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99 Qualities of God/Ways to Use Qualities

Ya-Allah- The God/ all qualities begin and end with As-Sami’- The All Hearing/recite this name 100
Allah times without speaking to anyone on Thurs. after al-
Ar-Rahman- The Gracious/repeat 100 times after asr until maghrib prayer, Allah will bestow any desire
dawn prayer for good memory, keen conscious, relief on him.
from heavy grief Al-Basir- The All Seeing One/repeat this name 100
Ar-Rahim- The Merciful/repeat 100 times after times between the first 4 bows of the tradition of the
dawn prayer and before morning will find intimacy, Holy Prophet and the obligatory prayer at the Friday
helpfulness, and will be tolerant toward all people prayer, Allah will give this person esteem in the eyes
living around him of others.
Al-Malik- The Sovereign/ repeat this name and be Al-Hakam- judges truth from falsehood
respected by others Al-‘Adl- impossible for Him to be unjust
Al-Malik Al-Mulk- The Sovereign/ Reciting this Al-Latif- The Subtle One/He who has become poor
name softens strains and enhances one’s resources and helpless, if he repeats this name 100 times after
Al-Quddus- The Holy/repeat this name 100 times the 2 bows of the optional prayers, his desire will be
daily to liberate the heart from anxiety fulfilled.
As-Salam- The Source of Peace and Security/repeat Al-Khabi- The Aware/He who has a bad habit and
this name 100 times to a sick person to help them wants to get rid of it, repeat this name continuously
regain health will be quickly freed from this habit by the grace of
Al-Mumin- The Giver of Peace/say this name 70 Allah.
times after al-isha prayer will be secured from harm Al-Halim- The Clement/ When one writes this name
Al-Muhaimin- The Protector/ inner body of those on a piece of prayer and puts it in the place where
who recite this name with full attentiveness will seed is sown, no harm or calamity will befall the
become luminous crop.
Al-Aziz- The Exalted in Might/Repeat this name 40 Al-Azim- The Great/He who recite this name many
times after morning prayer for 40 days will become times will be respected by others
self sufficient and independent of need from others Al-Ghafur- The All Forgiving/For headache or fever
Al-Jabbar- The Irresistible/recite this name and will repeat this name continuously for relief
never be compelled to do anything against your Ash-Shakur- The Appreciative/For heavy heart
wishes and not exposed to violence, severity, or repeat this name 41 times over a glass of water and
hardness then wash your face with the water, your heart will
Al-Mutakabbir- The Majestic/repeat this name lighten
before union with a beloved to be blessed with Ash-Shakir- The Appreciative/ When you recite this
righteous child name every day 41 times over a cup of water, and rub
Al-Khaliq- The Creator/repeat this name at night, it on your breast and eyes, there will be a change for
Allah will appoint an angel for security &protection the better and troubles will diminish. Ash-Shakur
until the day of Judgment and the reward for this mentioned before is more than ash-Shakir.
angel’s action will be given to that person Al-‘Aliy- The Sublime/For weak faith repeat this
Al-Khallaq- The Creator/ Continuous recitation of name 33 times and your faith will become sound and
this name in the quiet hours of night is rewarded by correct and you will reach your destination
continuous blessings until the Day of Reckoning Al-Kabir- The Most Great/Repeat this name 100
Al-Bari- The Maker/ This name is used to induce times daily to become honorable and respectable in
labor for a woman having difficulty. She fasts for 7 the eyes of people
days and each day, at the time of breaking fast Al-Hafiz- The Preserver/Repeat this name 16 times
repeats 3 names of Allah: the Creator, the Maker, and each day and Allah will protect you from calamity
the Fashioner 21 times each. She then breathes into a Al-Hafizh- The Protector/ By repeating this name of
cup of water and drinks it. Allah will bless her with a Allah, on one’s person, calamities are kept away
child. Al-Kafil- The Surety/Reciting this name of Allah 21
Al-Musawir- The Fashioner/ If a woman has been times every morning instills good manners and good
unable to bear a child, she keeps a fast for 7 days, morals in children.
