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Zara P

Lighting Techniques Research

Lighting helps to express emotion/feelings, genre of song and emphasis the mood.

Hard Light Soft Light

Hard light is light directly pointed at the ‘object’ Soft Light is less intense and thus creates soft-edged
creating a sharp resolution with hard-edged shadows, this lighting reduces shadows and is more
shadows. Hard lighting will draw attention to focused on the wider resolution than the detail.

Three Point Light Light Colour

 Key Light- strongest, can create shadows,  Important feature of filming is the light colour
focus, light intensity can be high. can create meaning and symbolise things.
 Fill Light- fills in shadows, reducing them  The rainbow light can be created which is
 Back Light- creates glowing rim, person creative and unique.
stands out.  Sunset/sunshine can draw attention to shot for
the colours and beauty.

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