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The English


Georgeta Ra Andreea Varga

The English

Editura MIRTON
Timioara - 2008

Refereni tiinifici:

Conf. univ. dr. Reghina DASCL

Universitatea de Vest Timioara
Conf. univ. dr. Cosmin Alin POPESCU
U.S.A.M.V.B. Timioara
Lector univ. dr. Codrua GOA
Universitatea de Vest Timioara

Tehnoredactare computerizat:
Georgeta Ra
Andreea Varga

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 5
Foreword 7
Unit 1 - Cadaster 9
Unit 2 - Real Estate. Definition and Etymology 15
Unit 3 - Real Estate Terminology Outside the U.S. 21
Unit 4 - Real Estate in the Business Sector 27
Unit 5 - Residential Real Estate (I) 33
Unit 6 - Residential Real Estate (II) 39
Unit 7 - Real Estate Market Value 45
Unit 8 - Mortgages in Real Estate 51
Unit 9 - Ownership 57
Unit 10 - Property Tax 63
Unit 11 - County 69
Unit 12 - Parish 75
Unit 13 - Riding 81
Unit 14 - Hundred 87
Unit 15 - Section 93
Unit 16 - Lot (I) 99
Unit 17 - Lot (II) 105
Unit 18 - Lot (III) 111
Unit 19 - City Block 117
Unit 20 - Surveying 123
Unit 21 - Surveying Techniques 129
Unit 22 - Cadastral Land Surveyor (I) 135
Unit 23 - Cadastral Land Surveyor (II) 141
Unit 24 - Surveying as a Career 147
Bibliography 153


This practical course of English is intended for advanced
students whose major is Cadastral Land Survey. It contains the most
important elements necessary to the acquisition of English in the field
of cadaster.
The course contains 24 themes adapted to the study of the
most important aspects of cadaster: cadaster, real estate (definition
and etymology, terminology outside the U.S., real estate in the
business sector, residential real estate, real estate market value, and
mortgages in real estate), economic issues (ownership and property
tax), land divisions (county, parish, riding, hundred, section, lot, and
city block), surveying (surveying techniques), cadastral land surveyor,
and surveying as a career. The themes are presented mainly with the
help of conventional texts meant to improve the students knowledge
of English.
Each lesson contains lexical and grammatical exercises
meant to facilitate the consolidation of proper language skills (oral
comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing) and the acquisition of
a rich vocabulary necessary for both oral communication and
understanding reference literature in the English of cadaster.

The authors

Unit 1


A cadastre (also spelled cadaster) is a comprehensive

register of the real property of a country commonly including details of
the ownership, the tenure, the precise location (some can include
GPS coordinates), the dimensions (and area), the cultivations if rural
and the value of individual parcels of land. The word came into
English by way of French and Italian, variously attributed to the Late
Latin capitastrum register of the poll tax, and the Greek katastikhon
list, register. It gives rise to the adjective cadastral, used in public
administration primarily for ownership and taxation purposes. The
terminology used for cadastral divisions may include counties,
parishes, ridings, hundreds, sections, lots, blocks and city blocks.
Cadastral surveys are used to document land ownership by
the production of documents, diagrams, sketches, plans (plats in
USA), charts, and maps. They were originally used to ensure reliable
facts for land valuation and taxation (for example, early Englands
Domesday Book). Napoleon established a comprehensive cadastral
system for France, a fore-runner of most modern versions. Cadastral
survey information is often a base element in Geographic/Land
Information systems used to assess and manage land and built
infrastructure. Such systems are also employed on a variety of other
tasks (for example, to track long-term changes over time for
geological or ecological studies, where land tenure is a significant
part of the scenario).
A cadastral map is a map showing the boundaries and
ownership of land parcels. Some cadastral maps show additional
details (e.g., survey district names, unique identifying numbers for
parcels, Certificate of Title numbers, positions of existing structures,
section and/or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and
adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references
to prior maps). In most countries legal systems have developed
around the original administrative systems and use the cadastre as a
means of defining the dimensions and location of land parcels
described in legal documentation. This leads to the use of the
cadastre as a fundamental source of data in disputes and lawsuits
between landowners. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopaedia)

assess (v.) = a evalua
block = corp de case, cvartal
built infrastructure = infrastructura construit
by way of = prin intermediul
cadastral survey = ridicare cadastral
chart = hart; diagram, schem, schi
city block = cvartal
comprehensive = explicativ()
county = comitat, jude, inut
document (v.) = a dovedi
ensure (v.) = a asigura
establish (v.) = a institui
for taxation purpose = cu scopul de a impozita
fore-runner = predecesor
give rise to (v.) = a da natere la
GPS (Global Positioning System) = Sistem de Poziionare Global
hundred = district
land ownership = proprietate asupra pmntului
land taxation = impozit pe pmnt
land tenure = drept de proprietate a terenului
land valuation = evaluare a pmntului
location = amplasare
long-term change = schimbare pe termen lung
manage (v.) = a administra
map = hart
ownership = proprietate
parish = comun; parohie
poll tax = capitaie, impozit pe cap de locuitor
primarily = n primul rnd
real property = proprietate mobiliar
reliable = demn de ncredere
riding = seciune administrativ a unui comitat (de exemplu, York)
scenario = scenariu
spell (v.) = a ortografia
task = sarcin
tenure = drept de posesiune; posesiune, stpnire
track (v.) = a depista, a lua urma

1. Answer the following.

- What is a cadaster?
- What kind of details does it include?
- How did the word cadaster come into English?
- What is the adjective cadastral used in public administration
primarily for?
- What may the terminology used for cadastral divisions
- What are cadastral surveys used to?
- What were cadastral surveys originally used to?
- What did Napoleon establish?
- What are Geographic Information Systems used to?
- What are they also employed on?
- What is a cadastral map?
- What do some cadastral maps show?
- In what way do administrative systems use cadaster?
- What role does cadaster play in disputes and lawsuits
between landowners?

2. Match the following nouns with their definitions.

a. a measure of spatial extent, especially width,

1. area
height, or length
b. a place where something is or could be located; a
2. cultivation
3. c. a roughly bounded part of the space on a surface;
dimension a region
d. an amount, as of goods, services, or money,
4. location considered to be a fair and suitable equivalent for
something else; a fair price or return
e. the act, fact, or condition of holding something in
5. ones possession, as real estate or an office;
ownership occupation; a period during which something is
6. tenure f. the state of being cultivated
7. value g. the state or fact of being an owner

3. Fill in the following nouns denoting extents of space, especially on
a surface, bearing in mind the differences between them.

Area - a roughly bounded part of the space on a surface; a region

Belt - a tract, frequently but not always longer than it is wide, that is
distinguished from others in a single stated respect
District - a subdivision for administrative purposes; a less specific
area with respect to such features as its use
Locality - an area with vague or undefined limits
Region - a roughly bounded part of the space on a surface; an area
Zone - an area that encircles, as on a map; an area with strictly
defined, often arbitrarily set boundaries

a blighted urban a polar

a congressional a recreation
a demilitarized a residential
a dialect spoken over a large a rural
a financial a snow
a nuclear-free a tropical
a pain in the abdominal the Corn
the Torrid

4. Fill in the blanks with one of the nouns bellow.

cadaster - encroachment feddans GPS land mapping


The Egyptian Authority is responsible for Egypts national cadaster.

Included in the are approximately 7.5 million feddans of agricultural
land. In 1923, the government mandated the institution a
registration system. Since then, Egyptian Survey Authority has only
been able to register 53 percent of those lands. Increasing
urbanization, growing on government land and the need to reclaim
desert land have made completion of the agriculture cadaster a
national priority. In response to this priority, Egyptian Survey Authority
has developed a plan to register 3.1 million additional by $l
December 2005. Fundamental to the accomplishment of the National
Agricultural Cadaster Plan is the use of , total stations with
magnetic data recorders, digital and GIS technology.

5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate article (definite, indefinite,

Since with a few valuable exceptions what we know about women

is derived primarily through the viewpoint of male authors, who
wrote about and for other men, understanding Byzantine women is
to some extent inseparable from understanding Byzantine society as
whole. unique role of women was to bear children to ensure
continuation of family. They were excluded from public fields of
politics, war and church that rewarded and engaged men. Women
from non-lite backgrounds enter historical record only when they
are prominent at court or acquire wealth and influence. Male authors
praise women for traditional qualities of patience, silence, beauty,
modesty and fertility. Yet women shared same perceptions and
engagement with their society and social institutions as men. They
engaged in imperial intrigue and family networking, inherited and
managed wealth, founded monasteries, traded in
marketplace, bought and sold land and paid taxes.

6. Identify the compound nouns and derived nouns in the following


Understanding any aspect of the lives of Byzantine women is

complex because Byzantine women can only be seen through their
representations in the surviving literature, law and art. Since the
writers of tax registers are among the most artless of all conceivable
writers, their testimony is important, however terse. The officials who
compiled tax registers focused on the task of recording who owed
what tax on which piece of land. They used any means necessary to
define a given individual precisely: surnames, place names,
nicknames and relationships to other individuals. At times the author
of the Cadaster of Thebes used a womans prominence and name
recognition as a means of identifying men who were less easily
known in their own right. Widows are frequently listed as taxpayers.
Some women owned many small plots of land. Some owned
watermills. Some owned land they inherited from their husbands.
Thus one of the positions open to women was that of property owner.

7. Put the text above into Romanian.

8. Match the following.

1. Im certain its him. a. That cant be him.

2. Its possibly not him. b. That must be him.
3. I reasonably expect it to be him. c. That shouldnt be him.
4. Im certain its not him. d. That should be him.
5. Its possibly him, but Im really not
e. That wont be him.
6. I logically deduce its him. f. That mightnt be him.
7. Its possibly not him, but Im really
g. That will be him.
not certain.
8. I logically deduce its not him. h. That may not be him.
9. I reasonably expect it not to be him. i. That might be him.
10. Its possibly him. j. That may be him.

9. Put the following sentences in the right order, paying attention to

the adjectives.

- A chocolate cake lovely home- made big

- A digital tiny Japanese camera video
- A striped cotton red and green jacket dinner
- cottage old stone rustic A holiday
- funny old English little A lady

Lets Laugh!

A husband and wife were driving down a country lane on their way to
visit some friends. They came to a muddy patch in the road and the
car became bogged. After a few minutes of trying to get the car out by
themselves, they saw a young farmer coming down the lane, driving
some oxen before him. The farmer stopped when he saw the couple
in trouble and offered to pull the car out of the mud for $50. The
husband accepted and minutes later the car was free. The farmer
turned to the husband and said, You know, youre the tenth car Ive
helped out of the mud today. The husband looks around at the fields
incredulously and asks the farmer, When do you have time to plough
your land? At night? No, the young farmer replied seriously, Night
is when I put the water in the hole.

Unit 2
Real Estate: Definition and Etymology

Real estate is a legal term (in some jurisdictions, notably in

the USA) that encompasses land along with anything permanently
affixed to the land, such as buildings, specifically property that is
stationary or fixed in location. Real estate is often considered
synonymous with real property (also sometimes called realty), in
contrast with personal property (also sometimes called chattel or
personalty). However, in some situations the term real estate refers
to the land and fixtures together, as distinguished from real property,
referring to ownership rights of the land itself.
The terms real estate and real property are used primarily in
common law, while civil law jurisdictions refer instead to immovable
In law, the word real means relating to a thing (from Old
French reel, from Late Latin realis actual, from Latin res, matter,
thing), as distinguished from a person. Thus the law broadly
distinguishes between real property (land and anything affixed to it)
and personal property (everything else, e.g., clothing, furniture,
money). The conceptual difference was between immovable
property, which would transfer title along with the land, and movable
property, which a person would retain title to. The oldest use of the
term Real Estate that has been preserved in historical records was
in 1666. The use of real to refer to land also reflects the ancient
preference for land, and the ownership thereof (and the owners
thereof). This, in turn, reflects the values of the medieval feudal
system, which is the ultimate root of the common law.
It has been argued that the word Real is derived from royal
(The word royal - and its Spanish cognate real - comes from the
related Latin word rex-regis, meaning king). For hundreds of years
the Royal family or the King owned the land, and the peasants paid
rent or property taxes to be on the Royals land. The word Real in
Spanish means Royal, similar to El Camino Real, or Royal Street.
Today, just like hundreds of years in the past, we pay property taxes,
or rent to be on the governments land or the Royal Estate). However,
the real in real property is derived from the Latin for thing. (After
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopaedia)


affix (v.) = a aduga

broadly = n sens larg
civil law = drept civil
clothing = haine, mbrcminte
cognate = cuvnt avnd o origine comun cu un alt cuvnt
common law = drept cutumiar
encompass (v.) = a cuprinde, a acoperi
fixture = proprietate anex
furniture = mobil, mobilier
immovable property = avere (i)mobiliar, proprietate (i)mobiliar
it has been argued that = s-a ausinut c
law = lege
money = bani
movable property= avere mobil, bunuri mobiliare
notably = mai ales, mai cu seam
ownership right = drept de proprietate
preserve (v.) = a pstra
property taxes = impozit pe avere; impozit pe venitul realizat de pe
urma unui bun imobil
real estate = proprietare mobiliar
related = nrudit()
rent = chirie
thereof = din acesta, din aceasta


1. True or false?

True False
Real estate and real property are used primarily in
common law.
Real estate is a legal term that encompasses land
along with houses permanently affixed to the land.
Real estate is often considered synonymous with
real property.
Real estate refers to the land alone.

2. Fill in the blanks with one of the adjectives below.

administrative continental native old post-Celtic sovereign

Originally, in Europe, a county (comt, Grafschaft) was the land

under the jurisdiction of a count (comte, Graf). Counts are called
earls in Britain and Ireland - the term is from Old Norse jarl and
was introduced by the Vikings - but there is no correlation between
counties and earldoms. Rather, county, from French comt, was
simply used by the Normans after 1066 to replace the English term
scir (Modern English shire), as the Anglo-Saxon system of Shires was
unique and thus hard for the Norman invaders to comprehend so they
resorted to calling them Counties. A shire was an division of an
Anglo-Saxon kingdom (Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia, etc.), usually
named after its administrative centre: for example, Gloucester, in
Gloucestershire; Worcester, in Worcestershire, etc. or originate from
these forms of names (e.g. Wiltshire derived from Wiltonshire with
Wilton as its county town). Thus, whereas the word comt denoted
a jurisdiction in the original French, the English county denotes a
subdivision of a sovereign jurisdiction.

3. Make sentences of your own with the following.

property something owned; a possession; a piece of real estate;

something tangible or intangible to which its owner has legal
title; possessions considered as a group
the right of ownership, title; an article, except costumes and
scenery, that appears on the stage or on screen during a
dramatic performance
characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to
define or describe its possessor; a characteristic attribute
possessed by all members of a class
special capability or power; a virtue
propertyless having no property
property damage insurance liability insurance for claims brought
against a person who causes damage to anothers property,
as by an automobile accident
property tax a tax levied against the owner of real or personal

4. Match the city in Column A with its nickname in Column B.

Column A Column B
Chicago The Big Apple
Dallas The Big D
Detroit The City of Angels
Los Angeles The Golden Gate City
New York City The Motor City
Pittsburgh The Nations Capital
San Francisco The Steel City
Washington, D.C. The Windy City

5. Find the words misspelled in the text below.

Royal Stret is a street in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is one of the

oldest strets in the city, dating from the French Colonial era, and is
most wel-known for the antique shops, art galeries, and stately hotels
that line its sides as it runs through New Orleans French Quarter and
tourist district. The most famous section of Royal Stret is the portion
in the uper French Quarter, known for its scores of opulent antique
shops and art galeries. Despite its orderly nature, it is located only
one block south of the party atmosphere of Bourbon Stret. The prices
at its art shops and antique stores tend to be very high; inded, it has
ben listed as one of the most expensive places to shop in the world.
The finer antique shops display not simply items that are old, but such
rare items as pieces of fine art furniture owned by royalty of past
centuries. Although such pieces are out of the budget of all but a few
visitors, window shoping along Royal Stret is a popular pastime for
visitors, especialy art lovers, even if they are not buying. Royal Stret
also includes restaurants, ranging from the upscale Brennans
through midrange and budget options, as well as luxury hotels. Below
Jackson Square, Royal becomes more of a mix of residential and
neighborhod busineses.

6. Timioara was once nicknamed The Small Vienna. Answer the

following in an attempt to see if it still deserves it.

- How are the two cities similar / different?

- What images characterize Timioara / Vienna?

7. Choose the right word from the brackets and then put the text into

The scissors (was, were) here a few minutes ago. His luggage (was,
were) lost yesterday. A (little, few) knowledge (is, are) a dangerous
thing. (much, many) people on the ship (was, were) getting seasick
from the waves. There (is, are) several means of accomplishing our
purpose. Billiards (is, are) his favourite game. The news printed in
that paper (is, are) never accurate. We dont need to buy so (much,
money) furniture, there (is, are) (much, many) chairs here. How
(much, many) information do you have about the man? You didnt
give me (much, many) ideas about the job, and very (little, few)
advice. He needs (little, few) money to buy the book, but (many,
much) money for the painting album.

8. Match the collective nouns on the right with the collocating objects
on the left.

a board of actors
a bouquet of antelopes
a bunch of arrows
a colony of bananas
a company of computers
a constellation of directors
a crew of dogs
a fleet of experts
a gang of fish
a herd of grapes
a mob of hoodlums
a network of kangaroos
a pack of lepers
a panel of monkeys
a pod of poems
a quiver of roses
a school of sailors
a stand of ships
a troop of stars
an anthology of whales

9. Put the verbs between brackets in the Simple or Continuous

- What (you do)? I (feel) this material to see whether its

cotton or not. (it, feel) like cotton? No, it (feel) rather like
- What part of California (you, come) from? I come from
San Francisco, but I (live) in San Diego now.
- I (not interrupt) people when they (talk) on the phone.
- Ill wait until you (come)
- Its March 5th. Betty (have) her birthday party today and she
(expect) all her friends to come. She (prepare) ... a lot of nice
things to eat and drink now. She (wear) a pretty blue dress.
When Bettys friends (come) theyll bring her many beautiful
- Our neighbours (always, interfere) in other peoples
- Salmon fishing (open) ... in January or February and
(continue) until the end of October.
- She usually (read) detective novels, but now she (read)
a horror one.
- Whenever I (have) a day off, I (drive) to the ocean. Why
(you, not join) ... us? Im terribly sorry, but tomorrow I (drive)
to the countryside.

10. Arrange in the right order the following adverbs of frequency.

always frequently hardly ever never occasionally often

rarely sometimes

Lets Laugh!

A bus load of politicians were driving down a country road one

afternoon, when all of a sudden, the bus ran off the road and crashed
into a tree in an old farmers field. Seeing what happened, the old
farmer went over to investigate. He then proceeded to dig a hole and
bury the politicians. A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw
the crashed bus, and asked the old farmer, Were they all dead? The

old farmer replied, Well, some of them said they werent, but you
know how them politicians lie.
Unit 3
Real Estate Terminology outside the U.S.

Real estate as real property in the U.K. In British usage, real

property, often shortened to just property, generally refers to land
and fixtures as such while the term real estate is used mostly in the
context of probate law, and means all interests in land held by a
deceased person at death excluding interests in money arising under
a trust for sale of or charged on land.
French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and German
usages of the term. In French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian,
Spanish and German, real estate is called immovables (French:
immobilier, Italian: immobiliare, Spanish: inmueble Portuguese:
imvel, Romanian: imobiliare and German: Immobilie); other property
is called movables (French: mobilier, Spanish: mueble, and German:
Bewegliche Sachen).
Real estate in Mexico and Central America. The real estate
business in Mexico and Central America is different from the one in
the United States. Some similarities include a variety of legal
formalities (with professionals such as real estate agents generally
employed to assist the buyer); taxes need to be paid (but typically
less than those in U.S.); legal paperwork will ensure title; and a
neutral party such as a title company will handle documentation and
monies in order to smoothly make the exchange between the parties.
Increasingly, U.S. title companies are doing work for U.S. buyers in
Mexico and Central America. Prices are often much cheaper than
most areas of the U.S., but in many locations prices of houses and
lots are as expensive as the U.S., one example being Mexico City.
U.S. banks have begun to give home loans for properties in Mexico,
but, so far, not for other Latin American countries. One important
difference from the United States is that each country has rules
regarding where foreigners can buy. For example, in Mexico,
foreigners cannot buy land or homes within 50 km of the coast or 100
km from a border, while, in Honduras, they may buy beach front
property. There are also different special rules regarding certain types
of property: ejidos communally held farm property cannot be sold

to anyone, but that does not prevent them from being offered for sale.
(After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

arise (v.) = a aprea, a rezulta

beach front property = teren la malul mrii / oceanului
buyer = achizitor, cumprtor
charge on land = ipotec pe pmnt
cheap = ieftin()
deceased = decedat()
ensure (v.) = a asigura
for sale = de vnzare
foreigner = strin
handle (v.) = a manevra, a manipula
held = deinut() (adj.)
home loan = credit / mprumut imobiliar
increasingly = din ce n ce mai mult, tot mai mult
mostly = n majoritatea cazurilor, mai ales, mai cu seam
prevent (v.) = a mpiedica
probate law = drept succesional
rule = regulament, regul
shorten (v.) = a scurta
smoothly = fr probleme
so far = pn acum
title = act / titlu de proprietate
trust for sale = tutel spre vnzare
while = n timp ce
within = n interiorul, n intervalul


1. Answer the questions.

- What does real property refer to in the UK?

- What does real estate refer to in the UK?
- In what is the real estate business in Mexico and Central
America different from the one in the United States?
- What similarities are there between the two?

- How are house and lot prices in Mexico?
- What is an ejido? Do we have something similar in Romania?
2. Match the following adjectives with their definitions.

a. entirely or almost entirely surrounded by land;

1. landed
confined to inland waters, as certain salmon
2. landless b. owning land; consisting of land or real estate
c. owning much unprofitable land but lacking the
3. landlocked
capital to improve or maintain it
4. land-poor d. owning or having no land
5. landward e. to or toward land

3. Make sentences of your own with the adjectives above.

4. Each word in Column A is missing a three-letter combination. Write

the correct threesome from Column B in the correct space in Column
A. Each threesome is used only once.
Column A Column B
cster ada
coun cat
cultivat dow
dision ion
lanner men
loion own
ership pro
perty try

5. In each of the 20 words listed below, the first and third letters are
the same. Read each words definition and then fill in the missing
letters to complete the words.

_l_ment = the most basic (as-small-as-it-gets) part or principle of

anything, whether concrete or abstract; a component, a
constituent, an ingredient, a factor, a building block
_u_al = not urban or suburban, of the countryside; living in the
country; having to do with farming
_y_tem = a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent
elements forming a complex whole

_i_le = an identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical
composition, or other work
6. Fill in with one of the ing words below.

buying (2 times) listing looking (2 times) marketing (2 times)

selling (2 times)

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home is one of the biggest events in your life. As top El Paso,
Canutillo, and Anthony Realtors, we have the experience and track
record that you are for. Let us help you.

7. Supply the name of the country and the name of the inhabitant of
the country corresponding to the names of languages below, as in the

Language Name of the country Name of the inhabitant

British English England Englishman

8. Classify the adjectives in the box below according to the
Comparative Degree they form.

attractive careful cheap easy expensive grey healthy

heavy narrow refined silly straight tall thirsty

er y = ier more
light lighter

9. Fill in the blanks with the intensifiers: much, far, a lot, a good deal,
a great deal, for the comparative, and by far, possible, imaginable, for
the superlative.

- I think your interviews are better than hers.

- In the end he will pay a higher price for it.
- Our old secretary is more experienced than the new one.
- Richard is the worst student in his group.
- This is the most pressing problem facing family since
- Travelling is more interesting than watching TV.
- We had the greatest difficulty getting here in time.
- You have found the best solution to my troubles.

10. Match the modal auxiliaries with their corresponding meanings in

the table below.

ability habitual action inherent capacity of inanimate objects

lack of necessity lack of obligation lack of willingness mild
obligation necessity permission prohibition strong obligation
supposition willingness

- He will watch cartoons all morning.

- I can speak Chinese.
- I will help you should anything bad happen.
- I wont do it and thats final.
- This room will hold twenty people.
- This should be your brother.

- We need to make inquiries.
- You may sit wherever you like.
- You must finish your homework.
11. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past, Present Perfect or Present
Perfect Continuous.

