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Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled "The Meaning and Understanding of
Shy" is properly and correctly, and on time.
This paper is structured so that readers can know how important application of English
language in daily life.This paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties
come from outside as well as from parties concerned it self. And because the aid and help of
God Almighty, these papers can be finally resolved.
This is a paper about " The Meaning and Understanding of Shy " and deliberately
chosen because in this day and age the use of English need to have the support of all those who
care about the world of education.
The compilers also thanked to Mrs. Syarifah Soim, M.Pd as the lecturer in English
subject. Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. Untuksaran and please his constituents. Thank you.

Majalengka, 29 September 2017



COVER............................................................................................................................... i
PREFACE........................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. iii
1. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 1
1.1.Issue Background.................................................................................................. 1
1.2.Problem Identification........................................................................................... 1
1.3.Purpose of The Paper ........................................................................................... 1
2. CHAPTER II TEORI................................................................................................ 2
2.1.Definition of the shy............................................................................................. 2
2.2.The essence of the shy.......................................................................................... 3
2.3.The suggestion to shy behavior............................................................................ 3
3. CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................................................ 5
REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 6


1.1 Issue Background

If the meaning of shame is to prevent from doing something that is despicable, then
the call to shame is essentially a call to prevent all immorality and evil. Besides, shame is the
hallmark of goodness, which is always desired by every human being. They see that not having
shame is a deficiency and a disgrace.
Basically, Islam in its whole law and doctrine is an invitation that rests on goodness
and truth. It is also a call to abandon everything that is disgraceful and shameful.
Humans are now rare to have shame examples in our daily lives we often witness
humans who no longer have the shame when violating the conscience and rules of life. Try to
see and read through mass media. Not a few people who freely commit violations of the
conscience and norms of the prevailing society. From the start they dress, behave and behave.
So as Parents and educators are also obliged to instill shame in earnest. To do so, they
should use good educational methods, such as watching the children's behavior and immediately
straightening out when seeing shame contrary to shame, picking good playmates, picking out
useful books, keeping away from destructive spectacle, and keep away from bad talk

1.2 Problem Identification

The writer has some problems which needs to identify. The problem that the writer
identified as having relation to:
1. What The meaning of shy?
2. What the understanding of shy

1.3 Purpose of the Paper

Every analysis has certain purposes or objectives to be obtained and avoid deviation
from what has been planned. The objectives of this analysis are:
1. To explain The meaning of shy.
2. To explain the understanding of shy.

2.1 Definition of the shy

Shy is the characteristic or sensitivity of someone that can fortify them to do
unconscionable and undignified thing. Shy can make someone to be on the glory position. Who
did not have the shy is someone who has the low attitude and cannot handle the passion. [1]
The shy character in Arabic language is al-haya’, it is the character that can save the
owner from some deeds which can make the owner to be contemptible in front of the human or
The God. The others or one’s own. Who have the shy character are who will not leave their
selves to the objection thing. Many wickedness are there because of the losing of shy character
from the subject.
The word of haya’ is came from the word hayyat it is mean live. Al-hayya included in
af’alul Qolbi it is mean that more live the heart of someone will make the shy sense of someone
bigger then before. And who has die heart, he will not hard to do the badness. The perfect one is
who has the shy character. Live will be precious when someone has the shy character on thyself.
Some kinds of the shy character which are adhere on thyself :
1. Shy with one’s own, shy for more little than others to do the piety to god or the
2. Shy with the human,
3. Shy with The God, it is the best shy and can bring us to the happiness live. Always
believe that God always keep an eye to everything. [3]

The high level of shy character is shy to god, and some kinds of its shy are :
1. Shy in front of God if doing wickedness
2. Shy in front of God if did not do observance maximally
3. Sh in front of God if did not give thanks to Allah for the luxury which has given to us,
and cannot use it well
4. Shy in front of God when act up to God,
5. Shy in front of God when love Him. [4]

The shy must be explore by everyone in all of their activities. With it, someone can
hold up from bad, contemptible, and shameful thing. With the shy someone will be regretful if
he or she late for doing the goodness. But, if the shy was lost from someone, continually his or
her characteristic will be worse. Rasulullah said that, “ actually Allah . if He want to kill out
someone, He will take the shy characteristic from him or her. [5]
“When the sense of shy was taken, so you will not meet him or her except hated. When did not
meet except was hated, so will be alienated herself or himself from the trusteeship. When the
trusteeship was alienated, so you will not find her or him except he or she is the traitor and was
sold a pass. And when he or she is be the traitor, then will be alienated from the God’s mercy.
Then you will not meet her or him except the accursed one. Then will alienated his or her sense
of islam” ( H.R. Ibn Majjah ) [6]

