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Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am

35 (2006) 767–775

Acute Adrenal Insufficiency

Roger Bouillon, MD, PhD, FRCP
Clinic and Laboratory of Endocrinology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg,
Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

The adrenal gland is a mixture of the steroid hormone–producing adrenal

cortex and the adrenal medulla, which is responsible for the secretion of cat-
echolamines. Although both parts of the adrenal gland largely function in-
dependently of each other, the congenital absence of a functional adrenal
cortex (because of glucocorticoid receptor mutations) causes a developmen-
tal absence of the adrenal medulla. After a bilateral adrenalectomy catechol-
amines can still be produced by the autonomic nervous system, but there is
a total inability to synthesize and secrete glucocorticoid and mineralocorti-
coid hormones (cortisol and aldosterone), indicating the unique role of the
adrenal cortex. The secretion of cortisol and aldosterone is controlled by
different mechanisms, whereby the pituitary axis (corticotropin-releasing
hormone [CRH] or corticotropin) is vital for cortisol secretion and the
renin-angiotensin system is vital for aldosterone secretion. Cytokines, ion
concentrations, and many other factors can directly or mostly indirectly
influence cortisol or aldosterone secretion, however.
Cortisol regulates a wide variety of genes involved in energy metabolism
(eg, glucose-protein–fatty acid metabolism), mineral homeostasis, and im-
mune function and influences many more cellular functions. Aldosterone
has a more focused action on mineral homeostasis [1].

Etiology of adrenal insufficiency

Adrenal insufficiency is a hormone deficiency syndrome attributable to
primary adrenal diseases or caused by a wide variety of pituitary-hypotha-
lamic disorders (Box 1). Diseases causing primary adrenal insufficiency usu-
ally destroy the total adrenal cortex, causing a combined deficiency of
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids and adrenal androgens, and such
diseases sometimes even cause adrenal medulla deficiency. The clinical

E-mail address: roger.bouillon@med.kuleuven.be

0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2006.09.004 endo.theclinics.com

Box 1. Etiology of adrenal insufficiency

Primary adrenal insufficiency
 Autoimmune diseases (isolated or associated with
polyglandular insufficiencies)
 Adrenal infections and inflammation (eg, tuberculosis, fungal
diseases, AIDS)
 Bilateral metastasis
 After adrenalectomya
 Adrenal enzyme deficiency
 Adrenal hemorrhage or necrosis caused by (meningococcal)
sepsis or coagulation disordersa
 Adrenoleukodystrophy and other congenital disorders

Secondary adrenal insufficiency

 Pituitary or hypothalamic tumor (including
 Pituitary irradiation
 Pituitary surgerya
 Pituitary/brain traumaa
 Infections or inflammatory/autoimmune disorders in pituitary
region (eg, sarcoidosis, hypophysitis)
 Pituitary necrosis or bleeding (eg, postpartum Sheehan
 Acute interruption of prolonged pharmacologic glucocorticoid
 Causes of adrenal insufficiency with increased risk for
presentation as acute adrenal crisisa

Adrenal insufficiency with increased risk for presentation as acute adrenal

symptoms are therefore usually more prominent than in cases of secondary

insufficiency and can start as an acute crisis of adrenal insufficiency.
Secondary adrenal insufficiency more selectively impairs glucocorticoid
deficiency so that the mineralocorticoid function is better maintained and
therefore less likely to cause an acute crisis. If such diseases (see Box 1)
evolve gradually over time, they rarely cause an abrupt-onset adrenal insuf-
ficiency crisis, whereas acute destruction of the adrenal or pituitary gland or
acute interruption of glucocorticoid therapy is more likely to cause an acute-
onset adrenal failure crisis.

Apart from this classic presentation of an endocrine deficiency as the

cause of generalized chronic or acute disease (adrenal crisis) [1–5], there is
increasing attention to relative adrenal insufficiency in patients with acute
(nonadrenal or pituitary) critical illness. Such patients still secrete cortisol
(and corticotropin in the early phases of critical illness) but less than
expected during acute stress, and the survival of such patients can be im-
proved by pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids [1,3,4,6,7]. The adrenal
(dys)function of such patients with critical illness is described separately
in this issue in the article by Schütz and Müller and has been reviewed re-
cently [6].
Although adrenal insufficiency has been known as a clinical syndrome for
a long time, new risk groups have been identified, because as many as 20%
of AIDS patients eventually develop adrenal insufficiency [8,9]. Moreover,
patients with head trauma develop pituitary insufficiency much more fre-
quently than previously recognized [10].
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is vital to the body’s ability to
cope with severe stress, such as that induced by natural or iatrogenic trauma
or infection, and such function has been amply demonstrated in human pa-
tients and experimental animals, including animal models of engineered ad-
renal insufficiency [11,12].
Cortisol replacement therapy is usually highly effective when started be-
fore secondary organ failure compromises survival. Therefore, early recog-
nition, correct diagnosis, and treatment save lives.

