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Ones defined the materials of all the parts, the next step consist in define
the contacts of all the Surface. A good election of the contacts can improve the
calculation time, or the results obtained.
The first step consists on determine the contact properties. I the case of
this pieces, it must specify the behaviour in the normal and tangential direction.
- In the normal direction, it has considering the next factors:
o the Contac has considered instant (Hard contact) (Kontaktua
zuzena kontsideratuko da. Kontaktuaren presioa piskanaka egiteko
aukera ere badago, vaina nola ezteun erabili, ez det aztertu
o As the contact to be made is a knock, the separation of the
component has been allowed once a contact has been made
(Como el contacto va a ser un golpe, una vez realizado el contacto,
se debe permitir la separacin).
o Once is made the Contac, it is desired to keep fixed, so the
separation after contact has been blocked (Una vez hecho el
contacto se desea que la interaccin se mantenga fija, por lo que
se ha bloqueado la separacin despus del contacto)
o To calculate the contact it has used Aumented lagrandge method.
This method is used when there are big penetration between the
interaction due to the pressure. When it is used lagrange method
gets more realistic results, but it has computational cost. (Lagrange
metodoa presioaren ondorioz bi elementuren artean penetrazioa
handia dagoenenan erabiltzenda. Emaitza errealagoak dira, vaina
kostu konputazional bat du.)
o To calculate the contact it has used Penalty method. This method
is used when the interaction is not very important. With this method
the contact force is proportional to the penetration distance, so
some degree of penetration will occur. This means that the
precission of te result are going to be lower but it Will be done faster.
(Penalty metodok bi piezen aterko penetrazio bat onartzen du.
Honen ondorioz, emaitzak ez dira guztiz errealak izango, vaina
kostu konputazionala muriztu egingo da. Baita ere jarze do
ekuaziok arazo gutxiago eaten ditula.)
o To calculate the conctac it has used Direct method. This method is
suitable when there are a contact pairs with a suitable pressure-
overclosure relationship, due to the direct method give a direct
result for the constrains, while the other options give an
aproximation. (Metodo hau egokia da piezen arteko kontaktua era
suave baten egiten danen. Lagange eta penalti metodok
aproximaziok egiten dituzte, vaina direct method ek ez, horregatik
apoioa suave abada, ez dago aproximazio beharrik. NOTA!!!!
Apuntetan aipatu bakarrik egiten do ,asike nik ustet eztala aplikatu
beharko. Normalen Lagrange eta Penalty erabiltzen die)
- In the tangencial direction it has taking into acunt the nex factos:
o It has decided not taking into account the friction due to the
tangential force is going to be negligible. (Frictionless botoiai
emanda frikzioa mezprezatu egiten da, tentsio mezprezagarriak
direnean erabil daiteke).
o It has decided to use a lagrange multiplier method. This method is
based in Culomb friction, like penalti method, but this method give
better results with materials wit high stiffness. With this equation,
the computational cost Will be increase, but the results are going to
be betters (Lagrandge multiplier eta penalti metodok ekuazio
sistema berbera erabiltzen dute, vaina jartzen do mtodo honek
errore gutxio ematen ditula eta ematizta egokiagok diala aeraiala
oso zurruna dan kasutan, vaina denbora gehio behar do
o It has decided to used penalty method. This method use coulomb
friction, like lagrange multiplier, but is not as precise as lagrange
multiplier method, so the computational cost Will be lower.
(Lagrange multiplier metodon zehazten do materal zurrunentzat
egokiagoa dala, eta errore gutxiago egoten diela Baina nol denbora
dezente gehiago behar don, material oso zurruna ez dan kasu
uztietan penalti.)
o It has decided to used Static kinetic experimental method, due to it
has decided to analized the piece in mvement. (Frikzio estatiko eta
zinetikoa bereizteko balio do. Hau kontaktu bate desplazamendu
bat daonen erabili behar da)
o It has used Roguh method due to there are not slip the piece
(Piezak desplazamendurik ez daukenen jarri behar da)
Normal behaviour edo
Tangencial behaviour

