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Course/Major Field:______________________________________Mentor:_________________

1. Have you been successful in maintaining pupils enthusiasm while teaching? What
evidences would assure you that what you do is effective in arousing the interest and on
maintaining the attention of your learners?

2. Is there a rapport between yourself and your learners while you are teaching? How is
this shown? Give three examples.

3. What practices have you observed and tried out in providing for the varying needs of
the learners or individual differences? How often have you done it?

4. What are some of the procedure or strategies you have employed in order to reach your
objectives? What instances could you cite to prove that these are appropriate in
attaining the objectives of your lesson?

Signature of the Mentee:____________________




Signature of the Mentor:_____________________

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Developing Needs Improvement
Journal entry or Presents clear Presents some Contains some There is a little There is an absence
reflection paper that description experiences examples of examples of learning evidence of of evidence of
includes the pre- that are considered experiences, some experiences with reflections and reflection, no details
service teacher’s worthwhile and helpful, explanations of few explanations of insights learned very of experiences and
learning experiences explains judgments on strengths and personal strengths few details of judgment of
in the classroom, personal strengths and weaknesses and and weaknesses and experiences. performance without
his/her judgments weaknesses, includes includes some statement of what Judgment of statement of
about his/her successful output and achievements has been achieved personal strengths and
performance and accomplishments performance is very weaknesses and
other insights limited, with little or achievements
affecting self beliefs no attention paid to
strengths and
weaknesses of work

To be graded by: College Supervisor

1 – Needs Improvement ( 75 – 79)

2- Developing (80 – 84)

3- Satisfactory (85 – 89)

4 – Proficient (90 – 94)

5 – Excellent ( 95 -100)

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