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency

Primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency (excluding critical illness
adrenal insufficiency and adrenal insufficiency secondary to acute interrup-
tion of chronic glucocorticoid therapy) are rare diseases, affecting less than
0.1% of the population [1], and usually present slowly over time with non-
specific symptoms of chronic fatigue, weakness and lethargy, anorexia and
weight loss, postural hypotension, abdominal complaints (eg, nausea, vom-
iting, diffuse abdominal pain), and loss of libido as well as loss of axillary
and pubic hair in women. Hyperpigmentation (attributable to excess pro-
opiomelanocortin and melanocyte-stimulating hormone), especially of
non–sunlight-exposed skin areas, is an imported clinical hallmark for the
attentive and suspicious physician. Abnormal serum electrolytesdlow
sodium, high potassium, and, occasionally, hypercalcemia and fasting
hypoglycemia, and especially this combinationdare highly suspicious for ad-
renal insufficiency.
Acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis) is mainly attributable to min-
eralocorticoid deficiency; thus, the clinical presentation is dominated by
hypotension or hypotensive shock. This shock is mainly caused by sodium
and plasma volume depletion, but the associated prostaglandin excess

(prostacyclin) and decreased responsiveness to norepinephrine and angio-

tensin II may aggravate the circulatory collapse. The clinical picture may
be much more complex because of a mixture of preceding slow-onset symp-
toms and signs, such as acute abdominal pain, or symptoms attributable to
the etiology of the acute adrenal insufficiency (eg, sepsis, pituitary or adrenal
hemorrhage or necrosis, surgery or trauma).

Diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

In view of the wide spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs of chronic
adrenal insufficiency, a strategy for screening for such hormone deficiency
should be broadly applied, whereby serum cortisol levels are the first choice.
In nonacute situations, this should be early morning cortisol levels because
of the known diurnal variation; however, in patients with severe illness, cor-
tisol levels should be high anyway, and levels greater than 20 mg/dL in a non-
acutely stressed person exclude adrenal insufficiency. Total plasma cortisol
levels are still widely used for diagnostic purposes, whereas cortisol is tightly
bound to CBG (cortisol binding globulin or transcortin). Because CBG can
fluctuate according to (rare) genetic disorders because of exposure to estro-
gens or because of chronic (liver and kidney) diseases or acute illness (acute
critical illness), total cortisol levels may not reflect free cortisol levels. Direct
measurement of free cortisol is cumbersome and not amenable in an emer-
gency situation. Free cortisol levels calculated on the basis of the law of
mass order using total cortisol and transcortin, as described by our labora-
tory [14], carefully reflect direct estimation of free cortisol, and this has re-
cently been confirmed even in patients with a wide variety of critical illnesses
Basal corticotropin levels are high in case of primary adrenal disorders
(O100 pg/mL) and therefore are equivalent to thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) measurements for the screening of primary hypothyroidism. High
renin and low aldosterone also argue for primary adrenal insufficiency.
Dynamic testing with injection of corticotropin or insulin-induced
hypoglycemia is frequently needed to confirm adrenal insufficiency, however
(Box 2). Once adrenal insufficiency is confirmed, additional exploration is
needed to identify the etiology of the disease (see Box 1).
In acute illness possibly attributable to adrenal insufficiency, a different
diagnostic strategy should be applied, because immediate therapeutic inter-
vention is absolutely needed even before the diagnosis is formally confirmed.
The first principle is to be highly suspicious of adrenal crisis in case of un-
explained hypotension, especially in patients with increased risk (eg, AIDS
patients, patients on prior glucocorticoid therapy, patients with known au-
toimmune diseases or with a history of chronic fatigue and hyperpigmenta-
tion) or in those displaying acute symptoms related to the diseases known to
cause acute adrenal crisis (see Box 1). Moreover, simple diagnostic screening
should be used based on what is rapidly available (plasma concentration of

