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Un grupo de estudiantes de 2° de ESO acaba de regresar de Londres a donde han ido de

viaje de estudios. Laura entra en el chat de la escuela y encuentra a un compañero con el
que empieza a dialogar. Lee con atención el siguiente dialogo de chat para después
completar las frases. Rodea con un círculo la opción que consideres correcta.

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Laura Hi! Anyone there? I’m Laura and I’m at home. Is there anybody who went on the
trip to London out there?

David Hi Laura, I’m David. Yes, I went on the trip. It was a lot of fun! Did you go?

Laura No, I got sick at the last minute and my parents had to take me to hospital. It
was flu and I was too sick to go. What did you see and do?

David Well, it was great! We visited the British Museum and Big Ben, and we went on the
London Eye. It was brilliant! The weather was fine and we met lots of
people. The food was a little boring but we loved London.

Laura It sounds fantastic! I hope I can go next time. And what was the hotel like?

David We stayed in a youth hostel, it was ok. It was spacious and clean and we
were in a big room with six beds. But the best thing about the hostel was the
atmosphere. There were lots of young people from all over the world and on our
last night we had a party in the hostel dining room. I hope I can keep in touch on
a web chat with some of the people I met in London.

Laura How exciting! That’s why I like web chats. Hey, what about the music? Did
you go to any concerts or see any famous people?


Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa
1. The dialogue is about …

A. the trip that Laura and David made to London

B. a student that went to hospital
C. what two students did during the weekend
D. the trip that some students made to London

2. Laura wants to know …

A. if someone went on the London trip

B. who is at home
C. if someone is outside
D. who stayed at home

3. Laura did not go on the trip because …

A. she didn’t want to go

B. she missed the plane
C. she was ill
D. she had a headache

4. The students visited in London... (choose the correct order)





Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa
5. The students didn’t like the…

A. weather
B. hostel
C. food
D. British Museum

6. Does Laura like web chats? Choose the best answer:

A. No, because they are boring

B. No, because you don’t meet anyone
C. Yes, because she doesn’t like talking on the phone
D. Yes, because you can keep in touch with people


Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa

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