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The Hips

Understanding the Hips

Hip Flexion
The Psoas and Iliacus
Back Pain
TFL Cramping

Weakness in the Hip Muscles

Dysfunctional Hip Flexors

Hip-Dominant Exercises
Hamstring Group

Hip-Extension Exercises
Understanding the Hips inactive. Muscles can’t be shut down. They
simply have diminished capacity; they’re
We need to stabilize the region between
the ribcage and the pelvis, and move at
Gray Cook often makes this point: Hip the hip joints. That’s the key, getting core
mobility is something we lose. We are ali stability while we gain active hip mobility.
bom with exceptional, probabiy excessive If you can get core stability and active
hip mobility, and as we age, it goes away. hip mobility in your clients, they’re going
You won’t find a single baby who can’t get to be moving well, performing better and
his foot in his mouth, and you won’t flnd on the way toward pain-free.
very many adults who can.
The big thing with understanding hips is Hip Flexion
we need more static flexibility work, more
direct hip flexor work, and more attention Increased knowiedge ofthebiomechanics
to mobiiity. of hip flexion is one of the most valuable
In the standard Janda idea, the muscles things 1 have learned since the reiease of
on the backside were said to be long and Fiinctional Training for Sports. The problem
weak, and the muscles on the front, short with understanding hip flexion in general
and strong. As we look at the hip, we realize and the psoas muscle in particular is we
someone who spends a lot of time in a use the term hip flexor as a generic term to
flexed posture is going to have long, weak apply to five muscles, four of which have
glutes and short, weak hip flexors. The fact distinctly different leverage positions from
that those muscles are short does not make the other.
them strong. My reading of the work of physical
We now do direct hip flexor work therapist Shirley Sahrmann has changed
because we’ve found we need to strengthen my understanding of hip flexors, as it has
that group, and while we were doing a lot about many other muscle groups.
of work above ninety degrees in hip flexion, Our understanding of the motion of
we’ve started doing things from the bottom hip flexion comes from looking at the
up in addition to the work above ninety. anatomical leverages of the different
In terms of things being too short and muscles involved. The five muscles capabie
too tight in the hip, we’ve got soft tissue of assisting in hip flexion are the tensor
mobiiity and restrictions fascia latae (TFL), the rectus femoris
— muscular
restrictions and capsular restrictions. (distinct in that it is both a member of the
And then we’ve got muscular mobility quadriceps group and a hip flexor), the
issues, iimited active range of motion iiiacus, the sartorius and the psoas.

the ability of the iiiacus and the psoas to Three of these muscles possess
flex the hip and the ability of the glute to something in common; two are distinctly
extend the hip. different. The TFL, rectus femoris and
There are two types of limitations, one sartorius all have insertion at the iliac crest.
being passive structures, one being active This means all of these muscles are capable
structures. We need static stretching and of hip flexion up to the level of the hip,
activation work low-load training, a a function of the principies of mechanicai
term more applicable than activation, leverage.
because muscies dori’t actually become

