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A Behavioral Model of Forecasting: Naive Statistics on

Mental Samples
Jordan Tong, Daniel Feiler

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Jordan Tong, Daniel Feiler (2016) A Behavioral Model of Forecasting: Naive Statistics on Mental Samples. Management Science

Published online in Articles in Advance 28 Sep 2016

. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2537

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Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20
ISSN 0025-1909 (print)  ISSN 1526-5501 (online) http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2537
© 2016 INFORMS

A Behavioral Model of Forecasting:

Naive Statistics on Mental Samples
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Jordan Tong
Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, jordan.tong@wisc.edu

Daniel Feiler
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, df@dartmouth.edu

M ost operations models assume individuals make decisions based on a perfect understanding of random
variables or stochastic processes. In reality, however, individuals are subject to cognitive limitations and
make systematic errors. We leverage established psychology on sample naivete to model individuals’ forecasting
errors and biases in a way that is portable to operations models. The model has one behavioral parameter and
embeds perfect rationality as a special case. We use the model to mathematically characterize point and error
forecast behavior, reflecting an individual’s beliefs about the mean and variance of a random variable. We then
derive 10 behavioral phenomena that are inconsistent with perfect rationality assumptions but supported by
existing empirical evidence. Finally, we apply the model to two operations settings, inventory management and
queuing, to illustrate the model’s portability and discuss its numerous predictions. For inventory management,
we characterize order decisions assuming behavioral demand forecasting. The model predicts that even under
automated cost optimization, one should expect a pull-to-center effect. It also predicts that this effect can be
mitigated by separating point forecasting from error forecasting. For base stock models, it predicts that safety
stocks are too small (large) for short (long) lead times. We also express the steady-state behavior of a queue with
balking, assuming rational joining decisions but behavioral wait-time forecasts. The model predicts that joining
customers tend to be disappointed in their experienced waits. Also, for long (short) lines, it predicts customers
have more (less) disperse wait-time beliefs and tend to overestimate (underestimate) the true wait-time variance.
Keywords: behavioral operations; bounded rationality; forecasting; representativeness; optimizer’s curse;
overconfidence; law of small numbers; newsvendor; inventory; queuing; judgment and decision making
History: Received September 23, 2015; accepted April 4, 2016, by Serguei Netessine, operations management.
Published online in Articles in Advance September 28, 2016.

1. Introduction typically modeled using random variables or stochas-

Nearly all decisions are based on forecasts, whether tic processes. The two most fundamental forecasts
more intuitive or deliberative. The use of forecasts as needed to support decision making in the face of
an input to decision making is prominent in classic uncertainty are the point forecast and error forecast.
operations management (OM) settings. In inventory In OM models, these forecasts typically correspond
management, a newsvendor’s order decision depends to the mean and variance of the random variable
on her forecasted demand for the selling season. faced by the decision maker. Therefore, in this arti-
In queuing, a customer’s decision to join or balk cle we focus on capturing an individual’s forecasting
depends on his forecasted waiting time. And in pro- behavior by modeling their beliefs about the mean
cess management, a manager’s improvement decision and variance of a random variable. To the extent that
depends on her forecasted capacities of each stage. researchers in other disciplines in management sci-
Although there is an increasing use of computerized ence and economics implement random variables on
systems to support forecasting in businesses, many which a decision maker optimizes, our model may
managerial forecasts still involve human judgment. also be useful to them; however, this article focuses
Furthermore, customers’ decisions are even more on modeling behavior for operations management.
likely to be based on human judgments as opposed Most traditional OM models assume, either explic-
to computerized forecasts. Therefore, accounting for itly or implicitly, that individuals have a perfect
behavioral elements of forecasting is important for understanding of random variables and stochastic
capturing more realistic decision-making behavior in processes. Specifically, they typically assume individ-
operations and management science. uals know and make decisions based on the cor-
Forecasting is critical in the face of significant rect mean and variance of any random variable they
uncertainty; in OM contexts, such uncertainty is face. By contrast, considerable behavioral work in the
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
2 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

field of judgment and decision making has found can correctly describe the basic statistical properties
that individuals have cognitive limitations and make of the mental sample, they fail to correct for the prob-
certain systematic errors in their judgments under lems inherent in relying on small samples in the first
uncertainty. These findings highlight the potential place (Tversky and Kahneman 1971). We build most
limitations of perfectly rational models for capturing directly from Juslin et al. (2007).
realistic behavior. From an analytical modeling stand- The model assumptions are precise enough to allow
point, however, it can be challenging to find a way us to characterize the individual’s point and error
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to incorporate a long list of behavioral biases in a forecasts as fully specified random variables, and we
tractable and meaningful manner. Furthermore, clas- show how to do so for a variety of commonly used
sic models based on the premise of perfect rational- distributions. For example, for a normal random vari-
ity are well developed and have yielded important able, we show that the individual’s point forecast is
insights, so it is desirable to incorporate more real- also a normal random variable while her error fore-
istic behavior in such a way that we need not com- cast is a gamma random variable. (Moreover, the
pletely abandon these formulations. Therefore, there two are independent.) By contrast, a typical perfectly
is a need for analytical models that are powerful rational model assumes the point and error forecasts
enough to capture a variety of behavioral phenomena are constants and equal to the true mean and vari-
while still being tractable and implementable in exist- ance. Note also that the point and error forecasts
ing models. While there have been recent advances are fully specified based on only one new behavioral
along these lines for profit-optimization decision tasks parameter—the mental sample size—and the model
in operations contexts (e.g., Su 2008), there has been embeds perfect rationality as a special case (as the
less advancement of behavioral models for forecast- mental sample size goes to infinity). Therefore, the
ing, which must precede such decision making. The model serves as a generalization of the perfectly ratio-
goal of this paper is to take a step toward filling nal model, and one can compare the predictions of the
this gap. model relative to the perfect rationality benchmark by
To be clear, our primary objective is not to study comparing behavior under a finite mental sample size
a specific operations setting in-depth to derive pre- to behavior with an infinite one.
scriptive managerial insights for that setting. Rather, After defining our behavioral forecasting model,
our objective is to develop a model that can be we derive 10 distinct phenomena that it captures
readily inserted in various existing OM models (see Table 1), which are not captured by a perfectly
that typically assume perfect rationality such that rational model, and discuss how these results relate
human forecasting behavior can be better accounted to existing empirical evidence. Doing so serves two
for. Furthermore, our objective is not to present purposes. First, it demonstrates that we can relate
new empirical evidence of behavioral biases. Rather, a large number of behavioral phenomena (some of
we seek to show how a simple model based on which are well established) to a single model. In link-
established psychological principles can capture a ing several behavioral results, the model increases
surprisingly rich representation of forecasting behav- our understanding of how these phenomena relate
ior consistent with existing empirical evidence. to each other.1 Second, it shows that the model can
The behavioral forecasting model we propose be useful for future research by capturing many
is grounded in a psychological perspective that departures from perfect rationality with mathematical
researchers have started to refer to as the naive tractability.
intuitive statistician (see Fiedler and Juslin 2006 for The model performs well with respect to several
an overview). This perspective places emphasis on dimensions that are desirable for formal behavioral
the role of the environment surrounding a decision theory (Rabin 2013)—portability, plausibility, parsi-
mony, power, and precision. It is directly portable
maker and the extent to which imperfect samples
to classic OM model settings, is grounded in cred-
of information in the environment explain behav-
ible and plausible psychology, parsimoniously uses
ioral anomalies, even with otherwise perfect cognitive
only one behavioral parameter, is powerful in that it
computation. In line with this perspective, our model
captures a large number of behavioral phenomena,
assumes that because of limitations in one’s ability to
and predicts precise differences from the perfect ratio-
gather, process, and recall information (Simon 1955),
nality benchmark. The model is useful for analyti-
individuals tend to think of only a small random sam-
cal modelers because it can be implemented “off the
ple of possible outcomes instead of perfectly lever-
aging the true random variable. They then naively
Consistent with this aspect, leading psychologists have called
operate as though the statistical properties (the mean
for psychological theories that “serve an integrative function by
and variance) of this small sample are perfectly rep- explaining multiple phenomena, providing an organizing principle
resentative of the properties of the true random vari- for a field criticized for being long on effects and short on unifying
able. Therefore, we assume that while the individual explanations” (Weber and Johnson 2009, p. 56).
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS 3

