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Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins

of Southern and Central South America

N. Eyles A. B. França
Department of Geology Nexpar, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.
University of Toronto Curitiba, Brazil
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
C. H. Eyles
G. Gonzalez Bonorino Department of Geography
Department of Geology McMaster University
Conicet–University of Buenos Aires Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Buenos Aires, Argentina

O. López Paulsen
YPFB, Gerencia de Exploración
Santa Cruz, Bolivia


A lthough glaciated basins are usually associated with nonproductive, poorly sorted strata, hydrocarbons
occur in several late Paleozoic glaciated basins of central and southern South America. In Bolivia, the
Chaco-Tarija basin has commercial production from more than 30 fields in glacially influenced submarine
channel systems (Palmar, Santa Cruz, and Bermejo fields) that accounts for about 60% of current national
reserves. Correlative deposits in Argentina host the Campo Durán and Madrejones oil fields. In Brazil, the
Paraná basin has significant but as yet subcommercial gas shows in thick marine turbidite sandstones of the
glacially influenced Itararé Group. The Chaco-Paraná basin of Argentina is one of the largest onshore targets
for exploration in South America, but it is virtually untested.
Glacially influenced foreland basins of Argentina (Tepuel and Paganzo-Maliman) contain complex
glacigenic stratigraphies of interbedded tillites and poorly prospective sandstones. In contrast, the glacially
influenced marine infills of intracratonic basins in Brazil (Paraná), Bolivia, and Argentina (Chaco-Tarija and
Chaco-Paraná) contain thick sequences of pebbly mudstones and regionally extensive reservoir quality sand-
stones. The key to the occurrence of good reservoirs and associated trapping mechanisms in these intracratonic
basins is the interplay of sediment supply, regional tectonics, and relative sea level changes. Glacial scouring of
extensive cratons by ice sheets resulted in the delivery of huge volumes of glaciofluvial sand to deltas. Struc-
tural control of drainage patterns on the craton by basement lineaments resulted in persistent sediment sources
and depocenters. Frequent earthquake activity along reactivated basement lineaments resulted in downslope
mass flow of deltaic sediments and the deposition of thick, amalgamated sand turbidites (reservoirs). Pebbly
mudstone seals most likely record higher relative sea levels, resulting from basin subsidence, and deposition
from suspended sediment plumes and icebergs. Source rocks are provided by Devonian and Permian shales.
This model may be applicable to other parts of Gondwana that contain thick, prospective sandstones in
glacially influenced intracratonic basins.


L as cuencas glaciares estan usualmente asociadas a estratos pobremente escogidos y carentes de atractivo
comercial desde el punto de vista de hidrocarburos, sin embargo en varias cuencas glaciares del Paleo-
zoico tardio en el sur y centro de Suramerica, se ha probado la existencia de petroleo. En Bolivia, la cuenca
Charco-Tarija tiene produccion comercial en mas de 30 campos ubicados en sistemas de canales submarinos
con influencia glacial (e.j., campos Palmar, Santa Cruz, y Barmejo), que representan aproximadamente el 60%
de las reservas nacionales. Depositos correlativos en Argentina corresponden a los campos petroliferos de
Duran y Madrejones. En Brasil, la cuenca Paraná tiene cantidades significativas de gas (en condiciones
subcomerciales) en las espesas areniscas marinas turbiditicas con influencia glacial del grupo Itarare. La
Cuenca Chaco-Paraná de Argentina es uno de los objetivos costeros mas grandes para la exploracion en
Suramerica pero virtualemente no ha sido probada.

Eyles, N., G. Gonzalez Bonorino, A. B. França, C. H. Eyles, and O. López Paulsen, 1995, 165
Hydrocarbon-bearing late Paleozoic glaciated basins of southern and central South
America, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South
America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 165–183.
166 Eyles et al.

Las cuencas foreland con influencia glacial ubicadas en Argentina (Tepuel y Paganzo-Maliman), contienen
complejas estratigrafias glaciogenicas de tilitas interestratificadas con areniscas pobremente prospectivas. En
contraste, los rellenos marinos con influencia glacial de las cuencas intracratonicas de Brasil (Paraná), Bolivia y
Argentina (Chaco-Tarija), Charco-Paraná), contienen gruesas secuencias de lodolitas gravosas (diamictitas,
sellos) y areniscas con calidad de yacimientos de extension regional. La clave para la formacion de buenos
yaciementos y mecanismos de entrampamiento asociados en estas cuencas intracratonica es las interaccion
entre el aporte de sedimentos, la tectonica regional y los cambios relativos en el nivel del mar. La socavamienta
glacial de extensos cratones por la accione las acumulaciones de hielo, resulta en el transporte de volumenes
muy grandes de arenas glaciofluviales hacia los deltas: el control estructural sobre los patrones de drenaje del
craton, ejercido por las alineaciones en el basamento, resulta en fuentes de sedimento y depocentros persis-
tentes. La actividad frecuente de terremotos a lo largo de las alineaciones reactivadas del basamento, ocasionan
flujos masivos descendentes de sedimentos deltaicos y la sedimentacion de grueasa aremas turbiditicas amal-
gamadas (yaciementos). Los lodolitas gravosas que actuan como sellos muy problemente registran niveles del
mar relativamente mas altos, resultantes de la subsidencia de la cuenca, y de la depositacion por corrientes de
sedimentos suspendidos y tempanos de hielo. Las rocas generadoras son lutitas de edad Devonico y Permico.
Este modelo puede ser aplicable a otras partes de Gondwana que contiene areniscas espesas y prosectivas en
cuencas intracratonicas con influencia glacial.

