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Positron Emission
The second major method for tomographic simultaneously, in 180-degree opposing direc-
imaging in nuclear medicine is positron emis- tions, usually within a few tenths of a mm to
sion tomography (PET). This mode can be a few mm of the location where the positron
used only with positron-emitting radionu- was emitted, depending on the energy and
clides (see Chapter 3, Section G). PET detec- range of the positrons. Near-simultaneous
tors detect the back-to-back annihilation detection of the two annihilation photons
photons that are produced when a positron allows PET to localize their origin along a line
interacts with an ordinary electron. Although between the two detectors, without the use
the annihilation photons could be detected of absorptive collimators. This mechanism
using single photon emission computed is called annihilation coincidence detection
tomography (SPECT) systems operating in (ACD). Detection of a pair of annihilation
conventional single-photon counting mode, photons in opposing detectors actually defines
these systems are not optimally designed for the volume from which they were emitted.
the relatively high energy of annihilation Most ACD detectors have square or rectangu-
photons (511keV). They have relatively low lar cross sections. Thus the volume is essen-
detection efficiencies at these energies and tially a box of square or rectangular cross
require relatively inefficient high-energy col- section, with dimensions equal to those of the
limators. As well, SPECT systems do not take detectors (Fig. 18-1).
advantage of the back-to-back directional Coincidence logic (Chapter 8, Section F and
characteristics of annihilation photons. This Fig. 8-15) is employed to analyze the signals
unique feature is exploited advantageously from the opposing detectors. For many PET
with special annihilation-coincidence detector scanners, this is accomplished by having the
systems for PET. electronics attach a digital time stamp to
PET has gained widespread clinical accep- the record for each detected event. Typically,
tance and now is firmly established alongside this is done with a precision of approximately
planar imaging and SPECT in clinical nuclear 1 or 2 nanoseconds (1 nsec = 109 sec). The
medicine. In this chapter, we describe the coincidence processor examines the time
basic features of annihilation coincidence stamp for each event in comparison with
detection, the design and performance char- events recorded in the opposing detectors. A
acteristics of PET detectors and scanners, coincidence event is assumed to have occurred
and some of the important clinical applica- when a pair of events are recorded within a
tions of PET. specified coincidence timing window, which
typically is 6 to 12 nanoseconds.
Although annihilation photons are emitted
simultaneously, a small but finite coincidence
PET IMAGING window width is needed to allow for differ-
ences in signal transit times through the
1. Annihilation Coincidence Detection cables and electronics, as well as different
When a positron undergoes mutual annihila- distances of travel by the two photons from
tion with a negative electron, their rest the annihilation event to the detectors (see
masses are converted into a pair of annihila- Section A.2). In addition, the detectors in a
tion photons (see Fig. 3-7). The photons have PET scanner do not have perfect timing preci-
identical energies (511keV) and are emitted sion and therefore have a finite timing
308 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

Annihilation event

Detector Detector

Object containing
Accepted by coincidence detection
Rejected by coincidence detection
FIGURE 18-1 Volume (green shaded area) from which a pair of simultaneously emitted annihilation photons can be
detected in coincidence by a pair of detectors. Not all decays in this volume will lead to recorded events, because it is
necessary that both photons strike the detectors. Outside the shaded volume, it is impossible to detect annihilation
photons in coincidence unless one or both undergo a Compton scatter in the tissue and change direction.

resolution. Uncertainties that govern the The ability of ACD to localize events on the
timing resolution can arise from the statisti- basis of coincidence timing, without the need
cal nature of the signal (which is produced by for absorptive collimation, is referred to as
the conversion of 511-keV photons into light, electronic collimation. As was discussed in
electrons, or electron-hole pairs in the detec- Chapter 14, Section C, the lead septa in stan-
tor) and from electronic noise in the detector dard parallel-hole collimators, which are nec-
and associated circuits. Uncertainties also essary to obtain adequate spatial localization,
can arise from the electronic method used to also are responsible for the relatively low sen-
determine the time at which the interaction sitivity of these collimators. Because ACD
occurred (see Chapter 8, Section F). For a pair does not require a collimator to define spatial
of similar detectors, the timing uncertainties location, its sensitivity (number of events
typically are well described by a gaussian dis- detected per unit of activity in the object) is
tribution, and the timing resolution is defined much higher than is obtainable with the
as the full width at half maximum (FWHM) absorptive collimators used for conventional
of this distribution. For scintillation detec- planar imaging and for SPECT. For compa-
tors, the timing uncertainty is reduced, and rable midplane resolution, the sensitivity of
the timing resolution improved, by using PET is many times higher than for SPECT.
brighter and faster scintillators that produce In addition, by incorporating multiple
a large number of light photons over a short opposing detectors in a complete ring or other
time interval immediately after an interac- geometric array around the patient, and oper-
tion occurs. Timing resolution is typically in ating each detector in the array in coincidence
the range of 0.5 to 5 nsec, depending on which with multiple detectors on the other side of
scintillator and photodetector is used. the array, data for multiple projection angles
The need for a finite window width permits can be acquired simultaneously (Fig. 18-2).
other types of events to occur in coincidence, Indeed, with a stationary ring or geometric
as discussed in Section A.9. Also, as discussed array that completely surrounds the patient,
in Section A.4, the annihilation photons are it is possible to acquire data for all projection
not always emitted in precise back-to-back angles simultaneously. This allows the perfor-
directions. The effects of these deviations mance of relatively fast dynamic studies and
from the ideal are discussed in the sections the reduction of artifacts caused by patient
indicated. motion.
18 Positron Emission Tomography 309

FIGURE 18-2 Array of detectors operating in electronic coincidence with detectors on the opposite side of the ring.
This allows simultaneous acquisition of projection views from many different angles. Solid and dotted lines illustrate
two simultaneously acquired projection views.

level of timing resolution. As well, the finite

2. Time-of-Flight PET number of photoelectrons generated when an
In theory, it is possible to determine the loca- annihilation photon is detected gives rise to a
tion along a line between the two ACD detec- time jitter during the rise time that adds to
tors at which the annihilation photons the uncertainty in event timing. This effect
originated by determining the difference in becomes more severe with detectors that have
the time at which they are detected by the two relatively low light output.
detectors. This technique, which would allow With the fastest available scintillators and
the formation of tomographic images without careful design of electronic components and
mathematical reconstruction algorithms, is connections, it is possible to achieve timing
called time-of-flight PET. If the difference in accuracy at the level of a few hundred pico-
the arrival times of the photons is t, the loca- seconds. Although this is adequate to achieve
tion of the annihilation event, with respect to localization only to within a few centimeters,
the midpoint between the two detectors, is images reconstructed from data acquired at
given by this level of timing resolution have a higher
t c signal-to-noise ratio than images recon-
d = (18-1) structed without time-of-flight information.
2 This is because individual events can be con-
where c is the velocity of light (3 1010cm/ strained to lie within a smaller volume in the
sec). According to this equation, to achieve image reconstruction process. Figure 18-3
1-cm depth resolution would require timing illustrates how the backprojection of data
resolution of approximately 66 picoseconds along one particular line of response is con-
(1 psec = 1012 sec = 0.001 nsec). Although strained to a smaller region of the recon-
electronic circuits are capable of measuring structed image matrix by the addition of
this timing difference, the rise times of light time-of-flight information. To provide practi-
output from scintillators currently available cally useful levels of time-of-flight informa-
for PET imaging are too slow to provide this tion, only the fastest and brightest scintillators,
310 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

FIGURE 18-3 A, A pair of anni-

hilation photons are emitted from
a source (red dot) and detected in
coincidence by opposing detectors.
B, In the absence of time-of-flight
information, there is no informa-
tion about the location of the
source along the line joining the
A two detectors. During reconstruc-
tion, the event is backprojected
High with equal probability of having
probability occurred in all pixels along that
line. C, With time-of-flight infor-
mation, some limited localization
of the event is possible and events
are backprojected with probabili-
ties that follow a Gaussian distri-
bution, centered on pixel d
(Equation 18-1) from the center of
the scanner and with a full width
at half maximum equal to the
timing resolution of the detector
Low pair.
Conventional Using time-of-flight
backprojection information

such as LSO and LaBr3, can be used (see a rectangular box of area d h at the face of
Tables 7-2 and 18-2). Several commercially either detector. Between these extremes, it is
built systems incorporate some level of time- the frustum of a pyramid with lower base size
of-flight information using these materials. equal to the size of the detectors and upper
Although there are scintillators with even base size increasing linearly from zero at mid-
faster decay components, such as BaF2, these plane to the size of the detectors at their face.
are not favored because the signal-to-noise Alternatively, consider an uncollimated
improvements that can be realized from time- pair of gamma camera detectors, also operat-
of-flight information is typically more than ing in coincidence mode (Fig. 18-4B). If their
offset by their lower density and therefore intrinsic spatial resolution (see Chapter 14,
lower efficiency for detecting 511-keV annihi- Section A.1) is a gaussian function with
lation photons. FWHM = Rint, then the spatial resolution of
the detector pair for ACD also is a gaussian
3. Spatial Resolution: Detectors function with FWHM = Rint / 2 at midplane.
The spatial resolution of ACD with discrete The ACD response profile becomes wider as
detector elements is determined primarily by the source moves toward either detector, with
the size of the individual detector elements. its FWHM eventually becoming equal to Rint
As shown in Figure 18-4A, for elements of at the face of either detector. Assuming that
width d, a one-dimensional (1-D) slice through the resolution of the imaging detector is the
the ACD point-source response profile at same in all directions, the 2-D ACD response
midplane between the detector pair is a profile is obtained by rotating the 1-D gauss-
triangle. The detector resolution, Rdet has a ian function around its center.
FWHM = d/2. As the source moves toward For both discrete or gamma cameratype
either detector, the response profile becomes detectors, the spatial resolution of ACD varies
trapezoidal, eventually becoming a box of by only approximately 30% in the central 60%
width d at the face of either detector. Consid- of the space between the detectors (Fig. 18-5).
ering a 2-D detector with width d and height By comparison, the resolution of a parallel-
h, the ACD response profile becomes a 3-D hole collimator can vary by several hundred
function, which is a pyramid at midplane and percent over a comparable range (see Fig.
18 Positron Emission Tomography 311

Intrinsic resolution
FWHM  R int

FWHM  d FWHM  R int

FWHM  3 d/4 FWHM  0.85R int

FWHM  d/2
FWHM  R int / 2


Intrinsic resolution
FWHM  R int

Discrete Continuous
A detectors B detectors
FIGURE 18-4 Spatial resolution of detector pair (Rdet) for coincidence detection. A, For discrete detectors, spatial reso-
lution is determined by the width of the detector element, d. At midplane, the coincidence response function is a triangle
with full width at half maximum (FWHM) = d/2. As the source is moved closer to one of the detectors, the response
function becomes trapezoidal in shape, eventually becoming a rectangle of width, d. B, For continuous detectors, spatial
resolution is determined by the intrinsic resolution of the detector, Rint. At the midplane, the coincidence response
function is approximately gaussian, with FWHM = Rint / 2 . Near the face of a detector, it becomes FWHM = Rint.
312 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