Box 2. Diagnostic testing for chronic adrenal insufficiency

1. Screening test
 Early morning basal total/free serum cortisola and plasma
 Plasma aldosterone, and renin activity
 (Urinary free cortisol excretion)
2. Stimulation test
 Stimulation of adrenal function (in case of suspicion of
primary adrenal insufficiency, stimulation with 1 or 250 mg
corticotropin(1-24), followed by cortisol measurements after
30 and 60 minutesb)
 Stimulation of pituitary-adrenal axis (in case of suspicion of
adrenal insufficiency, especially of hypothalamic-pituitary
origin) by insulin-induced hypoglycemia
 Regular insulin (0.1 U) administered intravenously
 Basal and 30-60-90 minutes after start of insulin
tolerance test of cortisol and corticotropinc (and growth
hormone in case of suspected multiple pituitary hormone
 Stimulation with CRH is useful for the differential diagnosis
between hypothalamic and pituitary origin of adrenal
insufficiency and can also be used to replace the ‘‘gold
standard’’ test when ITT is contraindicated (eg, epilepsy)
 Metyrapone test is rather outdated

Normal morning total cortisol levels are between 10 and 20 mg/dL (6:00–
8:00 AM) if CBG is normal. Values less than 3 mg/dL (80 nmol/L) are highly sugges-
tive of adrenal insufficiency, and values less than 10 mg/dL (275 nmol/L) certainly
require further adrenal evaluation.
Total cortisol levels greater than 20 mg/dL (presuming normal CBG) exclude
primary but not always secondary adrenal deficiency. The minimal cortisol
threshold after 1 mg of corticotropin is approximately the same as after 250 mg
of corticotropin(1–24).
Total cortisol levels after adequate hypoglycemia during ITT should exceed
20 mg/dL (550 nmol/L). Simultaneous measurement of corticotropin may help to
define the origin (hypothalamic-pituitary or adrenal) of the disease.

sodium, potassium, and cortisol), followed by a short corticotropin stimula-

tion test (Box 3), and then immediately associated with or followed by ther-
apeutic substitution or intervention until laboratory results are available
(Box 4). This diagnostic strategy should include cortisol precursors and me-
tabolites in blood and/or urine when acute adrenal insufficiency is suspected
in pediatric patients so as to exclude congenital adrenal hyperplasia [16].

Box 3. Diagnostic procedures in case of suspected acute adrenal

insufficiency crisis
A. Serum analysis of
 Sodium, potassium, and HCO3
 Plasma cortisola
 Plasma sample for corticotropin, renin, and aldosterone
B. Corticotropin stimulation test
 250 mg administered intravenously with additional cortisol
measurement 30 minutes latera

Adrenal insufficiency crisis is highly unlikely if
1. Basal total cortisol is greater than 20 mg/dL
2. Postcorticotropin cortisol is greater than 20 mg/dL

Normal morning total cortisol levels are between 10 and 20 mg/dL (6:00–
8:00 AM) if CBG is normal. Values less than 3 mg/dL (80 nmol/L) are highly sugges-
tive of adrenal insufficiency, and values less than 10 mg/dL (275 nmol/L) certainly
require further adrenal evaluation.
Data from Oelkers W. Adrenal insufficiency. N Engl J Med 1996;335(16):
1206–12; and Grinspoon SK, Biller BMK. Laboratory assessment of adrenal
insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994;79(4):923–31; and Grinspoon SK,
Biller BMK. Laboratory assessment of adrenal insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 1994;79(4):923–31.

Treatment of adrenal insufficiency

The acute treatment of an Addison disease crisis is relatively straightfor-
ward, because electrolyte and fluid replacement and hydrocortisone replace-
ment (see Box 4) should be started as soon as the initial diagnostic sampling
is complete.
If adrenal insufficiency is confirmed or highly likely based on the acute
screening results, replacement therapy should be continued by the intravenous
or intramuscular route (at 150–300 mg/d for 2 to 3 days) until full clinical re-
covery. As such, high cortisol replacement has major mineralocorticoid
effects, but because of direct activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor,
no additional mineralocorticoid therapy is needed in the acute phase. Indeed,
cortisol normally only activates its own receptor, glucocorticoid receptor, and
not the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), although it has the same affinity for
the MR as aldosterone because of rapid intrarenal inactivation of cortisol
to cortisone. In case of Cushing syndrome or when cortisol replacement ther-
apy far exceeds normal replacement doses, cortisol is not totally inactivated
by the 11-b-steroid dehydrogenase, and thus activates the MR and displays

