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2.0 Energy

Energy is the ability to do the work. It is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe
and has come to be known as a strategic commodity. Any uncertainty about Energy supply
can threaten the functioning of entire economy. Energy plays a pivotal role in our daily
activities. The degree of development and civilization of a country is measured by the
amount of utilization of energy and its demand increasing day by day due to increase in
and natural gas will thus be depleted in a few hundred years. The rapid rate of increase in
energy consumption and subsequent depletion of fossil fuels has led to inflation and energy

The Sun is the main source of energy for the Earth. The Earth receives from the Sun an
uninterrupted flow of energy that, as well as supplying all vital processes (both vegetal and
animal), melts the ice and supplies the water cycle between the sea and the atmosphere; it
produces the wind, favours the growth of those plants that during millions of years have
transformed, together with animal remains, into fossil fuels, coal and natural gas.

In general, all the energy available on our planet derives, directly or indirectly, from the Sun:
water energy, wind energy, chemical energy of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and
biomass (i.e. wood); even waves energy. Tides energy derives from the gravitational fields of
the Sun, Moon and Earth. Geothermal and nuclear energy do not derive from the subsequent
transformations of solar energy, but are related to the Earth formation.

2.1 Classification of Energy

Energy can exist in many forms. The energy mainly comes under two forms: work-
energy and heat-energy. The former can be fully transformed into the latter, but not vice-
versa because the heat tends to disperse.

Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential
energy stored by an object's position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic), the
elastic stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns,
the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy GXH WR DQ REMHFW¶V temperature.
All of the many forms of energy are convertible to other kinds of energy. In Newtonian
physics, there is a universal law of conservation of energy which says that energy can be
neither created nor be destroyed; however, it can change from one form to another.

2.1.1 Primary and Secondary Energy sources

The numerous existing energy sources can be classified in different ways. Primary
sources can be used directly, as they appear in the natural environment: coal, oil, natural
gas and wood, nuclear fuels (uranium), the sun, the wind, tides, mountain lakes, the rivers
(from which hydroelectric energy can be obtained) and the Earth heat that supplies
geothermal energy.

Secondary sources derive from the transformation of primary energy sources: for example
petrol that derives from the treatment of crude oil and electric energy obtained from the
conversion of mechanical energy (hydroelectric plants, Aeolian plants), chemical plants
(thermoelectric), or nuclear (nuclear plants). Electric energy is produced by electric plants,

i.e. suitable installations that can transform primary energy (non-transformed) into electric

2.1.2 Commercial Energy and Non Commercial Energy

The energy sources available in the market for a definite price are known as commercial
energy. As shown in fig 1.1 coal, refined petroleum products, electricity are considered as
most important forms of commercial energy. Commercialized sources are predominant
sources not only for economic production, but also for many household tasks of general

Fig. 2.1 classification of Energy source.

The energy sources that are not available in the commercial market for a price are classified
as non-commercial energy. These sources include fuels such as firewood, cattle dung and
agricultural wastes, which are traditionally gathered and bought at a price and used
especially in rural households. These are also called traditional fuels. Noncommercial energy
is often ignored in energy accounting.

2.1.3 Renewable and Non Renewable Energy

Some sources are renewable, i.e. they provide energy, which is constantly regenerated by
means of chemical transformations (e.g. biomass) or physical transformations (e.g. water
power, solar, wind power, etc.). In particular the sun, the wind, the water cycle, the tides,
the heat of the Earth are non-exhaustible sources, which are always available and will never
reference to wood, for example, it is always possible to have some combustible available,
even though sometimes it is necessary to consume a small quantity of it and reforest in
those areas where trees have been cut down .

Non-renewable sources, instead, are characterized by long regeneration times, so long

(millions of years) that after they have been exploited they are considered depleted. They
are those energy sources that took millions of years to form, like fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural
gas) or when our planet was formed, such as uranium. These sources, although there are still
plenty of them, are limited and represent a sort of energy warehouse on the Earth. In 2012,
only 13.5% of the energy consumed in the world derives from renewable sources. All the rest
derives from nonrenewable sources, mainly from fossil fuels (86.7%) and 4.8% from nuclear
plants (International Energy Agency (IEA) ± Key World Energy Statistics 2014).

Fig. 2.2 Renewable and Non Renewable Energy Sources

2.2 Energy Scenario. - World

The world energy requirement is ever growing, particularly since last few centuries.
According to BP Energy outlook 2016 edition, ZRUOG¶V energy demand will continue to grow.
As the world economy expands, more energy will be needed to fuel the higher levels of
activity and living standards. The growth in energy will be curbed faster gains in energy


the high increase in energy consumption rate over the decades.

Fig. 2.3 Total world primary energy supply

population is projected to increase by around 1.5 billion people to reach nearly 8.8 billion
people by year 2035. Over the same period GDP is expected to be more than double; around
one-fifth of that increase comes from population growth and four-fifth from improvements in

The growth in the world economy means more energy requirement and energy consumption
is going to get increased by 34% between 2014 and 2035.

