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Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122 Doi: 10.1111/ppa.


Effects of plant age on disease development and virulence of

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on tomato

G. Sharabania, D. Shtienberga, M. Borensteina, R. Shulhania, M. Lofthouseb, M. Soferb,

L. Chalupowicza, V. Barela and S. Manulis-Sassona*
Department of Plant Pathology and Weed Research, ARO, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan,50250; and bNegev R & D Center, D.N. Negev,
85400, Israel

The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on the severity of bacterial wilt and canker disease caused by Clavib-
acter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) was examined in six greenhouse experiments. The period during
which inoculations led to wilt and death of tomato plants was defined. This period, designated window of vulnerabil-
ity, ranged from transplanting to the 17- to 18-leaf stage. Plants inoculated after this period expressed disease symp-
toms but did not wilt or die. No significant changes in disease incidence were observed when leaves of different ages
were inoculated. Yield accumulation was significantly reduced in plants inoculated within the window of vulnerability
compared with those inoculated after this period. Expression of virulence genes, viz. celA, encoding a secreted cellulase,
and the serine protease-encoding pat-1, chpC and ppaA, was induced during the early stages after inoculation in plants
inoculated within the window of vulnerability. Differences in Cmm population between plants inoculated within and
outside of this period were insignificant after the first week post-inoculation, indicating that differences in disease sever-
ity, yield loss and expression of virulence determinants are not correlated with Cmm population level. Results suggest
that implementation of precautionary measures during the window of vulnerability to avoid secondary spread of Cmm
will have a season-long effect on plant mortality and may minimize, or even prevent, yield losses.

Keywords: bacterial canker, epidemiology, Solanum lycopersicum

challenged by the pathogen (Whalen, 2005). The change

in host-plant resistance as a function of developmental
Bacterial wilt and canker caused by Clavibacter michi- stage at the time of infection has been given several
ganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is one of the most names: ontogenic resistance, developmental resistance,
important diseases of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mature-seedling resistance, adult-seedling resistance,
worldwide (Strider, 1969; Davis et al., 1984). The patho- adult-plant resistance and, occasionally, age-related
gen causes extensive damage and substantial economic resistance (Kus et al., 2002; Whalen, 2005). Changes in
losses by reducing tomato yield quantity and quality tomato response to Cmm with age have been reported
(Gartemann et al., 2003; Eichenlaub & Gartemann, in a few studies (Kendrick & Walker, 1948; Chang
2011). Disease prevention is mainly achieved through the et al., 1992). In general, incubation period increases and
use of certified pathogen-free seeds (de Leon et al., severity decreases with plant age (Kendrick & Walker,
2011), but new outbreaks and first reports of its causal 1948). For example, under favourable environmental
agent are still periodically noted in different regions (de conditions, symptoms of systemic infection developed
Leon et al., 2011). At present, neither commercial resis- faster on 2- to 4-week-old seedlings than on 5- to 6-
tant plants nor effective chemical controls are available week-old seedlings (Chang et al., 1992). Kendrick &
(de Leon et al., 2008). Other measures, such as biologi- Walker (1948) reported that wilted leaves appeared ear-
cal control (Yogev et al., 2009; Amkraz et al., 2010), lier in younger plants, but the rate of symptoms devel-
have been investigated, but they are still far from provid- opment was the same. Although the conclusion from
ing successful means to cope with the disease. Thus, its these studies is that young plants are more susceptible
successful suppression remains a serious challenge for the than mature plants, the ages at which tomato plants are
tomato industry worldwide. most vulnerable to infection have not been determined.
The response of host plants to pathogens often Furthermore, in those studies, plant age was determined
depends on the developmental stage of the host when chronologically (weeks or days). As plant growth and
development are affected by environmental conditions
*E-mail: shulam@volcani.agri.gov.il (e.g. temperature and radiation intensity) as well as cul-
tural practices (e.g. growth media, fertilization, irriga-
tion), chronological age does not necessarily reflect the
Published online 16 November 2012 plants physiological age.