Box 4. Therapeutic strategy in case of suspected acute adrenal

insufficiency crisis
1. Diagnostic screening as in Box 3A
2. Start therapeutic intervention with
 Infusion of sodium chloride 9% and glucose 5% (>>indicating
in 6 hours)
 Diagnostic corticotropin test as in Box 3B
 Followed by hydrocortisol, 100 mg, administered
intravenously or intramuscularly every 8 hours or until
results of diagnostic screening are available
3. If diagnostic screening, demonstrate
 Basal or postcorticotropin cortisol greater than 20 mg/dL, stop
further hydrocortisone therapy unless the patient is still
critically ill (other criteria apply)
 Basal and postcorticotropin cortisol levels indicate
a likelihood of Addison disease: continue intravenous/
intramuscular hydrocortisone, followed by oral substitution
 Final confirmation of Addison disease and evaluation of its
etiology may be appropriate after resolution of acute crisis

major mineralocorticoid effects. This 150- to 300-mg/d replacement dose of

hydrocortisone is frequently considered to be a physiologic stress dosage. Se-
rum cortisol levels measured after such so-called ‘‘acute replacement’’ dosages
exceed several times the maximal stress cortisol levels found in healthy or even
critically ill patients [8,15], however, thereby questioning the need for main-
taining such high acute emergency replacement dosages. No clinical studies
are yet available allowing us to conclude that a much lower hydrocortisone
dose in acute adrenal crisis would generate equivalent or better acute survival,
however. Therefore, most centers prefer to start with hydrocortisone at a dose
of approximately 200 to 300 mg/d. The mineralocorticoid effect of such doses
of hydrocortisone is an additional motivation to maintain this dosage for a few
days. Thereafter, the dosage can be rapidly tapered down.
Normal replacement therapy should be given orally (hydrocortisone,
20 mg/d, in two or three oral doses for adults, and fludrocortisone,
50–200 mg/d). Of course, full exploration of the etiology of the disease
and, if applicable or possible, adequate therapy of the primary disease are
needed. Detailed information about and education of the patient and of
his or her family and a medical emergency alert card as well as appropriate
follow-up should be initiated.
There is no general consensus with regard to the fine tuning of glucocorti-
coid replacement therapy, because posttherapeutic cortisol or corticotropin
measurements cannot be easily used for monitoring drug dosage, as for

thyroxine (T4) replacement therapy. Generally, the lowest replacement dos-

age is to be preferred, avoiding clinical symptoms of adrenal insufficiency
and monitoring signs of overdosage [13,17]. Because the daily production
rate of cortisol is approximately 8 mg/m2/d based on well-established isotope
dilution methodology, the replacement dose of cortisol has been gradually de-
creased from 30 mg/d or more to 15 to 25 mg/d for patients with stable chronic
adrenal insufficiency. This could still be considered as slightly supraphysio-
logic but is probably needed to compensate for cortisol inactivation into cor-
tisone before it reaches the blood circulation after oral intake. The gradual
reduction in the chronic replacement dosage has not markedly increased the
frequency of acute adrenal crises, probably because of the simultaneous em-
phasis on preventive dosage adjustments (50%–100%) during acute diseases
(eg, trauma, infection) in patients with chronic adrenal insufficiency.
The mineralocorticoid dosage can be more easily monitored on the basis
of blood pressure and plasma renin activity. Dehydroepiandrosterone re-
placement in women with primary adrenal insufficiency should be consid-
ered, because there are an increasing number of studies indicating
additional beneficial effects of this drug in patients who cannot otherwise pro-
duce androgens.

Adrenal insufficiency is a rare disorder, usually with gradually evolving
clinical symptoms and signs. Occasionally, an acute adrenal insufficiency cri-
sis can become a life-threatening condition because of acute interruption of
a normal or hyperfunctioning adrenal or pituitary gland or sudden inter-
ruption of adrenal replacement therapy. Acute stress situations (eg, trauma,
infection, surgery) can aggravate the symptomatology, dominated by
hypotension and shock and sometimes associated with abdominal pain
and complicated by symptoms related to the disease causing the adrenal
A simple strategy of diagnostic screening and early intervention with so-
dium chloride–containing fluids and hydrocortisone, at least until the emer-
gency basal and postcorticotropin cortisol values are available, should be
widely implemented for cases with suspicion of an acute Addison disease cri-
sis. Recently recognized risk groups include patients with AIDS or severe
head trauma.
In contrast to the rather generous replacement dosage used in emergency
situations, the chronic replacement dosage for patients with adrenal insuffi-
ciency should be as low as possible with clear instructions for dosage adjust-
ments in case of stress or acute emergencies.
Relative adrenal insufficiency is increasingly recognized in patients with
critical illness, especially when associated with sepsis or circulatory failure.
The diagnostic criteria and optimal treatment strategy differ from those
when the adrenal insufficiency itself is causing the disease.

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