- As soon as I (do) my homework, Ill go to bed.

- I (know) Bill for years; as a matter of fact, I (know) him
since he (be) a little child.
- I (read) this poem ten times so I know it by heart now.
- I (work) since morning. I (not have) ... anything to eat yet.
- Please excuse the mess. I (move) furniture around.
- Since my aunt last (visit) me, she (vacation) in Florida.
- What (you, do) with my purse? It (be) here a moment
- When I (move) in three days ago, everything (be) in a
mess, but now I (almost, finish) cleaning and arranging things.
- Where (you, be) all morning? Its nearly noon, and these
letters should have been sent first thing in the morning.
- Where (you, be) this morning? I (call) you several times.

12. Put in the right order the following instructions in the Imperative.

- At the end of the call replace the receiver.

- Dont leave anything behind you when you leave!
- If you are not making another call, take the card out.
- Look for the nearest public phone box and go in.
- Make sure you have a phone-card. If not buy one.
- Once inside, lift the receiver.
- Put in the phone-card and dial the number.

Lets Laugh!

A mans car stalled on a country road one morning. When the man
got out to fix it, a cow came along and stopped beside him. Your
trouble is probably in the carburettor, said the cow. Startled, the man
jumped back and ran down the road until he met a farmer. The
amazed man told the farmer his story. Was it a large red cow with a
brown spot over the right eye? asked the farmer. Yes, yes, the man

replied. Oh! I wouldnt listen to Bessie, said the farmer. She doesnt
know a thing about cars.

Unit 4
Real Estate in the Business Sector

With the development of private property ownership, real

estate has become a major area of business. Purchasing real estate
requires a significant investment, and each parcel of land has unique
characteristics, so the real estate industry has evolved into several
distinct fields. Specialists are often called on to valuate real estate
and facilitate transactions.
Some kinds of real estate businesses include:
- appraisal: professional valuation services;
- brokerages: assisting buyers and sellers in transactions;
- development: improving land for use by adding or
replacing buildings;
- property management: managing a property for its
- real estate marketing: managing the sales side of the
property business;
- real estate investing: managing the investment of real
- relocation services: relocating people or business to a
different country;
- Corporate Real Estate: managing the real estate held by a
corporation to support its core business unlike managing
the real estate held by an investor to generate income.
Within each field, a business may specialize in a particular
type of real estate, such as:
- residential (related to places in which people live);
- commercial (related to the buying and selling of goods);
- industrial (related to the commercial production and sale of
goods) property.
In addition, almost all construction business real estate
(related to the act or process of constructing) effectively has a
connection to real estate.

Internet Real Estate is a term coined by the internet
investment community relating to ownership of domain names and
the similarities between high quality internet domain names and real-
world, prime real estate. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

appraisal = bonitare
buy (v.) = a achiziiona, a cumpra
buyer = cumprtor
buying = achiziionare, cumprare
coin (v.) = a furi
core business = afacerea principal
evolve (v.) = a evolua
goods = bunuri, mrfuri, produse
improve (v.) a ameliora, a mbunti
income = venit
investment = investiie
major = important(), major()
ownership = proprietate
purchase (v.) = a achiziiona, a cumpra
relocate (v.) = a muta
relocation = mutare
require (v.) = a cere, a necesita
sale = vnzare
seller = vnztor
selling = vnzare
support (v.) = a sprijini
valuate (v.) = a evalua

1. True or false?

True False
Real estate and facilitate transactions are often
valuated by specialists.
Real estate businesses include only appraisal.
Real estate has become a major area of business.

Real estate investing consists of marketing the
investment of real estate.
Real estate marketing consists of managing the
sales side of the property business.
2. Match the following nouns with their definitions.

a. a bank that issues long-term loans on real estate

1. land bank
in return for mortgages
2. land b. a breeze that blows from the land toward open
breeze water
c. a government grant of public land for a railroad,
3. land bridge
highway, or state college
d. a government office that handles and keeps
4. land crab
records of the sale or transfer of public land
5. land grant e. an isthmus
f. a terrestrial crab of the tropical family
6. land mile
Gecarinidae, having a large square body
g. a unit of length equal to 1,609 meters used in
7. land mine
the US and other English-speaking countries
h. an explosive mine laid usually just below the
8. land office
surface of the ground
i. measures (the division of large properties into
9. land reform smaller ones) taken to bring about a more
equitable apportionment of agricultural land

3. Group the following as in the model.

(heaven and) earth (on the) ground continent crust dry land
earth (and sky) feature geography ground inland interior
land (and sea) landscape lithosphere mainland sea level
surface terrain topography

Words referring to

the earth called in distinction

the land in contrast to the sea

the type of land in an area

the ground we stand on

the surface of the earth

to heaven or the sky
how high the land is

4. Group the words in ing above as in the model.

Noun Adjective Verb Adverb

estate real is usually

Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the

practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually
its Market Value. The need for appraisals arises from the
heterogeneous nature of property as an investment class: no two
properties are identical, and all properties differ from each other in
their location which is the most important determinant of their value.
So there cannot exist a centralised Walrasian auction setting for the
trading of property assets, as there exists for trade in corporate stock.
The absence of a market-based pricing mechanism determines the
need for an expert appraisal/valuation of real estate/property. A real
estate appraisal is performed by a licensed or certified appraiser (in
many countries known as a property valuer or land valuer and in
British English as a valuation surveyor. If the appraisers opinion is
based on Market Value, then it must also be based on the Highest
and Best Use of the real property. For mortgage valuations of
improved residential property in the US, the appraisal is most often
reported on a standardized form, such as the Uniform Residential
Appraisal Report. Appraisals of more complex property (e.g. income
producing, raw land) are usually reported in a narrative appraisal

5. Put the text above into Romanian.

6. Reconstitute the following sentences by adding the missing vowels.

The sign _ stands for a single vowel word.

- cdstr s _ cmprhnsv rgstr f th rl prprty f _ cntry

- cdstrl mp s _ mp shwng th bndrs nd wnrshp f lnd prcls
- ch cntry hs rls rgrdng whr frgnrs cn by
- el stt s ftn cnsdrd synnyms wth rl prprty
- prchsng rl stt rqrs _ sgnfcnt nvstmnt
- th rl stt bsnss n Mxc nd Cntrl mrc s dffrnt frm th n n th Untd
- th trms rl stt nd rl prprty r usd prmrly n cmmn lw
- thr r dffrnt spcl rls rgrdng crtn typs f prprty
7. Fill in the blanks with the required articles, and then put the text
into Romanian.

Last year I stayed in little town in England called Stratford-

on-Avon. I wanted to go to theatre to see some of plays of
Shakespeare theatre is near River Avon, beautiful river in which
you can bathe and sail boats. When I arrived in Stratford, I was
told to stay at hotel called Dirty Duck, but I couldnt find it. I
asked many people where it was, but no one knew it. I saw
policemen at corner of .main street. I spoke to him and asked
him if he knew Dirty Duck. He laughed and told me that he knew
it all right. It was just at bottom of street near Plaza cinema. I
walked to bottom of street, saw hotel and read name
above door. It was called Black Swan!

8. Match the nouns in the box with the proper determiners, as in the

advice baggage children chocolate experience feet fish

furniture glass information knowledge luck men mice
people sheep teeth window women

few little

9. Choose the right adverbial particle in order to construct the correct
phrasal verbs:

There were so many people at the conference that there werent

enough handouts to go off/ out/ round. I loved the music of this band
when they appeared but now Ive gone off/ over/ down it. The level of
the water has gone up/ down/ off as a result of the drought. Could you
go in/ up/ over the procedure one more time so that I can fully
understand it? The old cottage went out/ off/ for more than we have
ever expected. She set away/ off/ out for the airport yesterday
morning. Youd better call up/ in/ off/ the meeting if youre not feeling
well. You dont have to put everything away/ down/ up, just write the
main ideas. I have gone out/ up/ off using my old agenda.
10. Fill in with a new word derived from the word between brackets.

- All of us hope for the of our sins (absolve)

- Do you think it was ? I strongly doubt it (worth)
- He boasted about his of several estates (own)
- I am sure he did it in of my orders (defy)
- I was amazed at his with the wild region (family)
- It was of you to say such a thing (mischief)
- She glared at us (contempt)
- The man painfully realised he had led a most existence
- The poet made use of commonplace words (art)
- They have made use of the coal left there (mass)
- To become a writer requires of the writer (master)

11. Fill in with the proper Present Participles.

doubting glowing fighting helping hopping hunting

laughing leading losing parting pecking receiving
sleeping whipping

fit give a hand

mad let dogs lie
a light no matter
a shot on the end

a Thomas paint in colours
a happy ground the boy
fight a battle the order

Lets Laugh!
A farmer in the country has a watermelon patch and upon inspection
he discovers that some of the local kids have been helping
themselves to a feast. The farmer thinks of ways to discourage this
profit-eating situation. So he puts up a sign that reads: WARNING!
smugly as he watched the kids run off the next night without eating
any of his melons. The farmer returns to the watermelon patch a
week later to discover that none of the watermelons have been eaten,
but finds another sign that reads: NOW THERE ARE TWO!
Unit 5
Residential Real Estate (I)

The legal arrangement for the right to occupy a dwelling is

known as the housing tenure. Types of housing tenure include owner
occupancy, tenancy, housing cooperative, condominiums (individually
parcelled properties in a single building), public housing, and
squatting. Variants include timeshares and co-housing.
Residences can be classified by if and how they are
connected to neighbouring residences and land.
Different types of housing tenure can be used for the same
physical type. For example, connected residences might be owned by
a single entity and leased out, or owned separately with an
agreement covering the relationship between units and common
areas and concerns.
Major physical categories in North America and Europe
- Attached / multi-unit dwellings: apartment (flat outside
North America), often seen in multi-story apartment buildings,
an individual unit in a multi-unit building, the boundaries of
whom are generally defined by a perimeter of locked or
lockable doors; multi-family house, often seen in multi-story

detached buildings, where each floor is a separate apartment
or unit; terraced house (a.k.a. townhouse or row-house), a
number of single or multi-unit buildings in a continuous row
with shared walls and no intervening space; condominium, a
building or complex, similar to apartments, owned by
individuals, while common grounds are owned and shared
jointly (there are townhouse or row-house style condominiums
as well).
- Semi-detached dwellings; duplex, two units with one shared
- Single-family detached home.
- Portable dwellings: mobile homes, potentially a full-time
residence which can be (might not in practice be) movable on
wheels; houseboats, a floating home; tents, usually very
temporary, with roof and walls consisting only of fabric-like
material. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

apartment building = bloc / cldire cu / de apartamente

attached / multi-unit dwellings = grup de mai multe locuine aflate,
de obicei, sub acelai acoperi
boundary = despritur, grani, limit
co-housing = comunitate de locuine n care buctria i alte
faciliti sunt comune
condominium = condominium, stpnire asociat / mixt
duplex = duplex, apartament pe dou etaje
dwelling = locuin
fabric-like material = material textil
floating home = cas plutitoare
floor = etaj
houseboat = cas (ntr-o ambarcaiune) pe ap
housing cooperative = companie care deine locuine; cldiri
housing tenure = aranjament financiar care i permite cuiva s
locuiasc ntr-un apartament sau o cas
lease out (v.) = a da cu chirie, a nchiria
lockable = care poate fi ncuiat()
locked = ncuiat()
mobile home = cas / locuin mobil

multi-family house = cldire n care fiecare familie ocup un etaj
multi-story = cu mai multe etaje
neighbouring = nvecinat()
on wheels = pe roi
owner occupancy = locuin proprietate personal
portable dwelling = locuin portabil
public housing = locuin de stat
semi-detached dwelling = locuin semi-detaat
shared = mprit(), n comun
single-family detached home = cas individual pentru o singur
squatting = instalarea ilegal ntr-o cas
tenancy = chirie
tent = cort
terraced house = cas cu teras la parter
timeshare = locuin n comun, de obicei n staiuni de vacan
1. Answer the questions.

- What do you understand by housing tenure?

- What types of housing tenure are there?
- What is owner occupancy?
- What is tenancy?
- What is housing cooperative?
- What is a condominium?
- What do you understand by public housing?
- What is squatting?
- What is a timeshare?
- What do you understand by co-housing?
- How can residences be classified?
- What do major physical categories of housing tenure include?
- What is an apartment?
- What is an apartment building?
- What is a multi-family house?
- What is a terraced house?
- What is a duplex?
- What is a single-family detached house?
- What is a houseboat?

- What is a tent?

2. Match the following.

a. a kind of intentional community composed of

1. co-housing private homes with full kitchens, supplemented
by extensive common facilities
2. housing b. buildings or other shelters in which people live
c. possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or
3. occupancy other property by title, under a lease, or on
payment of rent
d. the act of occupying or the condition of being
4. squatting occupied; the state of being an occupant or a
e. the act of settling on unoccupied land without
5. tenancy
legal claim
3. Group the following words referring to a neighbour (someone who
lives nearby) as in the model.

apartment complex be neighbours community compound

district environs good neighbour housing development live
in the same neighbourhood live near each other live nearby
live next to each other live on the same street neighbourhood
neighbourly neighbour next door neighbour our area our
street subdivision vicinity

Words referring to
the fact that
a good someone who the area around
someone lives
neighbour lives nearby your house

4. Make a description of your flat / house using some of the words


5. Fill in with the Past Participles below.

combined drawn found known (2 times) made termed

used (3 times)

An apartment building, block of flats or tenement, is a multi-unit
dwelling up of several (generally four or more) apartments (US), or
flats (UK). A difference may be such as in San Francisco,
California between an apartment and a flat, where an apartment is
one of many units on a floor and a flat is the only unit on a given floor.
Where the building is a high-rise construction, it is a tower block in
the UK and elsewhere. The term apartment building is regardless
of height in the US. A two-unit dwelling is as a duplex (US) or
maisonette (UK); a three-unit dwelling is as a triplex, in Chicago as
a three-flat, or in Boston as a three-decker or a triple-decker. Beyond
this, cardinal numbers are (e.g., fourplex, fiveplex) in the US, and
the term multiplex is also . Tenement law refers to the feudal basis
of permanent property such as land or rents. May be as in
Messuage or Tenement to encompass all the land, buildings and
other assets of a property.
6. Group the following pronouns according to the model.

he her hers herself him himself his I it it its

itself me mine myself our ours ourselves she theirs
them themselves they us we you yours yourself

Subject Object Possessive Reflexive

he him his himself

7. Put the verbs between brackets in the Simple Past, Past Perfect or
Past Perfect Continuous.

- How long (he, work) on his sculpture when he finally

(finish) it? For at least one year.
- How long (your father, smoke) when he (decide) to quit
smoking? For more than twenty years.
- Betty was reading when her parents (come) home from
- Bill (wait) for his girlfriend for half an hour when she finally
(show up)
- By the time Mrs. Adams (reach) the store, she (forget)
what she wanted to buy.
- By the time Mrs. Dobbs (retire), she (work) for 35 years.

- By the time we (get) to the movie theatre, the movie
(already, begin).
- First the weather (be) fine. Later it (start) to rain. Then
we ... (decide) to go back home.
- I (see) Karen yesterday. She (tell) me she (just,
come) back from her vacation.
- Rita (design) herself a summer dress yesterday. She
(never, design) clothes for herself before.
- She (read) for two hours. She (read) fifty pages.
- The ground (be) wet because it (rain) for several hours.
- The party was a great success. Cathy (feel) happier than
she (ever, feel) before.

8. Fill in the blanks with the right preposition after each adjective.

- Be very careful what you say to her.

- He always tries to be polite his teachers.
- He told me he was angry you.
- He took a job because he no longer wanted to be dependent
his parents.
- Im proud your success.
- Mary is very fond children.
- She has never been successful anything she has done.
- She is quite different her husband.
- The new teacher is very patient children.
- We have all the equipment necessary our experiment.
- What are you afraid ?
- Why do you feel inferior your schoolmates?

9. Match the sentences on the left with the Past Participles required
by the causative have structure on the right.

1. Mary had her hair a. capped

2. We are having our roof b. cut
3. John has had his car c. dry- cleaned
4. Susan has had her tooth d. redecorated
5. Bill had an X- ray e. re-soled
6. Im having my blue suit f. re-tiled
7. The Smiths have had their bedroom g. serviced

8. We had our dog h. spayed
9. Wendy had her computer i. taken
10. He has had his shoes j. upgraded

Lets Laugh!

A New York City yuppie moved to the country and bought a piece of
land. He went to the local feed and livestock store and talked to the
proprietor about how he was going to take up chicken farming. He
then asked to buy 100 chicks. Thats a lot of chicks, commented the
proprietor. I mean business, the city slicker replied. A week later the
yuppie was back again. I need another 100 chicks, he said. Boy,
you are serious about this chicken farming, the man told him. Yeah,
the yuppie replied. If I can iron out a few problems. Problems?
asked the proprietor. Yeah, replied the yuppie, I think I planted that
last batch too close together.
Unit 6
Residential Real Estate (II)

The size of an apartment or house can be described in square

feet or meters. In the United States this includes the area of living
space, excluding the garage and other non-living spaces. The
square meters figure of a house in Europe reports the area of the
walls enclosing the home, and thus includes any attached garage and
non-living spaces.
It can also be described more roughly by the number of
- A studio apartment, or an efficiency apartment or
bachelor style apartment is a self-contained, small
apartment, which combines living room (a room for
entertaining guests, reading, watching TV or other
activities), bedroom (a large room where people usually
sleep for the night and/or for relaxation during the day)
and kitchenette (a cooking area in motel and hotel rooms,
small apartments, college dormitories, or office buildings)
into a single unit, barring a bathroom (a room with a bath).
Bachelor style apartment is sometimes referred to the

smaller units than studio apartment. Studio efficiency, bed-
sit (a form of rented accommodation common in Great
Britain consisting of a single room with a shared bathroom
and lavatory) and bachelor-style apartments all tend to be
the smallest apartments with the lowest rents in a given
area, usually with an area of around 300 to 600 square
feet (25-60 m). These kinds of apartments usually consist
mainly of a large room which serves as the living, dining,
and bedroom. There are usually kitchen facilities as part of
this central room or sometimes a small separate kitchen,
but the bathroom is its own smaller separate room.
- A one-bedroom apartment has a living or dining room,
separate from the bedroom.
- Two bedroom, three bedroom, and larger units are
also common. (A bedroom is defined as a room with a
closet for clothes storage.) (After Wikipedia, the Free

accommodation = cazare
bachelor = burlac
bachelor style = stilul burlac
bar (v.) = a bara, a delimita, a despri
bathroom = (sal de) baie
bedroom = dormitor
bed-sit = garsonier
closet = debara, dulap de haine
clothes = haine, mbrcminte
cooking = de gtit
dining room = camera n care se ia masa, sufragerie
dormitory = cmin studenesc
during the day = n timpul zilei
enclose (v.) = a cuprinde, a nchide
entertain (v.) = a distra
figure = cifr
for the night = pe timpul nopii
guest = musafir, oaspete
kitchen facilities = dotri de buctrie
kitchenette = buctrioar, chicinet

lavatory = spltor, toalet; closet
living room = camer de zi, living
living space = spaiu locuibil
low = mic(), sczut()
non-living space = spaiu nelocuibil
office building = cldire cu birouri
reading = citit, lectur
rented = nchiriat()
roughly = n mare
self-contained = de sine stttor
shared = utilizat() n comun
size = mrime
square foot (pl. feet) = picior ptrat
storage = depozitare
studio apartment = garsonier, studio
wall = perete
watching TV = privitul la televizor
1. True or false?

Statement True False

A bathroom is a room with a bath.
A bedroom is a large room where people usually
sleep for the night.
A kitchenette is a cooking area in motel and hotel
rooms, small apartments, college dormitories, or
office buildings.
A living room is a room for entertaining guests,
reading, watching TV or having dinner.
A studio apartment is a self-contained, small
apartment, which combines living room, bedroom
and kitchenette into a single unit barring a bathroom.
The square meters figure of a house in the US
reports the area of the walls enclosing the home, and
thus includes any attached garage and non-living
The size of an apartment or house can be described
in square feet or meters.

2. Group the following words related to household equipment and
tools, as in the model.

air-conditioning bag belongings broom bucket candle

cistern dustpan furnace garbage pail heater household
goods lamp lamp stand lantern light fixture mirror mop
property water barrel

found in a

used to provide

used to provide
used to clean a

light in a house
used to heat or
cool a house
found in a



3. Put the following into Romanian.

A living room, also known as sitting room (especially in the UK),

lounge room or lounge (in the UK and Australia), is a room for
entertaining guests, reading, watching TV or other activities. The
word lounge is from the Latin, it was brought over later on by the
French. In modern homes and apartments, the living room has
replaced the old fashioned parlour. In the 19th century, the parlour
was the room in the house where the recently deceased were laid out
before their funeral. This became the more affirmative term living
room in the 20th century. The term marks the 20th effort of architects
and builders to strip the parlour of its burial and mourning
associations. A typical western living room will be furnished with a
sofa, chairs, occasional tables, a television or stereo equipment, and
bookshelves, as well as other pieces of furniture. Traditionally, a
sitting room in the UK would have a fireplace. In Japan, people
traditionally sat on tatami instead of chairs, but Western style decor is
also common these days. In the US, sometimes the living room is
reserved for more formal and quiet entertaining while a separate
recreation room or family room is used for more casual activities and
drinking. In recent years, the term great room has come to be used
to denote the family room, especially if it is open to the kitchen, and

may feature a vaulted ceiling. In Australia, the living room is more
often referred to as the lounge and is used for both formal and
casual entertaining, although casual entertaining also takes place in
the backyard. The term front room can also be used to describe a
living room, because in many homes the front door opens into the
living room.

4. Comment the above as in the model.




A typical living room is furnished with a sofa. + + + - +

Traditionally, a sitting room has a fireplace.
5. Continue the sentences by either using a verb in the Present
Simple or Present Perfect Tense.

- He will leave the town after he ...

- He will speak about the contract while they ...
- I shall give you a definite answer when I ...
- Ill come to your office as soon as I ...
- Ill go there directly when I ...
- She will sign the papers before we ...
- The company will not take further steps untill the manager ...
- They will be present at the meeting if you ...
- They wont buy the house till everything ...
- You will attend the auction if I ...

6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Reflexive Pronoun.

- A cat washes in front of the gate.

- A woman looks at in the mirror.
- Enjoy !
- I hurt climbing over the fence.
- I lost in a strange city.
- Nobody can see as others see him.

- Some people kill with worry.
- The employees carried the chairs in the room
- They were asking who had bought the flat on the third floor.
- We dry with a towel. Behave !
- You must write the letter

7. Fill in the blanks with nouns that add the suffix ship from the box
below according to their definition.

censor champion citizen companion dictator fellow

friend leader owner member partner relation scholar
sponsor town

- ... is the state of being the member of a country and having

- is support for a person, organization or activity through
money, encouragement or other help.
- is the legal right to the possession of a thing.
- is the quality or condition of being a well known person
- is the relation between people who are either friends or
who travel together.
- is the set of characteristics that makes somebody the most
important person in a group.
- is the state of belonging to an organization.
- is the state of someone having complete power in a
country, especially power achieved through force.
- is the way in which two people or groups of people
- A ... is a unit of local government consisting of an urban area
and its surroundings.
- A is a competition, specially a sporting one.
- A is a group of people or an organization with the same

Lets Laugh!