Table 1 Phenomena Captured by the Behavioral Model of Forecasting

Behavioral phenomenon Corresponding behavioral model of forecasting prediction

Wisdom of the crowd The expected value of point forecasts is the optimal point forecast.
Forecaster dispersion predicts true Point forecast variance is increasing in true uncertainty; expected error forecast is
uncertainty and average forecaster increasing in point forecaster dispersion.
Underweighting rare events Point forecasts err more frequently toward the mode than away from the mode.
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Optimizer’s curse When faced with multiple random variables, the individual’s belief about the mean of
the random variable associated with his largest point forecast is biased high.
Jensen’s inequality neglect and the Individuals tend to overestimate a convex function of the mean of a random variable,
planning fallacy causing them to overestimate how much can be completed in a given time interval.
Overconfidence The individual underestimates the error of her own point forecast.
Weak confidence-accuracy For normal random variables, the individual’s error forecast and her point forecast are
correspondence independent.
Format dependence and egocentric The individual’s assessment of exogenously provided point forecasts is unbiased (for
assessment of others’ forecasts normal random variables).
Gambler’s fallacy and the law of small Over short time intervals, individuals tend to underestimate the error of their point
numbers forecast.
Nonbelief in the law of large numbers Over long time intervals, individuals tend to overestimate the error of their point

shelf” to account for a rich set of forecasting behaviors it also predicts that this effect can be potentially elim-
with only a single parameter where one typically inated by separating the point forecast from the error
would simply assume perfect rationality. Modelers forecast tasks. It also predicts that an overordering
can derive new managerial insights when account- bias can be reduced by separating the product choice
ing for more realistic forecasting behavior, which can decision from the order quantity decision. For base
complement results derived under the perfect ratio- stock models, it predicts too small of safety stocks for
nality paradigm. Furthermore, experimentalists and short lead times but too large of safety stocks for long
empiricists can use the model to generate testable lead times. In a queue with balking, the model pre-
predictions, or plausible explanations for observed dicts that customers who join the queue tend to be
anomalies, across a variety of settings. The model not disappointed in their experienced wait times. For long
only hypothesizes clear differences from perfect ratio- lines, it predicts that customers have more disperse
nality but also predicts relationships between biases beliefs about wait times and tend to overestimate the
and individual differences according to the behavioral true wait-time variance. For short lines, it predicts
parameter. that customers have less disperse beliefs about wait
We provide two specific examples to illustrate how times and tend to underestimate true wait-time vari-
the model can be applied to important OM settings. ance. These predictions and others are discussed in
First, we show that it can be applied to the classic Section 5.
newsvendor and base stock models by capturing the There are important limitations of the model.
manager’s demand forecasting behavior. The model Human judgment is complex and is certainly not
is tractable enough to derive the predicted distri- exhaustively accounted for by naive statistics on men-
bution of order quantities, assuming order decisions tal samples. Even within the context of our model, the
assumptions could be further relaxed and parameter-
are automated based on an individual’s behavioral
ized to better fit data. We will return to these limita-
point and error forecast inputs. Second, we inves-
tions and discuss opportunities for future research in
tigate the classic single-server queue with balking
the conclusion.
setting and show how the model can be applied
to derive the steady-state distribution of customers,
assuming joining decisions are rational given the indi- 2. Related Literature
vidual’s behavioral wait-time forecast inputs. For both While our model may be useful to other disciplines in
examples, even without pushing the analyses beyond which perceptions of uncertainty are important inputs
interpreting the previously derived 10 phenomena, to decision making, our article contributes most
we observe several implications from the behavioral directly to the field of behavioral operations manage-
forecasting model. For example, even if cost optimiza- ment (see Croson et al. 2013, Bendoly et al. 2010, and
tion is automated, the model predicts a strong pull- Gino and Pisano 2008 for recent reviews). There are
to-center effect in the newsvendor problem, although two categories of research in behavioral operations
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
4 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

that relate directly to this paper: (i) applications of colleagues have studied opaque selling, capacity man-
general behavioral economics models to operations agement, and service pricing (Huang and Yu 2014,
settings and (ii) forecasting experiments that uncover Huang and Liu 2015, Huang and Chen 2015) by apply-
anomalies in operations decision making. ing models of “anecdotal reasoning” developed in
The use of general behavioral models in operations economics (Osborne and Rubenstein 1998; Spiegler
has thus far been primarily focused on importing fea- 2006a, b, 2011). These papers relax the assumptions
tures of existing models from behavioral economics of rational expectations in games and instead assume
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into operations settings. This is often a nontriv- that customers rely on random anecdotes (e.g., from
ial translation across fields, and these models have another customer’s experience) in order to make deci-
yielded important operations insights. Arguably the sions. Although the authors implement a similar sam-
most commonly imported behavioral modeling fea- pling approach, the objectives and contributions of
ture to operations management is a utility function their work are quite different from ours. These papers
of preferences. For example, operations scholars have examine specific operations and marketing contexts
imported utility model features from prospect theory assuming customers use anecdotal reasoning. Here,
(Kahneman and Tversky 1979a) and mental account- we focus on developing a general model, showing
ing (Thaler 1985) to study topics such as inven- how naive statistics on small mental samples can cap-
tory management (e.g., Schweitzer and Cachon 2000, ture a large number of empirically supported behav-
Nagarajan and Shechter 2013, Chen et al. 2013), sup- ioral phenomena, which can then be implemented in a
ply chain contracting (e.g., Zhang et al. 2016, Becker- variety of settings. We also study both error and point
Peth et al. 2013), and pricing (e.g., Popescu and forecasting, whereas these papers focus on point fore-
Wu 2007). Similarly, utility models of social prefer- casting. This enables one to examine operational deci-
ences have been adapted from economics to gener- sions that depend on both the mean and variance of
ate research in supply chain management (e.g., Loch the random variable.
Our article also relates to research in behavioral
and Wu 2008, Özer et al. 2011, Katok and Pavlov
operations management that experimentally exam-
2013). Furthermore, utility models of time preferences
ines behavioral demand forecasting as a key driver
and hyperbolic discounting in economics (Laibson
of operational decision making. For example, Kremer
1997) have recently been implemented into opera-
et al. (2011) studied biases in point forecasting behav-
tions models to study queuing (Plambeck and Wang
ior in time-series forecasting. It is worthwhile to
2013). A second behavioral modeling feature used in
note that the overreaction to signals they observe in
operations management is random decision error to
stationary demand environments is consistent with
account for bounded rationality in optimization. For
naive statistics on a mental sample of recent out-
example, following the advancements of the quantal
comes. Moritz et al. (2014) study the effect of indi-
choice models (Luce 1959, McFadden 1981, Anderson vidual differences in cognitive reflection and decision
et al. 1992) and the quantal response equilibrium speed also in time-series forecasting environments.
(McKelvey and Palfrey 1995), we began to see these Feiler et al. (2013) studied the effect of demand cen-
general models being applied to newsvendor mod- soring on point forecasting behavior. Kremer et al.
els (Su 2008, Kremer et al. 2010), capacity allocation (2016) studied differences between top-down and
models (Chen et al. 2012), and service system models bottom-up forecasting. Also, because the newsven-
(Huang et al. 2013) to generate important insights. dor decision-making task can be decomposed into a
The majority of this work has focused on deviations demand forecasting task and an order decision, some
from perfect rationality in decision making given per- behavioral newsvendor research is related. Ren and
fect knowledge of random variable inputs. By con- Croson (2013) tested the hypothesis that the pull-
trast, less work has examined deviations from perfect to-center effect may be due to underestimation of
rationality in the formation of beliefs that serve as the the demand variance. Lee and Siemsen (2016) also
inputs for decision making. This distinction is between provided experimental evidence that overconfidence
two fundamental challenges faced by decision makers: plays a role in newsvendor decisions, focusing on
the need to optimize (i.e., decision making) and the whether decomposing the newsvendor task into its
need to forecast (i.e., judgment). There are a few recent subtasks can improve the ultimate order. Much like
behavioral operations models that have focused on the these scholars, we desire to bring more descriptive
forecasting task. Croson et al. (2008) apply a model of accuracy into operations management. However, our
overconfidence in demand forecasting to newsvendor article differs in that we do not empirically document
order decisions. Their model assumes that individuals behavioral biases but rather focus on formalizing psy-
act on a perceived demand distribution that is a mean- chological primitives and demonstrating how these
preserving but variance-reduced transformation of the simple assumptions can unify a variety of behavioral
true demand distribution. Additionally, Huang and results.
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS 5

