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Miss Watson Grade 7th Grade Mathematics


The following class rules and consequences are in place for the 2017-
2018 academic school year. Students must follow these rules in addition
to school rules and polices. Please review these expectations with your
child and explain the importance of obeying each rule at all times. My
goal is to create a positive learning environment that will ensure the
academic success of each student.

1. All students must follow school district rules, policy, and
~Make Eye Contact, when someone is speaking
~If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a
question in return
~Answer all questions in a complete sentence.

2. Be prepared for classroom instruction by having the proper

supplies: Composition Notebook, Folder, and pencils-only (No
Ink Pens).

3. No profanity, teasing, or hitting.

4. No food, candy, or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Unless

I administer them.

5. Always respect yourself first, classmates, Miss Watson, other

teachers and peers at Jennings Junior High.

6. No one is allowed to leave their chair to throw away trash or

sharpen pencils. (Before or after class only, unless you raise
your hand for permission)
7. No one is allowed to leave the room unless it is an ABSOLUTE

1. Verbal warning
2. Student/Teacher conference in private
3. Parent/Teacher/Student conference (by phone)
4. Parent/Teacher/Student conference (in person)
5. Written Referral to Ms. Wrisley or Mr. Davis

Student Signature___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________

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