14-19). When profiles obtained from opposing

views in SPECT are combined using the geo- 4. Spatial Resolution: Positron Physics
metric mean, the variation in resolution The spatial resolution of an ACD system is
within the space between the opposing detec- degraded from the values derived from simple
tors is reduced to a level comparable to ACD geometry indicated in Figure 18-4 by two
(see Fig. 17-8). The key difference is that the factors relating to the basic physics of positron
resolution of ACD is determined primarily by emission and annihilation. The first is the
the size of the detector element or the intrin- finite range of positron travel before it under-
sic resolution of the camera detector, whereas goes annihilation. ACD defines the line along
for SPECT, the resolution is primarily deter- which the annihilation event took place, which
mined by the collimator resolution at the mid- is not precisely the location from which the
point between the two detectors. The latter is decaying radioactive nucleus emitted the posi-
substantially degraded from its value at the tron. The range of travel for a positron before
face of the detector. This means that the col- it undergoes annihilation is essentially the
limator must have very high resolution at its same as the range of travel of an ordinary
face to achieve even moderately good resolu- electron (or particle) of similar energy (see
tion at midplane between the detectors. In Chapter 6, Section B.2). Figure 6-10 and Table
turn, the requirement for high spatial reso 6-1 show the extrapolated range versus
lution leads to relatively low detection effici maximum energy for particles, Emax . The
ency with absorptive collimators (see Chapter maximum energies of the positrons emitted
14, Section C). As discussed in Section A.8, from radionuclides used for nuclear medicine
this results in relatively low sensitivity for are in the range of 0.5 to 5MeV (Table 18-1;
a SPECT system as compared with a PET see also Appendix C). Thus their extrapolated
system with comparable spatial resolution. ranges are in the 0.1- to 2-cm range.





t (c

Relative count rate





0 0
20 0 20
Distance (mm)
FIGURE 18-5 Measured line-spread functions for a pair of 17-mm-wide coincidence detectors as a function of source
position between the two detectors. The detector separation was 42cm. The FWHM varies by only 30% within the
central 24cm (57%) of the space between the two detectors. (From Hoffman EJ, Huang S-C, Plummer D, Phelps ME:
Quantitation in positron emission computed tomography: VI. Effect of nonuniform resolution. J Comput Assist Tomogr
6:987-999, 1982.)
18 Positron Emission Tomography 313

TABLE 18-1

Radionuclide Half-Life + fraction + Energy How Produced
C 20.4min 0.99 960keV Cyclotron
N 9.96min 1.00 1.19MeV Cyclotron
O 123sec 1.00 1.72MeV Cyclotron
F 110min 0.97 635keV Cyclotron
62 62
Cu 9.74min 0.98 2.94MeV Generator (from Zn)
Cu 12.7hr 0.19 580keV Cyclotron
68 68
Ga 68.3min 0.88 1.9MeV Generator (from Ge)
Br 16.1hr 0.54 3.7MeV Cyclotron
82 82
Rb 78sec 0.95 3.35MeV Generator (from Sr)
I 4.18 days 0.22 1.5MeV Cyclotron

The extrapolated range applies to the result is that the average distance measured
highest-energy positrons emitted by a radio- from the origin of the positrons to the end of
nuclide. However, positrons, like particles, their path is significantly smaller than their
are emitted with a spectrum of energies. Only extrapolated range.
a small fraction have the full amount of For purposes of defining the spatial resolu-
energy available from the decay (see Fig. 3-2). tion of ACD, the distance of interest is the
In addition, the extrapolated range is the effective positron range. This is the average
maximum distance that the electron would distance from the emitting nucleus to the end
travel if it were not significantly deflected of the positron range, measured perpendicu-
in any of its interactions and traveled in lar to a line defined by the direction of the
essentially a straight line to the end of its annihilation photons (Fig. 18-6). This dis-
range. In reality, most electrons (and posi- tance always is smaller than the extrapolated
trons) travel a tortuous path, often with mul- range for the positrons emitted by the
tiple large-angle deflections (see Fig. 6-4). The radionuclide.



positron Positron
range path

511 keV

511 keV

Annihilation event
FIGURE 18-6 Blurring caused by positron range effects. The perpendicular distance from the decaying atom to the
line defined by the two 511-keV annihilation photons is referred to as the effective positron range.
314 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

Figure 18-7 shows the positron range dis- A second factor involving the physics of
tribution for point sources of 18F ( Emax = positrons is that the annihilation photons
0.635MeV) and 15O ( Emax = 1.72MeV). Accord- almost never are emitted at exactly 180-
ing to Figure 6-10, the extrapolated ranges degree directions from each other (Fig. 18-9).
for these positrons in water would be appro This effect, which is due to small residual
ximately 2mm and 8mm, respectively; momentum of the positron when it reaches
however, the FWHMs of their distribution the end of its range, is known as noncolinear-
profiles are only 0.1mm and 0.5mm. ity. The angular distribution is approximately
Note as well that the positron range distri- gaussian with FWHM approximately 0.5
butions shown in Figure 18-7 have long tails degree. The effect on spatial resolution,
and thus are not well described by gaussian expressed in terms of FWHM, is linearly
functions. Therefore the FWHM is not the best dependent on the separation of the ACD
indicator of the effect of positron range on ACD detectors, D, and is given by
spatial resolution. Instead, the root mean
square (rms) effective range often is used. R180 = 0.0022 D (18-2)
Figure 18-8 shows the general relationship
between rms effective range and maximum A typical value of D for a whole-body PET
positron energy. Typical rms effective ranges scanner is 80cm. Thus the FWHM for blur-
(and thus the blurring caused by positron ring caused by noncolinearity is approxi-
ranges) are on the order of 0.5 to 3mm. Note mately 2mm.
that positron range is inversely proportional The system resolution of an ACD or PET
to the density of the absorber. Thus rms ranges detector system is obtained by combining the
would be proportionately higher in lung tissue individual resolution components, in the same
and airways ( ~ 0.1-0.5g/cm3) and lower in manner as the component resolutions are
dense tissues such as bone ( ~ 1.3-2g/cm3). combined to determine the system resolution

10 2500
18F (Emax  635 keV) 100,000 Events 18F


1000 0.102 mm FWHM

5 500 1.03 mm FWTM

10,000 Events 0
10 5 0 5 10 2 1 0 1 2
End point coordinate (mm) End point coordinate (mm)
10 800
15O (Emax  1720 keV) 100,000 Events 15O
5 600

300 0.501 mm FWHM
200 4.14 mm FWTM

10,000 Events 0
10 5 0 5 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
End point coordinate (mm) End point coordinate (mm)
FIGURE 18-7 Results of Monte Carlo simulations showing the distribution of annihilation sites for positron-emitting
point sources in water for 18F ( Emax = 0.635MeV) and 15O ( Emax = 1.72MeV). The profile of the distribution is broader
for 15O because of its higher average positron energy, which leads to a longer positron range prior to annihilation.
(From Levin CS, Hoffman EJ: Calculation of positron range and its effect on the fundamental limit of positron emission
tomography system spatial resolution. Phys Med Biol 44:781-799, 1999.)
18 Positron Emission Tomography 315


rms range in water (mm)


FIGURE 18-8 Root mean square

range for positrons in water versus 1.5
Emax . (Data from Derenzo SE: Math- 68
ematical removal of positron range
blurring in high-resolution tomogra-
phy. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 33:565- 1
569, 1986.)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Maximum  energy (MeV)



511 keV
photon 511 keV
Annihilation event
Error due
to non-colinearity
FIGURE 18-9 Noncolinearity of annihilation photons resulting from residual momentum of the electron and positron
at annihilation. Noncolinearity leads to positioning errors. Angles are exaggerated in this example for purposes of
illustration. Actual range of angles is about 0.25 degree, centered at 180 degrees.

for a gamma camera system (see Chapter 14, the discrete detector elements or the intrinsic
Section C.4). Thus resolution of continuous detectors (see Section
A.3 and Fig. 18-4). For typical whole-body
Rsys 2
Rdet + Rrange
+ R180
(18-3) PET scanners, with either discrete detector
elements or gamma camera detectors, the
where Rdet is the spatial resolution of the effects of positron range and noncolinearity
detector system, as determined by the size of combine to add anywhere from a few tenths
316 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

of a millimeter to a few millimeters to system situation 2, the system resolution becomes

resolution. ~1.7mm, so the effects of positron range and
noncolinearity still are substantial (~70%).
What fraction of PET system resolution at For situation 3, Rdet = 3 / 2 2.12mm (see
the center of the scanner bore is caused by Fig. 18-4) while other factors remain the same
positron range and noncolinearity blurring in as in situation 2. Thus
the following three situations? (1) 6-mm-wide

discrete detectors, separated by 80cm, using Rsys 32 / 2 + 1.22 + 1.322 2.77 mm
F; (2) 2-mm-wide discrete detectors sepa-
rated by 60cm, using 68Ga; (3) gamma camera Positron range and noncolinearity increase
detectors with 3-mm intrinsic resolution at the system resolution by approximately 30%
511keV, separated by 60cm, using 68Ga. relative to detector resolution in this
Assume that the positron range distribution
can be approximated by a gaussian function From Example 18-1, one can conclude that
and use the rms effective range to represent positron range and noncolinearity have a rel-
the FWHM of that function. atively small effect on system resolution for
whole-body systems, which usually have
Answer larger detector elements (situation 1) or only
For situation 1, the spatial resolution at the moderately high spatial resolution (situation
midpoint between 6-mm-wide discrete detec- 3). This is especially true for 18F, the radionu-
tors is given by clide most commonly used for clinical applica-
tions. However, their effects can be important
Rdet = d/ 2 = (6 mm)/ 2 = 3 mm limitations for high-resolution brain imaging
or small-animal imaging devices (see Section
The rms range for 18F is Rrange 0.2mm (see B.5) that employ small discrete detector ele-
Fig. 18-8), and the noncolinearity for an 80-cm ments, especially for applications involving
separation is higher-energy positrons (situation 2).
Because they do not depend on technology,
positron range and non colinearity create bar-
R180 = 0.0022 800 mm = 1.76 mm
riers for improving the spatial resolution of
PET systems that cannot be overcome simply
Using Equation 18-3, the system resolution is by using smaller detector elements. For
example, independent of the detectors used,
the blurring caused by noncolinearity will
Rsys 32 + 0.22 + 1.762 3.5 mm
limit the achievable spatial resolution for a
Thus resolution blurring caused by positron whole-body PET scanner to approximately
range and noncolinearity for situation 1 adds 2mm, because a bore size of 80-90cm is
approximately 17% to the system resolution, required to accommodate the human body.
relative to the detector resolution. Example 18-1 also demonstrates that when
system resolution is dominated by one compo-
For situation 2, using the same equations nent, the gains achieved by improving other
and Figure 18-8, the spatial resolution of components of resolution may be small.
2-mm-wide discrete detectors is Rdet = 1mm,
the rms range for 68Ga is Rrange 1.2mm and
the noncolinearity blurring for the 60-cm sep- 5. Spatial Resolution:
aration is 1.32mm. Thus the system resolu- Depth-of-Interaction Effect
tion is A substantial thickness of scintillator mate-
rial is required to efficiently stop 511-keV
annihilation photons. In a gamma camera,
Rsys 12 + 1.22 + 1.322 2.05 mm typical NaI(Tl) detector crystal thicknesses
are 1.25cm or less. PET systems generally
In this situation, the additional blurring employ 2- to 3-cm-thick scintillators with
caused by positron range and noncolinearity greater stopping power, such as BGO or LSO.
approximately doubles the system resolution For PET systems using arrays of detectors in
relative to detector resolution. Note that if multiple coincidence mode around the object,
Ga is replaced by the lower-energy 18F in the relatively thick detector elements lead to
18 Positron Emission Tomography 317

a degradation of resolution known as the at which an interaction has occurred within

depth of interaction (DOI) effect. Although the the detector crystal. The spatial resolution
effect also occurs in the axial direction in (FWHM) then becomes Rdet = d/2. Using
scanners that use cross-plane coincidence Equation 18-4, this can be written as
detection for 3-D data acquisition (see Section
C.2), the primary effect is in the radial direc- ( d / 2) [ cos + ( x / d ) sin ]
tion, and the discussion focuses on this aspect Rdet [ cos + ( x / d ) sin ] (18-5)
of the problem.
Figure 18-10 illustrates the cause of the From this equation it can be seen that the
problem for a detector system that uses a DOI effect is described by a multiplicative
circular array of elements, all or most ele- factor applied to the value of detector resolu-
ments of which operate in multicoincidence tion at the midpoint between a pair of directly
mode with other elements in the array. For a opposed detectors.
source located near the center of the scanner, Equation 18-5 is only an approximation
spatial resolution is determined by the width because the thickness of detector material is
of the detector element, Rdet = d/2, as described not constant across the width of the detector
in Section A.3 and illustrated in Figure 18-4. element seen by the source. Note as well that,
However, for a source located away from the for thin detector elements [(x/d) << 1], it is
center, the apparent width of the detector possible that Rdet < Rdet. The same would be
element becomes true for a very efficient detector material (or
a very thin detector) that would stop most of
d = d cos + x sin (18-4) the annihilation photons in a thin layer at the
entrance to the detector. However, these con-
where d, x, and are as indicated in Figure ditions never apply in practice. Typically, x ~
18-10. The apparent change in width results 2 to 3cm and d ~ 0.3 to 0.6cm. For a whole-
from the angulation between the detectors body PET scanner with 4-mm-wide detectors
and from lack of knowledge about the depth on a diameter of 80cm, the DOI effect causes