A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother, who
immediately demanded an inspection of the place. The farmer had
genuinely tried to be friendly to his new mother-in-law, hoping that it

could be a friendly, non-antagonistic relationship. All to no avail
though, as she kept nagging them at every opportunity, demanding
changes, offering unwanted advice, and generally making life
unbearable to the farmer and his new bride. While they were walking
through the barn, during the forced inspection, the farmers mule
suddenly reared up and kicked the mother-in-law in the head, killing
her instantly. It was a shock to all no matter their feelings toward her
demanding ways. At the funeral service a few days later, the farmer
stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by. The
pastor noticed that whenever a woman would whisper something to
the farmer, he would nod his head yes and say something. Whenever
a man walked by and whispered to the farmer, however, he would
shake his head no, and mumble a reply. Very curious as to this
bizarre behaviour, the pastor later asked the farmer what that was all
about. The farmer replied, The women would say, What a terrible
tragedy and I would nod my head and say, Yes, it was. The men
would then ask, Can I borrow that mule? and I would shake my head
and say, Cant. Its all booked up for a year.
Unit 7
Real Estate Market Value

According to The Economist, a famous English-language

weekly news and international affairs publication owned by The
Economist Newspaper Ltd. and edited in London, Great Britain,
developed economies assets at the end of the year 2002 were as
follows (we understand by developed economies countries whose
economies are dominated by the tertiary sector of industry the
provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers and
by the quaternary sector of industry the sharing of information):
- Residential property: $48 trillion;
- Commercial property (business property e.g. office
buildings, industrial property, medical centres, hotels,
malls, retail stores): $14 trillion;
- Equities (stock): $20 trillion;
- Government bonds (bonds issued by a national
government denominated in the countrys own currency):
$20 trillion;

- Corporate bonds (longer-term debt instruments, generally
with a maturity date falling at least a year after their issue
date): $13 trillion;
- Total: $115 trillion.
That makes real estate assets 54% and financial assets 46%
of total stocks, bonds, and real estate assets.
Assets not counted here are bank deposits (a current account
at a banking institution that allows money to be deposited and
withdrawn by the account holder, with the transactions and resulting
balance being recorded on the banks books), insurance (form of risk
management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent
loss) reserve assets, and human assets or human capital (the stock
of productive skills and technical knowledge embodied in labour).
In all the calculus exposed above, it is not quite clear if all debt
(that which is owed; usually referencing assets owed, but the term
can cover other obligations) and equity (the remaining interest in
assets after all liabilities are paid) investments are counted in the
categories equities and bonds. (After Wikipedia, the Free

according to = dup, n conformitate cu

account holder = deintor de cont bancar
allow (v.) = a permite
assets = activ, datorii active, bunuri patrimoniale
balance = balan (financiar)
bank books = registre bancare
bank deposit = depozit n banc
contingent loss = pierdere accidental
corporate bond = bon / obligaiune / titlu de rent emis de o
count = cont
currency = moneda unei ri, valut
current account = cont curent
debt instrument = instrument de debit
deposit (v.) = a depune, a face o depunere la banc
developed economies = ri dezvoltate
embody (v.) = a ntruchipa
equity = aciuni cu dobnd variabil (Marea Britanie)

government bond = bon / obligaiune / titlu de rent emis de
guvernul unei ri
hedge against (v.) = a se proteja mpotriva
human asset = capital uman
insurance = asigurare
issue date = data emiterii
issued = emis()
maturity date = termen scadent
productive skills = calificare profesional
provision = furnizare
record (v.) = a nregistra
reserve = rezerv
retail store = magazin cu vnzare cu amnuntul
sharing = mprtire
stock = aciuni
technical knowledge = cunotine tehnice
trillion = trillion; billion (S.U.A.)
weekly publication = publicaie sptmnal
withdraw (v.) a retrage (o sum)
1. Answer the questions.

- What is The Economist?

- What do you understand by developed economies?
- What does the tertiary sector of industry involve?
- What does the quaternary sector of industry involve?
- What do you understand by commercial property?
- Where could you range an office building?
- What do you understand by stock?
- What are government bonds?
- What do you understand by corporate bonds?
- How much do real estate assets make of total stocks, bonds,
and real estate assets?
- What are bank deposits?
- What is an insurance?
- What do you understand by human assets?
- What do you understand by debt?
- What do you understand by equity?

2. Group the following words related to land that a person owns or the
land on which a house is built, as in the model.

boundary marker building site deed estate land landlord

landowner owner piece of property plot property property
line real estate agent section site title trespass

Words referring to
going onto someones

the land that a person owns

the boundary of a piece of

shows who owns the land

the official document that

the person who owns the

property without
a person who sells land



3. Match the following.

1. The primary sector of industry

a. agriculture, agribusiness,
generally involves changing
fishing, forestry and all mining
natural resources into primary
and quarrying industries.
2. The secondary sector of b. information generation,
industry includes those information sharing,
economic sectors that create consultation, education and
a finished, usable product: research and development.
3. The tertiary sector of industry
involves the provision of c. manufacturing and
services to businesses as construction.
well as final consumers:
4. The quaternary sector of d. the transport, distribution and
industry concerns the sale of goods from producer
intellectual services: to a consumer (wholesaling,

retailing), or the provision of a
service (pest control,

4. Put the following into English.

Investiia n calitate, o formul de succes, acum ca i dintotdeauna,

asta v propune Villaggio Mediterraneo, un ansamblu rezidenial ce
va prinde via lng Timioara, zona Monia Nou, la doar 10
minute de mers cu maina din centrul urbei, n direcia Lugoj-Buzia.
Acest proiect, prezentat i la nivel internaional, la Cannes, n cadrul
unuia dintre cele mai mari i mai importante trguri de profil din
Europa, se va ntinde pe o suprafa de 3,3 ha, iar o suprafa de
5.000 m2 de zon verde, perfect ngrijit, va despri ansamblul de
oseaua principal, izolndu-l, astfel, de factorii de disconfort ai
marelui trafic. Mediterraneo este un produs conceput i dezvoltat n
ntregime de Monlandys, societate care face parte din Grupul
Euroholding, nume cu rezonan unanim recunoscut n zona de top
a firmelor specializate n construcii civile din Romnia. Cele 56 soluii
de locuit sunt dezvoltate pe 3 niveluri, n concepii arhitectonice
gndite astfel nct sa rspund celor mai diversificate exigene, cu
dou tipuri diferite de amenajare, ambele cu suprafee ample.
5. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous and since/for.

- I (call) the doctor the last five minutes.

- It (rain) ages.
- Mr. Gray (work) in this office he graduated from college.
- My aunt and uncle (stay) with us September.
- My brothers (read) they came back from school.
- The cat (sleep) two hours.
- The Dawsons (save) money for a new car they got
- This man (read) the paper he got on the bus.
- We (study) for the final exams two weeks.
- You (plan) this party a long time, havent you?

6. Put the verbs in the Simple Past in the negative form. Then change
the sentences into the interrogative.

Last Saturday my friend and I left town early in the morning. We
drove to our favourite picnic place by a lake. The road wound gently
around the hills. We stopped at a motel restaurant by the road. We
ate fresh salmon and fries. We reached the lake, we parked our car
and laid down our picnic things. Later that day we ate some baked
rolls, then fed the birds crumbs of our meal. The weather was great.
The sun shone all morning and a mild wind kept blowing. We got a
lovely tan. About noon the wind grew in intensity. It bent the branches
of the trees and blew away our plastic cups and plates. Suddenly the
day lost all its charms. The birds flew down in circles around us. That
meant rain!

7. Group the words or particles in the box according to the required


able advantage agree aircraft appoint author biotic

classify climax colonise compose compress connection
crease criminate depressant dote face founder operate
ordinate pathy pilot star

anti- co- de- dis-


8. Choose the right conjunction from the box to fill in the blanks.
Some need to be used more than once.

although and if or that where

Houses and apartments are sold in two ways in Australia: by private

treaty, .... you negotiate with an agent ... owner to buy a property ... is
for sale .... , more commonly in Sydney, by public auction. It is
reasonably common to buy a block of land ... build a house, ... blocks
are becoming increasingly scarce in the suburbs around Sydney. ...
you need to arrange a home loan there are numerous sites ... help
you work out how much you can borrow, ... summarise different
lenders' fees and services, ... in some cases allow you to apply for a
loan online. Loans are usually paid over 25 to 30 years, most
mortgages make provisions for early repayment. Payments are
usually made monthly or fortnightly. Approval for home loans

depends on how much money you have for the deposit lenders ask
you to have between 5 20 per cent of the value of the property,
depending on the type of loan. Lenders also need to see proof of your
income your partner's income. There are two basic types of loan:
owner occupier loans you buy a property live in it, paying off
your mortgage using your home as security for the loan;
investment loans. There are various types of investment loan you
can choose fixed floating rate loans have a combination of fixed
floating rate loans.

Lets Laugh!
An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area.
Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse named
Buddy. He hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, Pull, Nellie, pull.
Buddy didnt move. Then the farmer hollered, Pull, Buster, pull.
Buddy didnt respond. Once more the farmer commanded, Pull,
Jennie, pull. Nothing. Then the farmer nonchalantly said, Pull,
Buddy, pull. And the horse easily dragged the car out of the ditch.
The motorist was most appreciative and very curious. He asked the
farmer why he called his horse by the wrong name three times. The
farmer said, Oh, Buddy is blind, and if he thought he was the only
one pulling, he wouldnt even try!
Unit 8
Mortgages in Real Estate
In recent years, many economists have recognized that the
lack of effective real estate laws can be a significant barrier to
investment in many developing countries. In most societies, rich or
poor, a significant fraction of the total wealth is in the form of land and
buildings. In most advanced economies, the main source of capital
used by individuals and small companies to purchase and improve
land and buildings is mortgage loans (or other instruments). Mortgage
lending is the primary mechanism used in many countries to finance
private ownership of residential property. Although the terminology
and precise forms will differ from country to country, the basic
components tend to be similar:

- Property: the physical residence being financed. The exact
form of ownership will vary from country to country, and
may restrict the types of lending that are possible.
- Mortgage: the security created on the property by the
lender, which will usually include certain restrictions on the
use or disposal of the property (such as paying any
outstanding debt before selling the property).
- Borrower: the person borrowing who either has or is
creating an ownership interest in the property.
- Lender: any lender, but usually a bank or other financial
- Principal: the original size of the loan, which may or may
not include certain other costs; as any principal is repaid,
the principal will go down in size.
- Interest: a financial charge for use of the lenders money.
- Foreclosure or repossession: the possibility that the lender
has to foreclose, repossess or seize the property under
certain circumstances is essential to a mortgage loan;
without this aspect, the loan is arguably no different from
any other type of loan.
But in many developing countries there is no effective means
by which a lender could foreclose, so the mortgage loan industry, as
such, either does not exist at all or is only available to members of
privileged social classes. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

arguably = n mod contestabil / discutabil

at all = deloc
available = disponibil()
barrier = barier
borrow (v.) = a mprumuta, a lua cu mprumut
borrower = debitor
charge = cheltuial
debt = datorie
developing country = ar n curs de dezvoltare
disposal = renunare
effective = efficient()
either or = fie fie , ori ori
foreclose (v.) = a stinge dreptul de a achita o ipotec

foreclosure = procedur prin care se stinge dreptul de a achita o
interest = dobnd
investment = investiie
lack = lips
law = lege
lender = creditor
lending = aciunea de a mprumuta
loan = credit, mprumut
means = mijloc
mortgage = ipotec
mortgage lending = acordarea de credite / mprumuturi ipotecare
mortgage loan = credit / mprumut ipotecar
only = doar, numai
outstanding = reprezentativ()
poor = srac()
principal = sum mprumutat
purchase (v.) a achiziiona, a cumpra
repossess (v.) = a reintra n posesie
repossession = reintrare n posesie
rich = bogat()
security = garanie
seize (v.) = a confisca, a-i nsui, a pune poprire / sechestru
wealth = avere, bogie, bunstare

1. True or false?

Statement True False

In many developing countries the lack of effective
real estate laws can be a significant barrier to
In many developing countries there is no effective
means by which a lender could foreclose, so the
mortgage loan industry does not exist at all.
In most advanced economies, the main source of
capital used by individuals and small companies to
purchase and improve land and buildings is

mortgage loans.
In most societies, an insignificant fraction of the total
wealth is in the form of land and buildings.
In recent years, mortgage lending is the primary
mechanism used to finance private ownership.

2. Match the following.

a. a charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the

1. borrower
amount loaned
b. a person who obtains or receives something on
2. foreclosure loan with the promise or understanding of
returning it or its equivalent
c. a person who provides money temporarily on
3. interest condition that the amount borrowed be returned,
usually with an interest fee
4. lender d. a piece of real estate
e. a sum of money owed as a debt, upon which
5. mortgage
interest is calculated
f. a temporary, conditional pledge of property to a
6. principal creditor as security for performance of an
obligation or repayment of a debt
g. the act of foreclosing, especially a legal
7. property
proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed
3. Fill in with the proper forms of Simple Past Tense from below.

conveyed could remained required was (5 times) were

At common law, a mortgage a conveyance of land that on its face

absolute and a fee simple estate, but which in fact
conditional, and would be of no effect if certain conditions met
usually, but not necessarily, the repayment of a debt to the original
landowner. Hence the word mortgage (< French dead pledge). The
debt absolute in form, and unlike a live pledge not
conditionally dependent on its repayment solely from raising and
selling crops or livestock or simply giving the crops and livestock
raised on the mortgaged land. The mortgage debt in effect whether
or not the land successfully produce enough income to repay the

debt. In theory, a mortgage no further steps to be taken by the
creditor, such as acceptance of crops and livestock in repayment.

4. Supply the nouns corresponding to the verbs in the text below, as

in the model.

Verb Noun
was > be being

The difficulty with mortgages was that the lender was absolute owner
of the property and could sell it or refuse to reconvey it to the
borrower, who was in a weak position. Increasingly the courts of
equity began to protect the borrowers interests, so that a borrower
came to have an absolute right to insist on reconveyance on
redemption the equity of redemption. This arrangement, whereby
the lender was in theory the absolute owner, but in practice had few
of the practical rights of ownership, was seen in many jurisdictions as
being awkwardly artificial. By statute the common laws position was
altered so that the mortgagor would retain ownership, but the
mortgagees rights, such as foreclosure, the power of sale, and the
right to take possession, would be protected. In the US, those states
that have reformed the nature of mortgages in this way are known as
lien states. A similar effect was achieved in England and Wales by the
Law of Property Act 1925, which abolished mortgages by the
conveyance of a fee simple.
5. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Negative.

- Anna / not watch / any TV

- Anna and I / not attend / always literature seminars.
- Anna and I / not sleep / much
- Anna and I / not waste / any time
- Annas boyfriend / not call / her
- Annas mother / not visit / her
- I / not meet / never Annas brother.
- I / not spend / any time / with my friends
- The two of them / not go / shopping
- We / not focus / on important things / either
- We / not go / never on holiday together.
- We / not put off / difficult tasks / any longer

6. Rephrase using the right adverbial form of the word given.

- He spoke about the event without restriction. (free)

- His colleagues appreciated him a lot. (high)
- I dont get you! How can you treat this so superficially? (light)
- Im glad that everything went well. (right)
- Jane was advised to contact the manager, without
intermediary. (direct)
- My sister never takes any luggage when she goes to the
countryside. (light)
- None of the members has to pay the entrance fee. (free)
- The archeologists dug a ten-meter hole to find the relic. (deep)
- The boy solved the problem in five minutes. (easy)
- The Browns have often visited us this month. (late)
- The cinema is exactly opposite the cafeteria. (direct)
- The knife flew up and I couldnt see it any more. (high)
- The little girl came closer and closer to touch the horse. (near)
- The party was great so they returned at three oclock in the
morning. (late)
- There were a lot of people at the exhibition, mainly artists.
- We were very concerned about your health. (deep)
- While running, she almost fell into the bush. (near)
- Why are you so worried? Relax! (easy)
- You have to strike the nail exactly on the head! (right)
Lets Laugh!

Farmer Brown decided his injuries from the accident were serious
enough to take the trucking company (responsible for the accident) to
court. In court, the trucking companys fancy lawyer was questioning
Farmer Brown. Didnt you say, at the scene of the accident, Im
fine? asked the lawyer. Farmer Brown responded, Well, Ill tell you
what happened. I had just loaded my favourite mule Bessie into the...
I didnt ask for any details, the lawyer interrupted, just answer the
question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, Im fine!
Farmer Brown said, Well, I had just gotten Bessie into the trailer and
I was driving down the road... The lawyer interrupted again and said,
Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the

accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he
was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue
my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the
question. By this time the Judge was fairly interested in Farmer
Browns answer and said to the lawyer, Id like to hear what he has to
say about his favourite mule Bessie. Brown thanked the Judge and
proceeded, Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my
favourite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway
when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked
my truck right in the side. He continued, I was thrown into one ditch
and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting real bad and
didnt want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and
groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly
after the accident a highway patrolman came on the scene. He could
hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he
looked at her, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes.
Then the patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand
and looked at me. Finally, farmer Brown came to the end of the story.
The patrolman looked at me and said, Your mule was in such bad
shape I had to shoot her. How are YOU feeling?

Unit 9
Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control
over property, which may be an object, land/real estate, intellectual
property (arguably) or some other kind of property. It is embodied in
an ownership right also referred to as title. Ownership is the key
building block in the development of the capitalist socio-economic
The concept of ownership has existed for thousands of years
and in all cultures. Over the millennia, however, and across cultures
what is considered eligible to be property and how that property is

regarded culturally is very different. Ownership is the basis for many
other concepts that form the foundations of ancient and modern
societies such as money, trade, debt, bankruptcy, the criminality of
theft and private vs. public property.
Real estate or immovable property is a legal term (in some
jurisdictions) that encompasses land along with anything permanently
affixed to the land, such as buildings. Real estate (immovable
property) is often considered synonymous with real property (also
sometimes called realty), in contrast with personal property (also
sometimes called chattel or personalty). However, for technical
purposes, some people prefer to distinguish real estate, referring to
the land and fixtures themselves, from real property, referring to
ownership rights over real estate.
The terms real estate and real property are used primarily in
common law, while civil law jurisdictions refer instead to immovable
property. In law, the word real means relating to a thing (from Latin
res, matter or thing), as distinguished from a person. Thus the law
broadly distinguishes between [real property] (land and anything
affixed to it) and [personal property] (everything else, e.g., clothing,
furniture, money). The conceptual difference was between immovable
property, which would transfer title along with the land, and movable
property, which a person would retain title to.
With the development of private property ownership, real
estate has become a major area of business. Ownership is passed
when one party asks for another partys property under all
circumstances. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

across cultures = n diferitele culturi

bankruptcy = bancrut, faliment
be eligible (v.) = a fi eligibil()
be passed (v.) = a fi transferat()
be regarded (v.) = a fi considerat() / privit()
criminality of theft = delictul de a fura
culturally = din punct de vedere cultural
debt = datorie
embodied = ntruchipat()
encompass (v.) = a acoperi, a conine, a cuprinde
over the millennia = de-a lungul miilor de ani

ownership = proprietate (asupra a ceva)
ownership right = drept de proprietate
party (pl. parties) = parte
primarily = n primul rnd
title = titlu de proprietate
trade = comer, nego
under all circumstances = n orice mprejurare


1. Answer the following.

- What is ownership?
- What do you understand by property?
- What is a title?
- What is ownership the basis for?
- What is real estate?
- What is real property?
- What is private property?
- Where are the terms real estate and real property used
primarily in?
- What does the word real mean in law?
- What is immovable property?
- What is movable property?
- When is ownership passed?
2. Match the following.

a. a man in medieval Germany who had jurisdiction

1. landgrave over a particular territory; used as the title for
such a nobleman
b. a person who owns and rents land, buildings, or
2. landgravine dwelling units; a man who runs a rooming house
or an inn, an innkeeper
c. a woman holding the title to a landgraviate; the
3. landholder wife or widow of a landgrave; used as the title for
such a noblewoman
4. landlady d. a woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or
dwelling units; a woman who runs a rooming

house or an inn; an innkeeper
5. landlord e. one that owns land
6. landowner f. one that owns land
7. landsman g. one who lives and works on land

3. Use the following in sentences of your own to speak about your

property (cottage, flat, house, etc.), as in the model.

bloody decidedly deeply

ever so extremely highly
Words that intensify an attribute mighty one proper quite
real really so such too
true very
absurdly dreadfully
enormously exceedingly
Words that intensify an attribute exceptionally extraordinarily
to an extreme degree extremely hugely incredibly
remarkably ridiculously terribly
terrifically unbelievably
Words that indicate that an a little barely fairly hardly
attribute is not intense not very

My flat is quite small, but it is extremely cosy and not very difficult
to tidy.

4. What do you think of private ownership of a flat / house etc.?

5. Put the following into Romanian.

The main rights in the title bundle are usually:

- Exclusive possession
- Exclusive use and enclosure
- Acquisition
- Conveyance, including by
- Access easement
- Hypothecation
- Partition
The rights in real property may be separated further:
- Water rights, including riparian rights and runoff rights

- Mineral rights
- Easement to neighbouring property, for utility lines, etc.
- Tenancy or tenure in improvements
- Timber rights
- Farming rights
- Grazing rights
- Hunting rights
- Air rights
- Development rights to erect improvements
- Appearance rights

6. Find errors in the text below.

Comon law originaly developed under the inquisitorial system in

England during the 12th and 13th centuries, as the colective judicial
decisions that were based in tradition, custom and precedent. Such
forms of legal institutions and culture bear resemblance to those
which existed historicaly in societies where precedent and custom
have at times played a substantial role in the legal proces, including
Germanic law and particularly Islamic law. The form of reasoning
used in comon law is known as casuistry or case-based reasoning.
The comon law, as aplied in civil cases, was devised as a means of
compensating someone for wrongful acts known as torts, including
both intentional torts and torts caused by negligence, and as
developing the body of law recognizing and regulating contracts. The
type of procedure practiced in comon law courts is known as the
adversarial system; this is also a development of the comon law.
7. Rephrase the following sentences paying attention to the inversion
of the Subject and the Predicate.

- He was driving on the wrong side of the road and much too
fast as well. Not
- I didnt think that it could happen to us at any time. At no time

- I have rarely seen such magnificent performance. Rarely
- If you need anything else, just call reception. Should
- She didnt realise what was happening to her for one moment.
Not for one moment
- We have never felt so humiliated before. Never

- You should only attempt that manoeuvre after years of
practice. Only after years of practice

8. Fill each blank with a new word derived from the word between

- After the dinner, the conversation became (slug)

- Customs officers have made a new of drugs. (seize)
- She didnt become a good swimmer because of her mothers
- He has such a manner that we all agreed to his proposal
- He provided a certain from him until he became of age
- He was awarded a prize in of his merits (recognize)
- Im going to keep these clothes. They are still (service)
- She rose to in no time, they said (star)
- The of the committee met all our expectations (resolve)
- The of the estate was on lease (remain)
- The Japanese railway company has great reputation for
- The president considers this an in the countrys internal
affairs. (interfere)
- They have reported some of their initial plans (alter)
- Why should you be so when the fault was not yours?
- Your interference proved more of a than a help (hinder)

9. Put the sentences under 8 into Romanian, using a dictionary. What

can you notice?
10. Match the following.

1. Its Johns bike. Its hers

2. Its my glass. Its his
3. That is Alexs dog. Its his
4. They are our friends. They are yours
5. This is Andrew and Marys car. Its ours
6. This is Helens dress. Its mine
7. This is the Smiths house. Its theirs

8. Those are your trousers. They are theirs

11. Translate the following sentences paying attention to pronouns.

- Acesta este oraul pe care l-am vizitat acum civa ani.

- Acesta este prietenul despre care i vorbisem.
- I-am dat o bucat de ciocolat copilului lui Dan, cruia i plac
dulciurile foarte mult.
- Au hotrt s se atepte unul pe altul dup edin.
- Cei ce l-au auzit cntnd la pian nu l vor uita prea curnd.
- Cine este omul despre care vorbeai?
- Cine nu l-a mai vzut de mult s-a mirat ce mult a slbit.
- Cui i-ai mprumutat romanul lui Hemingway?
- El se gndea deseori la problema despre care mi-a vorbit.
- Le-am ntlnit la munte n timpul vacanei de iarn.
- Le-am spus sa treac pe la mine n drum spre cas.
- Nu tiu dac mrul din farfurie este al meu, dar l-am mncat.
- Se auzeau unul pe altul dei zidul era gros.
- Te rog adu-mi cartea a crei copert s-a rupt.
- Te rog spune-mi cu ce tren vei sosi.
- Un prieten de-al meu mi-a mprumutat acest dicionar.
- Valizele din camer sunt ale noastre.

Lets Laugh!
On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: Sir,
do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back? To
which the farmer replied: Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!

