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1. Solicitud de inspeccion // inspection request

2. Certificado navegacion anterior (*original) //previous navigation certificate
3. Certificacion literal emitida por el RN //Literal certification ussued by RN
4. Certificacion de Personeria juridical emitida por el RN //certification of legal
corporation issued by RN.
5. Copia de cedula o pasaporte // Copy of passport
6. Cuaderno de inspecciones // inspection notebook
7. Estar al dia con las obligaciones Obrero patronal de la CCSS ** //Be up to
date with obligations with CCSS.
8. Poder especial en caso de que no sea el representante o dueno //POA from
owner to person who represent him.
9. Original y copia de cancelacion del ENTERO DE GOBIERNO del Servicio
Nacional de Guardacostas //cancellation of the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT of
National Coast Guard Service.


Autonimia 40 millas nauticas
Chaleco salvavidas tipo 1/lifejacket
Aros salvavidas/ life rings
Min 2. With name & registration number of boat.
Reflective bands w/ floating line minimum 30
meters of a diameter of 8 mm.
Extintores/Fire extinguisher
Minimum 2.
Botiquin/First aid kit
Foco o linterna/flash light
Balsa salvavidas/Autoinflatable
Cohetes/rockets w/ parachutes(4)
Bengalas/ Hand feared red (6)
Senales fulmigenas flotantes/ smoke signals (2)

Espejo para senales /Signal mirrors

Pitoreta fija y manual / Fixed horn

Compas magnetico de gobierno /Magnetic

Equipo de GPS/GPS Equipment
Tablilla de desvio/compass
Reloj de bitacoras/Bitacoras watch
Juego de banderas (A, F, W,V, Q)
A: I have a diver down-Keep clear at slow speed.
F: I am disabled communicated w/ me.
W: I require medical assistance.
V: I require assistance.
Q: My vessel is healthy requested enter port.
Equipo de trazado/Tracing equipment
Diario de navegacion /Navigation log
Cuadro de zafarrancho
Length over 12 meters.

Reflector para senales/Signal mirrors

Equipo de sondeo /Depth sounder
Radio VHF/VHF radio
Reflector de radar/Radar reflector
Binoculares diurnos/Binoculars
Sistema de fondeos y amarre/Anchor chain 5 times
length of boat over 6m minimum length of boat in chain.
Sistema de achique/Bilge pump w/ fload switch
Alarma de nivel de agua/High water alarm
Equipo para pesca/Fishing equipment
Tanque de combustible/Propane tank
Tanque de agua potable/Fresh water tank
Estanqueidad/Self bailing cockpit
Iluminacion y ventilacion/Lightning & ventilation
Rotulacion/Registration number on bow and CR flag
Luces de navegacion/Navigation lights
Puerto de registro espejo pintado/Port of registration
displayed on bow

10. Solicitud de inspeccion // inspection request

11. Certificado navegacion anterior (*original) //previous navigation certificate
12. Certificacion literal emitida por el RN //Literal certification ussued by RN
13. Certificacion de Personeria juridical emitida por el RN //certification of legal
corporation issued by RN.
14. Copia de cedula o pasaporte // Copy of passport
15. Cuaderno de inspecciones // inspection notebook
16. Estar al dia con las obligaciones Obrero patronal de la CCSS ** //Be up to
date with obligations with CCSS.
17. Poder especial en caso de que no sea el representante o dueno //POA from
owner to person who represent him.
18. Original y copia de cancelacion del ENTERO DE GOBIERNO del Servicio
Nacional de Guardacostas //cancellation of the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT of
National Coast Guard Service.


Chaleco salvavidas (tipo II)/ life jacket
Aros salvavidas/ life rings
Min 2. With name & registration number of boat.
Reflective bands w/ floating line minimum 30 meters
of a diameter of 8 mm.
Extintor tipo ABC/fire extinguisher tipe ABC.
Minimum 1.
Botiquin/ first aid kit
Foco o linterna/ Flashlight
Espejo de senales de uso nautico/ Signal mirrors
Pitoreta fija o pito/ fixed horn
Remos o canaletas/ Paddles
Sistema de fondeos y amarre/Anchor chain 5 times
length of boat over 6m minimum length of boat in
Casco y superestructura/ helmet & superstructure
Deposito de combustible/ fuel tank
Sistema de propulsion/ propulsion system
Sistema electrico/ electric system
Luces de navegacion / navigation lights
Barandas, pasamanos y andariveles/ railings
Cuadro de zafarrancho/ Zafarrancho certificate
Length over 12 meters.
Senalizacion y avisos/ Registration number on bow
and CR flag

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