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Harmony is a place where the flow of ch'i and harmony with the Tao are a
law of nature. Any change, anything that would perturb the peace and
tranquillity of the place, is automatically compensated for -- violently,
if need be -- so that society returns to its natural state. However, most
changes are compensated simply by setting aside space for the new things,
and adapting to them. Violence is rare, since karma is a real and
tangible thing in Harmony.

Normal, Earth Prime gunpowder exists in and works in Harmony, for otherwise
there could be no fireworks. In fact, the physics generally match that of
Earth Prime, with the additional law of nature that any object that is not
harmonious with its surroundings (i.e. that disrupts the chi flow) will
eventually grind to a halt. (For those who are interested, this means that
entropy actually varies depending on the chi flow -- harmonious objects are
subject to less entropic interference on the system than disharmonious
ones. Entropy can never be cheated, but it can be reduced to nearly zero.)
Internal combustion and steam power will work for a time, but as pollution
and other forms of disharmony mount, such devices tend to break down,
succumbing to a form of mechanical bad karma. Wind and water power are the most
common "mundane" forms of energy in Harmony.

This does not mean the people are not comfortable. The basic principles of
ch'i manipulation, including feng shui and acupuncture, are known to all
who create and build, and so water pipes and electric items run by stored
wind power are designed with the flow of chi in mind as well as the flow of
water or electrons. The comforts of the people of Harmony are not just
functional, but beautiful and harmonious with the surroundings, because
anything that is not beautiful or harmonious either becomes that way or it
stops working.

Despite the Asian influence in the culture, the people of Harmony run the
gambit, racially, and do not include just humans. Sapients of all types,
from the dragons to ogres to the Fae, all have their place in Harmony, and
all live harmoniously with each other. In the more extreme cases, they live
under the "good fences make good neighbors" rule; radically different
creatures stick to the areas most harmonious for them. One cannot identify
a native of Harmony by hair color or shape; one identifies a native of
Harmony by his aura of calm and tranquility, and their stern sense of

The capital city of the Mandala universe, and by extension the entire core
realm, is called Harmony. It is ruled by the Enlightened Council, led by
the Two Creators, who take the titles Emperor and Empress. Edicts from the
Council which carry the imprimatur of both Creators are heeded and obeyed
without question. Edicts with the approval of only one Creator, or neither,
are likely to be politely ignored by the populace. Only those mandates
that come from the union of the male and the female, the yang and the yin,
are the Will of Heaven, and when such mandates come down, all of society
adjusts to match. Such mandates are rarely needed, however, since the
society has a strong, traditional sense of justice and right action.

Membership of the Enlightened Council is drawn from the pool of those whose
adherence to the Way has been tested by service outside the peace of
Harmony and not found wanting. Service on the Council is mandatory for such
people, but terms are reasonably short and followed by a remission three
times the length of a term before a councillor can be called to serve
again. Only the Two Creators are permanent members of the Council.

Within Harmony, the Power of the Way and the Mandala itself make life easy.
The people of Harmony are born with an understanding of the Way and how to
live within its bounds and for many of them this is enough. They are the
farmers, craftspeople, small businessmen and professionals who form the
backbone of society and they are valued for their contribution.
However, there are always those who look beyond the fields they know and
seek wider horizons. Teachers are trained to recognize such people while
young and send them to the capital for training. Once trained they serve
outside Harmony; as traders, diplomats, soldiers, aid workers or simply
explorers, according to their talents and preferences. Some serve only a
few years in this way, others stay in the service for most of their
careers. It is from the returning members of this service that the ranks of
the enlightened are drawn.

Because of the nature of the Way that Mandala establishes for sapients
under its care, the crime rate is low, as Harmony itself conspires against
the wrongdoer. Since different communities may have different laws, only
more serious crimes, like murder, tend to disrupt the Way, but the people
of Mandala are very cautious and respectful of the wisdom of their rulers,
and tend not to break lesser laws as well.

Surrounding the city of Harmony are many small villages, which members of
the Family can visit. The villagers are respectful to Family, but do not
consider themselves their slaves, and are more than willing to put a Family
member in their place if they are disturbing the harmony of the empire,
with the full karmic backing of Mandala itself.