Unit 10
Property Tax
A property tax is a tax imposed on property by reason of its
ownership. It is usually levied on the value of property owned. There
are three species of property: land, improvements to land (immovable
man-made things, e.g. buildings) and personal property (movable
things). Real estate or realty is the combination of land and

improvements to land. Property taxes may be charged on a recurrent
basis (e.g., yearly). A common type of property tax is an annual
charge on the ownership of real estate, where the tax base is the
estimated value of the property. For a period of over 150 years from
1695 a window tax was levied in England, with the result that one can
still see listed buildings with windows bricked up in order to save their
owners money. A similar tax on hearths existed in France and
elsewhere, with similar results. The two most common types of event
driven property taxes are stamp duty, charged upon change of
ownership, and inheritance tax, which is imposed in many countries
on the estates of the deceased. In contrast with a tax on real estate
(land and buildings), a land value tax is levied only on the unimproved
value of the land (land in this instance may mean either the
economic term, i.e., all natural resources, or the natural resources
associated with specific areas of the earths surface: lots or land
parcels). When real estate is held by a higher government unit or
some other entity not subject to taxation by the local government, the
taxing authority may receive a payment in lieu of taxes to compensate
it for some or all of the foregone tax revenue. In many jurisdictions
(including many US states), there is a general tax levied periodically
on residents who own personal property (personalty) within the
jurisdiction. Vehicle and boat registration fees are subsets of this kind
of tax. The tax is often designed with blanket coverage and large
exceptions for things like food and clothing. Household goods are
often exempt when kept or used within the household. Any otherwise
non-exempt object can lose its exemption if regularly kept outside the
household. Thus, tax collectors often monitor newspaper articles for
stories about wealthy people who have lent art to museums for public
display, because the artworks have then become subject to personal
property tax. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

be exempt (v.) = a fi scutit de

blanket coverage = acoperire general
brick up (v.) = a zidi
by reason of = din motive de
change = schimbare
clothing = haine
deceased = decedat()

display (v.) = a expune
event driven property tax = tax pe activiti
foregone = prevzut()
hearth = vatr
higher = superior
household goods = bunuri casnice
immovable man-made thing = bun imobil
impose (v.) = a face o impunere, a percepe o tax
improvements to land = lucrri de mbuntire a pmntului
in contrast with = n contrast cu
in this instance = n aceast calitate, n aceast situaie
inheritance tax = tax pe motenire
land parcel = parcel de pmnt
land value tax = tax pe valoarea pmntului
levy (v.) = a impune, a percepe, a strnge
lot = lot, parcel
movable thing = bun mobil
not subject to = care nu face subiectul
payment in lieu of taxes = plat n locul impozitului
property tax = tax pe proprietate
recurrent basis = baz recurent
stamp duty = tax de timbru
tax revenue = venit din taxe
taxation = impozitare, taxare
taxing authority = autoritatea care impoziteaz
unimproved = nealterat, nembuntit, nemodificat
vehicle and boat registration fees = tax de nregistrare a
vehiculelor i ambarcaiunilor
window tax = tax pe ferestre
yearly = anual

1. True or false?

Statement True False

A common type of property tax is an annual charge
on the ownership of cars.
A land value tax is levied only on the unimproved

value of the land.
A property tax is a tax imposed on property by
reason of its value.
A stamp duty is charged upon change of ownership.
Property taxes are not charged on a recurrent basis.

2. Match the following.

a. a contribution for the support of a

government required of persons, groups, or
1. tax
businesses within the domain of that
b. a financial operation that reduces taxes on
2. tax evasion
current earnings
c. a formal tax statement on the required official
form indicating taxable income, allowed
3. tax return
deductions, exemptions, and the computed
tax that is due
d. exempt from inclusion in ones taxable
4. tax shelter
e. intentional avoidance of tax payment usually
5. taxable
by inaccurately declaring taxable income
f. not subject to taxation; producing interest
6. taxation
that is exempt from income tax
7. tax-deductible g. not subject to taxation; tax-exempt
h. one that is responsible for the collection of
8. tax-exempt
federal, state, or local taxes
9. tax-free i. one that pays taxes or is subject to taxation
10. taxman j. subject to taxation
11. taxpayer k. the act or practice of imposing taxes
3. Give the plural of the nouns in the text below.

The window tax was a glass tax which was a significant social,
cultural, and architectural force in the kingdoms of England, Scotland
and then Great Britain during the 17th and 18th centuries. Some
houses from the period can be seen to have bricked-up windows, as
a result of the tax. The tax was introduced under the Act of Making
Good the Deficiency of the Clipped Money in 1696 under King William

III and was designed to impose tax relative to the prosperity of the
taxpayer, but without the controversy that then surrounded the idea of
income tax. At that time, many people in Britain opposed income tax,
on principle, because they believed that the disclosure of personal
income represented an unacceptable government intrusion into
private matters, and a potential threat to personal liberty.

4. Group the following as in the model.

Internal Revenue Service tax tax collector taxation taxes

to charge tax to impose to levy taxes to owe tax to pay
taxes to tax tribute

Words referring to

the government

responsible for
taxes agency that is
charging tax

paying tax
owing tax

to tax

5. Indicate, for each of the government functions below, the institution

in charge with that function, as in the model.

coinage enforcing the law keeping the peace passing laws

printing money public works punishing crime putting down
rebellion regulation of finance regulation of trade waging war

The Ministry of Interior is charged with enforcing the law.

6. Identify the mistakes and re-write the sentences correctly.

- A clerk does not take such high wages as a bank manager.

- All those in favour of the resolution rose their hands, except
for Mr. Attenborough who had felt asleep.
- As soon as John will spend the money, he will try to borrow
some more.

- Every man and every woman who thinks clearly are bound
give their support.
- Hardly he had done so when he regretted ignoring their
- I prefer playing football than to do gymnastics
- Local authorities are responsible of the provision of more
education, except at university level.
- Mr. Giuliani, who was joined by the hospitals and health-care
workers of New York, was in court because the President struck
from last years budget bill about $2.6 billions in medical benefits
for the city and state.
- The purpose of the police is to protect us from the crimes of
the evils, while asylums provide a home for mentally sick.
- When we had returned from our trip, we talked on a cup of
coffee until it was time to go home.

7. Fill each blank with a new word derived from the word between

- A system cannot be efficient. (bureau)

- A new war will cause the of huge number of people. (place)
- Donna became a fine pianist due to her mothers (courage)
- He received only words of praise for his creations (art)
- I hate that man: he is a liar and a (trick)
- New ditches are being dug in the area. (drain)
- She denied any connection between her and the accused.
- The allegations that he has taken bribes are (base)
- The old farmer had a deep of strangers. (trust)
- The students look very confident and (knowledge)
- These documents will be only after 40 years. (class)
- These events are considered the results of (global)
- They have moved into a new suburb (reside)
- They often use compost to the soil. (rich)
8. Write questions to which these sentences are the answers.

- I buy them at the local bookstores.

- I read my morning paper in the train as I travel to town.

- I spend about six pennies a week on newspapers and
- I usually look at the cover first.
- No, I never write letters to the publishers.
- No, I seldom read detective stories.
- The picture of the author is usually on the back cover.
- Yes, I once won five pounds in a football pool competition.

9. Form Exclamatory Sentences using wh words.

He is a good worker. What a good worker he is!

- The company has made good progress.

- This task is difficult.
- We had a long active day.
- We sealed a good transaction in London.

Lets Laugh!

A big-city lawyer was representing the railroad in a lawsuit filed by an

old rancher. The ranchers prize bull was missing from the section
through which the railroad passed. The rancher only wanted to be
paid the fair value of the bull. The case was scheduled to be tried
before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store.
The attorney for the railroad immediately cornered the rancher and
tried to get him to settle out of court. The lawyer did his best selling
job, and finally the rancher agreed to take half of what he was asking.
After the rancher had signed the release and took the check, the
young lawyer couldnt resist gloating a little over his success, telling
the rancher, You know, I hate to tell you this, old man, but I put one
over on you in there. I couldnt have won the case. The engineer was
asleep and the fireman was in the caboose when the train went
through your ranch that morning. I didnt have one witness to put on
the stand. I bluffed you! The old rancher replied, Well, Ill tell you,
young feller, I was a little worried about winning that case myself,
because that darned bull came home this morning.
Unit 11

A county is generally a sub-unit of regional self-government
within a larger jurisdiction.
Originally, in continental Europe, a county was the land under
the jurisdiction of a count. Counts are called earls in post-Celtic
Britain and Ireland the term is from Old Norse jarl and was
introduced by the Vikings but there is no correlation between
counties and earldoms. Rather, county, from French comt, was
simply used by the Normans after 1066 to replace the native English
term scir Modern English shire, as the Anglo-Saxon system of
Shires was unique and thus hard for the Norman invaders to
comprehend so they resorted to calling them Counties. A shire was
an administrative division of an Anglo-Saxon kingdom (Wessex,
Mercia, East Anglia, etc.), usually named after its administrative
centre: for example, Gloucester, in Gloucestershire; Worcester, in
Worcestershire; etc. or originate from these forms of names. Thus,
whereas the word comt denoted a sovereign jurisdiction in the
original French, the English county denotes a subdivision of a
sovereign jurisdiction.
The UK is divided into a number of metropolitan and non-
metropolitan counties. There are also ceremonial counties which
group small non-metropolitan counties into geographic areas broadly
based on the historic counties of England. The metropolitan and non-
metropolitan counties had replaced in 1974 a system of
administrative counties and county boroughs which were introduced
in 1889. Most non-metropolitan counties in England are run by county
councils and divided into non-metropolitan districts, each with its own
council. Local authorities in the UK are usually responsible for running
education, emergency services, planning, transport, social services,
and a number of other functions.
An administrative subdivision of Romania is called jude
(plural: judee), name derived from jude, a mayor and judge of a city
(akin to English judge; both are derived from Latin) Presently
Romania is subdivided into 41 counties led by a county seat and the
capital, Bucharest, having a separate status. (After Wikipedia, the
Free Encyclopedia)

akin = nrudit()

be run (v.) = a fi condus
count = conte
county borough = ora independent administrativ cu peste 50.000
county council = consiliu districtual
earldom = pmnturi stpnite de un earl (rang nobil de categoria a
III-a, ntre marchiz i vice-conte)
emergency service = serviciu de urgen
hard to comprehend = greu de neles
judge = judector
kingdom = regat
mayor = primar
originally = iniial (adv.)
originate (v.) = a-i avea originea
planning = urbanism
rather = mai degrab
replace (v.) = a nlocui
resort (v.) = a recurge la
run (v.) = a conduce
self-government = auto-guvernare
shire = comitat, departament, district, jude
whereas = n timp ce, pe cnd

1. Answer the following.

- What is a county?
- What was a county originally in continental Europe?
- What was the word county used by the Normans to?
- What does the English county denote?
- What is a (non)metropolitan county?
- What is a ceremonial county?
- What is a historic county?
- What is an administrative county?
2. Match the following.

1. county a. a county seat

2. county agent b. a fair usually held every year at the same

location in a county, especially for the
competitive showing of livestock and farm
c. a government employee who serves as a
consultant and adviser in a chiefly rural
3. county fair
county on such matters as agriculture,
education, and home economics
d. a town or city that is the administrative
4. county palatine
centre of its county
e. an administrative subdivision of a state in the
US; a territorial division exercising
5. county seat administrative, judicial, and political functions
in the UK and Ireland; the people living
in a county
f. the domain of a count palatine in England or
6. county town
7. countywide g. throughout a whole county

3. Group the following words referring to a region (a part of a country,

or a part of the earth), as in the model.

Antarctica arctic county district equatorial hemisphere

land prefecture province region state territorial territory

Words referring to
a particular region of
a region of a country region or a country
the earth

4. Define the words under 3, as in the model below.

Antarctica is a continent lying chiefly within the Antarctic Circle and
asymmetrically centred on the South Pole.
5. Find errors in the text below.

County Councils are very large employers with a great variety of

functions including education (schols and youth services), social

services, highways, fire and rescue services, libraries, waste
disposal, consumer services and town and country planing. Until the
1990s they also ran Colleges of Further Education and the Careers
Services. That decade also saw the privatisation of some traditional
services, such as highways maintenance, cleaning and schol meals.
In 2009, a further change to the status of some County Councils is
expected to take place. Folowing invitations from central government
in 2007, a number of County Councils and their asociated districts
examined ways in which local government provision could be
rationalised, mainly in the form of abolishing the existing County and
District councils and establishing one-tier authorities for all or parts of
these existing counties. As a result, the status of some of these
(mainly) more rural counties wil change. Some, such as Shropshire,
North Yorkshire, Wiltshire and Northumberland will reform to one
council providing al services. It is expected these wil drop the word
county from their titles, such as already exists with Herefordshire
Council. Others, such as Bedfordshire, wil see more than one unitary
council established within the boundaries of the abolished County
Council. Not al counties that submited plans were sucesful.
Somerset, for example, wil retain the existing County Council and
District Councils. It is believed that a survey conducted acros the
county revealed reform to be unpopular, and the Government refused
to sanction change as a result. Many County Councils wil remain
unchanged, particularly in the heavily populated parts of England
such as the south east.

6. Make sentences of your own with the following. Use a dictionary for
the phrases you are not familiar with.

administrative county ceremonial county countywide war dry

county historic county metropolitan county non metropolitan
county wet county an entire county county agent county
borough county council county fair county government
county jail county line county palatine county seat county
town found at locations countywide in the county
7. Put the verbs between brackets in the Simple Past, Past Perfect or
Past Perfect Continuous.

- How long (he, work) on his sculpture when he finally
(finish) it? For at least one year.
- How long (your father, smoke) when he (decide) to quit
smoking? For more than twenty years.
- Betty was reading when her parents (come) home from
work. She (read) for two hours. She (read) fifty pages.
- Bill (wait) for his girlfriend for half an hour when she finally
(show up)
- By the time Mrs. Adams (reach) the store, she (forget)
what she wanted to buy.
- By the time Mrs. Dobbs (retire) , she (work) for 35 years.
- By the time we (get) to the movie theatre, the movie
(already, begin)
- First the weather (be) fine. Later it (start) to rain. Then
we (decide) to go back home.
- I (see) Karen yesterday. She (tell) me she (just, come)
back from her vacation.
- It (be) midnight. I (study) for five hours. No wonder I (be)
- Jane (design) herself a summer dress yesterday. She
(never, design) clothes for herself before.
- The ground (be) wet because it (rain) for several hours.
- The party was a great success. Cathy (feel) happier than
she (ever, feel) before.
- The telephone (ring) for almost a minute when I (get)
into the room. I wondered why nobody (answer) it.
- When Betty (take) her driving test, she (take) driving
lessons for two months.

8. Turn the following cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers and put
them down in written form, as in the model.

2 second
15 fifteenth

2 15 81 5 20 1 28 102 13 53 100 3
9. Make sentences of your own with the following numerals, as in the

a dozen She bought a dozen pens for the office.

a couple a dozen a score by hundreds three score

10. Choose the proper ending from below.

- He arrived in Budapest / last Tuesday / at the head of a

- He did the work alone / on Saturday / at home
- I go with my family / every summer / to the seaside
- I studied the book on page 29 / last night / carefully
- That man comes to on time / every day / to work
- The Smiths will be for three weeks / in Greece / next
- Their parcel came by special delivery / this morning / to us
- They flew by plane / to England / on a rainy morning
- They met him on Monday / at Janes house / by accident
- Were you yesterday / with us / at the meeting
- Yours friends ran quickly / a minute ago / down the street

Lets Laugh!
Seems a guy was driving for hours through desolate country when he
passed a farmhouse, and before he could react, a cat ran out in front
of him and splat!!! ... he flattened the cat. Out of kindness and
consideration, he stopped, turned around and drove back to the
farmhouse to notify the occupants. When the housewife came to the
door, said he, Pardon me madam, but I just ran over a cat in front of
your house, and assumed that it must belong to you. I know this
might be hard to hear, but I wanted to let you know instead of just
driving off.... Not so fast, says she. How do you know it was our
cat? Could you describe him? What does he look like? The man
promptly flopped down on the ground, and said He looks like that as
he gave his best shot at a dead cat impression. Oh no, you horrible
man, she replied. I meant, what did he look like before you hit him?
At that, the man got up, covered his eyes with both hands and
screamed Agggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!
Unit 12

A parish is an administrative division of several countries. In
England and in one American state (Louisiana), it is sometimes called
a civil parish to distinguish it from the religious parish.
The United Kingdom
In Wales the equivalent body to a Parish council is termed a
Community council.
The counties of Scotland were sub-divided into parishes, but
the councils of these were abolished in 1930. Scotland has now
bodies called Community councils, but these are not equivalent to
and have fewer powers than the English parishes and Welsh
In Ireland, counties are divided into civil parishes. Irish civil
parishes are divided into approximately 60,000 town lands. Counties
are also divided into larger subdivisions called baronies, which are
made up of a number of parishes or parts of parishes. Both civil
parishes and baronies are now largely obsolete (except for some
purposes such as legal transactions involving land) and are no longer
used for local government purposes. From the 17th to mid-19th
centuries civil parishes were based on early Christian and medieval
monastic and church settlements. As the population grew, new
parishes were created and the civil parish covered the same area as
the established Church of Ireland. The Roman Catholic Church
adapted to a new structure based on towns and villages. There 2,508
civil parishes in Ireland, which frequently break both barony and
county boundaries.
The United States
In Louisiana, a civil parish is a geographical unit of
administration. In this case the Parish is equivalent to the counties
found throughout the rest of the country. This is due to its history as a
Spanish and French colony. Louisiana and Alaska which uses the
term borough are the only two states to refer to county level
geographical units as something other than county.
The lowlands of South Carolina were also previously divided
into parishes, rather than counties, well into the 19 th century. (After
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

barony = domeniul unui baron
be made up of = a fi alctuit() din
body = organism
borough = trg
break (v.) = a nclca
early = timpuriu (timpurie)
established Church of Ireland = biserica de stat din Irlanda
fewer = mai puini / puine
largely = n mare msur
lowland = zon de cmpie
mid-19th century = mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea
monastic and church settlement = aezare monastic i
obsolete = demodat(), nvechit()
parish = comun
previously = anterior (adv.)
throughout = pe tot cuprinsul
town land = aezare mai mic dect o comun
Wales = ara Galilor
well into = pn n
Welsh = galez()


1. True or false?

Statement True False

A parish is an administrative division.
In Ireland, counties are divided into civil counties.
In Louisiana, a civil parish is a geographical unit of
In Wales a parish council is called a Community
Scotland has now bodies called Community councils.
The highlands of South Carolina were also
previously divided into parishes.
2. Match the following.

1. A barony a. is a political division.
b. is a small geographical unit of land used in
2. A borough
Ireland and Scotland.
c. is a sub-unit of regional self-government
3. A civil parish
within a larger jurisdiction.
4. A community
d. is a unit of local government in the UK.
e. is an administrative division of a country,
5. A county usually of lower rank and importance than
a county.
f. is an administrative division of several
6. A parish
g. is an administrative division of various
7. A town land
8. An
h. is the most local statutory representative
body in the UK.

3. Fill in with the proper noun from below.

civil parishes communities community community council

districts parishes parish council parish councils system

Civil in England form the lowest level of local government. Since

1894, parishes with a population of more than 300 have an elected
(in some cases known as the town council). Civil parishes in Wales
were organised on the same as England until 1974. In that year all
civil parishes in the principality were abolished and replaced with
The whole of Wales is divided into communities, although not all have
chosen to establish a Like their English counterparts, a can be
renamed a town. In Scotland, existed until 1975. They were
administered by parochial boards until 1894, when elected were
formed. In 1930 the parish councils were dissolved, but the parishes
themselves were grouped in and continued to exist for statistical
and boundary purposes. The parishes were finally abolished on the
reorganisation of local government in Scotland in 1975.

4. Put the text above into Romanian.

5. Supply the proper form of the verb be.

In Quebec, a parish (be) a large rural municipality consisting mainly of

farmlands. In New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, parishes
(be) no longer used as administrative areas within counties; however
several (be) used as census area boundaries. Parishes (be) also
used in land titles identifications in certain areas of Manitoba. These
identifications (be) still found on titles to lands subdivided before the
1971 amalgamation. Historically, in New England, settlements that
(be) at some distance from the centre of a town and had enough
people could request to be set off as a separate parish with its own
church, and would then be freed of paying tithes to the main church.
These parishes would eventually be established as separate towns.
In Louisiana it (be) equivalent to a county (US usage). Louisiana has
64 parishes, which (be) created when it (be) a territory of the Spanish
and French empires, which (be) both Roman Catholic. In the
Charleston Low country of South Carolina, they resemble townships.
Most former British colonies in the Caribbean (be) subdivided into
parishes. The most notable exceptions (be) Guyana, subdivided into
regions, and Belize, subdivided into districts.

6. Put the following into English, using a dictionary.

mprirea teritoriului n judee este atestat documentar n ara

Romneasc nc din secolul al XV-lea. n Moldova, unitile
administrative erau inuturile, iar n Transilvania i Banat diviziunea
teritorial tradiional a fost comitatul. Dup unirea din 1918
mprirea pe judee a fost extins la ntreg teritoriul Regatului
Romn. Dup instaurarea regimului comunist n Romnia, legea
reformei administrative adoptate pe 6 septembrie 1950 dup model
sovietic a desfiinat judeul ca unitate administrativ-teritorial. La
urmtoarea reform administrativ major, care a avut loc n anul
1968 (17 februarie), autoritile comuniste au revenit mprirea pe
judee, ntinderea acestora fiind ns diferit fa de cea din perioada
interbelic. Aceast lege a suferit unele modificri pe 19 decembrie
1968, 1 august 1979 i 23 ianuarie 1981. Cu acea ocazie unele
judee istorice nu au fost reactivate, cum ar fi judeele Fgra,
Turda, Some, Trnava Mic, Trnava Mare, Trei Scaune, Flciu,
Tutova, Roman, Putna, Muscel, Romanai etc.

7. Give the following sentences a future meaning using going to.

- He is writing an email to his employer.

- I am staying here for the winter holiday.
- She is choosing a new style to decorate her house.
- She is looking up some new information on the selling
- She is selling her shares to a rival company.
- The personnel are meeting in ten minutes.
- They are counting the money.
- They are signing a new contract.

8. Put the verbs between brackets in the Present Simple or Future


- Do you happen to know when he (arrive) ?

- I (call) for a taxi as soon as I (finish) my work.
- I (take) a thorough rest when the vacation (begin)
- I (wait) while you (decide) what to tell them.
- I am sure you (like) when you (meet) him.
- It (be) midnight before we (get) to the hotel.
- You (see) what we have bought you when you (visit) us.
- You (stay) here till (be) time to leave for the airport.

9. Match the following sentences.

Although it was raining, and yet won by three goals.

Although hes over forty years
but on a Monday we should
old, have no problem being served.
Even though she had not but you should still put on an
caused the accident, overcoat.
I havent booked a table, he still lives with his parents.
Nevertheless, you should still
It is much warmer today,
take your pills.
They say that malaria is no the police insisted on giving her
longer a problem there, a breath-test.
though I dont think you stand
We were losing at half time
any chance.
You can apply for the we decided to go out for a

management job. picnic.
Lets Laugh!

A lone tourist who is passing through the suburbs on the way to town
by car unfortunately experiences mechanical problems with the
automobile. The car stalls and the tourist parks the car by the side of
the road and waits for help. Not much later, a farmer happens to pass
by with a truck full of farm animals. The farmer offers the tourist a lift
to town and proceeds to explain that he is bringing his farm animals
to the town market, where they will be auctioned off to the highest
bidders. Well, it so happens that on the way to the town, the farmer
being so engrossed in his story, unintentionally wanders into the other
side of road where another vehicle is approaching in the other
direction. The farmer realizes his absent mindness and attempts to
avoid the possible collision with the other vehicle. He just misses the
other car, but unfortunately crashes the truck into the side of the road.
The tourist winds up thrown into a ditch and suffers broken ribs and a
broken arm and leg and is obviously in extreme pain. The farm
animals are all messed up very badly and the farmer although
remaining inside the vehicle, still suffers cuts and scrapes. The farmer
gets out of the truck and looks at his farm animals. The chickens all
have broken limbs and can barely move. These chickens are all
useless! Nobody will want to buy these chickens anymore! bellows
the farmer. With that, he grabs and loads his shotgun and blows away
the chickens. Next, he sees the pigs and they are all lame and
bleeding profusely. These pigs are all worthless now! Ill get nothing
for them! yells the farmer. With great rage, the farmer reloads his
shotgun and blows away the pigs. The farmer looks at the sheep and
they all have broken limbs and their wool is all bloodied. Worthless
sheep! screams the farmer and with that, he reloads his shotgun and
blows away the sheep. Meanwhile, the injured tourist witnesses all of
this carnage in great horror. The farmer then moves over to the side
of the ditch and looks at the tourist. Are you okay down there?
asked the farmer. NEVER FELT BETTER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! the
tourist yelled back.