FIGURE 18-10 Apparent width of a

detector element, d, increases with
increasing radial offset in a PET
scanner consisting of a circular array
of detector elements. Because the
depths at which the rays interact

within the scintillation crystal are
unknown, the annihilation event for
a pair of photons recorded in coinci-
dence could have occurred anywhere D
within the shaded volume. The mag-
nitude of the effect depends on the d
source location, the diameter of the
scanner, D, the length of the crystal
elements, x, and the width of the
detector elements, d.
318 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

approximately a 40% degradation of resolu- d

tion at a distance of 10cm from the center of
the field of view (FOV).
The DOI effect is somewhat different for
systems that use hexagonal or octagonal
arrays as opposed to circular arrays of detec-
tor elements. With hexagonal or octagonal
arrays, as the source moves away from the
center of the scanner, some portion of an
opposing array still remains perpendicular to
it, at least over a distance comparable to the
width of a segment of the array. Consequently,
there is less variation in the DOI effect across
the FOV. At the center of the FOV, the effect
is somewhat larger than at the center for a
circular array of the same diameter, whereas
at the periphery it is somewhat smaller. On A
average, the DOI effect is comparable for both
segmented and circular arrays.
Note also in Equations 18-4 and 18-5 that,
for a given radial distance away from the
center of the scanner, and sin become
smaller (and thus Rdet becomes smaller) as
the diameter of the detector ring becomes
larger. Because of the DOI effect, PET scan-
ners often are built with detector arrays that
are of larger diameter than would be neces-
sary to fit the patient, which in turn increases
detector costs.
6. Spatial Resolution: Sampling
In ACD, the FWHM of the detector resolution
is one-half the width of a detector element B
(see Fig. 18-4). For a stationary array of detec-
tor elements, each of width d, the sampling
interval between parallel projection lines also
is d (Fig. 18-11A). Considering only detector
resolution, it can be shown that this leads to
undersampling of object profiles, which in
turn leads to a distortion of the high-frequency
content (i.e., the fine details) of the recon-
structed image (see Fig. 16-11 and Section C).
According to Equation 16-14, three samples
should be acquired per FWHM of spatial reso-
lution. In theory, this would translate into a
requirement for six samples over an interval
equal to the width of a detector element.
However, as described elsewhere in this
section, system resolution is degraded from
the theoretical limits established by intrinsic C
resolution by other factors, so that coarser
FIGURE 18-11 A, For a stationary array of discrete
sampling is acceptable. Nonetheless, some detector elements, the linear sampling distance is the
additional sampling is required beyond that same as the detector element width, d, which is insuffi-
illustrated in Figure 18-11A. cient to support the resolution of the detectors (~d/2). B,
In practice, two samples usually are acquired Linear sampling distance is reduced to d/2 when coinci-
dences with immediately adjacent detectors are allowed.
per detector element width. Although less C, For image reconstruction, these samples are treated
than the theoretical ideal, this results in little as if they came from a set of virtual detectors offset by
noticeable distortion of clinical images. Some half the detector width relative to the actual detectors.
18 Positron Emission Tomography 319

earlier scanners actually incorporated a spatial filtering required to achieve an accept-

mechanical shift to acquire two sets of data able noise level in the image. As discussed in
with the detector elements shifted by half the the following section and in Section B, PET
width of a detector element between acquisi- systems, especially those employing multiple
tions. This approach was mechanically cum- detector rings and multi-ring coincidence
bersome. The modern approach is to use detection, have substantially higher detection
coincidence events in adjacent pairs of detec- efficiencies (by orders of magnitude) than is
tor elements, thereby creating additional achievable with typical SPECT systems. Thus
samples between the detector elements, as PET images usually can be reconstructed
illustrated in Figure 18-11B. These are treated with higher cut-off frequencies, and their
as samples acquired with a virtual set of final spatial resolution generally is superior
detectors located between the actual detector to SPECT images.
elements, as shown in Figure 18-11C. The ray
paths for the additional samples are not quite
parallel to those for directly opposed detec- 8. Sensitivity
tors, but this seems to have little effect on The sensitivity of PET, like that of all imaging
the reconstructed image across most of the devices, is determined primarily by the absorp-
useful FOV. tion efficiency of the detector system and its
Note that combining data for adjacent solid angle of coverage of the imaged object.
pairs of detectors into a single projection view The true coincidence rate, Rtrue, for a positron-
as illustrated in Figure 18-11B and C, reduces emitting source located in an absorbing
the number of projection angles available medium between a pair of coincidence detec-
from a stationary ring of detectors by half. tors is given by
Note also that PET systems that use continu-
ous (i.e., gamma camera type) detectors (see Rtrue = E 2 gACD e T (18-6)
Section B.3) can use arbitrarily chosen sam-
pling intervals and thus can avoid some of the where E is the source emission rate (positrons/
sampling problems associated with discrete sec); is the intrinsic efficiency of each detec-
detector arrays. tor, that is, the fraction of incident photons
detected (Equation 11-9, assumed to be the
same for both detectors); and and T are the
7. Spatial Resolution: Reconstruction linear attenuation coefficient and total thick-
Filters ness of the object, respectively. gACD is the
The discussions in the preceding sections geometric efficiency of the detector pair, that
describe the spatial resolution achievable is, the fraction of annihilation events in which
with PET systems, as determined by the phys- both photons are emitted in a direction to be
ical characteristics of the imaging device and intercepted by the detectors.
the basic physics of positron decay. However, As shown in Figure 18-4, the shape as well
as discussed in Chapter 16, Sections B.3 and as the amplitude of the point-source response
C.3, spatial filters are applied to the recorded profile (i.e., gACD for a point source) varies
projection profiles to suppress noise in the with the location of the source between the
reconstructed image (see Fig. 16-12). Inevita- two detectors. In one dimension, the profile is
bly, this results in some degradation of spatial triangular at the midpoint between the detec-
resolution. In general, the fewer the number tors, rectangular at the face of either detector,
of counts recorded in an image, the lower the and trapezoidal at locations between. In two
filter cut-off frequency (kcut-off) and the greater dimensions, the ACD response at the mid-
the loss of spatial resolution. point is a pyramid, whereas at the surface of
The selection of cut-off frequency depends either of the detectors it is a rectangular box.
in part on the type of study. Thus a brain scan At points between, it is the frustum of a
might be reconstructed with a cut-off fre- pyramid. In all cases, the lower base is equal
quency yielding 6-mm spatial resolution, to the area of the detectors.
whereas an abdominal scan, with more tissue Maximum geometric efficiency for ACD is
attenuation and generally lower count densi- obtained for a point source located precisely
ties, might be reconstructed with a filter at the midpoint of the centerline between the
yielding 10-mm spatial resolution. As well, two detectors. However, as illustrated in
the sensitivity (number of counts recorded per Figure 18-4, this value does not apply when
unit of activity in the patient) affects the sta- the point source is moved even slightly away
tistical quality of the image and the degree of from the centerline, or from the midpoint of
320 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

that line. Thus a more appropriate measure hexagonal, or octagonal arrays. Each detector
for distributed sources is the average geomet- element is operated in coincidence with many
ric efficiency within the sensitive volume for detectors on the opposing side of the ring, as
ACD. Midway between the two detectors, this shown in Figure 18-12. This multicoincidence
is given by operation has useful and important conse-
quences for both the magnitude and unifor-
1 mity of geometric efficiency.
g ACD 2 [ Adet / D2 ] The simplest way to visualize its effects on
(18-7) geometric efficiency is to consider a complete
2 Adet ring of detectors on a diameter D, with detec-

3 D 2 tor height h in the axial dimension and detec-
tor width d << D in the plane of the ring.
where D is the distance between the detectors Assume that any interdetector gaps are very
and Adet is the area of the detector facing the small, so that the individual elements form a
source. virtually continuous ring of detector material.
The term in brackets in Equation 18-7 is For a point source located precisely at the
the geometric efficiency for a single detector center of the ring, the geometric efficiency
for a point source located at the midpoint of would be equal to the solid angle subtended
the centerline between the detectors. (As dis- by the ring, because if either annihilation
cussed in Chapter 11, Section A.2, this expres- photon is intercepted by the ring, it is virtually
sion is valid when the detector dimensions assured that the second photon is traveling
are small in comparison with the source-to- the proper direction to be intercepted as well.
detector distance.) The factor of 2 accounts for From simple geometric considerations, if h <<
the fact that two detectors are used and that D, it can be shown that the solid angle, and
if one photon is emitted in a proper direction thus the geometric efficiency, for a point source
toward one detector, the other photon is virtu- precisely at the center of the ring is given by
ally assured of being emitted in the proper
direction toward the other. The factor of 1/3 gACD,RING h/D (18-8)
is the average geometric efficiency across the
sensitive volume at midplane, that is, the Under the conditions described, geometric
average height of a pyramid. efficiency is relatively constant as the source
Actual PET systems typically employ many is moved away from the center of the ring but
small detector elements arranged in circular, still in its center plane; however, as the source

Useful field-

FIGURE 18-12 Ring of detectors in

which individual elements are oper-
ated in coincidence with multiple ele-
ments on the opposite side of the ring.
In multicoincidence operation, each
detector element is associated with a
fan-beam acquisition, shown for two
individual detector elements in the
drawing. Data are recorded simulta-
neously for all possible fan beams. The
inner circle formed by edges of all such
fan beams defines the useful field-of-
18 Positron Emission Tomography 321

