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Motivation: http://www.seemypersonality.com/personality.asp?p=Motivation-

Ans: http://www.seemypersonality.com/Personality-Report?u=MBx3x7429857-

1st Question – The door
The door represents your attitude to new experiences. If you imagined a simple,
everyday door, you probably are not afraid of any new challenge and will test your luck
in new things and situations without a second thought.

If you have chosen the hidden door, you probably do not know what you need to do in
the future and your life in it, and it looks blurry and undefined.

Of course, if you have chosen a big, scary door, then you probably are afraid of the
unknown and find it difficult to get out of your comfort zone and try new experiences.

2nd Question – Inside the castle

The space inside the castle is the idea that you believe others to have of you. If for
example you saw a library, you probably think that you are the person who supports
others and helps them find answers to their problems.

The large fireplace gives a feeling of warmth and passion that you think you cause in

A fancy ballroom suggests that you feel that you can dazzle people around you and that
you have a lot to give.
If you ended up in a long corridor with closed doors, you feel that you are difficult to
understand and others will have to try much to ‘penetrate’ more within you.

3rd Question – The staircase

The stairway shows the image that you have of life. The sharp and massive staircase
shows a person who sees life as suffering, with many difficulties. Unlike the beautiful
spiral staircase which shows how romantic a person is.

4th Question – The window

The window is the way you feel right now. A small window means that you feel
depressed and trapped in your life. It may feel like there’s no way out of what you are
experiencing in this period.

A normal window shows a person with realistic demands and expectations of life at this
stage. You realize that there are limitations, but the future is here and it looks clear for

Conversely, if the window is gigantic, you probably feel invincible, free and able to
achieve what you want.

Question 5th – The view from the window

The view from the window is the overview of your whole life! A stormy sea shows a
hectic and erratic life, while a snowy forestis associated with a person who lived isolated
and detached from the crowds. The green valley shows that your life is calm and steady,
without much stress and anxiety. Finally, the vibrant city is related to someone who
generally lives full life socializing with lots of people.

Question 6 – The courtyard of the castle

The image of the courtyard is the image that you have in mind of your future! So if
your garden is neat and shiny, then you feel that your future will be heavenly. On the
other, a picture of a promising but neglected garden shows an optimistic person, who is
worried if he can find the energy to take control of his life and make his future more
beautiful. Those who chose the grassy, damaged garden are pessimistic that do not
have a nice picture of the future.


This question gets at the underlying nature of their personality. Often we can guess
quite a bit about someone based on their appearance, clothes, and mannerisms, but
what are they hiding?


This is a pretty open question to ask someone, but it could reveal a lot about them. For
example, they could say anything from ‘The constitution’ to ‘Santa Claus’ to ‘Honesty.’
Or, maybe they believe that Casablanca was the best movie ever made. Either way, this
question could tell you a lot about someone and what is important to them.


You might also want to add, ‘if money were no object’ to this question to get them to
reveal the most about themselves. Really, this is a way to ask what their favorite activity
and place is. Maybe they have a longing to move away to a different place, or to be
doing a totally different career.


This question will reveal a lot about someone’s past, because ultimately we can’t change
what we have already done. Living with regrets is no fun, nor is focusing on what might
have been. You want to know what helped shape this person and if they continue to
focus on the past or if they have their eyes set on the future.


No one is perfect, so this question will reveal what someone dislikes about themselves
and also if they are taking the initiative to work on fixing their flaws.


From a short 5-minute conversation, researchers looked at the differences between the
sexes of how we perceive the friendliness of someone of the opposite sex. They found that
males were more likely to perceive that women were being flirtatious or seductive.
Women in the study did not think that friendly men who were talking to them were trying
to seduce them.


This question could reveal if someone is materialistic, for example, if they say that they
value their car or a diamond ring. It could also reveal if they are idealistic, for example, if
they say that their integrity is the most important thing to them.


Researchers at Lehigh University and the University of Texas looked at the question of
what it really means to get to know someone. Most people think they are good judges of
character, but in reality, we aren’t very accurate with our assessments of personality
and our predictions of someone’s behavior based on what we know about them.
Although people are often confident about the accuracy of their perceptions, ‘time and
time again, researchers have shown that people’s impressions of others are prone to
The researchers found that when people are in a relationship, they are more likely to be
accurate judges of personality if it is beneficial to their relationships. For example, being
able to perceive your partner’s emotional state is beneficial to the health of your


Everyone has bad days, but it’s how we handle it that makes the biggest difference for our
personalities. When you want to get to know someone, this question will reveal a lot about them,
but you should also observe them when they are frustrated to see how they respond.

22. What’s your life motto, or philosophy you live by?
They might answer with something simple like “Hakuna Matata,” or maybe they will have
a more in-depth answer. However, this question will allow you to get to know their basic
outlook on life. Do they have a negative or positive view of the world, and how do they
react to it?
23. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
This will show you their self-esteem levels. If they can’t think of anything, this shows they
don’t have a very positive self-image. If they do have an answer, however, it will show
you what they think about themselves.
24. What was the best time of your life?
Again, the point is to show your interest in every aspect of their life. This question will let
you into their past a little bit.

5. What was the worst thing that ever happened to you?

This might seem a bit dark, but to fully know someone, we have to know their pain, too.

7. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

These types of questions will let you get to know their inner child, which is important in
knowing someone deeply.

8. What was/is your biggest accomplishment?

Let them gloat for a minute – allowing someone to share their accomplishments will
show that you really care.

11. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
This will show you what motivates them, and what they truly care about in the world.

13. What are your favorite hobbies?

Basically, this shows you how they spend their free time, which is important in getting to
know someone.

14. If money was no object, what would you do in life?

This will show you what the person would do if they had freedom to spend their time
how they chose to.

16. What are you thankful for?

This will tell you what they value most in life.
17. What do you wish people understood more about you?
Many people feel misunderstood, and this will show you why they might feel this way.

18. If you could turn back time and do anything differently, would you?
This will tell you if the person has any regrets, and why.

Imagine you are suddenly walking in a forest. You're on a path that winds its way through the
Question 1: Look at the trees, are they organized in a pattern or are they just spread around
without any patterns, just in chaotic form?
Question 2: Is it night time or day time?
Question 3: Is the path wide, narrow, well traveled or hardly seen?

You continue to walk on the path, when you suddenly see a key lying on the ground.
Question 4: What does the key look like? Old or new, big or small? What do you think it
Question 5: Do you pick up the key or leave it there?
You continue to walk along the path, when suddenly you see a bear approaching. Freeze the
image in your mind and look at it.
Question 6: Is the bear menacing or friendly? Does it scare you?
Question 7: How big is the bear?
The bear vanishes into the woods, and you continue on your path. Suddenly you see an urn standing in the
middle of the path.
Question 8: Describe the urn. What is it made of?
Question 9: As you approach the urn, is there something inside of it? What is it?

You pass the urn and the path continues for a few moments, ending at a house.
Question 10: What kind of house is it? Big or small?

From inside the house, you hear a man raving. He sounds deranged. And he keeps screaming for you to unlock
the door and let him out. He sounds quite insane but he pleads with you to open the door.
Question 11: Do you open the door for this man?

Suddenly, everything becomes white. You are no longer on the path, you are no longer anywhere. Everything
is white around you and featureless, you don't know where you are. If you walk, nothing changes. You shout,
but no one hears. Everything is the same no matter what you do or for how long you do it.
Question 12: What do you do? Do you give up and stay in the same place? Do you continue exploring and try
to find ways out, although nothing succeeds? How long do you keep trying if there are no results and nothing

The Forest
The forest represents your inner world, connected to both your past as a child and to your present as an adult.
Question 1: If the trees were organized, then so are you. You crave order and logic in yourself, even if you
don't always get it. A haphazard pattern of trees could indicate that these things are less important to you and
you are more concerned with the essence of things rather than how they are presented.
Question 2: As the forest also represents your childhood, the choice between light and dark may indicate how
you perceive that period in your life, either in a negative or positive light. It may also indicate your present
situation of optimism vs. pessimism. A sun-lit forest may indicate you are in a positive place or see your
childhood in a positive light. Darkness may mean you currently experience a lot of fear or view your childhood
in a darker, more frightening way.
Question 3: The path is very simply that path you're following. A wide, clear path indicates certainty in what
you are doing and where you are going. You have plans and they are clear to you. A narrow, rarely traveled or
dark path may indicate hesitation, fear of the future and the unknown, or just a preference for not knowing
what the future holds, enjoying the surprise.

The Key
The key represents your desires, whether work-related or personal. It represents a promise or a threat,
something unknown that could be either the gateway to your dreams or opens something you'd rather remain
Question 4: The age of the key may indicate how old this dream of yours is. An ornamental key may hint at
opening up treasures and unknown goods that you covet. An ancient key may indicate that you long for
something surprising, some treasure to change your life. The larger the key, the more you wish from it and
hope it will bring you. Smaller keys may mean smaller unfulfilled desires or more practical goals. Modern
keys may indicate your desires are relatively new, from recent years.
Question 5: Your choice of taking the key with you or leaving it behind tell us if the key represents a desire or
a threat to you. If you have things you'd rather stay hidden, a key may be a threat, and you'd leave it there. If
your desires are stronger than your fears, you will pick up it and take it with you.

The Bear
The bear represents your problems and challenges in life.
Question 6: The more menacing the bear, the more worried you are about life's problems. If the bear is all
claws and sharp teeth, if it is running at you crazed with anger and rage, then that is how you may feel about
your problems, being attacked by them as they seem invincible and scary. Out to get you.
If the bear is just a bear, walking in the woods, you may feel your problems are not a large threat and can be
dealt with. If the bear is friendly, you may feel like you are in control of your problems, and usually come out
the victor.
Question 7: The size of the bear is in direct relation to how big you perceive your problems to be.

The Urn
The urn is traditionally a symbol of your ancestry. It may represent your parents, grandparents or the
connection you feel to the generations that came before you.
Question 8: If the urn is large, this connection to your parents or previous generations looms large in your life,
and vice versa if it is small. The material it is made of may indicate how far away you feel from these past
generations. An ancient urn may indicate you feel far removed from them, while a newer urn, made from
modern materials, may mean they still have relevance in the present.
Question 9: Whatever is in the urn represents what you feel you have in connection with these past
generations. Some do not see anything in the urn, which means that although they may appreciate the
connection, they do not feel it has much to offer them at present.
Some see water in it, and even drink it, symbolizing that there is still something to be gained from these
connections. Water is also change, and so increases the amount of relevance the urn has to you.
Some people see sand, which means that the urn still has relevance, but not much, stagnated and old, it is out
of touch with your present situation. If you see living things in the urn, then the connection is very much
relevant, and the type of animal or plant you see (beautiful, threatening, or helpful) will tell you what kind of
connection it is.


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