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12048 Greenwood Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98133

20 December 2017 VIA FAX TRANSMITTAL TO 360.586.2918

Re: Abusive Conduct and Deportment of Respondent Goodwin that you Ignored;
Demand for Reconsideration and/or Nunc Pro Tunc Clarification that the Commission
Found his On the Bench Deportment Toward me to be Fully Acceptable.

Let's get a few things straight relative to your perfunctory dismissal of my Complaint by
way of your letter dated 13 December, 2017.

1. There are no parts of me that you actually appreciate, and vice versa. So cut the
gratuitous salutation.

2. You sidestepped the issue. I did not ask you to evaluate his final Judgments.

3. Not so fast: I didnt ask you about his Decision

I asked you to discipline him for his deportment and tone, and that deportment and tone
registered loud and clear in a video that I referenced for you to listen to. You intentionally
failed to do so when his deportment -- not his final decision making -- is already in issue:
See your Case No. Case no. 7485-F-161. The Stipulated Facts indicate he was "threatening,
intimidating and retaliatory" against someone who like me --challenged his authority.

You must now evaluate him barking at me in a threatening and intimidating tone to "stop
talking" for no lawful reason, retaliating against me in violation of GR 16 cameras in Court
and making me pay that stupid white girl dog killer $300 of my money and refusing to grant
me the same consideration when she failed to appear in Court. Do your job and quit
protecting that racist pig.

4. Get back in there and issue a ruling that reflects on what I actually complained about,
instead of that which you want to talk about.


Christopher King, J.D.

/s/Christopher King
Christopher King, J.D.

cc: blind copies

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