INTRODUCTION depositional environments and the stratigraphy of

glaciated basins are first discussed, stressing the signifi-
Late Paleozoic glacioclastic strata occur in many sedi- cance of regional tectonics and the selective preservation
mentary basins in South America, southern Africa, India, of glacially infuenced marine sediments. Reworking of
the Arabian Peninsula, Australia, Antarctica, and glacioclastic sediment in marine settings is the key to the
Malaysia (Hambrey and Harland, 1981). Glaciation of the occurrence of hydrocarbons in the late Paleozoic
southern continents between about 360 and 250 Ma glaciated basins discussed here.
coincided with the greatest episode of coal deposition in The Chaco-Tarija basin is the most important since it
earth’s history (Langford, 1991). Late Paleozoic glacio- has commercial production in Bolivia and Argentina.
clastic strata are associated with significant hydrocarbon Glacially influenced strata of the Bermejo, Palmar, and
resources in Australia (Youngs, 1975; Williams et al., Santa Cruz fields are important oil producers in Bolivia,
1985; Goldstein, 1989; Redfern, 1991), Oman (Levell et al., where about 60% of current reserves occur in glacially
1988), and South America (Montes de Oca, 1989; França influenced deposits. Correlative deposits in Argentina
and Potter, 1991). Many basins, particularly in Australia host the Tranquitas, Campo Durán, Icua, and Madre-
and parts of South America, contain thick, prospective jones oil fields and about 80% of national reserves. The
sandstone intervals in otherwise poorly sorted glacially Paraná basin in Brazil has significant but as yet subcom-
influenced strata (e.g., O’Brien et al., 1992). The origin of mercial gas shows in the glacigenic Itararé Group, and
these sandstones is not well understood. important coal deposits also occur in early postglacial
In South America, the presence of late Paleozoic glacial strata of the Rio Bonito Formation. The Chaco-Paraná
deposits was first recognized in the closing decades of the basin of northeastern Argentina is one of the largest
nineteenth century. Extensive outcrops in Brazil were the onshore targets for exploration in South America that is
first to be documented (Derby, 1888; Coleman, 1926), and virtually untested. In western Argentina, the Paganzo-
late Paleozoic glacial horizons were of central importance Maliman and Tepuel basins are nonproductive, high risk
in Du Toit’s (1927) and Wegener’s (1929) correlations areas but are of considerable interest because their
across the South Atlantic. Details of the glacial record in extensive outcrops yield valuable information about
South America and elsewhere in Gondwana have been facies and geometries of glacial deposits in the subsurface.
presented by Frakes and Crowell (1969), Crowell (1983),
Caputo and Crowell (1985), Dickins (1985, 1993), and
contributors to the compilation of Hambrey and Harland
(1981). Renewed economic interest in hydrocarbons in
glaciated basins in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and
Brazil has promoted the study of facies, sequence strati- GLACIALLY INFLUENCED MARINE
graphy, and age relationships across the continent. A SEDIMENTS IN GLACIATED BASINS
major focus of this work is identification of glacial deposi-
tional environments, better understanding of tectonic Ancient glacial strata are commonly interpreted in
setting, and closer resolution of the controls on deposi- terms of what is understood of deposits at the margins of
tional sequences, such as climate and eustatic sea level modern and Pleistocene continental ice masses. These
changes. Unfortunately, many data are proprietary and deposits are usually dominated by poorly sorted, often
there is a dearth of published literature. bouldery sedimentary facies referred to as “tills” and are
This paper reviews what is currently understood of associated with complexly structured ice contact strati-
the depositional fills in late Paleozoic glaciated basins in graphies and glaciotectonically deformed substrates
southern and central South America and relates this to recording the subglacial bulldozing and deformation of
exploration for hydrocarbons. Selected aspects of glacial preexisting strata (e.g., Brodzikowski and Van Loon,
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 167

1991; Eyles and Eyles, 1992). Correspondingly, pre-Pleis-

tocene stratigraphic intervals containing multiple tillite
horizons are often interpreted in terms of climatically
driven advances and retreats of grounded terrestrial ice
margins (Hambrey and Harland, 1981).
Other investigators of earth’s long glacial record
instead stress a history of selective preservation of
glacially influenced strata in marine basins (e.g., Frakes
and Crowell, 1969). Using Pleistocene basins as analogs,
Eyles (1993) estimated that less than 6% by volume of the
pre-Pleistocene glacigenic rock record consists of conti-
nental glacial deposits. The primary record of glaciation
is stored in marine basins that developed in a wide range
of tectonic settings adjacent to glaciated areas. The direct
role of ice was limited in most cases to the areal scour of
continental surfaces and the production and delivery of
considerable volumes of glaciofluvial sand and mud to
basin margins where it was then reworked and depo-
sited by normal marine processes. The term glacially
influenced has been used to describe such basins (Eyles et
al., 1985) in recognition of the indirect depositional role
played by glaciers. Basin fills are distinguished by
marine strata dominated by thick sandstones associated
with complexes of pebbly mudstone (diamictite) facies,
emplaced by ice rafting of coarse debris into glacially
derived marine muds (“rain-out” diamictite) and re-
deposition as debris flows. These ideas are particularly
appropriate to understanding the infills of late Paleozoic Figure 1—Late Paleozoic sedimentary basins discussed in
glaciated basins in central and southern South America. this paper. Superimposed are dominant detrital sources
and paleocurrents (arrows). Note structural compartmen-
talization of the intracratonic Chaco-Tarija, Paraná, and
Chaco-Paraná basins by continent-crossing late Protero-
LATE PALEOZOIC GLACIAL RECORD IN zoic lineaments, arches, terrane boundaries, and Trans-
SOUTH AMERICA brasiliano fold belt.

Caputo and Crowell (1985) showed that the timing of

late Paleozoic glaciation across Gondwana is diachro- orogeny. In addition, the presence in polar Gondwana of
nous and proposed that this could be explained by the emergent landmasses presently underlying Patagonia
migration of Gondwana across the south pole. Veevers and the Antarctic Peninsula, either through collisional
and Powell (1987) argued that continental-scale glacia- accretion (Ramos, 1989) or tectonic uplift during the
tion was initiated by strong Namurian uplift along the Chanica orogeny, may have had the effect of bringing
western collisional margin of South America. They extensive land areas into high latitudes and thus fostering
envisaged separate ice centers located on pericratonic regional glaciation. The first definite record of glaciation
mountain ranges. Recent data suggest, however, that in southwestern Gondwana appears about Tournaisian
glaciation in Andean South America started as early as time in the northern Chaco-Tarija basin of Bolivia and
the latest Devonian (Diaz and Lema, 1991; Grahn and Peru (Diaz and Lema, 1991; López Paulsen et al., 1992).
Caputo, 1992) and that the principal ice centers were Older glacioclastic strata of Late Ordovician–Early
located not along the active plate margin but inboard Silurian (early late Llandovery–earliest Wenlockian) time
along interior basement highs, such as the Sierras are present in Bolivia and Brazil and are attributed to the
Pampeanas and North Patagonia massif (Figure 1) polar positioning of Gondwana (see Grahn and Caputo,
(González Bonorino, 1991). A major complication is that 1992).
the different ages of glacial strata from basin to basin Subsequent late Paleozoic glaciation of southern South
may reflect not only possible migration of ice centers and America affected foreland basins in western Argentina
changing climate across the continent but also the (Tepuel and Paganzo-Maliman) and intracratonic basins in
relative timing of basin subsidence and sediment preser- eastern Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay (Paraná and Chaco-
vation. Paraná; Figure 1). Following the Chanica orogeny, subsi-
The onset of glaciation in central and southern South dence and deposition started earlier (Early Carbonif-
America in general appears to have coincided with conti- erous) in the western basins than in the eastern basins,
nental uplift along the Pacific margin of Gondwana where preservation of a glacial record did not begin until
during the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous Chanica the Late Carboniferous (Figure 2).
168 Eyles et al.