Unit 13
A riding is an administrative jurisdiction or electoral district,
and is used in many countries associated with a British dominion.
Ridings are originally Scandinavian institutions.
Since Viking rule, Yorkshire has had three ridings, North,
West, and East, originally each subdivided into wapentakes.
The Yorkshire ridings were in many ways treated as separate
counties, having had separate Quarter Sessions and also separate
Lieutenancies since the Restoration. This practice was followed by
the Local Government Act 1888, which made each of the three ridings
an administrative county with an elected county council. These county
councils and the historic Lieutenancies were abolished in 1974 under
the Local Government Act 1972.
A local government area East Riding of Yorkshire was re-
established in 1996, with a corresponding Lieutenancy, but this does
not include the entire area of the historic East Riding and even
includes some of the historic West Riding.
According to the 12th-century compilation known as the laws of
Edward the Confessor, the riding was the third part of a county
(provincia); to it causes were brought which could not be determined
in the wapentake, and a matter which could not be determined in the
riding was brought into the court of the shire.
There is abundant evidence that riding courts were held after
the Norman Conquest. A charter which Henry I granted to the Church
of St Peters at York mentions wapentacmot, tridingmot and shiresmot
(-mot designates popular assemblies), and exemptions from suit to
the thriding or riding may be noticed frequently in the charters of the
Norman kings. As yet, however, the jurisdiction and functions of these
courts have not been ascertained. It seems probable from the silence
of the records that they had already fallen into disuse early in the 13th
Although no longer having any administrative role the Ridings
of Yorkshire still play a part as cultural entities they are used for the
names of a number of groups and organisations and some people in

Yorkshire associate themselves with one Riding or another. (After
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

abolished = abolit()
according to = dup, n conformitate cu
although = dei
as yet = pn cum nu
ascertain (v.) = a afla
assembly = adunare
associate with (v.) = a asocia cu
be held (v.) = a fi inut(), a se ine
cause = proces, spe
charter = drept, privilegiu
court = curte; tribunal
early in the 13th century = la nceputul secolului al XIII-lea
elected = ales (aleas)
evidence = dovad
exemption = exceptare, scutire
fall into disuse (v.) = a iei din uz
grant (v.) = a da, a oferi
however = totui
in many ways = n multe privine
it seems probable = pare probabil
Lieutenancy = funcie administrativ deinut ca reprezentant
personal al monarhiei
no longer = nu mai
Norman = normand()
Norman Conquest = Cucerirea Normand (a Angliei)
notice (v.) = a observa, a remarca
record = nsemnare, registru
re-established = renfiinat()
Restoration = Restauraie, restaurarea monarhiei n Anglia
riding = seciune administrativ a Comitatului York (Anglia)
rule (v.) = a conduce, a guverna
shire = comitat, departament, district, jude
since = de cnd, de la
still = nc
suit = proces

thriding = seciune administrativ a Comitatului York (Anglia)
wapentake = loc de ntlnire administrativ

1. Answer the following.

- What is a riding?
- Where is it used?
- What are ridings originally?
- How many ridings has Yorkshire had since Viking rule?
- What were ridings subdivided into?
- How were the Yorkshire ridings treated as?
- What made each of the three ridings an administrative county
with an elected county council?
- What did the Local Government Act 1972 abolish?
- What was re-established in 1996?
- What does East Riding of Yorkshire include?
- What was a riding in the 12th-century?
- What was brought to it?
- What does a charter which Henry I granted to the Church of St
Peters at York mention?
- What role do the Ridings of Yorkshire still play in
contemporary England?

2. Group the following words relating to government, as in the model.

autocratic capital communist communistic crown

democracy democratic dictatorial dictatorship flag govern
governance government governmental governor
monarchy official official seal regalia republic republican
sceptre seat of government socialist socialistic theocracy
theocratic throne

Words relating to

other symbols

government is
having to do



in a country
the kind of

where the
flags and

the place
with the

3. What do the following mean?

riding riding astride riding at anchor riding bicycles riding

broncos riding coat riding crop riding habit riding horses
riding in a sailboat riding in a vehicle riding on a bus riding on
a mooring riding on a seesaw riding on a snow avalanche
riding on a subway riding on an animal riding on the crest of a
wave riding pants riding ring riding toy riding whip

4. Fill in with the proper adverbial from below.

again just later perhaps typically usually (2 times) when

A wapentake is a term derived from the Old Norse vpnatak, the

rough equivalent of an Anglo-Saxon hundred. The word denotes an
administrative meeting place, a crossroads or a ford in a river. The
origin of the word is not known. Folk etymology has it that voting
would be denoted or conducted by the show of weapons, an idea
suggested by references in The Germania of Tacitus or current
practice in the Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden. According to
other authorities, weapons were not flourished at a Norse ing and
weapon taking or vopnatak was the end of an assembly, one was
allowed to take weapons up , providing another possible origin of
the wapentake. The Danelaw counties of Yorkshire, Derbyshire,
Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland and
Lincolnshire were divided into wapentakes, as most of the
remainder of England was divided into hundreds. In Yorkshire, a
Norse wapentake replaced several Anglo-Saxon hundreds. This
process was complete by 1086 in the North and West Ridings, but
continued in the East Riding until the mid 12 th century. In some
counties, such as Leicestershire, the wapentakes recorded at the
time of the Domesday Book evolved into hundreds on. In others,

such as Lincolnshire, the term remained in use. The term ward was
used in a similar manner in the four northern counties of Cumberland,
Durham, Northumberland and Westmorland. Lathes in Kent and
rapes in Sussex consisted of several hundreds, and filled some roles
associated with hundreds. In Wales the hundred replaced
traditional units such as the cantref (or cantred) or commote. Irish
counties were divided into baronies.
5. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

- Hardly did we set out on our trip when it began to rain and it
rained as hard that we got drenched before riching the nearer
- Id rather you wrote this the letter last week. Its so lately now.
- Its extremelly hot in here. You would better open the other
- Not only she inquired about my health every day, but she sent
me fruit and books to read with her maidservant.
- Once he will read the contract hell agree to us.
- She signed the card Yours truelly, Mary.
- Take two of these pills before going to bed in a little cold
- Tell Jim to call on me the moment he will get home.
- The fastest I walked, the most remote the top of the heel
seemed to me.
- The flowers you gave me are smelling sweet.
- We had better returned to the office immediately and saw if
we could locate Vincent.
- We were so tired after reading so many papers that we
decided to take a brake.

6. Fill in the blanks with the suitable Phrasal Verb from the box. Some
need to be used more than once.

get round get round to get used to look forward to object to

- He finally to the job last weekend.

- I must say that I being here now.
- I was starving! I dinner.
- I will mowing the lawn one of these days.

- Its taken a long while, but now I taking my shoes off before
going into somebodys house.
- Janet just couldnt eating so late in the evening- it gave her
an indigestion.
- Matt finally the customs of this new country.
- She bad treatment from men.
- They the tone of voice he used when he spoke to them.
- We meeting your son when he arrives.
7. Choose the right adjective in the sentences below.

- He bought the doll at the next / nearest toy-shop.

- I can walk farther / further than you without feeling tired.
- John is the oldest / eldest of the three brothers.
- The new factory was equipped with all the last / latest
- The next / nearest building to our house is a block of flats.
- The street-car will not carry much / more than fifty people.
- Tom is elder / older than me.
- Youd better take this route which has the least / fewest turns.

8. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to


- Aceasta a fost prima mea zi de lucru.

- Aproape dou treimi din lucrare este gata.
- Citatul era din primul capitol, pagina douzeci.
- La cea de-a douzeci si cincia ntrebare ea nu a mai avut timp
s rspund.
- Mii de oameni au participat la protest.
- Oamenii intrau la cinema doi cte doi sau trei cte trei.
- Sute de muncitori lucrau la aceasta fabric.
- Trecuser dou sau trei zile de la ultima noastr ntlnire.
- Vremea s-a schimbat n cea de-a treia zi.

Lets Laugh!

An aged farmer and his wife were leaning against the edge of their
pig-pen when the old woman wistfully recalled that the next week
would mark their golden wedding anniversary. Lets have a party,

Homer, she suggested. Lets kill a pig. The farmer scratched his
grizzled head. Gee, Ethel, he finally answered, I dont see why the
pig should take the blame for something that happened fifty years

Unit 14
In England, a hundred was the division of a shire for
administrative, military and judicial purposes under the common law.
Originally, a hundred had enough land to sustain approximately one
hundred households headed by a hundred-man responsible for
administration, justice, supplying military troops, and leading its
forces. The office was not hereditary, but by the 10th century it was
selected from among a few outstanding families. Hundreds were
further divided. Larger or more populous hundreds were split into
divisions. All hundreds were divided into tithings, which contained ten
households. Below that, the basic unit of land was called the hide,
which was enough land to support one family and varied in size from
6 to 12 ha depending on the quality and fertility of the land. Above the
hundred was the shire under the control of a shire-reeve (or sheriff).
Hundred boundaries were independent of both parish and county
boundaries, although often aligned, meaning that a hundred could be
split between counties, or a parish could be split between hundreds.
The system of hundreds was not as stable as the system of counties
being established at the time, and lists frequently differ on how many
hundreds a county has. The Domesday Book contained a radically
different set of hundreds than that which would later become
established, in many parts of the country. The number of hundreds in
each county varied wildly. Over time, the principal functions of the
hundred became the administration of law and the keeping of the
peace. By the 12th century, the hundred court was held twelve times a
year. This was later increased to being held fortnightly, although an
ordinance of 1234 reduced the frequency to once every three weeks.

In some hundreds, courts were held at a fixed place; in others, courts
moved with each sitting to a different location. The main duties of the
hundred court were the maintenance of the frankpledge system.
Where the hundred was under the jurisdiction of the crown, the chief
magistrate was a sheriff, but many hundreds were in private hands,
with the lordship of the hundred being attached to the principal manor
of the area and becoming hereditary. Where a hundred was under a
lord, a steward was appointed in place of a sheriff. (After Wikipedia,
the Free Encyclopedia)

be appointed (v.) = a fi numit()

both and = att ct i
by the 10th century = pn n secolul al X-lea
chief magistrate = magistratul naltei Curi de Justiie
crown = coroan, rege / regin
enough = destul
every three weeks = o dat la trei sptmni
fortnightly = o dat la 2 sptmni
frankpledge system = sistem instituional englez alctuit din mai
multe tithing-uri
further = mai departe (n timp)
head (v.) = a conduce
hide = suprafa de pmnt pentru o familie (120 acri)
household = gospodrie
hundred = district
hundred court = tribunal districtual
hundred-man = administrator districtual
in place of = n locul
judicial = juridic()
keeping of the peace = meninerea pcii
lead (v.) = a conduce
lord = castelan, senior (feudal)
lordship = puterea lordului feudal, domeniile lordului, calitatea de
manor = conac, reedina nobilului local
not as as = nu la fel de ca i
office = funcie
outstanding = reprezentativ()

sheriff = erif (corespondentul prefectului din zilele noastre)
sitting = ntrunire
split (v.) = a diviza
steward = administrator, intendent (de proprietate funciar, moie
supply (v.) = a furniza
sustain (v.) = a sprijini
tithing = mic diviziune teritorial (a zecea parte din hundred)
wildly = enorm (adv.)

1. True or false?

Statement True False

A hundred had originally enough land to sustain
approximately one hundred households.
A hundred was the division of a shire for
administrative, military and judicial purposes under
the civil law in England.
All hundreds were divided into tithings, which
contained ten households.
Hundred boundaries were dependent of both parish
and county boundaries.
Larger or more populous hundreds were split into
The hundred court was held twice a year.

2. Group the following words relating to government, as in the model.

aristocracy assistant be at the bottom be at the bottom of the

pile be low down be reduced in status bust (in rank) debase
degrade demote gentleman grand great high rank high
status humble important person junior lady low estate
low status low-ranking my lord privilege prominent
promote raise in rank raise in status reduce in rank sir
subordinate under

Words referring to

high social
low social status

lowering someones status

being lower in status than

someone low in status

being low in status
titles of address

someone else
high status

low status
3. Fill in with the proper article from below.

a an the

The importance of hundred courts declined from 17 th century,

and most of powers were extinguished with establishment of
county courts in 1867. The remaining duty of inhabitants of
hundred to make good damages caused by riot was ended in 1886,
when cost was transferred to county police rate. Although
hundreds had no administrative or legal role after this date, they have
never been formally abolished. Groupings of hundreds were used to
define parliamentary constituencies from 1832 to 1885. On
redistribution of seats in 1885 different county subdivision, petty
sessional division was used. By 19th century several different
single-purpose subdivisions of counties, such as poor law unions,
sanitary districts, and highway districts sprang up, filling
administrative role previously played by hundreds. Several ancient
hundred names give their name to modern local government districts.

4. Using a Romanian comprehensive dictionary, find out the origin of

the following Romanian units of length measurement no longer in
wide use since the adoption of the metric system in 1864. What
conclusion can you draw from your findings?

Unit of length Value

cot 664 mm (Moldavia), 637 mm (Walachia)

deget the width of a finger
funie 20-120 m (depending on the place)
lat de palm 1/2 palm
leghe 4.444 km
palmac 3.48 cm (Moldavia)
palm 1/8 of a stnjen
pas mare 6 palme (Walachia, Moldavia)
pas mic 4 palme (Walachia)
picior 1/6 of a stnjen
pot 8-20 km (depending on the country)
prjin 3 stnjeni
stnjen 2 m (approximately)
verst 1,067 m (3,500 ft)
5. Fill in the blanks with Future Simple or Future Continuous.

- At noon we (have) lunch from our picnic baskets.

- In the afternoon we (go) to our car and (drive) back
- In the evening we (sit) in the living room and (tell) jokes.
- The weather (be) probably fine tomorrow so we (go) for
a picnic.
- Then we (walk) in the woods and then (play) badminton.
- We (eat) fruit and (listen) to the birds chirp.
- We (go) to bed about thinking that we (have) a good time
- We (lie) on the grass and (swim) in the lake in the

6. Group the following words so as to form nouns or adjectives.

achieve art bound care change depart develop

embarrass encourage friend home induce law meaning
move plot remorse replace retire settle

-less -ment

7. Supply with the suitable Question Tag.

- He could have told us, ... he?
- He should see a doctor, he?
It cant be 8 oclock already, it?
- It might rain later, it?
- It was an excellent movie, it?
- She isnt your employee, she?
- She wont really tell them the truth, she?
- They have a cottage in the mountains, they?
- They werent involved in this monkey business, they?
- They wont come today, they?
- This news seems to good to be true, it?
- You arent worried about the situation, you?
- You dont know the answer to this question, you?
- You hadnt met her before, you?
- You went to the party, you?
8. Form statements using the expressions of comparison as in the

Matt is smart. Jane is very smart.

Jane is smarter than Matt.
The bride is happy. The groom is happy, too.
The bride is as happy as the groom is.

- A small city is interesting. A big city is very interesting.

- John is happy with his job and Paul is too.
- Mary is friendly. Jane is very friendly.
- Sarah is twenty- two years old and Jane is too.
- The book is expensive. The other book is expensive too.
- The chair is comfortable. The sofa is very comfortable.
- The other exercise is very difficult and this one is too.
- The post office is near. The bookstore is very near.
- The second lesson is easy. The first lesson is very easy.
- This fact is important. That fact is not so important.

9. Provide the Superlative and Comparative Form of the adjectives


bright dirty few free gloomy hard jolly merry slim


Lets Laugh!

Howard County Police officers still write their reports by hand, and the
data is entered later by a computer tech into their database. One theft
report stated that a farmer had lost 2,025 pigs. Thinking that to be an
error, the tech called the farmer directly. Is it true Mr. Smith that you
lost 2,025 pigs? she asked. Yeah. lisped the farmer. Being a
Howard County girl herself, the tech entered: Subject lost 2 sows
and 25 pigs.

Unit 15
In U.S. land surveying, a section is an area nominally one
mile square, containing 640 acres. Nominally, 36 sections make up a
survey township on a rectangular grid. As the townships are based on
meridians (of longitude) which converge towards the North Pole,
some sections which vary slightly in size are necessary to
compensate. These unusually sized sections generally occur at the
northern- or western-most edges of townships. The legal description
of a tract of land in the parts of the United States that use this system
includes the name of the state, name of the county, township number,
range number, section number, and portion of a section. Sections are
customarily surveyed in halves and quarters, and further subdivision
in halves and quarters is common. A quarter quarter section is 40
acres, and is the smallest unit of agricultural land commonly
surveyed. The phrases front 40 and back 40, referring to fields of
crops on a farm, refer to quarter quarter sections. The existence of
section lines made property descriptions far more straightforward
than the old metes and bounds system. The establishment of
standard east-west and north-south lines (township and range
lines) meant that deeds could be written without regard to temporary
terrain features such as trees, piles of rocks, fences, and the like, and
be worded in the style such as Lying and being in Township 4 North;

Range 7 West; and being the northwest quadrant of the southwest
quadrant of said section, an exact description in this case of 40
acres, as there are 640 acres in a square mile. The importance of
sections was greatly enhanced by the passage of An Ordinance for
ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western Territory
of 1785 by the U.S. Congress. This law provided that lands outside
the then-existing states could not be sold, otherwise distributed, or
opened for settlement prior to being surveyed. The standard way of
doing this was to divide the land into sections. An area six sections by
six sections would define a township. Within this area, one section
was designated as school land. As the entire parcel would not be
necessary for the school and its grounds, the balance of it was to be
sold, with the monies to go into the construction and upkeep of the
school. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

acre = acru (2046,7838 m2, aproximativ 1 pogon)

customarily = n mod obinuit
deed = act, nscris; titlu
fence = gard
grounds = baz
half (pl. halves) = jumtate
land surveying = ridicare topografic; arpentaj, releveu
metes and bounds system = sistem de descriere geografic
mile square = ptrat cu latura de 1 mil
nominally = mai exact, nominal
occur (v.) = a se ntmpla
passage = adoptare (a unei legi)
piles of rocks = grmad de pietre
prior to = anterior / anterioar unui / unei
range number = numrul de ordine
rectangular grid = gril dreptunghiular
slightly = uor (adv.)
straightforward = corect
survey (v.) = a face un releveu
survey township = ora ridicat topografic
the like = alte asemenea
tract of land = fie de pmnt
upkeep = ntreinere

western-most edge = cea mai vestic latur


1. Answer the following.

- What is a section?
- What do 36 sections make up?
- What are townships based on?
- What does the legal description of a tract of land in the parts
of the United States that use this system include?
- How large is a quarter quarter section?
- What is a township?
2. Group the following words relating to the equipment and
maintenance of a building, as in the model.

broom collapse derelict disrepair fall down fix up In ruins

janitor maintain maintenance mop repair restoration
restore solid solidly built sound vacuum cleaner

Words referring to the equipment used to take

a person who takes care of
a building that is in good

taking care of a building

a building that is not in
a building falling down

repairing a building

care of a building
good condition

a building


3. Fill in with the proper prepositions from below.

along (3 times) beyond in (5 times) into of (7 times) to


In many jurisdictions, roads were run every section line, giving
access previously remote areas and serving many instances as
firebreaks. A road or arterial which the centreline is laid out a
section line boundary is often referred to as a section line road or
section line arterial. In Oklahoma City, metropolitan areas Arizona
(most notably Phoenix and Tucson), and much Las Vegas, all
major thoroughfares run section lines, producing a readily
identifiable grid. In some locales, section lines were designated as the
basis for the street numbering system. In Tulsa, Oklahoma for
example, it can be correctly assumed that 190 th Street is exactly
seventeen miles 20th Street, each block representing one-tenth
a mile. Every township is divided 36 sections, each usually
one-mile square. Sections are numbered boustrophedonically
townships as follows (north at top). Sections are also used land
descriptions the portion north-western Georgia that was
formerly part the territory the Cherokee Nation. They are not,
however, part the PLSS and are irregular shape and size.
4. Match the following.

1. survey (n.) a. a person conducting a survey

b. a report on or map of what has been
2. survey (v.)
c. an instrument having a telescope and
3. surveying attached spirit level mounted on a tripod and
rotating around a vertical axis
d. the measurement of dimensional
relationships, as of horizontal distances,
4. surveyor elevations, directions, and angles, on the
earths surface especially for use in locating
property boundaries, construction layout, etc.
e. to determine the boundaries, area, or
5. surveyors elevations of by means of measuring
level angles and distances, using the techniques
of geometry and trigonometry

5. Read the text below.

1 international acre is equal to the following metric units:

- 4046.8564224 square meters

- 0.40468564224 hectare
1 United States survey acre is equal to:
- 4046.87261 square meters
- 0.404687261 hectare
1 acre (both variants) is equal to the following customary units:
- 66 feet 660 feet (43,560 square feet)
- 1 chain x 10 chains ( 1-chain = 66 feet or 22 yards or 4 rods)
- 1 acre is approximately 208.71 feet x 208.71 feet (square)
- 4840 square yards
- 160 perches. A perch is equal to a square rod (1 square rod is
0.00625 acre)
- 10 square chains
- 4 roods
- A chain by a furlong (chain 22 yards, furlong 220 yards)
- 0.0015625 square mile (1 square mile is equal to 640 acres)
1 international acre is equal to the following Indian unit:
- 100 Indian cents (1 cent is equal to 0.01 acre)
6. Identify the verbs in the Infinitive in the text below.

Real estate trends is a generic term used to describe any consistent

pattern or change in the general direction of the real estate industry
which, over the course of time, causes a statistically noticeable
change. This phenomenon can be a result of the economy, a change
in mortgage rates, consumer speculations, or other fundamental and
non-fundamental reasons. A real estate trend is the catalyst for the
change, and it is usually a concept, a belief, a philosophy, or an
event. Sometimes a real estate trend evolves to meet a specific need,
while others evolve when new products or solutions are launched. For
example, when more lenders began offering creative financing
products, more borrowers were able to afford a mortgage (at least on
paper). At other times, a trend from another industry spills over into
the real estate industry and is adopted. Therefore, a trend must have
substance and be based on fact. Over time, it will cause pattern of
change. Monitoring changes and tracking trends is a not an exact
science and can be very hard to predict. The residential real estate
brokerage industry is approximately half way through a 1015 year
industry transition. This major shift is creating a fundamental change
in the way homes are being bought and sold and the role the real
estate agents are playing therein.

7. Group the verbs under 6 into Short Infinitives and Long Infinitives.

Short Infinitive Long Infinitive

be to describe

8. Change the sentences into special questions introduced by wh


- Harry took his wife to the mountains for the summer holiday.
- He asked his secretary to bring him the files on the new case.
- I have been to that restaurant three times.
- I was an hour late at the meeting.
- It was impossible to get seats at that new theatre play.
- James forgot his papers at the office.
- James told Jenna to read that authors latest novel.
- Matt sent Jenna a photo album.
- My friends want to go to this new movie.
- She put her new dress on for her birthday party.
- They take four violin classes a week.
- We were laughing at what Matt said.
- We were talking about the Smiths party.
- You can buy tickets at the third window.

9. Match the equivalent of the determiner too with the construction

not enough.

Too + adjective Not + adjective + enough

too boring not big enough
too coward not brave enough
too dark not cheap enough
too expensive not close enough
too far not cool enough
too low not fast enough
too narrow not happy enough
too sad not high enough
too short not intelligent enough
too slow not interesting enough
too small not light enough

too stupid not long enough
too warm not old enough
too young not wide enough

Lets Laugh!

A man is driving down a country road, when he spots a farmer

standing in the middle of a huge field of grass. He pulls the car over
to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing
there, doing nothing, looking at nothing. The man gets out of the car,
walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him, Ah excuse me
mister, but what are you doing? The farmer replies, Im trying to win
a Nobel Prize. How? asks the man, puzzled. Well, I heard they
give the Nobel Prize to people who are out standing in their field.

