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Qi. ° Which two ways of creating Development Teams are consistent with Scrum's values? (Select Mutiple) Dificuly Level: | Course Template: Agile Delivery Fundamentals, ‘Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status Incorrect Wiarks Oateined:0 Response: 1.2 © option: Managers collaborate to assign individuals to specific teams GY pion 2, Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new structure ¥ opion3: Bringall the developers together and let them setf-organize into Developmen Teams opion 4, The Chief Product Owner determines the new team structures and assignments Option 5: Managers personally re-assign current subordinates to new teams, Ow. When many scrum teams are working on the same product, should all their increments be integrated every sprint? (Select One) Difficulty Level: | Course Template: Agile Delivery Fundamentals mont lame: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status:Correct Maris Obtained: 4 Response: 2 Option 1: Yes but only for scrum teams who have dependencies @ ¥ Option 2: Yes as otherwise PO may not be able to accurately inspect what is done Option 3: No that is too hard Option 4: No, each Scrum team stands alone Q3. 8 Working software over comprehensive documentation means (Select One) Dificully Level: | Course Template: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Stats: Correct Maris Obrsined 4 Response :3 Option 1: Documentation is unimportant Cption2: Lean documentation is a bad approach © ¥ Opion3: Working software is critical to measuring real success Cption4: Documentation is critical to measuring project success ou. Agile methods MOSTLY focus on (Select One) Dificulty Level: | Course Template : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status: Correct Maris Obtained: 4 Response :3 Gption 1: Adhering to plans for scope, schedule, and cost Option2: Compliance regulation © Y Option2: Producing value, both current and future Option: Managing and Controlling, oa. Team A finished 43 story paints in their last 2 week iteration. Team Bis working on a Separate project and has twice as many developers. They also completed 43 story points in their last 2 week iteration. What can be considered? (Select One) Difficulty Level Course Template : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status: Correct Response: 3 Option 1 Option 2 © ¥ opnon 3 Option 4 Ow. Marks Obsained: 1 ‘Team A has higher performance than Team 8 ‘Team B has higher performance than Team A You cannot say anything for sure Team B had an unsuccessful last iteration Each of the statements listed below describes correct characteristic of the Planning Poker estimation technique, EXCEPT for which one? (Select One) Difficulty Level Course Template : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Sestue! Incorrect Response: 3 Y option 1 Option 2 © opsons Option 4 Marke Obtained :O. It Is comparable across teams Itis a form of wide-band Delphi estimation technique Planning poker provides faster and more accurate estimates with less varian than hourly estimates User Stories are estimated in Story Points O23. A technique, which exemines the connections between one story and other stories is often called: (Select One) Difficuty Level: | Course Template : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name: Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status: Incorrect Warls Obtained: 0 Response: Option 1: Benchmarking Option2: Analogous Estima Y option3: Triangulation © Options: affinity Estimation oa. How does customer satisfaction correlate with the quantity of the linear features (consider using Kano model]? (Select One) Difficulty Level: | Course Ternplats : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Assessment Name : Agile Delivery Fundamentals Exit Test Status: Incorrect Varls Obtained: 0 Response: 1 © © option 1: The more, the worse Option 2: it gets worse despite the number of linear features Y Option: The more, the better Option 4: Customer satisfaction does not depend on the number of linear features O05. No more than 70% ofthe planned effortfora project can be targeted by’Must Have! requirements. This isan example of creating (Select One) ‘courseTenpie_ Agile Detivery Fundamentals, Nene: Agile Devery Fundamentals Ext Test (arse Gotanes:0 Feature utfer 2 Schedule Bufer Ops:93: Spike Opto: Risk management solution Oo. Isit