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Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017

Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration

Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

Description on Spiritual Needs Level of the Kidney Failure Patients that are going
through Hemodialysis on RSUD Cilacap’s Hemodialisa Room

M. Muniruzzaman1, Yuni Sapto Edi R2, Agus Prasetyo3

1,2,3STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap

e-mail: prasetyoagus163@gmail.com

Suffering from end-stage renal failure often makes the individual needs spiritual fulfillment.
Efforts to improve nursing care on the patient's spiritual dimension, one of them is through
the study of spiritual needs. This study aims to identify the spiritual needs of patients with
chronic renal failure who undergo hemodialysis. This quantitative descriptive study involved
65 patients with chronic renal failure who underwent hemodialysis in RSUD Cilacap taken by
accidental sampling. Data were collected using the Spiritual Needs Questionaire (SPNQ 2.1)
instrument that covered aspects of religion, peace and self-existence and giving needs. Data
analysis of spirituality needs using frequency distribution and percentage. The results showed
that on the religious aspect, as many as (90.8%), the dimension of peace was (55.4%), the
dimension of existence as much as (20%), whereas in the giving dimension there were
(86.2%) patients at need level. In general the level of spiritual needs of respondents is
(49.2%) at the level of need rather and (50.8%) at the need level.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Failure, Hemodialysis, Spiritual Needs

Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

A. INTRODUCTION risk on having issue on their believe or

a system that can give them
Human being are build up power,hopes and life meaning. It begins
from physical, emotional, with a calling for spiritual help from the
intelectual, sosial and spiritual patient, showing doubt in their believe,
dimensions, in which each excessive doubt on their life-meaning,
dimension's needs has to be fulfilled. showing their interest on death and the
Client's problems that are frequently after-life, makes decisions, and refusing
exist when they got some health a ritual ceremony. These are supported
issues (for example physical illness) by the action of crying, pulling
are the cause of their psychososial themselves from the society, anxiety
and sosial problems. When clients isues, anger, and also physical changes
are suffering from an illness, their such as eating disorders, insomnia and
spiritual power can help them to increasing blood pressure. (Hidayat,
cure themselves and they can reach 2006)
their goal with or through the In a health service area, the
spiritual needs fulfillment. (Asmadi, medical staffs have a important roles
2008) on fulfilling spiritual needs. The
According to Bussing et al staffs are required to give an extra
(2010), spiritual needs has 4 fulfillment when the patient are
dimension which are; religious, going to have an operation, critical
inner peace, self existency and an patient and the patients with low rate
active giving. Each person has these life chances. Therefore, the
needs but they have different aspect relationship between faith and health
and their level of needs, therefore it service can be found. An aspect of
is important to do a reseach on spiritual needs and biological needs
determining the patients need can be provided on the health service
beforehand. area. Spiritual aspect is capable of
Dunning (2003) said that encouraging patients on their healing
spirituality is an invisible essential part process.
of an individu which gives life According to Hawari (1997),
meaning and goal, and also the the importance of spiritual aspect in
relationship with God, the supreme supporting other healing aspects is
power. Spirituality is different from not negotiable, as some current
religion, spirituality is a much broader researches proves that spiritual
concept that is universal and personal. impact is an essential part of the
While, religion is a part of spirituality patient’s health and healing process.
and related to culture and society. This is acceptable as the hospital’s
The most common problem on patients especially inpatients, not
the failure of fulfilling the spiritual only they are suffering from physical
needs will gives impact to a more illness. but also suffering from many
serious problem wich is spiritual kinds of pressure and mental spiritual
distress illness. Both from the light to the
The most common problem on severe one as a result from their
the failure of fulfilling the spiritual illness. (Priyanto, 2009)
needs will gives impact to a more The realization of the above is
serious problem wich is spiritual not accurate as it is stated. On some
distress. It is a situation when an Local Hospital (RSUD) that are
individual or a group of people had a operated both by the government and
Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

private institution, spiritual service Hemodialysis on RSUD Cilacap’s

for the inpatients is not a habitual Hemodialisa Room.”
process both individualy and
colaboratively with the nursing care. RESEARCH METHODS
Therefore, compared to other nursing
This research is using a
care, especially mdical nursing care,
simple quantitative descriptive
inpatient’s spiritual needs are not
design with the survey method on a
group of objects. This design was
The initial study had been done
chosen because the writer would like
by the researcher on June 17, 2016
to show the description on spiritual
towards 10 kidney failure patients that
needs of chronical kidney failure
are going through Hemodialysis in
patients that are going through
RSUD Cilacap. The result of the study
Hemodialysis on RSUD Cilacap’s
shows that 8 of the kidney failure
Hemodialisa room.
patients pray more than before,
readings religious book, and accepting
their situation. 2 of the patients feel
The subject of this research are
tired of the Hemodialysis treatment 120 kidney failure patients that are
and feel like it is useless, they closing going though Hemodialysis in RSUD
themselves from the society, and they Cilacap. Finding the amount of the
show no interest on communication to research sample is done with the
people around them including the Slovin calculation which resulting in
health care staffs. 65 respondent.
Based on the explanation
above on the spiritual needs, the
writer is interested to do the research
The result of the analysis on
about “Description on Spiritual
the 65 respondents can be seen on this
Needs Level of the Kidney Failure
explanation :
Patients that are going through

A. Religious Dimension

Tabel.1 Distribution of Religious Dimension Need Level on Sppiritual Needs of

Chronical Kidney Failure Patients That Are Going Through Hemodialysis.

