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Bic 20904 Objectives

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to understand

or explain about:
Chapter 3  Constructor and Destructor

1 2

Chapter 3: Class
Lets Recall – chapter 2
Based on the given class diagram, write a program
by using OOP techniques to compute the area of a
- length Constructor and Destructor
- width

+ void setLength(double)
+ void setWidth(double)
+ double getLength()
+ double getWidth()
+ double getArea()
Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Constructor Constructor

Concept Constructor must be a public member function.

Constructor must have same name with the class name.
A constructor is a member function that is Constructor has no return type.
automatically called when a class object is created. Construct a constructor depending on the member functions.
A class can have more than one constructor.
Purpose Constructors can be written either as inline function or
To initialize value for member data outside the class declaration.
or perform other setup functions such as
print a message to demonstrate when the
constructor executes or object is created. Format
class_name :: class_name (parameterList)

Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Example 1 Creating Constructor

Example 1 Creating Constructor
class Circle
{ private: Do we have to call constructor
Constructor for class Circle double radius; just like we call member
class Circle
Have same name with the public: functions using object?
{ private:
class name. void setRadius (double r)
double radius;
Put under public visibility. { radius = r; }
void setRadius (double r)
{ radius = r; } Circle()
{ cout<<“This is a constructor for Circle class”;
{ cout<<“This is a constructor for Circle class”; };
void main() NO! Once we created the object for the
{ Circle sphere; class, the constructor will be executed
} automatically!!
Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Example 2 Creating Constructor Constructor

class Demo
{ public: Output?
More than one constructor may be defined for a class.
Default Constructor
{ cout<<“Now the default constructor is running.\n”;}

void main()
Constructor without any arguments/parameters
{ cout <<“This is displayed before the object is created.\n”;
Demo demoObj; Example Circle()
cout<<“This is displayed after the object is created.\n”; { radius = 0.0; }

Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Constructor Constructor

More than one constructor may be defined for a class. More than one constructor may be defined for a class.

Constructor with Parameter(s) Constructor with Parameter(s)

Constructor with arguments/parameters Constructor with arguments/parameters

Circle(double r, double p)
Example Circle(double r) Example { radius = r;
{ radius = r; }
pi = p; }
Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Constructor Constructor
Create objects depending on constructors class Student
{ private:
Student(char n[ ],int a, char m[ ])
char name[50];
class Circle { strcpy(name,n);
int age;
{ private: age = a;
char matric[10];
double radius; void main() strcpy(matric,m); }
public: { Circle sphere1; };
Circle() //#1 Circle sphere2 (2.5); void main()
{ strcpy(name,”lela”);
{ radius = 0.0; } Circle sphere3; { Student DIT;
age = 19;
} Student BIT(“Aspa”,20,”AI950120”);
Circle(double r) //#2 }
{ radius = r;}
}; Which Which constructor?

Chapter 3: Class Chapter 3: Class

Concept Destructor must be a public member function.
Destructor must have same name with the class name.
A destructor is a member function that is automatically Destructor has no return type.
called when a class object is destroyed. Destructor cannot accept arguments, never has a parameter list.
A class can only have one destructor.
Use tilde character ( ~ ).
To perform shutdown procedures when
the objects goes out of existence.
Format class_name ::~class_name ()
Chapter 3: Class

Example Creating Destructor

class Demo
{ public:
}; Rosziati Ibrahim and Sapiee Jamel (2006), “ Object-Oriented
Programming Using C++: An Introduction”,McGrawHill Sdn.Bhd, Malaysia
Demo::Demo() Deitel, H.M and Deitel P.J( 2005),” C++ How To Program
{ cout<<“The default constructor is running.\n”;} Fifth Edition”, Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey.
Demo::~Demo()  Koffman, Elliot B. and Wolfgang, Paul A.T (2006),”Objects, Abstraction,
{ cout<<“Now the destructor is running.\n”;}
Data Structures and Design Using C++”, John Wiley and Sons,US.
void main() Gaddis, T. et al (2008), “Starting Out with C++ Early Objects”, Pearson
{ Demo demoObj; Education, Inc.
cout<<“The object now exists, but is about to be destroyed.\n”;

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