Live wargaming, using intricately wrought paintball weapons, is one of the

many diverse hobbies that are commonly engaged in by natives of Harmony,
especially those employed by the Emperor in military service. Also popular
are kite flying, tai chi, meditation, dancing (all kinds, not just Asian
forms), theatre, music (again, all kinds), and a healthy respect for
sensual pleasure, though nothing to excess.

Despite their peaceful nature, the people of Harmony understand that in far
lands, the karmic wheel has been damaged, and fighting is a necessity. They
are ready in case any of those people should come to Harmony, and are
willing to contribute to restoring the balance elsewhere.

The military is well trained by the Emperor, consisting entirely of

volunteers. Each person is placed in the military according to their talents.

Military technology in Harmony is based on three major principles.

1. Multiple redundancy. The military uses both technology and magic, so if

one fails, the other makes the item still useful. This means that in
addition to Earth Prime gunpowder (and other Earth Prime technology), the
military technology is powered by chi sorcery and has a biological
equivalent to explosives. This equivalent is a seed pod that grows in one
of the Ten Thousand Realms, which, properly aged with chemicals and
sorcery, can fire a seed in a bullet-like fashion, with larger varieties
being used as explosives.

2. Scrounge capability. Through modularity of parts, Mandala military

technology is capable of using ammunition and parts that work in Thelbane,
Amber, Axis, Parys and any other Great Power realm with similar
physics. Pink gunpowder might not work in Harmony, but the weapons are
ready to use it elsewhere if any can be acquired.

3. Harmony with the Tao. Yes, there is even a Way to Warfare, and Harmony
military technology is designed with this in mind. This means that in
general Harmony military technology is designed to minimize chi damage,
including pollution, other than what is needed to destroy military
targets. It also means, ironically, that military technology designed in
Harmony is as beautiful as it is deadly.

It goes without saying that the armies of Harmony are well trained in
hand-to-hand martial arts.



The Ten Thousand Realms are the "Golden Circle" of Harmony -- Shadows
located near Harmony itself. Some examples incude, but are note limited

The Bright Empire. Like Harmony, only more Confusian and Legalist. Absolute
power is held by Emperor Belial and Empress Janna, and the Way is defined by
a complicated dance of rules and regulations. Society does not react well
to change, and visitors are warned that if they offend Heaven, they may
find it difficult to leave.

The Five Realms. Each of these realms resembles Harmony in terms the
physics of Chi manipulation and the need for harmony with the Way, but the
"base" physics is similar to a Great Power that has been visited by
Mordred or Cat. The government of each Realm resembles a mix of Harmony
proper and the Realm in question. Harmony Axis resembles Harmony in all
ways, ruled by Emperor Ches and Empress Myth, but is much higher-tech,
though all of it in harmony with the Way. Harmony Amber is ruled by an
ever-changing mix of Emperors -- each one being defeated by the bad karma
generated by the coup that brings that particular regime to power. Harmony
Thelbane is divided in two, with a baroque bureaucracy in each. Harmony
Haven resembles Harmony in all ways except that all of its inhabitants are
middle-class and white. Harmony Earth is divided in thousands of small
countries, each with its own Emperor and Empress...

The Forbidden City. It looks like Harmony in all ways -- only there are no
people, and no animals. Just buildings and countryside. Those who stay
there for long hear noises as if the Realm is inhabited, but never see
anyone, and there is always room for doubt. In truth, there are
inhabitants -- but they are invisible, and inaudible to any but
themselves. (The noises heard are a sort of psychic residue...) Anyone who
stays here for long enough to figure this out finds himself mystically
transported to a different Shadow.

The Fields. This realm consists of a military base maintained by the

Emperor of Harmony, and large, rolling fields of the seed-pods used as one
of the redundant components of Mandala military technology.

Hypernippon. Imagine every Anime show you've ever seen, every Manga you've
ever read. It's all here. The "good guys" always win, because that's the
Way of this Realm, although they may need to undergo many sacrifices in
order to do so. Mechanisms tend to work based on obscure principles of
Drama and whether something Looks Cool or not. Some believe this is this
represents the influence of Lupina on Mandala.
Nine Thousand Hells. This is a series of loose, connected Shadows that
resemble the Courts of Chaos before it was formatted by the Logrus, but
without any Abyss taint. In fact, the Way of the Realm reacts very harshly
(even harsher than usual) to Abyss worship or human sacrifice. Otherwise,
it is a perfect habitation for Thelbane demons.