Not at all Somewhat Strong Very Strong

N % N % N % N %
To pray with someone? 4 6,2 16 24,6 8 12,3 37 56,9

That someone prays for you? - - - - 28 43,1 37 56,9

To pray for yourself? - - - - 10 15,4 55 84,6

To participate at a religious 1 1,5 19 29,3 33 50,8 12 18,5
ceremony (i.e. service)?
To read religious / spiritual 3 4,6 12 18,5 34 52,3 16 24,6
To turn to a higher presence
(i.e.,God, Allah)?
- - - - 6 9,2 59 90,8
Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

B. Peace Dimension

Tabel 2 Distribution of Peace Dimension Need Level on Sppiritual Needs of

Chronical Kidney Failure Patients That Are Going Through Hemodialysis.

Not at all Somewhat Very

Strong Strong
N % N % N % N %
To plunge into beauty of nature? 1 1,5 21 32,3 25 38,5 18 27,7
To dwell at a place of quietness - - 4 6,2 28 43,1 33 50,6
and peace?

To find inner peace? - - 15 23,1 30 46,2 20 30,8

To give away something from
yourself? 5 7,7 17 26,2 14 21,5 29 44,6
For being complete and safe?
21 32,3 13 20,0 14 21,5 17 26,2

C. Existential Dimension

Tabel 3 Distribution of Existential Dimension Need Level on Spiritual Needs of Chronical

Kidney Failure Patients That Are Going Through Hemodialysis.

Not at all Somewhat Strong
Question Strong
N % N % N % N %
To talk with others about your
fears and worries? 27 41,5 11 16,9 27 41,5 - -

To reflect your previous life? - - 22 33,8 33 50,8 10 15,4

To dissolve open aspects of your
life? 46 70,8 7 10,8 10 15,4 2 3,1
To find meaning in illness 1 1,5 13 20,0 20 30,8 31 47,7
and/or suffering?
To talk with someone about the 5 7,7 11 16,9 35 53,6 14 21,5
question of meaning in life?
To talk with someone about the 36 55,4 12 18,5 16 24,6 1 1,5
possibility of life after death?
To forgive someone from a - - 8 12,3 34 52,3 23 35,4
distinct period of your life?
To be forgiven? - - 39 60,0 - - 26 40,0
Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

D. Active Giving Dimension

Tabel 4 Description of Active Giving Dimension Need Level on Active Giving of Chronical
Kidney Failure Patients That Are Going Through Hemodialysis.
Not at all Somewhat Strong
Question Strong
N % N % N % N %
That someone of your
religious community (i.e. 5 7,7 5 7,7 19 29,2 36 55,4
pastor) cares for you?
To turn to someone in a loving
attitude? - - 8 12,3 34 52,3 23 35,4

To solace someone?
34 52,3 13 20,0 17 26,2 1 1,5

To feel connected with family? - - 2 3,1 11 16,9 52 80

To pass own life experiences to 1 1,5 24 36,9 35 53,8 5 7,7
To be assured that your life - - 1 1,5 36 55,4 28 43,1
was meaningful and of value?
To be assured that your life 6 9,2 34 52,3 25 38,5
was meaningful and of value?
To be assured that your life - - - - 5 7,7 60 92,3
was meaningful and of value?

E. Description on Spiritual Needs Level

Tabel 5 Description of Spiritual Needs DISCUSSION

Level on Active Giving of Chronical The research shows that
Kidney Failure Patients That Are Going religious aspect is most needed by
Through Hemodialysis. the respondents. Najlah Naqiyah
(Naqiyah,2005) stated that religion
Rather Needed Highly
Needed Needed is needed by human beings to
N % N % N % construct a meaning of their life
Religion 6 9,2 59 90,8 - - experience, as with the presence of
Peace 28 43,1 31 47,7 6 9,2
Existence 52 80,0 13 20,0 - -
self confidence to give an
Giving 14 21,5 51 78,5 - - extraordinary meaning to the reality,
Spiritual religion is capable to guide a person
Needs Level 32 49,2 33 50,8 - -
to have acceptance on their
problems. While literature shows
Table 5 shows the result of spiritual
that a person rather sees God and
needs level on the religion
their congregation as a source of
dimension of 6 respondents (9,2%)
love and support and not as a source
whose spiritual needs are on the
of pain and punishment. (e.g., Croog
“rather needed” level and 59
and Levina 1972; Bearon and
respondents (90,8%) whose spiritual
Koenig 1990; Pargament, 1998).
needs are on the “needed” level.
Ners Profesion Health National Seminar STIKESAl-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017
Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

The next spiritual needs is the covers ; self reflection, discussing about
desire to give. Regarding to Bussing the life’s meaning and goal to their
et al (2010), the desire to give relatives, discussing about fear and
consists of : conciously active on after-life to relatives. Frankl (on
comforting others, sharing life Guillory et al, 1997) stated that the point
of human’s existence can be seen
experience, and ensuring others that
through the searching of life meaning
their life has a purpose and meaning.
and goal. Furthermore, Buchardt and
Walton (2002) stated that spirituality Nagai-Jacobson defines spirituality as
is a balance thing, after a person gets an essential part of human’s existence,
help when they were having a crisis, raise awareness on self identity, life goal
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Management Communication In Health Team Collaboration
Of Giving High Alert For Patient Safety

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