Figure 2—Stratigraphic correla-

tion chart for basins discussed
in this paper based on recent
biostratigraphy and the identifi-
cation of major transgressions
(indicated by wedges). Conflict
exists over the age of the
Tupambi Formation, which
some workers consider entirely
Pennsylvanian (Late Carbonif-
erous). On the right, the
approximate time of two major
diastrophic and orogenic
phases are shown, separated
by protracted extensional
phases that favored preserva-
tion of glacial deposits.

Tectonic Controls on Glacially Influenced developed into a large ice sheet, perhaps similar in extent
Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Potential to that on modern Antarctica (González Bonorino, 1992).
The sedimentary record of this ice sheet has been
All the basins considered here, with the possible preserved on shallow marine foreland basins such as the
exception of Tepuel, had a protracted early Paleozoic Paganzo-Maliman and Tepuel basins of Argentina.
sedimentation history that was interrupted by Chanica These areas contain complex and poorly sorted glacial
compression and uplift of the continent, the withdrawal deposits with limited potential for hydrocarbons.
of epeiric Devonian seas, and widespread subaerial and In contrast, within the interior of southwestern
shallow marine erosion. Along the paleo-Pacific margin Gondwana, widespread erosion below a continental-
of Gondwana, early Paleozoic continental margin scale ice cover resulted in the development of a strati-
deposits were thrust onto the foreland, which subsided, graphic gap spanning the Late Devonian–Late Carbonif-
allowing Early Carboniferous transgression and sedi- erous. These conditions were terminated when
mentation in the Paganzo-Maliman and Tepuel basins. tectonically driven subsidence, reflecting changing
The hinterland remained largely submerged until the stresses along the compressional and transpressional
late Early Permian San Rafael diastrophic phase (Fig- Laurussian margin of Gondwana (Figure 3), resulted in
ure 2). At this time, the major influx of sediment was basin subsidence, marine incursion, development of
derived from crystalline terranes in the Pampeanas and separate ice centers, and deposition of glacially influ-
Patagonia highlands (Figure 2) (González Bonorino, enced sediments in the intracratonic Chaco-Tarija,
1991). Subsequent intracratonic subsidence within the Paraná, and Chaco-Paraná basins (Figure 2). The record
continental interior, possibly in response to the clockwise of direct sedimentation by ice is restricted in these basins
rotation of Gondwana against Eurasia (see Figure 3), led and is preserved in marine strata.
to renewed flooding of the Paraná and Chaco-Paraná
basins. These intracratonic basins were strongly influ-
enced by basement faulting along late Proterozoic linea- FORELAND BASINS
ments (Tankard et al., 1995). They received detritus from
surrounding shield areas, including those of southern Paganzo-Maliman Basin of Argentina
Africa and marginal uplifts underlain by Proterozoic–
lower Paleozoic crystalline and sedimentary rocks The Paganzo-Maliman basin contains up to 3 km of
(Figure 1) (Frakes and Crowell, 1972). Lower Carboniferous–middle Permian strata in central
Starting possibly in the latest Devonian or earliest western Argentina, cropping out in the Cuyo pre-
Carboniferous, ice caps grew on the elevated interior of Cordillera foreland thrust belt and in the block-faulted
Gondwana and by the early Late Carboniferous had Sierras Pampeanas (Figures 1, 4a). Strata in the central
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 169

Figure 3—Early Mississip-

(Early–Late Carboniferous)
clockwise rotation of
Gondwana against Laurussia
(after Leighton and Kolata,
1990), and subsidence of
intracratonic basins allowing
preservation of a glacially
influenced marine strati-
graphic interval containing
prospective reservoir-quality
sandstones (see Figures 7, 8).
Extent of ice cover is
schematic and approximate.

Figure 4—Stratigraphic
framework for (a) Paganzo-
Maliman and (b) Tepuel basins
in depth-distance plots. For
clarity, Andean deformation
has been removed, but struc-
tural shortening, which could
extend the Paganzo-Maliman
section by 60–90 km, has not
been compensated for. Inset
shows an outcrop map for the
Tepuel basin (basin boundary
is dashed line) and major
roads. Precambrian basement
is exposed in the east and
north. Stratigraphic section
goes from Esquel to Cerro
Catreleo. Abbreviations: C,
Cerro Catreleo; E, Esquel; Tk,
Tecka Range; Tp, Tepuel
Range; NPM, northern
Patagonia massif.
170 Eyles et al.

