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Lofting Fuselages The Easy Way

When I got my first computer in 1980, By PETER GARRISON
one of my maiden projects was to write 1613 Altivo Way
a lofting program. It has evolved over Los Angeles, CA 90026
the past ten years into FLOFT. This ar-
ticle describes what FLOFT does and
how it was used to help develop the
fuselage of a particular airplane ...
namely, John Roncz's DLR.
FS 100.000
To loft a body is to define its shape. Scale I - 5.00*
I believe the term dates from the days 6/17/90
when boats were constructed on the
main floor of a building, and full-size
patterns for their frames were laid out
in a spacious loft overhead. The chal-
lenge of lofting a boat, or any other
streamlined body, is to develop cross-
sections that blend properly into one
another. This is most easily done if the
curves used are all members of the
same mathematical family.
Various geometrical and computa-
tional procedures have been used to
produce such families of curves; the
classical one in the aircraft industry,
which was first applied in a thoroughgo-
ing way in the design of the P-51, is the
method of second-degree conic curves.
Although it has now been partly
supplanted by other techniques in the
manufacture of large airplanes, this
method is still completely appropriate to
small airplanes. Among its advantages
are its ease of use and the fact that the
curves it generates are always (like the
P-51's) pretty to look at.
Until the advent of digital computers,
loftsmen used straightedges to lay out
swarms of lines - based on a geometri-
cal demonstration by the French
philosopher Pascal - which eventually
yielded strings of intersections lying
along the desired curves. With com-
puters it's all much simpler and, of
course, faster; you tell the computer a
few parameters for a curve, and it im-
mediately spits out either a picture of it, FIGURE 2
a list of coordinates along it, or a plot

Having drawn these lines (we will be BW has an obvious break at around FS
C:>FLOFT> »etk changing them as we go, so they don't 185 where the curve changes from con-
have to be precise just yet), we now vex to concave; there the curve is
'.in end i, y lo.cooooo, o.oocoooi: 91.5,10.75 have to convert them into conic curves. momentarily perfectly flat. Another nat-
PIO.M end .. y 10.000000, O.OOOOOOl: 180,IB.5
Ir.tjrsfctinr. i, y 10.000000, 0.0000001: 113.40.4 Unless we're designing something of ural break seems to occur somewhere
very simple shape, like a blimp or a BD- along the bottom of the cabin around
No* enter up to 10 control points; hit <Esc< to quit: 5, it's unlikely that a single conic will do FS 100.
, ( (0.000000, 0.000000! : !10,2«.5 for a given line; we'll have to break up We now draw tangents to the
Y (O.MOOOO, O.OOOOOOl: 120,1? each moldline into two or three or more moldline at each break point. For each
< tO.OOOOOO. 0.000000): 130.27.B
1 '.O.OOOOOO, 0.000000): 140,27.4
segments, each of which we can closely curve segment, the tangents make a
• '.0.000000, O.OOOOOOl: I50,:6.I25 approximate with a conic. frame; the coordinates of the fore end,
i. r '0.000000, O.OOOOOOl: I40,24.1 There are lots of ways to go about the aft end, and the intersection of two
?. 1 I (O.liOOOOG, O.OOOOOOl:
breaking up a curve into segments, tangents, together with a fourth value
t factor: 0.'499 »/-.0005 since conies can have lots of shapes; called the K factor, fully describe the
Hitch to inout points: 1.0000
for starters, however, the easiest thing conic curve for the segment.
to do is to put breaks wherever the The K factor is a number, convention-
curve is flattest. For example, look at ally between .5 and 1, that describes
the side view of DLR in Figure 1. The how closely the conic hugs the frame.