is moved axially toward the ends of the ring, photons onto the detectors and by gaps
the geometric efficiency still has a triangular between detector elements. Corrections for
shape. Thus the average geometric efficiency this and other image nonuniformities are
for a source distributed within the sensitive described in Section D.1.
volume for ACD across the width of the It is noteworthy that, by segmenting large
ring is half the value given by Equation 18-8, detectors into smaller elements and operating
that is, them in coincidence with multiple elements
h in the opposing array, it is possible to improve
g ACD, RING (18-9) the spatial resolution in PET with only a
2D modest loss of geometric efficiency. This effect
Equations 18-8 and 18-9 also are valid for is seen in Equation 18-9, in which geometric
polygonal arrays, with D representing the efficiency depends on the diameter of the ring,
diameter of a circle drawn tangential to the D, but not on the width d of the individual
surface of the array. As long as h << D, they detector elements. Most of the loss of sensitiv-
also apply to continuous detectors that use ity that does occur is due to the requirement
gamma camera electronics, rather than dis- for interelement spacing and shielding, which
crete detector elements, to determine event is only approximately 0.2 to 0.3mm in practi-
locations. cal systems. For comparison, from fundamen-
In addition to increasing geometric effi- tal principles, the geometric efficiency of
ciency and improving its uniformity, multico- absorptive collimators is degraded approxi-
incidence detection with a ring or polygonal mately as the square of spatial resolution
array of detectors also allows simultaneous (Equation 14-8). This presents a formidable
acquisition of multiple projection views challenge for improving spatial resolution in
without moving the detectors. Suppose the imaging applications based on single-photon
ring consists of N individual detector ele- counting, including SPECT.
ments. When each detector in the ring or The benefits of multicoincidence operation
array is operated in coincidence with a bank extend as well to the third (axial) dimension
of detectors on the opposite side, as illustrated in multi-ring PET systems. This is discussed
in Figure 18-12, a total of N/2 fan-beam further in Section C.
projections are acquired. These fan-beam pro- As is the case for any imaging system, the
jections typically are arranged to form parallel- sensitivity of a PET system also depends
beam profiles, as illustrated in Figures 16-20 critically on the detection efficiency of the
and 18-2. However, as illustrated in Figure detector, which enters as a squared term
18-11, data from adjacent pairs of detector in Equation 18-6. As was discussed in Chapter
usually are assigned to the same projection 11, Section A.3, detection efficiency is given
profile, thereby decreasing the number of by
views to N/4.
The number of detectors that are enabled = 1 e x
l (18-10)
for multicoincidence detection determines the
width of the fan-beam projections and thus where l is the linear attenuation coefficient
the diameter of the useful FOV. Sources of the detector material and x is the detec
located within the circle illustrated in Figure tor thickness. Values of l for several detector
18-12 are seen in all projections. Once a materials of interest for PET are given in
source is included within the useful FOV, a Table 18-2. Also indicated are values of for
further increase in fan-beam width does not 2-cm-thick detectors of each material, without
increase the counts recorded from that source. a low-energy threshold and with an energy
Sources outside the circle are not seen in threshold that eliminates 50% of the detected
some views, which could be a cause of image pulses. Values for 2 in this table are useful
artifacts (see Chapter 16, Section C.2). Typical for calculating scanner sensitivity and ACD
PET systems operate with each detector in counting rates (Equation 18-6). These values
coincidence with approximately two-thirds illustrate why materials such as BGO, LSO,
the total number of detectors in the ring. and LYSO (Chapter 7, Section C.4) are pre-
Geometric efficiency varies somewhat ferred over NaI(Tl) for PET imaging.
across the useful FOV of the detector ring. In Overall sensitivities for PET systems for a
part, this is because the solid-angle for coin- small-volume source of activity located near
cidence detection changes with source posi- the center of the scanner range from 0.2%
tion. There also are geometric effects caused to 0.5% (0.002-0.005cps/Bq) for single-ring sys
by differences in angle of incidence of the tems or for multi-ring systems operated in
322 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

TABLE 18-2

Scintillator l(511keV) cm1 (2cm) 2 (2cm) 50 (2cm) 50

NaI(Tl) 0.34 0.49 0.24 0.25 0.061
BGO 0.95 0.85 0.72 0.43 0.18
LSO, LYSO 0.88 0.83 0.69 0.41 0.17
GSO 0.70 0.75 0.57 0.38 0.14
BaF2 0.44 0.58 0.34 0.29 0.086
*Efficiency values are for 2-cm thick crystals.

Detection efficiency (see Equation 18-10), assuming no low-energy threshold (all pulses counted).

Detection efficiency, assuming low-energy threshold is used, with 50% of pulses counted (f = 0.5 in Equation 11-4).

2-D acquisition mode (one slice per ring; events are called prompt coincidences. The
Section C.1). For multi-ring systems in which discussion and analysis presented thus far
coincidences between rings are allowed for 3-D assumes that all prompt coincidences arise
data acquisition (see Section C.2), the sensitiv- from a pair of photons produced from the
ity typically is 2% to 10% (0.02-0.10cps/Bq). same annihilation event and that the anni-
For comparison, the sensitivities for SPECT hilation event occurs somewhere within the
systems with a general-purpose parallel-hole coincidence volume between the detectors
collimator are in the range of 0.01% to 0.03% (see Fig. 18-1). These events are called true
(0.0001-0.0003cps/Bq), depending on the number coincidences. Equation 18-6 describes the
of detector heads (see Chapter 14, Section E.7). sensitivity of the system for these events.
The substantially greater sensitivity of PET However, other prompt coincidence events
versus SPECT systems is due primarily to also can occur within the resolving time of
their ability to achieve a high degree of spatial the detector system.
resolution without the use of absorptive Two examples are shown in Figure 18-13.
collimators. Random coincidences (also called accidental
coincidences) occur when annihilation photons
from two unrelated positron annihilation
9. Event Types in Annihilation events are detected in two different detectors,
Coincidence Detection within the coincidence timing window, and
ACD produces an output whenever two recorded as a single coincidence event. This
events are recorded within a specified coinci- can happen if one photon from each annihila-
dence timing window. Generically, any such tion event is detected in each detector element.

True coincidence Scatter coincidence Random coincidence

FIGURE 18-13 True coincidence event (left), scatter coincidence event (center), and random or accidental coincidence
(right). Scatter and accidental coincidences yield incorrect positional information and contribute a relatively uniform
background to the image that results in a loss of contrast. (Courtesy Dr. Magnus Dahlbom, University of California
Los Angeles.)
18 Positron Emission Tomography 323

Random coincidences are not rare events, In actual PET scanners, the ratio of
because the volume of tissue from which the random-to-true coincidence counting rates
photons for a random coincidence event could typically ranges from approximately 0.1 to 0.2
arise generally is much larger than the poten- for brain imaging to greater than 1 for appli-
tial volume for true coincidence events. cations where large amounts of activity may
The random coincidence counting rate in a be nearby, but outside the true coincidence
detector pair is given by volume of the scanner. The latter could apply,
for example, to some types of abdominal
Rrandom = T Rsingle,1 Rsingle,2 (18-11) imaging when large amounts of activity are
excreted into the bladder. Random coinci-
where T is the coincidence timing window dences occur more or less uniformly across
used by the system* and Rsingle,1 and Rsingle,2 the FOV of the scanner, causing a loss of
are the single-channel counting rates in the image contrast as well as inaccuracies in
two detectors of the pair. Unlike true coinci- quantification of activity within the patient.
dence events, which can occur only when the Methods for correcting for random coinci-
source is located within the volume that is dences are discussed in Section D.2.
geometrically defined by the sides of the A second category of nonvalid prompt
detector pair (see Fig. 18-1), random coinci- coincidences are scatter coincidences. These
dences can arise from activity anywhere in occur when one (or both) of the photons from
the region between the detectors, including an annihilation event outside the sensitive
activity outside the useful FOV for a ring or volume for true coincidence events under-
array of detectors. Thus the single and goes scattering and is detected in a detector
random coincidence counting rates depend in other than the one that would be appropri-
a complicated way on both the source and ate for a true coincidence event. The scatter-
detector geometry. A detailed analysis of these ing event shown in Figure 18-13 occurs
factors is beyond the scope of this text. Refer- within the patient, but it also can occur
ence 1 provides a more comprehensive analy- within components of the scanner. Because
sis. Nonetheless, some general observations the two annihilation photons were emitted
can be made. simultaneously, they reach the detectors vir-
In general, the greater the total amount of tually simultaneously, apart from small
activity used in a study, the higher the ratio time-of-flight differences (see Section A.2).
of random-to-true coincidence rates. This is Because these differences are very small, the
because the random coincidence rate increases detector system and its associated coinci-
as the square of the amount of activity present dence logic cannot typically distinguish them
(product of single-channel counting rates in from valid events.
Equation 18-11), whereas the true coincidence As is the case for the random-to-true coin-
rate increases only linearly with the amount cidence ratio, the ratio of scatter-to-true
of activity administered (Equation 18-6). A coincidence counting rates depends in a com-
second general observation is that the ratio of plicated way on the source distribution and
random-to-true coincidence rates decreases in detector geometry. Placement of lead shield-
proportion to the width of the coincidence ing on either side of the detector ring, or of
timing window. However, as noted in Sections thin tungsten septa between detector rings in
A.1 and A.2, there are lower limits for this a multi-ring PET system, reduces the likeli-
value, because of electronic and time-of-flight hood of accepting scattered photons. However,
considerations. Finally, a general way to unlike the random-to-true ratio, the scatter-
reduce the single-channel counting rate from to-true ratio does not depend on the amount
activity outside the true coincidence volume is of activity administered, because both the
to use tungsten septa to restrict the FOV of scatter and true coincidence rates increase
individual detectors (see Section B.3). In turn, linearly with this parameter. It also does not
this reduces the random coincidence rate. depend on the width of the coincidence timing
window because scatter coincidences arise
from the same positron annihilation event,
*The value of T used here refers to the time separation and the two photons actually do arrive almost
between any two events that is determined by the elec- simultaneously at the two detectors. In clini-
tronics to indicate a prompt coincidence event (see cal studies, the scatter-to-true coincidence
Chapter 8, Section F). This differs from the definitions
used in some articles and texts and leads to an additional
ratio ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 for brain imaging
factor of 2 in the version of Equation 18-11 in those and from 0.4 to 2 for abdominal imaging. The
publications. higher end of these ranges applies for 3-D
324 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

acquisitions, which do not use interplane The block detector, designed in the mid-
septa (see Section C.2). 1980s by Casey and Nutt,3 allows small detec-
Scatter coincidences provide incorrect tor elements to be used (improving spatial
localization of the positron annihilation event. resolution) while reducing the number of
The degree of position error depends on the PMTs required to read them out (controlling
scattering angle and location of the scatter cost). Figure 18-14 shows a typical block
event. Scatter coincidences lead to a broad detector. A large piece of scintillator (most
distribution of mispositioned events, gener- commonly BGO, LSO, or LYSO), is segmented
ally peaked toward the center of the object. into an array of many elements by making
Methods for minimizing the acceptance of partial cuts through the crystal with a fine
scattered photons and for correcting for resid- saw. The cuts between the elements are filled
ual scatter coincidences are discussed in with a reflective material that serves to reduce
Section D.3. and control optical cross-talk between scintil-
lator elements. The array of crystals is read
out by four individual PMTs. The depth of the
B. PET DETECTOR AND SCANNER saw cuts is determined empirically to control
DESIGNS the light distribution to the four PMTs in a
fairly linear fashion.
As discussed in Section A.6, detection effi- To determine the segment of the crystal in
ciency (Equation 18-10) is an important which an annihilation photon is detected, the
parameter in PET scanner sensitivity and per- signals from a four-PMT array are combined
formance. Sodium iodide detectors, which are as follows:
the workhorse for many nuclear medicine
applications, also have been used for PET ( PMTA + PMTB ) ( PMTC + PMTD )
scanners. Indeed, as discussed in Section B.3, PMTA + PMTB + PMTC + PMTD
it is possible to use appropriately modified
dual-headed SPECT systems for PET imaging. ( PMTA + PMTC ) ( PMTB + PMTD )
However, because of the relatively high energy PMTA + PMTB + PMTC + PMTD
of the 511-keV annihilation photons, sodium
iodide generally is not the detector material of (18-12)
choice for PET imaging. For these reasons,
most PET scanners use denser higher-Z scin- where PMTA, PMTB, and so forth are the
tillation detectors arranged in rings or banks signals from different PMTs. It will be recog-
of discrete elements around the scanned object. nized that these are essentially identical to
These systems not only provide a high detec- Equations 13-1 and 13-2 for position localiza-
tion efficiency but they allow the simultaneous tion for an Anger camera, except that only
collection of data for all projection angles with four PMTs are used here. The X and Y signals
a completely stationary set of detectors. In this then are used to determine the subelement of
section, we discuss the design of modern PET the array in which the annihilation photon
detector systems and scanners. Reference 2 is was detected.
a useful review describing emerging detector Figure 18-15 shows the image obtained
technologies for PET. from uniform irradiation of a block detector.
The image is not uniform. Rather, the calcu-
lated locations for recorded events are clus-
1. Block Detectors tered in small localized areas corresponding
Early PET systems used individual detector to the individual detector elements. There is
units consisting of a piece of scintillator a small amount of overlap, but the individual
coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The elements are clearly resolved. Although the
individual detectors were arranged in a ring array pattern is nonlinear, the separation is
or in multiple rings around the subject. As sufficiently clear to allow each (x,y) location
illustrated in Figure 18-4, the response profile in the image to be assigned to a specific detec-
at midplane of a pair of coincidence detectors tor element in the array, for example, by using
is a triangle with FWHM equal to one half the a look-up table.
width of the detector. Thus to improve The major advantage of the block detector
the intrinsic resolution of a PET scanner, the is that it enables many detector elements
detectors must be made smaller. However, (e.g., 8 8 = 64) to be decoded using only four
the cost increases rapidly if each detector PMTs. This dramatically lowers the cost per
element requires its own PMT. detector element while providing high spatial
18 Positron Emission Tomography 325

