooperative model based on game.
learning model No teacher who had experience in designing their own model of
based on game- cooperative learning based on game as a soft scaffolding strategy.
based learning All teachers found difficulties in designing their own cooperative
approach as soft learning model based on game.
scaffolding All teachers agreed if researchers develops a cooperative learning
strategy. model based on collaborative game (more than one game).
All teachers agreed if researchers develops a cooperative learning
model based on collaborative game. (more than one game) as a soft
scaffolding strategy.
All teachers indicated their willingness to implement cooperative
learning model based on collaborative game which has been
Based on the analysis in Table I, it can be concluded that required development of
cooperative learning models based on game-based learning approach as a strategy of soft
scaffolding for students. Meanwhile, for the analysis of the students needs were shown in Table II.
Table II .Results of Students Needs Analysis
Students All students stated that their teachers often ask them to make groups with
opinion about friend while learning.
the 75% of students said they are always present in learning Physics.
implementati Only 40% of students stated that Physics is a fun lesson.
on of 65% of students said that studying in groups can increase motivation to
cooperative learn physics.
learning 35% of students did not like working in groups for provoking.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

model based 40% of students admitted that they are easily bored when learning
on game- Physics.
based 65% of students said that learning physics really needs a high
learning concentration.
approach. 65% of students felt happy and fun to work in teams or groups and they
argued that studying in groups can help them to solve the problem.
65% of students said that studying in groups make them easier to
understand physics materials.
75% of students said that learning physics while playing a game in a
group can make them unbored.
75% of students agreed that learning physics while playing a game in a
group can make them happier.
75% of students admitted that learning physics by discussing is more fun
than learning by doing exercises.
40% of students admitted that their teachers always ask them when they
were in trouble.
40% of students admitted that their teachers always help them to solve the
problem during the learning process.
90% of students said that the teachers gave assignments in every topic that
must be completed by each group through a discussion.
All students admitted that they always do the task given by the teacher.
All students stated that their teachers never gave a reward to the best
Based on the analysis in Table II, it can be concluded that most of the students were very
happy when the learning Physics was collaborated with gaming. Determination of the number of
the items on the questionnaire for teachers was based on the cross sectional method used. The
researchers was trying to uncover the factors that contribute to the implementation of cooperative
learning model based on game-based learning approach. Factors used by researchers were the
viewpoint and knowledge of teachers about cooperative learning model based on game-based
learning approach. Based on the teacher needs analysis, it can be concluded that teachers'
viewpoint and pedagogical could affect the process of implementing the model implemented by the
Cooperative learning model based on collaborative game-based learning approach that will
be developed is more hands-on learning game oriented so that students will participate directly in
the classroom as a team or group, it is based on the results of needs analysis. So, the game will be
included in the activity is not virtual learning game, but it prefers to games that are real. Then, after
the researchers got the conclusion regarding to the development needs, researchers went to the next
procedure. It was developing the initial products.
The stages have been done by researchers to produce a cooperative learning model based on
collaborative game-based learning approach as a soft scaffolding strategy were described as
follows. In the first stage, which was constructing the framework, researchers created a framework
to explain how learners can study well through the model will be developed. Of course, the
framework was supported by data from preliminary research and literature studies. In the second
stage, which was conducting literature studies, researchers explore some references related to the
theory that could support the model will be developed.
In the third stage, which was developing the model syntax, researchers conducted some
processes including identifying characteristics of the model, defining the syntax framework of
operational models, making a chart of operational models, describing each step in the syntax
model, identifying the characteristics of games that will be loaded in learning, designing learning
activities based on the approach used, then mapping the activity in each syntax. Researchers
developed a syntax that focuses on base of collaborative game-based learning approach.

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

In the fourth stage, which was identifying the principle of interaction, researchers
categorized the activities and types of interaction that should be done by teachers at each syntax
designed. Interaction which should be raised by teachers was very important in supporting the
learning process that takes place. In the fifth stage, which analyzing the social system, researchers
identified the system and environment such as what would appear through the developed model.
In the sixth stage, which analyzing the support systems, researchers identified any
components that can support the successful implementation of the developed model. The support
system was meant here could be the learning devices which is suitable with the model successfully
developed.In the seventh stage, which analyzing the impact of instructional, researchers identified
the impacts that will arise if the instructional model successfully applied. The results of this
instructional impact will certainly be proven empirically by the data on student learning outcomes.
However, researchers have not reached the stage of implementation of the model yet.
Overall, the steps being taken by researcher would never been separated from the efforts to provide
a scaffolding strategy for students. Finally, after going through these stages, the main syntax
successfully developed including: Building, Identifying, Guiding, Simulating, Analyzing,
Generalizing, and Giving Reward.
The model design successfully developed was named BIGSAGGIR models that can be seen
in Fig. 1. The reason in determining the syntax as it has previously described, based on the basic
syntax of the cooperative model expressed in [33]. According to him, the syntax of cooperative
learning model consists of six phases that can be seen in Table III.

Table 3. Cooperative learning model syntax

Syntax Teacher Activity
Step 1: Outlining the learning Explaining the learning purposes and prepare
purposes and prepare learners. learners to get ready in studying.
Step 2: Presenting informations. Presenting informations to students verbally.
Step 3: Organizing students in Giving explanations to the students about how
groups. the formation group and help the group carry
out an efficient transition.
Step 4: Helping the teams work Helping groups to complete the tasks.
and learn.
Step 5: Evaluating Examining the learners knowledge about the
materials when they presentate the learning
Step 6: Giving reward Preparing the way for giving appreciation of the
efforts done by learners.
(Suprijono, 2009)

The similarities of the model syntax successfully developed with the existing syntax of
cooperative learning model can be seen in Table IV.
Table 4 .Syntax analogy of bigs aggir model and the existing cooperative learning model
The Existing Cooperative
Learning Model
Outlining the learning purposes Building (outlining the learning purposes,
building preparadness of learners to study, and
and prepare learners.
motivate learners)
Presenting informations. Identifying (showing phenomena and
identifying the problems)
Organizing students in groups. Guiding (guiding the learners to make groups)
Helping the teams work and learn. Simulating (simulating the hands-on learning
Analyzing (analyzing the relationship between
games and the material contents)

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Existing Cooperative

Learning Model
Evaluating Generalyzing (generalyzing and
Giving reward Giving Reward (giving reward and
The model successfully developed focuses on collaborative game-based learning approach.
The approach exactly emphasizes the collaborative game load on student learning activities. The
complete draft of BIGSAGGIR model successfully developed is presented as follows.
Understanding the concept of physics is an important part of the learning objectives of
Physics. It means that students achieve these goals. The students' achievements often become
speculative for every teacher. Applied learning models can be a significant influence. Learning
tends to be boring and monotonous would make students do not give a positive response in
learning. One that can be ice breaking in learning is cooperative model with a collaborative game
approach. The results showed that not all teachers are able to design an educational game for
learning in the classroom. This cooperative learning model was developed as an effort to help
teachers create a conducive learning atmosphere and achieve the expected learning goals especially
associated with the soft scaffolding strategy for students. Thus, students not only perform activities
of scientific learning, but also students can explore their ability to discuss and simulate what have
been learned.
Theoretical Framework
This model is expected to help students acquire a learning experience to increase
conceptual understanding the material being learned. Researcher lead to the development of
cooperative learning model because cooperative learning can offer a learning situation that is fun
for all students, all students can have equal opportunities, competition between groups can
strengthen friendship, spirit of working together and participate to be increased, and all students
can explore the capabilities and creativity. The game has the potential to provide a high positive
impact on the learning process. Through playing activities, students can earn the chance to see the
situation from many perspectives, it is one of the concepts of learning theory of constructivism.
Activities based on a collaborative game-based learning approach can be designed in such a way
by the teachers to give positive effect significantly to the learning achievement if it has been
packed in cooperative learning models, so can produce a soft scaffolding strategy for students.
Learning Model Syntax
Phase 1: Building
In this phase, there are three core activities, such as outlining the learning purpose,
motivating, and giving apperception related to the materials that will be discussed. At this stage,
students will build the initial perception of the context of the material. The student activity is only
activating all the senses to build a readiness to learn, while the teacher activity is explaining the
learning purpose to students and raise students' motivation and readiness to learn.
Phase 2: Identifying
In this phase, the activity is presenting phenomena and identify problems. The students are
guided by the teacher to identify the problems where the answer will be found through the games.
The student activitiy is using senses in every activity that is presented by the teacher, for example
listening to what is conveyed by the teacher and thinking it logically, observing the phenomenon
shown by the teacher, by asking questions. While, the teacher activities is providing information
through verbal presentations, audio, and visual. The information provided is not information that is
only enrich the knowledge of students, but also can stimulate learners to discover the problem or
phenomenon to be found the answer after the students followed the learning process. The
information provided must also be associated with learning topics being discussed.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Figure 1. Bigs aggir model syntax

Phase 3: Guiding
In this phase, the activity is making groups. So, the teacher will act as a guider to provide
instruction and guidance to the students related things to do. The student activity is following the
instructions and directions given by the teacher as well as playing an active role in an opinion if
there is something that does not fit in the formation of the group. This step is very meaningful to
build critical social attitudes of learners to establish a partnership. While, the teacher activities are
giving instructions and clear direction to the students in groups. Instructions and directions can be
presented verbally. Groups can be formed in accordance with the agreement between teachers and
learners. If the formation of groups is based on the policy of the teacher, then the teacher can
combine learners based on the capabilities. At this stage, the teacher should explain the
characteristics and rules of the game that will be played by learners. Teachers must ensure that all
students have a grasp of the information presented by the teacher. Teachers also have to explain
what students have to do in group.

Phase 4: Simulating
In this phase, the core activity is simulating the hands-on learning games that have been
agreed. Had the teacher wanted to try the students understanding of the rules of the game, the
teacher can do trial in advance. If all learners already know, the game can be started again from
beginning. If there are students who do not understand, then the teacher should explain the rules of
the game. Activities of students at this stage are to simulate the game and play without any burden,
but still based on the task to be performed by students. While the teacher activities are overseeing
and controlling all activities of students. Teachers must ensure that all learners can actively
participate in the learning process. Therefore, the game created should be able to reach the number
of learners in the classroom. Game created must reach capabilities, characteristics, pleasure and
knowledge of learners.

Phase 5: Analyzing
In this phase, students will be guided to analyze and relate the games played with the
material being learned. The student activity is analyzing the relationship between games with the
material contents. The proses of analyzing can be guided by the teacher through discussion,
questions and answers between groups, to giving the next task. Students must work in groups. The
analysis procedure must be remained by the teacher so that the students focused on the discovery
of the answer to the initial problem formulation. The analysis result can be descriptive or
mathematical analysis that can enhance students' knowledge both factual knowledge, conceptual,
procedural, and metacognition. While the teacher activities are as facilitators and mediators. The
teacher should provoke students to demonstrate their skills in analyzing and inferenting. The
teacher should also do an elaboration. The analyzing process should be up to the discovery of the
answer to the problem formulation specified in Phase 2 (Identifying).

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Phase 6: Generalyzing
In this phase, the core activities are generalizing and communicating. The student activity
is generalizing the material concept. After the students analyze, they must take the understanding
of the concept in general and conclude what is gained during lesson. Students should also be able
to relate the concept of the material with a game that has been played. After they are able to
generalize, each group must communicate what the group discussion results. The communicating
activities can be in making a display, supported by verbal media, audio, and visual. While the
teacher activities is examining the students knowledge about a variety of learning materials when
the groups present their result.

Phase 7: Giving Reward

In this phase, the core activity is giving reward and appreciation. The teacher should give an
appreciation and reward for the best groups based on specific characteristics. Appreciation and
reward can be a point for groups, grades, prizes, and others. Teachers can explore when you want
to give appreciation.
The relationship between BIGSAGGIR model with a soft scaffolding strategy will developed
can be seen in Fig. 2. Thus, the soft scaffolding strategy created by the researcher will be based on
three activities, such as discussing, giving arguments, and debating. The model design developed
will try to encourage all students to actively involved in learning activities and interact each other.
The final target of soft scaffolding strategy is providing support and assistance through direct
communication when learning takes place.

Figure 2. The Soft Scaffolding Strategy in BIGS AGGIR

The Principle of Interaction

In BIGSAGGIR, the teacher act as guider and facilitators, the teacher in charge of
determining the games rules must be obeyed by students. Students will act as the executor who will
carry out the tasks that have been instructed. Learning devices will act as the sources to make the
process of generalization and acquisition of the final draft will be accepted by students. So, in the
implementation of BIGSAGGIR model, the learning process will be student-centered, the teacher
only provides instruction and assistance to students. Learning devices provided by the teacher will
act as link for students to relate the game played with the concept of the material contents being
learned. The interaction between teachers, students, and learning devices is an active interaction
and mutually contribute to each other. However, the larger role is students.
The Social System
The social system which will be established through the BIGSAGGIR model is actually
the same as the cooperative model of social system in general. The philosophy of constructivism
especially social constructivism is a basic of the development of this BIGSAGGIR model. This
model emphasizes the construction of knowledge based on the perspective of the students in a
group learning environment through collaborative gaming activities, so that each individual can
play an active role with its own responsibilities as well as each individual will strengthen the

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

knowledge gained through group learning environment based on collaborative game. The
collaborative game meant is hands-on learning game consisted of more than one game. The
learning group of this model is a cooperative learning group in which there exists a sense of
friendship, so that the discussions and the information exchange created can run conducive until
find the answer to every problem has been determined from the beginning of activities.
The Support System
The support system is a required system so BIGSAGGIR model can be implemented
optimally. Support systems required in the implementation of this learning model BIGSAGGIR
including: the teachers pedagogical competence as a guider, conducive rooms, the teachers
competence in developing appropriate learning tools. The teachers pedagogical competence is a
capability how the teacher can teache and provide guidance to students, because the teacher must
be able to control the class when the teacher implement this BIGSAGGIR model. The teacher
proficiency in attracting the students attention is one of successful key to implement the
BIGSAGGIR model. The conducive room is also one of the very important supporting factors.
Without adequate learning space, then the game can not be played freely and flexible by the
students. While learning devices means any component of the devices that support the continuity
of the learning process, ranging from the competence standard and basic competence maps,
syllabus, learning implementation plan, student worksheets, media, handbooks, and a conducive
learning environment.
The Instructional and Nurturant Effects
The instructional effect gained is the students ability in mastering the learning material either
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domain. While the nurturant effect that appear is positive
values in motivating students to learn. With the application of the model BIGSAGGIR, hopes will
grow a sense of fun and enthusiasm on students when they learn physics.

Had successfully developed a cooperative learning model design based on collaborative
game-based learning approach. The learning model is named BIGSAGGIR which the main syntaxs
are Building, Identifying, Guiding, Simulating, Analyzing, Generalizing, and Giving Reward.
BIGSAGGIR model was designed with procedures developed by the researcher themselves, using
the framework of Sudiarta (2005). The model design successfully developed based on the results of
preliminary research which indicate that we need to develop a design of learning model based on
collaborative game as a soft scaffolding strategy to create a more conducive atmosphere in
classroom and achieve the learning goals optimally. Hopefully in the next research, there will be
the next step in validating the design model so the model can be implemented.


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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Student Worksheet Based On Prediction, Observation,
Explanation in Physics Subject for 10th Grade
Nurul Ulil Amri, Chandra Ertikanto

Physics Education Lampung University, Lampung, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This is a preliminary research of teachers and students' needs in SMAN
1 Abung Semuli. Preliminary research consisted of literature and field
Student Worksheet, research.The purpose of this researchare; (1) identifyteachers needs in
POE, physics facilitations to help students understanding the concepts of
Scientific Approach physics; (2) identifystudents needs in using the media of physics
subjectin order to use the prediction, observation, explanation (POE)
model; (3) identify whether a student worksheet that contains the syntax
POE on the fluid material needs to be created or developed.This
research uses descriptive method. Sampling technique used is purposive
sampling. The object of this research is the students of 10th grade which
consists of 40 students and 5 physics teachers. Data was collected using
questionnaires, qualitative data analysis, the appropriate interpretation of
the results of analysis of problems and research questions and the
conclusions. The result of the preliminary study are (1) There are
Corresponding Author: several physics teacherswho have known some acknowledgment about
the prediction, observation, explanation model. (2) Teachers and
Anandaulilamri@gmail.com students need instructional materials in the form of student worksheet
Chandra_unila@ymail.com (LKS) based on POE with a scientific approach that can help students in
understanding the concepts of physics. The conclusion of this research is
to develop student worksheet (LKS) based on POE with a scientific


Implementation of research and development of teaching materials in the form of student

worksheet (LKS) with the prediction, observation, explanation model based on scientific approach,
requires a preliminary research that includes a literature and field researchwhich are used to
determine an object in the field by collecting some information, such as the analysis of teachers
and students needsin term of media or instructional materials used in teaching and learning
activities as well as the appropriate methods and approaches used in learning activities in class so
that the goal can be achieved.Education participatesin creating a new smarter generation.
The education process can happen anywhere, and the most influential is the education at
school level. Education in schools is created through the learning process between teachers and
students. The learning process in class greatly influence the level of achievement of the objectives
learning which has been designed by the teacher (Suwati, 2008: 166). Student Activity Sheet
according Ozmen & Yildirim (2005) is an important component that must be done by all the
students in the learning process so that the learning objectives can be achieved. The results showed
that the use of student worksheet (LKS) effectively to improve student learning outcomes. Celicler
(2010) concluded that student worksheet (LKS) can increase participation and learning
achievement.The results of the study (Yildirim et al.2011) shows that using worksheets is more
effective because it causes students actively participate in learning activities.
The learning model Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) according to Suparno (2007) is a
learning model that uses three steps of the scientific method: (1) prediction isa process of creating
anexperiment presumption, (2) observation is observing an experiment. In other words, the
students were invited to do an experiment, to test the students prediction, and (3) Explanation
isexplaining the correspondence between the observation phase to the alleged experimental

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

results.If the predicted results correspond with the results of observations, the students prediction
of the concept is assured. If it isinappropriate, students should find another explanation of the
prediction results. Students will experience a switching concepts from incorrect to be a correct one.
Therefore, students can learn from mistakes, and learning from mistakes usually will not be
easily forgotten. Indrawati and Setiawan (2009) said that the model of learning by using the syntax
POE is a learning model that emphasizes the concepts of evidence directly obtained so that the
concept will not be easily lost. POE models can be effective in teaching strategies to facilitate
students' understanding of a concept (Kearney 2004). In addition POE can also be used to explore
students' conceptions of knowledge and motivate students to conduct investigations (costumers
2010). POE learning model effective in-use to improve students' understanding of science (Liew
2004). Additionally POE is a great learning model to engage students in developing high-level
thinking skills in interacting directly with the environment (Chew 2005).
Based on the above research, it can be concluded that the POE learning model can be used to
improve student ability,either in mastering the concepts or enhancing the students' learning
activities. The subject of research in some high schools at Abung Semuli, North Lampung are 40
students and 5 physics teachers. Fannie (2014) in his research stating that in order to evaluate the
ability of the students who had been listening to the material and examples presented in the
worksheets, students can solve the problems by evaluating any learning activities that have been
assisted by POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) steps.
Then at the end LKS has also prepared problemswith all the material covered. Based on the
above exposure, in accordance with the purpose of physics contained in the Standards and basic
competencies unit level of high school education in 2006, which are; (1) forming a positive attitude
towards physics to realize an orderliness and beauty of nature and to praise the Greatness of God
Almighty; (2) nourish an honest scientific, objective, open, resilient, critical and can cooperate
with others; (3) develop the experience to be able to define problems, propose and test hypotheses
through experiments, designing and assembling the instrument trial, collect, process, and interpret
data, and communicate the results of the experiment orally and in writing: (4) develop the ability to
reason in thinking analysis inductive and deductive using the concepts and principles of physics to
explain natural events and resolve problems both qualitatively and quantitatively; (5) master the
concepts and principles of physics and have the skills to develop the knowledge and attitude of
confidence in preparation for continuing education at higher level and develop science and
technology. So the goal of this research are; (1) identify teachers needs in physics facilities to help
students understand the concepts of physics; (2) identifystudents needs in using the media of
physics subjectin order to use the prediction, observation, explanation (POE) model; (3) identify
whether a student worksheet that contains the syntax POE on the fluid material needs to be created
or developed.

Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a determining
technique with a certain considerations. Implementation of a field research was conducted in
February 18th, 2016. Data was collected by analyzing some questionnaires about teachers needs
and needs of students. The processing and analysis data is done through four stages. The first stage
is coding the data as the results from the questionnaire; Second Stage is dividing data into some
faction, feature, type and frequency so it would be easy to be read, categorized, and analysed;
Stage Three is analysing qualitative data, which is analyzed by breaking and link data and
information related to the research subject. The fourth stage is makingan appropriate interpretation
of the problem analysis and statement of research and concluding them.
Researchers developes the POE-based student worksheets using 4-D models proposed by
Thiagarajan, et al (...). Stages 4-D consists of four stages, namely Define (Phase Defining), Design
(The Plan), Develop (Development Phase) and Desseminate (Phase Deployment). This research
carries out up to three phases, namely the Development (Development Phase), Desseminate (Phase
Deployment) is not done. The object of this research is LKS based on Predict, Observe, explaint

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Defining phase
Front End Analysis

Analysis Students
Defining STAGE

Task nalysis

Preliminary Design

Validation Expert



Figure 1. Development Flow Of Student Worksheet

Defining stage is the stage of determining and defining the terms of the preparation of POE-
based worksheets based on Figure 1. There are three main steps of this stage:
a. Analysis of the front end : Developing the student worksheet is aim to determine the
fundamental problems.
b. Analysis of student : This analysis has been done by paying attention into the characteristics,
abilities, background knowledge and level of cognitive development of students as an idea to
develop creative thinking skills.
c. Analysis of Task : This analysis has been done by detailing the content taught in outline
Stage Design
Planning learning devices has been done at this stage. Things to do at this stage are 1.
Preparation of the test which links the definition phase into the design, 2. Election of the media), 3.
Format selection, this stage conduct an assessment of the formats have been developed.
Stage of Development
This phase was conducted to determine the validity of LKS with certain criteria.


Based on field reports with the results of observations during the field research, they are:
The analysis of the teachers needs
Recapitulation of the teachers needs questionnaire showed that teachers need more training
in making worksheets with the syntax of POE model in order to get the learning process in class
actively, will not be lazy and bored when understanding and solving the problemsin the
worksheets, the statement in no.16-17 and 18 are about the syntax of LKS making based on POE.
In factthat the teacher has been known well yet about LKS based on POE so the teacher is difficult
in developing this POE-based LKS which in this worksheet, students are asked to give opinion
about the experiments conducted in the classroom and then it will be observed by teachers.In the
use of LKS students should be involved during the learning process so that students knowledges
can be constructedthrough LKSs practices(Toman, et al, 2013). According to Limbach & Waaugh
(2003): an active learning experience is meaningful and stimulating studentss cognitive
development. The learning model Predict Observe-Explain (POE) was first introduced by White
and Gunston in 1992 in the book Probing Understanding (Mabout, 2006). Khantavy (2009)a

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

learning model that asked students to predict whatwill take place against a phenomenon to be
studied, then the teacherdemonstrations and students observe what the teacher whilematch with
allegations that students have made the last student is askedto explain why it could happen. This
model provides an opportunity tostudent to put knowledgetheir initial regarding the material
given,the cooperation between students during discussionstakes place, the exchange of opinions
between studentsone with the other students, the changeconceptual knowledge held bystudents
(Kolari & Ranne, 2004). Gupta & Chandiwala (2009) addlearning POE models is less suitable to
be applied to the materials that are difficult if it is intended to get the results in short time (on
hand). Samosir research (2010) POE using demonstration can make students active and creative to
melaeksplorasi and search for information to complete the task group).
The analysisof students needs
Recapitulation of the questionnaire disclosure students needs can be seen to the students
of SMAN 1 Abung Semuli who are really need this kind og learning. it is indicated by the
identification of problems that exist on the results in the field where almost of all the students
newhen learning physics, so that students can predict or give presumption of experimental
results.after giving their presumption, then the students need to do an observation according the
previous result to get the exact conclusion.This is a model of learning the syntax of the POE.
Identification of the problem is also the majority of students want LKS used in physics learning to
be more interesting, using clear language that is easy to understand.So the researchers concluded
that it is necessary to develop POE-based learning physics student worksheet with a scientific
approach that would be useful for teachers and students in learning activities so that learning is
more effective and efficient to achieve the goal of learning physics.According to Wu (2005) he
adds that POE learning can increase students' activity for finding the initial idea, generalizing
discussion,generalizing the investigation, motivating to investigate the concepts and teaching
science process skills that is a small part of the various factors to construct liveliness.
Development Procedures
This stage, the activities to be done is to analysis the needs through field surveys. In this
case, the researchers conducted a field survey of the problems in learning and teaching materials
that are at the high school.The stages of Research and Development by Borg and Gall (1983: 775)
developes the 10 stages in developing the model, they are; (1) Researching and collecting
information, including a research of the literature relating to the cases studied, the needs
assessment, research on a small scale, and preparation to formulate research framework; (2)
planning, includes formulating research skills and expertising related to the problem, determining
the objectives to be achieved at each stage; (3) developing preliminary firm of product is
developing forms of the beginning of the product to be produced; (4) preliminary field testing,
which conduct field trials beginning on a limited scale in involving 1-3 schools, with a number of
subjects 6-12.In this step the data collection and analysis can be done by interviewing, observating,
or giving questionnaires; (5) the main product revision, is to make improvements to the initial
product generated by the initial test results; (6) main field testing, the main trial involving a wider
audience, which are 5-15 schools, with a number of subjects 30-100 people. LKS is designedto
measure the students competence. The steps of designing LKS based on POE (Product, Observe,
explaint) on a fluid material is as follows; (1) determine the title LKS; (2) collect references; (3)
design LKS; (4) score a physics student worksheets based on POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). The
next step is design validation. It has to be done by asking several experts who have
experiencesinscoring the designs so that it can be discovered their strengths and
weaknesses.Showingthe design, the experts were asked to evaluate, so that the suggestions and
input of the validators can be used as the basis of the product design improvements. Validator is
given in the form questionnaire rating scale as a form of validation of an instrument to assess the
product. LKS research is validated by a team of education experts, a team of experts selected in
accordance with the consideration of the skills, expertise and experience in the learning of physics
and in designing LKS. This validation includes the validation of the contents of the material and
design of LKS learning physics-based POE (Predic, Observe, Explain) validation. After the
productis we validated by the experts then, can know the weakness of the product.Then the

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

researchers revised the designs based on the input of experts. Fannie (2014) in his research stating
that in order to evaluate the ability of the students who had been listening to the material and
examples presented in the worksheets, the students can solve the problems of any learning
activities that have been assisted by the steps of POE (Predict, Observe, Explain).

Based on the research objectives above, it can be concluded that: (1) teachers in various
schools, especially at the high school level, requires a teaching materials in the form of worksheets
to facilitate the learning process in class, (2) students at various high schools need the learning
media in the form of worksheets in order to facilitate them to understand and master concepts of
physics taught, (3) it needs to develop LKS based on POE in learning physics so that students can
be more active in following activities in the classroom.


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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
Cooperative Learning Model Application Type Of Student
Teams Achievement Divisions ( Stad ) Increase In The Process
Of Science Student Skills
W. Trisnawati1), Wiendartun1), D. E. Tarigan2)

Department of Physics Education, Indonesia University Of Education, Bandung

Article info Abstract
Keywords: This research is the application of cooperative learning model type
STAD in improving students science process skill. The purpose of this
Student Teams Achievement study is to investigate the improvement of science process skill of high
Divisions (STAD), school students after the cooperative learning type Student Teams
science process skill. Achievement Divisions (STAD) has been conducted in the learning
process. The background of this study is the low science process skill of
the students which has been proven in the previous studies. The method
used in this research is quasy experiment method, and the reseach
design used in this study is one group pretest-posttest design which has
been conducted three times. The sample in this study are 36 students of
X MIPA class at one high school in Bandung and are chosen through
purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this
research is done through science process skill tests which was done
before and after treatment. The science process skill aspects that are
measured in a test consist of observing, formulating hypotheses,
planning experiments (determining variables), experimenting, applying
Corresponding Author: concepts, interpreting data, predicting, and communicating. From the
research, it is found that score of N-gain for the first meeting of sience
diditefgh@gmail.com process skills with a medium category. Meanwhile, than N-gain score
for science process skill at the second meeting with the medium
category. And score of N-gain for science process skill in the third
meeting is with high category. The N-gain scores show that students
science process skill before and after the implementation of cooperative
learning model type STAD increased.


Physics is a science that studies the natural phenomena in which there are various principles,
Laws,theories,facts, and concepts. In essence physics was not only acquire knowledge in the form
of various concepts exist, but the physics is also a discovery process ( Depdiknas, 2003 , page. 6 ).
To acquire knowledge and make the process of the invention, the necessary basic skills used by
scientists, basic skills is called the science process skills ( Semiawan , 1987, page. 17 ). Science
process skills activities include observing , formulating hypotheses , planning experiments (
determining variables) , perform experiments , applying concepts, interpret data , predict , and
communicate ( Ramig , et al . , 1995, p . 1 ) .
Based on the results of preliminary studies, physics learning process happens in the
classroom is a learning process centered on teachers without the active role of students
As many as 88 % of students answered the lecture method most frequently used by teachers
in the delivery of materials and as much as 97 % of students answered less than twice the physics
lab activities performed . Results of preliminary studies on students is reinforced by the statement
of one of the teachers of physics in the interview process , which states that the learning activities
are dominated by lecturing activities and rarely engage in practical activities
This was caused by the limitations of time learning and practical tools are fit for use . From
the preliminary study also showed that from 8 about science process skills given to the students,

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

only 2-4 questions that can be answered correctly by the average student. Some of the problems
described in the preliminary study indicated that the learning process that mostly takes place in the
school is the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student, causing poor science process skills
possessed by students.
To resolve these problems, it takes a learning model that will enhance students' science
process skills . One is the type cooperative learning model Student Teams Achievement Divisions (
STAD ) . Model STAD been to improve science process skills, for STAD and science process
skills are equally embraced constructivism learning theory, where students discover and develop
their own concept of learning.
STAD learning model is a model of learning that puts students in heterogeneous groups that
aim to mutually guide and motivate his fellow group members in achieving the team's success. The
same is expressed by Slavin ( in Levinson , et al ., 2002 , p. 115 ) 'Cooperative learning methods
are instructional techniques in the which student work in small groups to help one another master
academic content or carryout group projects'. Research on cooperative learning model STAD
proposed by Bilgin I. (2006, p. 33) "... that when the hands-on activities are used along with a
cooperative learning approach to teacher demonstration Compared approach, the science process
skills of 8th graders have developed in a positive manner ".
In the process of STAD cooperative learning, students are not only trained to cooperate with
the group in solving problems of a concept. STAD cooperative learning also train science process
skills possessed by students through the stages of learning. According to Slavin (2015, p. 143),
STAD type of cooperative learning model consists of five stages of learning consists of a class
presentation, team, quizzes or tests, score the progress of individual and team recognition. Aspects
of science process skills are trained in this model is the aspect of observing, formulating
hypotheses, planning experiments (determining variables), perform experiments, applying
concepts, interpret data, predict, and communicate (Ramig, et al. 1995, p. 1).


The method used in this research is the method quasi experiment and research design is one
group pretest - posttest design. The populations in the study were all students of class X MIPA at
one high school in Bandung, which consists of six classes. While the sample involved in the study
were 36 students consisting of 22 male students and 14 female students of class X MIPA taken
through purposive sampling technique.
This study was conducted during three meetings on the static fluid material. Data collection
techniques in this research through science process skills tests, observation sheets enforceability of
the model, and the student questionnaire .
Science process skills test consists of eight multiple choice questions. Eight of test science
process skills that each represent aspects of the science process skills comprising aspects of
observing , formulating hypotheses , planning experiments ( determining variables) , perform
experiments , applying concepts, interpret data , predict , and communicate ( Ramig , et al . 1995 ,
p. 1 )
Observations sheet cooperative learning model is filled by three observers who pay attention
to the learning process. And the student questionnaire used to determine students' response to
cooperative STAD learning model. Students questionnaire given to 36 students.
Implementation of this research begins with a pretest beforehand to know the initial science
process skills of the students. After that, the learning process is carried out using cooperative
learning model STAD. Then, the posttest to determine the end of the science process skills of the
students. Pretest and posttest in the study carried out at each meeting.
To investigate the improvement of science process skills of the students, used a score of N
-gain shown by the formula 1.1 (Hake, 1999 p. 1 )

<g>= ........................... 1.1

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

As for analyzing implementation STAD type of cooperative learning model used formula 1.2
( Riduwan , 2012, p. 15 )
Percentage = .....................1.2

And to analyze the students' response to cooperative learning model STAD used formula 1.3
( Riduwan , 2012, p. 12 )
Percentage = .............................. 1.3


This study used observation sheet to determine the enforceability of STAD model, science
process skills test to determine students 'science process skills, as well as a questionnaire to find
out the students' response to cooperative learning model STAD.
Implementation STAD Cooperative Learning Model
The work was undertaken during the three meetings, each meeting lasts two hour lesson
(3x40 minutes). In the course of this research, the activities of teachers and students' activity
assessed by observer through observation sheet. Results of the assessment activities of teachers and
students into the recapitulation implementation STAD type of cooperative learning model on Table
Table 1 Summary of STAD model
Teachers activity Students activity
(%) Criteria (%) Criteria
1 86,4 Good 86,4 Good
2 95,2 Very good 95,2 Very good
3 100 Very good 100 Very good
Based on Table 1 above can be explained that at the first meeting of the percentage of the
activity of teacher and student activity amounted to 86.4% with the criteria of enforceability of the
model quite well. However, at this meeting, there are two steps are accomplished, namely stage
score the progress of individuals and team recognition. This happens because time management
and setting a poor grade. At the second meeting, the percentage of teacher and student activity
increased to 95.2% with the criteria of enforceability of the model is in excellent condition. At this
meeting, the recognition stage the team is not done so that implementation is done at the next
meeting. Non-performance of these stages occur because of the implementation of the trial longer
than a predetermined schedule.
At the third meeting, the percentage of the activity of teachers and students accomplished
100% with the criteria of enforceability of the model is in excellent condition. At this meeting, all
the stages of STAD cooperative learning accomplished fluently.

Increased Science Process Skills Test

Improved skills of the students obtained from the results of pretest and posttest data is held
every meeting. Pretest and posttest results data is then processed statistically by calculating the
average value of the gain is normalized. Recapitulation scores science process skills at the first
meeting indicated Table 2 below.
Table 2 Summary of the first meeting
Test Average (%) Gain <g> Category
Pretest 20,49
36,80 0,46 Medium
Posttest 57,29
From Table 1.2 above, can be explained that the increased scores on the science process
skills pretest and posttest. Table 1.2 shows the gain score of 36.80 and the gain normalized score of
0.46. Based on the category average normalized gain set by Hake (1999, p. 1), the gain of 0.46
included into the category of a modest increase. Thus, the implementation of cooperative learning
model STAD can improve science process skills in the medium category.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

For recapitulation scores science process skills at the second meeting indicated Table 3
Table 3.Summary of the second meeting
Test Category(%) Gain <g> Category
Pretest 30,90
40,98 0,60 Medium
Posttest 71,88

Table 1.3 above shows that an increasing scores on the science process skills pretest and
posttest. Pretest and posttest scores at these meetings has increased compared with the pretest and
posttest scores at the first meeting. This happens because the students got used to using cooperative
learning model and begin to understand the science process skills .
Table 1.3 also shows the gain score of 40.98 and the gain normalized score of 0.60. Based on
the category average normalized gain set by Hake (1999, p. 1), the gain of 0.60 included into the
category of a modest increase. Thus, the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD can
improve science process skills in the medium category. Recapitulation scores science process skills
at the third meeting shown in Table 4 below.

Table 4. Recapitulation scores science process skills at the third meeting

Test Average(%) Gain <g>
Pretest 31,60
48,96 0,73 High
Posttest 80,56
Table 4 above shows that at this meeting was also an increase scores on the science process
skills pretest and posttest as in the first and second meetings. Pretest and posttest scores at the
meeting, however, at this meeting obtained a gain of 48.96 and a normalized gain by 0.73 . If at the
previous meeting of science process skills enhancement category is classified, then at meetinga
modest increase. Thus, the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD can improve
science process skills in the medium category.
Table 4 above shows that at this meeting was also an increase scores on the science process
skills pretest and posttest as in the first and second meetings. Pretest and posttest scores at the
meeting, however, at this meeting obtained a gain of 48.96 and a normalized gain by 0.73. If at the
previous meeting of science process skills enhancement category is classified, then at the last
meeting of this increase science process skills is high. This happens because the learning process
using cooperative learning model type STAD make students better understand the material and
facilitates students' science process skills to solve problems. At this meeting the students are
getting used to develop various aspects of the science process skills.
In this research, science process skills measured consists of eight aspects, namely observing,
formulating hypotheses, planning experiments, experimenting, applying concepts, interpret data,
predict, and communicate. Table 1.5 below shows a recapitulation of the increase in pretest and
posttest scores every aspect of science process skills in the first meeting, second, and third.

