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Obtaining chemical composition using Arc Spark Spectrometer ........ 1

1. OBJECTIVE ................................................................................... 1
2. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1
3. APPARATUS ................................................................................. 3
4. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE.................................................. 5
5. RESULT & DATA ANALYSIS ..................................................... 7
6. DISCUSSION OF RESULT ........................................................... 8
7. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION .................................. 10
8. REFERENCES ............................................................................. 10

Obtaining chemical composition using Arc Spark Spectrometer


1. To prepare material for Arc Spark Spectrometer test.

2. To obtain chemical composition of base metal and weld metal.

3. To compare the chemical composition of base metal and weld metal.


Chemical analysis is a significant test to verify that the material supplied meets the
design or product requirement. It also used to identify the machinability, durability and weld
ability of the material. Chemical analysis is one of the important methods to support failure
analysis investigation. Nowadays, the technologies in steel industries are more competitive
and innovative. Manufacturers have come out with new varieties of specific modern steels to
satisfy technological needs. These technologies may add, increase or reduce some critical
elements in the making of the modern steel to develop lighter, stronger and more resistant to
heat, chemicals, or the environment. The quality of the material shall be developed and
controlled to ensure the composition meets the requirements [1].

Atomic emission spectrometry (AES) is a method of chemical analysis that uses the
intensity of light emitted from a flame, plasma, arc, or spark at a particular wavelength to
determine the quantity of an element in a sample. The wavelength of the atomic spectral
line gives the identity of the element while the intensity of the emitted light is proportional to
the number of atoms of the element.

Spark or arc atomic emission spectroscopy is used for the analysis of metallic
elements in solid samples. An electric arc or spark is passed through the sample, heating it to
a high temperature to excite the atoms within it. The excited analyte atoms emit light at
characteristic wavelengths that can be dispersed with a monochromator and detected. In the
past, where the spark or arc conditions were typically not well controlled, the analysis for the
elements in the sample was qualitative. However, modern spark sources with controlled
discharges can be considered quantitative [2].

Optical emission spectrometry involves applying electrical energy in the form of
spark generated between an electrode and a metal sample, whereby the vaporized atoms are
brought to a high energy state within a so-called “discharge plasma”.

These excited atoms and ions in the discharge plasma create a unique emission spectrum
specific to each element, as shown at right. Thus, a single element generates numerous characteristic
emission spectral lines.

Therefore, the light generated by the discharge can be said to be a collection of the
spectral lines generated by the elements in the sample. This light is split by a diffraction
grating to extract the emission spectrum for the target elements. The intensity of each
emission spectrum depends on the concentration of the element in the sample. Detectors
(photomultiplier tubes) measure the presence or absence or presence of the spectrum
extracted for each element and the intensity of the spectrum to perform qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the elements [2].


Robot Welding Machine

Arc Spectrometer Machine


1. Parameter of the robotic welding machine was set for the process.

2. Welding process was conducted to produce weldment that adjacent to each other.

3. The welded specimen was grinded to produce smooth surface.

4. The grinded specimen was tested to obtain the chemical composition


Arc spectrometer test at base metal

Arc spectrometer test at weld metal


The equivalent carbon content concept is used on ferrous materials,

typically steel and cast iron, to determine various properties of the alloy when more than
just carbon. The idea is to convert the percentage of alloying elements other than carbon to
the equivalent carbon percentage, because the iron-carbon phases are better understood than
other iron-alloy phases.

The equation used to calculate the CE of steel is:

Other than this, carbon equivalent also can be calculated using automatic CE
calculator that can be found at free website. For this result, CE calculator taken from website
[3] are used.

Based on the calculation:

Base metal CE: 0.4397%

Weldment CE: 0.4476%

From the calculation, the value for carbon equivalent for both base metal and weld
metal really don’t show any significant differences. It is basically the same for both of it. The
result of CE shows that both filler metal and base metal are homogenously the same and will
produce good weld. From table below, we can see that the CE for the tested
specimen/material is in a good weldability region.

Based on the composition of both base metal and weld metal, the carbon percentages
are in the medium carbon region which will make HAZ become hard and brittle. For the
manganese content, base metal is at 0.333% which will promote internal porosity while weld
metal increase to 0.87% which will promote crack [4].

For sulphur content both base metal and weld metal are in the acceptance region
which is below 0.035%. Unfortunately for silicon, weld metal gives high value (0.62%)
which will stimulate cracks while base metal gives low silicon level which is 0.122%.
Finally, for phosphorus content both base metal and weld metal remain the same in an
acceptable region which is below 0.04% [4].


From the experiment, the chemical compositions of base metal and weld metal have
been obtained. The experiment was considered a success since it gave us all the information
listed in the objectives segments. Even though the value maybe differs from the theoretical
value and shows that the base metal and weldment have several defects in its composition, it
was not about getting the right value. It was about getting the value.

For increasing the experiment accuracy and efficiency, milling machine can be used
to grind the base metal and weldment to replace grinding machine as we all know milling
machine will obviously have lower chance for making error as the surface of the tested
specimen will be flatter and smoother. Other than that, the spectrometer machine maybe
needs more standby time before the material was tested. As a result the accuracy and
efficiency of this experiment will increase significantly.


[1] J. M. V. S.A. David, S.S. Babu, “Welding: Solidification and Microstructure,” JOM A Hypertext-
Enhanced Artic., 2003.

[2] DAVID K. RYAN, “Emission Spectroscopy Using Plasmas, Arcs or Sparks.” University of
Massachusetts Lowell, United State, 2004.

[3] “Carbon Equivalant Calculator | American Piping Products.” [Online]. Available:

[Accessed: 25-Dec-2016].

[4] Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Yupiter Harangan Prasada Manurung, “Welding Metallurgy of Carbon
Steel.” pp. 7–13, 2016.


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