and eastern parts of the basin constitute the Guandacol, (González, 1981; López Gamundi, 1983; Milana and
Tupe, and Patquia formations and those in the west Bercowski, 1987). In the Hoyada Verde Formation, rain-
occur in the Hoyada Verde, Maliman, and other forma- out diamictites are capped by a boulder pavement that
tions (Figure 2). Stratigraphic details are summarized in records winnowing of the diamictites and are blanketed
Archangelsky et al. (1987), Azcuy et al. (1987), López by basinal mudstones. Shallow marine and terrestrial
Gamundi et al. (1987), and González Bonorino (1991). beds in the Tres Saltos Formation complete the sequence
The basin fill essentially comprises one major unconfor- (Figures 3, 5a).
mity-bounded unit that onlaps a tilted and erosionally
beveled lower Paleozoic substrate and oversteps crys- Tepuel Basin
talline basement in the Sierrras Pampeanas (Figure 4a).
The unit is divisible into three subunits: lower (Lower The Tepuel basin contains as much as 5 km of Lower
Carboniferous, which includes the El Paso and Maliman Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary rocks
formations), middle (Upper Carboniferous, approximately (Tepuel Group and Jaramillo, Pampa de Tepuel, Rio
Namurian–Westphalian and which includes the Hoyada Genoa formations) (Figures 2, 4b) that are well exposed
Verde, Guandacol, and Tupe formations), and upper in the sub-Andean foothills. Much of the Carboniferous
(Upper Carboniferous, approximately Stephanian–Lower dips into the subsurface south of the Tepuel Ranges so
Permian, which includes the Tres Saltos and Patquia that the southern half of the basin exposes only latest
formations). Overall, nonmarine deposits intertongue Carboniferous–Lower Permian sections (Figure 4b,
westward with shallow marine strata (Figure 4a). Western inset). Cenozoic compression, superimposed on
sections expose deltaic and offshore strata (El Paso and Mesozoic extension, resulted in block faulting and gentle
Hoyada Verde formations) that are overlain by littoral and folding of the Tepuel Group strata over much of the
terrestrial rocks (Tres Saltos Formation). Eastern sections basin (Andreis et al., 1987; Archangelsky et al., 1987;
show an upward passage from lacustrine (Guandacol González Bonorino, 1991).
Formation) to alluvial plain (Tupe Formation) to eolian The Tepuel Group was deposited on a westward-
(Patquia Formation) strata (Figures 2, 4a). Glacial and facing shallow marine shelf and is dominated by wave-
glacially influenced deposits are mostly restricted to the worked sandstones interbedded with bioturbated
middle subunit in two major settings: lacustrine in the east mudstones (Figure 4b) (Page et al., 1984; González
and coastal plain and estuarine to open marine shelf in the Bonorino and González Bonorino, 1988). Petrographic
west (these facies are described later). Dropstones occur data reveal a persistent source area in the Patagonia
locally in the upper subunit, but may reflect seasonal ice highlands, then underlain by crystalline rocks similar to
cover in lakes. González (1990) has reported lower those of the North Patagonia massif (Figure 4b, inset)
Carboniferous tillites and dropstones in the area, but this (Frakes and Crowell, 1969; González Bonorino, 1992).
requires confirmation. Higher subsidence rates in the Tepuel compared to the
Paganzo-Miliman basin favored the preservation of a
thicker marine succession. Because of the more open
Sedimentary Facies
marine setting, there was greater opportunity for
In the Early Carboniferous, a wide coastal plain reworking of glacioclastic sediment into shallow marine
connected the Pampeanas highlands with a western shelf sand bodies across the postglacial shelf.
margin. In the early Late Carboniferous, an ice cap
centered on the Pampeanas highlands episodically Sedimentary Facies
expanded onto the coastal plain and shelf. Upper The lower part of the Pampa de Tepuel Formation
Carboniferous lacustrine deposits in the eastern Cuyo contains three intervals of glacial and glacially influenced
pre-Cordillera delineate a foreland lacustrine system that deposits (G1, G2, and G3) (Figure 5). Chaotically bedded
occupied the Zonda-Villicum trough (Figure 4a). The diamictites are characterized by exotic striated boulders
trough must have been at least sporadically connected to of granite in an argillaceous sandstone matrix and rest on
the open sea during highstands to account for fossil- severely deformed shelf deposits. These beds are most
iferous marine intercalations. Overall, the trough fill easily interpreted as mass flows accompanying the
constitutes a coarsening-upward deltaic succession downslope movement and deformation of underlying
(Guandacol Formation) with thin diamictites containing sediment, although a direct glacial origin as tillites cannot
striated clasts resting on supposedly glacially striated as yet be discounted. Overlying massive diamictites, up to
pavements (Bossi and Andreis, 1985). Diamictites are 60 m thick, show clasts dispersed in a mudstone matrix
intercalated with mudstone intervals containing drop- that is transitional to shelf mudstones and are interpreted
stones and slump structures and may represent the as rain-out deposits. These facies are truncated by well-
downslope mass flow of glacioclastic debris in a fan delta sorted wave-worked sandstone bodies up to 10 m thick
setting. These strata are poorly prospective because sand- and 2 km long, elongated in the direction of dominant
stones are limited to occasional, thin (1 m) storm deposits sediment transport (González Bonorino et al., 1988). Slatt
reworked from underlying glacial sediment. (1984) has described the development of Holocene sand
In the western part of the basin, sedimentary succes- bodies on the outer Canadian Atlantic shelf as a result of
sions are also diamictite dominated and poorly prospec- postglacial reworking of glacial sediments. The same
tive. Diamictites rest on deformed early Paleozoic model can be applied to the sandstone bodies of the
substrates and are overlain by thick rain-out diamictites Tepuel basin.
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 171

1989). Devonian and Permian shales of the Ponta Grossa

and Irati formations, respectively, are source rocks for
hydrocarbons in sandstones of the Itararé Group. Core
and downhole geophysical data are available from about
100 wells, but the collection of high-resolution seismic
studies is prevented by a thick cover of Late Jurassic
flood basalts (França and Potter, 1991). The Itararé Group
spans the latest Westphalian–earliest Stephanian (about
300 Ma) to latest Artinskian–earliest Kungurian (about
260 Ma) and is comparable in age to the glacigenic
Dwyka Formation of the Karoo basin in southern Africa
(Visser, 1990). Marine microflora are present throughout
the Itararé Group, including the genera Baltisphaeridium,
Micrhystridium, Veryhachium, Leiosphaeridia, Navifusa,
Cymatiosphaera, and Tasmanites (Daemon et al., 1992).
Three formations (Lagoe Azul, Campo Mourao, and
Taciba) can be recognized within the Itararé Group
(Figure 6), each overstepping the underlying formation
and recording renewed basin subsidence by faulting
along steeply dipping basement lineaments (see Eyles et
al., 1993). Subsidence and expansion of the basin was
strongly asymmetric to either side of a broad, northwest-
trending structural belt along the trend of the Guapiara
lineament, which is interpreted as a major intraplate
boundary in South America (Eyles and Eyles, 1993;
Tankard et al., 1995).

Sedimentary Facies
Each formation of the Itararé Group is composed of a
lowermost member of thickly bedded, amalgamated
turbidite sandstones (e.g., Cuiaba Paulista Member)
overlain by a fine-grained member dominated by shales,
muddy debris flows, and rain-out diamictites (e.g.,
Chapeu do Sol Member) (Figures 6, 7, 8).
The most striking characteristics of the sandstones in
the Itararé Group are their thickness, massive character,
and textural homogeneity. The sandstones are predomi-
nantly fine to medium in texture and are lithologically
immature, containing large quantities of lithic fragments.
A well-defined secondary porosity can be identified
(Figure 9). The sandstones consist of massive, graded,
Figure 5—Stratigraphic column for the middle part of the and deformed facies emplaced by turbidity currents.
Tepuel Group in the Tecka Range. G1–G3 are prominent Homogeneous sandstone bodies are as thick as 200 m,
glacial intervals; see text for details. See Figure 4 for
suggesting that they are the product of the repeated
stacking and amalgamation of Bouma A turbidite beds.
These facies (e.g., Cuiaba Paulista Member) have a well-
INTRACRATONIC BASINS defined cylindrical gamma ray signature and give rise to
remarkably consistent dipmeter patterns (Figure 8a).
Paraná Basin of Brazil Chaotically deformed facies are locally present and
record postdepositional downslope slumping; liquefac-
The Paraná basin of southern Brazil is the largest tion structures are common. Other thick sandstone
(1.6 × 106 km2) late Paleozoic basin in southern South bodies (e.g., Campo Mourao Member) show well-defined
America (Figure 2). It contains a thick (1400-m) predomi- fining-upward sequences 10–30 m thick composed of
nantly marine glacial succession, the Itararé Group (dos graded sandstones facies (Figure 8b). These facies
Santos, 1987; França and Potter 1991), which has strong contain appreciable muddy matrix material that severely
similarities to strata in the Chaco-Tarija basin of Bolivia restricts their reservoir potential.
and Argentina. Three depositional successions (Silurian– Recent outcrop studies along the margins of the basin
Devonian, Upper Carboniferous–Jurassic, and Creta- have identified large glaciofluvial feeder channels, the
ceous) record repeated phases of subsidence and locations of which are controlled by basement structures
sediment accommodation in the Paraná basin (Oliveira, (Figure 10)‚ but a channeled geometry has so far not been
172 Eyles et al.