Table 5. Summary of the increase in every aspect of the process skills

Meeting to
Aspect of Science
1 2 3 Average
Process Skill
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Observe 0,58 0,72 0,75 0,92 0,78 0,97 0,72
formulate hypotheses 0,14 0,25 0,25 0,50 0,28 0,61 0,31
Plan your experiment 0,01 0,75 0,03 0,83 0,08 0,89 0,50
conducting experiments 0,28 0,81 0,36 0,92 0,39 0,97 0,65
interpret data 0,29 0,80 0,31 0,89 0,36 0,95 0,63
applying the concept 0,03 0,31 0,06 0,47 0,14 0,72 0,29
predicting 0,03 0,11 0,11 0,33 0,14 0,47 0,18
Communicating 0,25 0,58 0,33 0,76 0,44 0,94 0,53

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

From Table 5 above, can be explained that every aspect of the process skills increased in
every meeting. Sequence improvement aspect of science process skills from the lowest value to the
largest value obtained from the average value, the order is the aspect of predicting, apply concepts,
formulate hypotheses, planning experiments, communicate , interpret the data , conducting
experiments , and observe . On the pretest, all aspects of the science process skills gained such a
low score. But after learning process.

Response Students to STAD Cooperative Learning Model

The response of students to cooperative learning model STAD obtained from a questionnaire
completed by the students. The following is a recapitulation of the student responses shown in
Table 6 below.
Table 6. Student responses to the cooperative learning model STAD
Students response
No Statement
% Category
The learning process using the cooperative model
1 90,28 Very good
STAD creates a fun learning environment
The learning process using STAD cooperative
2 model makes it easier for me to understand the 85,42 Very good
The learning process cooperative model using
3 STAD makes me more active in asking and 77,08 Good
answering questions
The learning process using the cooperative model
4 STAD increase cooperation with other members 93,06 Very good
of the group
The learning process using the cooperative model
5 STAD makes me easier to solve the problems of 86,81 Very good
the science process skills

Figure 1.1 Diagram of the results of the students' responses

Based on Table 1.6 and Figure 1.1 above, student responses to the cooperative learning
model STAD highest percentage obtained by statement number four with a large percentage is
93.06%, the percentage of students who get a response to the second highest value is the statement
number one for 90.28 %, subsequent statements that get the third highest percentage is the number
five statement of 86.81% with a very strong category, a percentage which is the fourth highest
position number two statements amounted to 85.42% with a very strong category, the highest
percentage gain in the statement of number four with a very strong category, and a statement that
occupy the last position is a statement of the number three by 77.08% with the strong category.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Recapitulation percentage of students' response to cooperative learning model STAD

indicates that this model is able to create a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to the good
cooperation between peers in a group, be able to create a fun learning environment for students,
help students in solving science process skills, helping students understand the material, and be
able to create a learning atmosphere that encourages students to be active in the learning activities.
Based on the results of the exposure, overall students responded positively to the type cooperative
learning model STAD.

Based on the results of research and discussion presented, it can be concluded that the
cooperative learning model can improve science process skills in the medium category at the first
meeting, the category of being at a second meeting, and high categories at the third meeting. STAD
cooperative learning model can improve every aspect of science process skills, improvement order
from the highest score is the aspect of observing, conducting experiments, interpret the data,
communicate, plan experiments, formulate hypotheses, applying the concept, and predict.
In this study also seen students' response to the model type STAD cooperative learning as
measured through a questionnaire. The questionnaire results showed a positive response which
explains that the cooperative learning model can improve cooperation in one group, creating a fun
learning environment, making students more easily work on the problems, making students more
easily understand the material, and make students actively in the learning process.


ilgin, I. (2006). The effect of hand-on activities incorporating a cooperative learning approach on
eight grade students science process skills and atitudes toward science. Turkey: Journal of
Baltic Science Education, I (9), hlm. 27-37.

Depdiknas. (2003). Pedomankhususpengembangansilabusdanpenilaian. Jakarta.

Hake, R. R. (1999). Analyzing change/gain scores. Amerika: American Education Research

Associations Division.

Levinson, D., Cookson, P. W., &Sadovnik, A. R. (2002). Education and sociology: An

encyclopedia. RoutledgeFalmer.

Ramig, J. E., Bailer, J., & Ramsey, J. M. (1995). Teaching science process skills. America: Good
Riduwan. (2012). Skalapengukuranvariabel-variabelpenelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta

Semiawan, C. dkk. (1987). Pendekatanketerampilan proses. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Slavin, R. (2005). Cooperative learning (Theory, research, and practice) terjemahan.

DalamYusron, N (Penerjemah) &Zubaedi (Penyunting). Bandung: Alfabeta.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education
The Implementation of Integrating Researching Reasoning
Reflecting (3R) Process on Problem based Learning Model and
the Improvement of Senior High School Students Scientific
Literacy : A Literacy Study

Asep Irvan Irvani, Andi Suhandi

Physics Program, School of Postgraduate Studies Indonesia University of Education

Article info Abstract
Keywords: Scientific literacy is an important capability that is owned by a science
student. Students' attitudes towards physics be one indicator of increased
Scientific Literacy, scientific literacy of students. There are various studies undertaken in an
3R Process, effort to improve students' scientific literacy empowerment. One
Problem based Learning, development of learning environments mention that 3R process can
Attitude towards Physics improve scientific literacy. The 3R process is Researching, Reflecting,
and Reasoning. This process is closely related to Problem-based
Learning Model. The application of this process would require
Corresponding Author: appropriate learning models. Integrating process Reflecting Reasoning
Researching into Problem-based Learning will improve scientific
airvanirvan@gmail.com literacy skills better.

The function of education is to prepare you, experience, knowledge, and skills to be able to
survive independently, responsible, and able to overcome all the problems that arise in everyday
life. Whereas the rapid development of science and technology today demands that humans can
adapt in all aspects of life. Here, the role of education in providing supplies the ability to
understand science and technology completely. One is the ability to support scientific literacy.
Techakosit (2015) suggested that the process component Researching, Reasoning, and
Reflecting (3R) in a learning environment based on the evaluation of seven experts in the field
have a very high value to improve scientific literacy. Background use 3R process in improving the
scientific literacy is taken from 3C3R theory developed by Hung (2006, 2008, 2009). Hung (2006,
2008, 2009) suggests that one factor of success Problem Based Learning model (PBM) or
Problem-based Learning (PBL) lies in how we design issues to be raised in the early phase of
The use of 3R in the learning process would be more effective when integrated in a particular
learning model. Problem based learning seen from the component suitable for integrating processes

The present study uses a descriptive qualitative method in which the data is in the form of
facts taken from the result of the study. The reading sources consist of some journals and papers
taken from international conferences. Researcher is the key instrument in the present study since
the researcher plays a role in studying, describing, searching for relationship, and concluding the
result of the study.


Scientific Literacy
The scientific literacy based on PISA 2015 consists of four aspects of the domain. The aspect
is the context, knowledge, competencies, and attitudes. Aspects context refers to the issues of
whether personal, local, and global focus on health-related use, natural resources, environment,
risk, science and technology area. Aspects of knowledge refers to facts, concepts and theoretical

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

explanations that build scientific knowledge. Aspects of competence include the ability to explain
scientific phenomena, evaluating and designing scientific investigations, as well as the ability to
interpret data and scientific facts. While aspects of the attitude shown by the interest in science and
technology, assess the scientific approaches and investigations, and environmental awareness.
Which became the focus of scientific literacy is the aspect of knowledge and competence.
Aspects of knowledge includes knowledge of the content, procedural knowledge, and knowledge
epistemic. While aspects of competence include the ability to explain scientific phenomena, the
ability to evaluate and design a scientific investigation, and the ability to interpret data and
scientific facts.
Attitude towards Physics
The attitude of students towards physics is different from the aspect of attitude on science
literacy. The attitude here refers to the attitude indicator of TOSRA. There are six aspects in the
attitude toward physics, namely (1) Interest towards Physics, (2) Attitude towards career related to
Physics, (3) Attitude towards the importance of Physics, (4) Attitude towards Physics teachers, (5)
Attitude towards difficulty in Physics, and (6) Attitude towards usage of Physics equipment.
Relationship between students' attitudes toward physics and scientific literacy skills of
students (Nawell, et al ; 2015) that the attitude can be a predictor of an increase scientific literacy.
The 3R Process
Techakosit (2015) stated that the process Researching, Reasoning, and Reflecting on the
learning environment can improve science literacy, of these three processes.
Researching refers to the process of understanding the problems with the information required
students to learn the content in accordance with the purpose.
Reasoning refers to the process of promoting knowledge through research and the development
of problem-solving skills.
Reflecting refers to the process by which the student presents his knowledge in the learning
Techakosit (2015) states that the combination of the 3R process is the relationship the
learning environment can improve scientific literacy. The position of the 3Rs in the learning
environment is described in the following diagram.

Fig1. Relationship Diagram 3R Process against Scientific Literacy (Techakosit, 2015)

In the diagram above can be seen that the position of the Researching, Reasoning, and
Reflecting be the major processes that affect the ability of science literacy. While the five
components that surround the process is a component of the learning environment. The three
process is based on the model of the design problems in PBL developed by Hung (2006, 2008,
2009). Hung (2006.2008) developed a model of a design problem 3C3R (Content Reflecting
Reasoning Researching Context Connection) in the model PBL (Problem Based Learning) as a
conceptual framework to guide the design of PBL problem of reliable and effective for all levels of
students by addressing the characteristics of the implementation of learning.
3C3R PBL problem design model consists of two components, namely the core components
and processing components. The core components include content (content), context (context) and
the connection (connection), 3C relate to the content / concept of learning in PBL. The processing
component, 3R, includes researching (researching), reasoning (reasoning) and reflection
(reflection), which supports cognitive problem-solving process.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Integrating Proses 3R to Problem Based Learning Model

Researching process integration, Reasoning, and Reflecting on Problem Based Learning
Model is meant is the inclusion of the 3R process into a syntax Problem-based Learning. Unlike
the 3R process conducted by Hung (2006, 2008, 2009) which uses a model 3C3R to design
problems in PBL. This integration combines this process into the learning process. In the following
table will be shown integrated PBL difference 3R process (researching, Reasoning, and Reflecting)
with PBL without integrated 3R process views of the stages of learning.

Table 1.Difference between PBL without integrating 3R Process and PBL with integrating 3R Process
Syntax PBL without Integrating 3R
No. Syntax PBL with Integrating 3R Process
1 Orient students to the problem Orient students to the problem
2 Organize students for study Researcing
3 Assist independent and Organize students for study
4 Develop and present artifacts andexhibits Assist independent and groupinvestigation
5 Analyze and evaluate theproblem-solving Reasoning
6 Develop and present artifacts andexhibits
7 Reflecting
8 Analyze and evaluate theproblem-solving process

Based on the discussions above, the integration process of 3R (Researching, Reasoning, and
Reflecting) on the model PBL (Problem based Learning) will effectively enhance scientific literacy
and attitudes towards physics with the following assumptions.
a. Researching process able to train students to understand the problem and are looking for
information to use knowledge in solving problems. In this process will improve student
competence in explaining scientific phenomena.
b. Reasoning process able to train students in developing inquiry to find solutions to issues that
will enhance the students' competence in designing a scientific investigation. It also can
develop the ability to interpret data of scientific inquiry.
c. Reflecting process able to trainstudents to evaluate the results of scientific investigations.
d. The 3R process will be integrated to Problem-based Learning syntax.


Techakosit & Wannapiroon.(2015).Connectivism Learning Environment in Augmented Reality

Science Laboratory to Enhance Scientific Literacy. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
174 2108 2115.

Hung,W, (2006).The 3C3R Model: A Conceptual Framework for Designing Problem in PBL.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning Volume 1.

Hung,W.(2008).Engaging Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Adopting a Nine-Step

Problem-Based Learning Model. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning
volume 2, no. 2.

Hung,W, . (2009).The 9-step problem design process for problem-based learning: Application of
the 3C3R model. Educational Research Review 4 (2009) 118-14

Newell,et al, (2015).Students Attitides Toward Science as Predictors of Gain on Content

Knowledge: benefits of na After-School Program,

OECD, (2013). PISA 2015 Draft Science Framework. OECD.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Construction of An Instrument Test for Measuring Students
Understand of Force and Newtons Laws

Physics Education Departement Postgraduate School of UPI Bandung, Indonesia

Article info Abstract
Keywords: The aim of this study was constructing an instrument test for measuring
Construction of Instrument, students understand of Force and Newtons Laws. The Instrument Test
Test, of Force and Newtons Law Understand (ITFNLU) was multiple-choice
Validation, test with five options. The ITFNLU was assessing five cognitive
Reliability, processes in the category of understand. There were interpreting,
StudentsUnderstanding, exemplifying, inferring, comparing, and explaining. This research was
Newtons laws using a mix method with sequential exploratory design. The design
consist of three step contained the preliminary study step, the design and
review step, and the testing step. We discussed contents of instrument in
detail according validation results from judgement experts, reliability
results from test-retest, and the analysis question according to
Corresponding Author: distinguishing capacity, and difficulty level of questions. Based on result
and analysis, it can be concluded that the ITFNLU can be used to assess
p1p1n0v1t4s4r1@gmail.com five cognitive processes in the category of understand based on the
results of expert validation, reliability, distinguishing capacity, and
difficulty level of questions.

Assessment is one of eight standard national education in Indonesia. It indicated that
assessment is important role in learning process until after learning ending. Generally, teacher only
focused instruction material rather than assessment (Suwanto, 2015). Whereas assessment is the
most important in the evaluation of learning. It due to evaluation of student learning is done by the
teacher to monitor the process and the progress and improvement of learning outcomes on an
ongoing basis (UU RI No. 20 Tahun 2003). This indicates that evaluation is feedback for what
learning goes well or not.
Understand is one of five cognitive processes increasingly related to transfer (Anderson &
Krathwohl, 2015). So that, the ability to understand a minimal ability to be possessed learners after
learning of physics do. In fact, many find the questions of physics that only requires remembering
and calculating (Santofani, 2012). Without knowing the students learned or not. This is evidenced
by prior research reveal that student still yet understand about material learning. It show in some
research said student have a low of conceptual understanding (Muharti, 2015). This means that
evaluations need to be considered.
Force and Newtons Laws are one of material that requires students to have the ability to
understand free-body diagram and must be understand about Newton's Law before reaching the
basic competencies to be achieved. This is because after the study is done, the students are
expected to apply Newton's Laws as the basic principle of dynamics to the problem of rectilinear
motion, vertical motion and uniform circular motion in everyday life.
An understanding of the free body diagram and Newton's law can facilitate learners in the
analysis of an existing motion problems in everyday life. But the study revealed that learners
litelature still have preconceptions and misconceptions about these two things. Learners still
revealed that 1) the style of action-reaction occurs on the same object, 2) there is no link between
Newton's law of motion, 3) the results of the mass of the object to the acceleration experienced by
a body is stylish, 4) friction does not have a direction of movement, 5) the normal force of an
object is equal to gravity by Law III Newton, 6) large normal force is always equal to the size of
the force heavy object, 7) equilibrium means that all the forces acting on the body have the same
great, 8) equilibrium is a consequence of the Law III Newton.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Based on some preconception, we try to make a constructing an instrument test for

measuring students understand of Force and Newtons Laws. This study focus on how contruct an
instrument an instrument test for measuring students understand?

The research method was used is mixed method. This method was chosen because could be
made quantitative and qualitative data together. Then these data was getting a comprehensive
analysis for research problem (Creswell, 2013). The purpose in this study was contruction
question. Type of test was multiple choice with 4 distractor and 1 answer. The sequential
exploratory strategy was used in this research. The first, collection and analysis data were done by
qualitative research. Two steps for this stage were litelature study and expert validity. Insrument
tes for measuring understand of force and Newtons laws were data obtained. Then data were
analysed. Analysis was done for gotten a good instrument test.
The second, collection and analysis data were done by quantitative research. The steps for
this stage were reliability, distinguishing capacity, and difficulty level of questions. Then these data
were analysed. The last, we were getting full data and were interpreted. Based on 2013 curricula,
force and Newtons Laws were learned by student of class X. So that population of this study is
students of class X from one of SMA in Bandung. Then sample based on population is one of nine
class with sampling technique used was purposive sampling class.
The number of student were 26 students as participant. Prosedure a construction of
instrument test adopted from Suwanto. Generally, several steps were needed include: Making test
specification, such as determine the purpose of test,kisi-kisi of test, shape of test, and determine
length of test is 1) Writing question of test,2) Checking question of test, 3)Doing try out of test, 4)
Analyzing every question of test, 5) Repairing question of test and 6) Remaking test.


The purpose construction of instrument test was determining students understand about the
force and Newtons laws. So that the force and Newtons laws were focus of material in this study.
Based on this purpose, the shape of test in research was multiple choice with five options. After
making test specification and writing questions of test, multiple choice test consist of 30 questions
with specification six questions for every cognitive process from the category of understand as
follow in Table 1.
Table 1. Determining Cognitif Process Of Understand For Submaterial
Number question of Understand Total
Interpret Exemplifying Inferring Comparing Explainin question
Friction 12 29
Normal 27 30 6
Weight 26 28
Hukum I Newton 1,3 6,7 14,15 16 23,24 9
Hukum II
2,5 10,7,9 11 17,18 25 9
Hukum III
4 8,7,9 13 19,20 21,22 9
Total question 6 6 6 6 6 30
Based on Table 1, the proportion of each cognitive process at large, namely six questions
every ability. Once the matter is made, the assessment then validated by the expert. Validity is a
measure that indicates the level of validity or validity of an instrument (Arikunto, 2013). Validity
can be analyzed by asking expert opinion (expert judgment). Expert judgment is done by asking for
ratings of four experts in accordance with the scope of the investigation to ensure that the
instruments are made in accordance with the aspects to be measured in the study. The four men
have experts give feedback and suggestions on instruments made in terms of material and
suitability indicators with questions that are made. The results of four expert input can be seen in
Table 2.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Table 2. Feedback And Suggestions From Expert Validation

No Aspect Feedback and suggestions
Expert Language, a. The language used should be clear without
1 Validation I writing, and containing ambiguous.
materials b. Some of the problems associated with Examples
related to Newton's law must be considered. In
addition Some options answer needs to be rethought.
c. Consistent in determining which direction is positive.
Expert Compliance Some selection options shall be considered a matter of
2 Validation II material with the correct answer. This is because some of the options
indicators in a matter of containing ambiguous and could have a
correct answer.
Expert Material and a. More answers on question 1 needs to be replaced.
3 Validation III Compliance This is not consistent with the indicators to be
material with achieved. Problem number 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 22, 23, 24,
indicators 27 and 30 need to be considered. This is because
there are some questions that have not contextual and
are not in accordance with the indicators to be
b. Consider again the writing of the distractors.
Expert Language and a. Questions should be clear. Do not conceive
4 Validation IV writing ambiguous
b. Graphs made in accordance with the rules right.
c. Making five options to each question should be the
same length.
d. Avoid using negative word in the matter. For
example do not conform or not.
Based on suggestions from the four expert validation, the test instrument is then repaired in
accordance with the feedback that has been given. After the repair is completed, the test instrument
is then assessed from the aspect of content, technical, and kosntruk. Assessment conducted by two
teachers who are already teaching physics in high school. The result validation show that
instrumen is a good quality.
After validation expert make, the next step is done reliability testing. Instrument reliability
test performed by the test-retest technique that is by trying out the same instrument several times
on the same respondents, but in a different time. Reliability is measured by the correlation
coefficient between the first trial with the next one. When the positive and significant correlation
coefficient of the instrument has been declared reliable (Sugiyono, 2011). The equation used to
determine the reliability of the instrument at Equation 1.

