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Top Ten onstat Commands

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onstat -D
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 20:48:40 -- 72616 s


address number flags fchunk nchunks flags owner name

c3fa80e8 1 1 1 1 N informix rootdbs

c3fa84b0 2 2001 2 1 N T informix tempdbs
c3fa8518 3 1 3 1 N informix db1
c3fa8580 4 1 4 1 N informix db2

4 active, 2047 maximum


address chk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname

c3fa8150 1 1 0 1259 289 /home/informix/ROOTDBS

c3fa8228 2 2 0 11 11 /home/informix/TEMPDBS
c3fa8300 3 3 0 6 0 /home/informix/db1
c3fa83d8 4 4 0 6 0 /home/informix/db2

4 active, 2047 maximum

Monitor the number of page reads and page writes in the "page Rd" and "page Wr" columns. This can be
used to determine how even the I/O access to each chunk is. Remember that there may be multiple chunks
on a single device.

onstat -F
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 20:51:45 -- 72616 s
Fg Writes LRU Writes Chunk Writes

0 103 311

address flusher state data

c3faa444 0 I 0 = 0X0

states: Exit Idle Chunk Lru

Monitor the types of writes occurring in you system. Foreground (Fg Writes) should be eliminated. LRU
Writes and Chunk Writes will vary depending on the type of system you have. An OLTP system should
maximize LRU Writes. There will always be some Chunk Writes, but LRU Writes will speed up
checkpoint duration. In a DSS system, Chunk Writes should be maximized. Some LRU Writes may still
occur in an effort to eliminate foreground writes(Fg Writes).

Also monitor page cleaners (flushers) at checkpoint time. Make sure they are all busy doing Chunk Writes.

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onstat -l
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 20:56:26 -- 72616 s

Physical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io

P-2 0 16 274 22 12.45

phybegin physize phypos phyused %used

10003f 500 433 0 0.00

Logical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io

L-2 0 16 2437 113 31 21.6 3.6

address number flags uniqid begin size used %used

c3ecc55c 1 U-B---- 7 100233 250 250 100.00

c3ecc578 2 U---C-L 8 10032d 250 106 42.40
c3ecc594 3 F------ 0 100427 250 0 0.00
c3ecc5b0 4 F------ 0 100521 250 0 0.00
c3ecc5cc 5 U-B---- 5 10061b 250 250 100.00
c3ecc5e8 6 U-B---- 6 100715 250 250 100.00

Monitor the physical log buffer usage. Observe the bufsize and the pages/io columns of the first line of the
output. If (pages/io) / (bufsize) is roughly 75% then the buffer is being utilized efficiently. If it is less then
75% then the physical log buffer is probably too large. If the ratio is greater than 90% then the physical log
buffer is potentially too small.

Monitor the logical log buffer usage the same way as the physical log buffer. However, if unbuffered
logging is being used, the flushing of the buffer will depend on the size of transactions, not the utilization
of the buffer. This rule may not apply. If most transactions are smaller than a page of the logical log buffer,
this ratio may always be low. Just keep the logical log buffers at there defaults.

The physical log file should be monitored near checkpoint time to determine if the percent used is near
75%. A well tuned physical log file will be nearly full at checkpoint time. If the physical log file is not
being filled up, then it is wasting disk space.

Also, the logical log files should be monitored to be sure that they are being backed up. By using the
sysmasters database, it can be determined which logical log files have been freed. Look at the systrans
table for min(tx_loguniq>0) to find the last log file containing an open transaction.

onstat -m
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 20:57:47 -- 72616 s

Message Log File: /home/informix/online.log

13:09:47 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces

13:09:47 On-Line Mode
13:09:47 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
14:04:50 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
14:14:51 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
14:24:54 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
14:29:54 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.

Mon Nov 4 11:23:51 1996

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11:23:51 Logical Log 7 Complete.

11:27:10 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.

Tue Dec 31 11:16:01 1996

11:16:01 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.

11:21:00 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
11:26:01 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
11:36:01 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.

Monitor the online message log file for unusual events which may occur. Also keep tabs on the frequency
and duration of checkpoints.

onstat -p
Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.30.UC2E3 -- On-Line -- Up 15:30:00 -- 30704 Kbytes

dskreads pagreads bufreads %cached dskwrits pagwrits bufwrits %cached
14864 46995 6301400 99.76 22142 49296 670458 96.70

isamtot open start read write rewrite delete commit rollbk

4931349 8898 511695 1389809 901215 1368 1137 858 0

gp_read gp_write gp_rewrt gp_del gp_alloc gp_free gp_curs

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ovlock ovuserthread ovbuff usercpu syscpu numckpts flushes

0 0 165 104.08 2.76 10 384

bufwaits lokwaits lockreqs deadlks dltouts ckpwaits compress seqscans

1457 0 22486669 0 0 0 329 805

ixda-RA idx-RA da-RA RA-pgsused lchwaits

44 1983 5561 7583 8

The profile information has many things that can be monitored.

The read percent cached is important for an OLTP system. The read percent cached should be 95% or
higher. This is not always possible because of the applications use of the data. But it is a starting point.
Adding more buffers generally will increase the read percent cache.

The write percent cached can also be monitored. But it is much harder to tune. As buffers increase, so
should the write percent cache. 85% or higher is a beginning target. However, depending on the
application, that percentage may not be achieved.

Lock contention can be monitored by looking at the lokwaits and lockreqs columns. If lokwaits are 1% or
higher that of lockreqs, you may have lock contention. Changing the way application use isolation levels
and locks will help improve lock contention.

Deadlocks within applications can be detected by the deadlks and dltouts columns. Deadlks is a count of
the number of dead locks detected and aborted by online. Dltouts is a count of the number of queries which
have had the deadlock timeout time expire. Dead lock timeouts only occur for distributed queries. If
deadlocks are occurring, changes will be required in the application.