Segmented block of BGO

or LSO scintillator

Reflector material
packed in saw cuts

Four single-channel
photomultiplier tubes


FIGURE 18-14 Block detector commonly used in clinical PET scanners. A piece of BGO or LSO scintillator is cut into
an array of smaller elements that are read out using four single-channel photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The cuts in
the material are filled with an opaque reflective material that, along with the depths of the cuts, helps control the
distribution of scintillation light reaching the PMTs.

resolution. Typical block detectors are made

from 20- to 30-mm-thick BGO, LSO, or LYSO
scintillator crystals (see Chapter 7, Section
C.4), with 4- to 6-mm-wide sub-elements.
2. Modified Block Detectors
Two important modifications have been made
to the basic design of the block detector. The
first is to use proportionately larger PMTs
positioned so they overlap portions of adja-
cent blocks (Fig. 18-16). Thus each block still
is monitored by four PMTs, but each PMT also
monitors the corners of four different blocks.
This approach, known as quadrant sharing,
reduces the total number of PMTs required
for the array by approximately a factor of four
as compared with the basic block design
described in the preceding section. (The actual
reduction is slightly smaller, as a result of
edge effects.)
FIGURE 18-15 Flood-field image obtained by uniformly
irradiating a block detector with 511-keV annihilation Quadrant sharing is used to create large
photons. Individual block detector elements appear as planar detector panels that can be combined
distinct blobs in the image, allowing separation of in hexagonal or other polygonal arrangements
events recorded within individual detector elements. in a PET system. These detector panels closely
resemble a standard gamma camera detector
326 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

Standard block detector

Quadrant sharing detector

FIGURE 18-16 Right, Quadrant-sharing detector, in which each scintillator block straddles the corners of four photo-
multiplier tubes (PMTs). This allows larger PMTs to be used as compared to a standard block detector (left). For large
panels, this leads to almost a fourfold reduction in the number of PMTs required to read out a given number of scintil-
lator elements.

(Chapter 13, Section B), with the continuous the overall detector performance is slightly
scintillator plate replaced by an array of dis- degraded as compared with a detector of the
crete scintillator elements. Although this same dimensions made purely from LSO. The
approach reduces the cost per detector phoswich design also can be combined with
element of a PET system (by reducing the the quadrant-sharing approach.
number of PMTs and electronic channels
required compared with a block detector), it 3. Whole-Body PET Systems
has the disadvantage of higher dead time Figure 18-18 illustrates several different
losses, because each PMT views signals from whole-body PET scanner designs that have
a larger volume of scintillator. been developed, some using block detectors
The second modification of the basic block comprising discrete scintillator elements as
detector design is to use layers of two differ- introduced previously (A, B, C) and others
ent scintillator materials, creating what is that use continuous large-area gamma camera
known as a phoswich (Fig. 18-17). This approach detectors (D, E, F). Systems that use a sta-
makes use of the difference in decay times of tionary ring or polygonal array of detectors (A,
the two scintillators. By monitoring the decay C, E, and F), with the detectors operating in
time of the pulse, the event can be localized multicoincidence mode, can acquire data for
into either the upper or lower layer. For all projection angles simultaneously and these
example, combinations of LSO (decay time designs have been the basis for most commer-
~40nsec) and GSO (decay time ~60nsec) cial systems. Others (B, D) use only a few
scintillators can be used. Because the location opposing banks of detectors, which must be
of photon interaction can be determined to rotated to get full tomographic information.
within half the total scintillator thickness, Most PET systems use a ring diameter of 80
this reduces the DOI effects (described in to 90cm. After inserting scatter shielding and
Section A.5) by approximately a factor of 2. a shroud to cover the detectors and other com-
The disadvantage of this approach is that ponents, the clear bore of the scanner typically
manufacturing of the detectors is more is 55 to 60cm, which is sufficient to comfort-
involved and that the light output and stop- ably accommodate most patients. The FOV in
ping power of GSO are worse than LSO. Thus the axial direction is determined by the axial
Scintillator 1

Scintillator 2


Four single-channel
photomultiplier tubes

FIGURE 18-17 Phoswich detector constructed from two scintillator materials with different decay times. By analyzing
pulse decay time, an event can be assigned to either the upper or lower layer, reducing the effective thickness of the
detector by one half and providing some depth of interaction information.


FIGURE 18-18 PET scanner geometries based on discrete scintillator elements (top row) or continuous scintillator
plates (bottom row). A, Full ring of modular block detectors. B, Partial ring of modular block detectors. C, Hexagonal
array of quadrant-sharing panel detectors. D, Dual-headed gamma camera with coincidence circuitry. E, Hexagonal
array of gamma camera detectors. F, Continuous detectors using curved plates of NaI(Tl). A complete set of profiles
can be acquired without motion with systems shown in A. C, E, and F, whereas detector motion is required with systems
shown in B and D.
328 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

extent of the detectors and typically is in the (thickness). The inside diameter of the detec-
range of 15 to 40cm. tor ring is 92.7cm and the clear bore of the
Figure 18-19 shows schematically the design of scanner is 59cm. The 18 crystals (three rings
a representative whole-body PET scanner based of three blocks) in the axial direction cover an
on block detectors. This scanner employs 336 axial FOV of 15.2cm. The gantry can be tilted
BGO block detectors, arranged in three rings 20 degrees from the vertical, which can
of 112 blocks per ring.4 Each block is cut into be useful for aligning the scan planes with the
a 6 6 array of elements, with element sizes optimal viewing angle for an organ of interest.
of 4mm (transaxial) 8.1mm (axial) 30mm The system contains a set of tungsten interplane

BGO block Patient

detector bore


68Ge rod

Lead end


15.2 cm
68Ge rod
BGO block

59 cm

92.7 cm

~120 cm

FIGURE 18-19 Drawings showing transaxial (top) and axial (bottom) cross-sections through a representative whole-
body PET scanner.
18 Positron Emission Tomography 329

septa of 1-mm thickness and 12-cm length direction and uses the scintillator LYSO. Its
between the crystal rings. The septa can design and performance capabilities are
be extended or retracted to provide varying broadly similar to those of the scanner des
levels of scatter rejection, as described in more cribed previously. The trend in recent years
detail in Section C.2. They also provide shield- has been to improve spatial resolution by
ing from potential high concentrations of further reducing the dimensions of the detec-
activity outside the scanning volume of inter- tor elements (4mm 4mm is current state-
est, which helps control the random and of-the-art), and to increase the number of
scatter coincidence rates, as described in detectors along the axial direction to improve
Section A.9. axial coverage of the body, increase sensitivity
The scanner also incorporates a rod source and thus reduce imaging times for studies
made from 68Ge (T1/2 = 273 days) to perform that cover the whole body. A second trend has
transmission scans for attenuation correc- been to improve the detectors and electronics
tions. The source is permanently mounted in to provide sufficient timing resolution that
the system and is retracted into a lead shield time-of-flight information (see Section A.2)
when not in use. This is discussed further in can be extracted. Commercial systems with a
Section D.4. Typically, the system uses a coin- coincidence timing resolution of better than
cidence timing window of 12.5 nanoseconds 600 psecs (corresponding to a spatial localiza-
and an energy window of 300 to 650keV. The tion of ~9cm) are now available.
intrinsic spatial resolution of the detectors is Gamma camera technology similar to that
approximately 3mm, whereas the system used for conventional planar imaging and
resolution is approximately 4.5mm near the SPECT (see Chapters 13, 14, and 17) also has
center of the FOV and approximately 6.2mm been employed for PET imaging. In one
near the periphery of the scanner bore, the approach, coincidence timing circuitry has
difference being due primarily to DOI effects been installed between the heads of dual-
(see Section A.5). The axial (slice thickness) headed scanners and the collimators removed
resolution is approximately 4.2mm at the for PET imaging. The spatial localization pro-
center of the scanner, whereas near the periph- vided by the detector heads allows many coin-
ery of the FOV, approximately 20-cm distance cidence lines to be acquired simultaneously.
axially from the center, it is approximately The basic concept is illustrated in Figure
6.9mm. The scanner simultaneously acquires 18-18D. These systems can still be used for
data for 35 slices, separated center-to-center planar or SPECT imaging, by replacing the
by 4.25mm, in 2-D acquisition mode. In 3-D collimators.
acquisition mode (see Section C.2), the number The performance of standard gamma
of slices and slice thickness in the axial direc- cameras for PET suffers from a number of
tion can be chosen arbitrarily. limitations. Chief among these is the rela-
Figure 18-20 shows photographs for tively low detection efficiency of the camera
another whole-body PET scanner, which is detectors for 511-keV annihilation photons
described in reference 5. This system has (see Figs. 11-4 and 11-5). As well, although
smaller detector dimensions in the axial removing the collimator allows simultaneous

FIGURE 18-20 A, Modular cassette from a PET scanner containing eight block detectors. These cassettes are mounted
on the PET scanner gantry to form complete rings of detector blocks that surround the patient. B, Clinical PET scanner
based on rings of these block detectors. (Courtesy GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI.)
330 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

data acquisition for many projection angles,

the resulting high counting rates can lead to 4. Specialized PET Scanners
significant dead time losses and pile-up Specialized PET systems also have been devel-
effects. An event detected anywhere in the oped for high-resolution brain imaging and for
detector can affect all other events detected breast imaging. These systems have smaller-
at the same time. By contrast, dedicated PET diameter detector rings or arrays for improved
systems use blocks of detectors that operate geometric efficiency. They also generally have
essentially independently from each other. smaller detector elements for higher spatial
Random and scatter coincidence rates, both of resolution. Figure 18-21 shows a scanner
which increase with the geometric efficiency designed for brain imaging that incorporates
for detecting events outside the true- 2.1-mm 2.1-mm dimension scintillator elements
coincidence volume (see Section A.9), also in a phoswich configuration (Fig. 18-17) to
tend to be high when the collimators are limit DOI degradation of spatial resolution.6
removed from the camera heads. The detectors are based on the quadrant
Some manufacturers addressed these limi- sharing design (Fig. 18-16) and eight detector
tations by incorporating thicker NaI(Tl) panels are arranged in an octagonal configura-
crystals (up to 2.5cm) into systems intended tion around the head. The reconstructed
for PET usage, and by employing more spatial resolution of images from this system
sophisticated circuitry in their gamma is ~2.5mm, superior to the 4- to 6-mm resolu-
cameras to minimize dead time and suppress tion that can be obtained on whole-body PET
pile-up effects (see Chapter 14, Section A.4). systems. Blurring caused by noncolinearity is
Other manufacturers have developed gamma reduced, as the detector separation in this
camera detectors specifically for use in PET. brain imaging system is only 47cm.
One such scanner used six curved gamma Figure 18-22 shows an example of a PET
camera detector plates, arranged in a ring system developed for breast imaging.7 This
around the object (Fig. 18-18F ). At the system uses two scanning detector panels
present time, PET scanners based on con- (area 16.4cm 6cm) to image the breast
tinuous gamma camera detectors are not under mild compression. With scanning
widely used. motion, the FOV can be adjusted up to 16.4cm
PET systems have been integrated with 24cm. The system uses LYSO scintillator
x-ray computed tomography (CT) technology elements with dimensions of 2mm 2mm
to create combined PET/CT scanners in a 13mm and these are read out using position-
single gantry. Almost all PET scanners sold sensitive PMTs. Not all projection angles are
today are combined with CT. These multi measured, as the detectors do not rotate about
modality systems are discussed in Chapter 19. the breast. However, as all points on one