Having calculated the coefficient of reliability, this value is interpreted in a category of

Arikunto at follow in Table 3.

Table 3. Interpretation Reliability In Categories

Limited Category
0,80 < rxy 1,00 Very high
0,60 < rxy 0,80 high
0,40 < rxy 0,60 Enough
0,20 < rxy 0,40 Low
rxy 0,20 Very low
(Arikunto, 2013)

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The process of analysis of the trial results to see the reliability of the instrument using
Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The result reliability of instrumen show that 0,7 with category high
After reliability tests conducted, the matter is then determined. Distinguishing capacity that
is intended to determine the extent of this problem can differentiate high-ability students with low-
ability students (Arikunto, 2013). The equation used to determine the distinguishing capacity of the
instrument at Equation 2.

After we determine distinguishing capacity, the results of calculating of distinguishing

capacity is interpreted in a category of Arikunto at follow in Table 4.

Table 4.Interpretation Distinguishing Capacity In Categories

Nilai Kriteria
Negative Discarded
0,00-0,20 Ugly
0,21-0,40 Enough
0,41-0,70 Good
0,71-1,00 Very good
(Arikunto, 2013)
Based on the results of calculating, found that one question has a negative distinguishing
capacity. It indicated that a question must be discarded. Several question has a zero distinguishing
capacity. So that these must be repair. The other has a enough and good distinguishing capacity.
The last, we done calculating the level of convenience. The level of convenience is a
number that indicates something about the difficult and the easy (Arikunto, 2013). Convenience
items is an overall proportion of students who answered correctly on the item was. To calculate the
level of ease of each items used Equation 3.

After calculating, we interpreting in a category of Arikunto at follow in Table 5.

Table 5. Interpretation The Level Of Convenience In Categories
Value Criteria
The results of calculating found that category difficult for eleven question, one question has
category easy, and then 18 questions for category moderate. After analysis of all questions, 30
questions were made, about 29 are using as an evaluation in Instrument Test of Force and
Newtons Laws of Understand (ITFNLU) and one question was discarded because its value is


Based on the research, it is concluded, the achievement of students science literacy has not
evenly distributedthroughout all of theschoollevel. Student at higher level school has implemented
the new curriculum that recommend the use of some interactive learning to improve thinking and
reasoning skills such as problem based learning, discovery laerning, and project based learning, as
a part of scientific approach. Schools in middle level, actually has adopted the new curriculum, but
has not established enough to implement it. The schools in lower level has not adopted and
implemented the new curriculum, so it gave impact to the lower achievement in students science

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


Anderson, L. W and Krathwohl, D. R. (2015). Kerangka Landasan untuk Pembelajaran,

Pengajaran, dan Asesmen (Revisi Taksonomi Pendidikan 4Bloom. Jakarta: Pustaka

Arikunto, S. (2013). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Edisi 2). Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Arikunto, S. (2013). Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktik). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Cepni, S. (2009). Effect of Computer supported Instructional Material (CSIM) in Removing

Students Misconceptions about concepts Light, light source, and seeing, Energi
Education Science and Techbnology Part B: Social and Educational Studies Volume 1(2):
51-83, 2009.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research Design (Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed). Jakarta:
Pustaka Belajar.

Fitriana,Sheila. (2015). Penerapan model pembelajaran eksploratif dengan metode inquiry labs
untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan proses sains siswa pada konsep
elastisitas. (Tesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No 59 Tahun 2013.


Suwarto. (2013). Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik dalam Pembelajaran (Panduan Praktis bagi
Pendidik dan Calon Pendidik). Jakarta: Pustaka Belajar.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The Development of Performance Assessment Computer
Network Server Administration Skills
Chepy Perdana, Sony Miraj Effendi and Thasrimadhany
Science Education Department, Postgraduate Program, Pakuan University, Bogor

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This Research aims to develop assessment instruments in the form of
task performance (tasks) and sections which have been tested in
Instrument Performance assessing the performance of students in the computer network server
Assessment, administration skills in order to have standardization in performance
Performance, according to the needs of business and industry. The study was
Administration Server Network, conducted on a class XII student of Computer Engineering and
Computer Network Networks in vocational Handayani Banjaran. The method used is a
method of research and development (research and development).
Development of instruments follow the development of assessment
instruments performance by Sugiyono (2013). The instrument is
validated by three experts using a quantitative approach to validate the
contents of the CVR before tested. Data obtained through observations
using instruments of performance assessment and interviews with
teachers earning TKJ. Research results to be obtained is a performance
assessment instrument developed to have high validity and reliability
high. Performance assessment instruments developed to reveal the
performance of the students so that the performance of students
categorized as excellent, good, less and does not perform. Based on the
Corresponding Author: research results to be obtained can be concluded that the performance
assessment instruments developed qualifies as a good evaluation tool
chepy.perdana@student.upi.edu so that used as an assessment tool to assess the performance of students
sonymiraj@student.upi.edu in the computer network server administration skills.


Vocational High School is a formal education who programmed the government to reduce
the unemployment rate. Vocational Education Act according to the National Education System is
"an education that prepares students to work in a particular field". But the facts show that became a
dealer SMK highest unemployment rate in Indonesia [1]. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
recorded unemployment increased to 300,000 people become 7.45 million people as of February
2015. This condition is in line with the economic slowdown that occurred in the first quarter of
2015 is only 4.71%. Unemployment is the greatest place in the society educated graduates
Vocational High School (SMK), which amounted to 9.05%. Compared with February 2014, there
is also a rise of 1.84 points. The largest unemployment in the vocational school graduates,
unemployed next biggest graduated high school (SMA) with a share of 8.17%. For Diploma I / II /
III portion of unemployed amounted to 7.49% [2].
Based on the data above the high unemployment rate in Vocational High School graduates
due to the following:
a. Establishment of Vocational High School today is not to be reviewed based on need, but
only as the fulfillment of the quantity only.
b. Vocational education is currently only a concept model prioritizes academic assessment
alone, and tends to set aside work skills.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Vocational education is taught only give priority to academic competence alone, will cause
the resulting competence can not meet the needs of Business and Industry. Based on the above
description, it should vocational graduates who have the competencies (hard skills), ready to work,
intelligent and competitive. Ready to work which implies that the provision of vocational graduates
have the skills and ability to work in the fields, so they are ready to work right away without the
need to be trained again and they also provided the ability to open their own business. Intelligent
question here is not only intellectually smart. But also have to be smart spiritually, emotionally and
socially, as well as intelligent kinesthetic. The existence of SMK in preparing middle-level
manpower skilled still needs to be improved.
A part from that, the change - the changing needs of the industrial world is the cause of the
competency gaps of graduates with the competencies required. Although the study materials in
accordance with the needs of industry, assessment instruments that apply to students is not right so
still not overcome competency gaps. Instruments with written and oral assessment alone can not
represent the whole of all votes to be desired especially with discussion material that requires
students to be able to solve the problem and determine the attitude, work together with the group of
their friends and the others.
Assessment is one of the duties and responsibilities of the teacher as an educator in learning.
One function of the assessment is to determine the extent to which learners achieve learning
objectives, which in turn is used to make decisions.
Objective assessment according Poerwanto to find out how far the success of teachers in
implementing the learning process that is used for feedback for teachers to plan future learning
process [3]. Assessment can be used as one factor in determining the success of the learning
process and results, not only as a way to assess student success in mastering the subject matter.
Assessment of student performance is one of the alternatives assessment focused on the main
activities, namely: observation process during the skills demonstration and evaluation of results of
copyright or products. Assessment form is done by observing when the students do activities in
class or create a work in accordance with the purpose of learning. Skills are shown students are
assessed variables. Assessment of the skills students based on a comparison between the
performance of students with the set targets. Assessment process conducted from preparation,
carrying out duties until the final results are achieved.
As the computer network server administration skills are on the program expertise Computer
and Network Engineering requires the ability of students who are competent in doing the work
ranging from installation and configuration for both servers.
Finally, expected by the development of performance assessment instrument can be a
solution for teachers to be able to conduct performance appraisals to the fullest. Performance
assessment instrument development is also expected to be a reference for teachers to develop
performance assessment instruments on other skills and of course this will impact on the
development of graduates of vocational high school students.
Performance Assessment
Performance assessment is an assessment based on observations assess the activity of
students as occurred. Assessment is done on the performance, behavior, or the interaction of
students. Performance assessment is used to assess the ability of students through assignments. The
assignment is specifically designed to generate a response (orally or in writing), to produce work
(products), or show the application of knowledge. The task given to students must be in accordance
with the competency and meaningful for students [4].
Majid explains that the performance assessment is an assessment with a variety of tasks and
situations in which the test participants were asked to demonstrate their understanding and apply
in-depth knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts [5]. So it may be said that the performance
assessment is an assessment that asks the test taker to demonstrate and apply knowledge in a
variety of contexts in accordance with the desired criteria.
Based on those two opinions can be concluded that the performance assessment is a form of
assessment to demonstrate or apply knowledge that has been acquired by the students and reflect a
student's ability through any process, activity, or performance.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Administration Server Computer Network

Network Administration provides the access to administrative controls over the issues like
unsecured authorization present in networking applications i.e. it deals with all related issues [6].
Administer the server in the network is a form of work that is done by the network administrator
has a duty to create a server, managing networks that are connected to the server, network
monitoring, and also securing data transfer within the network
Administration Server Network is the control or management of access to networks and
resources contained therein [7]. Administration itself is a matter relating to the management,
administration or support services, and services and servers is an important part of a network that is
in charge of providing the services required by the client. Servers are also supported by the
processor and RAM are also equipped with a special operating system called the network operating
system. some common things that must be mastered a network administrator:
a. Basic knowledge of computer theory and practice, it is very important because it is not
possible to be a computer network administrator, but how to work the computer system itself
is not controlled properly.
b. Knowledge of computer networking hardware such as; repeaters, hubs, switches, routers,
antennas, cables and various other supporting devices, includes understanding how to work,
installation and configuration.
c. An understanding of the theory and the routing configuration must be mastered well in order
to be able to build a network with good it is very necessary especially if a computer or a sub-
organization of the company very much.
d. Knowledge of computer security systems, especially its network (network security) would be
very helpful and provide more value.
e. In addition to the ability of theory and practice that must be mastered well the other thing is
to have professional ethics, no ethics and a professional attitude is good then all the theory
and practical abilities controlled will not mean much.

1. Network Administrator functions include:

a. Security management: focused work include network security administrator issues include
the following:
b. A firewall is a system or device that allows network traffic that is considered safe for through
and prevent network traffic that is considered safe for through and prevent traffic that are
considered unsafe.
c. Username: username will be used as a log-in password control information: ie controlling
password that is owned by a system.
d. Resource access: network admin is able to restrict the use of resources in accordance with the
permissions granted.
2. Step - steps taken an administrator Server Network
a. Select applications to servers, such as
1) DNS is a system shaped distributed database that will map / convert the host name / machine
/ domain to an IP address (Internet Protocol) and instead of IP addresses to host names is
called reverse-mapping, or simply DNS is used to remember the name rather than an IP
2) DHCP is used to provide automatic IP on the client that allows multiple servers running on a
network, with a record of every server IP range there should be no overlap)
3) FTP (File Transfer Protocol), one provided by application server in the network which
provides delivery services in the form of a file to another PC or to a PC client. Conf
configuration file located in the / etc /, remove the # at some existing script to be run ftp
4) Web Server is an application provided by a server so that the client can access the server in
the form of html pages.
5) Mail Server is an application provided by a server so that the client can communicate with
the server or client in the form of an electrically letter containing text or animations,

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

6) Samba, the application used to connect the servers that use the Linux operating system with
client computers that use operating systems other than Linux, like Windows or Apple
7) Proxy, is a third party that stands in the midst between the two sides (Server-Client) are
interconnected and function as intermediaries.
b. Choosing the operating system for the network,
Network Operating System which is used in the administration of the network server is
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Macintosh, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)
Related Work
From the results of the research literature review found that approach relevant to this study.
These studies discussed the development of assessment instruments, the research in question are:
Susila (2012) in her thesis entitled "The Development of the Assessment of Performance
(Performance Assessment) laboratory in physics according KTSP High School Class X in
Gianyar" explains that performance assessment instruments developed areas of physics laboratories
have qualified the validity, reliability and practicality as an evaluation tool that can be used more
by teachers of physics in high school [8].
Wulandari, et al (2012) in her research entitled "The Development of the Performance Based
Assessment Authentic learning in high school physics models REACT Class X Semester 2"
describes that the authentic performance-based assessment instruments have met the criteria of the
development of feasible and can be implemented in learning [9].
Utomo and Ardiyarta (2013) in the journal entitled "The Development of the Assessment of
Performance Competency Expressions and Creative Music at SMP" explained that technically the
performance assessment model developed can be applied properly and assessment instruments
developed have met the established criteria [10].
Sari (2010) in her research entitled "The Development of Performance Assessment As a
form of assessment characterless Chemistry" explains that the chemistry teacher can develop the
instrument performance assessment by rubric complete although the use of rubrics takes time, but
with the rubric complete teacher can reveal the quality and profile performance of learners [11].
Sa'dijah (2009) in the journal entitled "Performance Assessment in Mathematics Learning"
explains that performance assessment can be used to help students familiarize themselves to show
its performance in understanding and solving problems, so students can not only show the final
product only. The study referred to in the making of this study, namely with regard to the
development of performance assessment instruments [12].


Accordance with the object and nature of the problems in the research methods used in this
research is the development of the approach of Research and Development (R & D). Exposure
results of research conducted by descriptive method, because with this method the data collected in
the form of descriptions of words that describe the state of the research results.
Sugiyono (2009) argues that, methods of research and development (R&D) is a research
method that is used to produce a particular product, and test the effectiveness of these products. To
be able to produce certain products used are research needs analysis (survey method used) and to
test the effectiveness of the product so that it can function in society at large, then the necessary
research to test the effectiveness of the product (used experimental methods) [13].
The selection of research methods to use Research and Development (R&D) is assumed
because basically the main purpose of this study is to acquire an instrument that can measure the
results of the learning of skills and reliability estimation and has validity and becomes an
instrument of raw tests, so that it can be used as a test instrument skills.
In the development of the basic skills test the computer system there are stages that are
arranged in a stage of development. These stages are referring to view Sugiyono (2009), research
measures R & D consists of 10 steps: (1) the potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3)
product design, design Validation (4), (5) revision of design, Product Trial (6), (7) Revision of the
product, (8) free trial usage, (9) revision of the product, and (10) of mass Production. In schematic

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

stages of developing basic skills test instrument of the computer system will be presented in Figure
1below [13]:

Figure 1. Schematic stages of developing basic skills test instrument

Procedure or Process Development
Measures the skills test instrument development in brief described as follows:
1. Potential and Problems
This research was initiated on the potential or problems. Potential is anything that has added
value if developed. While the problem may serve as a potential, if it can be mendayagunakannya.
Problems will occur if there is a deviation between the expected reality. This problem can be
overcome by researching through methods of R & D (Research and Development) that can be
found on a model, or a pattern of effective integrated management system that can be used to
resolve the issue. Potential and issues raised in the study must be presented with empirical data.
Data on the potential and problems can be based on other people's research reports or
documentation of the activity report of specific individuals or institutions.
2. Gather Information
Once the potential and problems can be shown in a factual and up to date, then collected a
variety of information and literature that can be used as material for planning a product that is
expected to resolve the issue. This study aimed to find concepts or theoretical foundations that
reinforce a product, particularly related to educational products, ie products that shaped the model,
program, system, approach, software and so on. On the other hand through the study of literature
will be assessed the scope of products, breadth of use, enabling conditions so that the product can
be used or implemented optimally, as well as their advantages and limitations. The study of
literature is also necessary to know the steps most appropriate in the development of these
3. Product Design
The products resulting from research R & D there are many kinds. To generate new work
systems, new working draft should be made based on an assessment of the long work system, so it
has a weakness - a weakness of the system. Besides, an examination of the other units were
deemed the system works great. In addition it should assess the latest references associated with
the modern system of work following indicators of a good working system. The end result of this
activity in the form of new product designs are complete with specifications. This design is still
hypothetical because efektivitasya unproven, and will be known after going through tests. The
product design should be realized by drawing or chart, so it can be used as a handle to assess and
make it, and will facilitate others to understand it.
4. Validate Design
Validation is a process design activities to assess whether the design of the product, in this
case the new work systems in a rational way will be more effective than the old ones or not. It said
it rationally, because the validation here they are judgments based on rational thought, yet facts on
the ground. Product validation can be done by presenting several specialists or experts who are
experienced to assess the new product designed. Each expert was asked to assess the design, so it
can then know the weakness and strength. Design validation can be done in discussion forums.

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Before discussion of researchers presented the research process until the design is found, following
his lead.