Figure 6—Paraná basin of Brazil showing

location of wells used in this study and
representative stratigraphic and resistivity
logs through the Itararé Group in the central
part of the Paraná basin at well 3. Inset
shows the location of Figure 10 in the state
of Mato Grosso.

recognized in the subsurface given the dearth of high- suspended sediment plumes; laminated facies were
quality seismic coverage. Initial interpretations of the deposited from turbidity currents. Shales in general have
thick sandstones of the Itararé Group indicate deposition low total organic carbon content, but form excellent seal
within large submarine channels and associated lobe rocks.
systems controlled by reactivated basement structures
(see Figure 11). Depositional Setting
Diamictite beds consist of scattered clasts in a clayey Primary glacial deposits such as tillites, boulder
silt to muddy sand matrix. Massive facies were pavements, and ice proximal conglomerates and sand-
deposited by the rain-out of mud from suspended stones, together with erosional bedforms such as
sediment plumes together with ice-rafted debris. Strati- glacially scoured basement highs, are well exposed
fied and locally laminated facies record postdepositional around the main outcrop belt of the eastern Paraná basin
downslope redeposition as debris flows. These form between Curitiba and São Paulo (see Rocha-Campos and
blanket-like deposits in the Itararé Group and consist of dos Santos, 1981; dos Santos, 1987). It is probable that this
millimeter- to boulder-sized fragments set in an argilla- zone of ice contact deposits and landforms marks the
ceous matrix. Clast content varies widely; diamictites westward limit of ice flowing out of southern Africa
pass laterally and vertically into marine shales. In many during basin filling (Kaokoveld ice lobe of Franca and
cases, discrimination of rain-out and resedimented Potter, 1991). However, as recognized in southern Africa
components in many diamictite units is not possible and by Visser (1989), basin filling may have followed a long
the term rain-out complex is used. Similar stratigraphic period (20 Ma) of extensive glaciation, uplift, and erosion
complexes composed of in situ rain-out and slumped across the Paraná and Karoo basins for which no sedi-
facies dominate the correlative Dwyka Formation of mentary record survives.
southern Africa (Visser, 1989) and are also reported from During filling, the Paraná basin acted as a steep-sided
many other glaciated basins (e.g., Young and Gostin, trap for prolific volumes of glacially produced sediment,
1991; Eyles, 1993). Typical gamma ray, resistivity, and primarily sand and mud, delivered by glacial meltwaters
dipmeter logs of diamictites are shown in Figure 8c. (Figure 11). The alternation of sandstone and shale
Dipmeter logs are patternless, probably as a result of members in each formation most likely records an
extensive resedimentation, whereas other geophysical overall long-term tectonic control rather than any alter-
logs show a fairly uniform pattern reflecting a fine- nation of climate (glacial–interglacial cycles) or climati-
grained, shale-like matrix. cally driven glacioeustatic or glacioisostatic changes.
Shales form massive blanket-like units across the Stratigraphic cross sections show that shales overstep
basin and accumulated by the settling of fines from sandstones (see Eyles et al., 1993), which indicates basin
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 173

Figure 7—Representative sedi-

mentologic logs of cores
through diamictites (seals) and
turbidite sandstones (reser-
voirs) of the Itararé Group. (a)
Well #2, Cahpeu do Sol
Member. (b) Well #2, Rio
Segredo Member. (c) Well #1,
Cuiba Paulista Member. See
Figure 6 for well locations.
Lithofacies codes are after
Eyles et al. (1983); numbers on
left are depths in meters. Strati-
graphic position of log (c) is
shown on Figure 8a.

subsidence and transgression of the coastline. Short-term Chaco-Paraná Basin of Argentina

climate and sea level changes are beyond the resolving
power of the large-scale basinwide work conducted to The Chaco-Paraná basin contains at least a 2.2-km
date, but given the relatively steep margins of the Paraná thickness of Late Carboniferous–Late(?) Permian strata
basin, the sedimentary effects of such sea level changes present in the subsurface of the Chaco-Paraná plains in
are probably slight. This situation can be contrasted with central and northern Argentina (Figures 1, 12a). Basin
that obtained in the foreland basins of Argentina, where structure and stratigraphy are poorly known from
a high-resolution sea level and climate record may ulti- wildcat drilling and low-density seismic coverage. Mild
mately be resolvable from shallow water, glacially influ- flexural deformation and tilted fault blocks can be seen in
enced shelf strata. Drawing on a wide range of data, seismic sections (Pezzi and Mozetic, 1989). The thickest
Eyles (1993) reviewed the available database and measured section is 2200 m in the Ordoñez stratigraphic
suggested that the maximum glacioeustatic sea level well (Figure 12b).
drawdown resulting from late Paleozoic glaciation was Late Paleozoic sections in wells in the northern Chaco-
unlikely to have been much greater than 70 m. Paraná basin are subdivided into three conformable
174 Eyles et al.

(a) (b)


Figure 8—Stratigraphic and geophysical logs. (a) Sand-

stones of the Cuiaba Paulista Member, well #1. Black bar
indicates cored interval shown in detail in Figure 7c. Note
distinct cylindrical gamma ray pattern between shale
intervals and consistent dipmeter values. Sandstones are
fine to medium grained and texturally mature and record
repeated stacking of Bouma A turbidites, which have
excellent reservoir potential. (b) Campo Mourao Member,
well #5. Fining-upward (FU) cycles identify thick, graded
sandstone units; these are less texturally mature than
those in part (a) and are less attractive exploration targets.
Note greater scatter of dipmeter values compared to part
(a). (c) Diamictites of the Chapeu do Sol Member, well #5.
Note wider scatter of dipmeter values reflecting wide-
spread debris flow during deposition of rain-out diamictite
complexes and shale-like gamma ray log pattern reflecting
fine-grained muddy matrix. See Figure 6 for well locations.