3. A Model of Behavioral Forecasting infinity, the distribution of the individual’s discrete

In this section, we first present a behavioral model of mental sample approaches the true distribution.
the point forecast and error forecast for a single ran- Third, we assume the mental outcomes considered
dom variable. Such a random variable corresponds, are random draws from the true distribution Z. Thus,
for example, to the random demand in a newsvendor the probability that a value will be considered by
model. Then, we extend the model to capture fore- the individual for any single mental draw is propor-
casting for a stationary stochastic process, which cor- tional to its true likelihood of occurring. Although
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responds, for example, to the demand process in a this assumption is strong, it allows us to tractably
base stock model or the service process in a queuing capture a reasonable and important feature: outcomes
model. that are more likely to occur are also more likely to
be considered by the individual. It will also enable
3.1. Naive Statistics on Mental Samples us to isolate the consequences of naive statistics on
To model forecasting behavior, we first model the small samples without confounding them with biases
belief formation upon which forecasting judgments as a result of drawing from incorrect distributions or
are made. To do so, we build from the psychology lit- nonrandom sampling.2 One situation in which this
erature on the naive intuitive statistician (Fiedler and assumption holds closely is when the individual has
Juslin 2006). Let Z be a random variable in the real access to historical data of many random realizations
numbers with distribution function FZ , mean Œ, and of Z and then only recalls a subset of them (e.g.,
variance ‘ 2 . A perfectly rational model assumes that the most recent n random outcomes). When histori-
individuals know and perfectly base their decisions cal realizations are not available, such as is the case
on Œ and ‘ 2 . By contrast, we begin by assuming that for judgments of novel situations, the random sam-
individuals must rely only on a small sample of dis- pling assumption may be conceptualized as a sim-
crete random and independent outcomes from Z: ulation process in which the individual leverages
available predictive information to simulate possible
S4Z5 = 8Oi 9i=110001n 1 Oi ∼ Z0 (1) future outcomes.
Given only a small sample of random outcomes,
This approach has three important behavioral fea- one could apply normative statistical methods to infer
tures. First, the individual forecasts by sampling: he the properties of the underlying distribution. By con-
or she thinks in terms of distinct possible outcomes. trast, we assume that individuals apply naive statistics
This assumption is consistent with empirical work in and operate as though properties of the mental sam-
cognitive psychology, which has shown that individ- ple are equal to the properties of the true random
uals tend to think in terms of discrete counts and variable. Specifically, the individual naively believes
exemplars (e.g., Gigerenzer and Hoffrage 1995, Nosof- the true mean Π(a constant) is exactly
sky and Palmeri 1997). It is also consistent with the n
sampling approaches in the anecdotal reasoning mod- Œb = O1 (2)
els in economics (e.g., Osborne and Rubenstein 1998, n i=1 i
Spiegler 2006a). which is a random variable. Similarly, the individual
Second, the number of outcomes considered by naively believes the true variance ‘ 2 (a constant) is
the individual is finite or “small” (i.e., usually less exactly
than seven). Again, such an assumption is consis- 1X n
tent with psychological theory: “Time pressure, struc- ‘b2 = 4Œ − Oi 52 1 (3)
n i=1 b
tural limitations of the cognitive system, or paucity
of available data often force people to make do with which is a random variable. Here, the subscript b
but a sample, when they try to learn the character- denotes the behavioral belief.
istics of their environment” (Kareev 2006, pg. 33). Applying naive statistics in the above manner can
Working memory is cognition dedicated to the active be thought of as a belief in the representativeness
processing of thought, computation, and information. of small samples (Kahneman and Tversky 1972). The
Research on working memory capacity suggests that individual in our model assumes the mean and vari-
a mental sample is likely less than seven and, for com- ance of her mental sample are equal to the mean
plex processes, can be expected to be between two
and five (Kareev 2000), but we do not take a strong 2
For example, the “availability heuristic” (Tversky and Kahneman
position on the exact mental sample size we expect. 1973) suggests that mental samples are not random because some
We refer to the parameter n as the mental sample size. outcomes are systematically harder to imagine. Similarly, there is
also a stream of literature that investigates how nonrandom sam-
It can generally be interpreted as the degree to which ples emerge in the environment and from individuals’ decision
cognition is bounded, with smaller sample sizes cap- making (e.g., March 1996, Denrell 2005, Feiler et al. 2013, Feiler and
turing more bounded cognition. As n approaches Kleinbaum 2015).
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
6 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

and variance of the true distribution. Tversky and This criterion incentivizes one to guess the mean of
Kahneman (1971) found that “people view a sample the random variable. Of course, one could use other
randomly drawn from a population as highly rep- possible criteria, such as the mean absolute deviation.
resentative, that is, similar to the population in all However, operations decisions typically use the mean
essential characteristics” (p. 105). Additional empiri- of a random variable as a key input (see Sections 5.2
cal examinations of the psychology of sampling have and 5.1), so it is natural to focus on MSE.
led to similar conclusions. In studying subjective con- Under perfect rationality, the optimal point forecast
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fidence intervals, Juslin et al. (2007) concluded that is simply the true mean,
“people tend to assume that sample properties can
be directly used to estimate the corresponding pop- x∗ = arg min E64x − Z52 7
ulation properties” (p. 678). In a study of memories
= Œ1
of variability, Kareev (2006) concluded that “[p]eople
tend to rely on sample data and do not correct for which is a constant. By contrast, the individual
the biased values likely to be observed in small sam- believes the true mean is equal to the mean of her
ples” (p. 34). Similarly, having reviewed a large body mental sample. Therefore, the behavioral point fore-
of psychological literature, Fiedler (2000) concluded cast is simply
that individuals suffer from a “lack of metacogni-
tive devices that would be necessary 0 0 0 to correct 1X
sample statistics accordingly.” He also argued that Xb = arg min 4x − Oi 52
x n i=1
“given that even scientists [who are] specialized in
= Œb 1
sampling issues fall prey to the metacognitive weak-
ness, everyday judgments should be even more vul- which is a random variable.
nerable” (p. 660). An attractive feature of formalizing behavioral fore-
Naive statistics on small samples lead to two casting with this sampling approach is that we can
noteworthy deviations from perfectly rational beliefs. fully characterize the distribution of Xb by leveraging
First, 4Œb 1 ‘b2 5 are random variables because they are statistical theory. Below, we provide several examples.
based on the randomly drawn mental outcomes, but
the individual believes both to be equal to the true Example 1. If Z is normally distributed with mean
mean and variance Œ and ‘ 2 , which are constants. Œ and variance ‘ 2 , then Xb ∼ Normal4Œ1 ‘ 2 /n5.
That is, he lacks the metacognition to account for the Example 2. If Z is uniformly distributed on the
fact that his sample mean and variance are not nec- interval 61 ‚7, then Xb ∼ Bates4n1 1 ‚5.
essarily equal to the true mean and variance. Put in
sampling terms, he does not account for the fact that Example 3. If Z is exponentially distributed with
his sample mean and sample variance have sampling mean ’, then Xb ∼ Erlang4n1 ’/n5.
error. Second, note that ‘b2 is the sample variance Example 4. If Z is Bernoulli distributed with suc-
uncorrected for sample size. An unbiased estimator of cess probability p, then nXb ∼ Binomial4n1 p5.
the variance would be 41/4n − 155 ni=1 4Œb − Oi 52 . Con-
sistent with this notion, psychologists have found evi- Example 5. If Z is Poisson distributed with param-
dence that individuals often fail to account for the fact eter ‹, then nXb ∼ Poisson4n‹5.
that small samples tend to underestimate the variance Next, we derive the behavioral error forecast, a mea-
of the population. On the basis of the results from five sure of one’s confidence in a point forecast. It is the
experiments, Kareev et al. (2002) concluded that “the key qualifier to the point forecast that is necessary for
variance of the actually observed sample was a better nearly any problem under uncertainty. Recall that the
predictor of people’s behavior than sample variance perfectly rational point forecast x∗ is equal to the true
corrected for sample size” (p. 296). These two devi- mean Œ. Because the mean squared error of the true
ations from normative statistics will lead to several mean is equal to the true variance, the perfectly ratio-
predicted forecasting biases, as we will see in subse- nal error forecast for x∗ is simply equal to the true
quent analyses. variance,
3.2. Point and Error Forecast Behavior …∗2 4x∗ 5 = E64x∗ − Z52 7
Now that we have modeled the individual’s beliefs
about random variables, we can use those beliefs to = ‘ 2 + 4x∗ − Œ52
characterize forecast behavior. We begin with the most = ‘ 21
common type of forecast, the point forecast. Through-
out this paper we assume that the point forecast seeks which is a constant. By contrast, the individual
to minimize the expected mean squared error (MSE). naively believes the true mean is Xb = Œb , so she
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS 7

expects the error about Xb to be equal to what she for all t. By solving both of these equations for Zt ,
believes is the variance: we have that the individual believes the mean of Zt
is exactly
…b2 4Xb 5 = ‘b2 + 4Xb − Œb 52 Œb 4Zt 5 = t‹b (4)
= ‘b2 1 and the variance of Zt is exactly
which is a random variable.
‘b2 4Zt 5 = t 2 b2 (5)
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The behavioral error forecast tends to be more cum-