Unit 16
Lot (I)
In real estate, a lot is a tract or parcel of land owned or meant
to be owned by some owner(s). A lot is essentially considered a
parcel of real property in some countries or immovable property
(meaning practically the same thing) in other countries. Possible
owner(s) of a lot can be one or more person(s) or another legal entity,
such as a company/corporation, organization, government, or trust. A
common form of ownership of a lot is called fee simple in some
countries. Sometimes, some may refer to a lot as a rather small area
of land that is empty except for pavement or similar improvement. An
example would be a parking lot. This text covers lots as parcels of
land meant to be owned as units by an owner(s). A lot has defined
boundaries (or borders) which are documented somewhere, but the
boundaries need not be shown on the land itself. Most lots are small
enough to be mapped as if they are flat, in spite of the curvature of
the earth. A characteristic of the size of a lot is its area. The area is
typically determined as if the land is flat and level, although the terrain
of the lot may not be flat, i.e., the lot may be hilly. The contour of the
surface area of the land is changeable and may be too complicated
for determining a lots area. Something which is meant to improve the

value or usefulness of a lot can be called an appurtenance to the lot.
Structures such as buildings, driveways, sidewalks, patios or other
pavement, wells, septic systems, signs, and similar improvements
which are considered permanently attached to the land in the lot are
considered as real property, usually part of the lot but often parts of a
building, such as condominiums, are owned separately. Such
structures owned by the lot owner(s), as well as easements which
help the lot owners or users, can be considered appurtenances to the
lot. A lot without such structures can be called a vacant lot, an empty
lot, or an unimproved or undeveloped lot. Lots can come in various
sizes and shapes. To be considered a single lot, the land described
as the lot must be contiguous. Two separate parcels are considered
two lots not one. Often a lot is sized for a single house or other
building. Many lots are rectangular in shape, although other shapes
are possible as long as the boundaries are well-defined. (After
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

appurtenance = dependin
area = arie, suprafa, zon
as long as = atta vreme ct
be meant to (v.) = a urma s
border = grani
can come = poate avea, poate fi furnizat
changeable = schimbtor (schimbtoare)
contiguous = contiguu (contigu)
curvature of the earth = linia curbat a pmntului
documented = atestat de documente
driveway = aleea de acces pentru maini
easement = uurare
except for = cu excepia
fee simple = bun alodial, proprietate alodial
flat = plat()
hilly = colinar(), deluros (deluroas)
improve (v.) = a mbunti
in shape = ca form
in spite of = cu toate c, n ciuda
level = neted()
mapped = cartografiat()

meant to be owned by = care urmeaz a deveni proprietatea cuiva
parking lot = parcare, parching
patio = curte interioar
pavement = pavaj
rectangular = dreptunghiular
septic system = sistem septic
shape = form
sidewalk = trotuar
sign = indicator
size (v.) = a calibra, a dimensiona
somewhere = undeva
surface area = aria suprafeei
undeveloped = nedezvoltat()
unimproved = nembuntit()
usefulness = utilitate
well = fntn, pu

1. True or false?

Statement True False

A lot has defined boundaries which are documented
somewhere, but the boundaries need not be shown
on the land itself.
A lot is a tract or parcel of land owned or meant to be
owned by certain owner(s).
A lot is essentially considered a parcel of real
property in some countries or immovable property in
other countries.
A lot may never be hilly.
A lot without such structures can be called a vacant
lot, an empty lot, or an unimproved or undeveloped
A lot can come in various sizes and colours.
A lot is rectangular in shape.
A lot is small enough to be mapped as if they are flat,
in spite of the curvature of the earth.
A lot is often sized for a single house or other


2. Group the following words referring to a house where people live,

as in the model.

abode address apartment bungalow compound duplex

dwelling flat habitation home homestead house indoor
indoors inside interior mansion place residence

Words referring to
a description of
a house where kinds of the inside of a
the location of
people live houses house
a house

3. Describe the house where you live, using the words under 2.
4. Fill in with the proper nouns from below.

digestion effluent environment filters maintenance

requirement sewage system tanks treatment waste

A septic tank, the key component of a septic system, is a small scale

treatment system common in areas with no connection to main
sewerage pipes provided by private corporations or local
governments. (Other components optionally include pumps, alarms,
sand , and clarified liquid effluent disposal means such as a septic
drain field, ponds, or peat moss beds.) In North America
approximately 25% of the population relies on septic ; this can
include suburbs and small towns as well as rural areas. In Europe
they are generally limited to rural areas only. The term septic refers
to the anaerobic bacterial that develops in the tank and which
decomposes or mineralizes the discharged into the tank. Adding a
supplemental bacterial agent to the tank may accelerate the of
solids in the tank. Septic tanks can be coupled with other on-site
wastewater units such as bio-filters or aerobic systems involving
artificial forced aeration. Periodic preventive is required to remove
the irreducible solids which settle and gradually fill the tank, reducing
its efficiency. In most jurisdictions this maintenance is required by law,

yet often not enforced. Those who ignore the will eventually be
faced with extremely costly repairs when solids escape the tank and
destroy the clarified liquid disposal means. A properly cared-for ,
on the other hand, can last for decades and possibly a lifetime.

5. Match the following.

1. landfill a. a large unbroken area of land

b. a prominent identifying feature of a landscape; a
2. landform fixed marker, such as a concrete block, that
indicates a boundary line
3. landmark c. a site used for or reclaimed by waste disposal
4. landmass d. landslide
e. one of the features that make up the earths
5. landslide
surface (plain, mountain, valley)
f. the downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of
6. landslip
earth and rock
6. Fill in with the blanks suitable prepositions:

by for (2 times) in (3 times) of (3 times) to (3 times)

The United Kingdom public housing is often referred to the British

public as council housing and council estate, based the
historical role of district and borough councils running public
housing. Local semi-independent non-profit housing associations
have begun to operate some the older council housing estates
the United Kingdom. Despite being non-profit based, they charge
generally higher rents than council properties. More recently the
government refers both as Social Housing, and Housing
Associations are now referred as Registered Social Landlords
(RSLs). Additionally local planning departments may require private-
sector developers offer affordable housing as a condition
planning permission. This accounts another 700m of Government
funding each year tenants in part the United Kingdom.

7. Put the verbs between brackets in the Present Simple, Simple

Future and Future Perfect.

- By 10.30 he (leave) the boarding room.

- By the time he (get) to the companys headquarters, the
meeting (already, start)
- By the time the manager (meet) the investors, he (talk)
with the board.
- Dan (drive) for two hours by the time he (reach) the
- The company (deliver) the commodities by May 1st.
- The cook (prepare) the food before the customers (arrive)

- The next time you (meet) Jenna, he (be) a student in
architecture for two months.
- The owner of the company (deliver) a speech until 10
- They (close) the bookstore by the time you (get) there.
- When Matt (return) from his journey, I (already, leave) on
- When Sally (retire) , I (work) in the same office for
twelve years.
- When we (go) into the office, the mail (already, arrive)
- When you (see) Matt next week, he (finish) his work.
8. Translate into English paying attention to the Subject-Predicate

- Acest mijloc de cercetare s-a dezvoltat vizibil n ultimul timp.

- Acustica acestei sli este excelent.
- Att fratele meu, ct i prietenul lui au plecat acum o or.
- Coninutul romanului a fost ecranizat.
- El crede c banii i aparin numai lui.
- El pred statistica la Facultatea economic din oraul su.
- Forma este slab ns coninutul este bun.
- Marfa a sosit la timp n portul Liverpool.
- Sfatul meu este s te duci i s i spui tot adevrul.
- tirile au sosit acum o or i informaiile sunt pozitive.

9. Show how the nouns in the box are formed as in the model.

after + noon composition Adverb +Noun

afternoon blackboard brother-in-law care carelessness

child childhood classroom darkness doorway dress
dressing-room footstep forget-me-not freedom highway
passer-by record sunshine threshold welcome wireless

Lets Laugh!

The farmers son was returning from the market with the crate of
chickens his father had entrusted to him, when all of a sudden the
box fell and broke open. Chickens scurried off in different directions,
but the determined boy walked all over the neighbourhood scooping
up the wayward birds and returning them to the repaired crate.
Hoping he had found them all, the boy reluctantly returned home,
expecting the worst. Pa, the chickens got loose, the boy confessed
sadly, but I managed to find all twelve of them. Well, you did real
good, son, the farmer beamed. You left with seven.

Unit 17
Lot (II)
Methods of determining or documenting the boundaries of lots
include metes and bounds, quadrant method, and use of a plat
diagram. Use of the metes and bounds method may be compared to
drawing a polygon. Metes are points which are like the vertices
(corners) of a polygon. Bounds are line segments between two
adjacent metes. Bounds are usually straight lines, but can be curved
as long as they are clearly defined.
Many times, developers divide a large tract of land into lots to
make a subdivision out of it. Certain areas of the land are dedicated
(given to local government for permanent upkeep) as streets and
sometimes alleys for transportation and access to lots. Areas
between the streets are divided up into lots to be sold to future
owners. The layout of the lots is mapped on a plat diagram, which is
recorded with the government, typically the county recorders office.
The blocks between streets and the individual lots in each block are
given an identifier, usually a number or letter.

Land originally granted by the government was commonly
done by documents called patents. Lots of land can be sold/bought
by the owners or conveyed in other ways. Such conveyances are
made by documents called deeds which should be recorded by the
government, typically the county recorders office. Deeds specify the
lot by including a description such as one determined by the metes
and bounds or quadrant methods, or referring to a lot number and
block number in a recorded plat diagram. Deeds often mention that
appurtenances to the lot are included in order to convey any
structures and other improvements also.
When the boundaries of a lot are not indicated on the lot, a
survey of the lot can be made by the surveyor to determine where the
boundaries are according to the lot descriptions or plat diagrams.
Formal surveys are done by qualified surveyors, who can make a
diagram or map of the lot showing boundaries, dimensions, locations
of any structures such as buildings, etc. Such surveys are also used
to determine if there are any encroachments to the lot. Surveyors can
sometimes place posts at the metes of a lot. (After Wikipedia, the
Free Encyclopedia)

alley = alee
bound = piatr de hotar
conveyance = transfer, transmitere
conveyed = transferat(), transmis(),
corner = col
county recorders office = registratura districtual
curved = curb(), curbat()
dedicated = destinat()
deed = act, document, nscris
developer = persoan care dezvolt
draw (v.) = a desena
encroachment = nclcare, nsuire, violare
future = viitor
identifier = indicativ
layout = plan, proiect
mete = piatr / semn de frontier / grani
patent = hrisov
plat diagram = diagrama locului / parcelei / terenului

post = stlp, ru
straight = drept (dreapt)
surveyor = geodez, geometru, topograf; topometru
to be sold to = care urmeaz a fi vndut()
upkeep = ntreinere


1. Answer the following.

- What is metes and bounds?

- What is a plat diagram?
- What are metes and points?
- What are bounds?
- What is a street?
- What is a block?
- What is a deed?
- What is a surveyor?
2. Group the following words relating to types of houses, as in the

apartment apartment building barn bungalow bunkhouse

camp castle dump duplex flat garage hut log cabin
mans house mansion one story outhouse palace ranch
style rectangular round run down place shack shed
shelter sprawling (place) tent two story wifes house

Words referring to
types of
a temporary a very bad a very good with the
houses in
house house house house and
built next to

3. Describe your best friends house using the words under 2.

4. Fill in with the proper nouns from below.

alleys areas buildings (2 times) name term

Alleys, which are narrow pavements between/behind , can be

known as snickets, ginnels, jennels or alleyways. This has led to the
portmanteau word Snickelway, originally in York, though the has
become more widespread. In Sussex the term twitten is commonly
used whilst in Liverpool the term entry or jigger is more common. The
word jitty is also often used in Derbyshire and Leicestershire. In
Nottinghamshire twichell is a common . In Scotland the terms
Close, Wynd and Pend are commonplace. Jennel is local to Sheffield.
In Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast, and the surrounding , certain
alleys are known as entries, as in Pogues Entry, Antrim, and Calton
Entry, Glasgow. In Australia and Canada the terms lane, laneway and
serviceway are also used. In the United States and Canada are
sometimes known as rear lanes or back lanes because they are at
the back of .

5. Put the text above into Romanian. What can you notice?
6. Match the following.

1. landscape a. a painter of landscapes

b. the aspect of the land characteristic
2. landscape architect
of a particular region
c. one whose occupation is the
3. landscape architecture decoration of land by planting trees
and shrubs and designing gardens
d. one whose profession is the
decorative and functional alteration
4. landscape gardener
and planting of grounds, especially at
or around a building site
5. landscape gardening e. the trade of a landscape architect
6. landscaper f. the trade of a landscape gardener
g. the trade of a person that adorns or
7. landscapist improve by contouring and by
planting flowers, shrubs, or trees

7. Find errors in the text below.

Historicaly at comon law, for an instrument to be a valid deed it neded
six thing:
- It musts indicate that the instrument itself convey some privilege
or thing to someone. This is indicated by using the word hereby or
the phrase by these presents in the sentence indicating the gift.
- The grantor must has the legal ability to grant the thing or
- The person receiving the privilege or thing must had the legal
capacity to receive it.
- A seal must to be affixed to it. Most jurisdictions have eliminated
this requirement and replaced them with the signature of the
grantor. However, for conveyances of real estate, most
jurisdictions requires that the ded be acknowledged before a
notary public or a civil law notary and some mays require a witnes
or witneses in adition.
- It musted be delivered to and acepted by the recipient.
- There must be a witnes that also sign the ded.
Conditions atached to the aceptance of a deed is known as
8. Fill in the blanks with compounds of some and any.

any anybody anything anywhere some somebody

something somewhere

- Could you get me lemons from the market?

- Have you seen we know?
- He cant work since his accident.
- I will take you nice after lunch.
- She never causes trouble.
- There is that I must confess to you.
- We rarely go out in the evening.
- Would you mind getting to come and help us?

9. Match the verbs in the box with the adverbial particles so as to

form the right phrasal verbs.

break call dash drop go keep look look put put

see set take turn turn

- He forward all his ideas on the subject at the conference.
- He just cant me off now that I have made up my mind.
- He should off trouble at school if he wants to get that grant.
- Her plane off a few minutes ago.
- I have off using my old agenda so I replaced it with an
electronic one.
- If you dont know the meaning of that word just it up in the
- My family me off when I left for Paris.
- She off for the airport yesterday morning.
- The children must in at nine oclock.
- The detective off after her, but soon afterwards he has lost
her track.
- The matter has carefully been into by everyone involved.
- The number of people who buy this product has off
- The reporter has off his contract with the newspaper he
was working for.
- They away money to buy themselves a new house.
- They down our offer because they have received a better
- They told us to them up whenever we would be in town.
- Things didnt out as I would have expected.
- When I went to London it was my friend, Alice, who me up
and showed me the town.
- You dont have to everything down, just write the main
- Youd better off the meeting if youre not feeling well.

10. Use the following words with the expressions the same as or
as as in sentences of your own as in the model.

length This river is the same length as that one

long This river is as long as that one.

busy careful cheap colour distance easy expensive

elegant far friendly hard heavy ill interesting nice
old quality size short shy style tall weight successful
thin thorough wealthy

Lets Laugh!

A very zealous soul-winning young preacher recently came upon a

farmer working in his field. Being concerned about the farmers soul
the preacher asked the man, Are you labouring in the vineyard of the
Lord my good man? Not even looking at the preacher and continuing
his work the farmer replied, Naw, these are soybeans. You dont
understand, said the preacher. Are you a Christian? With the same
amount of interest as his previous answer the farmer said, Nope my
name is Jones. You must be lookin for Jim Christian. He lives a mile
south of here. The young determined preacher tried again asking the
farmer, Are you lost? Naw! Ive lived here all my life, answered the
farmer. Are you prepared for the resurrection? the frustrated
preacher asked. This caught the farmers attention and he asked,
Whens it gonna be? Thinking he had accomplished something the
young preacher replied, It could be today, tomorrow, or the next day.
Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiping his brow, the
farmer remarked, Well, dont mention it to my wife. She dont get out
much and shell wanna go all three days.
Unit 18
Lot (III)
The part of the boundary of the lot next to a street or road is
the frontage. Developers try to provide at least one side of frontage
for every lot, so owners can have transportation access to their lots.
As the name implies, street frontage determines which side of the lot
is the front, with the opposite side being the back. Sometimes minor,
usually unnamed driveways called alleys, usually publicly owned, also
provide access to the back of a lot. When alleys are present, garages
are often located in back of a lot with access from the alley. Also
when there are alleys, garbage collection may take place from the
alley. Lots at the corners of a block have two sides of frontage and
are called corner lots. Corner lots may have the advantage that a
garage can be built with street access from the side, but have the
disadvantage that there is more parkway lawn to mow and more
sidewalk to shovel snow from. In front of many lots in urban areas,
there are sidewalks, usually publicly owned. Beyond the sidewalk,

there may sometimes be a strip of land called a parkway, and then
the drivable part of the street. Local governments often pass zoning
laws which control what buildings can be built on a lot and what they
can be used for. For example, certain areas are zoned for residential
buildings such as houses. Other areas can be commercially,
agriculturally, or industrially zoned. Sometimes zoning laws establish
other restrictions such as a minimum lot area and/or frontage length
for building a house or other building, maximum building size, or
minimum setbacks from a lot boundary for building a structure. This is
in addition to building codes which must be met. Also minimum lot
sizes and separations must be met when wells and septic systems
are used. In urban areas, sewers and water lines often provide
service to households. There may also be restrictions based on
covenants established by private parties such as the developer.
There may be easements for utilities to run water, sewage, electric
power, or telephone lines through a lot. Like most other types of real
estate, lots owned by private parties are subject to a periodic real
estate tax payable by the owners to local governments such as a
county or municipality. Real estate taxes are assessed based on the
value of the real property. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

at least = cel puin

be subject to (v.) = a constitui subiectul
corner lot = lot din col
covenant = contractant, parte contractant
drivable part of the street = partea carosabil a strzii
frontage = faad, parte a unui teren mrginit de o strad
garbage collection = colectarea deeurilor / gunoaielor
lawn = peluz
length = lungime
mow (v.) = a cosi, a tunde iarba
parkway = bulevard, alee, promenad
pass (v.) = a da, a emite
provide (v.) = a asigura, a oferi
setback = distan
sewer = canal de scurgere
shovel = a lopta
take place (v.) = a avea loc

zoning law = lege privind zonarea teritoriului


1. True or false?

Statement True False

In urban areas, sewers and water lines often provide
service to households.
Lots at the corners of a block have three sides of
frontage and are called corner lots.
Minimum lot sizes and separations must be met
when wells and septic systems are used.
Real estate taxes are assessed based on the value
of the money.
Street frontage determines which side of the lot is
the front, with the opposite side being the back.
The part of the boundary of the lot next to a street or
road is the wall.
2. Group the following words relating to buildings and other large
structures that people build, as in the model.

bank barn bathhouse building castle construction coop

courthouse doghouse elevator factory gallery garage
gazebo government headquarters grain silo granary
greenhouse hen house hospital kennel kiosk kitchen
house laboratory latrine library lighthouse mall
mausoleum museum observatory office outbuilding
outhouse palace Parliament house pavilion plant pound
pyramid rotunda safe shed shop shopping centre
skyscraper stable store storehouse structure supermarket
tabernacle tower treasury warehouse

Words referring to

used by animalsbuildings

buildings used for work

buildings used to store

buildings used by the

buildings used to sell
and to make things
types of buildings



3. Fill in with the proper verbs (Present Tense Simple and

frequentative Will) from below.

are includes is results will (3 times)

Waste collection the component of waste management which in

the passage of a waste material from the source of production to
either the point of treatment final disposal. Waste collection also
the kerbside collection of recyclable materials that technically not
waste, as part of a municipal landfill diversion program. Household
waste generally be left in waste containers or recycling bins prior
to collection by a waste collector using a waste collection vehicle. The
waste collection vehicle often take the waste to a transfer station
where it be loaded up into a larger vehicle and sent either to landfill
or to an alternative waste treatment facility.

4. Put the text above into Romanian.

5. Supply the ing forms of the verbs in brackets in the text below in

(Maintain) a rough lawn requires only occasional (cut) with a suitable

machine, or (graze) by animals. Maintaining higher quality lawns may
require special maintenance procedures:
- (Mow) regularly with a sharp blade at an even height.
- Not mowing when lawn is wet.
- Not (remove) more than 30% to 40% of the plant tissue.
- (Alternate) the direction of cut from previous mowing.

- (Scarify) and (rake), to remove dead grass and prevent (tuft).
- (Roll), to encourage (tiller), i.e. (branch) of grass plants, and to
level the ground.
- Top (dress) with sand, soil or other material.
- (Spike) or aeration to relieve compaction of the soil.
- Additional (water).
- (Fertilize) application.
- Organic or synthetic pesticide application.
There is often heavy social pressure to mow ones lawn regularly.

6. Supply the verbs corresponding to the nouns in the text below.

The rapid urbanization of the 20th century has resulted in a significant

amount of slum habitation in the major cities of the world, particularly
in developing countries. There is significant demand for planning
resources and strategies to address the issues that arise from slum
development, and many planning theorists and practitioners are
calling for increased attention and resources in this area, particularly
the Commonwealth Association of Planners. When urban planners
give their attention to slums, one also has to pay attention to the
racial make-up of that area to ensure that racial steering does not
occur. The issue of slum habitation has often been resolved via a
simple policy of clearance, however more creative solutions are
beginning to emerge such as Nairobis Camp of Fire program,
where established slum-dwellers have promised to build proper
houses, schools, and community centres without any government
money, in return for land they have been illegally squatting on for 30
years. This program is initiated by Slum Dwellers International, which
has programs in Africa, Asia, and South America.
7. Identify the verbs in the Passive Voice in the text below.
Finland may have been the first public housing. In 1909 in Helsinki
four wooden houses designed by the architect A. Nyberg were built
on Kirstinkuja for the citys workers. The residents were mainly
working-class families with several children. The apartments had an
average of five people per room, sometimes up to eight. The tiny
apartments were equipped with running water, a pantry and an attic
cupboard. Every apartment had its own toilet in the cellar. Electric
lighting was installed in 1918. The homes and lives of worker families

in Helsinki from 1909 to 1985 are presented in a museum near the
Linnanmki amusement park. The museum is currently being
renovated and will reopen in summer 2009. Governments since the
early 1990s have also encouraged mixed tenure in regeneration
areas and on new-build housing estates, offering a range of
ownership and rental options, with a view to engineering social
harmony through including social housing and affordable housing
options. A recent research report has argued that the evidence base
for tenure mixing remains thin.
8. Turn the verbs in the Passive Voice in the text above into the
9. Match the words in the box with the appropriate suffixes, as in the
-able - ible
charitable accessible

access- uncomfort-
charit- undesir-
comprehens- unmistak-
consider- valu-

10. Use the adjectives above in sentences of your own.

11. Complete the following with verbs of your own using the Gerund
or the Infinitive.

- He does nothing but

- I apologize for
- I hope you dont mind
- Matt wouldnt dare
- My parents want
- She always avoids
- She congratulated me on
- They expect
- They keep on

12. Give the feminine of the following nouns.

actor boyfriend bridegroom bull Englishman father-in-law

he gentleman goat host landlord manservant nephew
poet uncle waiter widower

13. Give the masculine of the following nouns.

duck goose grand-daughter hen heroine hen lady

manageress mare queen policewoman

Lets Laugh!

A retiring farmer in preparation for selling his land, needed to rid his
farm of animals. So he went to every house in his town. To the
houses where the man is the boss, he gave a horse. To the houses
where the woman is the boss, a chicken was given. He got toward the
end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening. Whos the
boss around here? he asked. I am. said the man. I have a black
horse and a brown horse, the farmer said, which one would you
like? The man thought for a minute and said, The black one. No,
no, no, get the brown one. the mans wife said. Heres your
chicken. said the farmer.
Unit 19
City Block
A city block, urban block or simply block is a central element
of urban planning and urban design. A city block is the smallest area
that is surrounded by streets. City blocks are the space for buildings
within the street pattern of a city; they form the basic unit of a citys
urban fabric. City blocks may be subdivided into any number of
smaller lots or parcels of land usually in private ownership, though in
some cases, it may be other forms of tenure. City blocks are usually
built-up to varying degrees and thus form the physical containers or
street walls of public space. Most cities are composed of a greater or
lesser variety of sizes and shapes of urban block. For example, many
pre-industrial cores of cities in Europe, Asia and the Middle-east tend
to have irregularly shaped street patterns and urban blocks, while
cities based on grids have much more regular arrangements.
In most cities of the world that were planned, rather than
developing gradually over a long period of time, streets are typically
laid out on a grid plan, so that city blocks are square or rectangular.
Using the perimeter block development principle, city blocks are
developed so that buildings are located along the perimeter of the
block, with entrances facing the street, and semi-private courtyards in
the rear of the buildings. This arrangement is intended to provide
good social interaction among people. Since the spacing of streets in
grid plans varies so widely among cities, or even within cities, it is
impossible to generalize about the size of a city block. However, as
reference points, the standard block in Manhattan is about 264 by
900 feet; and in some U.S. cities standard blocks are as wide as
660 feet, while for example, the city blocks in the central city grid of
Melbourne, Australia are 200 by 100 m. In most areas, cities have
grown in a more amorphous manner rather than being planned from
the outset. For this reason, an even pattern of square or rectangular
city blocks is very uncommon in much of Europe. Following the
example of Philadelphia, New York City adopted the Commissioners
Plan of 1811 for a more extensive grid plan. In much of the United
States and Canada, the addressing systems follow a block and lot
number system, in which each block of a street is allotted 100
building numbers. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

be intended to (v.) = a fi menit s

city block = cvartal
core = central()
courtyard = curte
entrance = intrare
even pattern = model regulat
face (v.) = a sta cu faa
from the outset = de la nceput
grid plan = plan urbanistic
grow (v.) = a crete
however = totui
in the rear of = n spatele
since = deoarece, ntruct
spacing = distanare
street pattern = model stradal
street wall = perete stradal
surrounded = nconjurat()
though = cu toate c, dei
urban design = design urban
urban fabric = estura urban
urban planning = planificare urbanistic


1. Answer the questions.

- What is a city block?