formations (from the bottom up): Sachayoj, Charata, and Chaco-Tarija Basin of Bolivia and
Chacabuco. In contrast, correlative strata in the south are Argentina
grouped into the Ordoñez and the conformably overlying
Victoriano and Rodriguez formations (Mingramm et al., The Chaco-Tarija basin is an asymmetric intracratonic
1979; Russo et al., 1979) (Figures 2, 12b). Well logs show basin that extends more than 1000 km from Peru in the
alternating packets of mudstone, sandstone, and diamic- north to Argentina in the south (Figures 1, 13, 14). Figure
tite containing marine faunas. Stratigraphic, sedimento- 1 shows a much simplified assessment of the structural
logic, and structural similarities with the Paraná basin fill setting of the basin emphasizing the first-order control by
suggest that the same depositional systems developed in late Proterozoic terranes (see Tankard et al., 1995). The
both basins. Nevertheless, both basins appear to have northern boundary of the Chaco is defined by the linear,
been separated by the Asunción arch and likely reflect lineament-defined margin of the Guapore shield of
subsidence of independent fault-bounded subbasins Brazil; to the south, the basin is closed by the Puna and
controlled by late Proterozoic lineaments (F. Wiens, Michicola arches in northwestern Argentina.
personal communication, 1992). In the Chaco-Traija basin, strata deformed during the
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 175

Figure 9—Secondary moldic porosity resulting from

dissolution of feldspar grains in reservoir sandstones of
the Rio Segredo Member of the Itararé Group. Molds are
identifiable by remnant rims of feldspar overgrowth which
are more stable than original detrital grains. P, porosity; Q,
quartz; F, feldspar. Scale bar in upper left is 0.1 mm long.

Chanica orogeny are overlain by a thick Carboniferous

sequence, which commenced deposition in the Early
Carboniferous (Salfity et al., 1987; Suarez, 1989) (Figure 2).
Carboniferous strata are well exposed along the sub-
Andean foothills. Outcrops show muddy diamictite
facies and large sandstone-filled channels up to several
tens of kilometers wide and several hundred kilometers
long (Figure 13), commonly showing large-scale defor-
mation structures and chaotic bedding. In the past, these Figure 10—Generalized outcrop map near Cuiaba, Mato
channels have been interpreted as continental tillites and Grosso, along the northwestern margin of Paraná basin
subaerial meltwater channels, respectively, deposited by (see inset in Figure 6 for location) showing basement
ice margins advancing and retreating across the Chaco structural control on location of sandstone-filled feeder
basin from ice centers to the south and east (Helwig, channels (see Figure 11). (From N. Eyles, unpublished
1972; Salinas et al., 1978). New work (discussed below) data, 1991.)
stresses instead the importance of marine sedimentation
and the paucity of evidence for any direct glacial
dence. Slope failure along the frontal margins of deltas
influence on sedimentation.
may have been the principal mechanism for generating
thick, sandy turbidites. Seismic lines and outcrops show
Facies and Depositional Setting chaotically deformed masses (olistostromes) resulting
Generalized stratigraphic columns based on outcrops from downslope collapse of channel walls or the upslope
in the sub-Andean foothills near Santa Cruz, Bolivia basin margin, most likely in response to large-magnitude
(Figure 15), show thick, channeled sandstones (e.g., earthquakes.
Itacua and Chorro formations) separated by fine-grained Fine-grained intervals that separate sandstones (e.g.,
facies including pebbly mudstones and shales (e.g., Tarija Taiguati Formation) (Figure 15) appear to have been
and Taiguati formations). The Tupambi and Tarija sand- deposited in interchannel settings. These facies
stones form prominent escarpments along the foothills commonly contain rafts and pillows of displaced
belt; shales form recessive units along valley floors. sandstone and muddy diamictite. The latter may record
Sandstones are dominated by thick, amalgamated the “spilling” of coarse-grained turbidites from large
sections of turbidite facies commonly deformed by channels which, as a consequence of being rapidly
slumping. Conglomerates are a minor component. dumped on a muddy substrate, underwent downslope
Amalgamated turbidite sandstones fill the large channels mass flow and mixing with mud. The generation of
discussed in the previous section (Figures 13, 16). The pebbly muds in this fashion is well known (e.g., Crowell,
regional depositional setting appears to have consisted of 1957; Eyles and Eyles, 1989; Eyles, 1990) and has previ-
sand-rich deltas around the basin margin in Argentina ously been suggested for the diamictites of the Chaco
funneling large volumes of sediment to a system of basin (Frakes and Crowell, 1969).
channels along the basin axis (Figure 17a). The great The same basic stratigraphy of large feeder channels
thickness of individual channel fills suggests repeated separated by muddy mass flow deposits can be recog-
stacking and amalgamation of turbidites and rapid subsi- nized in the southern part of the basin in Argentina
176 Eyles et al.

Figure 11—From glacial source to reservoir rock: depositional model for glacially influenced sandstone turbidites of the late
Paleozoic Itararé Group of Brazil. The key to deposition of thick sandstone members (Figures 7, 8) is the occurrence of a
major influx of glaciofluvial sediment and repeated downslope resedimentation by slumps and slump-triggered turbidites.
Position of major feeder channels is controlled by basement faults (Figure 10). Correlative channels are preserved along the
Namibian coastline of southern Africa. Slumps may be generated by earthquakes recording intracratonic faulting during
basin subsidence. Source rocks are Devonian and Permian shales; areally extensive blankets of shales and diamictites (not
shown) form seals. Alternation of sandstone and muddy members in the Itararé Group (Figure 6) may reflect low relative sea
level and progradation of braid deltas, followed by highstands of relative sea level and deposition of transgressive muds.

(Lopez Gamundi, 1986; Starck et al., 1992). There, the Rocha-Campos et al. (1977) described marine fossils,
base of the succession (Tupambi Formation) contains including Levipustula levis Maxwell and Limipecten cf. L.
shallow water indicators and striated boulder pavements; burnettensis Maxwell, from the Taiguati and San Telmo
available data suggest a large deltaic system in close formations (Figure 16) (see also Sempere, 1995). These
proximity to ice and meltwaters. It is likely that this area authors summarize previous work, arguing for a marine
represents the source area for the channeled sandstones connection to the Chaco-Tarija basin and discuss a range
deposited to the north in Bolivia (Figures 13, 17a). of paleogeographic settings. The considerable thickness
It is not yet possible to reconstruct the larger deposi- (hundreds of meters) of sandstone-filled channels in the
tional system or water depths within the Chaco-Tarija Chaco-Traija basin suggests rapid subsidence. Deposi-
basin. The orientation and distribution of channels in the tion occurred within an extensional tectonic regime
basin (Figure 13) suggests that the term fan is not appro- involving rapid basement subsidence in response to
priate because the characteristic diverging pattern of transpressional movements along the nearby Pacific
distributary channels and a single source typical of plate margin. A marine connection to the northwest to
classic fan bodies cannot be identified. “Classic” fans the paleo-Pacific Ocean appears likely, but the basin
develop on simple, unconfined basin floors with a single proper may have had a restricted (brackish) circulation
feeder channel (e.g., Walker, 1992) in contrast to other system dominated by freshwater input from terrestrial
fans that occupy confined basins and do not show a ice centers to large deltas (Figure 17a).
simple diverging network of channels.
A useful morphologic analog for the channel system of
the Chaco-Tarija basin is provided by the eastern
Canadian continental slope and basin plain, which has HYDROCARBONS AND RESERVOIR
experienced repeated Pleistocene glaciation. Hesse and CHARACTERISTICS
Rakofsky (1992) have described a basin-wide network of
converging and subparallel (“Yazoo type”) submarine Foreland basins
channels cut on the floor of the Labrador Sea (Figure
17b). Thick, massive turbidite sands comprise the In the foreland basins of Argentina, stratigraphically
dominant in-channel facies and interfinger with chaoti- complex glacial deposits are poorly prospective because
cally bedded slump facies resulting from the collapse of of a dearth of reservoir quality sandstones and appro-
channel walls. Fine-grained, muddy turbidite facies priate source and seal rocks. In addition, as a conse-
comprise typical overbank facies. Inactive channels are quence of Andean tectonics, most potential reservoirs
buried below thick, mud-rich debris flow deposits origi- have been breached by erosion. Secondary high-risk
nating from the downslope collapse of glacial sediments targets for exploration probably occur in the Andean
dumped along the upper continental slope. These facies foredeep and in footwall basins where upper Paleozoic
are comparable to those of the Chaco-Tarija basin. sandstones lie adjacent to Triassic source shales. Only in
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 177