5. Improved Design
Once the product design, validated through discussions with experts and other experts. it will
be known weaknesses. The weakness was further tried to be reduced by improving the design. In
charge of improving the design are researchers who want to produce the products.
6. Test Product
The product design has been created can not be directly tested first. But it should be made in
advance, to produce a product, and the product being tested. Testing can be done with the
experiment that compared the effectiveness and efficiency of the working system with the new
7. Revision of Products
Testing the product on a limited sample indicates that the performance of new work systems
turned out to be better than the old system. The difference is very significant that the new working
system to take effect.
8. Trial Use
After successful testing of the product, and there may be a revision that is not too important,
the next product in the form of new work systems are implemented in real conditions for a broad
scope. In operation the new working system, remains to be assessed deficiencies or obstacles that
arise in order for further improvements.
9. Revised Product
This product revision is done, if in improved conditions there are real advantages and
disadvantages. In user testing, product makers should always evaluate how the performance of the
product in this case is a working system.
10. Mass product manufacturing
Mass product manufacturing is done in a product that has been tested is declared effective
and feasible for mass produced. As an example of making a machine to transform waste into useful
materials, will be mass produced in a good feasibility study based on aspects of technology,
economics and ligkungan meet. So to produce entrepreneurs and researchers must work together.
Data Analisys
Research Data
Researchers using the primary data source to facilitate research in completing this study,
with regard to the data needed by the researchers as follows:
a. performance assessment Instruments used teacher
b. material computer network server administration skills which teachers used.
Data Source
a. Productive Teacher computer and network SMK Handayani (range)
b. the expert/lecturer
Place Research
Place the object of research is the Computer Laboratory SMK Handayani Banjaran
Location and the subject tests
a. Test Teoritik
The data has the highest rank, because the data is a depiction of the variables examined and
serve as a means of proving the hypothesis. A scale or measuring instruments can be said to have
high validity when the instrument running functions in size, or give the appropriate measurement
results with the intention of doing the measurement. While tests have low validity would produce
data that are not relevant to the purpose of the measurement.
b. the empirical Test
The empirical test subjects used in Instrument development trials Test the results of Studying
computer network Server Administration Skills are students majoring in computer engineering and

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Data Collection Technique

Data collection techniques used in this stage is with interviews and in-depth discussions of
related development performance assessment which can be used on a computer network server
administration skills.
Data Analisys Technique
The content validity of the approach, the emphasis of one is the assessment (judgement)
expert or professional. The expert in question here is the domain expert on what we measure. An
examination of the validity of the content of the tests rely on the accuracy of determining the
domain test. Indicators/item in the measuring instruments must sample indicators/items that are
representative of the domain that you want to measure. This does not mean that all regions aspect
in the domain of measurement need to be involved with the proportion of equivalent (equal), but
the proportion of involvement aspect in the domain of measuring relative importance attributed to
konstrak shall be measured. A trial analysis of teoritik or the validity of the content using the
technique of CVR CONTENT (Content validity ratio) of lawshe (Susetyo, 2011; Santun
Naga,2012; Azwar, 2012). This analysis is carried out to obtain data about the match between test
items with indicators that have been constructed, the validity of the content will be carried out by
experts or subject that metter expert (SME) of the IT field. The following outline of the CVR
CONTENT that will be used for the validation analysis:
CVR CONTENT = (ne N/2)/(N/2)
Desc: ne = number of experts who stated important
N = the number of experts to validate the
With index organized-1 ratio CVR CONTENT + 1, and have the following criteria:
Ne < N then the CVR CONTENT < 0
Ne = N then the CVR CONTENT = 0
Ne > N then the CVR CONTENT > 0
The provisions of CVR CONTENT index:
a) number of respondents while stating Yes less than the total reponden the value of CVR
b) when the number of respondents who stated Yes of the total respondents to the existing
value of CVR CONTENT = 0
c) when the whole of the respondents said yes then the value of CVR CONTENT = 1 (this is set
to be adapted to the number of respondents to 0.99).
d) when the number of respondents who stated Yes more than the total value of CVR
CONTENT then reponden = 0 to 0.99.
e). CVR CONTENT calculation result Category
The results of the calculation of the CVR CONTENT is a ratio of the numbers 0-1. The
figurecan be categorized as follows:
Table 1. Categorized CVR CONTENT
Indeks CVR description
0 0,33 Not appropriate
0,34 0,67 According
0,68 1 Great fit
(Lawshe, 1975) [14]


First, the survey results by using interview conducted against the teacher assessments as a
subject of research at this stage of the analysis have been obtained information that the aspects of
the performance assessment computer network server administration skills, which should be
contained in the performance assessment instruments, are as follows. (1) the ability to prepare

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

practical activities with indicators: prepare the necessary tools and materials. (2) the ability of
carrying out practical work with indicators.
Second, the evaluation tool developed in this research is the instrument performance
(performance assessment), to assess student performance skills in conducting practical
dilaboratorium assessments. Preparation of laboratory performance assessment instruments refers
to Competency Stndar (SK), Basic Competencies (KD) and Stndar the competence of graduates
(SKL) whose results will be tested by experts in the field of computer networks.
Third, the scoring rubric spelled out of each aspect. For each grain scale measurement
instruments determined qualitatively, through this system the quality performance you can score in
way up starting score of 1 if only able to achieve one of the criteria, and score 4 if it is able to reach
all of the criteria skoring. The steps taken in the development of performance assessment
instruments are formatted in the form of tables, which consists mainly of the elements: the first
column contains the task skills that are assessed, the second column contains the skoring criteria,
the third column contains the classification of skills, the fourth column contains the criteria for
activities/work process and the fifth column contains the example images/visualisations.
Fourth, the data of the test results by three experts and the analysis of data about the
relevance of the indicator with the item contained in the instruments of assessment rubrics
performance computer network server administration skills.Fifth, the empirical test to determine
the validity of the grains of the instrument is carried out by three teachers use assessment of
laboratory performance instremen to assess performance 30 students.
Table 2. Examples of performance assessment instruments
Scale Of
No Indicators Assessment
1 2 3 4
a. work clothes
b. Planning Work
c. Preparation tools and materials
d. Safety
a. Systematic Work
b. the workings
1 turn on the computer to the bios)
a) Pressing the Power button
b) pressing the F2 on the Keyboard
c) Enter the Debian OS 7 DVD to PC
d) Choose DVD Drive becomes the First Boot
e) Store the configuration in the BIOS
2) Install Debian 7
a) Selecting install on Debian's initial display 7
b) choose the language Installer
c) Select country, region or Area
d) Create Hostname
e) makes a Domain name
f) Make the Root Password
g) create a new account
h) create a password Account
I) Choose the time zone appropriate City
j) Hard Disk Partition
k) Select software packages
3) DNS Server Configuration

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Scale Of
No Indicators Assessment
1 2 3 4
a Login on Debian) 7
b) logged in as Superuser
c) go into the configuration of NAT
d) Configuration by adding the NAT IP address

e) Restart NAT
f) go into the configuration of the Repository
g) Add Repository
h) Update Repository
i) go into the System Configuration Control
j) Enable IPv4
k) Install Samba
l) go into the configuration of Samba
m) Do Samba Configuration
n) Restart Samba
4) Web Server configuration
a) Installing a Web Server
b) entry to the Web Server configuration
c) Doing Web Server configuration
d) Restart the Web Server
5) DHCP Server Configuration
a) installing a DHCP Server
b) Enter Kekonfigurasi the DHCP Server
c) Doing the configuration of the DHCP Server
d) Restart DHCP Server
6) Mail Server Configuration
a) install a Mail Server
b) entry to the configuration of the Mail Server
c) Mail Server Configuration
d) Restart the Mail Server Configuration
7) FTP Server Configuration
a) installing the FTP Server
b) entry to the configuration of the FTP Server
c) FTP Server Configuration
d) Restart the FTP Server
8) SSH Server Configuration
a) install the SSH Server
b) entry to the SSH Server Configuration
c) Configuring SSH Server
d) Restart the SSH Server
9) Proxy Server Configuration
a) Install squid
b) go into the configuration Squid
c) Configuring Squid
d) Add Folder block website
e) forbidden words Add a Folder
f) Restart Squid
g) go into the Local RC configuration

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Scale Of
No Indicators Assessment
1 2 3 4
h) Configuration RC Local
I) Do reboot system
1. The look
2. Client-Server Connection
3. The Access Point Connection
4. Connection speed
Time Of Settlement Practice
1. Discipline of the time
2. Protective Tools Work
3. Space Administration Procedures
On the instrument performance assessment computer network server administration skills, an
appraiser do the assessment of performance by observing students at every level of the indicators
and fill in the scale of assessments with the sign ceklist.
Table. 3 Examples of performance assessment rubric
Criterion Criterion
No Task Skills Criteria For Activities/Work Process
Score Score
1. Preparation of 4 Very Good If students are able to undertake the
working tools and preparation of working tools and
materials materials include:
Work Steps (The a. your PC/computer/Laptop,
Process Of b. DVD Debian OS 7
Execution Of c. CD/DVD rom
Work) d. Network Adapter
e. LAN cable
f. Crimping Tool

3 Good If students can only do work tools and

materials preparation just point a s/d d

2 Enough If students can only do work tools and

materials preparation just point a and b

If students are not able to prepare the

1 Less work tools and materials

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Criterion Criterion
No Task Skills Criteria For Activities/Work Process
Score Score
2 Work Steps (The Very If students are able to hit the Power
Process Of 4 Good button until the computer is turned on
Execution Of by using the index finger of the hand
a. turn on your 3 Good If students are able to hit the Power
computer to the button until the computer turns on
bios using a finger other than the index
1) press the Power finger
button on your
PC/computer/Lap 2 Enough If students are able to hit the Power
top button until the computer turns on
instead of using the hand

Students not being able to hit the

1 Less Power button the computer and cannot
be turned on

4 Very If the student is capable of pressing F2

Good to go into BIOS computer by using the
index finger of the hand

3 Good If the student is capable of pressing F2

to go into BIOS computer using a
finger other than the index finger

2 Enough If the student is capable of pressing F2

to go into BIOS computer not using
2) Press F2 on the
keyboard to enter 1 Less Students cannot afford to press the F2
the BIOS on the Keyboard of a computer and
can not get into Bios

4 Very If students are able to enter the Debian

Good OS 7 DVD to DVD Rom on your
computer by using the index finger and

3 Good If students are able to enter the Debian

OS 7 DVD to DVD Rom in your
computer using other than the index
finger and thumb

2 Enough If students are able to enter the Debian

OS 7 DVD to DVD Rom on your
computer instead of using the hand

) Enter the Debian 1 Less Students are not able to enter the
OS 7 DVD to PC, Debian OS 7 DVD to DVD Rom on
your computer

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Criterion Criterion
No Task Skills Criteria For Activities/Work Process
Score Score

4 Very If students are able to select the DVD

Good Drive becomes First Boot BIOS

3 Good If students are able to select the DVD

Drive into a Second Boot BIOS

2 Enough If students are able to select the DVD

Drive is not being First/second BIOS
on Boot

4) Choose DVD 1 Less Students are not able to select the

Drive becomes DVD Drive becomes First Boot BIOS
First Boot.
4 Very If students are able to store the
Good configuration in the BIOS by pressing
F10 and yes on the keyboard

3 Good If students are able to store the

configuration in the BIOS by pressing
save and exit the BIOS menu

2 Enough If students are able to store the

configuration in the BIOS by pressing
save and exit but not selected yes

1 Less Students are not able to store the

configuration in the BIOS

5)Save the 4 Very If students are able to choose Install on

configuration in Good Debian 7 initial display by pressing
the BIOS Enter on the Keyboard
a. Install Debian 7
1) Choose to 3 Good If students are able to select to Install
INSTALL Debian on the initial display 7 but
Debian on the choosing the other options first
initial display 7
2 Enough If students are able to choose Install on
not on view beginning Debian 7 by
pressing Enter on the Keyboard

1 Less Students are not able to select to Install

Debian on the initial display 7
The teacher's Guide in conducting performance assessment against the students is to use the
rubric scoring that has possess the criteria for every performance done with a description and
visualiasi of each task, if the student is capable of performing in accordance with the standard
criteria is then obtained is very good and if students are not able to do a performance on the task
skill then the results are less.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education


Assessment of performance (performance assessment) can see the development of learners in

learning material that is given because it is done by learners in a performance. Performance work
done by learners are observed by the teacher. The students concerned are expected to know the
development of his ability to complete a specific task. Learners are motivated to correct the
deficiencies and improve continuously the ability he has. Application of performance assessment
in the learning activities in the classroom make more active learners. Engagement and liveliness in
learning will further motivate learners in understanding learning material.
The objectives to be achieved in the development of performance assessment computer
network server administration skills is to design the assessment skills asministrasi server standard
computer networks that include
1. The instruments have been divaliditas the contents of
2. The instruments have been divaliditas invalid constructs
3. The instruments have been direliabilitas on a skills test
Teachers can also develop instruments performance assessment with rubrics is complete in
accordance with the standards required by the business world/industry. Although the use of this
section is relatively time-consuming, but with complete rubrics teachers can reveal the qualities
and performance profiles of learners.


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Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

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Sari, Lis Permana.(2008). Pengembangan Instrumen Performance Assessment Sebagai bentuk

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Lawshe, C. H. (1975). A quantitative Approach To Content Validity. PErsonel Psychology.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Development of A Three-tier Test Diagnostic Instrument to

Assess Student's Misconception About Acids and Bases
Novia Rahmi1), Latisma Dj1), Jon Efendi1)
Chemistry Education Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Article info Abstract
Keywords: The purpose of this study was to develop a valid, practical and
effective three-tier test for assessing students misconceptions about
Valid, acids and bases. A three-tier test is one of diagnostic instrument
Practical, which can be used to identify students misconception. The first tier
Effective, of an item on the diagnostic instrument presents an ordinary multiple
three-tier test, choice question, the second tier presents reasons for the response
misconceptions, given to the first tier and the third tier questions are confidence of
acids and bases examinees for their responses to the first two tiers. For developing
Corresponding Author: this test, essay and open-ended multiple choice were administrated to
high school students. The responses of the essay and open-ended
noviarahmi.nr@gmail.com multiple choice were selected as the distracters, one correct option
and alternative conception options, to develop three-tier test.
Interview was administrated to students to make sure about students
understanding about acids and base.

One of the goals of chemistry learning is to help students understanding the chemistry
concepts and apply it in an effort to solve problems in everyday life, science and technology ([1].
In the learning process, concepts are important things that need to be understood, learned and
mastered by students. In the study of chemistry, there are several concepts that are abstract, that
can not be seen directly process[2]. It make students difficult to understand the chemistry concepts
and lead to misconceptions.
According to Hammer, misconception is the understanding of the concepts contained in the
student's mind which is different from the scientific concept, which is influenced by the experience
of students[3]. The misconception is seen as a barrier and a negative impact on students. Based
BSNP, acid-base solution is the material given in class XI. Acids and bases concept are related to
another concepts[4]. If students have misconceptions in understanding acids and bases, it can be
have misconception in next chapter. But before eliminates students misconceptions, teachers must
identification students misconception.
Taber suggests to identify misconceptions students to help put back the initial knowledge
(preconceptions)[5]. Furthermore, Purtadi explains that the importance of identifying
misconceptions in students because or misconceptions have negative impact to another next
chemistry concept. [6].
Based on interviews, teachers said that students have difficulties and misconceptions in
understanding acids and bases. Diagnostic instrument can be used to detect students
misconceptions. According to the Guidelines for Development of Diagnostic Test Subjects IPA
SMP / MTs, a diagnostic test is a test used to determine student difficulties so that these results can
be used as a basis to provide follow up treatment appropriate to it[7]. There are many diagnostic
has been used in science education to identify student misconceptions, such as interviews, open-
ended questions, concept maps and multiple choice questions[8]. Of several evaluation tools,
multiple-choice test is often used. Multiple choice test was chosen as an evaluation tool for easy
scoring, shorter examination time and avoid a subjective attitude.
However, multiple choice test has limitations in its implementation, such as determining
whether the student provides the correct answer consciously or just by guessing.That is why many
experts who developed the multiple choice tests to minimize the existing limitations so as to know
the misconceptions that occur in students. In a two-tier test, the first tier presents ordinary multiple
choice question and the second tier presents a set of reasons for the given answer in the first tier.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Two-tier test deemed successful enough to illustrate the misconceptions students, but it can not
discriminating students lack of knowledge from their misconceptions[9].
Three-tier test is a diagnostic test that can be used to determine students misconceptions. It
was developed in the Surmeli and Eryilmaz research. Three-tier test is the development of a two-
tier test by adding a confidence level of students using Certainty of Response Index (CRI).
According to Renner in Caleon and Subramaniam, the level of confidence can be regarded as a
form of internal trust the accuracy in selecting answers[10]. The confidence level may also reflect
the strength of students' understanding of concepts and misconceptions force experienced by
students. The first tier of an item on the diagnostic test presents an ordinary multiple choice
question, the second tier presents reasons for the response given to the first tier and the third tier
questions are confidence of examinees for their responses to the first two tiers. It can distinguish
between students who really understand, students who have misconceptions, error and lack of
The problems in this study were (1) How is the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the
three-tier test ?, (2) What are students misconception ? The purpose of this development are (1)
Explain the validity, practicality and effectiveness of three-tier test, (2) Explain students
misconception about acids and bases.
Concept is something that represents an abstraction that represents a class of objects, events,
activities or relationships that have the same attributes as those concepts are abstractions are based
on experience. No two people have exactly the same experience so the concepts are formed may
also be different. Concept is an abstraction of the characteristics of something which facilitate
communication between humans and allow humans to think.
Hammer reported that misconception are conceptions of students which are different from
scientists conceptions. Brown (1992) define misconceptions is an idea that is not in accordance
with the current scientific understanding. There are many factors that can cause misconceptions in
students, such as explanation from teacher, textbook, local community and teaching methods.
Diagnostic test
Diagnostic test is used to determine students weaknesses so that based on these flaws can be
conducted with appropriate treatment. There are many diagnostic test, such as map concept,
multiple choice, tier multiple choice, essay and interview.
Three-tier test
A three-tier test is one of diagnostic instrument which can be used to identify students
misconception. The first tier of an item on the diagnostic instrument presents an ordinary multiple
choice question, the second tier presents reasons for the response given to the first tier and the third
tier questions are confidence of examinees for their responses to the first two tiers.