1114 2012 British Society for Plant Pathology

Plant age and disease development by Cmm 1115

Thyr (1968) reported that the appearance of bacterial

Materials and methods
canker symptoms is closely related to the population of
the pathogen colonizing the host. The pathogen can
Bacterial strains and inoculation procedures
survive as an effective endophyte in tomato but appar-
ently has to establish an endophytic population of Strain Cmm32, which was used in this study, was originally iso-
>108 CFU g 1 plant tissue to induce disease symptoms lated in 2001 from Talmi Eliyahu, Israel and belongs to group
(Gartemann et al., 2003). The effect of plant age at the B, according to pulsed field gel electrophoresis analysis (Kleit-
time of inoculation on population dynamics of Cmm in man et al., 2008). Bacteria were cultured on nutrient agar (NA)
(Difco) plates at 28C for 72 h. Bacterial cells were collected in
planta has not been reported.
2 mL distilled water, and the resulting suspension was adjusted
Cmm pathogenicity is dependent on virulence genes
to an OD595 of 05, which corresponds to c. 109 cells mL 1.
located on plasmids and the chp/tomA pathogenicity This suspension was diluted to a final concentration of c. 108
island (PAI) located on the chromosome (Eichenlaub & cells mL 1 and used for tomato inoculation. Tomato cv. 1125
Gartemann, 2011). In the wildtype strain NCPPB382, (Top Seeds) plants were inoculated by cutting the petioles close
two plasmids, pCM1 and pCM2, are essential for viru- to the stem with scissors which had been dipped into the bacte-
lence (Meletzus et al., 1993), as loss of either one rial suspension (contaminated-scissors method; Thyr, 1968). All
reduces it. pCM1 encodes celA, a secreted cellulase experiments included a non-inoculated control treatment in
with endo-b-1,4-glucanase activity (Jahr et al., 2000), which the petioles were cut with scissors dipped in water.
and pCM2 encodes Pat-1, a putative serine protease
(Dreier et al., 1997). The chp/tomA PAI, a genomic Experimental design
island of about 129 kb with significantly lower GC con-
tent than in the genome, encodes several serine prote- The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on disease
development was determined in six experiments in 2009 and
ases that are important for colonization (Gartemann
2010. The results obtained in the six experiments were validated
et al., 2008). A mutant lacking the complete PAI region
in an additional experiment, carried out in 2011. Plants were
exhibits impaired virulence and is unable to effectively grown under commercial-like conditions at the Volcani Center
colonize tomato. The virulence factors located on the (experiments V1, V2, V3 and V4) and at the experimental sta-
chp/tomA PAI or on pCM1 and pCM2 are required for tion of the Negev R&D Center, located in the southwest of
effective movement of the pathogen in tomato and for Israel (experiments B1, B2 and B3). Each experiment consisted
the formation of cellular aggregates (Chalupowicz et al., of three to four treatments that differed in the age of the plants
2011). The effect of plant age on the expression of vir- at the time of inoculation (Fig. 1a). The ages were: 45, 78, 12
ulence genes has not been reported and it is not known 13 leaves (experiments V1, V2 and V3); 78, 1213, 1617, 19
whether that expression is correlated with Cmm coloni- 20 leaves (experiments V4, B1 and B2) and 78, 1617, 1920,
2930 leaves (experiment B3). The two upper open leaves of
zation at different plant ages.
each plant were inoculated using the contaminated-scissors
The aim of the present study was to elucidate the sig-
method, as described above.
nificance of tomato age at the time of inoculation on The effect of leaf age on disease development was determined
bacterial canker development. Plant age was defined in by inoculating leaf numbers 78, 1213, 1617 and 1920 of
terms of number of mature leaves. The specific objec- plants at the 19- to 20-leaf stage of experiments V4, B1 and B2
tives were: (i) to define the range during which plant (Fig. 1b). Each experimental plot consisted of 510 plants in
age affects disease severity; and (ii) to determine the one row. All experiments included a non-inoculated control
effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on coloni- treatment using water only.
zation and expression of bacterial virulence genes in Seedlings (at the 3- to 4-true-leaf stage) were obtained from
planta. commercial nurseries. Before transplanting, to confirm the

(a) (b)

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Figure 1 Diagrammatic schemes of inoculation procedures for experiments studying the effects of tomato plant age (a) and leaf age (b) at the time
of inoculation on bacterial canker development. (a) Experiments V4, B1 and B2. Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to plants with 78, 1213, 1617
and 1920 leaves, respectively. Plants were inoculated by cutting the petioles of the two youngest leaves close to the stem. (b) Experiments V4, B1
and B2, in which plants with 1920 leaves were used. Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to leaf numbers 78, 1213, 1617 and 1920,
respectively. Inoculated leaves are shown in black, blossoms clusters are marked with asterisks and circles represent small fruits.