bersome to characterize analytically than the point for any t. Note that when t = l, the model re-
forecast. Still, it follows well-known distributions in duces P to the single random variable case: Œb 4Zl 5 =
some cases, such as the example below. l41/n5 n
O /l 41/n5
O 2 2
Pn i=1 i = i=1
Pn i and ‘b 4Zl 5 = l 41/n5 ·
2 2
Example 6. If Z is normally distributed, then i=1 4‹b − Oi /l5 = 41/n5 i=1 4Œb 4Zl 5 − Oi 5 . Otherwise,
…b2 4Xb 5 ∼ Gamma44n − 15/21 2‘ 2 /n5. the individual extrapolates or interpolates from her
mental sample using her perception of the rate.
Observe that, in general, the behavioral error fore-
It may be helpful to consider the following exam-
cast is defined as a function of a point forecast and
ple. A company’s demand every day is an inde-
therefore may be correlated with the behavioral point
pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random
forecast (e.g., see Section 4.7). Also, the error fore-
cast can apply to any point forecast, not only one’s variable. Employees always record and report sales
own. For instance, one can also evaluate other error outcomes by the week. Therefore, Z is the daily
forecasts such as the behavioral error forecast of the demand process, and the reference period length is
optimal point forecast (…b2 4x∗ 5) or the optimal error l = 7 days. To form beliefs about demand in a year
forecast of the behavioral point forecast (…∗2 4Xb 5). We (Z365 ), the individual thinks of n outcomes of weekly
will leverage these quantities as points of comparison demand (Z7 ). She then extrapolates to a year by
in Section 4. assuming the mean and variance of the demand rate
in a year is the same as the mean and variance of
3.3. Extension to Stationary Stochastic Processes the demand rate in her mental sample. If, instead,
In many operations models, uncertainty is captured she were assessing demand in a week, she would not
as a stochastic process rather than a single random need to make such an extrapolation because her men-
variable. Our model can be extended to forecasting tal outcomes would already be in the appropriate time
of stationary stochastic processes using the following lengths.
approach: the random draws in the mental sample Relative to the single random variable case, the
come from some natural time period, and individu- stochastic process case presents an additional devia-
als naively assume that the mean and variance of the tion from normative statistics: irrespective of the mag-
rate in the mental sample are equal to the mean and nitude of t, the individual naively assumes that the
variance of the true rate over any time period. variance of the rate in her sample is representative.
Formally, let Z = 8Zt — t ∈ 9 be a stationary stochas- Kahneman and Tversky (1972) presented experimen-
tic process with independent increments, where t is tal evidence consistent with this notion. Participants
the time period to be forecasted. For every Zt , we were told that the probability of success for a single
denote its distribution function FZt , mean Œ4Zt 5, and random draw was 50%. They then considered either
variance ‘ 2 4Zt 5. To generalize the sampling process, 10, 100, or 1,000 draws with replacement and were
we assume there is a certain time interval or reference asked to report a likelihood distribution for different
period length (denoted l) of the stochastic process from possible proportions of successes (10%, 20%, etc.). Par-
which outcomes are typically recorded, experienced, ticipants generated nearly identical distributions for
and/or observed by the individual. That is, the men- the proportion of successes, irrespective of the num-
tal samples are drawn from Zl , and we have S4Z5 = ber of draws. Kahneman and Tversky (1972) referred
8Oi 9i=110001n , Oi ∼ Zl . to this as the “universal sampling distribution,” and
We apply naive statistics by assuming that the indi- it is consistent with the insensitivity to t in the model.
vidual naively believes the mean and variance of This insensitivity to the time horizon leads to impor-
the rates in the mental sample are representative of tant biases, as we will see in Sections 4.9 and 4.10.
the mean and variance of Pthe true rate over any Now that we have expressions for Œb 4Zt 5 and
time period. Let ‹b = 41/n5 ni=1 Oi /l be the individ- ‘b2 4Zt 5, the extension to point forecast behavior fol-
ual’s Pperception about the mean rate, and let b2 = lows the same structure as in the single random vari-
41/n5 ni=1 4‹b − Oi /l52 be the individual’s perception able case. The perfectly rational point forecast for the
about the variance of the rate. Thus, the individual random variable Zt is
believes that E6Zt /t7 = 41/t5Œ4Zt 5 is ‹b for all t. Sim-
ilarly, she believes that Var6Zt /t7 = 41/t 2 5Var6Zt 7 is b2 x∗ 4Zt 5 = Œ4Zt 50 (6)
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By contrast, the behavioral point forecast for Zt is based on random pieces of relevant information such
that those people who rely on evidence for high val-
Xb 4Zt 5 = Œb 4Zt 5 ues tend to be canceled out by others who randomly
= t‹b 0 rely on evidence for low values. Therefore, averaging
imperfect point forecasts both reduces variability and
The normative error forecast for the normative point generally improves accuracy.
forecast for Zt is
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4.2. Forecaster Dispersion Predicts True

…∗2 4x∗ 4Zt 55 = ‘ 2 4Zt 50 (8) Uncertainty and Average Confidence
Forecaster dispersion is the extent to which there is
By contrast, the individual believes the error of her variance or dispersion in point forecasts across indi-
own behavioral point forecast for Zt is viduals. Another key feature of the model’s sampling
formulation is that the degree of point forecast dis-
…b2 4Xb 4Zt 55 = ‘b2 4Zt 5
(9) persion is endogenous: it depends on the parameters
= t 2 b2 1 of the model. By contrast, the perfect rational model
does not predict any relationships with point forecast
where the second equality follows from (5). dispersion because it does not predict any dispersion
to begin with.
4. Behavioral Phenomena Captured Empirically, a strong relationship between fore-
by the Model caster dispersion and true uncertainty has been docu-
Recall that we define the perfect rationality model in mented in demand forecasting in practice (Fisher and
this context as one that assumes that decision mak- Raman 1996, 2010; Gaur et al. 2007). In a popular
ers have a perfect understanding of the properties of operations management case study (Hammond et al.
the random variables or stochastic processes that they 1994), the retailer Sport Obermeyer made demand
face. We now show that the behavioral model cap- point forecasts by averaging the point forecasts of
tures several distinct behavioral phenomena that are seven internal experts who all had access to the same
not captured by such a model of perfect rationality. information. They then obtained a good predictor of
their overall point forecast error by multiplying the
4.1. Wisdom of the Crowd experts’ point forecast dispersion by 1075. In this man-
The behavioral model relaxes the perfectly rational ner, they converted point forecast dispersion into a
benchmark by capturing random forecasting behav- proxy of true uncertainty.
ior. Thus, it captures the reality that even given A relationship between forecaster dispersion and
the same information, people may not always report average forecaster confidence has also been docu-
identical point forecasts equal to the optimal value. mented empirically (Zarnowitz and Lambros 1987).
A well-documented effect involving human fore- More dispersion across forecasts tends to correspond
casting is the “wisdom of the crowd” (Surowiecki with less confidence among those forecasters. The
2005). This phenomenon states that the average of importance of this relationship stems from the fact
many people’s point forecasts tends to be very accu- that there are many situations in which only point
rate, more accurate than most individuals’ point fore- forecast data are accessible, but one would also like
casts (e.g., Armstrong 2001, Clemen 1989, Einhorn to estimate what forecasters think about uncertainty.
et al. 1977, Larrick and Soll 2006). Even though, given Consistent with these empirical observations, our
the same information, people do not always report model captures the following relationships between
identical point forecasts, the average of their point forecaster dispersion, true uncertainty, and average
forecasts tends to be quite accurate. forecaster confidence.
Our model captures this well-documented phe-
Proposition 2. The individual’s point forecast has ex-
nomenon in that although point forecasts are random,
pected dispersion Var6Xb 7 = ‘ 2 /n. The expected error fore-
the expected point forecast is optimal.
cast is proportional to the expected dispersion, E6…b2 4Xb 57 =
Proposition 1. The individual’s point forecast is equal 4n − 15Var6Xb 7.
to the optimal forecast in expectation E6Xb 7 = x∗ .
Thus, the larger the uncertainty in the environment,
Of course, even for the optimal point forecast, the the more dispersion we should expect in point fore-
forecast error is not zero because Z is still random. casts, and vice versa. The second part of the proposi-
However, in general, the expected point forecast will tion notes that because both error forecasts and point
outperform an individual with finite n in the long run. forecast dispersion are functions of true uncertainty,
What drives the wisdom of the crowd effect here is point forecast dispersion also predicts the average
the sampling mechanism: people make their forecasts confidence level of the population. Although these
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
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results are straightforward, they are inconsistent with model with n = 5, the point forecasts have the dis-
the perfectly rational model that captures no disper- tribution 5Xb ∼ Binomial451 00015. Consequently, the
sion. They are also intuitively appealing: we would model predicts that approximately 95% of individu-
expect some dispersion and expect more dispersion als will act as though there is zero probability of a
across point forecasts when there is more uncertainty. disaster. However, about 5% of individuals will act
For example, if Z is determined by the sum of two as though there is about 002 probability. And about
fair six-sided dice, we would not necessarily expect 001% of individuals will act as though there is a 004
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all individuals to make the perfectly rational point probability of a disaster. In short, the model cap-
forecast of seven. And we would expect more point tures a phenomenon where the majority of individu-
forecast dispersion (and forecasters to be less confi- als underestimate the likelihood of rare events, but a
dent about their point forecast accuracy in general) if minority of individuals greatly overestimate it.
the dice were 47-sided as opposed to 6-sided. This pattern of behavior is consistent with empir-
Note that the model also predicts that the slope ical work in psychology on decisions from experi-
of these relationships depends on the mental sample ence. When sampling alternatives before making a
size n. A given level of forecaster dispersion indi- risky choice, individuals tend to make strong infer-
cates larger true uncertainty (and less average con- ences from their small samples of experience such that
fidence) when n is large compared with when n is the majority underweights rare events, but a minority
small. In this way, the model provides an interpreta- overweights them (Hertwig et al. 2004, Rakow et al.
tion of the constant used at Sport Obermeyer, men- 2008, Hadar and Fox 2009). Hadar and Fox (2009,
tioned above. For example, if forecasters are under p. 324) related their results to the following example:
more time pressure (captured by a smaller n), it sug-
gests that Sport Obermeyer should expect the con- Before taking a long trip a driver may seem to “under-
weight” and/or “underestimate” the possibility of a
stant to decrease below 1075. On the other hand, as
tire blowout by failing to check tire wear and inflation
forecasters become more sophisticated (a larger n),
because the possibility of this outcome never occurs
even small levels of disagreement among the fore- to him. However, if the driver has experienced (per-
casters can indicate large true demand uncertainties, sonally or vicariously) a blowout or is reminded about
and Sport Obermeyer should multiply by a larger this possibility by a companion then he may “over-
constant. weight” and/or “overestimate” this outcome, going to
great lengths to avoid a low-probability catastrophe
4.3. Underweighting Rare Events (blowout).
The model predicts endogeneity not only in the
degree of forecaster dispersion but also in the shape Returning to the wisdom of the crowd effect in Sec-
of dispersion. Because of the central limit theorem, Xb tion 4.1, this pattern of point forecast dispersion also
approaches a normal distribution as n grows large. implies that one should not necessarily eliminate out-
However, in our model, n is small such that Xb liers when averaging point forecasts (Larrick and Soll
may deviate significantly from normality. In particu- 2006, Soll and Mannes 2011) because the large errors
lar, individuals are unlikely to consider rare events of the minority may help offset the small errors of
when thinking of their mental sample of possible out- the majority. If Z is positively (negatively) skewed,
comes. Thus, most point forecasts trend toward the removing the point forecasts of the outliers will tend
outcomes that are most likely. Consequently, if Z is to bias the resulting average downward (upward). In
skewed, then the distribution of point forecasts will this way, the model captures a distribution of per-
also be skewed in the same direction. We state it for- ceptions of rare events in a manner consistent with
mally as follows. empirical findings in psychology.
Proposition 3. Inequality Mode4Xb 5 < x∗ holds if and 4.4. Optimizer’s Curse
only if Mode4Z5 < x∗ . If Z belongs to the Pearson fam- The belief that the mean of one’s mental sample is
ily, then Mode4Xb 5 < Median4Xb 5 < x∗ if Z is positively equal to the true mean of the random variable is espe-
skewed, but Mode4Xb 5 > Median4Xb 5 > x∗ if Z is nega- cially problematic when optimizing over several ran-
tively skewed. dom variables. Imagine that a manager must choose
In Proposition 2 we showed that the expected point one product from a set of alternatives and then decide
forecast is equal to the true mean. How can these how many units of that product to produce. He makes
two propositions be reconciled? Although individuals a point forecast for each alternative’s demand, selects
are more likely to err away from rare events, those the product associated with his highest point forecast,
that err toward rare events tend to do so much more and produces an amount equal to that point forecast.
severely. Consider Z ∼ Bernoulli400015; there is a 1% Interestingly, this manager has likely just produced
probability of a disaster, and the optimal point fore- too many units. If each point forecast has random
cast is x∗ = 0001. By contrast, under our behavioral error, then the largest point forecast tends to be larger
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
10 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