FIGURE 18-21 A, Photograph of a high-resolution brain imaging system. B, Interior of the scanner, showing the eight
panels of detectors arranged in an octagonal geometry that are made up of phoswich detectors read out by photo
multiplier tubes in a quadrant-sharing configuration. C, Phantom images from this system (right) compared with those
obtained from a typical whole-body PET scanner (left). The improvement in spatial resolution arising from the smaller
detector dimensions is apparent. (Courtesy Dr. Adriaan Lammertsma VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
and Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, TN.)
18 Positron Emission Tomography 331

also has additional constraints because of

positron physics and the DOI effects discussed
in Sections A.4 and A.5. Fortunately, for small
diameter systems, the blurring caused by
noncolinearity (see Section A.4) is signifi-
cantly reduced compared with whole-body
clinical scanners. For a scanner with a 15-cm
detector separation, this blurring is only
Most small-animal PET scanners use small
scintillator elements decoded with position-
sensitive or multichannel PMTs. The dimen-
sions of the scintillator elements are typically
on the order of 1 to 2mm to achieve high spatial
resolution. To avoid major DOI blurring, most
systems only use a thickness of 10 to 15mm
of scintillator, and keep the ring diameter
quite large (12 to 20cm) compared with
the size of the subject. Despite this, good sen-
sitivity can be obtained, as high geometric
efficiency can be achieved with relatively
small amounts of detector material and the
FOV required to cover the animal is quite
FIGURE 18-22 A PET system designed for breast A typical small-animal PET scanner based
imaging. Two detector panels scan back and forth to
acquire an image of the breast under mild compression.
on such technology is shown in Figure 18-23.
(Courtesy Naviscan Inc., San Diego, CA.) The detector in this system consists of a block
of LSO scintillator segmented into 1.5-mm

detector are in coincidence with all points on

the opposing detector, there is sufficient
angular information for approximate tomo-
graphic reconstruction using iterative recon-
struction algorithms. The spatial resolution
achievable with such systems is on the order
of 2 to 2.5mm for image planes parallel to the
detector plates. In addition to improving geo-
metric efficiency, the cost of dedicated breast
PET systems is lower compared with whole-
body scanners, because the volume of detector
material is much smaller. Attenuation effects
also are reduced, as the annihilation photons
only need traverse the breast tissue, and not
the entire cross-section of the body, for
5. Small-Animal PET Scanners
PET scanners that are designed for small-
animal imaging studies also are available.
These are typically being used to evaluate
and optimize new diagnostic and therapeutic
agents destined for human use. The challenge
is to obtain sufficiently high spatial resolution
and sensitivity for imaging in mice and rats.
Unlike SPECT imaging of small animals with
FIGURE 18-23 A PET scanner designed specifically for
pinhole collimators (Chapter 17, Section A.4), small-animal imaging. Such systems can achieve a
PET cannot readily improve the image resolu- spatial resolution on the order of 1.5mm. (Courtesy
tion through magnification techniques, and Siemens Preclinical Solutions, Knoxville, TN.)
332 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

1.5-mm 10-mm elements in a 20 20 matrix, With slight or no modification of the lengths

and read out by a position-sensitive PMT, of the septa, PET scanners also can acquire
which has six anodes in the X-direction and data from immediately adjacent rings, as
six anodes in the Y-direction. The scanner shown in Figure 18-24, B. These are known
uses 64 of these detector blocks arranged in as cross planes. At the center of the scanner,
four rings of 16 detector blocks per ring. The the cross planes fall exactly halfway between
transaxial FOV of the system is 10cm and the direct planes that are defined by indi-
the axial FOV is 12.7cm. The system oper- vidual crystal rings. For purposes of analysis,
ates exclusively in 3-D acquisition mode (see the cross-plane data can be assumed to have
Section C.2). The reconstructed spatial reso- been acquired with a virtual ring of detectors
lution of this system is approximately 1.4mm, shifted by half the detector width along the
and the sensitivity is 7.4% for an energy axial direction relative to the direct planes.
window of 250-750keV.8 For a scanner with n detector rings, this leads
Some small-animal PET systems incorpo- to a total of (2n 1) image planes in the axial
rate alternative detector technologies. Suc- direction. Because the cross planes receive
cessful devices have been constructed based data from two different lines of response, they
on avalanche photodiode detectors (Chapter 7, have roughly twice the sensitivity (and there-
Section C.3), multiwire proportional chamber fore twice the counting rates) as the direct
detectors with high-density converters to planes. They also are x-shaped, but the
improve the efficiency of these detectors for amount of this distortion is too small to have
511-keV photons (Chapter 7, Section A.3), or a practical effect, except at the periphery of
direct detection using the semiconductor the FOV, where it leads to additional blurring
cadmium zinc telluride (Chapter 7, Section B). in the axial direction.
A review of selected small-animal PET tech- Cross-plane data are reconstructed in the
nology is presented in references 9 and 10. same manner as direct-plane data. In PET
scanners with very small detector elements,
the number of cross planes can be increased
even further to include crystal ring differ-
C. DATA ACQUISITION FOR PET ences of 2, 3, and so forth (Fig. 18-24C).
As larger ring differences are accepted, the
1. Two-Dimensional Data Acquisition sensitivity increases; however, there is a loss
Originally, most PET scanners were designed of spatial resolution in the axial direction,
with axial collimators or septa between each because of the superposition of data that come
ring of detectors (see Fig. 18-19). As shown in from axially disparate locations.
Figure 18-24A, the septa allow only those
photons that are emitted parallel to the plane 2. Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition
of the detector ring to be detected. This is Multi-slice 2-D data acquisition as described
known as 2-D data acquisition. The septa earlier rejects any photons that have an obliq-
provide efficient rejection of annihilation uity of more than the maximum accepted ring
photons that have been scattered in the body. difference (typically 2 or 3 rings). This is
They also reduce the single-channel counting very wasteful because the annihilation
rate, thereby lowering the random coinci- photons from many potentially valid coinci-
dence rate (Equation 18-11) and minimizing dence events are absorbed by the septa. In
dead time losses. 3-D acquisition mode, the interplane septa
Because each crystal ring collects data are removed from the PET scanner and data
from a single slice (oblique lines of response are obtained for all possible lines of response,
are not allowed because of the septa), 2-D as shown in Figure 18-24D. Typically, this
projection data are analogous to the data leads to a fourfold to eightfold improvement
obtained with a rotating gamma camera in sensitivity; however, the number of scat-
with a parallel-hole collimator used for tered photons and the single-channel count-
SPECT imaging. Thus the images can be ing rates also are increased. In brain scans
reconstructed using filtered backprojection using 3-D acquisition mode, 30% to 40% of the
(Chapter 16, Section B) or iterative approaches detected photons will have been scattered in
(Chapter 16, Section D). Using a scanner that the head prior to reaching the detectors. The
employs multiple detector rings, one obtains axial sensitivity profile for 3-D acquisition is
a series of contiguous 2-D transaxial image determined geometrically and is a triangular
planes that can be stacked together to form function, peaked at the center of the FOV.
an image volume. In 3-D mode, it is important to place the
18 Positron Emission Tomography 333

2-D direct planes only   0 Sensitivity

2-D direct and cross planes   /1

2-D high sensitivity   /3

3-D data acquisition

FIGURE 18-24 Two-dimensional (2-D) and 3-D data acquisition schemes for PET. Axial cross-sections through a multi-
ring scanner are shown on the left and corresponding axial sensitivity profiles on the right. A, 2-D direct plane data
acquisition. B, 2-D direct and cross-plane data acquisition. C, 2-D high-sensitivity data acquisition. D, Full 3-D data
acquisition. For clarity, lines of response are shown only for selected axial positions in C and D.
334 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

structures of interest as close to the center of compared with Equation 18-9, this adds
the axial FOV as possible. Multi-ring PET another factor of 2 to the sensitivity at the
systems have relatively high overall sensitiv- center of the FOV. The final result is
ity, as shown by the following example.
EXAMPLE 18-2 Sensitivity 3D 32 2 0.18 0.00409

Consider a 32-ring PET scanner with BGO 0.047 = 4.7%
detector elements that are 6-mm-wide 6-mm
axial height 2-cm-thick. The crystals are For an extended source, for example, a line
tightly packed on a 73.3-cm-diameter ring, source that has length comparable to the total
such that each ring contains 384 crystals. In thickness of the 32-ring array, the average
single-slice mode, each ring is operated in sensitivity of the scanner across the axial
coincidence only with other detector elements FOV is given by Equation 18-9, and the 3-D
within the same ring. In 3-D acquisition result given previously would be reduced by
mode, each ring is operated in coincidence a factor of 2.
with all other rings. Estimate the sensitivity
for a source located at the center of scanner The estimated sensitivity in Example 18-2
bore for single-slice and 3-D modes. Assume for 3-D operation is 2-3 orders of magnitude
that the source is comparable in size to the greater than the sensitivity achieved with a
axial length of the detector crystals, and that gamma camera for single-photon imaging
a low-energy threshold that passes 50% of with absorptive collimation (see Chapter 14,
detected events is used. Section E.7). Note as well that the additional
rings extend the volume of coverage, so that
Answer a volume of tissue can be imaged in less time
For a small-volume source, comparable in size with a multi-ring scanner, as compared with
to the axial thickness of a single detector ring, a single-ring device.
Equation 18-9 applies. For such a source, the Reconstruction of 3-D PET data also is
average geometric efficiency at the center of more complex, because the projection data
a single-ring is arises not only from transverse slices used
for 2-D reconstruction, but also from many
1 6 mm oblique angles through the subject. Thus the
g RING 0.00409 = 0.409% full 3-D image volume must be considered
2 733 mm during the reconstruction process. Fully 3-D
Fourier-based and iterative reconstruction
From Table 18-2, the intrinsic efficiency algorithms are both available; however, com-
(squared) for coincidence detection with putation times are roughly an order of mag-
2-cm-thick BGO crystals and an energy nitude longer than for 2-D reconstructions,
threshold that passes 50% of detected pulses because they involve backprojections and
is 0.18. When combined with geometric effi- computations in three dimensions rather
ciency (Equation 18-6), this gives a total than two. Approximate 3-D reconstruction
detection efficiency (sensitivity) for single- algorithms have been developed in which the
slice acquisition of 3-D dataset is reduced to a 2-D dataset using
rebinning methods (see Chapter 16, Section
E.3). In many situations, any loss in accuracy
Sensitivity RING 0.18 0.00409
resulting from the approximations made in
0.00074 = 0.074% these algorithms is small when compared
with the benefit of enabling 3-D PET data
In 3-D mode, all 32 rings are operated in to be reconstructed in clinically acceptable
coincidence with each other (Fig. 18-24D). timeframes.
Because of the increased solid-angle of cover- Despite the increased computational and
age, this immediately increases the geometric data storage requirements for 3-D PET, the
efficiency for a source located at the center of large increases in sensitivity that it produces
the axial FOV by approximately a factor of 32 has resulted in it being offered as an option on
(ignoring small geometric effects). As well, a all commercial whole-body PET systems. In
small-volume source at the center of the axial some systems, interplane septa have been
FOV more closely approximates a true point completely eliminated and only 3-D acquisi-
source, for which Equation 18-8 applies. As tion is possible. All small-animal and breast
18 Positron Emission Tomography 335