Advances in Functional Training 113

The Psoas and Iliacus Any of these indicate the client is
attempting to compensate for the weak or
under-active muscles.
If the tester is concerned the subject is a
skiiled compensator, we have a better test
The psoas and the iliacus are different. deveioped by strength and conditioning
The psoas has its origin from the length coach Karen Wood that has also become
of the lumbar spine, while the iliacus our favorite psoas and iliacus exercise.
originates on the posterior of the ilium. Have the client stand with one foot on a
This creates two distinct dissimilarities. plyo box to place the knee above the hip;
The psoas acts directly on the spine, twenty-four inches works weii for most
both as a stabilizer for the iliacus and as people.
a flexor. The psoas and the iliacus are the With the hands overhead or behind the
oniy hip flexors capable of bringing the hip head, have the ciient attempt to lift the foot
above ninety degrees. off the box and hoid it up for five seconds.
In the case of a weak or under-active Inability to lift and hold is indicative of
psoas or iliacus, the femur may move above a weak psoas or iliacus, or both. To add
the levei of the hip, but it is not from the resistance and use this test as an exercise,
action of the psoas and iliacus, but rather lateral resistors or bands can be used to
from the momentum created by the other increase the difficulty of the isometric.
three hip flexors. With this knowledge, Any test of the psoas originating from
our understanding of back pain, hip below the hip is inherently invalid as the
flexor strains and quad pulis is drastically iiiac-originated hip flexors are now at a
expanded. leverage advantage.
To assess the function of the psoas and Understanding the unique functional
iliacus, we use Shirley Sahrmann’s simple contributions of the psoas and iliacus
test: In a single-leg stance, puli one knee to iliustrates how a weak or under-active
the chest and release. Inabiiity to keep the muscle can be a factor in both back pain
knee above ninety degrees for ten or fifteen and in quadriceps strains.
seconds indicates a weak psoas or a weak
Other signs are:
• a cramp at the iliac crest in the
region of the TFL

• an immediate backward lean to


• a large pelvic shift to the right or left

• a quick drop from the top with a

catch at the ninety-degree point

114 Advances in Functional Training

Back Pain Often with back pain, inability to flex
the hip past ninety degrees will often cause
many clients to flex the lumbar spine to
give the iliusion of flexing the hips. Watch
how many of your clients immediately flex
You also need to realize the hip and the the lumbar spine when asked to bring the
lumbar spine are linked. When talking knee to the chest. There is a clear distinction
about the hip, we’re talking about the between bringing the knee to the chest and
lumbar spine; when talking about the bringing the chest to the knee.
lumbar spine, we’re talking about the hip. Attempting to bring the knee toward the
We can’t think of one without considering chest and above the levei of the hip forces
the other. the client to use the psoas and iiiacus. If
The reality is we work the hip to protect they are unable to do this, one or all of
the spine. When the hip doesn’t work three things happen.
properiy, when the hip doesn’t move The athlete will flex the spine and bring
the way we need it to, either actively the chest to the knee. At first observation
or passively, we’re going to get spinal this appears the same, but from a back pain
motion, and then we’re going to have back perspective, it could not be more different.
probiems. Flexion of the iumbar spine is the leading
The solution to low back pain isn’t cause of disk degeneration. Those who
found in the back, it’s in the hips. substitute back motion for hip motion get
If we think about the postures of an back pain, and perhaps eventuaiiy surgery.
athletic body or a deconditioned client, we in the quadraped bent-knee leg raise,
often see excessive anterior tilt. we see a similar example of how this
happens with extension, rather than
Follow the logic: flexion. If the hip does not move and if
we can’t properly use the glutes, there’s
Weak external obliques allow going to be lumbar extension to replace the
anterior tilt; lacking hip extension. You see this ali the
time in gyms, peopie moving the iumbar
Anterior tiIt allows lhe psoas lo spine both in quadraped exercises and in
shorten; movement. As you begin to watch people
who move inefficiently, you’il be shocked
The short psoas inhibits lhe glutes; at how much they move the lumbar spine
to avoid moving the hip or to make up for
The weak glutes and tight psoas the inability to move the hip.
prevent hip extension. The ability of the glutes to work is
critical, because if the giutes can’t work,
The result is lumbar extension substituted there will be low back pain. When you look
for hip extension, and subsequently low at Stuart McGill’s work, it’s very clear:
back or anterior hip pain. Weak glutes, bad back.
Hip mobility requires the right muscles Interestingiy, a bad back often means a
moving the hip joint to decrease the strong back, because the back extensors are
movement of the lumbar spine as a overused. People with bad backs tend to
substitute. This means core stability is have greater extensor torque than people
directly related to hip mobiiity. You can’t with healthy, pain-free backs. These people
separate the two, because if the hips don’t are constantly using their lumbar erectors
move, the spine will. as hip extensors instead of using the giutes.