than its true mean value because of what is known 4.5. Jensen’s Inequality Neglect and the
as the optimizer’s curse (Smith and Winkler 2006). Planning Fallacy
In the process of choosing the maximum point fore- As previously noted, an important mechanism in
cast, one is more likely to choose a point forecast the behavioral model is that the forecaster naively
that had positive error than one that had negative believes that her point forecast (which has random
error. To account for this problem, the maximal fore- error) is exactly equal to the true mean. In addition to
cast should be adjusted downward and more so when neglecting the optimizer’s curse, this naivety makes
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point forecasts have more random error, and when the individual subject to what we call Jensen’s inequal-
the true means are close together (Smith and Win- ity neglect. Because the individual treats Xb as the true
kler 2006, Harrison and March 1984). However, Tong mean, he applies functions to it as one would to the
et al. (2016) demonstrate experimentally that individ- true mean. Mathematically speaking, he thinks that
uals generally fail to make such an adjustment, result- g4Xb 5 = g4Œ5 for any function g. This belief is prob-
ing in an overestimation bias (see also Kahneman lematic because Xb is a random variable while Πis a
and Tversky 1973 and Thaler 1988 for similar work constant. Moreover, by Jensen’s inequality, we know
on regression-to-the-mean effects and the winner’s that E6g4Xb 57 ≥ g4Œ5. The individual does not take
curse). this inequality into account. Therefore, we have the
Our behavioral model captures the optimizer’s following.
curse as follows. Because of naive statistics, individ-
uals incorrectly operate as though the mean of one’s Proposition 5. Let g4 · 5 be a convex function. The
mental sample is identical to the mean of the ran- individual’s belief about g4Œ5 is biased high.
dom variable, even though it has random error. If an To our knowledge, no empirical work in psychol-
individual assumes that his point forecasts for several ogy or management has directly examined Jensen’s
random variables are equal to their respective means, inequality neglect. However, there is some evi-
then there is no reason for him to believe that the dence that even trained statisticians fail to correct
forecast for the random variable with the highest pre- for Jensen’s inequality when conducting estimations
dicted outcome is systematically biased. We state this (Silva and Tenreyro 2006), so it is reasonable to
formally as follows. hypothesize that customers and managers will also
Proposition 4. Let Z1 1 Z2 1 0 0 0 1 Zk be k independent fail to do so.
random variables with true means Œ1 1 Œ2 1 0 0 0 1 Œk . Let i∗ An important example of a convex function that
denote the index associated with the individual’s maximal may impact common decisions is the reciprocal.
point forecast Xb1 i∗ = max8Xb1 1 1 Xb1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Xb1 k 9. Then, the
Corollary 1. The individual’s belief about 1/Œ is
individual’s belief about Œi∗ is biased high.
biased high.
It is important to observe that the above biased
belief about the chosen alternative is only for the same Suppose a manager is asked how many projects
individual that made the choice. From Proposition 1, he can complete in six years. If he bases his esti-
an individual is unbiased if he does not first choose mate on how long he thinks it takes to complete
among a set. This combination of results suggests that each project on average, the above corollary suggests
the optimizer’s curse may be reduced if the selection that he tends to overestimate how many projects he
task and forecasting task are given to two separate can complete. The intuition is that misestimation gets
and independent people. magnified more when the manager underestimates
The optimizer’s curse has important consequences how long it takes to complete a project than when he
in numerous operations settings beyond product overestimates it. For example, suppose that in actu-
designs and production decisions. For example, imag- ality a project takes one year on average so that, in
ine that a manager conducts process improvement by expectation, he can complete six projects in six years.
making capacity forecasts under various designs and If he overestimates the average time needed to com-
then choosing the one that is forecasted to yield the plete a project by six months, then he will under-
greatest improvement. The optimizer’s curse suggests estimate his six-year productivity by two projects
that she will overestimate the expected benefit of the 46 years/4105 projects/year5 = 4 projects5. However, if
chosen design, potentially yielding an inflated will- he underestimates the average time needed to com-
ingness to pay for it or affecting future budgetary plete a project by six months, then he will over-
and logistical planning. Similarly, imagine that a cus- estimate his six-year productivity by six projects
tomer decides which product to purchase based on 46 years/4005 projects/year5 = 12 projects5. Therefore,
his quality forecasts for multiple products. The opti- he tends to overestimate his six-year productivity
mizer’s curse suggests that he will be disappointed in overall.
the quality of the purchased product, on average. We Corollary 1 can be interpreted as a type of planning
discuss further applications in Section 5. fallacy. Traditionally, the planning fallacy refers to the
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empirical observation that individuals tend to under- Proposition 6. The individual underestimates the er-
estimate how long projects will take to complete (e.g., ror of his point forecast for the random variable Z by a
Buehler et al. 1994). Kahneman and Tversky (1979b) factor of 4n + 15/4n − 15. That is, E6…b2 4Xb 57 = 44n − 15/
suggested that the planning fallacy occurs because 4n + 155E6…∗2 4Xb 57.
people focus on how the components of a project can The magnitude of the above underestimation can
be successfully coordinated and completed, underap- be significant. If n = 3, the individual thinks his point
preciating the combined impact of the many ways in forecast error will be only 1/2 of its true expected
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which a plan can go awry. The planning fallacy may value. Put another way, he underestimates the root
also emerge as a consequence of failing to unpack all √
mean squared error by a factor 005, which suggests
of the individual steps that are required to complete a that an individual’s 90% confidence interval will cap-
complex project (Kruger and Evans 2004). Our model ture the true outcome only about 75% of the time.
generates an alternative source of the planning fal- The model captures two separate drivers of over-
lacy: neglecting errors in the forecasted cycle time— confidence. First, the individual fails to account for his
the time needed to complete one unit of work—leads own random point forecast error (recall that Var4Xb 5 =
to overestimation of the work completion rate, even ‘ 2 /n > 0) and instead naively assumes his own point
if cycle time estimates are unbiased. forecast is equal to the true mean.3 Second, he tends
to underestimate the variance of Z because small
4.6. Overconfidence samples have lower variances than their populations
Perhaps the most well-known empirical result related (recall that ‘b2 = 4n − 15‘ 2 /n < ‘ 2 ). The manner in
to the error forecast is overconfidence in the accuracy which our model captures overoptimism in the accu-
of one’s point forecast, sometimes more specifically racy of one’s point forecast is similar to the work
referred to as overprecision (Moore and Healy 2008). of Juslin et al. (2007), which demonstrated that sam-
Empirical evidence supporting such overconfidence pling and statistical naivete can lead to overly nar-
has typically employed the task of having individuals row confidence intervals even in the absence of any
provide two numbers such that they are 90% sure the more pernicious bias, such as confirmatory informa-
answer will lie between them. Surveying the overcon- tion search.
fidence literature, Jain et al. (2013, p. 1970) found that
self-reported 90% confidence intervals “are likely to 4.7. Weak Confidence–Accuracy Correspondence
capture much less than 90% of the actual realizations, We have shown that the model captures overconfi-
often only 40% to 70% of the realizations.” There is a dence: individuals tend to underestimate their own
clear tendency of individuals to provide overly nar- point forecast error. However, are more confident
row confidence intervals. individuals more accurate? From a managerial per-
Of course, the perfectly rational model predicts no spective, one would hope that individuals displaying
overconfidence; under perfect rationality, the point more confidence are in fact more accurate. However,
forecast equals the true mean and the error forecast empirical work in psychology has often found a sur-
is equal to the true variance. By contrast, our behav- prisingly weak correspondence between confidence
ioral model generates such overconfidence. To see and point forecast accuracy (Henry 1993, Sniezek and
this, note that, on average, the behavioral error fore- Henry 1989, Tsai et al. 2008).
cast can be expressed as Interestingly, the behavioral model also captures a
surprisingly weak correlation between an individual’s
E6…b2 4Xb 57 = 4n − 15‘ 2 /n0 point forecast and error forecast. In fact, if Z is nor-
mally distributed, the individual’s point and error
It is smaller than the true variance by a factor forecasts are independent. Consequently, the individ-
4n − 15/n. Next, let …∗2 4Xb 5 denote the true expected ual’s error forecast and her true expected error are
error of the behavioral point forecast. It can be evalu- also independent. We state this formally below.
ated as Proposition 7. If Z is normally distributed, then
…b2 4Xb 5 and Xb are independent. Moreover, …b2 4Xb 5 and
E6…∗2 4Xb 57 = E64Xb − Z52 7 …∗2 4Xb 5 are independent.
= ‘ 2 /n + ‘ 2 If Z is normally distributed, the model states that
n+1 2 a confident person is no more likely to be accurate
= ‘ than an unconfident person. At first glance, this result
and is larger than the true variance by a factor 3
While random error is not the most commonly cited explanation
4n + 15/n. Combining these two observations yields for overconfidence, some psychologists have stressed its potential
the following proposition. importance (e.g., Soll 1996, Soll and Klayman 2004).
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may appear surprising. After all, the error forecast is is normally distributed. If Z is not normally dis-