- How can city blocks be divided?
- How are city blocks usually built up?
- What are most cities composed of?
- Is it possible to generalize about the size of a city block?
- How large is the standard block in Manhattan?
- Why is an even pattern of square or rectangular city blocks
very uncommon in much of Europe?
- What did New York adopt and when following the example of
2. Group the following words relating to buildings and other large
structures that people build, as in the model.

bar barracks blockhouse bomb shelter bunker bus station

cell control tower fort gas station guardhouse hangar
hostel hotel inn jail jailhouse lodge lookout military
base motel parking lot petrol station police station prison
pub railroad station rest area restaurant station tavern
terminal watchtower

Words referring to buildings

used by
used by used by
found at used by used by travellers
the travellers
airports the police travellers for
military for eating

3. Fill in with the proper adjectives from below.

American arterial big functional open pedestrian-friendly

popular residential traditional ( 2 times) urban

Super blocks were during the early and mid-20th century, arising
from modernist ideas in architecture and urban planning. A super
block is much larger than a city block, with greater setback for
buildings, and is typically bounded by widely spaced, high-speed,
or circulating routes. Super blocks are generally associated with
suburbs, planned cities, and the renewal of the mid-20th century;
that is, in areas in which a street hierarchy has replaced the grid.
In a area of a suburb, the interior of the super block is typically
served by cul-de-sac roads. Urban planner Clarence Perry argued for
use of super blocks and related ideas in his neighbourhood unit
plan, which aimed to organize space in a way that is more and
provided plazas and other space for residents to socialize. In the
1930s, super blocks were often used in urban renewal public housing
projects in cities. In using super blocks, housing projects aimed to
eliminate back alleys, which were often associated with slum
conditions. Super blocks are also used when units such as rail
yards or housing projects are too to fit in one block.
4. Match the following.

a. a narrow street or passageway between or behind

1. alley city buildings; a path between flower beds or trees
in a garden or park
b. a narrow way or passage between walls, hedges,
2. block
or fences
c. a public way or thoroughfare in a city or town,
usually with a sidewalk or sidewalks; such a public
3. building way considered apart from the sidewalks; a public
way or road along with the houses or buildings
abutting it
d. a usually rectangular section of a city or town
bounded on each side by consecutive streets, a
segment of a street bounded by consecutive cross
4. courtyard
streets and including its buildings and inhabitants;
a large building divided into separate units, such
as apartments
e. an open space surrounded by walls or buildings,
5. lane adjoining or within a building such as a large
house or housing complex
f. something that is built, as for human habitation; a
6. street

5. Find errors in the text below.

Courtyard private open spaces surrounded by wall or building

have been in use in residential architecture for almost as long as man
has lived in constructed dwelling. The earliest known courtyard house
were built in Iran and China and date as far back as 3000 BC.
Courtyard have historically been used for many purpose including
cooking, sleeping, working, playing, gardening, and even place to
keep animal. Before courtyard, open fires were kept burning in a
central place within a home, with only a small hole in the ceiling
overhead to allow smoke to escape. Over time, these small opening
were enlarged and eventually led to the development of the
centralized open courtyard we know today. Courtyard home have
been designed and built throughout the world with many variation in
every century.
6. Turn the text below into the Passive Voice.

King Wally IV built the Ballyhoo castle in the 18th century. It had a long
and turbulent history since then. An earthquake destroyed it in 1158.
The Duke of Westhumberland rebuilt it over the next century. Both the
French and the Scots have conquered it. The Germans bombed it two
years in a row in the Second World War. First, in 1940, the inhabitants
were fortunate the British Army had evacuated them before the
bombs fell. The following year they were not so lucky the local fire
brigade evacuated them when the first planes arrived and the bombs
killed thirty people. In 1999 The World Heritage Organisation bought
it. They use one wing as their European headquarters. Currently
experts restore the other wing. The Queen will open it to the public in

7. Match the following.

1. If I come home late, a. I always take some pills.

2. If I dont eat, b. it buries it.
3. If I give my dog a bone, c. I get hungry.
4. If I have a headache, d. I study English.
5. If I have time, e. Im late for work.
6. If I miss the eight o clock bus, f. my parents get angry.
7. If Im late for work, g. my boss gets angry.
8. If you want a receipt, h. press the button.

8. Rephrase the following sentences.

- Make sure you dont take the A20 in the rush hour, Tim, said
Jack. Jack warned
- He fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. No sooner
- I havent enjoyed myself so much in years. Its years
- Its great pity you told everyone what you were up to! If only
- Perhaps they didnt notice the tyre was flat. They
- The violent criticism of the manager was quite unjustified.
- There is no way he got the news from us as we havent
spoken. He
- We are dealing with your complaint. Your complaint
9. Make the following sentences negative paying attention to the

- He often walks to work.

- He usually smokes before breakfast.
- I often cook the dinner.
- Matt is always free in the evening.
- Melanie usually walks the dog.
- They always watch TV in the evening.
- They are generally awake at half past seven.
- Tim and Ted are always willing to help.
- We always take a shower in the morning.

10. Build some complex sentences containing a Subject Clause

introduced by:

- the conjunctions that, whether;

- the conjunctive pronouns who, which, what;
- the conjunctive adverbs when, how, why.

Lets Laugh!

A clergyman walks down a country lane and sees a young farmer

struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off. You look
hot, my son, said the cleric. Why dont you rest a moment, and Ill
give you a hand. No thanks, said the young man. My father
wouldnt like it. Dont be silly, the minister said. Everyone is entitled
to a break. Come and have a drink of water. Again the young man
protested that his father would be upset. Losing his patience, the
clergyman said, Your father must be a real slave driver. Tell me
where I can find him and Ill give him a piece of my mind! Well,
replied the young farmer, hes under the load of hay.
Unit 20
Surveying is the technique and science of accurately
determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional space position of
points and the distances and angles between them. These points are
usually, but not exclusively, associated with positions on the surface
of the Earth, and are often used to establish land maps and
boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes. In order to
accomplish their objective, surveyors use elements of geometry,
engineering, trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and law. An
alternative definition, per the American Congress on Surveying and
Mapping (ACSM), is the science and art of making all essential
measurements to determine the relative position of points and/or
physical and cultural details above, on, or beneath the surface of the
Earth, and to depict them in a usable form, or to establish the position
of points and/or details. Furthermore, as alluded above, a particular
type of surveying known as land surveying (also per ACSM) is the
detailed study or inspection, as by gathering information through
observations, measurements in the field, questionnaires, or research
of legal instruments, and data analysis in the support of planning,
designing, and establishing of property boundaries. It involves the re-
establishment of cadastral surveys and land boundaries based on
documents of record and historical evidence, as well as certifying
surveys (as required by statute or local ordinance) of subdivision
plats/maps, registered land surveys, judicial surveys, and space
delineation. Land surveying can include associated services such as
mapping and related data accumulation, construction layout surveys,
precision measurements of length, angle, elevation, area, and
volume, as well as horizontal and vertical control surveys, and the
analysis and utilization of land survey data. Surveying has been an
essential element in the development of the human environment
since the beginning of recorded history (ca. 5000 years ago) and it is
a requirement in the planning and execution of nearly every form of
construction. Its most familiar modern uses are in the fields of
transport, building and construction, communications, mapping, and
the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership. (After
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

above = deasupra
accomplish (v.) = a nfptui, a realiza
accurately = cu precizie
angle = unghi
as alluded above = aa cum s-a sugerat mai sus
beneath = sub
by gathering information = prin strngerea de informaii
communications = comunicaii
construction layout survey = msurtorile referitoare la amplasarea
unei construcii
definition = definire
depict (v.) = a descrie
establish (v.) = a stabili
furthermore = mai mult chiar
governmental purpose = scop guvernamental
in order to = ca s, pentru a
in the field of = n domeniul
in the support of = n sprijinul
involve (v.) = a implica
judicial survey = msurtoare n scop juridic
land map = hart a pmntului
land ownership = proprietatea asupra pmntului
land surveying = msurarea topometric a pmntului
law = drept
legal boundary = limit legal
mapping = cartare
measurements in the field = msurtori n teren
of nearly every form of = a aproape oricrei forme de
on = pe
precision measurement = msurtoare de precizie
research (v.) = a cerceta
since the beginning of recorded history = de la nceputul istoriei
space delineation = delimitarea spaiilor
surveying = efectuarea de relevee
surveyor = geodez, topometru
usable = utilizabil()

1. True or false?

Statement True False

Land surveying is the study or inspection of legal
instruments, and data analysis in the support of
planning, designing, and establishing of property
Surveying has been an element in the development
of the human environment since the beginning of
recorded history.
Surveying is the technique and science of
determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional
space position of points and the distances and
angles between them.
Surveyors use elements of geometry, engineering,
trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and law.

2. Group the following words relating to buildings and other large

structures that people build, as in the model.

abbey amphitheatre arena assembly hall auditorium

ballpark basilica bullring cathedral centre chapel church
cinema cloister coliseum community centre conservatory
convent dormitory enclosed hall high-rise hippodrome
library megalith monastery monument mosque mound
multi-story nunnery obelisk open pagoda parsonage
racetrack sanctuary school schoolhouse shrine stadium
synagogue tabernacle temple theatre university ziggurat

Words referring to buildings

made to
used for
of watching
people of used for used for used in
different games
something meetings schools religion
kinds and
3. Match the following.

a. the application of scientific and mathematical

1. engineering
principles to practical ends
b. the body of rules and principles governing the
2. geometry
affairs of a community
c. the branch of mathematics that deals with the
3. law relationships between the sides and the angles
of triangles
d. the mathematics of the properties,
4. mathematics measurement, and relationships of points,
lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
e. the science of matter and energy and of
5. physics
interactions between the two
f. the study of the measurement, properties, and
6. trigonometry
relationships of quantities

4. Supply the written ing form of the verbs between brackets.

Interactive, computerised maps are commercially available, (allow)

users to zoom in or zoom out respectively (mean) to increase or
decrease the scale sometimes by (replace) one map with another of
different scale, centred where possible on the same point. In-car
satellite navigation systems are computerised maps with route-(plan)
and advice facilities which monitor the users position with the help of
satellites. From the computer scientists point of view, (zoom) in
entails one or a combination of:
- (replace) the map by a more detailed one;
- (enlarge) the same map without (enlarge) the pixels, hence
(show) more detail by (remove) less information compared to the
less detailed version;
- enlarging the same map with the pixels enlarged, replaced by
rectangles of pixels; no additional detail is shown, but, (depend)
on the quality of ones vision, possibly more detail can be seen; if
a computer display does not show adjacent pixels really separate,
but (overlap) instead - this does not apply for an LCD, but may
apply for a cathode ray tube then (replace) a pixel by a
rectangle of pixels does show more detail. A variation of this
method is interpolation.
5. Arrange the adverbs in the sentences below in the right order.

- He enjoys his coffee in the morning / usually / on the porch.

- Mel prepares usually / the dinner.
- They are awake at half past six / generally.
- They are travelling by train / next week / to London.
- They children played all the afternoon/ happily / in the garden.
- They returned with their friends / at ten oclock / to their flat.

6. Put the verbs between brackets in the Present or Past Conditional

in the Main Clause and Past or Perfect Subjunctive in the If Clause.

- He (not do ) it if you (not help) him.

- He (win) the competition, if he (prepared) more for it.
- I (be) glad if you (come) to visit me.
- If he (come) on time, he (not miss) the train.
- If I (be) you, I (consider) the matter seriously.
- If I (know) you (to come) , I (stay) at home.
- If she (be ) present, I (tell) her what I think about her.
- If the translation (be) easy, I (have) few words to look
- If you (work) hard at your English, soon you (can) speak
- She (come) to see you if she (not be) ill.

7. Fill in the blanks with the suitable link words in the box below.

all in all by contrast for instance however in addition in

effect in relation to more commonly nevertheless

Property rights are rights over things enforceable against other

persons., contractual rights are rights enforceable against
particular persons. property rights may arise from a contract, so
there is an overlap between the two systems of rights. the sale of
land, for example, two sets of legal relationships exist alongside one
another: the personal right to sue for damages on the contract, and
the proprietary right exercisable over the thing. A separate distinction
is evident where rights granted are insufficiently substantial to confer
on the non-owner a definable interest right in the thing. The clearest
example of these rights is the license. , even if licenses are created
by a binding contract, they do not give rise to proprietary interests.
, property rights are also distinguished from personal rights. all
contemporary societies acknowledge this basic ontological and
ethical distinction. In the past, groups lacking political power have
often been disqualified from the benefits of property. In an extreme
form this has meant that persons have become objects of property
right, legally things, or chattels. , marginalised groups have been
denied legal rights to own property. These include Jews in England
and married women in Western societies until the late 19th century.
The dividing line between personal rights and property rights is not
always easy to draw. , is ones reputation property which can be
commercially exploited by affording property rights to it? , the
dividing line between personal rights and property rights is not always
easy to draw.

Lets Laugh!

A man from the city is out ploughing his field and gets his tractor stuck
in the wet ground. A farmer driving by stops his truck and walks to the
fence to call over the city feller. You need a mule to plough such wet
ground. he says. Where can I buy one? he is asked. Well, I just
happened to have one for 100 dollars. he says. Ill take him, says
the other man as he counts out the money. I cant bring him over
today. I dont work on Sunday. morrow OK? Sure. The next day the
truck pulls up and the old farmer gets out. He says, Sorry, bad news.
I went out after breakfast and the mule was dead. The city feller says
Just give me my money back then. Cant, spent it already! Well ...
unload the mule then. What ya gonna do with him? Raffle him off!
Naw, ya cant raffle off a dead mule! Just watch me! Us city fellers
know a few tricks. One month goes by and the city feller and farmer
run into each other at the barber shop. What did ya do with that dead
mule? Raffled him off, sold 100 tickets at two dollars each and made
98 dollars profit. Didnt anyone complain? Just one guy so I gave
him his two dollars back!
Unit 21
Surveying Techniques
As late as the 1990s the basic tools used in planar surveying
were a tape measure for determining shorter distances, a level for
determining height or elevation differences, and a theodolite, set on a
tripod, with which one can measure angles (horizontal and vertical),
combined with triangulation. Starting from a position with known
location and elevation, the distance and angles to the unknown point
are measured. A more modern instrument is a total station, which is a
theodolite with an electronic distance measurement device and can
also be used for levelling when set to the horizontal plane. They have
made the technological shift from being optical-mechanical devices to
being fully electronic with an onboard computer and software. Total
stations no longer require a reflector or prism (used to return the light
pulses used for distancing) to return distance measurements, are fully
robotic, and can even e-mail point data to the office computer and
connect to satellite positioning systems, such as a (GPS). Though
GPSs have increased the speed of surveying, they are still only
horizontally accurate to about 20 mm and vertically accurate to about
30-40 mm and they do not work in areas with dense tree cover.
Robotics allows surveyors to gather precise measurements without
extra workers to look through and turn the telescope or record data. A
faster way to measure (no obstacles) is with a helicopter with laser
echolocation, combined with GPS to determine the height of the
helicopter. To increase precision, beacons are placed on the ground
(about 20 km apart). This method reaches a precision of about 5 mm.
With the triangulation method, one first needs to know the horizontal
distance to the object. If this is not known or cannot be measured
directly, we can rely on triangulation. Then the height of an object can
be determined by measuring the angle between the horizontal plane
and the line through that point at a known distance and the top of the
object. In order to determine the height of a mountain, one should do
this from sea level (the plane of reference), but here the distances
can be too great and the mountain may not be visible. So it is done in
steps, first determining the position of one point, then moving to that
point and doing a relative measurement, and so on until the
mountaintop is reached. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

accurate = precis()
and so on = i aa mai departe
as late as the 1990s = pn la sfritul anilor 90
beacon = semnal luminos
device = dispozitiv
extra workers = muncitori suplimentari
height = nlime
level = nivel
levelling = nivelare, nivelment
mountaintop = vrful muntelui
planar surveying = relevare planar
reach (v.) = a atinge
satellite positioning system = sistem de poziionare cu ajutorul
sea level = nivelul mrii
shift = schimb
speed = vitez
tape = band, panglic
tool = instrument, unealt
tree cover = pdure


1. Answer the following.

- What is a tape?
- What is a level?
- What is a theodolite?
- What is triangulation?
- What is a total station?
- What is a satellite positioning system?
- Are GPSs accurate?
- What does robotics allow?
- What is echolocation?
- What is a beacon?
- What is sea level?
2. Group the following words relating to the outside of a house, as in
the model.

back yard compound courtyard driveway front yard garden

grounds outside patio premises sidewalk yard

Words referring to
the area around a building the area around a house

3. Supply the basic forms of the verbs below, as in the model.

Basic forms
Verb Past Present
Infinitive Simple Past
participle participle
is be was / were been being

In todays theodolites, the reading out of the horizontal and vertical

circles is usually done electronically. The readout is done by a rotary
encoder, which can be absolute, e.g. using Gray codes, or
incremental, using equidistant light and dark radial bands. In the latter
case the circles spin rapidly, reducing angle measurement to
electronic measurement of time differences. Additionally, lately CCD
sensors have been added to the focal plane of the telescope allowing
both auto-targeting and the automated measurement of residual
target offset. All this is implemented in embedded software. Also,
many modern theodolites, costing up to $3,000 apiece, are equipped
with integrated electro-optical distance measuring devices, generally
infrared based, allowing the measurement in one go of complete
three-dimensional vectors albeit in instrument-defined polar co-
ordinates which can then be transformed to a pre-existing co-
ordinate system in the area by means of a sufficient number of control
points. This technique is called a resection solution or free station
position surveying and is widely used in mapping surveying. The
instruments, intelligent theodolites called self-registering
tachometers or total stations, perform the necessary operations,
saving data into internal registering units, or into external data storage
devices. Typically, ruggedized laptops or PDAs are used as data
collectors for this purpose.
4. Match the following.

a. a conjectural greenhouse effect on Earth that

1. global is attributed to deforestation and an increase
in industrial air emissions
2. global village b. an adept of globalism
3. global warming c. an adept of globalization
4. globalism d. in a global way
e. national geopolitical policy in which the entire
5. globalist world is regarded as the appropriate sphere
for a states influence
f. of, relating to, or involving the entire earth,
6. globalization
7. globalize g. the entire world and its inhabitants
h. the global or worldwide making of something
8. globalizer
in scope or application
i. to make global or worldwide in scope or
9. globally

5. Turn the following from passive into active, as in the model.

A theodolite is used in triangulation networks.

The surveyor uses a theodolite in triangulation networks.

- A theodolite is used in triangulation networks.

- Theodolites have been adapted for other specialized purposes
in fields like meteorology and rocket launch technology.
- A telescope is mounted movably within two perpendicular
axes, the horizontal or trunnion axis, and the vertical axis.
- The telescope is pointed at a desired object.
- The angle of each of the axes can be measured with great
precision, typically on the scale of arc seconds.
- A specialized type of theodolite that was developed in the
early 19th century.
- In the middle of the 20th century, transits came to be known as
a simple form of theodolite with less precision, lacking features
such as scale magnification and mechanical meters.
- The builders level is often mistaken for a transit, but is
actually a type of inclinometer.
6. Match the sentences in the two columns.

as though his leg was hurting

Although it happened years ago,
He behaves as if he knew all the
but she is actually quite poor.
He walks with a limp, but he is actually quite ignorant.
He wont mention any names, but really theyre a nuisance.
I remember it as if it were
Its been very cold lately,
She drives as if she were the
It feels as if winter is coming.
only driver on the road,
It seems as if hes trying to
She is so pale!
protect someone.
It sounds as though there were a
She talks as if she were a
herd of elephants in the next
They talk as though they were not paying attention to other
angels, motorists.
Those children make so much She looks as if shes seen a
noise! ghost.

7. Finish the sentences using the given phrases and paying attention
to the inversion of the subject with the predicate.

- All the sooner

- Green
- Hardly when
- In the boy.
- Little did
- Neither for my sake nor for your sake
- Never again
- No sooner than
- Not only but also
- Not only those present but
- Only after
- Only now
- Only then
- So quickly
8. Change the question below into Indirect Questions as in the model.

Where have YOU been all morning?

She asked where I had been all morning.

- Where are you working?

- Have you seen Mel?
- How is your mother?
- Are you enjoying your meal?
- When will they arrive in town?
- Can we come and visit you?
- How did you find us here?
- Has Dan taken his flue medicine?

9. Put the following into English using the different types of Genitive.

- crile prietenului meu George

- culoarea rochiei lui Jane
- fiica profesorului meu de englez
- jucriile copiilor Elenei
- lucrrile celor mai buni studeni ai mei
- nepotul soiei fiului lui James
- sentin de cinci ani si jumtate nchisoare
- petrecerea surorii prietenului meu

Lets Laugh!

Rush Limbaugh and his chauffeur were out driving in the country and
accidentally hit and killed a pig that had wandered out on a country
road. Limbaugh told the chauffeur to drive up to the farm and
apologize to the farmer. They drove up to the farm, the chauffeur got
out and knocked on the front door and was let in. He was in there for
what seemed like hours. When the chauffeur came out, Limbaugh
was confused about why his driver had been in there so long. Well,
first the farmer shook my hand, then he offered me a beer, then his
wife brought me some cookies, and his daughter showered me with
kisses. explained the driver. What did you tell the farmer?
Limbaugh asked. The chauffeur replied, I told him I was Rush
Limbaughs driver and Id just killed the pig.
Unit 22
Cadastral Land Surveyor (I)
Cadastral land surveyors are licensed by State governments.
In the United States, cadastral surveys are typically conducted by the
Federal government, specifically through the Cadastral Surveys
branch of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), formerly the
General Land Office (GLO). In the states that have been subdivided
as per the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), the BLM Cadastral
Surveys are carried out in accordance with said system. This
information is required to define ownership and rights in real property
(land, water, mineral, easements, rights-of-way, etc.), to resolve
boundary disputes between neighbours, and for any subdivision of
land, building development, road boundary realignment, etc.
The aim of cadastral surveys is normally to re-establish and
mark the corners of original land boundaries. The first stage is to
research relevant records such as land titles (deeds), easements,
survey monumentation (marks on the ground) and any public or
private records that provide relevant data.
Monuments are marks on the ground that define location.
Pegs are commonly used to mark boundary corners, and nails in
bitumen, small pegs in the ground (dumpys) and steel rods are used
as instrument locations and reference marks, commonly called survey
control. Marks should be durable and long lasting, stable so the
marks do not move over time, safe from disturbance and safe to work
at. The aim is to provide sufficient marks so some marks will remain
for future re-establishment of boundaries. The job of a boundary
surveyor retracing a deed or prior survey is to locate such
monuments and verify their correct position. Unfortunately time,
development, vandalism and acts of nature often wreak havoc on
monuments. The boundary surveyor is often forced to consider
evidence peripheral to an actual marker, which may be missing.
Fence locations, wood lines, monuments on neighbouring property,
parole evidence and other evidence is often analyzed. Examples of
typical man made monuments are steel rods, pipes or bars with
plastic, aluminium or brass caps containing descriptive markings and
often bearing the license number of the surveyor responsible for the
establishment of such. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

aim = scop, int

bear (v.) = a purta
boundary dispute = disput legat de granie
branch = filial, sucursal
brass = alam
cadastral land surveyor = topograf cadastral
cap = capac, dop
carried out = efectuat()
datum (pl. data) = dat
easement = anex, atenans, dependin
fence location = amplasarea gardurilor
ground = pmnt, sol
in accordance with = n conformitate cu
job = atribuie, funcie
license number = numrul autorizaiei
licensed by = autorizat() de
long lasting = de durat
miss (v.) = a absenta, a lipsi
nail = cui
over time = n timp
parole evidence = mrturie verbal
peg = bulon, cui, piron, ru
pipe = conduct, eav
provide (v.) = a asigura, a furniza, a oferi
realignment = realiniere
responsible for the establishment of such = rspunztor de
instalarea unor asemenea marcaje
right-of-way = drept de trecere
safe from disturbance = ferit() de distrugere
safe to work at = care nu prezint pericole n timpul lucrului
said system = sistem stabilit
specifically = mai exact / precis, i anume
steel rod = tij / tirant din oel
survey monumentation = marcajul teritoriului
through = de ctre, prin
wood line = linia pdurii, lizier
wreak havoc on (v.) = a face prpd

1. True or false?

Statement True False

Cadastral land surveyors are licensed by the State.
Monuments are marks on the ground defining
Pegs are commonly used to mark boundary corners.
Steel rods are used as instrument locations.
The job of a surveyor is to locate monuments.