breaks her fast every evening with a drink of water Al-Warith- The Inheritor/Recite this name and
over which the sacred name of Allah has been recited become immune from hardships and worries of this
21 times will be blessed with a child world and the Hereafter
Al-Ghaffar- The Great Forgiver/Recite this name 33 Al-Rashid- owner of good fortune in all matters
times and Allah forgives all his sins Al-Muqit-The Maintainer/For bad mannered child,
Al-Qahhar- The Dominant/ Repeat this name 66 repeat this name 33 times over a glass of water and
times to control worldly desires & evil deeds. Also have the child drink it and the child will have good
given spiritual contentment and inner peace. Also manners
protects you from doing evil deeds. Al-Hasib- The Reckoner/If one is afraid of being
Al-Wahhab- The Bestower/repeat this name 7 times robbed or is afraid of the jealousy of an envious one,
after morning prayer, appealing to Allah, prayer will or is afraid of being harmed or wronged, begin on
be answered. A needy person or one who has been Thurs night to repeat this name 70 times a day and
captured by an enemy or someone who cannot earn night for 7 days, and at the 71st time if he says, “Allah
enough money to suffice himself, repeat this name 3 is my Reckoner,” he will be free from his fears,
– 7 nights, 100 times after 2 bows of optional prayer inshallah
at midnight, Allah will bless him with all his needs Al-Jalil- The Glorious/Reciting this name is a great
and free him from the clutches of an enemy. blessing
Ar-Razzaq- The Provider/ recite this name and be Al-Karim- The Generous/One who recites this name
provided with sustenance 77 times will have esteem in this world and in the
Al-Fattah- The Opener/Repeat this name 60 times, hereafter
Allah will enlighten his mind and be given victory. Ar-Raqib- The Watchful/He who repeats this name 7
Al-Alim- The All Knowing/recite this name 100 times over himself, his family and his property will
times, heart will be luminous, revealing the divine be under the protection of Allah
light Al-Qarib-The Ever Near/ recite this name 101 times
Ar-Rafi’- The Sublime/Repeat this name 100 times and draw nearer to Allah
day and night and Allah will elevate him higher as far Al-Mujib- The Responsive/He who repeats this
as honor, richness and merit are concerned name 55 times, his appeal will be answered
Al-Wasi’a- The All Embracing/He who has Al-Batin- The Hidden/Repeat this name 3 times
difficulty in earning his livelihood and repeats this every day and you will be able to see the truth in
name, his income will be increased inshallah things
Al-Hakim- The Wise/He who recites this name from Al-Wali- The Governor/He who repeats this name
time to time will not have difficulties in his work 33 times and breathes into his house will be free from
Al-Wadud-The Loving/If there is a dispute between danger
2 people and one of them repeats this name 1,000 Al-Muta’ali- The Most Exalted/ He who repeats this
times over some food and gives it to the other to eat, name frequently will gain the benevolence of Allah.
the disagreement will come to an end Recitation of this sacred name of Allah restores lost
Al-Majid- The Majestic/ He who repeats this name capabilities, power, and prestige.