Read ahead efficiency can be monitored. Add up the values in the ixda-RA, idx-RA, and da-RA columns
and compare the sum to RA-pgsused. If the sum of pages read ahead is not nearly equal to the number of
pages used, then too many pages are being read ahead. Reduce the RA_PAGES parameter. An additional
effect of this will be a reduction of the read percent cache.

Additionally, the RA_THRESHOLD needs to be set close to RA_PAGES or the bufwaits column will
increase as the database engine is waiting for the read aheads to complete before it can use the pages.

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onstat -R
# of dirty buffers in each LRU queue
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 20:59:53 -- 72616 s

8 buffer LRU queue pairs

# f/m length % of pair total

0 F 25 100.0% 25
1 m 0 0.0%
2 f 25 100.0% 25
3 m 0 0.0%
4 f 25 100.0% 25
5 m 0 0.0%
6 f 25 100.0% 25
7 m 0 0.0%
8 f 25 100.0% 25
9 m 0 0.0%
10 f 25 100.0% 25
11 m 0 0.0%
12 f 25 100.0% 25
13 m 0 0.0%
14 f 25 100.0% 25
15 m 0 0.0%

0 dirty, 200 queued, 200 total, 256 hash buckets, 2048 buffer size

start clean at 60% (of pair total) dirty, or 15 buffs dirty, stop at 50%

Observe the percent of pages in the modified side of each queue at checkpoint time and compare it to the
LRU MAX DIRTY parameter. The percentage should always be less than LRU MAX DIRTY. If it is not,
then either there are not enough pagecleaners to perform write requests, not enough AIO vps, or KAIO
threads to perform physical writes, or the disk controllers or the drives themselves are saturated.

For OLTP systems, reducing LRU MAX DIRTY below the percentage of dirty pages in the LRU queue
generally will decrease the duration of checkpoints.

onstat -g ioq
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 21:06:48 -- 72616 Kbytes

AIO I/O queues:

q name/id len maxlen totalops dskread dskwrite dskcopy
adt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
msc 0 0 1 114 0 0 0
aio 0 0 1 1031 14 476 0
pio 0 0 1 27 0 27 0
lio 0 0 1 147 0 147 0
gfd 3 0 1 211 187 24 0
gfd 4 0 152 35991 14627 21364 0
gfd 5 0 140 630 50 580 0

Monitor the len and maxlen columns of the I/O request queues. A maxlen of greater than 25 or a len of 10
which is consistent indicates that the requests are not being serviced fast enough. Adding more VPs will
help if the disks or controllers are not already saturated.

onstat -g lsc
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 123 days 01:39:41 -- 72616 s
Light Scan Info

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descriptor address next_lpage next_ppage ppage_left bufcnt look_aside

0 c41edcd0 87 500223 490 1 N
1 c41efe68 85 6000cc 497 1 Y
1 c41f07b8 83 7000cc 497 1 Y

Use onstat -g lsc to determine if light scans are being utilized. If the size of the table is larger than the size
of the buffers and the isolation level is set to dirty read, or committed read with a shared lock on the table,
then light scans should happen. Light scans will significantly speed up large table scans. The ppage_left
column will display the number of pages still to scan for a given fragment of a table.

Onstat -g ntd
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.12.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 122 days 21:01:14 -- 72616
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
5/ 8 50 2750 12000 1/ 1 279/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1

Client Type Calls Accepted Rejected Read Write

sqlexec yes 50 0 2700 12000
srvinfx yes 0 0 0 0
onspace yes 0 0 0 0
onlog yes 0 0 0 0
onparam yes 0 0 0 0
oncheck yes 0 0 0 0
onload yes 0 0 0 0
onunload yes 0 0 0 0
onmonitor yes 0 0 0 0
dr_accept yes 0 0 0 0
cdraccept no 0 0 0 0
ontape yes 0 0 0 0
srvstat yes 0 0 0 0
asfecho yes 0 0 0 0
listener yes 0 0 50 0
crsamexec yes 0 0 0 0
safe yes 0 0 0 0
onutil yes 0 0 0 0
Totals 50 0 2750 12000

Monitor the number of accepted vs. rejected connections. If there are a large number of rejections then
either the user table has overflowed (onstat -p ovuserthreads) or the network is timing out on the

Onstat -g ppf
INFORMIX-OnLine Version 7.13.UC2 -- On-Line -- Up 3 days 15:51:58 -- 213816 Kbytes

Partition profiles
partnum lkrqs lkwts dlks touts isrd iswrt isrwt isdel bfrd bfwrt seqsc rhitratio
0x100001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0x100002 195 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 152 0 3 95
0x100003 366 0 0 0 170 0 0 0 432 0 0 94
0x100004 77 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 84 0 0 89
0x100005 12 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 12 0 0 75
0x100006 17 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 20 0 0 65
0x100007 17 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 17 0 0 83
0x100008 45 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 48 0 0 82
0x100009 69 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 97 0 3 93
0x10000d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 50
0x100010 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 50
0x100012 22 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 28 0 0 65
0x100013 26 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 30 0 0 87
0x100014 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 56
0x100015 60 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 72 0 0 88
0x100016 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 67
0x100017 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 67

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0x100018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 50
0x10001a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 50

Monitor the number of read and write operations which are occurring on open fragments of tables using
isrd, iswrt, isrwt and sdel. Since only open tables are listed, sampling onstat -g ppf over time provides good
indication of which tables are most frequently used. Determine if sequential scans are being used to read
data from the table using seqsc. Compare fragments from the same table to determine If I/O is balanced
across the fragments of the table.

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