Cathay. This is recognizably China in the early Tang dynasty, but

everything is exaggerated. The peasants are more oppressed, the merchants
more greedy and unscrupulous, the bandits more dangerous and the mandarins
more magnificent than in 'real' China. The dukes and princes who rule
satellite fiefdoms are often mad, usually bad and definitely dangerous to

Power sits firmly with the Neo-Confucianists, and everything is done

according to rigidly laid down patterns of protocol which bind even the
heavens and the August Personage of Jade.

Fortunately there are a few wild cards among the population who can be
relied upon to take an unconventional approach and these are much valued
by Heaven as agents to help get around the rules and achieve the desired
result. Most famous (or infamous) of these is Li Kao, the sage with a
slight flaw in his character, but an honourable mention is also due to the
humble itinerant storyteller Kai Lung.

MANDALA SORCERY -- 15 points

This is a one-time cost paid in addition to the cost for normal Sorcery;
it is essentially a "boutique" Sorcery, as mentioned in the Powers Reform.
This is Mandala-backed, chi-based sorcery, and is only available to
Mandala initiates. Spells involving life force, nature and the elements
are especially effective when backed by the Mandala.

The "elements" in this case includes the weather (which is useful by

itself) as well as the more symbolic elements, from the Western elements
(fire, earth, air, water and spirit) to the Chinese elements (water, wood,
fire, earth and metal). In particular, healing using the element of
"spirit" under the Western system, or "earth" under the Chinese system (as
the balancing element in the cycle of elements), can allow a Mandala
sorcerer, with time and preparation, to heal or at least ease the effects
of mental illness. In fact, with its chi-based approach, mental healing
and physical healing often go hand-in-hand with Mandala Sorcery...

MANDALA IMPRINT -- 50 points

In order to gain the Mandala imprint, one must dance the Mandala, rumored
to be located in a mountainous location known only to the Empress and
Emperor. Dancing the complex, ever-changing Mandala is not simply a matter
of "reaching the center", like it is for the Pattern, but *understanding*
the Mandala's form and function, while simultaneously *experiencing* it.
The would-be initiate traverses the three-dimensional (or more) construct
by touching certain points in the ever-changing pattern. The initiate
dances the Mandala, enganging in a sort of movement-based meditation,
until they reach a mystical epiphany, coming to a deep, intuitive
undersanding of how the Mandala works. How long this takes is a function
of Psyche and Endurance (both must be of Amber level or higher), though as
long the character is of the right blood, they will have an epiphany
eventually. If there is a large difference between the character's Psyche
and Endurance, there may be some difficulty, in terms of how long the
would-be initiate must dance. (And regardless of statistics, those who are
not of the right blood will find their dance does not end...)

The powers gained after that epiphany are:

Harmony with the Tao. By standing and watching someone performing a task
for an hour and meditating upon the Tao (or the Mandala itself), a person
with a Mandala imprint can become an expert at that skill, by getting a
feel for the Tao of the task. Only skills that don't cost points (no
Sorcery, for example) are learnable in this fashion.

Correspondence Point. The Mandala initiate contemplates the Mandala for at

least five minutes (total concentration, three times as long with
distractions), and comes to the realization that all space is an illusion.
In that moment, they can choose to appear anywhere. Only the Mandala
initiate can travel in this fashion. This is like Pattern Travel, from p.
45 of the core rulebook, but weaker.

Mandala Sight. By calling the Mandala to mind, one can use it as a sensory
lens. In this way one can sense Great Powers, Trump, or Magic. It also
allows one to sense the life-force of a living being, gaining a general
idea of its health. This is approximately equivalent to Logrus Sight, from
p. 48 of the core rulebook, except there are no 'tendrils' involved.

Mandala Spell Storage. One can use the Mandala as a "rack" for storing
spells. This always takes at least ten minutes, plus the normal spell
casting time, to find the most harmonious place to hang the spell. The
spell will eventually disappear into the folds of the Mandala, never to be
seen again, within days or weeks. This is equivalent to Logrus Spell
Storage from p. 48 of the core rulebook.

