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Here's a list of the GM commands available to us on RPH.

There might be more

listed, some which I haven't found, but here's a list regardless:
.additem - adds an item into your inventory. It can be done by doing ".additem
<itemID> <how many> <bonusID>" where <itemID> is either the item's ID from wowhead,
or just shift-click the item in the chat. The <how many> is how many copies of the
item you want. The <bonusID> is which version of the item you want (LFR, normal,
heroic, mythic), but if you leave that out, it will by default add the NORMAL item

The bonus ID values are:

451 - LFR
565 - normal
566 - heroic
567 - mythic

- I want to add a bag item called "Baggie" which is a 36 slot bag, with the item ID
500008 and I need 4 of them. I do this: .additem 500008 4
- I want the mythic version of "Purifier's Gloves", so I do this:
.additem 138310 1 567
.additemset - adds an item set into your inventory. You can find the item set ID on
wowhead. Just go to: main page -> Database -> Item sets and you'll find the ID
number for the set.
.announce - send a global message to all players (a global chat method)
.appear - teleport yourself to the specified player (either if you select them as
target, or if you type their name; example: .appear Lazulli)
.bank - opens up your bank window
.barbershop - summons the barbershop customization window anywhere you'd be
.cheat - has several subcommands: casttime, cooldown, power, waterwalk, explore.
.cheat casttime - enables/disables spell cast time (if enabled makes every spell
.cheat cooldown - enables/disables spell cooldowns (if enabled removes all
.cheat power - enables/disables spell costs, like mana, rage, energy
.cheat waterwalk - enables/disables walking on water
.cheat explore - explores every area of the map (in the region you currently are)
.combatstop - if you're in combat and can't leave it, use this or enable GM mode
.cometome - makes the selected NPC come to your current location (this won't save
the new position to the Database. Upon restart or respawn, it will resume it's
original spawn place)
.commands - display all available commands relevant to your account level
.cooldown - removes any existant cooldowns on your spells
.dismount - if you're mounted, it will dismount you
.event - (correct syntax: .event activelist) it will display which game events are
currently active (example: Noblegarden, Winterveil, etc.)
.face - unknown what it does currently.
.gannounce - Advertise your guild in the guildAdvertismentChannel
.global - send a global message to all players (a global chat method)
.gm on/off - Enables/cancels GM mode
.gm fly on/off - Enables/cancels flight
.gm ingame - displays a list of GMs active in-game (irrelevant for us)
.go - Teleports the player to various places. It has the following subcommands:
creature, graveyard, grid, object, quest, taxinode, trigger, zonexy, xyz,
bugticket, complaintticket, suggestionticket. The only RELEVANT ones are: .go
object / .go xyz
.go object - teleports you to a game object. It is done so: .go object #object_guid
where "#gobject_guid" is a number, a unique number identifying the object you
selected. To select an object, just stand in it or right next to it, and do .gobj
.go xyz - teleports you to a certain point on the map you're in, given that you
know the x,y,z coordinates. It's way too complicated to be explained, and has very
few uses.
.gobject - The command which handles game objects (everything from buildings, to
doors, clutter, small objects, structures, etc). It has the following subcommands:
activate, delete, rel, move, select, scale, autoselect, go, angle, makeatemplate,
multispawn, clone, tele, undo. It can be shortened to ".gobj". NOTE - all the
commands here work only if you select a game object first!
.gobj select - selects the current game object you are facing, or are inside of.
.gobj activate - activates the selected game object (not many uses)
.gobj delete - deletes the selected game objects
.gobj rel - moves the game object relative to your orientation in the direction
specified, like .xgps
.gobj move - moves selected game object the specified amount of yards in its own
orientation, in the direction specified. Example, after selecting the object, you
type this: .gobj move #yards f/b/l/r (where f / b / l / r - is front / back /
left / right).
-> example: .gobj move 3 b (moves the selected object 3 yards back)
.gobj scale - scales selected object (max size is 10, minimum size is 0.1 or less)
.gobj autoselect - toggles automaticly selecting the object once you spawn it (on
or off)
.gobj go -
.gobj angle -
.gobj maketemplate -
.gobj multispawn -
.gobj clone -
.gobj tele -
.gobj undo -
.gold - adds max gold to your inventory
.gps - displays the information for a selected character or creature (yourself if
nothing is selected). Can also display the GPS info on a player's name without
selecting them. It includes the X, Y, Z position, orientation, map ID and zone ID.
.guild -
.help -
.learn -
.listfreeze -
.maxskill -
.modify -
.morph -
.myposition -
.npc -
.pandarenpickfaction -
.phase -

.playemote -
.playmusic -
.recall -
.refresh -
.repairitems -
.respawn -
.rp -

.save -
.sendtabard -
.setmissile -
.sysmessages -
.tele -
.toggleannounce -
.toggleglobal -
.togglerpannounce -
.topfive -
.unaura -
.unlearn -

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