Advances in Functional Training 115

People with bad backs will often have TFL Cramping
disappearing glutes, the no-butt look.
When you see that, you know the solution.
The solution is squatting. The solution is
single-leg work. The solution is to get those
glutes doing their jobs, get those hips People will also use the TFL and the
moving. When you get the hips rnoving other ischial hip flexors to flex the hip. In
and get the glutes working, in most cases this case your athlete will complain of a
the back pain will go away. And for this low-level strain in the TFL. This is a result
you’ll be real popular with your clients. of overuse of a synergist, and will feed into
a synergistic dominance of the TFL and
further psoas and iliacus dysfunction.
A muscle cramps when attempting to
shorten in a disadvantageous position.
With the hip flexed above ninety, the TFL
is already shortened and unable to produce
the necessary force to hold in this position
of poor leverage. The atternpt results in
cramping, rnuch like a hamstring cramp in
bridging when the glutes are under-active.
These sarne effects are often seen
when atternpting hanging knee-ups, an
exercise we almost never do as it teaches
compensation, except the crarnp or strain
is in the rectus femoris.
This is what we see in our hockey
athletes who use a flexed athletic posture.
The athlete will use the rectus fernoris to
create hip flexion. This can result in the
rnysterious quad pull seen in sprinters or
on forty-yard-dash day in football.
The etiology is the sarne as above, only
the culprit is now the rectus fernoris instead
of the TFL. It should be noted rnost quad
pulis or quad strains are lirnited to the
multi-joint rectus fernoris. Soreness will
generally be near the insertion point of the
rectus femoris into the quadriceps, at about
the halfway point of the thigh.

116 Advances in Functional Training

Weakness in Stretch
the Hip Muscles The Thomas position is popular for
psoas stretching. This is a physical therapy
test used to measure hip flexor length, but
people use it for a stretching solution in
The psoas and iliacus are to the anterior
addition to testing.
hip as the glute is to the posterior hip. As
Position the client on the table with
seen in the discussion of glute activation
one knee to the chest and the sacrum on
and the core, a weak glute max will cause
the table end. Push down lightly on the
synergistic dominance of the hamstrings extended leg. Half-kneeling psoas stretches
and extension of the lumbar spine to
will also work, but the Thomas position
compensate for hip extension. This will works best, as the iliacus and psoas can be
lead to back pain, anterior hip pain and difficult to self-stretch.
hamstring strains. On the opposite side, a
This difficulty is partially solved by my
weak or under-active psoas will cause back
new favorite anterior hip self-stretch, a
pain from flexion rather than extension,
half-kneeling hip flexor stretch with the
TFL strain and rectus femoris strain.
down leg on an Airex pad and the forward
Another Sahrmann point: Use of the
leg elevated on a twelve-inch box.
harnstring as the prirnaiy hip extensor changes
the lever arm of the femur and can cause
anterior capsule pain.

Dysfunctional Hip Flexors

The plan of attack for a client with a
weak or under-active iliacus or psoas is
reasonably straightforward. In order to
properly execute the plan, you will need to
enhist the help of good manual therapist,
who can sometimes be hard to flnd. This
may be a massage therapist, chiropractor or
physical therapist, but the key is the ability
to get the hands into the tissue. Don’t get
hung up on which profession; just flnd
someone with good hands.
The following is the protocol.
The body position is oriented about
Soft Tissue forty-five degrees toward the box; it’s not
Treat the soft tissue, done by a good straight-on. The athlete’s torso is facing
manual therapist who can get into the out, toward the forward-leg side rather
psoas. This has to be done manually. Foam than straight ahead. The athlete will need
rollers, or even more targeted work with a to maintain this hip rotation, which is
tennis bail, can’t get into a deep area like going to stress the psoas as the foot goes
the psoas. up. There’s a significant amount of internal
rotation created when the foot is placed on
the box.