imaging systems currently operate in 3-D

mode. Reference 11 provides further details D. DATA CORRECTIONS AND
on 3-D data acquisition and reconstruction in QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF PET
One goal of tomographic imaging is that the
intensity of the reconstructed image should
be proportional to the amount or concentra-
3. Data Acquisition for Dynamic tion of activity at the corresponding location
Studies and Whole-Body Scans in the object. This is desirable for accurate
PET scanners having detectors that surround comparisons of activity levels in different
the patient can acquire profiles simultane- organs or in diseased versus normal tissues.
ously for all of the projection angles required It is essential for some types of dynamic
for reconstruction. This allows dynamic studies (see Chapter 21). A number of correc-
studies to be performed with frame times of tions are required to achieve this goal in
just a few seconds. For a dynamic scan, the SPECT, as described in Chapter 17, Section
number of time frames required and the B. In this section, we describe similar correc-
length of each frame typically are entered tions that are needed in PET.
into the computer. The scan starts as the
tracer is being injected and the location to
which the data are sent in the computer 1. Normalization
memory is incremented at the end of each PET scanners that are based on gamma
frame. camera detectors require corrections for non-
Some systems allow what is called list- linearity and nonuniformity similar to those
mode acquisition. In this mode, each coinci- that are employed in SPECT (see Chapter 17,
dence event is written sequentially to a Section C.4). Inaccurate correction of these
computer disk, along with a time stamp that factors can lead to rings or other artifacts in
indicates when the even occurred. After the reconstructed images.
scan is completed, the result is a single file A typical PET scanner may have 10,000 to
with a list of coincidence events in the order 20,000 individual detector elements, which
that they were received. The events in this may have small variations in dimensions or
list can then be integrated over any time in the fraction of scintillation light that is
interval, allowing the number and duration of coupled to the PMTs. There also may be dif-
frames to be chosen and altered as necessary, ferences in the effective thickness of crystal
after a scan has been completed. For example, seen by photons traveling along different
this may allow the elimination of segments of angles of incidence for different cross planes.
data where a patient moved. Correction for these variations is known as
Once the projection data have been orga- normalization.
nized into frames, each corresponding to a Conceptually, the most straightforward
certain time interval, the frames are individ- approach to normalization would be to record
ually reconstructed into tomographic images the number of counts detected by each coinci-
using the methods described in Chapter 16. dence detector pair while exposing all pairs to
In many studies, the dynamics of tracer deliv- the same radiation source. This could be
ery, accumulation, and clearance are impor- accomplished, for example, using a rod source
tant indicators of tissue function. The data that extends through the axial FOV and
often are analyzed using mathematical models rotating it around the periphery of the FOV
described in Chapter 21. (see Fig. 18-19). (This could be the same
Whole-body studies are performed by source that is used for attenuation correction,
translating the patient through the scanner described in Section D.4.) One revolution of
and acquiring data at multiple axial loca- the rod source around the FOV would expose
tions. This is achieved by using a computer- all detector pairs to the same number of anni-
controlled bed. In 3-D PET, to improve the hilation photon pairs.
uniformity in sensitivity along the axial In an ideal scanner, each detector pair (i,j)
direction, bed positions are typically over- would record the same number of counts
lapped by 1/4 or 1/3 of the axial FOV. The N (within statistical limits) in the rod source
data from different bed positions then are scan. In practice, some detector pairs
stitched together to form a single whole- record more counts and some record less
body image. counts because of efficiency variations. The
336 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

normalization factor for a specific pair of the end of each clock cycle (typically 256
detectors is computed from nanoseconds), the computer checks to see if
any events have occurred, and if so, whether
N i, j they occurred with arrival times within T
Normi, j = (18-13)
<N> nanoseconds of each other, where T is width
of the coincidence timing window (typically 4
where <N> is the average value of N(i,j) for to 12 nanoseconds). If two photons arrive
all of the coincidence detector pairs in the within this time interval, they are recorded
scanner. Hence, the average normalization as a valid event and the appropriate memory
factor is equal to 1. location corresponding to that particular
The normalization factor then is used to detector pair is incremented by +1.
correct the counts recorded for each detector An estimate of the random coincidence rate
pair in a scan of a patient, C(i,j), as follows: can be obtained by delaying the coincidence
timing window by a time that is much greater
Ci, j than its width. For example, the coincidence
CNormi, j = (18-14) timing window might be delayed by 64 nano-
Normi, j
seconds, for example, from 64 to 76 nano
where CNormi,j are the corrected counts. This seconds for a 12-nanosecond window. With this
correction is applied to the projection (sino- amount of time delay, only events that have
gram) data prior to image reconstruction. arrival times separated by between 64 and 76
Statistical errors caused by the finite nanoseconds are accepted. No true (or scat-
number of counts in the normalization scan tered) prompt coincidences will be detected in
will increase the noise levels in the corrected the delayed window, because photons from the
data, which is undesirable. In 3-D mode, PET same decay will always arrive at the detectors
scanners can have on the order of 108 lines of within a few nanoseconds of each other.
response. To achieve a statistical uncertainty However, the rate of random coincidences will
of ~3% in the normalization factor would be the same in the delayed and undelayed
therefore require a normalization scan with a windows because the rate at which uncorre-
total of approximately 1000 108 = 1011 counts. lated photons strike the detector is the same
Even at relatively high total counting rates of for both windows. Thus the delayed window
approximately 500,000cps, this would require count provides an estimate of the number of
approximately 55 hours of scanning time. random coincidence events. This number is
Thus the straightforward approach outlined subtracted from the total number of coinci-
previously must be modified to reduce the dence events for the detector pair. The correc-
number of counts required without increasing tion occurs on-line in most PET systems and
statistical noise. Most of the modified methods usually is transparent to the user.
are based on computing the efficiencies of the The events recorded in the delayed window
individual detector elements (rather than all are not the same ones as are recorded in
possible detector pairs) and then combining the undelayed window. Rather, the delayed
them to estimate the efficiency of the detector window provides a separate and independent
pairs. Details of these methods are beyond measure of the random event rate. Subtract-
the scope of this text but are discussed in ing the number of random events recorded in
reference 12. the delayed window results in an increase in
the statistical noise level for the measure-
2. Correction for Random Coincidences ment (see Chapter 9, Section C.1). Specifi-
As discussed in Section A.9, random coinci- cally, if Ntrue is the number of true coincidence
dences add a relatively uniform background events recorded, Nscatter the number of scatter
across the reconstructed image, suppressing coincidences, and Nrandom is the number of
contrast and distorting the relationship random coincidences subtracted from the
between image intensity and the actual total, the uncertainty in the remaining (true
amount of activity in the image. There are two plus scatter) coincidences is
approaches to estimating the random coinci-
dences so that they can be subtracted from the ( Ntrue + Nscatter ) = ( Ntrue + Nscatter ) + (2 Nrandom)
measured projection data: the delayed window
method and the singles method. (18-15)
In most PET scanners, the arrival time of
each photon is recorded and tagged with an Thus even if accurate corrections can be
accuracy of approximately 2 nanoseconds. At made, the random coincidence rate should be
18 Positron Emission Tomography 337

minimized to avoid unduly increasing the sta- It is not possible to distinguish between
tistical noise level of the image. scatter events in the body versus scatter
The second method for estimation of events in the detector crystal on the basis of
random coincidences is based on Equation pulse amplitude. Therefore simple correction
18-11. If the rate at which single (not coinci- schemes based on dual-energy windows are
dence) events occur in each detector is mea- far less successful in PET imaging than in
sured, and the coincidence timing window T SPECT imaging. Two main approaches cur-
is known, then the rate of random coinci- rently are used for scatter correction in PET.
dences for any pair of detectors can be com- The first approach uses information from the
puted. Because the rate of single events is original scatter-contaminated image and
typically at least an order of magnitude higher transmission image (see Section D.4) to derive
than the rate of coincidence events, the sta- the correction. The emission image shows the
tistical noise level in the estimate of the distribution of the activity in the subject. The
number of random events is small in compari- transmission image reflects the attenuation
son with that in the measurement of the coefficient of the tissue. At 511keV, virtually
number of prompt coincidences, and the all attenuation is due to Compton scatter.
uncertainty in the remaining coincidences Using these two images and computer model-
after random coincidences have been sub- ing of photon interaction physics (see Chapter
tracted is given by 6, Section C.3) with some simplifying assump-
tions, it is possible to derive an estimate of
( N true + Nscatter ) N true + Nscatter + N random the underlying distribution of scattered
events and their contribution to individual
(18-16) profiles. The estimated contribution of scat-
tered radiation then is subtracted from the
This method requires that each detector projection profiles and the reconstruction is
module continuously monitors the rate at repeated with the scatter-corrected data.
which it is detecting single events. As described in Chapter 19, Section E, with
the advent of hybrid PET/CT scanners, the
3. Correction for Scattered Radiation scatter distribution also can be computed
Scattered radiation in PET imaging leads to from the registered CT images, in which the
a hazy background in the reconstructed CT image is used in place of a PET transmis-
images, generally more concentrated toward sion image. This method works very well
the center of the image. As with random coin- when all the sources of radioactivity that
cidences, this leads to a decrease in image could lead to detected scatter events are con-
contrast and to errors in the quantitative tained within the FOV of the scanner. When
relationship between image intensity and the large amounts of activity are just outside the
amount of activity in the object. The fraction FOV of the scanner, problems can arise.
of scattered events in PET can be very high, Another drawback of this approach is that it
especially in 3-D imaging of the abdomen, is computationally intensive.
where it may be as high as 60% to 70%. This A second method for scatter correction is
large value has three major causes. First, based on an examination of projection profiles
only one of the two annihilation photons immediately outside the object. After correct-
needs to be scattered for a scatter coincidence ing for random coincidences, the only events
to occur. Second, the energy resolution of PET that should fall into these projection elements
detectors using dense scintillators such as are those that are mispositioned because of
BGO and LSO is inferior to NaI(Tl) detectors scatter. Based on the premise that scatter is
because of their lower light output. This a low-frequency phenomenon with little struc-
requires the use of a wider pulse-height ana- ture, data from the tails of the projection
lyzer window to capture the photopeak events. profiles can be extrapolated using simple
Finally, the predominant mode of interaction smoothly varying functions across the entire
in scintillators at 511keV is Compton scatter- projection. Both gaussian and cosine func-
ing, and many unscattered annihilation tions have been used for this purpose. The
photons deposit less than 511keV of energy extrapolated scatter distribution then is sub-
in the detector. Thus to increase the detection tracted from the projections prior to image
efficiency for photons that undergo Compton reconstruction. This method is rapid and,
scattering in the crystal, the analyzer window because it involves a direct measurement of
is widened even further to capture these scatter levels, it accounts for scatter from
events. radioactivity outside the FOV. However, it can
338 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

only approximate the true scatter distribu- measurement, called the blank scan, is made
tion and, in situations in which the scatter without the subject in the scanner. The subject
distribution is complex, or when the object then is placed in the scanner and the mea-
fills the whole FOV with no portion of the surement is repeated. This is known as
profile to examine outside the object, the the transmission scan. The attenuation
technique may result in significant errors. correction factor A for a detector pair (i,j) is
These can range from a few percent for brain given by
imaging to tens of percent at the heart-lung
interface. Blanki, j
Ai, j = (18-18)
Transi, j
4. Attenuation Correction
Attenuation correction is by far the largest where Blanki,j and Transi,j are the counts in
single correction in PET. Fortunately, the cor- the blank and transmission scans for the
rection is relatively easy to derive. Consider detector pair.
a source located at a depth x inside an object To obtain transmission data for all coinci-
of thickness T as shown in Figure 18-25. Both dence detector pairs, it is necessary to scan
of the photons from an annihilation event in the transmission source around the scanning
the source must be detected to record a valid volume for both the blank and transmission
event. Assuming that they are emitted in scans. Typically, a rod source, with its length
the appropriate directions, the probability extending along the axis of the scanner, is
that both photons will reach the detector is placed in a holder near the surface of the
given by the product of their individual scanner bore, and the holder rotates around
probabilities the central axis so that data are acquired for
all pairs. The most commonly used source
Pdet = e x e (T x ) material is 68Ge (parent of 68Ga, T1/2 = 273
(18-17) days). The blank scan needs to be performed
= e T
only once a day because it remains constant
where is the linear attenuation coefficient over a period that is short compared with
of tissue at 511keV and is approximately the half-life of the radionuclide in the
0.095cm1 for soft tissue, 0.12 to 0.14cm1 for rod source. The transmission scan is per-
bone, and 0.03 to 0.04cm1 for lung. Note that formed prior to injecting the patient with
the probability that both photons will reach the radiotracer. It is important that the
the detector is independent of the source loca- patient not move between the transmission
tion along the line joining the two detectors. and emission scan. Otherwise serious arti-
Equation 18-17 is similar to Equation 17-5 facts can occur, including the appearance of
for the geometric mean in SPECT, except that areas of abnormally high or low radiotracer
it applies for all source distributions, whereas uptake.
the geometric mean equation applies only for Conceptually, the simplest approach is to
point or plane sources at a fixed depth, x. As obtain the transmission scan before injecting
was the case for SPECT, transmission mea- the radiotracer to be imaged. This eliminates
surements can be used to correct for attenu- any possible interference between the activity
ation in PET. In PET, two measurements are that is present for the two scans.
taken with a source located on a line joining A second approach, called postinjection
each pair of coincidence detectors. The first transmission scanning, is to perform the