will live in this world honorably Al-Barr- The Source of All Goodness/ He who
Al-Ba’ith- The Awakener/Reciting this name 100 repeats this name over a child, this child will be free
times every night before going to sleep, divine from misfortune. Parents who lose a child very
enlightenment will lead its way to your heart young should not despair, for Allah will bless them
Ash-Shahid- The Witness/ If a person has a with children who will survive if they profusely
rebellious and disobedient child and he repeats this recite this sacred name
name, his child will become obedient At-Tawwab- The Acceptor of Repentance/He who
Al-Haqq- The Truth/ If one has lost something and repeats this name frequently will have his repentance
repeats this name he will find what is lost accepted
Al-Wakil- The Trustee/Those who are afraid of Al-‘Afuw- The Pardoner/He who repeats this name
drowning in water, being burnt in a fire, or any frequently and after that prays, “Oh Allah, You are
similar danger, who repeat this name from time to the Forgiver and You like to forgive, I pray for You
time will be under the protection of Allah to forgive my sins.” Allah will forgive all his sins
Al-Qawiy- The Most Strong/He who cannot defeat Ar-Ra’uf- The Compassionate/He who repeats this
his enemy who repeats this name with the intention name frequently will be blessed by Allah. The
of not being harmed, his enemy will not overcome recitation of this sacred name of Allah turns a harsh
him, inshallah and hard master into a kind and lenient one
Al-Matyn- The Firm/He who has difficulties, if he Al-dhal Jalali walk-Ikram- Purity of Majesty,
repeats this name, his troubles will disappear, Honor & Might
inshallah Ala-Muqsit- equitable & just, cleans all harm &
Al-Waliy- The Protecting Friend/He who repeats this appearance of misdeeds
name is likely to be a friend of Allah Al-Jami’- The Gatherer/Repeat this name to find the
Al-Hamid- The Praiseworthy/He who repeats this things that have been lost. One who has been
name will be loved and respected by the world separated from his people, family or friends, may
Al-Muhit- The All Pervading/If you are having recite this sacred name of Allah and He will reunite
difficulty with offering your prayers, go to sleep with them
your hands on your bosom after reciting this name 7 Al-Ghaniy- The Self Sufficient/He who repeats this
times. You shall find your will and determination name will be contented and not be envious
strengthened An-Nur- The Light/He who repeats this name will
Al-Mubdi’- originator of all goodness have inner light
Al-Mu’id- restorer, renews creation Al-Hadi- The Guide/ he who recites this name will
Al-Muhyi- The Giver of Life gain spiritual knowledge
Al-Mumit- The Giver of Death/reciting this name Al-Badi’- The Originator/He who repeats this name
opens a way for redemption from the torture of the 70 times saying, “Oh He Who is the Originator of
Hereafter incomparable things in the heavens and on earth,” all
Al-Hayy- The Alive/One who repeats this name 100 his troubles will disappear. Reciting this name of
times will have a long life Allah is invaluable for the accomplishment of a
Al-Qayyum- The Self Subsisting/One who repeats difficult task or for the attainment of difficult
this name 99 times will never fall into hard times objectives.
Al-Wajid- not needy or incapable of anything Ar-Rabb -The Sustainer/Reciting this name as many
Al-Majid- glorious times as possible, ways and means open up for the
Al-Wahid - The One/Repeat this name alone and in a best possible way of bringing up children. Reciting
quiet place 113 times, you will be free from fear and this name is also a safety against dangers of all kinds.
delusion, inshallah Al-Qadir- The Mighty/While performing ablution, if
Al-Ahad – The One/Repeat this name 1000 times one keeps reciting this name of Allah, it will bring
and the secret of the universe will be opened to him. him ascendancy over his foes and freedom from
By reciting this sacred name of Allah, there is peace dangers
and contentment as well as divine blessings Al-Qahir- The Omnipotent/Continuous recitation of
As-Samad- The Eternal/Repeat this name frequently this name gives protection against the temptations of
119 times and Allah will provide for his needs and as this world
a result, he will not need others, but they will need Al-Fatir- The Creator
him Al-Musta’an- The One Who Is Called Upon For
Al-Qadir- The Able/Recite this name 114 times and Help
all your desires will be fulfilled Al-Kafi’- The Sufficient
Al-Muqtadir- The Powerful/Repeat this name 500 Al-Mannan- The Most Gracious
times and be aware of the truth As-Sabur- patient & gentle one who forgives
Al-Awwal- The First/he who would like to have a
child but cannot or would like to have a real beloved, Note: Not all the qualities listed in “The Meanings of
if he repeats this name 1000 times for 40 Fridays, his the Names of Our Lord” have remedies listed with
desires will be fulfilled, inshallah the quality. The names from this book differ from
Al-Akhir- The Last/Repeat this name 600 times the names listed and in spelling from those in
frequently will not only lead to a happy life but also “Children Around the Table Of Allah”. I could not
have a happy ending list all the qualities without having more than 99 so
Az-Zahir- The Manifest/Recite this name 15 times this list is composed of all the qualities with remedies
every other Friday prayer and the divine light will and other qualities from both books. I also listed
enter his heart names together that seemed very similar even though
this is not the same order as they were given in the

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