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

1116 G. Sharabani et al.

absence of Cmm infection, seedlings were observed visually for (grades 1 to 3, as a percentage) and the incidence of wilting and
detection of symptoms, then 10% of the seedlings were sampled dying plants (grade 3, as a percentage) over time. Data were
randomly, macerated in sterile distilled water and subjected to analysed using regression analysis in which the dependent vari-
PCR analysis (Kleitman et al., 2008). None of the seedlings able was disease incidence (Y, expressed as percentage) and the
exhibited any bacterial canker symptoms and all attempts to iso- independent variable was time from inoculation (X, in days).
late Cmm were negative. Experiments V1 to V4 were carried The results were fitted to the regression equation Y = a/(1 + e^
out in large net-houses. Tomato seedlings (cv. 1125) were trans- (X X0)/b)) in which a, b and X0 are the regression coefficients:
planted on 23 March 2009 (experiment V1), 10 August 2009 a = the asymptotic percentage; b = the value of X at the inflex-
(experiment V2), 23 March 2010 (experiment V3) and 6 Sep- ion point; and X0 = the time at which Y is equal to 50% of the
tember 2010 (experiment V4). Seedlings were transplanted into asymptote.
grow bags (Pelemix Ltd) in beds, with two rows per bed and 15
plants per row. The distances between beds, between rows in a
bed and between plants within a row were 22, 03 and 03 m, Determination of Cmm population size
respectively. The plants were irrigated daily and fertilized three The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on the dynam-
times a week with liquid fertilizer containing N:P:K at 5:3:8 and ics of the Cmm population in planta was determined in plants
3% of a 02% solution of microelements. In all experiments inoculated at the 7- to 8- and 19- to 20-leaf stages, at different
plants were cultivated according to the practices used by Israeli time points after inoculation. Seedlings of tomato cv. 1125, at
tomato growers in commercial greenhouses for irrigation, fertil- the 3- to 4-true-leaf stage) were transplanted into 13-cm plastic
ization, disbudding, removal of lower leaves, trellising, harvest- pots. Potted plants were placed in a growth chamber and main-
ing, pest management and discarding the plants after c. tained at 27C with a 12 h photoperiod until use. The plants
45 months. These experiments were laid out in a complete block were irrigated daily and fertilized three times weekly with liquid
design with three to four rows (replicates) for each treatment. fertilizer containing N:P:K at 5:3:8 and 3% of a 02% solution
Experiments B1 and B2 were performed in large walk-in tun- of microelements.
nels (6 9 6 9 25 m) covered with polyethylene. Tomato cv. Samples were taken 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after inoculation
1125 seedlings were transplanted into grow bags, with four from the lower part of the stem close to the ground, from the
rows per tunnel, on 15 April 2010 and 2 August 2010. The dis- inoculation site and from the apex. Samples were weighed and
tances between rows and between plants within a row were 12 macerated in sterile distilled water. Serial tenfold dilutions in
and 03 m, respectively. These experiments were laid out in a distilled water were prepared and 100 lL of each dilution was
complete block design with four replicates. Within each tunnel plated on three mCNS plates (Sharabani et al., 2012). Plates
(replicate), each row was designated as a treatment. were incubated at 28C and the resulting colonies were counted
Experiment B3 was performed to validate the results obtained 5 days later. The samples were taken from six plants (replicates)