Advances in Functional Training 117

Advanced clients should lift the Hip-Dominant Exercises
stretchedside arm overhead.
Remember, keep the lumbar spine stable.
The psoas inserts on the lumbar vertebrae.
Arching the back shortens the psoas the
exercise is designed to stretch. A section on hip-dominant exercise
This is the best self-psoas stretch we could actually be an extension of the core
have found; if you’ve been spending a lot chapter, because if you think about it,
of time wrestling around with your athletes when does bridging cease to be an exercise
in the Thomas position, teach them this for core stability and glute activation, and
one instead. become a strengthening exercise for the hip
Anterior hip mobility is the most extensors? The une between core strength
difficult area to stretch and an area we exercises and hip-dominant exercises is
neglect. Don’t skip this stretch. impossible to draw.
Many of our core stabilization exercises
Strengthen are actually foundational movements that
morph into hip extension exercises. The
We do a seated psoas contraction into
concept of glute activation created in the
hip flexion with the hands behind the
bridging exercises carnes over directly into
back to maintain lumbar curve. The athlete
ali of the bent-leg hip-extension exercises.
must be seated on something high enough
In fact, bent-leg hip-extension exercises are
that the feet don’t touch the ground. Begin
merely progressions from bridging done in
with three ten-second holds and progress
a concentric and eccentric manner.
to ten times in ten seconds.
The training of the entire posterior chain
becomes more cnitical as we begin to further
our knowledge of functional anatomy. The
posterior chain works in conjunction with
the quadriceps to control all locomotor
movement from walking to running.
Dr. Vladimir Janda referred to the
systems of the posterior chain as the deep
longitudinal subsystem and the posterior
oblique subsystem, and demonstrated how
critical these muscles are in transferring
force from the ground to the upper body.
When the foot hits on the ground, the
ankle is stabilized by the anterior tibialis
and peroneais. This allows force to be
transmitted through the hamstring into the
glute max. If we do not perform single-leg
hip-extension exercises, we will again miss
a critical part of force transmission and of
ankle stability. The exercises must begin at
the ground with the peroneal group and
anterior tibiaiis, and proceed up the chain
through the lateral hamstring and into the

118 Advances in Functional Training

The use of the thoracolurnbar fascia as Hamstring Group
the crossing point of movement through
the lumbar spine reinforces our core
training concepts, as both the transverse
abdominus and internal oblique act on
the sarne thoracolumbar fascia. Movement To make matters worse, the harnstring
is literally linked from the feet to the group, a secondary hip extensor, is still
shoulders by the core muscles and fascia. mistakenly trained as a knee flexor.
The muscles that extend the hip, Although some anatomy texts describe the
primarily the gluteus maximus and hamstring group as knee flexors, we now
hamstring group, are often neglected in know the hamstring is actually the second
training programs. When we view the most powerfu! hip extensor, as well as a
systems from a functional anatomical stabilizer of the knee.
perspective, hip-dominant exercise is as Hamstrings are only knee flexors in
important as knee-dominant exercise, or nonfunctional settings. In any locomotor
potentially rnore important. activity, the function of the hamstrings
Many coaches mistakenly believe group is not to flex the knee, but to extend
squatting is enough exercise for the the hip. As a result, lying or standing
entire lower body. These programs are leg curis are a waste of time for athletes.
characterized by a leg day consisting Exercises like leg curls train the muscles in
primarily of squat movements with a token a pattern never used in sport or in life.
single-joint hamstring exercise such as a The training and retraining of the
leg curi. This places excessive emphasis on hamstring muscles in nonfunctional
the knee extensors and neglects the hip patterns may expiam the frequent
extensors. This can be a major problem, recurrence of harnstring strains in athletes
particularly if glute function is inhibited. who rehabilitate with exercises such as
Athletes with inhibited glute function will leg curls, or through the use of isokinetic
present with large quadriceps in relation to machines such as Cybex. More importantiy,
the glutes, possibly even able to squat large strengthening the hamstrings in the
amounts of weight. Most often these quad absence of proper glute function is training
dominant, glute-deficient athletes will a synergist to do the job of a prime mover.
prefer a narrow, knee-dominant squatting Most hamstring injuries are actually
style. the result of poor glute function. If the
In recent years, the Olympic lifting glutes function poorly, the hamstrings
community has advocated doing variations become what Janda called synergistically
of the straight-leg deadlift. This exercise has dominant. In other words, we have a
been called the Romanian deadlift and is a synergist attempting to perform the task
hip-dominant deadlift done with a limited of a weak prime mover. Over time the
knee bend. Many US powerlifters used this hamstrings will tire and eventually strain.
lift for years prior to the introduction of If the solution to the hamstring strain is
the term Romanian deadlift. more hamstring strengthening, as is often
While this exercise addresses the need for the case, the cycle will continue. Any time
hip-dominant exercise, it does not address you see a hamstring strain, look for a weak
the need for unilateral hip-dominant glute.
exercise. If you study the subsystems
carefully, it’s obvious unilateral exercise is
critica! to proper function of the posterior