2. Group the following words relating to roads, as in the model.

avenue bed boulevard bridge broken pavement build a

road build up the bed centre line corner cracked pavement
cross street curb detour dirt road divided highway dusty
edge exit fill holes fixing footpath fork freeway full of
holes highway improved road in need of repair interchange
intersection juncture lane lay a new road line marker
median overpass passing lane patching holes path pave
paved road pavement pedestrian crossing pothole reflector
repairing repaving road road gone to pot road repairs
roadbed rough rutted shoulder sidewalk sign signpost
speed bump street surface thoroughfare traffic tunnel
underpass unimproved road washboard way worn

Words referring to
on a roadsigns and markers

two roads coming together

people and vehicles
describe a bad road

travelling on a road
parts of a road

types of roads
making a road
fixing a road
a bridge

a tunnel

3. Supply the plural form of the nouns in the text below.

In the U.S., most Recorders of Deeds are elected officials serving the
area of a county or county equivalent territory. In some states, the
recorder of deeds may also act as a public posting place for
documents that are not directly related to estates in land, such as
corporate charters, military discharges, UCC records, applications for
marriage licenses, and judgments. Deeds in a few states of the U.S.
are maintained under the Torrens title system or some limited
implementation of it. (For example: Iowa, Minnesota, Massachusetts,
Colorado, Hawaii, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington.)
Other U.S. states, on the other hand, maintain their deeds under
Common law, typically, in chronological order with a grantor/grantee

4. Put the following types of monuments into Romanian.

- Areas of special natural beauty

- Buildings designed as iconic landmarks
- Cenotaphs and memorials to commemorate the dead, usually
war casualties e.g. Vimy Ridge Memorial and India Gate
- Church monuments to commemorate the dead, above or near
their grave, often featuring an effigy
- Columns, often topped with a statue e.g. Nelsons Column in
- Entire areas established as memorials to commemorate
wartime atrocities or notably bloody battles e.g. Oradour-sur-
Glane or the battlefields at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and
- Grave stones constitute small monuments to a dead person
- Mausoleums and tombs to inter the dead e.g. the Great
Pyramid and Taj Mahal
- Monoliths erected for religious or commemorative purposes
e.g. Stonehenge
- Obelisks usually erected to commemorate great leaders e.g.
the Washington Monument
- Statues of famous individuals or symbols e.g. Statue of
- Terminating vista, layout design for urban monuments
- Triumphal arches, almost always to commemorate military
successes e.g. the Arc de Triomphe
5. Translate the following into English.

- A fi preferat ca tu s fi venit cu noi la concert.

- Au trecut cteva luni de cnd nu i-a vizitat sora.
- Dac nu ai fi insistat atta ca ea s plece, acum ai fi mai
- De-abia a sunat telefonul, c a i srit s rspund.
- Dei fusese ameninat c i va pierde slujba, el a continuat s
fac la fel.
- Dup ce vor sosi prietenii mei, vom tii unde mergem.
- ntotdeauna uit s-i pun semntura pe acte, dei i-am
amintit n nenumrate rnduri s o fac.
- Nu se poate s te fi apucat de tenis, aa dintr-o data!
- Pn joi, ei vor fi terminat de citit romanele.

6. Turn the sentences into Indirect Speech, as in the model.

He asked her: What plans do we have for this evening?

He asked her what plans they had for that evening.

- He asked her: What plans do we have for this evening?

- He said to me: I hope you have not forgotten that there will be
a meeting tonight.
- He said to the guest: Do you want tea or coffee?
- He said to them: Glad to see you here!
- He said: I am a student of this University and I have studied
here for three years.
- I said to him: I shall not say anything until they ask.
- I wrote to him: I shall pass through your town next week.
- My friend asked me: Where are you going?
- My friend asked me: Where did you see Uncle Arnold the
other day?
- She asked her husband: Why havent you fetched the
children from school?
- She asked me: How old are you?
- She said to me: Good-bye, dear.
- She said to the child: Dont lean out the window while the
train is moving.
- They asked me: How long does it take you to reach home?
- They said to me: Hello! Where are you going?
7. Fill in the banks with constructions with rather from the box below:

rather rather doubt rather foolishly rather nice rather

pleased rather sleepy rather than rather too crowded rather

- Do you want to come out for dinner with us this evening?

- I have got to have two teeth out next week. than me.
- Actually, I did in my exams.
- He is a man.
- He likes starting early staying late.
- I I will be able to come to your party.
- I have lost their addresses.
- I was to be invited to the graduation ceremony.
- She answered the telephone
- The bus was for a comfortable journey.

8. Finish the following sentences using the Subjunctive.

- He proposed that
- I suggest that ...
- I wish
- Id rather
- It is necessary that
- Its high time
- Public opinion demands that
- We insist that

Lets Laugh!

A farmer and his brand new bride were riding home from the chapel in
a wagon pulled by a team of horses, when the older horse stumbled.
The farmer said, Thats once. A little further along, the poor old
horse stumbled again. The farmer said, Thats twice. After a little,
while the poor old horse stumbled again. The farmer didnt say
anything, but reached under the seat, pulled out a shotgun and shot
the horse. His brand new bride yelled, telling him, That was an awful
thing to do. The farmer said, Thats once.

Unit 23
Cadastral Land Surveyor (II)
The material and marking used on monuments placed to mark
boundary corners are often subject to state laws/statutes.
The total station or GPS is set-up over survey marks which
were placed as part of a previous survey, or newly placed marks. The
bearing datum is established by measuring between points on a
previous survey and a rotation is applied to orientate the new survey
to correspond with the previous survey.
The data are analysed and comparisons made with existing
records to determine evidence which can be used to establish
boundary positions. The bearing and distance of lines between the
boundary corners and total station positions are calculated and used
to set out and mark the corners in the field. Checks are made by
measuring directly between pegs places using a cloth tape.
Subdivision of land generally requires that the external boundary is
re-established and marked using pegs, and the new internal
boundaries are then marked.
A plat (a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece
of land) and description (depending on local and state requirements,
they show the distance and bearing between survey corners, include
topographic or vegetation information, show subdivisions into blocks
with streets and alleys) are compiled, the final report is lodged with
the appropriate government office (often required by law), and copies
are provided to the client.
While one might assume that the manipulation of property and
numbers might be devoid of art, only the contrary can be true. Many
properties have considerable problems with regards to improper
bounding, miscalculations in past surveys, titles, easements, and
wildlife crossings. Also many properties are created from multiple
divisions of a larger piece over the course of years, and with every
additional division the risk of miscalculation increases. The result can
be abutting properties not coinciding with the parcel. The art comes in
when a surveyor must essentially build a puzzle with pieces that do
not exactly fit together. In these cases the solution is based upon the
research and interpretation of the surveyor. (After Wikipedia, the
Free Encyclopedia)

abutting = adiacent()
be based upon (v.) = a se baza pe
be set-up = a fi dispus
be subject to = a constitui / face subiectul
bearing = direcie, orientare
bearing datum = data la care a fost fcut un marcaj
bounding = delimitare
cloth tape = band din material textil
compiled = alctuit(), elaborat(), redactat()
devoid of art = care nu necesit art, lipsit() de rafinament
drawn to scale = (desenat) la scar
fit together (v.) = a se potrivi
improper = necorespunztor (necorespunztoare)
increase (v.) = a crete
lodged = depus()
miscalculation= calcul greit
only the contrary can be true = dimpotriv
puzzle = joc din bucele ce trebuie mbinate
wildlife crossing = loc de trecere pentru animalele slbatice
with regards to = cu privire la, n ceea ce privete

1. Answer the questions.

- What is the total station or GPS set-up over?

- How is the bearing datum established?
- What are the data analysed and the comparisons made for?
- What are the bearing and distance of lines between the
boundary corners and total station positions calculated and used
- How are checks made?
- What do subdivisions of land generally require?
- What is a plat?
- What does a description generally consist of?
- Who is the final report lodged with?
- Is land surveying really devoid of art?
2. Group the following words relating to a fence, wall, hedge, or other
barrier separating one house from another and a gate or entryway
through a fence or wall, as in the model.

enclosed enclosure entrance fence gate gateway hedge

wall walled

Words referring to
an area that has a
a fence or wall a gate
fence around it

3. Fill in with the proper verbs from below.

allow appears are can consolidates divides functions

have originates owns records remain takes wants

A Plat of Consolidation when a landowner over several adjacent

parcels of land and them into a single parcel. In order to do this,
the landowner will usually need to make a survey of the parcels and
submit the survey to the governing body that would have to approve
the consolidation. A Plat of Subdivision when a landowner or
municipality land into smaller parcels. If a landowner an acre of
land, for instance, and to divide it into three pieces, a surveyor
would have to take precise measurements of the land and submit the
survey to the governing body, which would then have to approve it. A
Correction Plat or Amending Plat .. minor corrections to an existing
plat, such as correcting a surveying mistake or a scriveners error.
Such plats sometimes serve to relocate lot-lines or other features,
but laws usually tightly restrict such use. A Vacating Plat to legally
void a prior plat or portion of a plat. The rules normally such plats
only when all the platted lots unsold and no construction of
buildings or public improvements has taken place. Other names
associated with Parcel Maps : Land Maps, Tax Maps, Real Estate
Maps, Landowner Maps, Lot and Block Survey System and Land
Survey Maps. Parcel maps, unlike any other public real estate record,
no federal, state or municipal oversight with their development.

4. Put the text above into Romanian.

5. Turn the following reasons for platting from active into passive, as
in the model.

Designation of roads or other rights of way.

Roads or other rights of way are designated.

- Designation of roads or other rights of way.

- Ensuring that all property has access to a public right of way.
Without such access, a property owner may be unable to utilize
his or her property without having to trespass to reach it. The
platting process restricts the fraudulent practice of knowingly
selling lots with no access to public right of way.
- Creation or vacation of easements.
- Dedication of land for other public uses, such as parks or
areas needed for flood protection.
- Ensuring compliance with zoning. Zoning regulations
frequently contain restrictions that govern lot sizes and lot
geometry. The platting process allows the governing authorities to
ensure that all lots comply with these regulations.
- Ensuring compliance with a land use plan established to
control the development of a city.
- Ensuring that all property has access to public utilities.
6. Identify the parts of speech in the text below, as in the model.

Noun Article Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction


The word plat in medieval English (and ever since) refers to a piece
(or plot) of land. The creation of a plat map marks an important step
in the process of incorporating a town or city according to United
States law. Because the process of incorporation must occur at a
courthouse, the incorporation papers for many American cities may
be stored hundreds of miles away in another state. For example, to
view the original plat for the city of San Francisco, California, filed in
1849, one must visit the Clackamas County courthouse in Oregon
City, Oregon, then the capital of the Oregon Territory and the site of
the closest federal land office. This happened because California did
not gain statehood until 1850.
7. Put the verbs between brackets in the right form.

- Acoustics (be) a branch of science that (grow) very fast.

- Children (refuse) admission to horror movies.
- Id rather you (leave) when I asked you to.
- If you (attend) the conference next month, you will have the
chance to take part in very interesting workshops.
- Jim (work) as a skilled worker before he (begin) to study
- No car has been reported (miss) from the parking lot.
- That singer would sooner they (pay) him on time.
- They will start a new project a soon as they (finish) the
previous one.
- When I (wait) for about half an hour, Jack finally (show up)
and (tell) me that he (catch) in traffic.
- While we (walk) to their house, I (ask) Mrs. Jones
whether she (notice) anything strange about her husband

8. Supply with the correct verbs in the Future in the Past.

was going to drive was going to give was meeting were going
to invest were hoping to get were planning to have would go
on would remain

- He couldnt stay for dinner because he his boss at 8 p.m.

- I him a call, but then I saw him this afternoon.
- In the end, the drought for over a decade.
- She her car, but decided that the train was a better option.
- The whole family on the island for many years.
- They .. in the company, but it went bankrupt.
- They left early as they the last bus.
- We a picnic, but it started to rain.

9. Put the following sentences into Direct Speech.

- She asked me if I always went there for our holidays and then
she said I ought to have let them know sooner but that there
would still be time for us to go on some trips with them.
- They promised me that they would call me.
10. Choose the right phrasal verb from the box below and fill in the
blanks changing the form of the verb.

catch up on come up with come up with do away with do

away with get on to get on to get on to keep on at look out
for look out for put up with run up against stood up for
watch out for

- Even though I was her, I still didnt see her.

- He his principles and resigned from the party.
- I dont mean to you about it, but its really important.
- I dont think that I can his complaining for much longer.
- I plan to the committee at the next elections.
- Ill be you next week to ask you a favour.
- Lets all these silly rules as they are just slowing our work
- Our family has always each other, and thats why we like
and trust each other so much.
- Sally missed a week of school and so had to her work.
- The gangster his enemies one by one.
- The investors finally the money the needed to seal the deal
at the last moment.
- They simply cannot a solution to the problem.
- We finally the subject that we all met to talk about.
- Weve a serious problem, and cannot continue until we find
a solution to it.
- You be careful when driving - animals crossing the road.

Lets Laugh!

A Texan farmer goes to Australia for a vacation. There he meets an

Aussie farmer and gets talking. The Aussie shows off his big wheat
field and the Texan says, Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least
twice as large. Then they walk around the ranch a little and the
Aussie shows off his herd of cattle. The Texan immediately says, We
have longhorns that are at least twice as large as your cows. The
conversation has, meanwhile, almost died when the Texan sees a
herd of kangaroos hopping through the field. He asks, And what are
those? The Aussie asks with an incredulous look, Dont you have
any grasshoppers in Texas?
Unit 24
Surveying as a Career
The basic principles of surveying have changed little over the
ages, but the tools used by surveyors have evolved tremendously.
Engineering, especially civil engineering, depends heavily on
surveyors. Whenever there are roads, Railways, Reservoir, dams,
retaining walls, bridges or Residential areas to be built, Civil
Engineers (surveyors) are involved. They determine the boundaries
of private property and the boundaries of various lines of political
divisions. They also provide advice and data for GIS, computer
databases that contain data on land features and boundaries.
Surveyors must have a thorough knowledge of algebra, basic
calculus, geometry, and trigonometry. They must also know the laws
that deal with surveys, property, and contracts. In addition, they must
be able to use delicate instruments with accuracy and precision. In
the US, surveyors and civil engineers use units of metric feet wherein
a survey foot is broken down into 10ths and 100ths. Many deed
descriptions requiring distance calls are often expressed using these
units (125.25 ft). On the subject of accuracy, surveyors are often held
to a standard of one 1/100 of a foot. Calculation and mapping
tolerances are much smaller wherein achieving near perfect closures
are desired. Though tolerances such as this will vary from project to
project, in the field and day to day usage beyond this 1/100 of a foot
is often impractical. In most states of the US, surveying is recognized
as a distinct profession apart from engineering. Licensing
requirements vary by state, however these requirements generally all
have a component of education, experience and examinations. In the
past, experience gained through an apprenticeship, together with
passing a series of state-administered examinations, was required to
attain licensure. Nowadays, many states insist upon basic
qualification of a Degree in Civil Engineering with additional
coursework in surveying, in addition to experience and examination
requirements. Typically the process for registration follows two
phases: sitting for the Fundamentals of Land Surveying exam to
become a Surveyor in Training (SIT) and sitting for he Principles and
Practice of Land Surveying exam along with a state-specific
examination. (After Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)

accuracy = acuratee
additional coursework = cursuri suplimentare
advice = sfaturi
apprenticeship = ucenicie
attain licensure (v.) = a fi autorizat(), a primi autorizaia
be held to (v.) = a trebui s te conformezi
beyond = dincolo de
bridge = pod
broken down = divizat()
computer database = baz de date computerizat
dam = baraj
day to day usage = activitatea de zi cu zi
deal with (v.) = a avea de-a face cu, a se referi la
evolve (v.) = a evolua
gained = achiziionat()
heavily = enorm (adv.)
impractical = nepractic()
in addition = n plus
in the field = pe teren
involved = implicat()
knowledge = cunotine
land features = caracteristicile terenului
licensing requirements = condiii de autorizare
near perfect = aproape perfect()
nowadays = n zilele noastre
over the ages = de-a lungul secolelor
passing examinations = susinerea de examene
railway = cale ferat
reservoir = lac de acumulare
retaining wall = perete / zid despritor
sit for an exam (v.) = a da un examen
thorough = amnunit(), atent(), detaliat()
tremendously = extraordinar
vary (v.) = a varia
whenever = ori de cte ori
wherein = n care
why = de ce

1. True or false?

Statement True False

Surveyors determine the boundaries of state
property and the boundaries of various lines of
political divisions.
Surveyors must also know the laws that deal with
surveys, property, and contracts.
Surveyors need not be able to use delicate
instruments with accuracy and precision.
Surveyors must have a thorough knowledge of
algebra, basic calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.
Surveyors provide information for GIS, computer
databases that contain data on land features and
Surveyors use units of metric feet wherein a survey
foot is broken down into 10ths and 100ths.
The basic principles of surveying have changed over
the ages, but the tools used by surveyors have
evolved tremendously.

2. Group the following words relating to a part of something, as in the


accessor addition adjunct appendage appurtenance

attachment bar bit blade body chassis component
detail flap floor grip handle hook layer level lid
longitudinal neck nose part piece portion projection
sandwich section shelf story stratified stratum the back
the flip side the other side the reverse wheel

Words referring to
one something the part of
the main
a layer of a part of side added to something
part of
something something of the main used to
two part hold it
3. Fill in with the proper nouns from below.

authority countries jurisdiction land surveyor (2 times)

mapper names plans property province (3 times)
surveyors (2 times)

Registered usually denote themselves with the letters P.S.

(professional surveyor), L.S. ( ), or P.L.S. (professional land
surveyor), or R.L.S. (registered ), R.P.L.S. (Registered
Professional Land Surveyor), or P.S.M. (professional surveyor and )
following their , depending upon the dictates of their particular state
of registration. In Canada, Land Surveyors are registered to work in
their respective . The designation for a Land Surveyor breaks down
by but follows the rule whereby the first letter indicates the
followed by L.S. There is also a designation as a C.L.S. or Canada
Lands Surveyor who has the to work on Canada Lands which
include Indian Reserves, National Parks, the three territories and
offshore lands. In many Commonwealth , the term Chartered Land
Surveyor is used for someone holding a professional license to
conduct surveys. Typically a licensed land surveyor is required to seal
all , the format of which is dictated by their state , which shows
their name and registration number. In many states, land are also
required to place caps bearing their registration number on corners
that they have set.

4. Make questions about the fragments underlined in the text below.

Make any necessary changes.

In the fields of science, engineering, industry and statistics, accuracy

is the degree of conformity of a measured or calculated quantity to its
actual (true) value. Accuracy is closely related to precision, also
called reproducibility or repeatability, the degree to which further
measurements or calculations show the same or similar results. The
results of calculations or a measurement can be accurate but not
precise; precise but not accurate; neither; or both. A result is called
valid if it is both accurate and precise. The related terms in surveying
are error (random variability in research) and bias (non-random or
directed effects caused by a factor or factors unrelated by the
independent variable).
5. Put the verbs between brackets in the right form.

- Bowls (be) a game played by rolling a heavy wooden ball

on a green towards a jack.
- I wish Mary (come) earlier.
- If you admit (make) such a serious mistake, they (turn
down) your offer.
- No sooner he (begin) his walk through the woods, than he
(get) lost.
- The next time we (see) this movie again, well have a
detailed discussion about it.
- They all realised it was high time they (send) a new signal.
- Whatever my moral rights (be) , if you (extend) me that
courtesy, you deserve to have it (acknowledge)...
- When we (go) to see them last night, they (play) chess.
They said they (play) ... since four oclock.
- Whenever Jane (find) a nice flat to rent, there was
someone who (tell) the owner that she (evict) three times in
the past few years.

6. Put the following into Romanian paying attention to the rules of the
Sequence of Tenses.

- Ai avut vreo idee de ce s-a ntmplat acolo?

- Am rcit pentru c nu ne-am luat haine groase pentru munte.
- Copilul alerga dup un fluture, ncercnd s-l prind, cnd
deodat czu i se lovi.
- El aflase c in ora va fi organizat o petrecere i c prietenii
l ateapt s soseasc.
- Faptul c a trebuit s m opresc dou ore n satul acela m-a
fcut s mi schimb ntreaga rut.
- nainte de a pleca in vacana ne-am cumprat tot ce aveam
- Nici unul dintre noi nu a putut gsi cartea pierdut de Mike.
- Nimeni nu i cunotea situaia aa cum o tiam eu.
- Nu ai primit vederea pe care am trimis-o cu cteva zile
nainte de ntoarcerea acas?
- Nu tia ct de mult i dorise ea s-l vad.
- Nu tiam cnd v-ai ntors. De ce nu ne-ai anunat?
7. Express astonishment or doubt, as in the model.

Will he attend the meeting? Wont he attend the meeting?

- Are they abroad?

- Can I do it myself?
- Has she spoken to you about this matter?
- Is she helpful?
- Is she in the office?
- Will the investors come?

8. Using shall or will, as in the model.

Open the window. Open the window, will you?

- Lets do it at once!
- Lets have a short rest!
- Put the keys on the table!
- Shut the door!
- Stop arguing!
- Stop complaining!
- Wait a moment!

Lets Laugh!
A: How did the aliens hurt the farmer?
B: They trod on his corn.

A: What did the neurotic pig say to the farmer?

B: You take me for grunted.

A: When is a farmer like a magician?

B: When he turns his cow to pasture.

A: Why did the farmer call his pig Ink?

B: Because it was always running out of the pen.

A: What do you call cattle with a sense of humour?

B: Laughing stock.
***Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, Cambridge University
Press, 2002
Ammer, Christine, The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. The Most
Comprehensive Collection of Idiomatic Expresions and Phrases, 1997
Baker, Mark C., Lexical Categories. Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives,
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Broukal, Milada, Idioms for Everyday Use. The Basic Text for Learning
and Communicating with English Idioms, National Textbook Company,
Crystal, David, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language,
BCA, 1994
Eastwood, John, Oxford Guide to English Grammar, Oxford University
Press, 2002
Eckersley, C. E., A Concise English Grammar for Foreign Students,
Longman, 1986
Greenbaum, Sidney, The Oxford English Grammar, Oxford University
Press, 1996
Herzog, David Alan, Webster's New World Essential Vocabulary, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005
Patwell, Joseph M. (Editor), The American Heritage Dictionary of the
English Language, 1991
Ra, Georgeta, Alexandru Moisuc, Ionel Samfra, Raluca Silion, Oana
Boldea, Water & Agriculture, Editura Mirton, Timioara, 2004
Schrampfer Azar, Betty, Basic English Grammar, Longman, 1996
Spears, Richard A. (Editor), American Idioms Dictionary. The Most
Practical Reference for the Everyday Expressions of Contemporary
American English, National Textbook Company, 2000
Thomson, A. J. & A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford
University Press, 1986
Umstatter, Jack, English Brainstormers. Ready-to-Use Games and
Activities That Make Language Skills Fun to Learn, Jossey Bass, 2002

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