i.e i.e

-89 a.9

- e.e B.B -

-9 f' B.V -

0.6 -


ready to take to the shop and glue to a

piece of plywood.
The first step in lofting a body by any 10?T DATA SUItlflRY

system is to draw a picture of it. This File MM: DID

can be done with a CAD program Last revision: 4/19(90
(which FLOFT isn't) or with paper and
pencil. John Roncz uses the former
medium, I use the latter. As anyone who Sott01 naterline
has even toyed with airplane design
Scents: 4
knows, the first stage of design is that
of laying out the locations and sizes of Fore end 57.0000,-6.0000 56.0000.-I7.4000 It.0000,-21.3800 185.0000,-14.5600
powerplant and people, and then en- A f t end 56.0000,-17.6000 96.0000, -21.3800 195.0000,-14.5600 293.8280,-5.2500
Corner 40.2000,-H.2000 149.0000,-23.5000 222.5000,-5.2300
closing them in a pleasing-looking en- I (actor 0.7000
0.7500 0.8000 0.7500
velope (and preferably one free of
troublesome drag).
We need four main lines, called Haist laterline
moldlines: the Top Waterline (TW),
Waist Waterline (WW), Bottom Water- Shunts: 2
line (BW), and Maximum Buttline (MB). Fore end 37.0000,-3.5000 48.0000,0.0000
(In lofting parlance, waterlines are verti- Aft end 48.0000,0.0000 293.8280,0.0000
cal dimensions, stations are lengthwise Corner 40.1000,0.0000 S
K factor
dimensions, and buttlines or buttock 0.7500

lines are widthwise dimensions.) TW

and BW are what you see in a profile
lop naterhne
view of the airplane. MB is what you
see on both sides (FLOFT assumes
airplanes are bilaterally symmetrical) in
a top view. WW is the waterline (that is, Fore end
Aft end
the height in relation to some horizontal Corner 42.0000,10.7500 113.0000.40.4000 210.0000.8.5000
reference plane) of the MB - the point 1 factor 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500
at which the fuselage is widest; it may
just be a horizontal line down the middle
of the airplane, or it may have a more
complicated shape. FIGURE 5


\ '<

Cotton u » t o r l l i o
MAX buttline
Top uatnr1 in*


i f r

/ ./ / /


iee 120

V \
, . \\\ \ \
\ \ \ \\ \x\ \xv v"•


A K factor of 1 means that the curve lines, given any two. graph paper) representing the vari-
coincides exactly with the frame. A K We got through this same operation ations of top and bottom K factor from
factor of .5 means that the curve is a for each of the segments of each of the nose to tail. Like other contours, these
straight line joining the ends of the four moldlines, each time noting down should be smooth; kinks in the K-factor
frame. A K factor of .707, when applied the coordinates of the segment ends variation will show up as kinks in the
to a square frame, produces a circle. and of the frame's "corner", as well as body. Drawing the graphs is simple; the
Figure 2 illustrates the significance of the K factor for that segment. horizontal axis represents the body
the K factor: it is the fraction of the Now we have roughly defined the length, the vertical axis is marked off
length of a diagonal intersecting the side and top views of the body; but from .5 to 1.0, and we mark three or
curve that lies on the "center" side of what will the cross-sections look like? four known points and then use a spline
the curve. Square? Elliptical? Squarish but rounded or French curve to connect them
We use a little program called SEEKK at the corners, like a TV screen? smoothly.
to get the K factor for each segment of FLOFT will build cross-sections in the When we have these two graphs
each moldline. SEEKK asks for the same way we "built" each moldline seg- drawn, we convert them into conies
coordinates of the frame and of up to ment; that is, by generating curves from exactly as we did the moldlines; in this
ten points that lie along the line we are some coordinates and a K factor. In the case, the Y axis values are K factors
trying to match - that is, the line we drew case of cross-sections, FLOFT as- rather than waterlines or buttlines, and
in the first place. It then reports the K sumes them to be inscribed in a rec- the segments have their own K factors
factor that best approximates the given tangle, with top and bottom halves di- (not to be confused with the K factors
curve, together with a figure of merit in- vided at the WW. The rectangle's width of the fuselage sections they repre-
dicating how good the match is. If it isn't at any FS is twice the MB, and its height sent). Figure 4 shows the bottom K fac-
up around .96 or better (1.00 is a perfect is equal to the difference between the tor (BK) graph for DLR, together with
fit) we need to consider relocating our TW and the BS. The cross-section in the frames used to break it into conic
segment breaks. Figure 2 is typical. The top half of the segments.
Figure 3 is an example of SEEKK in curve has a K factor of .77 and the bot- Having collected all these data, we
action, making a first cut at the first seg- tom half one of .80. enter them in a file which we'll call, for
ment of the bottom waterline for DLR. The top and bottom K factors of fuse- argument's sake, DLR.LFT. This is a
The dimensions are simply scaled from lage cross-sections will vary along the plain ASCII text file which we write with
the drawing, which needs to be big body. For instance, one might be .707 our word processing program. Figure 5
enough - 1/10 scale is good - to allow (round) right behind a spinner, then go shows part of the completed data file,
you to pick off measurements with to .8 on the top and .85 on the bottom which has six data groups in all (BW,
reasonable accuracy. Since the tan- for headroom and footroom in a two- WW, TW, MB, BK, and TK). These are
gents are straight lines across the seg- seat cabin, and then return to, say, .75 all of the parameters for the body; when
ment breaks, we use two other support at the tail post. FLOFT reads this file, it can im-
utilities, POLATE and XING, to find To document this variation, we draw mediately report the coordinates, in
exact locations for third points on frame two graphs (preferably on 1/10-inch three dimensions, of all points on the


