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Upper Pa: Sa fingering with either the middle and/or ring finger of right hand
2. Upper D1: R1 fingering (i.e., second hole half open) with either the middle
and/or ring finger of right hand closed.
3. Upper D2: D2 fingering with ring finger of right hand closed. Without artful
blowing you may end up with upper M1.
4. Upper Sa: Sa fingering with the middle, ring and little finger of right hand

The atitAra ShaDja can be produced by closing

Middle + Ring fingers of Left Hand
Index + Middle fingers of Right Hand

(with optional support of right hand little finger)

BTW, not all flutes may produce this note

andra sThAyi Kakali Ni: All except 3 closed (ie, close 1,2,4,5,6,7). To take Sa-Ni-
Sa-Ni, open and close the 4th hole. This is typically used for Sa Ni Sa phrase in

Madhya sThAyi Sadharana Ga (Small Ga) (also for shadshruthi Ri): 1, 4 open and
others (2,3,5,6,7) closed. If you want a gamakam there, open and close hole 3.
Usage: Sa Ga Sa, Ma Ga Ma in Hindolam. Sa Ri,,,, Ga in Vagadheeswari (with a
gamakam on shadshruthi Ri as mentioned above). I was told that Mali used to play
"ParamAthmudu" in this way.

madhya sThAyi sudhha Dha: All except 5 closed (ie, 1,2,3,4,6,7 closed). Usage: Ma
Dha Ma in Hindolam, Ma,,(Dha) Ma Ga in Saveri (to get a touch of Dha1 while moving
from Ma to Ga).
In Hindolam, a druTha kAlam MaDhaMa-GaMaGa-SaGaSa can utilise the two fingerings
mentioned above (for Ga and Dha).

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