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SEMESTER 1 SESI 2014/2015



1. "The discoveries of Columbus opened to Spain the opportunity to found a great
colonial empire in the new world." [H.E. Bolton & T.M. Marshall, 1920, The
Colonization of North America, hlm. 35]

Perihalkan sejarah penjajahan Sepanyol ke atas Benua Amerika Utara sebelum tahun

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2. "In 1598 the Marguis de la Roche received a grant from the King to colonize New
France," (Rossiter Johnson, 1882, A History of the French War, hlm. 18]

Perihalkan sejarah penjajahan Perancis ke atas Benua Amerika Utara sebelum tahun

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3. "On the conquest of the New Netherland by the English, in 1664, the Dutch and
Swedish settlements of Delaware came under the authority of the Duke of York." [H.H.
Brownell, 1862, The English in America, hlm. 175]

Perihalkan penjajahan kuasa Barat ke atas koloni Delaware dari tahun 1631 hingga

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4. "The history of Colonial Massachusetts is even more closely connected with the
history of contemporary England than is that of Colonial Virginia or New York. For it
is only by a study of the religious and political condition in England that is becomes
possible to understand what induced men and women to leave comfortable homes in
order to face life in an unexplored wilderness with an untried climate." [M.S. Philips,
1916, Colonial Massachusetts, hlm. 5]

Berasaskan pernyataan dan karja tersebut, perihalkan sejarah penubuhan koloni

Massachusetts sehingga tahun 1691.

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5. "To understand the early history of New Hampshire it becomes necessary to consider
the various grants issued by the Plymouth Council, for these grants led to a conflict of
interests and a struggle which lasted for over a hundred years and was not finally
settled until the breaking out of the Revolution." [J.N. McClintock, 1889, History of New
Hampshire, hlm. 33]

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, perihalkan sejarah penubuhan koloni New

Hampshire pada tahun 1777.

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6. "As Maryland ws originally an English colony, to understand fully the early part of
its history, it is indispensably necessary to be acquainted, in some measure, with those
events which immediately led to its colonization." [J.L. Bozman, 1837, The History of
Maryland, Hlm. 9]

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, perihalkan sejarah perkembangan Koloni Maryland

sehingga tahun 1692.

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7. "And so Georgia was made. TO English, and Scot, and German, in time were added
the Virginian and the New Englander, and from them all have sprung a race as brave
and self-relaint as ever stood in the line of battle or conquered in the fierce struggles of
peace." [W.G. Charlton, 1900, The Making of Georgia, hlm. 27]

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, perihalkan sejarah perkembangan koloni Georgia

sehingga tahun 1752.

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8. "In the course of the year 1630, the famous Plymouth Company, the mother
corporation that gave life to all the New England grants, conveyed the whole territory of
what was subsequently called the colonly of Connecticut, and much more, to Robert
Earl of Warwirck; and the better opinion is, that this grant was, during the same year,
confirmed to him by a patent from Charles I." [G.H. Hollister, 1857, The History of
Connecticut, hlm. 20]

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, perihalkan sejarah perkembangan koloni

Connecticut sehingga tahun 1873.

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9. "The treatment of slaves is, of course, as variant as the character of their owners, but
where the institution of slavery exists, all, with a few rare exceptions, who can avail
themselves of its convenience, openly support it." [H.H. Brownell, 1862, The English in
America, hlm. 224]

Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, terangkan bentuk layanan yang diberikan kepada

kaum hamba abadi dalam Kolonial British di Amerika Utara.

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10. Berdasarkan karya, Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party oleh J. Hawkes (1834),
bincangkan asal usul dan implikasi peristiwa Boston Tea Party pada tahun 1773
terhadap pemerintahan Kolonial British.

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