Figure 12—(a) Chaco-Paraná

basin of Argentina showing
isopachs for upper Paleozoic
fill and principal structural
elements that controlled sedi-
mentation. Open circles
indicate position of exploration
wells. Solid triangles show
presence of diamictite in
subsurface. (b) Stratigraphy for
southern Chaco-Paraná basin
at a YPFB exploration well.
(After Russo et al., 1980.)

the southern Tepuel basin is there some potential for

exploration in postglacial, shallow marine sandstones
winnowed from underlying glacial strata. Porosity is
low, however, ranging from 3 to 8% due to cementation
by silica and micaceous minerals.

Intracratonic Basins
In the intracratonic basins of Argentina, Brazil, and
Bolivia, the principal role of late Paleozoic glaciers has
been to scour surrounding highlands and cratons and to
furnish large volumes of glaciofluvial sand and mud to
rivers feeding coastal deltas and their channelized
submarine equivalents (Figures 11, 17a). Repeated
sediment instability was caused by faulting (earth-
quakes?) and downslope reworking of glaciofluvial
sediment by sediment gravity flows along steep fault-
controlled basin margins. These processes resulted in the
focusing of sand along structural lineaments and the
formation of thick, prospective sandstone bodies.

Chaco-Tarija Basin
In the Chaco-Tarija basin, the Bolivian National Oil
Company (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos,
or YPFB) recovers hydrocarbons from glacially influ-
enced submarine channel fills (Figures 13, 16, 17a). These
Figure 13—Distribution of Carboniferous strata in the strata host significant reservoirs in about 30 oil fields
Chaco basin of Bolivia and schematic distribution of large- (e.g., McCaslin, 1979; Montes de Oca, 1989) and are
scale submarine channels. (After Salinas et al., 1978; sourced from Devonian shales. Oil fields are located in
Tankard et al., 1995. See also Eyles, 1993.) thrust sheets with diamictites as seals. Westward tilting
178 Eyles et al.

Figure 15—Representative stratigraphic columns for the

late Paleozoic in the Argentinian (after Starck et al., 1992)
and Bolivian sectors (Santa Cruz district; after López
Paulsen et al., 1992) of the Chaco-Tarija basin. Note
differing use of formation names in Bolivia and Argentina.
Devonian shales are source rocks (see Figure 14b). The
Tupambi Formation is productive in the Campo Durán-
Madrejones oil field in Argentina. Note coarsening-upward
Figure 14—(a) Chaco-Tarija basin of Argentina and Bolivia
trend from the Itacua to Escarpment Formation probably
showing isopachs for Carboniferous fill and principal
recording progradation of shoreline. Marine fossils are
structural elements that controlled sedimentation. The
reported from the Taiguati and San Telmos formations
basin boundary in the northwest is ill defined. Horizontal
(Rocha-Campos et al., 1977).
ruling shows distribution of thermally mature Devonian
seals. Black ovals show approximate extent of principal oil
and gas fields in Carboniferous. (b) Thermal gradients in turbidite sandstones within the Cuiaba Paulista, Campo
Chaco-Tarija basin. Present oil window (65–100˚C) includes Mourao, and Rio Segredo members of the Itararé Group.
shaly Devonian sections. Position of reconstructed Late In general, reservoir quality is fair to poor because of sili-
Cretaceous 100˚C isotherm suggests maturation
cification and mechanical compaction. Along the central
throughout the Cenozoic. (After Salinas et al., 1978.)
parts of the basin, sandstones are present at depths as
great as 4600 m. Thick, texturally mature sandstone
of the basin during late Cenozoic Andean deformation bodies having cylindrical gamma ray logs (Figure 8a) are
led to migration of hydrocarbons to higher stratigraphic the best targets; other sandstones showing well-defined
levels within thrust sheets. Thermal conditions in the fining-upward characteristics (Figure 8b) offer less attrac-
basin throughout the Cenozoic have been favorable for tive targets because of their higher matrix content.
maturation of Devonian source rocks (Figure 14b). The Campo Mourao Formation (Figure 6) contains the
Because of repeated cutting and filling and the evolution majority of potential reservoirs. This is related to the
of multistory channels fills, stratigraphic correlations development of secondary porosity caused by dissolu-
from sub-Andean outcrops to seismic sections within the tion of early calcite and anhydrite cements and, to a
basin are difficult. Most oil finds were made in the course lesser extent, dissolution of feldspars and unstable lithics
of drilling to deeper Devonian targets. during intrusion of Jurassic–Cretaceous dikes and sills
(Figure 9). Large volumes of carboxylic acids and
Paraná Basin groundwater rich in carbon dioxide were released from
In Brazil, more than 110 exploration holes have been the intrusives as a result of the maturation of organic
completed to date in the Paraná basin, with the most matter (França and Potter, 1991). The best reservoirs of
important reservoir targets being the thick, amalgamated the Itararé Group occur in the uppermost sandstones of
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 179