in the previous six experiments. Tomato seedlings were trans- per treatment and the data were used to calculate the average
planted directly into the soil on 13 April 2011 in two commer- and SE of Cmm population size. The experiment was repeated
cial-like greenhouses (9 9 10 9 5 m) covered with once.
polyethylene. In each greenhouse there were 15 experimental
plots, each containing two rows of 10 plants each. The distances
between beds, between rows within a bed, and between plants Relative expression of virulence genes
within a row were 16, 05 and 03 m, respectively. This experi-
The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on expression
ment was laid out in a complete block design with six repli-
cates. of virulence genes was determined in plants inoculated at the 7-
The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on yield to 8- and 19- to 20-leaf stages, at different time points after
accumulation was determined in experiments V4 and B3. At inoculation, as described above for determination of Cmm pop-
ulation size. Tissue samples were taken from the inoculation
weekly intervals, all edible fruits were collected from each plant
and weighed. The cumulative yield (kg per plant) was calculated site. For each time point, two separate pools of two inoculated
at the end of the experiments, and the significance of the differ- stem junction parts (c. 1 cm long) were cut from the infected
plants and used for isolation of RNA with a MasterPure RNA
ences in yield between treatments determined by ANOVA with the
TukeyKramer HSD test at P  005. Purification Kit (Epicentre Biotechnologies). RNA quantification
was performed with a NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer
(Thermo Fisher Scientific). To remove residual genomic DNA,
Disease assessments the isolated RNA was treated with DNase (Turbo DNA-free,
Ambion Inc.). Reverse transcription was carried out from 1 lg
All plants were inspected visually at weekly intervals from total RNA using the Verso cDNA Kit (Thermo Scientific) with
1 week after planting, and the appearance of typical bacterial random hexamer primers, according to the manufacturers
canker symptoms was recorded on an individual-plant basis. instructions. Triplicates of cDNA synthesis were performed for
Disease severity was determined using a four-grade scale as fol- 45 min at 42C. The resulting cDNA was subjected to PCR
lows: 0 = symptomless plant, typical bacterial canker symptoms amplification with Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix
not observed on any of the leaves; 1 = low severity, disease (Applied Biosystems) in a final volume of 20 lL. Specific prim-
symptoms observed on a few leaflets or leaves, with less than ers for real-time PCR for the virulence genes pat-1, celA, ppaA
5% of the plants leaf area exhibiting disease symptoms; and chpC were used as described by Chalupowicz et al. (2010).
2 = intermittent severity, disease symptoms observed on many Real-time detection was performed with a 7300 Real-Time PCR
leaves, with 1040% of the plants leaf area exhibiting disease System (Applied Biosystems). Taq DNA polymerase was acti-
symptoms; and 3 = high severity or wilting and dying plants, vated at 95C for 10 min, followed by a thermal cycling pro-
disease symptoms observed on most leaves and the plant in gramme consisting of 40 cycles of 15 s at 95C and 1 min at
advanced stages of wilting or already dead. Data were used to 60C. Relative expression was normalized with gyrA and bipA
calculate the changes in the incidence of plants with symptoms as internal references and inoculated plants at time of inocula-