^ (tew >

Dot ion
MAX buttl ine
Top uatar 1 in*

surface of the body. It can generate can smooth out the radii graphs, at the numbers in the data file. For example,
contour maps, vertical, horizontal and same time refining your data set. When when it turned out that the spark plugs
oblique cross-sections, measurements you superimpose the corrected shape on John's airplane were outside the
of surface area and volume, lines of in- on the original one, you realize that the cowling contours, reshaping the cowl-
tersection between this body and any curves that looked fair to you on the first ing was just a matter of changing two
other lofted body, and graphs of the go-around actually left considerable or three numbers in the first segment
radius of curvature of the various room for improvement. I think of this as data for the Top K Factor. DLR has un-
holdlines along the length of the body. the digital equivalent of the pattern- dergone some 16 revisions (plus sev-
This last feature is a very useful one, maker's stroking and eyeballing process. eral smoothing operations) since the
because our first cut at a shape may On the first cut illustrated here, I de- first sketch as various requirements for
not be as geometrically smooth as we liberately incorporated the canopy in the clearance and aerodynamic fairness
would like. Remember, we simply drew body loft for the sake of pointing out a became apparent, and I think John
the airplane on a piece of paper and pitfall of that approach. Figure 7 shows would agree that the work was as nearly
converted it into a computer model. a contour map (top view) of the effortless as it could be.
Each segment is smooth, but how well windshield. Note its bluntness, which FLOFT runs on IBM PC's and com-
do they blend into one another? Were comes from the fact that it has the same patibles with at least 256 kilobytes of
the curves we drew really optimal, and K factor as the fuselage top ahead of it. memory. It can be used entirely in text
did we break them into segments in the Many airplanes are lofted this way, but mode, directing numerical output to a
best possible way? it's better to loft the canopy as a sepa- printer or to the screen; but it is much
Figure 6 shows the moldline radii for rate body, streamlined in the front and more powerful and more pleasant to
TW, BW, and MB for our first cut. Do blending smoothly into the fuselage at use with a graphics display (which can
you see how broken and scalloped the the rear. Figure 8 shows the contour map be EGA, VGA, or Hercules, with resolu-
lines are? Scallops indicate long sur- of such a canopy, and Figure 9 shows tions from 640x350 to 800x600 pixels).
face waves not yet apparent to the eye; how the radii graphs for the canopy It can drive plotters that understand
steps indicate sudden discontinuities in merge into those of the fuselage. Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
radius of curvature. Whether these im- You have now seen how FLOFT (HP-GL). FLOFT does not require a
perfections would have significant aes- works, and you perhaps understand math coprocessor, but it must do huge
thetic or aerodynamic consequences why it is such a convenience. Part of its numbers of calculations and so runs
we don't know; but John and I both felt value is that it puts all the information much faster with one than without.
intuitively that it is worthwhile to smooth you ever need for tooling and drafting FLOFT, together with the support
the radius graphs. at your fingertips; in fact, it can produce programs XING, POLATE, and SEEKK,
FLOFT includes an EDIT command coordinate files that can be read by Au- sample data files and complete (though
which enables you to break curve seg- toCAD and incorporated directly into terse) documentation, costs $185 and
ments into two or combine two into one, engineering drawings. can be ordered on 5.15- or 3.5-inch
change K factors, and change the loca- Another part of its value is that it gives disks. My address is 1613 Altivo Way,
tions, angles, and points of tangency of you a means of making changes to your Los Angeles, CA 90026 (phone 2137
frames. With a little experimenting you design by simply changing one or two 665-1397).


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