plots show that the Ponta Grossa Formation entered the

oil window at about 200 Ma and remained there until
about 135 Ma; the Irati Shale entered the oil generation
window at about this time (Oliveira, 1989). Intrusion of
the Serra Geral lavas played a major role in elevating
maturation levels by direct thermal heating and by accel-
erating basin subsidence. The base of the Itararé Group is
beyond the preservation limit for wet gas, but several
holes show dry gas composed largely of methane
(typically about 85%), with less than 5% of ethane,
propane, isobutane, and normal butane. The most
(a) promising test to date shows a gas flow rate of 51,000
m3/day in sandstones of the Campo Mourao Formation,
where a diabase sill forms a seal (Zalán et al., 1990).
Exploration in the Paraná basin is complicated by the
thick cover of Upper Jurassic Serra Geral lavas, but
underlying upper Proterozoic basement structures
appear to have dictated the geometry of successive
phases of late Paleozoic extension and basin expansion
(Eyles and Eyles, 1993). Oliveira (1989) presented the
results of backstripping analyses and showed that the
greatest amount of subsidence between the Silurian and
the Cretaceous occurred during deposition of the
Permian–Carboniferous Itararé Group. Hercynian oroge-
nesis along the paleo-Pacific margin of southern South
(b) America resulted in the “far-field” reactivation of the
Curibita-Guapiara structural zone and associated linea-
ments (Figure 3). The changing state of stress within the
interior of the continent as Gondwana underwent a
clockwise rotation may have controlled renewed
intracratonic subsidence.
In the Paraná basin, thickness isopachs for successive
stratigraphic members show a strong basement control
on both depocenters and sediment sources during depo-
sition of the Itararé Group (see Eyles et al., 1993, for
details). The models of Prior and Bornhold (1986) and
Syvitski and Farrow (1989) describe strongly focused
sedimentation dominated by mass flow within the
(c) confines of steep-sided glaciated fiord basins. These
models may be appropriate for sandstones of the Itararé
Figure 16—(a) Base of turbidite-filled channel cutting Group in the Paraná basin (Figure 11). The same reacti-
across slumped sandstones and diamictites (Tarija vation processes on a different scale have probably
Formation, near Samaipata, Bolivia). Section is 30 m high. controlled fluid migration along structural lineaments.
(b) Olistostromes of turbidite sandstone and diamictite, Faulting also results in abrupt juxtaposition of sandstone
Tarija Formation. Section is 15 m high. (c) Pebbly against fine-grained facies.
mudstone debris flow of the Tupambi Formation with bed
A clear relationship among basement lineaments,
base identified by clasts and interbedded graded (turbidite)
sandstones. paleocurrents, and sandstone body geometry is evident
in outcrops along the northwestern outcrop belt of the
Itararé Group near Rondonopolis (Figure 10). The
the Rio Segredo Member (Figure 6). Because of their positions of large sandstone-filled feeder channels are
shallow depth, these show the least mechanical controlled by grabens in the underlying basement
compaction of all the Itararé sandstones and also have (Figure 11). Similar structural relationships between
little clay matrix. The cleanliness of the sandstones is the basement and so-called preglacial valleys crop out along
result of elutriation of fines by repeated downslope the southeastern basin margin south of São Paulo (e.g.,
turbidity flow. Rio Segredo sandstones are sealed by Martin, 1953, 1964; Martin et al., 1958; Mau, 1960). These
thick (10 m average), extensive (>600 km2) diamictites. preserve coarse-grained, subaqueous mass flow and
Devonian shales of the Ponta Grossa Formation are subaerial outwash facies and, most significantly, can be
the principal source rocks for gas and condensate shows correlated with other paleovalleys exposed in north-
in the Itararé Group (Zalán et al., 1990). Local oil finds in western Damaraland, Namibia (Horsthemke et al., 1990).
the overlying postglacial Rio Bonito Formation are Valleys are structurally controlled by northwest-trending
sourced from the Upper Permian Irati Shale. Geohistory late Proterozoic basement lineaments parallel to the
180 Eyles et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 17—(a) Generalized depositional setting for the

glacially influenced strata of the Chaco-Tarija basin. (b)
Yazoo-type channels on the floor of the Labrador Sea (after
Hesse and Rakofsky, 1992). Compare with channel
systems shown in Figure 13. The tectonic and bathymetric
setting is different from the Chaco-Tarija basin and only the
gross disposition of channels is compared here.

Guapiara lineament in Brazil and the trend of the cratons, thereby focusing glacial meltwaters and
Damara belt in southern Africa (see Tankard et al., 1995, sediments into structurally controlled depocenters. Other
and figure 16.9 in Eyles, 1993). In the Paraná basin, they basins lacking any basement control on drainage appear
contain significant postglacial coal deposits. to lack the means of focusing sediment and water,
With only about 30 wildcat wells, the Chaco-Paraná resulting in dispersal of coarse sediment around the
basin of Argentina is the least studied of all the glacially basin margins. Structurally controlled sources and
influenced basins in southern South America. As a result depocenters appear to be persistent through time and
of lithostratigraphic similarities and lack of independent may promote basin subsidence as a result of rapid
detailed information, exploration targets and inferred sediment loading adjacent to faulted basement. In turn,
reservoir charactistics are likely to be similar to those this may enhance sediment instability and downslope
described for the Paraná basin of Brazil. mass flow by earthquakes, leading to the accumulation
of thick turbidite sandstones. The axiomatic assumption
made by many petroleum geologists that the terms
DISCUSSION glaciated basin and poorly prospective are synonomous is
clearly misplaced.
The tectonostratigraphic model established here for
prospective glacigenic sandstones in intracratonic basins
in central and southern South America may be of wider
application. Broadly similar tectonic controls on the
formation of glaciated intracratonic basins in Australia Acknowledgments N. Eyles and C. H. Eyles thank the
can be identified (Eyles, 1993), and a common character- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
istic of several of these basins is the presence of thick, for funding fieldwork in South America and for providing an
prospective sandstones (e.g., Grant Group of the International Scientific Exchange award to support G.
Canning basin; O’Brien, 1992). In contrast, other late González Bonorino’s sabbatical leave at the University of
Paleozoic glacially influenced basins are dominated by Toronto. González Bonorino thanks NSERC for making this
muddy facies, such as shales and rain-out diamictite collaborative work possible and the Eyles for their hospitality.
complexes, with an absence of thick sandstones (e.g., França’s stay at Toronto was funded by Conselho Nacional de
Karoo basin; Visser, 1989). This contrast can be argued to Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologo, Petrobras, and
be a direct result of regional basement structure and the NSERC. We thank Tony Tankard, Edison Milani, Paul Potter,
presence or absence of major lineament systems that Paulo dos Santos, Tony Rocha-Campos, and Fernando Wiens
controlled drainage patterns, sediment sources, and for discussions. The ideas presented herein are those of the
depocenters. Eyles et al. (1993) showed that basement authors. The manuscript was reviewed by Johan Visser, Tony
lineaments play a fundamental role in basin filling by Tankard, and Barend van Hoorn, whom we thank for their
capturing meltwater runoff from glacially scoured valuable comments.
Hydrocarbon-Bearing Late Paleozoic Glaciated Basins of Southern and Central South America 181

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