The type of research is Research and Development (R&D),ie research used to produce a
specific product and test the effectiveness of these products[15].The development model used in this
study model 4-D (four D models) as developed by Thiagarajan, and Semmel Semmel in 1974. The
4-D model consists of four main stages, namely: define, design, develop disseminate[16]. Three-tier
test is validated by three validator and tested to 30 students of class XI IPA SMA 5 Padang
semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. Analysis of validity is using by the Kappa Cohen.
Research can see in Fig. 1.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Front-end Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of

A analysis students indicators concept

Learning tools
Open-ended multiple
choice instrument

Open-ended multiple choice test

Three-tier test diagnostic instumet

Validity test
Tested to 30 students of class XI IPA

Practical and effectiveness test

Teachers response

Figure 1. Development Procedure was adapted from Haki Pesman Research


Based on the procedures of the study, then the resulting.
A. Define Phase
1. Front-end analysis : Interview are administrated to teacher about students difficultes and
misconception about acids and bases. Based on interviews, it can be concluded that students
have difficulty in understanding the concept of acid-base solution and using logarithms in
calculating pH formula.
2. Analysis of students : An essay test is used to determine students' understanding on the concept
of acid-base solution. The test results essays were also analyzed for developing three-tier test.
Based on an essay test result, it can be seen that Students confused about concept of acids and
bases Arrhenius theory, Bronsted Lowry and Lewis and have difficulties in calculating pH
using logarithms.
3. Analysis of indicators
a. Explaining Arrhenius acids and bases (Question 1)
b. Explaining Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases (Question 1,2,3,7,8,9)
c. Explaining Lewis acids and bases (Question 4,5,6)
d. Calculating pH (Question 10,12)
e. Estimating pH a solution (Question 11,13,14,15,16)

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

f. Using the degree of ionization (), acid ionization constant(Ka) or base constant(Kb) to
determine the strength of acids or bases (Question 17,18,19,20)
4. Analysis of concept
a. Brnsted acids and bases
b. The acid-base properties
c. pH
d. Strength of acids and bases
e. Weak acids or base and acid or base ionization constants
B. Design Phase
In design phase, an open-ended multiple choice is designed based on learning indicator and
concept. 20 open-ended multiple choice was developed according to observed student
misconceptions during the essay test.
C. Develop Phase
In develop phase, 20 open-ended multiple choice tes was administrated to 28 students of
class XI IPA SMA 5 Padang. The responses of 20 open-ended multiple choice test were analyzed;
an answer that given as the distracters. These distracters included one correct option and alternative
conceptions options. Hence, 20 three-tier questions were constructed; the first tier is the
conventional multiple choice step, the second tier is the possible reasons of the given answer for
the first tier, and the third tier is the confidence step for the first two tiers. In order to check the
content validity of the three-tier test three chemistry education expert. Results of expert validation
(validator) was conducted to reveal the material aspects, construct, language of three-tier test that
have been designed. Based on the expert validation against

Figure 2. Question 4 for three-tier test

three-tier test for acids and bases validation of analysis is valid with the validity of the very
high category, moment kappa value is 0.86. Although the validity of the three-tier has been high,
but still there are some components that must be corrected. After the revision, the three-tier test
was administered to 30 students of class XI IPA SMA 5 Padang. The responses of 20 three-tier test
was analyzed by category based on Table I.
From three-tier test, percentage of students have misconception can show in Fig. 3. A
questionnare is administered to 30 students and three teachers to get responses about practicality of
three-tier test. Practicality analysis result based on teachers response and students showed that
practicaliy value is 0.89 and 0.84, which can be categorized as very high. Effectiveness test of
three-tier test is based on the suitability of a three-tier students 'answers during the interview with
the students' understanding categories were identified using a three-tier diagnostic tests. A Three-
tier test will be effective if the results of interviews of students as same as the categories of the
understanding of students were identified using three-tier test.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

In Question 4 83% students have misconception about Lewis acids and bases. They assumed
CH3COOH is a base because all of bases contain ion OH-. Another misconception is CH3COOH is
more relative acid strength than H2SO4 and elative strength of polyprotic acid is higher than pH of
monoprotic acid.

Tabel 1. Category Of Three-Tier Test

Tier-1 Tier-2 Tier-3 Category
Right Right Sure Scientific Conception
Right Right Not Sure Lack Of Knowledge
Wrong Right Not Sure Lack Of Knowledge
Right Wrong Not Sure Lack Of Knowledge
Wrong Wrong Not Sure Lack Of Knowledge
Wrong Right Sure Error
Right Wrong Sure Misconception
Wrong Wrong Sure Misconception

Figure 3. Percentage of students have misconception

In Question 10. 97% student have misconception about pH solution. They assumed that pH
of pure water at any temperature is always 7. From interview, we know that students
misconception happened because of teacher explain. Teacher often explain pH of pure water is
always 7 because it is neutral solution without said about temperature.

The misconception is seen as a barrier and a negative impact on students. Identification and
eliminated of students misconception is important thing in learning evaluation. Based on the
research that has been done, it can be concluded that the three-tier test diagnostic instrument for
acids and bases generated has the category of validity and practicality are very high and effectively
to assess students misconception.


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Kaltakci, D. dan Eryilmaz, A. tt. Identifying Pre-Service Physics Teacher Misconseption with
Three-Tier Tests, Journal of Secondary Science/Math.

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two-tier multiple choice diagnostic instrument to assess high school students
understanding of inorganic chemistry qualitative analysis. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 39, 283 301.

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Yogyakarta : Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.(2007). Tes Diagnostik. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan

Nasional, Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Direktorat
Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Cetin-Dindar, A dan Omer Geban.(2011). Development of a three-tier test to assess high school
students understanding of acids and bases. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol.
15 (2011) 600-604.

Pesman, Haki dan Ali Eryilmaz.(2010). Development of a Three Tier Test To Asses
Misconceptions About Simple Electric Circuits. The Journal of Educational Research,
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Test to Assess secondary Students Understanding of wave. International Journal of
Science Education, Vol 32, No.7, 1 May 2010, PP.939-961.

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Menggunakan Strategi Konflik Kognitif. Media Komunikasi kimia, Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan
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Suparno, Paul.(2013). Filsafat Konstruktivisme dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

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Thiagarajan, Sivasailam, Dorothy S. Semmel, dan Melvyn I. Semmel. 1974. Instructional

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Boslaugh, Sarah dan Paul A. W.(2008). Statistics in a Nutshell, a desktop quick reference. Beijing,
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Misconception About Simple Electric Circuit. Thesis for Master of Sciences. Middle East
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on Gravity Concept : A Study with a 3-tier Misconception Test. Turki : Faculty of
Education, MiddleEast Technical University

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Need Analysis Study On The Textbook Of Secondary School

Nurizati Binti Abdul Aziz
Department of Science Pedagogy University Malaysia, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: Textbook has been used by teachers as the main source of their teaching
aid and guideline in classroom. The aim of this paper is to explore the
Textbook Used, problem face by teacher regarding the use of textbook in their teaching
Teaching material, and learning process. For that reason we prepared 10 semi structured
Role of teacher questions and applying to the point of views of some chemistry teaching
expert. Data from interviews showed that teachers were not use the
textbook because of several factors such as the lack of funding cause
issue for some schools to allocate textbooks to each student, the
students mindset, the use of other printed material resource and the
questions level. While teachers generally appreciated increased textbook
development, they suggested various ways in which the textbook
Corresponding Author: selection process can be improved. It is important to highlight teachers
izati_04@yahoo.co.uk problem in classroom in using textbook, raise their concerns and explore
their insights in a liberalising textbook development.


The school curriculum is expected to contribute to the holistic development of the individual
(mental, emotional,physical, spiritual) by imparting general knowledge and skills, fostering healthy
attitudes and instilling accepted moral values. The aim is to produce Malaysian citizens who are
balanced, trained, skilful and cherish the national aspiration for unity.The general direction for on-
going curriculum reform is to improve the quality of education in order to achieve the aims of the
National Education Philosophy
The curriculum material .such as textbook also used as a tool to achiecve the National
Education Philosophy. The textbook analysis shows that the textbook are relevant with our current
situation. But does the teachers use the textbook efficiently?
All the questions in the textbook use the low level questions (Noor Rohana 2009). The
students rarely use the textbook because there have no connection between the textbook content,
depth, and activity with the real life sitiation and students interest. (Irina Pop-Pcurar, Liliana
Ciascai 2010: Noor Rohana 2009).
From the textbook analysis, the percentage of problem solving questions is very low. Most
teachers use the additional learning material to support the teaching and learning process. Less
study done about the teachers perception towars textbook content. Therefore, the study about the
textbook structure and content should be done. (Angeliki Kolovou , Marja van den Heuvel
Panhuiz, & and Arthur Bakker 2009
Textbooks Availability and students achievement
Some researchers found that the textbook availability effects the students achievement.They
determined availability by counting the number of reading materials (textbooks, readers,
pamphlets, workbooks, library books) and dividing that number by the number of children in those
classrooms. The researchers found that "school quality, of which textbook availability was one
indicator in an aggregate, is a powerful determinant of student achievement, though textbook
availability itself was not a significant predictor (Jeanne Moulton 1994)

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

The textbook Use and achievement

Textbook has become the primary source of knowledge to students in the country.Study done
by Kiai & Maroko (2013) show that teacher is the person who make the decision to use the
material teaching in the classroom. Therefore, Hussein Ahmad (1985) said there have three
important consequences by using textbook in classroom.
Without the text, the teachers and students will face difficulty to follow a more structured
curriculum. The second factor is the content and knowledge in the textbook is a key ingredient in
tests and exams. And the last factor is the textbook effect the national education system , which
have very big implications towards (1) the formation and implementation of curriculum , (ii) the
assesment and examination system ,(iii) to implement the principle of equality of educational
opportunities for all, and (iv) the formation of youth individual character. According to those
findings, Normah Dali (2012) agree that the textbook influence the students achievement.
Material used by observing classroom
Textbooks were not used by either teachers or pupils in most of the lessons observed.
Sometimes the teachers brought them to the classrooms but kept them on their tables; they copied
material from the textbook onto the board for pupils to recite. They complained the pupils could
not read the books so they had to copy on the board for them to read. (Jeanne Moulton 1994).
The finding from prevoius researchers (Heyneman,Farrell &Sepulveda-Stuardo 1978)
revealed the same finding. In sum the evidence available suggests that an investment in text-books
will produce learning gains; and that this is more likely to occur as a result of a textbook
investment than it is as a result of other educational interventions such as teacher training.


Case study approach

Case study was appropriate given the vast array of available approved materials, and the
need for a detailed exploration of how the use of textbook can be increased. Case studies focus on
contextual detail, and as such favour detailed description, thus resulting in in-depth investigation
and analysis of a particular phenomenon
This paper thematized responses from 10 expert teachers who were contacted for using a
semi-structured interview guide. Teachers were selected based on their willingness to engage in
further participation, and their accessibility within the time and finances available. These expert
teachers are choosen from different district area, gender, and experience of teaching the subject

Data Generation
Interviews took place between February Mac 2016 following informed consent by
participants. Teachers responded to a series of questions about their textbook experiences in line
with the overall research questions of the study. Among the questions that teachers responded to in
concerning textbook selection were the following:
Q1. Briefly describe the ideal way you use the chemistry textbook in classroom
i) How do you use the textbook in classroom?
ii) How often do you use the textbook in classroom?
iii) What is the obstacles in using the textbook in classroom?
iv) What is your suggestion in using the chemistry textbook?
Q.2. Identify the problems arise from the teaching material (textbook)
i) In general, what is your opinion about the chemistry textbook?
ii) Which topic in the textbook is the most relevent in your teaching?
iii) What is your opinion about the question in the text?
iv) Do the textbook suitable to be use as primary teaching material in classroom? Why?

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Data Analysis
Braun & Clarke (2006) define thematic analysis as a method for identifying, analysing and
reporting patterns (themes) within data. Interviews were transcribed for content and themes
arrived at both inductively and deductively. Engagement in the data generation and transcription
processes led to the expectation of certain themes. Closer reading of these coded data extracts led
to subthemes. At the same time re-reading of the data items led to the build up of new themesMOT


Categorization of Teachers
The sample of 10 teachers who responded to the semi-structured interview guide were
broadly classified into two categories:
a) Teachers with less than 8 years teaching experience. These represented a group of teachers who
taught the chemistry form 4 and form 5 subject less than 8 years.
b) Teachers with more than 8 years teaching experience. These represented a group of teachers
who had experienced teaching form 4 and form 5 chemistry for more than 8 years.
Teachers perception towards chemistry textbook content
In general, all the respondens show the positive feedback toward the textbook content. The
feedback from R1 textbook content is suitable for classroom learning and R2,R3 said the
textbook should be use as a primary source when learning chemistry subject. While other
respondent said the textbook content is good but lack of daily life application. In general all the
respondent agree that the textbook meet the national curriculum philosophy and they also agree
that the textbook lead students to use the correct words while delivering the knowledge. Besides,
the textbook also emphasize application of value.
Teachers perception towards chemistry textbook exercises
Exercises is one of the assessment component in the textbook to master the learning
process. At the end of each chapter, the summary contain activity and exercises such as revision,
reinforcement, reflection, enrichment,summative and formative assessment. The respondents were
not totally agree with the exercises and activity provided in the textbook because theexercises is
not challenging, not involve the students anticipitation, does not meet the need of target group and
active. The activity in the textbook is not attractive and creative, not practical , logical and
realistic. The respondents said that the activity in the textbook is not relevant to measure the
learning objective


The textbook can achieve the learning objective if the material provided is suitable with the
need and students level. The material in the textbook included the main text, exercise, and activity.
Teachers can use the material in the texbook according to students level by using the material
directly from the book or altering with the other materials if the material provided is not enough to
achieve the learning skill.
The textbook play an important role in Malaysia Education System. Although there have
many others modern learning material in this era, but the textbook role cannot be denied.
Moreover, the Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia also instruct teachers to use the textbook as the
primary source in the classroom teaching. Many study show there have positive relationship
between the use of textbook and students achievement. To teachers, they agree that the textbook
play an important role as a source of teaching and learning in classroom.


Kiai,A.W. Maroko,G.M. (2013). Textbook Selection Experiences Among Secondary School

Teachers Of English In Kenya, International Journal of Education and Research, Vol.1(

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Kolovou,A. Den Heuvel,M.V. Bakker,A.(2009). Non-Routine Problem Solving Tasks in Primary

School Mathematics Textbooks A Needle in a Haystack. Mediterranean Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education , Vol 8(2), 31-68

Moulton, J.(1994) . How Do Teachers Use Textbooks and Other Print Materials? A Review of the
Literature, University Of Pittsburgh, United State

Noor Rohana Mansor(2007). Aras kognitif Soalan. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,

Noor Rohana Mansor(2013). Aras kognitif Soalan: Menjana Kualiti Soalan Penerbit Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu

Roseman, J. E., Kesidou, S., Stern, L., & Caldwell, A. (1999). Heavy books light on learning:
AAAS Project 2061 Evaluates middle grades science textbooks. Science Books & Films, 35

Tay Meng Guat (2010). Pandangan Guru Pelatih Terhadap Buku Teks Bahasa Melayu Kurikulum
Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah. Universiti Malaysia

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Teaching Chemistry Using Mix And Match Board Game

Mohamad Nasir bin Othman, Ahmad Rushidi bin Ramli

Institute Kampus Tuanku Bainun Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang Malaysia

Article info Abstract
Keywords: Mix and Match is a board game that was adapted from the famous
monopoly board game. The purpose of the study was to address a
Mix and Match, ubiquitous problem faced by high school students in chemistry which
Periodic Table & Innovation was to write an ionic chemical compound formula correctly. The
in Writing Ionic Compound sample consisted of 67 students taken from a Teacher Education
Formula Institute and two schools in Penang and Kedah. Preliminary data taken
from pre-test indicated that students were unable to come up with proper
chemical formula. Mix and Match game was implemented and data
were collected upon completing the game. Results showed a significant
increase of 37.10% in the ability of students to write ionic chemical
compound. T-test results indicated there was a significant difference
between pre-test and post-test (P<0.05). Meanwhile, survey results
Corresponding Author: showed that the Mix and Match board game assisted in improving
nasirothman@yahoo.com students writing of ionic chemical compound formulas and also
madrus2020@yahoo.com enhanced students interests in learning chemistry with the mean of 4.93
and 4.97 respectively.

Games are part of our everyday lives and the act of playing is an important process in human
development. Games are explicitly recreational, but they can also be of a pedagogical nature when
their main objective is to stimulate learning. The emotion, attention and concentration involved in
these activities can facilitate the creation of long-term memory, which ultimately linked to
significant learning. Games can be considered educational when they develop cognitive and
operational abilities such as problem solving, perception, creativity, and reasoning, which are
important for knowledge retention.
The use of educational games in classrooms creates an informal environment which facilitate
students participation and and fostering their cooperation. The implementation of these types of
pedagogical tools also motivate teachers because it transforms the teachinglearning process to
being almost a recreational activity. In this regard, games also improve teachers performance,
encouraging them to broaden their knowledge when they engage in designing the games, as well
as to carry out their role as facilitators in the most efficient way.
Mix and Match game is an extension of the chemistry game card, named CHEMCARD used
in 2013 by students at IPG Kampus Tuanku Bainun and two schools in Penang and Kedah state.
Basically it is used to memorize elements in the periodic table. According to, chemical elements
are essential in understanding chemistry. The names of the elements are important, since we use
them to understand the nature of the elements. A typical class in chemistry for example, could start
with the history of the names of the chemical elements. In fact, many teachers begin their
chemistry classes presenting the chemical elements and the periodic table because pupils
knowledge in those matters is considered rudimentary and an integral part in understanding
chemistry concepts in school.
Problem Statement
Writing an ionic chemical formula is a fundamental knowledge and skill which should be
understood by all chemistry students. A chemical formula is used to represent a chemical
compound. The chemical formula shows the elements, denoted by their symbols present in the
compound. The relative numbers indicated by subscripts written after the symbols of each element
present in the compound. Generally, if the ionic compound is formed by the ions Xm+ and Yn-, then
the chemical formula of the compound is XnYm. If m=n, then the chemical formula is XY. Weaker

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

students find it difficult to understand and write an ionic compound formula. They cannot grasp the
idea on how to balance the positive and negative charges. They also fail to comprehend as to why
an arrow in diagram should be crosswised. Students also cannot understand the concept of mutual
ion charge changes.
Teaching and learning without familiarising with the periodic table makes it difficult for the
students to understand the origin of the ionic compound formula. Difficulties in writing an ionic
compound formula will hinder students progress in the subject and ultimately make them loose
interest in the chemistry. Students struggle with understanding on how to write the formula will
make comprehending more complicated topics further on in the subject intensely difficult.
a. To evaluate effectiveness of mix and match game as tool to write an ionic compound formula.
b. To evaluate Students Interest Towards Mix And Match Game.
Research Questions
1. Is Mix and Match game an effective tool to write an ionic compound formula?
2. Does Mix and Match game impart interest to students?
Mix And Match Game
MIX and MATCH is a game that was adapted from the famous Monopoly game. It consisted
of a board, dice, coins, element cards, luck cards, fine cards and question cards. The board was
made from poly-acrylate or wood and the design has eighteen spaces as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Mix and Match Board Game

Before the game, students were trained and practised to combine elements from a periodic
table and write an ionic compound. Students were told that ionic compound was formed by the
combination of metals group elements namely group 1, 2 and 13 with non metals groups namely
group 16 and 17. Charge for the metal group was +1, +2 and +3 while charge for non metal group
was -2 and -1.
Example : Write a chemical formula for Lithium oxide.
Answer : Students will take one Lithium card and one Oxygen card.

Students mix and match the charges between the two cards, and students must ensure
charges for both card are balance OR when mixed is zero (neutral). The charge is not balance in
this example, so he should take one more Lithium card and try to balance the charge.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Total charge= (+2) + (-2) = 0, than students will write on paper the chemical formula is Li2O, and
than teacher will check and confirm the chemical formula is correct.