Advances in Functional Training 119

Note a favorite Shirley Sahrmann quote: and in and out, not getting a lot of lumbar
“When assessing the factors that spine motion, whether it’s lumbar flexion
contribute to an overuse syndrome, one or lumbar rotation. Avoid both, really get
of the rules is to determine whether one the athlete to turn at the hip joint.
or more of the synergists of the strained Thing about the pelvis as the attachment
muscle is also weak. When the synergist point for the lower body muscles. Minimize
is weak, the muscle strain is probably the back motion and concentrate on pelvic
result of excessive demands.” motion.
This may expiam the frequent complaint We’re trying to open and dose the door
heard by athletic trainers and therapists, “1 of the hip joint.
can’t believe he pulled his hamstring again;
he has great strength.”
The reality is hamstring weakness was
never the problem. The problem was a
weak prime mover. We now know to look
for a weakness causing a strain, and to
strengthen the weak muscle instead of the
strained muscle.

Lateral Hamstring
It’s important to promote tissue length
mn the lateral hamstring, an area prone to
shortening. We use a table.-top hip opening
stretch for the lateral hamstrings.
When we’re teaching our athletes the
table-top lateral hamstring stretch from a
standing position with one foot on a table
and the other 011 the floor, we don’t want
them rotating from the lumbar spine, we
want them rotating from the hip.
The bottom foot is neutral or internally
rotated, and so is the top foot. People with
poor hip mobility will externally rotate the
top foot, and externally rotate the bottom
Be very particular when lining up your
athlete 011 the table. Make sure you see
the foot straight ahead 011 the down leg,
and the foot of the up leg straight up, with
maybe a little bit of internal rotation.
The initial stretch is a common
hamstring stretch. To move laterally, have
the client rotate in at the hip, keeping both
feet in the straight-forward positions. Stress
the idea of turning the pelvis in and out