Detector 1 Detector 2
Point source
of activity

FIGURE 18-25 Parameters involved in the derivation of attenuation correction for PET (equation 18-17 in the text).
18 Positron Emission Tomography 339

transmission scan immediately after the Although these techniques work well, the
emission scan but while there is still radio- widespread use of hybrid PET/CT scanners
tracer activity in the patient. This can save has significantly reduced the use of transmis-
a significant amount of time, because the sion scans using external radionuclide sources
patient does not have to be on the table for attenuation correction. Instead, informa-
waiting for uptake after the transmission tion from the CT scan is used to perform
scan before the emission scan is performed. attenuation correction. The methods for
Another advantage of this approach is that CT-based attenuation correction are discussed
it reduces the chances of patient motion and in Chapter 19, Section E.
misalignment between the emission and
transmission scans. However, it requires the 5. Dead Time Correction
ability to distinguish transmission events Like all radiation detectors, PET detectors
from emission events caused by residual exhibit dead time and pile-up effects at high
radiotracer in the body. This is possible counting rates. The mispositioning of events
because the emission radiations generally caused by pile-up and possible approaches for
are emitted from locations spread through- minimizing pile-up described in the context of
out the body, whereas the transmission radi- the gamma camera (see Chapter 14, Section
ations are emitted from a very small volume. A.4) apply as well to block detectors used for
Thus the transmission source irradiates only PET. Dead time corrections must be applied.
a small subset of detector pairs at any one Otherwise, the amount or concentration of
time, and its counting rate in those irradi- radioactivity will be underestimated at high
ated pairs generally is much higher than the counting rates. Most PET scanners use empir-
counting rate in the same detectors caused ical dead time models in which the observed
by emission radiations. To implement this counting rate as a function of radioactivity
method, the scanner must have the means concentration is measured for a range of object
to track the location of the transmission sizes and at different energy thresholds. The
source and identify which detectors are resulting data are then fit with paralyzable or
being irradiated by it. A disadvantage of the nonparalyzable dead time models (see Chapter
postinjection approach is that the count-rate 11, Section C.2). Some systems apply a global
performance of the detectors must be suffi- dead time correction factor for the system,
cient to handle the emission and transmis- whereas others apply corrections to individual
sion activities simultaneously. pairs of detector modules.
Finally, it is possible to acquire transmis- Dead time losses are dominated by the
sion and emission data at the same time. single-channel counting rate, which are much
This approach, known as simultaneous higher than the coincidence counting rate.
emission/transmission scanning, is the most Corrections can be as large as a factor of 2,
efficient way to use scanner time in many although generally it is desirable to keep
situations. As with postinjection transmis- them below this level. Situations in which the
sion scanning, it is necessary to track the corrections can be large include first-pass
location of the rod source. Because the rod cardiac studies, imaging studies near the
source irradiates only a small and known bladder when there are high levels of excreted
subset of detector pairs at any one time, radioactivity, and studies with very short-
emission data can be acquired simultane- lived radiotracers, such as 15O, which require
ously from the remaining nonirradiated high starting levels of activity to maintain
pairs. For irradiated detector pairs, the adequate counting statistics over the course
counting rate from the transmission source of a study.
is much higher than the emission counting
rate, so the emission counts do not seriously
affect the accuracy of the transmission data. 6. Absolute Quantification of PET
A disadvantage of simultaneous emission/ Images
transmission scanning is that the relatively All of the corrections described earlier are
hot transmission source can contribute applied to the projection or sinogram data
random and scatter coincidence events to the prior to reconstruction of the image. If accu-
emission data. Even with corrections, these rately applied, after reconstruction, the voxel
events contribute to statistical noise and intensity in the image will be directly propor-
some degradation of image quality. For this tional to the amount of radioactivity in that
reason, postinjection transmission scanning voxel. Calibration to absolute concentrations
generally is the preferred approach. of radioactivity usually is accomplished by
340 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

scanning a cylinder containing a uniform scattered coincidences. The NECR is defined

solution of a known concentration. The cali- as the equivalent counting rate that gives rise
bration factor CAL is defined as to the same statistical noise level as the
observed counting rate after random and scat-
CAL = counts per pixel/radionuclide tered coincidences have been corrected for.
A PET scanner measures a prompt coinci-
concentration in cylinder (kBq/cm 3 )
dence rate (Rprompt) that comprises true coin-
(18-19) cidences (Rtrue), scatter coincidences (Rscatter)
and random coincidences (Rrandom). The rate of
The voxel intensity in the image of the subject true coincidence events is given by
is divided by the calibration factor to obtain
calibrated images in kBq/cm3. To obtain the Rtrue = Rprompt Rscatter Rrandom (18-20)
absolute amount of activity in the voxel (bec-
querels), one would have to multiply this The NECR is defined as13
result by the voxel volume.
Quantification in PET is subject to the Rtrue
same partial-volume effects as were discussed Rtrue + aRscatter + bRrandom
in Chapter 17, Section B.5, for SPECT
imaging. This effect occurs for structures of (18-21)
size smaller than 2 FWHM of the imaging It usually is plotted as a function of activity,
system. Structures that have dimensions as both the rate of random coincidences and
smaller than this will have their radioactivity count losses caused by dead time are activity
concentrations either overestimated or under- dependent. The constant a is the fraction of
estimated depending on the regional distribu- the projection that is occupied by the object
tion of the radioactivity. An example of where being imaged. The constant b is equal to 1 if
this becomes important is in the quantifica- the singles method is used for randoms esti-
tion of activity in thin layers of cerebral mation and 2 if the delayed windows method
cortex. is used (see Section D.2).
The prompt and random coincidence rates
are measured. The rate of scattered coinci-
E. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS dences is estimated by imaging a phantom
OF PET SYSTEMS that contains a line source. Events in the pro-
jection data that do not intersect the known
A set of standardized methodologies have location of the line source (after random coin-
been agreed upon for measuring important cidences already have been subtracted) must
parameters that describe the performance of have been scattered.
PET scanners. Published standards exist It has been demonstrated that the NECR
both for clinical whole-body scanners13 and is roughly proportional to the square of the
for small-animal scanners.14 In a similar signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed
fashion to the tests described for SPECT activity values when the object is a cylinder
systems (see Chapter 17, Section C), mea- with a uniform activity concentration.
surements of spatial resolution and sensitiv- Figure 18-26 shows typical NECR curves
ity are based on carefully designed acquisition for a particular PET scanner and phantom.
and reconstruction protocols that enable At higher activities, the NECR actually
some degree of comparison of performance decreases because the rate of random coinci-
across different systems. Protocols for mea- dences increases as roughly the square of the
suring the fraction of scattered and random activity, and dead time losses also reduce the
coincidences, losses resulting from dead time, observed counting rate. Often the peak NECR
image quality, and quantitative accuracy of rate, and the activity concentration at which
attenuation and scatter corrections also are it is achieved, is reported. However, the values
prescribed. Full details can be found in refer- strongly depend on the size of the object that
ences 13 and 14. is imaged, and other factors such as the
A commonly quoted performance parame- energy and timing windows, and the activity
ter, incorporated in these standards, is the distribution within the phantom. Nonethe-
noise equivalent counting rate (NECR). This less, assuming the phantom used to acquire
parameter, which is specific to PET systems, the NECR data is a reasonable approximation
accounts for the additional statistical noise of the object that is to be imaged in a par
introduced by the correction for random and ticular clinical or research task, the NECR
18 Positron Emission Tomography 341


400 Rtrue




0 2 4 6 8 10
Activity (Ci/cc)
FIGURE 18-26 Example of various coincidence counting rates and noise equivalent counting rate (NECR) for a clinical
whole-body scanner. These data predict that for the phantom used in this study, the best signal-to-noise (corresponding
to the peak of the NECR curve) in the reconstructed image would be achieved with an activity concentration of ~4 Ci/
cc (~150kBq/cc).

provides a useful guide for estimating the

activity concentrations that provide the
highest signal-to-noise ratio images. In some
cases, it may not be possible to reach this
activity concentration because of radiation
dosimetry considerations (see Chapter 22).
Measurements of NECR for a well-defined
phantom can be useful for comparing the per-
formance of different scanners, and estima-
tions of NECR also can help guide the design
and development of new PET scanners.



PET has major clinical applications in oncol-

ogy, neurology, and cardiovascular disease. 18F-
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is by far the most
commonly used radiotracer for clinical studies.
The uptake of FDG reflects glucose metabo-
lism in tissues. Many pathologic conditions
can cause regionally specific alterations in
glucose metabolism that can be detected using
FDG-PET. PETs most widespread applica-
tion has been for the detection and staging of
FIGURE 18-27 Whole-body 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET
cancer, for which whole-body FDG studies scan (injected activity 370MBq) of a patient with cancer,
have become an important tool in staging showing widespread metastatic disease (dark spots). The
patients and for deciding patient manage- scan took 14 minutes to acquire (7 overlapping bed posi-
ment. A whole-body FDG study is shown in tions to cover thorax and abdomen, 2 minutes per bed
position), with imaging commencing 60 minutes post-
Figure 18-27. injection. (Courtesy Dr. Paul Shreve, Spectrum Health,
FDG also is used diagnostically in con Grand Rapids, MI and Siemens, Medical Solutions USA,
junction with blood flow tracers such as Inc., Knoxville, TN.)
342 Physics in Nuclear Medicine

N-ammonia or 82RbCl to evaluate myocar- Control Alzheimers disease
dial viability and stratify patients with coro-
nary artery disease with regard to bypass
surgery. In the brain, PET is used diagnosti-
cally in a range of neurodegenerative diseases
(Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease)
and dementia, for epilepsy, neurodevelopmen-
tal disorders and in psychiatric disorders.
Metabolic FDG images of a patient with
Alzheimers disease compared with those of a
normal control are shown in Figure 18-28.
Many other PET radiotracers are used for
research studies and are being developed for
future clinical use. These include radioligands
that bind to specific receptors systems in the
brain, and radiotracers that target cell-surface
molecules specific to certain types of tumors.
Positron-emitting radionuclides also have
been used to radiolabel cells (e.g., stem cells)
and drug delivery vehicles such as nanopar-
ticles. Many of these radiotracers are first
FIGURE 18-28 Transaxial image slices showing 18F-
evaluated in animal models using a dedicated fluorodeoxyglucose uptake at two different levels of the
animal PET scanner. Figure 18-29 shows an brain in a normal volunteer (control) and in a patient at
image of the binding of the radioligand an early stage of Alzheimers disease. Data acquisition
C-raclopride to dopamine receptors in the times were ~30 minutes and injected doses were 370MBq
rat brain. (10mCi). Arrows indicate metabolic deficits in the
patients images. This distinct pattern of reduced metab-
olism is seen in all patients with Alzheimers disease and
increases in severity and extent are seen as the disease

FIGURE 18-29 Coronal image of rat brain acquired on a small-animal PET scanner following injection of 11C-raclopride.
The location of the brain is indicated by the ellipse. This radiotracer binds to the dopamine receptors in the brain,
which are located primarily in the striatum (arrows). Images were acquired before (left) and after (right) a pharmaco-
logic intervention that damages the dopaminergic neurons on one side of the brain. A clear reduction in the binding
of the radiotracer is observed on that side.

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