Three groups of students were involved in the study. The first group consisted of 21 students
with 4 boys and 17 girls from a science class in Teacher Education Institute (IPG) campus in Bukit
Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. The second group were 16 pupils with 11 boys and 5 girls from a private
school (School 1) in Penang and the third group were 30 pupils consisting of 15 boys and 15 girls
from a residential boarding school (School 2) in Kedah.
Two instruments were used in the study to collect data. The first instrument was the pre-test
and post-test. The second instrument used was the Likert scale survey with five choices ( Strongly
Disagree, Disagree, Not sure, Agree and Strongly Agree). The survey consisted of only 4 items.
The first two item were used to find students interest while the third and fourth item were meant
to find the effectiveness of Mix and Match game as a tool to learn periodic table and chemical
Procedure of study
a. Step 1: Pre Test
Pre-test questions are shown in Appendix 1. Students were required to write a chemical
formula as indicated in the question. The answers were marked and the percentage of the correct
answers were calculated. The purpose of the pre-test was to determine the overall ability of the
students to write a chemical formula for each compound.
b. Step 2: Mix and Match game rule
Mix and match game needs at least four players to play. Before the game starts, each player
is given 3 element cards, a paper to write a chemical formula and a token each to designate
different player. A players move is determined by his turn and throwing a dice. The number of
steps taken by his token is in accordance to the number indicated on his or her dice.When a player
lands at a particular space, he is required to give a correct answer to the question. The Banker will
verify whether the answer given is right or wrong. If the answer is correct, the particular player
can take one element card at a centre of the board. The player will look at all the elements cards in
hand with him and try to come up with a chemical compound formula. If the player is able to come
up with a chemical compound formula, he will write the chemical formula on paper and verified
by the banker. The used card will be put aside. If the player is unable to write a chemical
formula correctly, he will keep the element card for his upcoming turn. When a player lands at a
luck space, the player will take one luck card at the centre of board game. Luck card is an
advantage card. A player will get one element card without having to answer any question.
When a player lands at a fine space, the player will take a fine card and abide to
instructions in the card. Fine card has an opposite character to that of luck card. When the first
player finishes his turn, the next turn is the second player and so on. After completing the round,
the player will get one element card at the centre of the board. The winner of this game is
determined by the highest marks a player gets from the formula he or she has written at a
predetermined designated time.

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

c. Step 3: Post-test
Post-test questions are shown in Appendix 2. Students were required to write a chemical
formula as indicated in the question. The answers were marked and the percentage of the correct
answers were calculated for each student. The purpose of the post-test was to determine the overall
ability of the students to write a chemical formula for each compound after they had intervention
using the Mix and Match game.
d. Step 4: Survey
A survey was administered to the students involved in the study. The dual purpose of the
survey was to see whether students show interest in the Mix and Match game and its effectiveness
in helping students write chemical formula correctly. Likert Scale was used for the survey.


Pre Test and Post Test

Data for pre-test and post-test were collected and analysed. The answer sheet of each student
was rechecked by the class chemistry teacher to validate the marks given by the banker. Then, the
percentage for each question in the pre and post-test was calculated and compared. T test was also
carried out to determine if there was any significant difference of means between pre-test and post-
test. The percentage of correct answer by for each question for IPG, School 1 and School 2 was
shown in a Figure 3,4 and 5.

Figure 2. Percentage of correct answer of each question for IPG

Figure 2 showed that 71% of IPG students gave a correct answer for question 1 in the pre-
test. After intervention was carried out using Mix and Match game, the percentage was 95% in
post-test. This showed an increment of 24%. The percentage increase for question 2 to 10 was
52%, 48%, 52%, 43%, 29%, 53%, 19%, 19% and 19% respectively. The mean of percentage
increase for all questions was 35.8%. Meanwhile, T-test results showed a significance difference
(P< 0.05) of percentage increase in all questions between pre-test and a post-test.

Figure 3. Percentage correct answer of each question for School 1

Figure 3 showed that 37% of students of school 1 gave a correct answer for question 1 in a
pre-test. After intervention was carried out using Mix and Match game, the percentage was 82% in
post-test. This showed an increment of 45%. The percentage increase for question 2 to 10 was

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

64%, 82%, 73%, 64%, 46%, 73%, 9%, 9% and 27% respectively. The mean of percentage increase
for all questions was 49.2%. Meanwhile, T-test results also showed a significance difference (P<
0.05) of percentage increase in all questions between pre-test and a post-test.

Figure 4.Percentage correct answer of each question for School 2

Figure 4 showed that 83% of students of school 2 gave a correct answer for question 1 in a
pre-test. After intervention was carried out using Mix and Match game, the percentage was a
sounding 100% in post-test which indicated an increment of 17%. The percentage increase for
question 2 to 10 was 27%, 24%, 33%, 23%, 23%, 30%, 24%, 24% and 34% respectively. The
mean of percentage increase for all questions was 25.9%. T-test results also showed a significance
difference (P< 0.05) of percentage increase in all questions between pre-test and a post-test.
Figure 5 showed that the average percentage for IPG, School 1 and School 2 students who
gave a correct answer for question 1 in a pre-test was 64%. After intervention was carried out using
Mix and Match game, the average percentage was 92% in post-test. This indicated an average
increment of 28%. The percentage increase for question 2 to 10 was 48%, 51%, 53%, 43%, 33%,
52%, 18%, 18% and 27% respectively. The mean of average percentage increase for all questions
was 37.1%. T-test results showed a significance difference (P< 0.05) of percentage increase in all
questions between pre-test and a post-test.

Figure 5. Average percentage of correct answer for IPG, School 1 and School 2

The survey consisted of 4 items with Likert scale. The first two items were for interest and
the last two were for the effectiveness of Mix and Match game. The number of respondents for
each item were tabulated and the mean score for each item was calculated as shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Students interest and effectiveness of Mix and Match Game

Scale Mean
No Item
1 2 3 4 5

I like to be involved in
1. the Mix and Match game 4.5% 95.5%

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Scale Mean
No Item
1 2 3 4 5
I look forward to using
2. Mix and Match game in 4.97
3.0% 97.0%
my next class.
It is easier for me to
write a chemical formula
3. 4.93
after using Mix and 7.5% 92.5%
Match game.
Mix and Match game is
an effective tool to learn
periodic table and 6.0% 94.0% 4.94
chemical formula.
Table 1 indicated that for the first item, 64 respondents or 95.5% of students rated a score of
5 on the Likert scale which means that they strongly agree that the Mix and Match game had
increased their interest. 4.5% of the students rated a score of 4 on the Likert scale which indicated
that they agree that the Mix and Match game had increased their interest. The mean value for first
item was 4.96. Item 2 indicated that 97.0% of students rated a score of 5 on the Likert scale which
means that they strongly agree that they look forward to play the Mix and Match game in their next
class. 3.0% of the students rated a score of 4 on the Likert scale which indicated that they agree
that they look forward to play the Mix and Match game in their next class. The mean value for the
second item was 4.97. The average mean for both item 1 and 2 was 4.965. Therefore, the results
for item 1 and 2 indicated that students showed interest in the Mix and Match game.
Meanwhile, Table 1 also indicated that for the third item, 92.5% of students rated a score of
5 on the Likert scale which means that they strongly agree that it was easier for the students to
write a chemical formula after the Mix and Match game while 7.5% of the students rated a score
of 4 on the Likert scale which indicated that they agree that it was easier for the students to write a
chemical formula after the Mix and Match game was introduced. The mean value for third item
was 4.93. Item 4 indicated that 94.0% of students rated a score of 5 on the Likert scale which
means that they strongly agree that Mix and Match game is an effective tool to learn periodic table
and chemical formula, while 6.0% of the students rated a score of 4 on the Likert scale which
indicated that they agree that Mix and Match game is an effective tool. The mean value for the
fourth item was 4.94. The average mean for both item 3 and 4 was 4.935. Therefore, the results
for item 3 and 4 indicated that students found that the Mix and Match game was an effective tool
for them to write chemical formula correctly.

Mix and match games was found to be successul in helping students combine the elements in
the periodic table and write chemical formula correctly. Pre-test and post-test measurements which
were conducted to IPG, School 1 and School 2 students showed an overall increase in average
percentage of correct answer for each question. The average percentage increase from question 1 to
10 was 28%, 48%, 51%, 53%, 43%, 33%, 52%, 18%, 18% and 27% respectively. The mean for
average percentage increase for the 10 questions was 37.1%. T-test results showed that there was a
significance difference (P< 0.05) of percentage increase in all questions between pre-test and a
Finally, the survey results indicated that students showed interest in the Mix and Match game
with a score of 4.965 on the Likert scale. The results also indicated that Mix and match game is an
effective tool for the students to learn about chemical formula and periodic table with a mean score
of 4.935.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Pieroni, O. I., Vuano, B. M., & Ciolino, A. E. (2000). Games to make chemistry more interesting
and fun. The Chemical Educator, 5, 167170.

[Granath., Philip, L., & Russell, J.V. (1999). Using games to teach chemistry.1. The Old Prof card
game. Journal of Chemical Education, 76, 485-486

Bannier,B. (2010). Motivating and assisting adult, online chemistry learners:A review of the
literature. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19(3), 215236.

Chambers, T., & Arab, J. (2006). A mnemonic for representative elements groups. Journal of
Chemical Education, 83(12), 1761.

Kiili, K. (2005). Content creation challenges and flow experience in educational games:The IT-
Emperor case. The Internet and Higher Education, 8, 183198.

Logerwell., Mollianne, G., Sterling., & Donna, R. (2007). Fun with ionic compound. The Science
Teacher, 74, 27-33

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Creativity, Interest and Students Entrepreneural Quality at
Applied Biology Courses based on Local Resources: a case
study as a basis for improving the quality of biology teacher
education programs
Ismail Fikri Natadiwijaya
Biology Education Departement Wiralodra University, Indramayu, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Keywords: This research aims to find out the creativity in the processing of local
natural resources, entrepreneurial interest and the private
creativity, entrepreneurial quality(PEQ) students. The sample was student of
entrepreneurial interest, Biology education at Wiralodra University in fifth semester.
applied biology, Researchers did not give any treatment, researchers only retrieve data
local natural resources through the instrument that has been presented. Scoring the results of
tests of creativity, then interpreted High, medium, or low. The results of
this study were 1) Students are creative enough to create ideas of
products that use natural resources, but still glued to the innovation of
products that already exist, without trying to think create a product that
Corresponding Author: is completely new 2) The interest of students in entrepreneurship is quite
fikrinatadiwijaya@yahoo.com high, but their fear of failure is quite high, plus they feel less knowledge
about entrepreneurship 3) the level of private entrepreneurial quality is
quite good, but for the indicators of risk taking is low enough, so that it
can be said that students are not courageous enough to take risks.


National education development aimed at realizing the ideals of the independence of

Indonesia in its efforts to educating the nation so that it will become a civilized nation and can
compete in the international world. One of the efforts to realize the goal of education was mainly in
schools and universities is to be developed and implemented lessons exercise creativity and
entrepreneurship of learners.
Creativity is one of the potential capabilities in the formation of qualified people because this
capability is indispensable role in problem solving.Creativity enable new discoveries in science
and technology, as well as in all other fields of human endeavor [5]. Entrepreneurship which
includes interest and entrepreneurial skills are also a priority for the development of human
resource competitiveness. In a developing country, the role of the entrepreneur can not be ignored,
especially in carrying out development. A nation will develop faster if it has the entrepreneurs who
can create and innovate optimally is to realize new ideas into practical actions in every business[1].
It is clear that one solution to form qualified people who can make new discoveries in
science, technology as well as in all fields of human endeavor, and turn them into practical actions
is through the development of educational programs that can foster creativity, interest and
entrepreneurship skills.
Development of education to instill creativity and entrepreneurship in education Biology is
in accordance with one of the profiles of graduates Biology S-1 in Indonesia (ALPTKI) [9] that is
able to develop entrepreneurship related to biology and also in accordance with the learning

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

outcome level qualifications 6 KKNI no.12 Biology Education is able to take decisions biology
learning problem solving by producing biological products taking into account the curriculum and
learners conditions. Biological products can be created one of which is to process natural resources
around, creatively so that it can be sold into a high value product.
Applied biology is the application of biological sciences who have a relationship very
closely with entrepreneurial, because in applied biology produced biological products are utilized
for the benefit manusia.Need creativity, interest and a high entrepreneurial skills to develop and
sell products to the public applied biology, resources existing natural resources should be treated as
closely as possible to get the products of high economic value.
The development of local resources intended for this to happen the usefulness of value to the
neighborhood, where the raw materials or resources that the area was not utilized or low value can
be of high value through biotechnological processes. Besides the integration of local products in
education can build nationalism and love and pride of the nation itself [7]. Learning by bringing
local products in learning according to Rahmat [7] not only make learning contextual, more
importantly, learning should be able to unload the question of what, why, and how the product can
be made.
Local resources can be processed into biological products. Indramayu regency in West Java
is one area that is rich in local resources, in addition to petroleum indramayu also a barn agriculture
and fisheries in West Java. Indramayu has none the less there are tens of commodities that can be
used for increased added value, these products include: mango, eucalyptus, rice, fisheries and
aquaculture ponds, mangroves / mangrove, sedges, banana (and its principal), and others, but
generally they are sold in raw form and not be optimally utilized for the welfare of its citizens.
Development of creativity, interests and entrepreneurial skills can be developed through
research, research is always moving from the results of the initial study, so that on this occasion the
author tries to make a preliminary field study of creativity, interests and entrepreneurial skills
quality of students of Biology Education in Indramayu, West Java.


Samples of this case study is a student of Biology Education fifth semester at Wiralodra
University Indramayu. Researchers did not give any treatment, researchers only retrieve data
through the instrument that has been presented then interpreted (High, Medium, Low).
The instruments used in this case study is 1) Written test to measure student creativity in
answering questions about creative use of local resources, the answers were assessed using the
rubric 2) Questionnaire interest of entrepreneurs to gauge the interest of student entrepreneurship
in the form of 38 short statement about the interests of entrepreneurs, answers ranged from strongly
agree (SS), agree (S), Undecided (RR), disagree (TS) and strongly disagree (STS) and 3)
Questionnaire quality of entrepreneurship where students answered 55 concise statement of self-
employment, then answered conformity with them from the range 1 (disagree) to 5 (agree).


Values Student Student Creativity is measured by one question: What products can you create
from the case of unused waste as follows.
1. Marine fish catches unsold
2. Small and sour mango unsold
3. The rest of the agricultural produce rice straw
4. Manure from chickens
Then assessed creativity in indicator fluency / fluency (Flu), elaboration / detail (Ela), and
originality / authenticity (Ori). As students answer together creativity scores are follows in Table 1.
Table I. creativity in indicator fluency / fluency (Flu), elaboration / detail (Ela)
Inisial Answer Flu Ela Ori
HM Salted Fish 3 2 2
DA Mango wajik 3 3 3

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Inisial Answer Flu Ela Ori

ER Straw Shampo 3 2 4
LP Candied mango 3 2 2
AA Preserving fish 3 3 3
SI Compost 3 3 3
LI Mango tape 3 2 3
SN Salted fish 3 4 2
JK Mango dodol 3 3 3
BO Candied Mango 3 3 2
ML Salted Fish 3 3 2
BG Salted Fish 3 2 2
SU Caipho/Candied mango 3 4 2
YH Candied Mango 3 3 2
DP Candied Mango 3 4 2
RA Bogor salted fruit 3 3 3
NJ Spicy candied fruit 3 3 2
Average 3 3 2.4

Interests Entrepreneurial Student interest in entrepreneurship students is measured through

questionnaires interests of entrepreneurs in the form of 37 statements short on self-employment to
have the answer in 5 alternative answers Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), doubtful (RR), disagree
(TS) , strongly disagree (STS) .As the results can be seen in the attachment.
Personal Entrepreneurial quality was measured through a questionnaire containing 55
concise statement, the students answered these statements in accordance with themselves in a scale
of 1 (one) to 5 (five). Concise statements are classified into 10 indicators of the CTF and the results
are as follows (scale 0-25).

a.Looking for opportunities; b.persistence, preseverance, c. adherence to labor contract, d. Demands on the
quality and efficiency e.Risk taking f.Goal setting g.search information h. Systematic planning and
monitoring I, Persuasion and job creation

Through the presentation of the data shown we can analyze them as follows. The first value
the creativity of students classified as moderate, special aspects of fluency (smoothness) and
elaboration (detail) the value of creativity being, while Originality (authenticity) is still low, due to

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

the many students answer the same themes as his friend. Students generally still glued to products
that already exist today with only a slight distinction, students' ability to create something new
needs to be developed, so that they are not focused or imitate an existing product. The ability to
create new products is important, because creativity is the ability to create new combinations based
on the data, information, and resources that exist . Perkin in Marzano defines creative thinking as a
result of internal actions (taking decisions, formulate hypotheses, draw conclusions) and external
(make an analogy, has a new idea for the experiment), thinking a consistent, meaningful, speaks
only in outline only, original and appropriate to the required criteria. Meanwhile, according to
Hendro an entrepreneur must make innovation or new combinations for an innovation.
Both interest of student entrepreneurship is high enough, it can be seen from the high
response Strongly agree (over 80%) in the statement number 1, which states entrepreneurship
better than looking for jobs, reduce unemployment (number 14), may be promising a good future (
number 16), makes us creative (number 25) and make us self-sufficient (number 32). But barriers
to entrepreneurship they do not turn out as they generally (more than 70%) fear of failure when
opening an entrepreneurial and feel less knowledge about entrepreneurship. This indicates the
importance of entrepreneurship education to enhance entrepreneurial skills and mental are not
afraid to fail. Entrepreneurs must be ready with the risks and not be afraid of failure. According to
Norman [6], "An entrepreneur is one who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty
for the purpose of Achieving profit and growth by identifying opportunities and assembling the
Necessary resources to capitalze on Reviews those opportunities". Or that Entrepreneurs are people
who have the ability to create a business and get used in situations to risk and uncertainty. Courage
is also to be implanted for entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) appear if someone brave individuals
develop businesses and new ideas.
The third line with the second point, the private entrepreneurial quality (PEQ) students of the
lowest in the aspect of risk taking, this makes students less confident to entrepreneurship, although
classified HIGH.student goal setting PEQ students ranged between 148-191 points (on a scale of 0
-250), this indicates that PEQ students is not bad, even some relatively high. It became an
important capital for the development of student entrepreneurship program.
The results of the analysis can be summed back into a discovery, while the findings of this
observation is as follows.1) Students are creative enough to create ideas of products that use
natural resources, but still glued to the innovation of products that already exist, without trying to
think creating products that really new.2) student interest in entrepreneurship is quite high, but the
severity of their failure is also quite high, plus they feel less knowledge about kewirausahaan.3) the
level of private entrepreneurial quality is quite good, but for risk-taking indicator is quite low, so it
can be said that the student was not brave enough to take risks.From the findings, it can be summed
back into the development of the theory, namely 1) Creativity of students is still constrained by
still doubt his doubt them in designing products that are truly new that has never been made before.
2) Interest and entrepreneurial high quality can not make someone become entrepreneurs if they
are afraid of failure, lack of knowledge and do not dare to take risk.