defined as a function of the point forecast. Also, one tributed, then the two effects may not perfectly can-
might expect that an individual who has a terribly cel out, although overconfidence should still generally
erroneous point forecast should also have very low be smaller for exogenous versus endogenous point
confidence. However, the result is a consequence of forecasts.
a statistical fact of normal distributions: the sample Overconfidence in the accuracy of one’s own fore-
mean and sample variance of a normal distribution cast but good confidence calibration for an exogenous
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are independent. By connecting this statistical fact point forecast may seem like a strange pattern of
with forecasting behavior, the model provides a plau- results. However, there exists empirical support for
sible mechanism for the empirically observed weak exactly this pattern. As mentioned previously, when
correspondence between confidence and accuracy. employing a confidence interval generation task (e.g.,
There may, of course, exist other factors that make “Set an upper and lower bound such that there is
point and error forecast accuracy positively corre- an 90% chance that the correct answer falls in that
lated. For example, a subset of individuals may face a range”), experiments have consistently revealed that
random variable with a smaller true uncertainty (i.e., individuals provide intervals that are too narrow (see
smaller ‘ 2 ), which would generate a positive correla- Section 4.6). However, when employing a probabil-
tion between confidence and accuracy. Furthermore, ity estimation task for exogenously provided intervals
when Z is nonnormally distributed, the point and (e.g., “What is the probability that the correct answer
error forecast are not independent; if Z is positively is between 1,700 and 1,800?”), experiments have
(negatively) skewed, then Xb and …b2 4Xb 5 are positively found overconfidence is greatly reduced (Gigerenzer
(negatively) correlated.4 Proposition 7 does not pre- et al. 1991, Hansson et al. 2008, Klayman et al. 1999,
clude these possibilities, but it does show why under Haran et al. 2010). This phenomenon is referred to
certain conditions confidence and accuracy may not by psychologists as format dependence because the
correspond to the degree one might expect. likelihood of observing overconfidence depends on
Finally, we note that the independence of the the format of the question (Juslin et al. 1999). Our
behavioral point and error forecasts for normally dis- model provides a sampling-based explanation consis-
tributed Z is very useful for analytical tractability. tent with that proposed by Juslin et al. (2007) but in
Indeed, we will leverage it later in this section and in the context of point and error forecasting.
Section 5. Finally, by comparing this result with the over-
confidence in one’s own point forecast (see Proposi-
4.8. Format Dependence and Egocentric tion 6), note that the model captures a systematically
Assessment of Others’ Forecasts higher confidence in one’s own forecasts than others’
Although the behavioral model predicts that individ- forecasts, even when unwarranted. Such egocentric
uals will be overconfident in their own point fore- evaluation of others’ point forecasts is consistent with
cast, surprisingly, it predicts that overconfidence may evidence of egocentric advice discounting (e.g., see
be eliminated when assessing an exogenous point Yaniv and Kleinberger 2000), in which individuals do
forecast. not adjust their own forecasts sufficiently in response
Proposition 8. Let Z be normally distributed and y be to observing another person’s independent forecast.
an exogenous point forecast. The individual’s error forecast
for y is unbiased; E6…b2 4y57 = …∗2 4y5. 4.9. The Gambler’s Fallacy and the
Law of Small Numbers
The intuition is as follows. Although the individ- The next two phenomena concern individuals’ beliefs
ual underestimates ‘ 2 , such underestimation is per- about stochastic processes and therefore require our
fectly canceled out by the added randomness in his extension to stationary stochastic processes.
belief about Œ, which he also ignores. By making the A well-known behavioral forecasting bias for
point forecast exogenous, we have flipped one of the stochastic processes is the gambler’s fallacy, which is
drivers of overconfidence (incorrect beliefs about Œ) the tendency to believe that if an event occurred less
into a driver of underconfidence. This perfect can- frequently than its theoretical probability in the past,
cellation relies on the result from Proposition 7 that it will occur with higher probability in the future,
Xb = Œb and …b2 4Xb 5 = ‘b2 are independent when Z even if the process is truly random and memoryless.
It can also be described as a belief in local balanc-
Recall our comment that when leveraging the wisdom of the ing within random sequences. For example, people
crowd, one should not necessarily discard point forecasts that seem tend to believe that a fair coin flip will be signifi-
like outliers. Here, we find a reason why it may be difficult to fol-
low this advice: when Z is skewed, individuals with extreme point
cantly more likely to be tails after observing several
forecasts also tend to report lower confidence, making their advice heads in a row than after observing several tails in a
tempting to ignore. row (Rappoport and Budescu 1992, 1997). The result
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is consistent with the “law of small numbers,” which, The behavioral model captures a bias consistent
generally speaking, says that individuals exaggerate with a nonbelief in the law of large numbers by way
how likely it is that a small number of random out- of an overestimation of point forecast error in the long
comes will have the same characteristics as the true run. When t is large (relative to l), the individual is
distribution from which they were drawn (Tversky underconfident in the accuracy of her point forecast.
and Kahneman 1971, Rabin 2002). If one believes that Specifically, we have the following.
the true rate should be achieved in any short time
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interval, one will expect deviations in one direction to Proposition 10. Let Z be a stationary stochastic pro-
soon be canceled out by deviations in the other (Rabin cess with independent increments. The individual overesti-
and Vayanos 2010). mates her point forecast error for t > ln/4n − 25. This bias
The behavioral model captures a bias consistent is increasing in t.
with the gambler’s fallacy and a belief in the law of
small numbers by way of an underestimation of point The mechanism driving this result is similar to that
forecast error in the short run. Recall that Zt is the in Proposition 9: the individual does not believe that
random variable of interest. When t is small (relative highs and lows will average out any more than they
to l), the behavioral model predicts that the individual do in the reference time length, even for very large
is overconfident in the accuracy of her point forecast. time intervals. Of course, by the actual law of large
Formally, we have the following. numbers, we know that the average observed rate will
Proposition 9. Let Z be a stationary stochastic pro- indeed equal the true expected rate as t → ˆ. There-
cess with independent increments. The individual under- fore, for large enough values of t, this false belief in
estimates her point forecast error for t < ln/4n − 25. This the representativeness of the rate in her mental sam-
bias is decreasing in t. ple is enough to overcome the overconfidence result
The main driving force behind why the individual in Section 4.6, resulting in underconfidence. There-
underestimates her point forecast error for small t is fore, when forecasting for a sufficiently long time
that she believes that highs and lows in the stochas- horizon, our model predicts overestimation of the
tic process should average out with as much force point forecast error.
in small time t as it does in the reference period
length l. For example, imagine that a manager typ-
ically observes monthly demand (l = 30 days) but 5. Illustrative Examples
must forecast demand for the next 10 days. The model We now provide two examples of how one can apply
predicts she expects the demand rate in 10 days to the behavioral model of forecasting to OM settings—
only vary as much as the demand rate varies in a the newsvendor model and a single-server queue
month, even though the variance of the demand rate with balking model. We will show that the behav-
in 10 days is likely to be much larger. ioral forecasting model can be tractably imported to
Notice that when t is equal to l, the individual is derive the distribution of inventory order decisions
still overconfident. The overconfidence in this case (assuming behavioral demand forecasting but rational
reduces to the overconfidence in the single random cost minimization) and the steady-state distribution
variable case, discussed in Section 4.6. of customers in the queue (assuming behavioral wait
4.10. The Nonbelief in the time forecasting but rational utility maximization). We
Law of Large Numbers then discuss the direct implications of the previously
The previous result concerns beliefs about stochas- derived 10 behavioral phenomena for these settings.
tic processes in the short run. What pattern emerges To be clear, our purpose is not to derive optimal poli-
regarding beliefs about stochastic processes in the cies nor performance implications, but rather to show
long run? that the model opens the door to studies of this kind.
Past work has found evidence of a “nonbelief in the Similarly, our purpose is not to provide evidence for
law of large numbers” (Benjamin et al. 2016): people the implications of the model in each setting, but
have a tendency to falsely believe that the character- rather to show that the model can generate interesting
istics of even very large random samples may still and testable predictions when applied to OM settings.
deviate from the population’s true characteristics. For
example, for 1,000 fair coin flips, what is the chance 5.1. Demand Forecasting in the
that the number of heads will fall within the range Newsvendor Model
of 450 to 550? In Kahneman and Tversky (1972), par-
ticipants assigned a probability of 0.21 when answer- 5.1.1. Relaxing Perfect Rationality in Forecasting.
ing this question, even though the true probability is The newsvendor model is the fundamental building
greater than 0.99. block of stochastic inventory management. In it, a
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
14 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