120 Advances in Functioncil Training

Hip-Extension Exercises tension relationship, the hamstring is still
attempting to compensate for the weak
glute. Due to the shortened state of the
hamstring, the need to shorten an already
deiiberately shortened muscie causes the
We break hip-extension exercises muscle to cramp.
into two distinct movement patterns: The key to any of the hip-extension
straight-leg hip extension and bent-leg movements is to instruct the client or
hip extension. Movements from both athlete to think giutes first. Improvement
categories should be used to properly train of glute firing must be a conscious effort.
the posterior chain muscles. Although Exercises such as squats and squat
some experts claim bent-leg hip extensions variations affect the giutes and hamstrings
isolate the glutes, this is not true for closed only as they relate to knee and hip
chain movements. extension involved in achieving a neutral
When the foot is in contact with a standing position. In squatting, the hip
surface — ground, slideboard top, stability never moves into fuil extension. Quad
bail — both the glutes and hamstrings dominant athletes can become effective
work to some degree. Depending on the squatters with minimal glute involvement,
starting length of the hamstring group, the particularly if they are allowed to squat to
hamstring will emerge as either the prime positions above parailel.
mover or the synergist. To properly work the glutes and the
Both straight-leg and bent-leg hip hamstrings, the movement must be
extensions target the glutes and hamstrings. centered on the hip and not on the knee.
The difference lies in the concept of length To understand this concept, envision
and tension relationships. Length-tension a front squat. The hip moves through
basically dictates muscles will work best approximately ninety degrees range
at normal length. If they are shortened of motion in concert with the knee
or overstretched, they will not develop movement. Generally there is one degree
optimal tension. of hip movement for each degree of knee
It is not possible to truly eliminate movement. The focus of the exercise is
one muscle group’s contribution, only shared equally by the knee and the hip
to lessen it. Straight-leg hip extension extensors.
unquestionably targets the hamstrings to In an exercise such as the modified
a greater degree because the hamstring straight-ieg deadlift, the hip moves through
begins at normal length, but ali of the bent a ninety-degree range of motion, but the
ieg hip-extension exercises also involve the glutes are assisted by the hamstrings. A
hamstrings as synergists. well-designed program must include both
The difference with bent-leg hamstring straight-leg, hip-dominant exercises and
exercises is the hamstring is deliberately bent-leg hip-dominant exercises to balance
shortened to decrease its contribution and the lower-body muscles.
to increase the contribution of the glutes. Most of the exercises in this section
With the knee bent, the length-tension will initially use the 8-10-12 bodyweight
relationship of the hamstring is now poor, progression, meaning bodyweight is used
and the glutes will be forced to do more for the first three weeks, with the number
work. of repetitions increasing each week from
Hamstring cramps during bent-leg eight to ten to twelve reps. External
hamstring exercises clearly demonstrate the resistance may be used when appropriate,
client has poor glute firing or activation, or obstacles of greater difficulty may be
because in spite of the poor length substituted.

Advances in Functional Training 121

Cook Hip Lift Modified Straight-Leg Deadlift
The Cook hip lift is covered in depth The modified straight-ieg deadlift (SLDL)
in the core section, but it is important to is the predecessor of the popular Romanian
remind you to begin by distinguishing deadlift and ranks with the squat among
between hip range and movement of the frequently maligned, misunderstood, and
lumbar spine. Don’t skip this step. pooriy executed lifts. Squats and deadlifts
and their variations are often called unsafe
Foot-Elevated Hip Lift and dangerous. In truth, these lifts are safe
and beneficial when performed correctiy
The foot-elevated hip lift is an excellent with an appropriate ioad.
progression from the Cook hip lift and has However, the squat and the SLDL can be
become a staple in our program. The foot dangerous when performed improperly or
elevated hip lift is just a single-leg bridge. with too heavy a weight. The unfortunate
This is a great example of the blurry une reality is most athletes perform both of
between core stabilization and posterior these exercises with questionable technique
chain strength — an exercise that began and too much weight.
as a core movement becomes a strength I’m not a fan of the double-leg versions of
exercise for the posterior chain. the SLDL or the Rornanian deadiift, as they
The foot can be elevated on an aerobic are difficult to teach and difficult to iearn.
step, a balance board, a foam roller, or a Fiexing from the hips with the spine stable,
medicine bali to increase the difficulty of what physicai therapists caii a waiter’s bow,
the exercise. Aerobic steps in four- and is one of the most difficult exercises to
six-inch heights aiiow a good progression. teach in strength and conditioning.
For a ievel-two exercise, a four-inch step As a result, 1 now use only single
is used. For levei three, a six-inch step or leg options of these exercises. Single-leg
balance board is used. For levei four, a foam versions impact the back significantly less,
rolier works well. and impact the glutes and hamstrings
A two-dimensional unstable surface significantly more. In addition, the
such as a foam roiler causes the hamstrings muscular systems discussed earlier are
to be worked in two separate and important trained far more effectively in the single-leg
functions. The hamstrings assist in hip versions. If we can obtain better muscular
extension, while also working eccentrically specificity and less lumbar load, it’s an
to prevent knee extension. improvement.
To progress to levei five, substitute a The old-schooI purists will say, “What,
medicine ball. The medicine ball is the no deadlifts?” 1 will aiways go back to the
most difficult due to the three-dimensional sarne point: If we can improve performance
instability it introduces at the hip. The and have less chance of injury, it’s a good
hamstrings must work at two joints, whiie idea. However, in point of fact, we do
the hip stabilizers work to prevent hip use the trap bar deadlift in some of our
adduction and abduction. The key is the programs.
athiete must be instructed to think about
raising the hips by squeezing the glute
while keeping the abdominals drawn in.
For ali these hip-lift exercises, use the
8-10-1 2-rep bodyweight progression.