Student have creativity in creating products that utilize ideas natural resources, but still glued
to the innovation of products that already exist, without trying to think creating products that truly
new.Therefore need to develop methods that can improve self confidence in making a new product.
Student interest in entrepreneurship is quite high, but their fear of failure is quite high, plus they
feel less need to build knowledge about entrepreneurship education.Therefore entrepreneurship
education needs to be developed in a comprehensive manner, whether inserted in the course or be a
special subject. The level of private entrepreneurial quality is quite good, but for risk taking
indicator is low enough, so that it can be said that the students were not brave enough to take
risk.Therefore need to built educational programs that can improve student to encourage to take

Drucker, P.(1993).Innovation and Entrepreneurship.New York: HarperCollins Publisers

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Hendro. 2011. Dasar-Dasar Kewirausahaan. Panduan bagi Mahasiswa untuk Mengenal,

Memahami, dan Memasuki Dunia Bisnis. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Marzano, R.J, et al. (1988). Dimensions of Thinking: A frame work for curriculum and
instruction. Alexandria, Virginia USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Munandar, U.(1999). Mengembangkan Bakat dan Kreativitas Anak Sekolah (Petunjuk bagi Para
Guru dan Orang Tua). Jakarta: PTGramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Munandar, U. (2009). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat. Jakarta : PT. Rineka Cipta.

Norman, C.(2009). Konsep Kewirausahaan. (Online). (http://ciptonorman.com)

Rahmat, A.(2014). Memanfaatkan Produk Lokal Dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Pendidikan Di

Tingkat Sekolah.Prosiding Mathematics and Science Forum 2014

Suryana.(2003).Kewirausahaan.Jakarta: salemba empat

Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (BELMAWA) Dirjen Dikti dan ALPTKI.(2013).

Dokumen deskripsi umum dan learning outcome 12 prodi LPTK.[Online].Tersedia

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Students Reasoning on Decision Making in Cosmetic Products
Iin Apriliani, Ari Widodo, Diana Rochintaniawati

Department of Biology Education Indonesia University Of Education, Bandung, Indonesia

Article info Abstract
Keywords: The purpose of this study is to analyze students reasoning on decision
making in cosmetic products utility. Sample of this study consist of two
Decision making, class of 8th grader at a junior secondary school in Bandung. The teacher
Argumentation, delivered the lesson by different method for each class; one class
Understanding, delivered the lesson by expository method and other one delivered by
reasoning method. To analyze students reasoning, an open-ended test
was given before and after implementation of learning. The open-ended
test is about students response to phenomenon that related to using
cosmetic products utility, especially about deodorant products. The
result shows that students with a higher level of reasoning will improve
their awareness in using cosmetic products. This occurs, because
students can make link of fact that they already found then students can
consider the possibilities that occur in using cosmetic product. To
achieve this reasoning level, students should get an appropriate learning
Corresponding Author: method so they could found the facts by themself and linked it one by
one, based on their understanding. At the end, it can be concluded that
iin.apriliani@student.upi.edu reasoning is one aspect that necessary for students decision making in
the daily life.


People have been aware the importance of hygiene for thousands of years. One of their focus
is about skin hygiene because of its role as primary protective organ. But the facts showed that
many people still have lack of knowledge to keep this organ, especially in the lower education
grades. A researcher has found that 68, 3% elementary students have poor personal hygiene [7].
The other research showed the similar results about poor personal hygiene in junior secondary
school; 82,9% students have poor personal hygiene and all of students got skin infection [3]. It
explained that students still doesnt understand how to keep their protective organ. Its an irony.
Because students actually got the material about personal hygiene since they were in primary
school. Besides that, many students in secondary school have already used cosmetic products,
especially using skin cosmetic products.
A Researcher has found that 85% students using cosmetic products in their daily life [1]. Its
make a question, why they still got skin infection although they already used skin products. One of

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

the answered of this condition is because students only consider about esthetic function from the
products. A research showed that students have a various aim in using cosmetic products: 76, 6%
students use it to smoothed their skin; 69% to keep their body have a good scented; 62,7% to
minimize the acne; 55,1% to whitening their skin. This condition make students choose cosmetic
products only by the brand, price or the scented of the products, without consider about its real
This reality makes us realized that students have poor reasoning so they could not organize
their knowledge and applied it in the daily life. For improving this ability, the researchers have
been developed any framework. One of it was designed by McNeil (2006). This framework is an
adaptation from Toulmins (1958) model of argumentation. There are three components in this
framework: a claim (similar to Toulmins claim), evidence (similar to Toulmins data), and
reasoning (a combination of Toulmins warrants and backing). Something that has to remember
from both of framework is involved of students understanding in making link of evidence, so the
students will get a comprehensive knowledge in a lesson. This understanding and reasoning could
effect to someones decision making.
In junior secondary school, one of material that appropriated with reasoning and decision
making is excretion system material, especially about skin excretion because as we know that
cosmetic products is something that we cannot avoid in the daily life. So, students have to improve
their reasoning skill about using skin cosmetic products in the daily life.
The purpose of this study is to analyze students reasoning on decision making in cosmetic
products utility. In this paper, we focus on how students can construct their reasoning based on the
claim and evidence that they found. The research questions of this study are: How does students
understanding in cosmetic products utility? , How does students reasoning in cosmetic products
utility?, and How does students decision making in cosmetic products utility?
Reasoning is a rational relationship between claim and evidence. In education, reasoning can
be seen through student argumentation, because both of it have similar components. There are
three components of student argumentation framework: a claim (similar to Toulmins claim),
evidence (similar to Toulmins data), and reasoning (a combination of Toulmins warrants and
backing). The claim makes an assertion or conclusion that addresses the original question. The
evidence supports the students claim using scientific data. This data can come from an
investigation that students complete or from another source, such as observations, reading material,
or archived data. The data need to be both appropriate and sufficient to support the claim. The
reasoning is a justification that links the claim and evidence and shows why the data counts as
evidence to support the claim by using the appropriate scientific principles.
In application, reasoning is a base of someones decision making. Because reasoning,
decision making and problem solving have been related in cognitive process, which is reasoning is
needed in decision making, meanwhile reasoning and decision making are needed in problem
solving, so we can make a prediction and choose the best decision for a problem.


To analyze students reasoning, an open-ended test was given before and after
implementation of learning within the junior secondary school classroom. The test is about
students response to phenomenon that related in using cosmetic products, especially about
deodorant products. Sample of this study consist of two class of 8th grader at a junior secondary
school in Bandung that consists of 20 students for each class. The test is given before and after
learning implementation. In experimental class, the teacher delivered the lesson by using reasoning
learning but in the other class, the teacher delivered the material by expository method.


After the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for the template. Duplicate the
template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed byThe

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

results were collected from an open-ended test that was given before and after implementation of
learning. Students answered 12 100question items about the phenomenon that related to using skin
cosmetic products. The questions90 were formulated
based on three components; claim, evidence
and reasoning. Students answered80 were scored according to McNeill rubric (2006). Each

Percentage (%)
component has a maximum possible60 score of 3.0, so overall the possible0 score was 9.0 for each

question. The rubric and results50

can be seen below. 1
40 32,5%

30 19,58%
18,75% 21,25%
20 15%
10 2,5% 3
Claim Evidence Reason
Argumentation components

Figure. 1. Pre-test results in control group

100 93,76%
Percentage (%)

70 0
60 53,33%

50 37,5% 1
40 32,92% 32,08%
30 23,75%
20 5,41% 5,83% 5,83% 8,75%
10 0,83% 3
Claim Evidence Reasoning
Argumentation components

Figure. 3. Post-test results in control group

Fig. 3. Pre-test results in experimental group

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Fig. 4. Post-test results in experimental group

Based on the data, students improved the level of each argumentation components, but the
experimental group has the higher achievement than control group. Overall, the students have the
highest achievement in claim aspect. They could reach the 3 rd level of claim with the highest
percentage in pre-test and post-test. The claim appears to be the easiest component for students in
For evidence aspects, generally the students could improve their evidence level even though
they only can reach the 2nd level. It means that students could provide appropriate but insufficient
evidence. In this component, we found that a few of students still cannot give the evidence after
learning implementation, especially in experimental class.
This condition happened because they never experience or see the phenomenon before. The
last component is reasoning. Generally the students could improve their reasoning level even
though they only can reach the 2nd level. It means that student can linked some of evidence to the
claim, but have insufficient scientific principles. From three components of argumentation, we can
see that reasoning is a components with the greatest effect size, especially in experimental group,
even though the average of reasoning level score is lower than the claim and evidence average.
This condition happened because in experimental group, the students were learnt by using
reasoning method so they could more improve their reasoning ability. Besides that, this condition
effect to students awareness in using cosmetic products. The students with a higher level of
reasoning will more aware in using cosmetic products because they consider about the possibilities
effect of that products.

Post-test results in control group

Percentage (%)

60 0
42% 39%
40 33% 1
23% 23% 26%
20 10% 12% 2
3% 2%
0 3
Claim Evidence Reasoning
Argumentation components

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Role of Self Reflection on Ability of Pedagogical Content
Knowledge on Genetic Concept Biology Pre Service Teacher
Erfina Muthmainnah, Widi Purwianingsih

Department of Biology Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung

Article info Abstract

Keywords: The study aims to analyze the role of self reflection on ability of
pedagogical content knowledge on Genetic concept Biology Pre Service
Pedagogical Content Teacher. The method used is descriptive method with triangulation
Knowledge, techniques. Subject in this study were graduate student Department of
Self Reflection, Biology Education sixth semester UPI who are conducting Kapita
Pre Service Teacher; Selekta program second semester of academic year 2015-2016. While
Genetic. samples taken using purposive sample of 6 student. PCK development
as measured by the CoRe instrument as an instrument for determining
strategy PCK development of prospective teachers. Data obtained
derived from coding and scoring the CoRe instruments, analysis of
Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), interview and questionnaire of
Corresponding Author: self reflection. The result showed that two students are at Maturing PCK
finamuth@gmail.com condition or level 3, while four students are at Growing PCK condition
widi.purwianingsih@yahoo. or level 2. PCK development pattern shown by the 6 subjects are
development tends to rise. The Learning Implementation Plan of pre
service teacher have develop from average value 74 to 88 after revision.
Factors that influence the development of PCK is composed by Self
reflection and intensity guidance.


Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a deep-rooted knowledge of the belief that learning

activities are carried out by a teacher not only to convey the subject matter to the students, and the
students learn only by absorbing the information that teachers give [1]. PCK a teacher can be
evaluated and measured using an instrument developed by [1] through the CORE (Content
Representations) and pap-ers (Pedagogical and Professional experience repertoires). Analysis of
the core and pap-ers demonstrate the effectiveness of learning activities in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved.
Core can provide a picture of a picture of how a teacher conceptualize a particular subject
matter. Core was developed by asking teachers to think about what they consider the "big ideas"
related to learning keiatan on a topic on a certain level of education based on their experience in
Canbazo investigated the relationship between subject matter knowledge and PCK
prospective science teachers. The results showed that the knowledge of the subject matter
prospective teachers to the concept of the particulate nature of matter is very low. The low
knowledge content teacher candidates have an impact on the process of transferring knowledge to
students, teaching strategies, and assessment techniques [2]. Lack of knowledge of the subject
matter is also limiting the activity (design and implementation) prospective teachers in the teaching
process. Thus, it can be said that the knowledge of the subject matter is closely connected with
PCK and should be investigated along with PCK.
An understanding of teaching as conditioning, the educator must focus on the quality and
flexibility of content knowledge so that students easily understand the material being taught [8].
Knowledge of teachers in learning activities in the classroom has a close relationship with how
well students are learning [9]. Teachers use a variety of its knowledge in conducting learning

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

activities. Knowledge of a teacher is something very complex because it is influenced by the

knowledge of life history, background experiences, emotions and goals [10].
Much of the literature on professional development has focused on reflective practice [11].
The practice is a tool that enables the growth or development of the teacher's knowledge.Reflective
teachers tend to spend a lot of time to think about the interaction that occurs in the classroom and
considering the consequences of both expected and not related to the learning activities are done
[3]. Tsai suggests that reflection uses the journal teachers can improve teacher knowledge about
constructivism teaching and learning of science, technology and society [4].
Pellegrino conducted research on self-reflection of teachers using video recordings of
learning undertaken by yourself [3]. Baird through the research found that the reflection teachers
can develop personal and professional abilities [5].
Through a process of reflection, teachers think about their classroom practices and
questioned why there are lessons to be successful and why there FEW who do not. However, there
are some problems associated with reflection. Many teachers do not reflect as part of their regular
routine because they do not have the time or opportunity to develop core skills [6].
Genetics material chosen because it is the subject matter that has important concepts for
students to understand. Genetics includes the concept that has character invisible, inaccessible,
abstract and composed of a complicated structure that is hard to understand. Difficulties students to
understand the genetics lies in an understanding of the structure (genes, gametes, alleles, etc.) and
processes (cell division, crosses, etc.) [7].
The concept of DNA, meiosis, protein synthesis and heredity is an elusive concept students.
Students have a low understanding of these concepts and the possibility of students experiencing
misconceptions or misconceptions [9]. Specifically, students are not able to distinguish each phase
in meiosis and differences in each stage of protein synthesis. Other examples of misconceptions
that may occur in students, which is about the character of the gene. Students assume that one gene
determines one trait, the gene is mutated always cause disease, and the gene is always expressed in
the form of the phenotype.
This study is more appropriate for high school biology lectures Capita selekta 2 because in it
besides discusses Biotechnology material that is to be examined further, there are also early
learning about the PCK also that would be useful for prospective teachers of biology.
The results of this study are expected to provide an overview of the PCK prospective biology
teachers, the information needed to compile a description of the level of education attainment in


This study used descriptive method with triangulation techniques. This method does not
provide treatment, manipulation, or changes in the independent variables, but it illustrates
something of what their condition [12]. Subject in this study were graduate student Department of
Biology Education sixth semester UPI who are conducting Kapita Selekta program second
semester of academic year 2015-2016. While samples taken using purposive sample of 6 student.
PCK development as measured by the CoRe instrument as an instrument for determining strategy
PCK development of prospective teachers. Data obtained derived from coding and scoring the
CoRe instruments, analysis of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), interview and questionnaire
of self reflection.
The approach in this study using a case study approach. The case study is a study where
researchers explore a particular phenomenon (case) in a time and activities (programs, events,
processes, institutions or social groups) and to gather information in detail and depth by using
various data collection procedures during a certain period [13].


From the data obtained, the development of PCK from instrument CoRe,.Its shown in Table

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Table 1. Development of PCK on genetic

Aspect S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
coding B R B R B R B R B R B R
1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2
3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 1 2
4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
5 5 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
6 6 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
result 8 10 8 11 10 14 6 10 10 15 7 10
category 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2
Coding category PCK: 1 = Pre PCK, 2 = Growing PCK, 3 = Maturing PCK

Based on Table 1, the result showed that two students are at Maturing PCK condition or
level 3, while four students are at Growing PCK condition or level 2. PCK development pattern
shown by the 6 subjects are development tends to rise.
Core was developed as an effort to document concrete examples of the teacher's
knowledge. Core was used to assess various aspects of the teacher's knowledge includes
knowledge of content, learning objectives, strategies and methods that teachers use in learning, and
how to assess students during and after the learning activities.
How to access the core instrument given to the students before the learning, then the
results are used as a reference for the preparation of the RPP, then the researchers observed
whether the conceptualization of an idea written on its appropriateness in accordance with the
prospective teacher, future researchers will also provide instrument observation sheet. Simulation
of the learning activities are then recorded, prospective teachers to reflect and then write its core
back to see if there are any developments.
A core was developed by asking teachers to think about what they perceive as "big ideas"
related to learning a particular topic to a certain level, based on their experience when teaching the
topic. The idea was then discussed and refined. When it is generally agreed, into the horizontal axis
of the core. The big idea that has become the horizontal axis is then examined with eight questions
listed on the left side of the vertical axis of the core, namely 1) What do you want students to learn
from this idea ?; 2) Why is it important to know the students ?; 3) The other thing from this
material that you know, but not yet known by the students; 4) Difficulties / limitations associated
with this way of teaching material; 5) Knowledge of students' thinking affects you in teaching this
material; 6) Other factors that affect the way you teach this material; 7) The procedure of teaching
(and the specific reasons for its use); and 8) a specific way to ensure students' understanding or
confusion regarding this matter. The study results between the vertical and horizontal axes can be
specific information that affects the way content is taught eksplist. Core allows a strong base in
which a review of the PCK a teacher about a topic can be articulated and provide a view into a
decision that is made of teachers when teaching certain topics, including the links between content,
student and teacher practice.
From the data obtained, the development of learning implementation plan, its shown in
Table 2.
Table 2. Development of The Learning Implementation Plan
No Student Aspect
Beginning Revision
1 S1 78,57 92,85
2 S2 78,57 95,23
3 S3 The Total 83,33 88,09
4 S4 value RPP 78,57 88,09
5 S5 78,57 92,85
6 S6 64,28 83,33

Bandung, October 17th, 2015
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education

Based on Table 2, the result sowed that the Learning Implementation Plan of pre service
teacher have develop from average value 74 to 88 after revision. Performance prospective biology
teachers in preparing lesson plan (RPP) and implementing the learning in the classroom were
analyzed using analysis sheet. Sheets of analysis used in the form of a scoring rubric developed
based on the suitability of Permendikbud no.65 year 2013. Activity assessment is done by giving a
score of 3 for a perfect fit / maximum score of 2 for suitability in part, score one for the suitability
of some, and a score of 0 for nonconformity.From the data obtained, the value of self reflection,
its shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The value of Self Reflection

No Indicator Mean Reflection
1 Students understand the importance of self- 72,71 % 56,15 % positif
2 Students indicate the seriousness of content 79,61 % 56,15 % positif
3 Students demonstrate the ability to design learning 74,32 % 56,15 % positif
4 Students demonstrate the ability to design 73,11 % 56,15 % positif
instructional strategies
5 Students demonstrate the ability to use media 70,93% 56,15 % positif
6 Students demonstrate the ability to design 67,14 % 56,15 % Positif
assessment instruments
7 Students demonstrate the ability to design the 74,76 % 56,15 % Positif
implementation of learning
Based on table 3, the result showed that students gave a positive response in self-reflection.
This indicates that students are thinking and reflecting carefully to correct any mistakes they've
done. After answering a questionnaire reflection of themselves begin to fix errors in the core
instruments and also in RPP.

Based on analyze result and discussion can be obtained conclusion. The result showed that
two students are at Maturing PCK condition or level 3, while four students are at Growing PCK
condition or level 2. PCK development pattern shown by the 6 subjects are development tends to
rise. The Learning Implementation Plan of pre service teacher have develop from average value 74
to 88 after revision. Factors that influence the development of PCK is composed by Self reflection
and intensity guidance.
Factors that influence the development of PCK are the pattern of guiddance, learning
implementation plan, intensity guidance, motivation of self to expand the horizon of knowledge,
communication skills and teaching experience. Problem were found in the PCK development
process were low level of confidence, limitation of the supporting refernce, opportunity, limitation
in speaking, limitation in content knowledge, students still have confused about the abstract theory
about genetic.


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