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

Plant age and disease development by Cmm 1117

tion (time 0) were used as controls. Results represent the means

of two different experiments with three samples for each time
point. Relative quantification and statistical analysis were per-
formed with the data analysis program of REAL-TIME PCR soft-
ware (Applied Biosystems).

Final disease incidence (%)

Effect of plant and leaf age at the time of inoculation
on disease development
Data recorded in the six experiments were used to calcu- 0
4 8 12 16 20 30
late the relationship between plant age at the time of
inoculation and final incidence of plants with symptoms (b) y = 669/(1+272^((x169)/0136))
(grades 13) or of wilting and dying plants (grade 3). By R2 = 0976;P = 00237
the end of the experiments disease symptoms were 80
observed in all plants inoculated from the 4- to 5-leaf
stage to the 12- to 13-leaf stage (n = 334) and on >85% 60
of the plants inoculated at the 16- to 17- (n = 95) and
19- to 20-leaf stages (n = 95) (Fig. 2a). The results 40
observed in the seventh experiment carried out for vali-
dation of the window of vulnerability, corroborated 20
these findings (Fig. 2a). In this experiment, plants were
also inoculated at the 29- to 30-leaf stage; 40% of these 0
exhibited disease symptoms, but none had wilted or died 4 8 12 16 20 30
by the end of the experiments (Fig. 2a). On average, 65 Plant age at the time of inoculation
72% of the plants inoculated from the 4- to 5-leaf stage (number of leaves)
to the 13- to 14-leaf stage (n = 334) eventually wilted or
died. About 30% of the plants inoculated at the 16- to Figure 2 Relationship between tomato plant age at time of inoculation
with Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and final disease
17-leaf stage (n = 95) and none of the plants inoculated
incidence of (a) plants with symptoms and (b) wilting and dying plants.
at the 19- to 20-leaf stage (n = 95) wilted or died by the
Data were taken at the end of the experiments, 100130 days post-
end of the experiments (Fig. 2b). None of the plants inoculation. Open squares represent the means of six experiments: V1,
inoculated at the 29- to 30-leaf stage wilted or died. No V2, V3, V4, B1 and B2. Open circles represent results of the additional
disease symptoms were observed in any of the experi- validation experiment B3. Vertical bars represent the standard error.
ments on the non-inoculated, control plants. Based on
these results, a period of time called the window of vul- None of the control plants showed any symptoms until
nerability was defined as the period during which inocu- the end of the experiments.
lation led to wilting and dying of the plants. The
window of vulnerability ranged from transplanting to the Effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on yield
16- to 17-leaf stage (Fig. 2b). accumulation
In all experiments, disease symptoms were observed
up to 50 days post-inoculation in plants inoculated from Effects of bacterial canker on yield accumulation, as
the 4- to 5-leaf stage to the 16- to 17-leaf stage (Fig. related to the age of the plants at time of inoculation,
S1a,c; Table S1). In plants inoculated at the 19- to 20- were examined in two experiments. Results of one repre-
leaf stage disease symptoms were observed up to 75 days sentative experiment are presented in Figure 3. The dis-
post-inoculation. Wilting and dying were first observed ease did not affect yield accumulation rate at any
25105 days post-inoculation in plants inoculated inoculation time. However, in plants inoculated at the 7-
between the 4- to 5- and 16- to 17-leaf stages. In plants to 8-leaf stage (within the window of vulnerability), yield
inoculated at the 19- to 20- and 29- to 30-leaf stage, accumulation was arrested c. 110 days from transplant-
wilting and dying were not observed until the end of the ing, resulting in 405% yield reduction compared with
experiments (Fig. S1b,c; Table S2). the non-inoculated control plants. In plants inoculated at
Differences in susceptibility resulting from leaf age the 16- to 17-leaf stage (close to the end of the window
were determined by inoculating leaves of different ages of vulnerability), yield accumulation continued until
on plants with 1920 leaves. First disease symptoms 125 days after transplanting, with a 215% yield
were observed 5465 days post-inoculation, and within reduction. Yield was not significantly reduced in plants
24 weeks >90% of the inoculated plants exhibited typi- inoculated at the 19- to 20- or 29- to 30-leaf stage
cal bacterial canker symptoms (data not shown). None (Fig. 3); these plants were inoculated after the window
of the plants showing symptoms wilted or died until the of vulnerability. Similar trends were observed in the
end of the experiment (100130 days post-inoculation). repeated experiment (data not shown).

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

1118 G. Sharabani et al.

10 10

Cumulative yield (kg per plant)

Plant age Plant age

Population size (log CFU)

Non-inoculated a
a 19/20
8 7/8 a 8
6 19/20 6
29/30 b

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 LS IS Apex LS IS Apex
Time (days from transplanting) One week Two weeks
Time (weeks after inoculation)
Figure 3 Effect of tomato plant age at time of inoculation with
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on yield Figure 4 Effect of tomato plant age at time of inoculation on the
accumulation. The two youngest fully expanded leaves were inoculated population dynamics of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.
by cutting the petioles close to the stem on plants bearing 78, 1617, michiganensis in planta. Plants with 78 or 1920 leaves were
1920 or 2930 leaves. Fruits were harvested from 18 plants (three inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 108 cells mL 1 by cutting the
repeats of six plants). Arrows indicate the time of inoculation in each petioles of the two youngest open leaves close to the stem. Samples
treatment. At the end of the experiment, values followed by different were taken from the lower part of the stem close to the ground (LS), at
letters are significantly different (P  005) according to the Tukey the inoculation site (IS) or from the apex, 1 and 2 weeks post-
Kramer HSD test. Statistics of regression equations are presented in inoculation. Results are means of six plants for each time point and
Table 1. vertical bars represent the standard error.