Blood Blessing. The idea of calling a curse down upon a person,

diminishing both the person cursed and the person cursing, is antithetical
to the concepts the Mandala was created with. It is impossible for a
Mandala initiate to Blood Curse someone in the name of the Mandala, tho
they can, of course, do it in the name of another Great Power they are
connected to. (This may, however, cause a disruption in their relation to
Mandala, as they have lost the Way. In extreme cases, they may pay for the
Blood Curse by losing part of their Mandala imprint!) They can, however,
choose to bring bad karma upon themselves in return for bringing good
karma elsewhere -- the opposite of a Blood Curse, a Blood Blessing, is
possible with the Mandala. One must spend points for the Blessing, like
one would for a Blood Curse.


The Tao of Sorcery. If you have basic Sorcery (or better) the cost for AMI
is discounted by 15 points. If you have Conjuration the cost is discounted
by 20 points. Basic Sorcery and Conjuration are bestowed if not already
paid for.

Correspondence Point. This is the same as above, only the initiate can
bring up to 5 people along; as a side effect, they get to share in the
epiphany. (Not that it does them any good unless they have a Mandala
imprint.) The initiate can also transfer herself (only) after
concentrating only half the normal amount of time.

Mandala Lens. This is a combination of Correspondence Point and Mandala

Sight, allowing one to view things from a distance. It is functionally
equivalent to Looking Through the Pattern Lens, see p. 43-44 of the core

Perfect Harmony. The character is in such perfect Harmony with the Tao,
their health and luck are improved, and their tranquility is apparent to
all. The initiate heals wounds as quickly as a Shapeshifter (see p.52 of
the core rulebook), or, if already a Shapeshifter, twice as fast. They
also require half as much food and water as normal.

Also, the initiate is in such harmony with their environment, that they
only need to think of a thing, and it tends to come to pass. The line
between them and their environment has become blurred. In terms of game
effect, his is exactly the same as Using Pattern to Affect Probability
(core rulebook, p.42), only it requires no concentration for minor shifts
(larger shifts still require some concentration), and it is much more
effective -- events as unlikely as having only having a 50% chance of
happening can be made to happen. [This makes a certain scene out of
"Rosencranz and Gildenstern are Dead" especially easy to re-create.]

The character's air of tranquility is so powerful that even the beasts of

the field recognize it -- animals will not attack the character unless
they attack first. (Within Mandala-based Shadow, all non-sapients count as
'animals'. In other Shadows, it is up to the GM or the owner of the GP
whether, say, griffins count as 'animals'.) Even when angry, the character
has a noticeable air of ease and tranquility -- how this affects
sentients, if at all, is up to the person running them. Some people may be
impressed, but many -- most notably Amberites -- will not be. [Note that
is an *air* of tranquility -- actual tranquility is something else
entirely. As pointed out to me earlier, the two Creators are hardly
tranquil -- but I'm assuming they were *thinking* of peace and tranquility
while creating the Mandala, so it shows *somehow*.]

The Five Arts. A Mandala initiate has an intuitive sense of patterns, and
what patterns are strong and flexible, and what patterns are weak and
rigid, no matter now intricate those patterns may be. This means that in
any craft skill the initiate might have, the initiate is good at designing
strong, well-made items -- an architect would be good at making strong
buildings, a potter would produce vases that were less fragile than
normal, and so on.

This ability ranges into the area of personal health, as well. Not only
can a Mandala initiate get an excellent idea of a person's health with the
Mandala Lens, an Advanced Mandala initiate can also gain an intuitive
sense as to precisely what needs to be done to return a person to perfect
health. Actually restoring the person to health requires medical skill
(accomplished in half the usual time using this power), Mandala Sorcery,
or, if the initiate so chooses, she can focus their life energy into a
person and heal them. (For minor ailments, such as the flu, this is simply
exhausting. For major ailments, such as Chaos cancer or Abyss cancer,
points may be required -- the worse the ailment, the more points required
to heal it. If the initiate has Mandala Sorcery, it may cost less points
to heal the person, but may still require points, and certainly requires
time and energy to prepare the spell.) Some diseases may even turn out to
be incurable, though the initiate may gain some clues as to potential