122 Advances in Functional Training

Single-Leg Straight-Leg Deadlift better vertical loading pattern. They’re
easier to hold onto, and in this situation
The single-leg SLDL is a variation
they’re far superior to durnbbells.
that develops the entire posterior chain,
enhances balance and decreases both load
and stress on the back. Beginning loads will One-Leg, Two-Arm
be less than fifty percent of the comparable Straight-Leg Deadlift
load of the two-legged version.
The one-leg, two-arm SLDL is another
This exercise is far safer and is also more
excellent single-leg alternative to the
challenging. One of the obvious benefits is
double-leg versions of the Rornanian or
the tremendous proprioceptive work at the
straight-leg deadlift.
ankle. The deep longitudinal subsystern is
Charles Poliquin frequently uses the idea
engaged in this exercise, so the peroneals
of varying the exercise without changing it.
and anterior tibialis rnust both work The one-leg, two-arm SLDL is an excellent
extremely hard to provide stability to the example of allowing some variability
ankle and consequently to the hip. Single without having to teach an entirely new
leg hamstring work is more functional than
rnovement pattern. The essence of the
double-leg hamstring work, and single-leg
exercise rernains the sarne, but the exercise
hamstring work that chailenges balance
is changed enough to allow different loads
and proprioception is the rnost beneficial.
and slightly different neurological patterns.
This is another exercise that can be used
The one-leg, two-arm SLDL moves from
as a part of the warm-up or as a loaded
a dumbbell exercise to a straight bar or
strength exercise.
two-dumbbell exercise, and alters the loads
In previous years our single-leg SLDL
at both the scapulo-thoracic joint and the
was done with a perfectly straight leg.
thoracolumbar fascia. It allows greater
Paul Chek said for years we need a ten
loads than the single-arm version and will
to twenty-degree knee bend to effectively
provide greater stress to all of the trunk
recruit the glute, and we weren’t doing
extensors and scapulae retractors.
it. We were going with a rnuch straighter
leg, and much lighter loads. We’ve 110W
switched to the Chek style, slightly bent
knee, semi-straight-leg deadlifting.
With the hip-dorninant pattern we need
that twenty-degree knee bend, and we
need much heavier loads than 1 originally
thought. Five years ago, we were probably
using fifteen-pound dumbbells to do these,
and we were getting a lot of hamstring
soreness. When we flex the knee twenty
degrees, we can use significantly more
load, and we get a lot more glute soreness.
The straight leg really negates the ability
of the glute to be a hip extensor. That leg
being bent a little bit was a huge change for
us, and has had a big irnpact 011 our glute
And 1 love kettlebells for single-leg
SLDLs, even with the eight-pound-jump
limitation. Kettlebells really allow a much