2.2 The essence of the shy

Faith and shy is like the two sides of money that will never be separated. As rasulullah
said, “ faith and shy, that two are couple, if there is no one of them, so it will make other was
Shy is the nature of the human soul, shy will be more with the attitude and struggle, it
will be less with underestimate to some orders of religion and some rules of syari’ah. How
really that came from sunnah Bukhori and muslim about Rasulullah has said that.
From Abu Hurairah ra. He said that, Rasulullah SAW said : “Iman itu terdiri dari 70
atau 60 cabang. Yang paling utama dari cabang itu adalah ucapan: laa ilaa ha illallah, dan yang
paling rendah dari cabang iman itu adalah menyingkirkan duri di jalan dan malu itu adalah
cabang dari iman.”
The shy was born with man himself that lend itself to avoid bad deed, and leave
unreasonable behavior, also avoid for dereliction to fulfill the right and obligation. Rsulullah
said : “ shy all of you with The God with the real shy!” [7] shahabat answer : “ alhamdulillh, we
are ashame with Allah , ya Rasulullah.”
Nabi clarify : “ that is not what I mean. Shy to God is keep the head and what has been
taken in.” he said again, “ the shy will not bring everything except the goodness. “[8]

2.3 The suggestion to shy behavior

Rasulullah order to his members to have shy behavior. It is included on the part of faith.
He said, “ if you do not have the shy so do what you want, up to you. “ it is mean that if you do
not have the shy that hold up you to do the badness, so do it over what do you want to do. And it
is the threat.
This hadist said about the permission to do something that do not look make shy base
on syara’ even it look for shame base on a ignominy, so do up to you. For example, Rasulullah
did not look at other continually, he turn from someone that has bad speech and he would moved
to other topic.
Sayyidah Aisyah said that : “ if there is something that was hated by Rasul, he did not
say ‘ what fulan mean to say thus ?’ but he said,’ what the meaning of someone said like that?’
he avoid fulan to do something without named him. “
Rasulullah will extend what he want to inform with a play upon word with something which is
forced to be explore, if it is not suitable to tell directly.

3.1 Conclusion
1. Shy is the characteristic or sensitivity of someone that can fortify them to do
unconscionable and undignified thing.
2. The shy must be explore by everyone in all of their activities. With it, someone can hold
up from bad, contemptible, and shameful thing
3. Shy is the nature of the human soul, shy will be more with the attitude and struggle, it
will be less with underestimate to some orders of religion and some rules of syari’ah
3.2 Suggest
Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this paper, of course, there
are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the knowledge and the lack of
reference or the reference has to do with the title of this paper. Author much hope dear readers,
providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect paper to the author in the writing
of the paper in the next opportunities.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in general.
Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.
1. Jabir , Abu Bakar Al-Jazair. , 2008. My Bleoved Prophet, Jakarta : Qisthi Press
2. M Rofiqi dkk, dalam Papernya Sifat Malu
3. Alwi , Sayyid Muhammad Al-Maliki. 1999. Insan Kamil, Sosok Keteladanan
Muhammad, Surabaya : Dunia Ilmu
4. Ali , Abul Hasan Al-Husaini. 2001. Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi
Hamdi, Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press
5. Fatani , Abdul Halim. 2008. Ensiklopedia Hikmah, Yogyakarta : Darul Hikmah,

[1] Abdul Halim Fatani, Ensiklopedia Hikmah, Yogyakarta : Darul Hikmah, 2008, hlm. 412
[2] ibid, hlm. 223
[3] Ibid, hlm. 413
[4] Ibid, hlm 223
[5] Ibid, hlm. 413
[6] Ibid.
[7] Sayyid Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki, Insan Kamil, Sosok Keteladanan Muhammad, Surabaya
: Dunia Ilmu, 1999, hlm. 135
[8] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi Hamdi,
Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001, hlm. 541
[9] Abu Bakar Jabir Al-Jazairi, My Bleoved Prophet, Jakarta : Qisthi Press, 2008, hlm. 646
[10] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi Hamdi,
Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001, hlm. 541
[11] Sayyid Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki, Insan Kamil, Sosok Keteladanan Muhammad,
Surabaya : Dunia Ilmu, 1999, hlm. 136
[12] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi Hamdi,
Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001,, hlm. 539
[13] Ibid, hlm. 541
[14] http://faisalchoir.blogspot.sg/2011/05/sifat-tawadhu_17.html

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