19- to 20-leaf stage was significantly lower than in

Effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on Cmm
those inoculated at the 7- to 8-leaf stage. Transcript
population dynamics in planta
levels of pat-1 reached a peak at 48 hpi of 10-fold
The population size of Cmm at various locations on the induction and then declined to four- and twofold induc-
plants was determined 18 weeks after inoculation on tion at 96 and 168 hpi, respectively. Relative expression
plants inoculated at the 7- to 8- or 19- to 20-leaf stage. of celA in plants inoculated at the 7- to 8-leaf stage
One week post-inoculation, the population size of Cmm was significantly higher than in those inoculated at the
in the lower stem and apex was significantly higher in 19- to 20-leaf stage. In plants bearing 78 leaves, three-
plants inoculated at the 7- to 8-leaf stage than in plants and twofold induction was measured at 12 and 24 hpi,
inoculated at the 19- to 20-leaf stage; differences respectively, reaching a peak of 11-fold at 48 hpi and
between the two treatments at the inoculation site were then declining to six- and onefold induction after 96
insignificant (Fig. 4). However, 2 weeks post-inoculation and 169 hpi, respectively (Fig. 5). In contrast, celA was
(Fig. 4) and up to 8 weeks post-inoculation (data not barely expressed in plants inoculated at the 19- to 20-
shown), differences in population size were insignificant leaf stage throughout the tested period. Similarly,
in the lower stem, inoculation site and upper stem increased transcript levels were also observed in the
between plants inoculated at the 7- to 8- and 19- to 20- case of the chromosomal serine proteases, ppaA and
leaf stages. The pathogen was not isolated from the non- chpC, in plants inoculated at the 7- to 8-leaf stage
inoculated, control plants. Similar trends were observed compared with those inoculated at the 19- to 20-leaf
in the repeated experiment (data not shown). stage. Transcription of ppaA in plants inoculated at the
7- to 8-leaf stage was induced 15- and 38-fold at 12
and 24 hpi, respectively, reaching a peak of 78-fold at
Effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on
48 hpi and decreasing to 61- and threefold at 96 and
expression of Cmm virulence genes
168 hpi, respectively (Fig. 5). In plants inoculated at
The transcript levels of the virulence genes pat-1, celA, the 19- to 20-leaf stage, expression of ppaA was
ppaA and chpC were measured by quantitative RT- induced 21-fold at 48 hpi, reached a peak of fivefold
PCR in the inoculation site of plants inoculated at the induction at 96 hpi and then decreased to threefold at
7- to 8- and 19- to 20-leaf stages (within and outside 168 hpi. A similar induction pattern was observed for
of the vulnerability period, respectively) at various times chpC in infected tomato plants inoculated at the 7- to
post-inoculation (Fig. 5). Transcript level of the serine 8-leaf stage; chpC expression was induced by factors of
protease pat-1 in plants inoculated at the 7- to 8-leaf 25 and 21 at 12 and 24 hpi, respectively, reaching a
stage increased threefold in the initial 12 h post-inocu- peak of sevenfold at 48 hpi and then decreasing to
lation (hpi), reached a peak of 14-fold induction at 21- and 2-fold at 96 and 168 hpi, respectively. In con-
24 hpi and then declined to eight-, six- and threefold trast, expression of chpC in plants inoculated at the
induction after 48, 96 and 168 hpi, respectively 19- to 20-leaf stage was barely induced during the
(Fig. 5). Expression of pat-1 in plants inoculated at the experimental period (Fig. 5).