Advances in Functional Training 123

This makes the exercise an excellent The key is that the action of reaching
progression from the single-dumbbell aliows the coach to give cues like “get
version. From a functional standpoint, long.” Our instructions are to reach forward
however, the two dumbbells or the straight with the hands toward the front while
bar may actualiy make the exercise less reaching back with the leg. Reaching turns
functional. This is not of great concern, as on the thoracic extensors and prevents the
the greater loads on the hip extensors offset shoulders from rounding.
the loss of the linkage from glute max to Athletes can begin with any weighted
the lat across the thoracolumbar fascia. med bail. We usually begin with two or
The important point is the client is three kilos. Any of the med balls with
able to move to a levei two exercise with handles are excelient for this exercise. The
an increased ioad from the levei one truth is a dumbbeil works just as well.
movement. Repetitions should remam in the eight
to ten range to keep the ioads on the spine
Reaching Single-Leg low.
Straight-Leg Deadlift
Slideboard Leg Curi
The slideboard leg curi is an exercise
stronger athietes can use as a levei one
exercise, or it can be used as an eccentric
only exercise for beginners. The slideboard
leg curi has quickly become a favorite
exercise even though it seems to violate
the no-single-joint exercise rule. In fact,
the slideboard leg curi is not a single-joint
exercise even though there is only one
joint moving.
The slideboard leg curl works in a
One of the things we often struggle to similar manner to the hip-lift exercises.
teach is the hip hinge action so essentiai for In the hip-iift exercises, the glute is the
one-ieg straight-leg deadiifts. This inability prime mover, while the hamstring assists
led to the reaching one-leg straight-leg in hip extension. In the slideboard leg curi,
deadlift. This exercise was already a part of aithough only the knee joint is moving,
our warm-up, but 1 had not considered it as the glutes must act to keep the hips in
an exercise in the strength program untii extension whiie the hamstring works to
recently. both eccentrically resist leg extension —

The one-arm, one-ieg SLDL had been a primary hamstring function — and to
our primary exercise for an accumulation concentricaiiy produce knee flexion. This
or hypertrophy phase, while the two-arm, is a compiex and functional exercise when
one-leg SLDL was used for the higher loads performed correctly.
of an intensification or strength phase as Some authors describing leg curis
athletes got stronger. using a stability ball make the exercise a
The reaching single-leg straight-ieg simultaneous hip-flexion and knee-flexion
deadlift is more suited to the iighter loads of exercise by ailowing the hips to drop. This
the accumulation phase and is an exceilent method of performance takes what could
exercise for beginners. be a great exercise and reduces it to an
average exercise. The key to the slideboard
leg curl is to force the glutes and hamstrings
to maintain hip extension, while also using

124 Advances in Functional Training

the hamstrings as both eccentric resistors TRX Leg Curi
of leg extension and then finally concentric
knee flexors.

Eccentric-OnIy Version
Many clients, particularly those who
have glute-firing issues, will not be able
to switch from the eccentric portion of
the exercise to the concentric portion of
the exercise while maintaining the glute
contraction. In this case, the hips will drop
and flex during the concentric portion
of the exercise. If this happens, program
eccentric-only reps to improve both
strength and function.

The TRX leg curi is an excellent

progression from the slideboard leg curi.
The biggest drawback to the TRX ieg
curi is it may be too difficult a progression.
The concept remains the sarne as in the
slideboard: The glutes must stay engaged
to get the beneflt of the exercise.

Start your client with the toes up and the

heels on the board as in a double-leg bridge.

Have the ciient draw in the abdominais
and place both hands on the glutes to feel
the contraction. With both hands on the
glutes and the stomach drawn in, count
five for the slide out from the hip-flexed
bridge position to a position with the legs ‘ii
From that point, have the client relax
down, return to the bridge position, and
repeat for three to flve reps.

Concentric Version
These are performed as above
maintaining the glute contraction, but This is an example of a TRX exercise 1
curling back to the start position. It is discounted without trying it. As 1 often say,
critical there be no bend at the hips. it is important to give exercises an honest
trial before you decide they are not useful.

Advances in Functional Training 125

Stability-BaII Leg Curi
The stability-ball leg curi is a level-three
exercise because it requires using the glutes
and spinal erectors to stabilize the torso
while the hamstrings perform a closed
chain leg curi. This exercise develops torso
stability while also strengthening the

Technique Points

• Heels are placed 011 the bail, and

the body is held with the hips off the

• The bali is curled under the body

using the heels while the body is held

126 Advances in Functional Training

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