Fig 2.4 Energy requirement projection till 2035 by region

Fossil fuels remain the dominant source of energy powering global economy, providing
around 60% of the growth in energy and accounting for almost 80% total energy supply in
2035. (Down from 86% in 2014)

Gas is the fastest growing fossil fuel (1.8% per annum), with its share primary energy
gradually increasing. Oil grows steadily (0.9% per annum), although trend decline in its
share continues. Among non-fossil fuels, renewable energy grow rapidly (6.6% annum),
causing their share in primary energy to rise from around 3% today to 9% by 2035.

Fig 2.5 Annual energy demand growth by fuel

2.3 Energy Scenario ± India.

growth is enormous. India is set to contribute more than any other country to the projected
rise in global energy demand, around one-quarter of the total: even so, energy demand per
capita in 2040 is still 40% below the world average.

Three-quarters of Indian energy demand is met by fossil fuels, a share that has been rising
as households gradually move away from the traditional use of solid biomass for cooking.
Coal remains the backbone of the Indian power sector, accounting for over 70% of
generation and is the most plentiful domestic fossil-fuel resource, although, as in the case of
third-largest importer of crude oil in 2014, but is also a major exporter of oil products, thanks
to a large refining sector

India has 45 GW of hydropower and 23 GW of wind power capacity, but has barely tapped its
huge potential for renewable energy. India is, however, aiming high in this area, with a
target to reach 175 GW of installed renewables capacity by 2022 (excluding large

Fig. 2.6 Per-capita energy consumption in India and selected regions.

India has been responsible for almost 10% of the increase in global energy demand since
global demand up to 5.7% in 2013 from 4.4% at the beginning of the century. While
impressive, this proportion is still weOO EHORZ ,QGLD¶V QHDU  FXUUHQW VKDUH RI JOREDO
population, a strong indicator of the potential for further growth. Expressed on a per-capita
basis, energy demand in India has grown by a more modest 46% since 2000 and remains
only around one-third of the world average, slightly lower than the average for the African
continent (Figure 2.6). One reason is that a significant part of the Indian population remains
without modern and reliable energy: despite a rapid extension of the reach of the power
system in recent years, around 240 million people in India lack access to electricity.

Almost three-quarters of Indian energy demand is met by fossil fuels, a share that has
increased since 2000 because of a rapid rise in coal consumption and a decreasing role for
bioenergy, as households move away from the traditional use of solid biomass for cooking
Coal now accounts for 44% of the primary energy mix (compared with under a third globally)
± mainly because of the expansion of the coal-fired power generation fleet, although
and affordability of coal relative to other fossil fuels has contributed to its rise, especially in
the power sector. Demand for bioenergy (consisting overwhelmingly of solid biomass, i.e.
fuel wood, straw, charcoal or dung) has grown in absolute terms, but its share in the primary
energy mix has declined by almost ten percentage points since 2000, as households moved
to other fuels for cooking, notably liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

Fig 2.7 Primary Energy demand and GDP in India

Fig 2.8 Primary Energy demand in India by fuel

Oil consumption in 2014 stood at 3.8 million barrels per day (mb/d), 40% of which is used in
the transportation sector. Demand for diesel has been particularly strong, now accounting for
some 70% of road transport fuel use. This is due to the high share of road freight traffic,
which tends to be diesel-powered, in the total transport use and also to government
subsidies that kept the price of diesel relatively low (this diesel subsidy was removed at the
end of 2014; gasoline prices were deregulated in 2010). LPG use has increased rapidly since
2000, reaching over 0.5 mb/d in 2013 (LPG is second only to diesel among the oil products,
pushing gasoline down into an unusually low third place). The rise in LPG consumption also
reflects growing urbanization, as well as continued subsidies. Natural gas makes up a
relatively small share of the energy mix (6% in 2013 compared with 21% globally). It is used
mainly for power generation and as a feedstock and fuel for the production of fertilizers,
although it also has a small, but growing role in the residential sector and as a transportation
fuel. Hydropower, nuclear and modern renewables (solar, wind and geothermal) are used
predominantly in the power sector but play a relatively small role in the total energy mix.

2.4 Need for Sustainable energy sources.

The increasing energy demands put a lot of pressure on the conventional energy sources (oil,
gas and coal). But the fossil fuel based energy sources are limited in quantity and also cause
environmental pollution. Therefore there is a need for alternative energy sources which can
provide us energy in a sustainable manner.

2.4.1 Limited Fossil Fuels.

Conventional energy sources are the one that we have been using so far to fulfill most of our
daily energy requirements. These are based on fossil fuels and are obtained from biologically
degradable materials (such as plants and animals), but only after millions of years heat,
pressure, chemical and biological reactions, thus formation of these fuels takes a very long
time. After industrial revolution, our energy demands have been increased tremendously
which results in the rate of consumption of fossil fuels at a much faster rate than their
formation; thus created a situation of imbalance. This imbalance implies that our activities on
the earth (at current rate) cannot sustain forever; at the most it can last a century or two
with ever increasing consumption of fossil fuels. Also, there is an imbalance in the
distribution of fossil fuels across the planet.