possible to compare Story Points across several teams? (Select One) Duty Lave | Course Teno: Dalivary Fundamentals -Acazener Nae: Agile Davery Fundamentals Ex Test vs Corre MarisOvares:1 Because story paints ar relative and arbitrary they canrat be compared acros= opts ovo ‘same unlact tha teams have agreac on 3 common range with common semantic copeonz: BECAUSE story points are relativeand arbivary they canrot be compared across. oouans: BECBUEE Story points are relative and arbitrary, they can be easly compared opeina: iedepance ow. What are the benefits of planning an agile projec:? (Select Mutiple) Enables ¢ team to wort ata sustainable pace and still meet deadlines ‘Guarantees that all requirements outlined at the star ofthe project are delivers at sctcost and on fixed date Fosters ust between the customer anc developers Helps teem identity and mitigate project risks Enables stakehclders to make prioritization and trade of decisions oa. What is the purpose of a Scrum of Scrums? (Select Multiple) Difauty eves | Course Tenia: Agile Delivery Fundamentals AcessneneNane Agile Detvery Fundamentais Exit Test Option 1: Share cress-eam experiences coptan2, Align Product Backlogs of relatee products by bringing thelr Product Owners together Optn 3: Meet to report o stalehlders fv oprona: syperrontze aimerent scrum Teams by Bringing Team represencatives togetrer & ¥ opmns. Align plans of amerent Development Teams working on the same product O22. Acthe end of every iteration, who oversees a decision asto whether or not tofund the next sprint? (Select One) Difeuty eves | Course Tenplae: Agile Delivery Fundamentals AsessncntNane Agile Datvery Fundamentais Ext Test fopton Is The Davelogment Team ‘The Scrum Master ‘The Product Owner ‘The Senior Nanagement Oa. Which arifac can the following descriptors - live, changing, frequently updated, and reprioritized- be BEST arributed to? (Select One) cy love | CourseTenple. Agile Delivery Fundamennats AsessneiiNane: Agile Detvery Fundamentals Exit Test Backlog Issue Log Immpeciment Register Business Care ou. Wihich of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during Sprint Rerospective? (Gelect One) Difeuty eves | Course Template: Age Delivery Furncamertals AsessneiiNane: Agile Detvery Fundamentals Ext Test 08 098 opt & ¥ 090% Methods of communication ‘The way the Scrum Team coas Sprint Planning Definkior of Done. oa. ‘The Development Team should have all the akllz needed to (Select One) sscesoventNlane: opten1 Yona © ost Ow. Course Tenpls: Agile Delivery Fundamentals ‘Age Delivery Fundamentals xt Test | tar O2tsnes:0 | CCompleve ine projec as estimated wen the date and cost are committed to she Do al ofthe cevelopment wort but not the types of testing hat recuire specialized testing tools, and envirorments Tur the Product Backlog items it selects into an increment of petertally shippable product funetonality Finish every iteration according tothe Sprint Plan ang commitments tothe Scrun What is the recommended size fora Scrum Team? (Select One) Course Tenlat: Agile Delivery Fundamentals, Assesment Nan Age Delivery Fundamentals Exit Tost | © ostot ¥ open? Oa. 3 puusor minus 1 7 pus or minus 2 9 pus or minus 2 15 plus orminued What three techniques should the Scrum Master use when the Scrum Team gers caught in an incernal disagreementabout which development techniques to apply? (Select Multiple) Reroneet 2a © oxt01 © ¥ ost002 © oncor4 opens: ‘urseTenp Agile Delivery Fundamentals ‘Agia Delivary Fundamancalc Fit Tect | Involve the complete team Use coaching techniques like open questions ard active listening Askan external tecinical specalist to make the decision Corsule wih team members individually carefully Hstening Send every team member tothe comsan/s HR department to express their oa. Which Agile frameworc has prioritization technique called MoSCoW? (Select One) Diteuty eves | Course Template: Age Delivery Furnamertiats AcesonreNane Agile Detvery Fundamentals Ext Test | Sisue-Ineorrect vis co:enes-0 | Response: © cotent: Serum Cpsn2 Costa ¥ cpsen3: SOM Speen: Kanban Oa. Which of the ems mentioned below are XP practices? (Select Mutiole) Divcuty Lave | Course enolate: Agile Delivery Fundamentals AsessnertNane Agile Delivery Fundamentals Ext Test | Sur Correct Narie0vinest | Response: fopten t+ Refactoring Pair Programming Planning Game Allofthe above

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