It also means that the Mandala initiate can take a look at a military
situation, and decide what the strongest, most unbreakable defense is. In
game terms, a Mandala initiate gains a flat bonus of 25 points to their
Command score in defensive military situations ONLY. The force does not
have be immobile or "dug in", tho it helps -- there can be patrols, and so
on -- but it must be defending something the Mandala initiate already
controls militarily. (One can't decide that one is "defending" an
unconquered enemy town -- one has to capture it, without the bonus,
first.) The bonus is only for repulsing an attacker -- even
counterattacking causes the bonus to disappear. Attackers do include,
however, treachery from within, tho such attacks are often so effective
that the bonus won't help.


The Tao of Sorcery. If you have power backing to Sorcery (i.e. Mandala
Sorcery) the cost is discounted by 15 points. Power backing to Sorcery is
included at this level.

Correspondence Point. The initiate can now take up to 20 people along.

Also, if only transporting one's self, the initiate can archive the
epiphany nearly instantly, after a mere moment's concentration.

Mandala Lens. Someone can be located anywhere in shadow (unless they're


Perfect Harmony. The initiate heals twice as fast as before, and needs
only water to survive, drawing sustenance from the chi in the air. Also,
highly unlikely events -- those with about a 30% chance of happening --
can be made to happen. Animals will not attack even if attacked, but they
will flee. Taking advantage of this to attack is generally bad karma,
however, and the initiate may find the Mandala punishes them later.

Five Arts. The defense bonus is now 50 points to Command, and the initiate
can heal worse diseases for half the points as before, as well as gaining
the ability to heal some diseases previously thought impossible. Abyss
madness can even be soothed through Mandala sorcery.


The Tao of Sorcery. Jewel powers are included at this level. If you have
paid for a Jewel imprint, that cost is a discount.

Correspondence Point. The initiate can now share his vision with 50
people, moving them as well. Smaller amounts of people can be moved while
spending less time concentrating.

Perfect Harmony. The initiate now heals nearly instantly, though doing so
is still tiring. Food and water are no longer needed to survive, and most
poisons and drugs can be slowed, except for Meresha, though conscious
effort is required. The manipulation of probability had reached a point
where is the the equivalent of modifying the Shadow, see Altering the
Rules on p. 44 of the core rulebook. Shadow dwellers and shadows may be
made more real. Animals will placidly ignore anything the initiate does to
them, though abusing this may result in harsh retaliation by Mandala
itself, possibly even losing this blessing permanently. The initiate also
has an intuitive sense as to what plants are edible and which are
poisonous, as well as which have healing properties.

Five Arts. The defense bonus is now 75 points. Most diseases, even the
newest and/or most extreme, can be healed at this level, given enough
time, energy, and/or points.

Correspondence Point. The initiate can now share his vision with 200
people, moving them with her. Lesser numbers can often be moved instantly.
Also, the character can view a distant item with the Mandala Lens, and
swipe it, moving it to the Grand Master's current location.

Perfect Harmony. Basic Shapeshifting is a discount for this level of

Mandala -- if the Master is not already a Shapeshifter, they are one now.
The character shapeshifts twice as fast as a normal shapeshifter.
Inhibiting substances and toxins can be slowed down (including Meresha). A
single dose can be ejected from the body faster than an antidote could
work. This is not effective against a continued dosage of Meresha, though
conscious effort is not required. Animals will actively seek to aid the
character -- he may not command them, but if they see he is in trouble,
they will aid him as much as possible. The Grand Master can also, with
effort, heal someone by laying hands on them. (If the initiate has
Advanced Shape Shift, they can Shape Shift Others with merely a Psyche
advantage, without having to totally dominate them.)

Five Arts. The defense bonus is now 100 points. In addition to being able
to heal nearly any disease, the Grand Master can cause a dead soul to
reincarnate on the spot, creating an infant that is genetically the child
of Mordred and Cat but with the soul of the dead individual named. This
assumes the soul is not imprisoned somehow (or already reborn) and may
cost heavily in terms of time, energy, and/or points. (Also, at the GM's
option, the soul may not want to reincarnate in Mandala. If so, it won't.)

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