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

Plant age and disease development by Cmm 1119

20 14
(a) pat-1 Plant age (b) celA
15 7/8 12

12 10

Relative expression

0 0
12 24 48 96 168 12 24 48 96 168
10 10
(c) ppaA (d) chpC
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
12 24 48 96 168 12 24 48 96 168
Time (hours post-inoculation)

Figure 5 Effect of tomato plant age at time of inoculation with Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on relative expression of virulence
genes. Transcript levels of pat-1 (a), celA (b), ppaA (c) and chpC (d) were determined by quantitative RT-PCR at various times after inoculation.
Plants with 78 or 1920 leaves were inoculated with a bacterial suspension of 108 cells mL 1 by cutting the two youngest open leaf petioles close
to the stem. Relative expression was normalized with gyrA and bipA as internal references and inoculated plants at time 0 were used as controls.
Results represent the mean of two different experiments with three samples for each time point. Vertical bars represent the standard error.

of them died and only 40% exhibited disease symptoms,

supporting the hypothesis that plants inoculated at an
Changes in host response to a pathogen over time, age beyond the window of vulnerability are less suscepti-
expressed as plant age, leaf age and leaf position, have ble to Cmm infection. It should be noted that the actual
been reported for several pathogens (Whalen, 2005; time passed from the 16- to 17-leaf stage to the 19- to
Develey-Riviere & Galiana, 2007). As plants mature, 20-leaf stage is relatively short, 13 weeks depending on
they often become increasingly resistant to normally vir- temperature. The reason for the sharp difference in
ulent pathogens (Kus et al., 2002). In young tomato response to Cmm inoculation by plants with 1617
plants, disease symptoms caused by Cmm appeared ear- leaves compared to those with 1920 leaves is not
lier than in older plants (Kendrick & Walker, 1948; known. It is not likely that this difference was related to
Chang et al., 1992). In those studies, inoculations were Cmm population size colonizing the infected tissues
performed on the first true leaves of plants at ages rang- because only minor differences in colonization were
ing from 2 to 6 weeks. Obviously, the ages of these found (Fig. 4). It might have been related to differences
leaves were dissimilar in terms of the effect of leaf age in the developmental stage of the plants with 1617 com-
on disease expression and development (Chang et al., pared to 1920 leaves. Although plants in both groups
1992). In the present study, plant age was determined as were already bearing flower clusters, plants at the 19- to
number of leaves developed, corresponding to the plants 20-leaf stage had already developed small fruits. Fruit
physiological age. bearing has previously been associated with changes in
Results of six experiments enabled the identification of host responses to pathogens (Develey-Riviere & Galiana,
a period during which inoculation led to wilting and 2007). In some cases, fruit bearing increases host resis-
dying of plants; this period was designated the window tance, whereas in others it decreases it. For example,
of vulnerability and ranged from transplanting to the 17- potatoes plants are relatively resistant to Alternaria solani
to 18-leaf stage. Plants inoculated outside that window of and cotton plants are relatively resistant to Alternaria
vulnerability expressed disease symptoms but did not wilt macrospora during the vegetative stages of plant growth.
or die until the end of the experiment (Fig. 2). These However, when tuberization (in potatoes) or boll
observations were confirmed in a validation experiment development (in cotton) is initiated, the plants start to
(Fig. 2), which strengthened the determination of the become susceptible, and susceptibility increases during
window of vulnerability. In the validation experiment, development of the reproductive stage (Shtienberg et al.,
plants bearing 2930 leaves were inoculated as well; none 1995).