2.4.2. Environmental impact of fossil fuels

The fossil fuels are mainly carbon based and are combusted in order to derive useful energy.
The combustion of fossil fuels results in the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2). After
combustion of fuels, Carbon dioxide is usually released in the atmosphere. This gas absorbs
the infrared part of radiation from the earth and re-radiates it back to the earth, creating the
effect of a greenhouse and due to this the average global temperature of the earth believed
to be increasing. The increased temperature of the earth due to greenhouse effect will result
in erratic weather patterns, floods, droughts and submerging of low-lying areas due to
melting of ice at poles.

Fig 2.9 Monthly CO2 levels in India in 1959 & 2014

2.5 Renewable Energy

There are many forms of renewable energy. Most of these renewable energies depend in one
way or another on sunlight. Wind and hydroelectric power are the direct result of differential
heating of the Earth's surface which leads to air moving about (wind) and precipitation
forming as the air is lifted. Solar energy is the direct conversion of sunlight using panels or
collectors. Biomass energy is stored sunlight contained in plants. Other renewable energies
that do not depend on sunlight are geothermal energy, which is a result of radioactive decay
in the crust combined with the original heat of accreting the Earth, and tidal energy, which is
a conversion of gravitational energy.

Solar - This form of energy relies on the nuclear fusion power from the core of the Sun. This
energy can be collected and converted in a few different ways. The range is from solar water
heating with solar collectors or attic cooling with solar attic fans for domestic use to the
complex technologies of direct conversion of sunlight to electrical energy using mirrors and
boilers or photovoltaic cells. Unfortunately these are currently insufficient to fully power our
modern society.

Wind Power - The movement of the atmosphere is driven by differences of temperature at

the Earth's surface due to varying temperatures of the Earth's surface when lit by sunlight.
Wind energy can be used to pump water or generate electricity, but requires extensive areal
coverage to produce significant amounts of energy.

Hydroelectric energy- This form uses the gravitational potential of elevated water that was
lifted from the oceans by sunlight. It is not strictly speaking renewable since all reservoirs
eventually fill up and require very expensive excavation to become useful again. At this time,
most of the available locations for hydroelectric dams are already used in the developed

Biomass - is the term for energy from plants. Energy in this form is very commonly used
throughout the world. Unfortunately the most popular is the burning of trees for cooking and
warmth. This process releases copious amounts of carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere
and is a major contributor to unhealthy air in many areas. Some of the more modern forms
of biomass energy are methane generation and production of alcohol for automobile fuel and
fueling electric power plants.

Hydrogen and fuel cells - These are also not strictly renewable energy resources but are
very abundant in availability and are very low in pollution when utilized. Hydrogen can be
burned as a fuel, typically in a vehicle, with only water as the combustion product. This clean
burning fuel can mean a significant reduction of pollution in cities. Or the hydrogen can be
used in fuel cells, which are similar to batteries, to power an electric motor. In either case
significant production of hydrogen requires abundant power. Due to the need for energy to
produce the initial hydrogen gas, the result is the relocation of pollution from the cities to the
power plants. There are several promising methods to produce hydrogen, such as solar
power, that may alter this picture drastically.

Geothermal power - Energy left over from the original accretion of the planet and
augmented by heat from radioactive decay seeps out slowly everywhere, every day. In
certain areas the geothermal gradient (increase in temperature with depth) is high enough to
exploit to generate electricity. This possibility is limited to a few locations on Earth and many
technical problems exist that limit its utility. Another form of geothermal energy is Earth
energy, a result of the heat storage in the Earth's surface. Soil everywhere tends to stay at a
relatively constant temperature, the yearly average, and can be used with heat pumps to

heat a building in winter and cool a building in summer. This form of energy can lessen the
need for other power to maintain comfortable temperatures in buildings, but cannot be used
to produce electricity.

Other forms of energy - Energy from tides, the oceans and hot hydrogen fusion are other
forms that can be used to generate electricity. Each of these is discussed in some detail with
the final result being that each suffers from one or another significant drawback and cannot
be relied upon at this time to solve the upcoming energy crunch.

2.6 Renewable energy in India: - Growth and Targets.

According to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, total installed capacity of power
generation as on March 2015 is 263.66 GW and Renewable energy capacity is 34.35 GW. Out
of 13.1% Renewable energy, wind power takes a major place in generation by accumulating
8.6% followed by SHP 1.5% and 1.3% of solar generation.

Fig 2.10 Renewable energy ± *OREDOO\DQG,QGLD¶VSRVLWLRQ 6RXUFH015(

As India growing rapidly and demand of energy requirement for fulfill all requirements is very
high, MNRE has targeted to achieve 175 GW renewable energy productions by 2022, which is
5 times higher than the current capacity. Indian government and policy makers set new
standards to grow renewable energy development in very fast phase, thus achieving
sustainability in energy. In 2012 ± 2015 periods India has achieved 27.5% growth in
Renewable energy installation, which is actually a positive sign towards the growth.

Fig 2.11 MNRE ± Status & Target of Renewable Energy


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