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Pom Pom Heart Wreath Tutorial

by Larissa Thorne | DIY Tutorials, Made

Larissa Thorne
Pom poms are one of my all time favourite crafting activities because they’re as fun to make as they are to
look at. They also happen to be a fairly under used decorative accent when it comes to weddings which is
why today we’re making this super cute pom pom heart wreath. The method I used to make this wreath
uses no glue but if you have a hot glue gun and would prefer to use it then go right ahead.

What you’ll need:

3 colours of wool

Cardboard (for the pom poms and the heart)

What to do:

Trace two even circles on your cardboard and cut them out, making them a hollow donut shape with a
half centimetre slice taken out of one side.
Cut off a 20cm piece of wool and sandwich it between your two pieces of cardboard (you might need to
tuck the ends in a bit but keep them close to the opening).

Start wrapping the wool around your cardboard starting in the middle.
Keep wrapping until it gets nice and thick – you can keep the wool concentrated on the lower half of your

Cut off the wool.

Take your two long ends and tie them in a tight knot.

Stick your scissors between the two pieces of cardboard and cut through your wool.
Tie your knot again so it is nice and tight then fluff out your pom pom and repeat so you have about six of
each colour (depending on how many you want on it and how big you make your heart).

Lay out your pom poms on top of the heart to figure out your placement.
Take a pair of scissors and poke holes through your cardboard heart in roughly the places where you want
the pom poms to sit.

Thread your long ends of wool through the holes and secure in place with a knot.
Repeat for the whole heart.

Cut off the loose ends from your pom poms apart from the top one which you can use to hang it up.
Project #190: DIY Tassel Bunting to go
Tuesday, 21 April 2015 by Irene Hoofs
DIY Tassel Bunting by Wimke
I love tassels! How easily they can turn a bag, necklace or bracelet into a fancy bohemian-inspired
accessory. You can make them as big as you like. Make them from ribbons for a large birthday bunting,
from embroidery thread to spice up your jewelry or from yarn to make a mini-bunting! It is the perfect light
accessory to bring along to decorate any space for a special occasion!
What you'll need:
* Yarn in your favourite colours
* Scissors
* Darning needle
* Masking tape

Steps: This bunting is so easy to make, you can follow the step by step instructions in the picture above.
If you are ready, take the bunting with you! Whenever you go camping, to a small party or when you have
something to celebrate, you can put it up in a restaurant. - Wimke
Thank you Wimke! We'll take any opportunity to add a little tassel action in our parties now..

Chalkboard Table Numbers Tutorial

by Polka Dot Bride | DIY Tutorials, Made
Polka Dot Bride

This has to be one of the easiest and most fun DIY projects! Chalkboard table numbers are such a fun way
to add a personal touch to your tables (because why stop at numbers? Name your tables anything you
like!) but we loved the idea so much that Ms Gingham and I turned it into a DIY project for our recent TV
What You’ll Need:

– Chalkboard Paint

– Chalkboard Marker or chalk

– Paintbrush

– Wooden Shape

– Dowel

– Glue


1. The first thing you need to do is determine the shape of your “number” and the length of your dowel.
Spotlight sells “Heart wands” with the dowel and heart shape already attached, but if you need to do
these yourself, or want to try a different shape you’ll need to purchase your own shapes and glue them
onto the dowel.
2. Ensuring your shape is smooth, paint on the chalkboard paint as instructed. The makers recommend two
thin coats.
3. Leave to dry and cure for six hours.
4. You can use chalk or chalkboard marker for this project. Ms Gingham picked up a chalkboard marker
and I have to say, if you are transporting your numbers, then the marker and it’s sticking power is definitely
the better option!
5. Write your number, name or quote onto your “chalk board”.
6. To help your table numbers stand up in your vases or vessels, stick them into a stack of florist’s foam.

You don’t have to be limited to one shape! Maybe you could put a heart for your table number and one
saying “The Sweethearts Table” or “The Family Table”. The best part about these is that if you don’t like
what you’ve done, you can wash it off, rub it out and re do it!
Photography by Ms Polka Dot

Lace Embossed Sugar Cookies Tutorial

by Nicola Goring | DIY Tutorials, Made, Recipes
Nicola Goring

I have always loved the idea of sugar cookies – just the name is so romantic to me! And with such a sweet
and simple treat it seemed like a match made in heaven to lightly emboss these biscuits with some
gorgeous lace, creating a pretty addition perfect for a kitchen tea or dessert table.