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

1120 G. Sharabani et al.

Table 1 Coefficients and parameters for the regression equations The difference between susceptible and resistant
describing the effect of tomato plant age at the time of inoculation with response outcomes may be related to the speed at which
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on yield accumulation a those responses occur (Yang et al., 1997). During com-
patible Cmmtomato interactions, basal defence is
induced (Savidor et al., 2011). However, Cmm is able to
Plant age (no. leaves) invade the plant, colonize the xylem and damage plant
at inoculation a b X0 R2 P tissue. Some of the Cmm proteins which may be respon-
Non-inoculated 84 147 970 0961 <00001 sible for colonization and induction of disease symptoms
78 50 84 904 0946 <00001 are members of the serine protease families which are
1617 66 96 905 0954 <00001 secreted during infection along with cell-wall-degrading
1920 76 96 917 0978 <00001 enzymes (Savidor et al., 2011). The genes encoding endo-
2930 84 114 960 0971 <00001
glucanase (celA) and serine proteases (pat-1, ppaA and
a chpC) were induced during the early stages of infection
Disease progress curve presented in Figure 3.
The equation Y = a/(1 + e^ (X X0)/b)) was fitted to the data.
of young plants bearing 34 leaves (Chalupowicz et al.,
Y = cumulative yield (kg/plant); X = time (in days) from transplanting. 2010). In the present study, experiments conducted with
a, b and X0 are regression coefficients: a = asymptote; b = value of X plants bearing 78 leaves corroborated those results,
at inflexion point; X0 = time when Y = 50% of asymptotic value. demonstrating highly induced expression of virulence
genes in plants during the window of vulnerability. In
contrast, in plants bearing 1920 leaves, expression of
Effects of leaf age on disease development have been pat-1 and ppaA was significantly reduced and delayed
described in several studies. In some cases, mature leaves relative to plants bearing 78 leaves (Fig. 5). celA and
were more resistant to infection (Kus et al., 2002; Kurt chpC were not expressed at all in plants bearing 1920
& Tok, 2006) whereas in others, younger leaves were leaves. The delayed and lower level of expression of
less susceptible (Heilbronn & Harrison, 1989; Bouhassan these, and probably other virulence genes, can be
et al., 2004). In the present study, inoculation of leaves explained by the enhanced resistance in mature tomato
of different ages on plants of the same age did not result plants, which allows the host defence mechanisms to
in any significant change in disease incidence. First dis- overcome Cmm virulence and thus reduce development
ease symptoms developed 8495 days after transplanting of severe disease symptoms. Age-related resistance (ARR)
and, within 24 weeks, more than 90% of the plants is associated with the accumulation of secondary metab-
(bearing 1920 leaves) exhibited typical disease symp- olites or defence proteins. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the
toms. Nevertheless, none of the plants wilted or died ARR response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato is
until the end of the experiment. It could be argued that correlated with the intercellular level of salicylic acid
this lack of difference in the early response results from (Carviel et al., 2009). Transcriptional analysis of young
the fact that the inoculated leaves were on plants past tomato plants in response to Cmm infection revealed
the window of vulnerability. However, similar results that a subset of host genes is highly induced, including
were obtained when inoculating leaves 45, 78 or 12 defence-related genes, production and scavenging of free
13 on plants bearing 1213 leaves (within the window of oxygen radicals and hormone synthesis (Balaji et al.,
vulnerability; data not shown). These results imply that 2008). It might be hypothesized that in older tomato
young tomato leaf tissue is as sensitive as older leaf tis- plants, enhanced host defence responses lead to an
sue to Cmm infection, and that the window of vulnera- increased ARR response to Cmm. This hypothesis war-
bility is directly related to plant age rather than leaf age. rants further investigation in Cmmtomato interaction
Yield loss in tomato as a result of bacterial canker studies.
disease has been estimated in several studies (Strider, Differences in Cmm population between plants within
1969; Gleason et al., 1991). Ricker & Riedel (1993) and outside the window of vulnerability were found only
reported that late infections of mature processing toma- in the first week post-inoculation in the lower stem and
toes appeared to be less detrimental to yield. Emmatty apex. However, from 2 weeks on, no differences in colo-
& John (1973) showed that early Cmm inoculation at nization were found between plants bearing 78 and 19
biweekly intervals resulted in a greater decrease in 20 leaves. These results indicate that the differences in
yield. A study examining the effect of Cmm inoculation disease incidence, yield loss and expression of virulence
at different phenological stages of tomato showed sig- determinants found between plants within and outside
nificantly reduced yield when inoculation was per- the window of vulnerability are not correlated with level
formed on seeds and plants during transplanting, first of Cmm multiplication. Cmm is known to be an effective
pruning and first flowering, but not when inoculation endophyte of tomato and related plants (Eichenlaub
was performed during first harvest (Dullahide et al., et al., 2006). However, the ability to effectively multiply
1983). The results of the present study confine the cru- in the plant is a prerequisite, but not sufficient for trig-
cial phenological period when yield loss can be pre- gering symptom induction. It might be speculated that in
vented to the period between transplanting and fruit mature plants, Cmm cannot overcome the ARR response
formation (Fig. 3). This time corresponds to the win- and thus virulence determinants are less expressed or
dow of vulnerability. retarded.

Plant Pathology (2013) 62, 11141122

Plant age and disease development by Cmm 1121

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