Normal Behaviour

Beti hard

Kontaktuari Penalty edo lagrange

banantzeko metodoa aukeratu.
aukera eman
nahi bazaio,
eman tick-ari
Tangencial behaviour

Frictionless, lagrange do penalti

metodok aukeratu

With the properties defined, the next step has consisted in analysed the
interaction. To analyse the contacts, it has taking into account the next factors:
- Onces analysed the assembly it has concluded that the contacts
XXXXXXXXXX, are tie contacts, due to there are not going to have
displacement. All other contacts it has considered interactions.
(Desplazamendurik izango ez duten loturak beraien arten enpotratuak
egongo balie bezela kontsideratuko dia)
- Respect the displacement, it has observed that some surfaces are going
to have a very small displacement, due to this, it has considered a small
sliding. For the other contacts it has considered a finite sliding ( Kotaktun
arteko desplazamendua oso txikia izan ber dala ikusten bada, small
sliding, beste kasu guztietarako finite sliding. Finite sliding-ekin denbora
gehio beharko da kalkulua egiteko, baina inoiz ez do errorerik emango
egoera guztiak onartzen dtuelako, beraz edozein dudarekin, finie sliding.)
- For the next contacts it has use the next interaction properties XXXXXXX
due to the analysis of this part is more important for the next contacts (Bi
propiedade desberdin sortu badie, adb bat eragiketa prezisogokin bestea
baino, puntu hontan zehaztu in ber da).
- It has defined this material properties for pieces with these materials,
XXXXXXXXX, for every ones else the other (Frikzio desberdina dauketen
bi material deserdin badaude, propiedadetan sortu in ber die eta hemen

Botoi honei eman

interakziok bilatzeko
Hemen kontaktu normala
edo enpotratua dandefinitu

Finite sliding edo smal

sliding dan definitu

Len definitutako materialen

propiedek aukeratu

Dena idatzi ondoren jarri horrelako irudi bat kontatu guztik ikusteko
The last step in interaction has been o defined the special contact of the assembly
(Puntu hontan kontaktu enpotratuk ere define daitezke, baina nola len definite
ditugun ez dago beharrik):
- The next interaction it has considered Rigid body due to it is a material
with a high stiffness (Material bat bestea baino askoz ere zurrunagoa
bada, material rigido bezela kontsideratu daiteke).
- In the next constrain it done a conversion from shell to solid, due to this
local zone requires a3D solid elements analyse. (Zona bat solido bezela
eta beste bat xafla bezela aztertu nahi bada Shell to Solid coupling
Aurpegi zurrun bat
egin nahi bada

Xaflatik solidora pasa nahi

Body aukeratu
ondoren fetxari
Orokorren aurpegi bat eman eta aurpegia
aukeratuko da aukeratu

Honei eman eta punto

de referencia aukeratu
Boundary conditions
With the interactions defined, the next step consists on analyse the boundary
conditions of the assembly. In the boundary conditions it as taking into account
the next factors:
- The assembly that is analysing is a cut out of a symmetry peace. To
considering the real assembly, first it must do a symmetry. (Ardatza
aukeratzeakon ondorengo irudia kontutan izan) Gero baita kontutan izan
behar da aztertzen aid an pieza laurden edo erdi bat ez bada, xyz
ardatzak e dutela balio, ardatz brri bat sortu behar da

- It has blocked all the displacement and rotation of the surface that it can
see in the picture. ( Irudi bat sartu enpotrautako aurpegia zein dan
Simetra asignatzeko


Simetria in nahi bada, aurpegia aukeratu eta ondorengo tablan rotazioa zein
direkziota egin behar den zehaztu
Ardatzak XYZ ez badira,
hemen ardatz berriak
aukeratu (NOTA!!!!
Ardatz berriak aurretik
sorte behar dira)
Simetria egin
nahi den

Aurpegi bat Blokeatu edo desplaamendu bat jarri nahi bazaio,

Displacement/Rotation barruan aurpegi bat aukeratu eta gero ardatzen
desplazamendua zehaztu

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