So why not have a dig through your pretty table linens or sewing box and see what lacy treasures you can
find (that won’t be ruined by a bit of cookie dough) and get baking! You can use any biscuit recipe, but
be aware the softer the dough the less likely it will be that your beautifully embossed pattern stands out.
Best to have a practice beforehand if they’re for a special event, which as a bonus means extra biscuits for
you – yum!
What you need:

 Baking tools – 2 x bowls, hand held beaters, cooling racks, a flat biscuit tray, baking paper, spatula,
cookie cutter
 Heavy rolling pin
 Your chosen embossing fabric (I used lovely old lace, but a doily would look gorgeous too!)
 Baking ingredients (see recipe below)


 2 cups plain flour (plus extra for rolling)

 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
 1/4 teaspoon salt
 120g butter (softened)
 1 cup sugar
 1 egg
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Step 1. Mix together the flour, baking powder and salt in one bowl and set aside. In another bowl, cream
together the sugar and butter until fluffy.
Step 2. Slowly mix in the flour mixture with a fork until combined. I used my hands for the last little bit to
make sure it was all sticking together. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for
approximately half an hour, or until the dough is firm.
Step 3. Preheat oven to 200 degrees, and line your tray with baking paper. Flour your surface, remove the
dough from the fridge and let sit for five minutes. Roll out the dough to approximately half a centimetre
Step 4. Lay out your lace (or chosen fabric) and roll into the dough. Make sure you keep the fabric still, and
bear in mind that although you may need to place quite a bit of weight on the rolling pin, you also don’t
want to squash the dough too thin. I found the best technique involved a little more pressing than rolling –
but have some fun! Have a play around and remember, you can always roll the dough out again!
Step 5. Cut out your cookies and place on your prepared tray. Place the tray in the freezer for 10 minutes to
make sure the delicately embossed pattern stays put. Bake for ten minutes or until just browning around the
Step 6. Cool on a baking tray and repeat the process until you’ve used up all your dough. Be creative and
try lots of different patterns – you might be surprised by which ones turn out best!

These bonny biscuits are sweet and buttery, perfect for an afternoon tea and easy to make with a group of
friends. The delicate pattern is so pretty, you may even want to wrap these up as gifts for your lucky guests!
DIY Paper Pastel Decoration
by Ms Herringbone | DIY Tutorials, Made
Ms Herringbone

Inspired by the pastel palette of Easter, I’ve been playing with some paper, with inspiration from
one Martha Stewart, and put together a simple but effective little DIY! It really lends itself to so many option,
such as in clusters for a striking photobooth or dessert table backdrop, or perhaps as a eye-catching
hanging decoration. You can make these in all sizes, and colours – it’s really up to you!

You will need

 coloured paper in squares (any size is fine, depending on the size of the pendant you want!)
 scissors
 stapler
 sticky tape (for backup)
 PVA glue
 pen or pencil
Step 1

Cut your square of paper in half. You can either draw a line to follow with a ruler, or go freestyle, as I did!

Step 2

Hold the triangle so the longest side is at the top, and the opposite tip is between your thumb and
forefinger. Start to roll it up, like an ice-cream cone
The two tip of the long ends should stick up, like so:
Step 3

Being careful not to flatten the cone, staple the back to ensure the cone is secure. You can add some
sticky tape along the seam here if you like, I found that I didn’t need to if you put the staple in the right
spot, at the edge where the two sides meet.
Step 4

Make enough cones to form a circle, and arrange them as you’d like to see them!
Step 5

Take another piece of the paper, and round the edges. It doesn’t have to be an exact circle, it’s just so it
can’t be seen when you use it as the base for the cones.
Step 6

Place a dot with a pen where the centre is, to ensure a neat and consistence circle when you’re placing
the cones.

Step 7

Put some glue on the bottom end of the cone, as this will be the only part to touch the circle. (the top will
stick out past it, so remember this when glueing on surfaces!)
Step 8

Once you’ve finished your circle, get a final piece of paper in a complimentary (or contrasting!) colour to
the cones, and cut into a smaller circle. Again, the size will be in relation to the paper you have chosen. It
should be about half the size roughly of the original piece of paper.
Step 9

Cover the back of the circle in glue, and place on the top centre of the cones, to cover the middle where
they meet.
Step 10

Place where you wish! You can continue making these in different sizes, and perhaps in different shades.
You could even add test to the centre circle, and use as banners or signs!
Buat hiasan dinding dengan wol:

Bahannya: wol, gunting, paku, palu, triplek/kayu/gabus untuk alasnya..

Buat pola dengna memasang paku, trus mulai kaitkan wol hingga pola tertutup rapi..

Untuk pom pom, diameter dri yg besar-kecil: 9cm, 7cm, 5.5, 3.5

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