manager must determine an inventory order size q 5.1.2. Direct Implications of the Behavioral Phe-
in advance of a random demand D. We will assume nomena. Given that the newsvendor order decision
that D is normally distributed with distribution func- serves as a building block to many operations models,
tion FD , mean Œ, and variance ‘ 2 . For every unit the one could leverage the behavioral forecasting model
manager’s q falls short of the realized demand, he to conduct an in-depth study on a variety of topics
incurs an underage cost cu . For every unit he exceeds using the same methods as with the perfectly rational
demand, he incurs an overage cost co . Thus, his inven- model. However, even without conducting additional
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tory cost is analyses (solving for optimal policies, determining

C4q5 = co 6q − D7+ + cu 6D − q7+ 1 (10) contract performances, etc.), we can generate implica-
tions for inventory management by interpreting the
where 6x7 = max8x1 09. The optimal inventory 10 previously derived behavioral phenomena.
level q ∗ minimizes the expected inventory cost. It is From overconfidence (see Section 4.6), the model
straightforward to show that q ∗ satisfies predicts that order quantities will be biased toward
cu the demand mean even under automated ordering
FD 4q ∗ 5 = 0
cu + co decisions. This pattern is consistent with the well-
documented pull-to-center effect (Schweitzer and
The right-hand side is called the “critical fractile.”
Cachon 2000, Bolton and Katok 2008) and laboratory
The left-hand side is called the “in-stock probability.”
Therefore, the optimal order quantity achieves a prob- evidence suggesting that the effect is at least in part
ability of being in stock equal to the critical fractile. due to demand overconfidence (Ren and Croson 2013)
Let z∗ = ê −1 4cu /4cu + co 55, where ê −1 is the inverse and the order-to-demand framing of the newsvendor
of the standard normal distribution function. It is well problem (Kremer et al. 2010).
known that for normally distributed D, the optimal Furthermore, recall that there were two compo-
inventory level can be written as nents driving the overconfidence bias according to
our model: an underestimation of the true variance
q ∗ = Œ + ‘z∗ and an assumption that one’s point forecast is cen-
= x∗ + …∗ 4x∗ 5z∗ 1 tered on the true underlying mean. Therefore, Propo-
sition 6 suggests that in order to achieve an in-stock
(e.g., see Zipkin 2000). The first term of the optimal probability level equal to the critical fractile, one
inventory level is often referred to as the “cycle stock” must increase individuals’ safety stocks by a factor
because one expects it to be used based on expected p
4n + 15/4n − 15, even though the average safety stock
demand. The second term is often referred to as the ∗
“safety stock” because while one does not expect to p Qb is only less than the safety stock in q by a factor
n/4n − 15. In other words, increasing safety stocks
use it, demand is uncertain, and it hedges against
to account for behavioral underestimation of vari-
the asymmetric costs of underage and overage costs.
ance observed in the laboratory is not enough—one
Standard models assume that the individual’s deci-
must increase safety stocks even further to account
sion is based on a perfectly rational forecast—the indi-
for behavioral naivety with point forecast error.
vidual uses the true demand mean and variance in
Newsvendor orders in the laboratory exhibit ran-
the formula above to determine the order quantity.
By contrast, we can incorporate our model of dom error (Su 2008), which sometimes is even more
behavioral forecasting to relax the perfect rationality costly than the pull-to-center effect (Rudi and Drake
assumption in the newsvendor model. Instead of bas- 2014). The model relaxes perfectly rational orders
ing the order on the true demand mean and variance, by capturing random error generated by behavioral
the individual bases it on her point forecast and error forecasting. Specifically, the model predicts that we
forecasts. Therefore, the resulting inventory decision should expect to see larger dispersion in order quanti-
based on the behavioral forecast is ties for (1) products with high true demand variance,
(2) products with very high or very low profit mar-
Qb = Xb + …b 4Xb 5z∗ 1 (11) gins (consistent with Chen et al. 2013), and (3) peo-

which, in contrast with q , is a random variable. ple with larger pull-to-center effects (consistent with
Because demand is normally distributed, from Exam- Moritz et al. 2013). To see this, note that endogenous
ples 1 and 6, we know that Xb ∼ Normal4Œ1 ‘ 2 /n5 and dispersion (see Section 4.2) implies that the disper-
…b2 4Xb 5 ∼ Gamma44n − 15/21 2‘ 2 /n5. Moreover, from sion of the cycle stock is increasing in the variance
Proposition 7, we have that Xb and …b2 4Xb 5 are inde- of demand. The dispersion of the safety stock is also
pendent random variables. Therefore, Qb is a fully increasing in the demand variance (see Example 6).
defined random variable that we can express using Because these dispersions are independent (Proposi-
the convolution of the probability density functions tion 4.7), we have point (1). Point (2) follows from
of Xb and …4Xb 5. the fact that …b 4Xb 5 is multiplied by z∗ in the formula
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS 15

for Qb . And point (3) follows from the fact that both a customer who arrives when there are k people in
overconfidence and dispersion are decreasing in n. the system (both in line and in service). A customer
However, based on format dependence (see Sec- would like to join the line if cWk+1 ≤ r (i.e., if the
tion 4.8), if one person makes a point forecast and a reward for joining is greater than the cost of waiting).
different person takes that point forecast as exogenous Of course, at the time he must decide whether or not
to make an error forecast, the resulting error fore- to join, Wk+1 is uncertain, and he must make a deci-
cast should be unbiased. Therefore, applying Propo- sion based on his point forecast.
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sition 8, the model predicts that if we decomposed Naor (1969) models all customers as making per-
the order decision such that the cycle stock was deter- fectly rational forecasts and maximizing expected net
mined by one person’s point forecast and the safety rewards. Thus, the join or balk decision is determined
stock was determined by another person’s error fore- by the true expected wait time E6Wk+1 7. Upon observ-
cast of the first person’s point forecast, the resulting ing k customers in line ahead of him, a customer joins
order quantity should achieve an in-stock probability the queue if and only if
closer to the critical fractile.
Similarly, the model also predicts that it should c4k + 15’ ≤ r0 (12)
be advantageous to separate product selection deci-
sions from inventory decisions. The optimizer’s curse The resulting joining process is Poisson with rate ‹
(see Section 4.4) suggests that if a manager is placing if k + 1 ≤ r/4’c5 and zero otherwise. The steady-state
an order for a product because it is associated with queuing behavior is equivalent to a finite-capacity
his highest forecasted demand among several prod- queue model with a capacity of k̄ = r/4c’5. That is, it
ucts, then his cycle stock decision will be biased high. is an M/M/1/k̄ system. The steady-state probabilities
However, by separating the product selection decision are well known (see, for example, Kulkarni 2009):
and the inventory order decision, firms may be able
to reduce this bias. 1−
Finally, Propositions 9 and 10 regarding the law Pk = k 1 k = 01 11 0 0 0 1 k̄1
1 − k̄+1
of small numbers and the nonbelief in the law of
large numbers (see Sections 4.9 and 4.10) suggest that where  = ‹’.
point forecast error is significantly underestimated for Our behavioral model enables us to relax Naor’s
short time intervals but significantly overestimated model (Naor 1969) to capture behavioral aspects of
for long time intervals. Substituting these results into forecasting by capturing join or balk decisions that
the expression for Qb , we see that the implications are based on individuals’ behavioral point forecasts,
of these findings for inventory decision making in which are not always equal to the true expected wait
base stock models (or other inventory control models time. Let Xb 4Wk+1 5 be the behavioral point forecast
where lead-time demand plays an important role) are
for Wk+1 . Then, upon observing k individuals in the
that individuals will have too little safety stock for
queue, a customer joins the queue if and only if
short lead times but too much safety stock for long
lead times.
cXb 4Wk+1 5 ≤ r0
5.2. Wait-Time Forecasting in an
Observable Queue Because each service time is exponential with mean
’, we know that Wk+1 ∼ Erlang4k + 11 ’5. By contrast,
5.2.1. Relaxing Perfect Rationality in Forecasting. by applying the behavioral forecasting model in Sec-
Consider the classic model setting of the single-server tion 3.3, it is straightforward to show that Xb 4Wk+1 5 ∼
queue with balking, such as the one considered in 4k + 15’b , where ’b ∼ Erlang4nl1 ’/4nl55 with the dis-
Naor (1969). Customers arrive to a server according to tribution function denoted by F’b 4 · 5. Here, ’b denotes
a Poisson process with rate ‹ customers per minute. the individual’s belief about the average time per cus-
Service times are i.i.d. and exponential with expected tomer, and l denotes the reference number of cus-
time ’ minutes. A customer receives benefit r from tomers. The individual will join the queue if
completed service, but waiting (both in line and while
receiving service) is costly at rate c. Customers are c4k + 15’b ≤ r1 (13)
served on a first-come, first-served basis. Customers
are homogeneous with r ≥ c’. which occurs with probability Fb 4r/4c4k + 1555. Thus,
Upon arriving to the system and observing the the joining process when there are k customers in line
number of customers in line, the customer forecasts
is Poisson with rate
the wait time based on the queue length. From this
forecast, she decides whether or not to join the queue.
Let Wk+1 be the true waiting plus service time for ‹k = ‹F’b 1
c4k + 15
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
16 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS

and the resulting steady-state probabilities can be to make in a given time interval requires taking the
shown to be reciprocal of the forecasted wait time per customer,
and the reciprocal is a convex function. Therefore, an
Pk = Ak P0 1 k ≥ 11 individual may choose to renege because of slower-
1 than-expected progress within the queue.
P0 = Pˆ 1
i=0 Ai Finally, the predicted law of small numbers and the
nonbelief in the law of large numbers (see Sections 4.9
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  and 4.10) imply that individuals underestimate the
‹ r uncertainty of the wait times for short lines but over-
Ak = F’b Ak−1 1
’ c4k + 15 estimate the uncertainty of wait times for long lines.
A0 = 10 This pattern suggests that, all else equal, customers
may appear to prefer shorter lines even if there is no
Thus, the behavioral model of forecasting can tractably difference in actual wait time.
be imported to express the steady-state behavior of the
5.2.2. Direct Implications of the Behavioral Phe- 6. Conclusion
nomena. Again, one could apply this model to queu- Accounting for behavioral elements of forecasting
ing systems and conduct in-depth analyses to try to is important for more accurately modeling decision-
address various questions. For example, the model making behavior in operations and management sci-
can be inserted in Cui and Veeraraghavan (2016), ence. In this paper we presented a behavioral model
which takes arbitrary service rate belief distributions of forecasting based on the psychological process
to study congestion and revenues. However, even of mental sampling and naive statistics. It captures
without doing so, we can generate implications for many forecasting-related behavioral phenomena and
queuing theory by interpreting the behavioral phe- can be directly imported into formal models that typ-
nomena derived earlier. ically assume individuals have perfect understand-
In contrast with the perfectly rational model, the ing of random variables and stochastic processes. Our
present model captures dispersion in arriving cus- model can serve as a building block such that a rich
tomers’ wait-time expectations. In particular, from set of forecasting behavior can be accounted for with a
Section 4.2 and (7), it predicts that wait-time forecasts single parameter within more complex models. It may
are more disperse when the lines are longer. also be useful for empiricists because it is grounded in
Furthermore, because service times are exponential, credible psychology and may help explain observed
the model predicts that most people underestimate anomalies or be a source for new testable hypotheses.
their wait time and a few people will greatly over- We have illustrated some of these opportunities for
estimate their wait time (see Subsection 4.3). Thus, inventory management and queuing applications.
when the true expected cost of waiting equals the Researchers who are interested in achieving greater
reward (i.e., when (12) holds at equality), individu-
descriptive accuracy can further develop this model.
als are more likely to join than balk in the behavioral
For instance, rather than assuming inferences from
model (i.e., the probability that (13) holds is greater
small samples are purely naive, one could parame-
than 0.5; see Proposition 3).
terize the extent to which an individual applies sta-
The implication from the optimizer’s curse (see Sec-
tistical corrections to infer the properties of the true
tion 4.4) is that, on average, customers will be dis-
appointed in their wait-time experiences. Individuals uncertainty. Additionally, our model assumes that the
choose the maximum of the net reward from join- mean and variance of a sample is computed without
ing and zero (from not joining). Therefore, the true error, but one could add random error in these cal-
expected wait time among those individuals who culations. Furthermore, one could relax the assump-
choose to join tends to be longer than their respective tion that the possible outcomes considered by the
point forecasts (see Proposition 4). This gap between individual are random draws from the true uncer-
expectations and experience is important because a tainty distribution (see Section 3.1). Such complexities
wealth of behavioral research shows that the outcome reduce the parsimony of the model; however, achiev-
relative to the expectation is a fundamental determi- ing greater descriptive accuracy through additional
nant of (dis)satisfaction. parameterization may build a stronger linkage to the
One prediction from Jensen’s inequality neglect (see psychology literature on judgment and decision mak-
Section 4.5) is that customers overestimate how many ing and generate new insights and hypotheses.
positions they should expect to move forward in a We make no strong claims about how to increase
given time interval. This result follows from Corol- mental samples or reduce statistical naivete. However,
lary 1: calculating how much progress one expects at a high level, the model suggests that a focus on the
Tong and Feiler: A Behavioral Model of Forecasting
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–20, © 2016 INFORMS 17

consideration of more possible outcomes can improve mean Œj ∗ = max Œ1 1 Œ2 1 0 0 0 1 Œk . Thus, j ∗ is fixed, but i∗ is a
forecasting. Some strategies observed in management random variable that depends on the outcomes of the point
practice are seemingly consistent with an attempt forecasts. From the definitions of i∗ and j ∗ , we have
to increase one’s mental sample size. For exam-
Œi∗ − Xb1 i∗ ≤ Œj ∗ − Xb1 i∗ ≤ Œj ∗ − Xb1 j ∗ 0
ple, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management
firm, encourages its employees to consider 20 pos- Taking expectation over the uncertainty regarding the point
sible outcome scenarios before forming an opinion forecasts, we have E6Œi∗ − Xb1 i∗ 7 ≤ E6Œj ∗ − Xb1j ∗ 7. The right-
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about how a given alternative affects their risk man- hand side equals zero because j ∗ is independent of the
agement strategy. Additionally, the model suggests point forecasts and E6Xb1j 7 = Œj for all j. Thus, E6Œi∗ − Xb1 i∗ 7
that if a debiasing strategy works for one forecasting ≤ 0. The left-hand side is not necessarily zero because i∗ is
bias, there is reason to believe that it will also work a random variable that depends on the point forecasts of
for the others, because they can be the product of the each Z. If there is a chance that i∗ does not equal j ∗ , then
same underlying process. Finally, the model may be the inequality is strict. Because the individual believes that
useful from a system design standpoint. Rather than Xb1 i∗ is the true mean, we have the result. ƒ
attempting to improve the judgment of individuals,
Proof of Proposition 5. By Jensen’s inequality, we
system designers can use the model to intelligently
have g4E4Xb 55 ≤ E6g4Xb 57. Substituting E6Xb 7 = Œ, we obtain
structure the environment in anticipation of behav- g4Œ5 < E6g4Xb 57. The right-hand side is the expected value
ioral deviations from optimal forecasting. of the individual’s belief about g4Œ5. ƒ
The illustrative OM examples we provided raise
other important and unanswered research questions Proof of Proposition 6. The proof follows from the
that can be fully developed. Researchers in other dis- expressions for …b2 4Xb 5 and …∗2 4Xb 5. ƒ
ciplines in management science and economics may
also be able to use our model to relax assumptions Proof of Proposition 7. The proof follows the same
of perfect rationality in belief formation within other proof that the sample mean and the sample variance are
contexts. Our hope is that this work serves as a use- independent for a normal population (e.g., Casella and
Berger 2002, p. 218), with some minor adjustments to correct
ful building block for future analytical and empirical
for the fact that the individual’s belief about the variance is
research both in operations and more broadly.
the sample variance uncorrected for the sample size. ƒ

Acknowledgments Proof of Proposition 8. The actual error of y is given

The authors thank the following people for their valuable by E64y − Z52 7 = E6y 2 − 2yZ + Z 2 7 = y 2 − 2yŒ + E6Z 2 7 = y 2 −
conversations and feedback: Greg DeCroix, Justin Sydnor, 2yŒ + ‘ 2 + Œ2 = ‘ 2 + 4y − Œ52 . The individual expects the
Steve Leider, Laurens Debo, Xuanming Su, Andy King, error to be
Connie Helfat, and Nagesh Gavirneni. Additionally, the
authors are grateful for the helpful comments and ques- E6…b2 4y57 = E6‘b2 + 4y − Œb 52 7
tions from the seminar participants at Duke, the University
n−1 2
of Texas at Dallas, and Tuck, and the conference partici- = ‘ + y 2 − 2yŒ + E6Œ2b 7
pants at the 2015 Behavioral Operations Conference. Finally, n
the authors thank the department editor and the anony- n−1 2
= ‘ + y 2 − 2yŒ + Var6Œb 7 + Œ2
mous associate editor and reviewers for their constructive n
feedback. n−1 2 ‘2
= ‘ + y 2 − 2yŒ + + Œ2
n n
Appendix = ‘ 2 + 4y − Œ52 1 ƒ

Proof of Propositions 1 and 2. The proof follows

directly from the definitions of Xb , x∗ , and …b2 4Xb 5. ƒ Proof of Proposition 9. The individual expects his fore-
cast error to be
Proof of Proposition 3. The first part follows from t2 2
the random sampling assumption. The second part fol- …b2 4Xb 4Zt 55 = ‘ 4Z 51
l2 b l
lows from the fact that Mode4Z5 < Median4Z5 < Πholds
if Z belongs to the Pearson family (see Groeneveld and which has expected value 4t 2 /l544n − 15/n5‘ 2 4Z 1 5. His actual
Meeden 1977). ƒ error is

Proof of Proposition 4. The proof follows very closely t2 2

E6…∗2 4Xb 4Zt 557 = ‘ 4Zl 5 + ‘ 2 4Zt 5
that of Proposition 1 in Smith and Winkler (2006). Observe l2 n
that the true mean values Œ1 1 Œ2 1 0 0 0 1 Œk are fixed, but the t2 2 1
= ‘ 4Z 5 + t‘ 2 4Z 1 5
point forecasts Xb1 1 1 Xb1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Xb1 k , which are what the indi- ln
vidual believes to be the true mean values, are uncertain. t + ln 2 1
Let j ∗ denote the random variable with the maximum true = t‘ 4Z 50
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