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Linear Filtering and Color Space Conversion Using ZYBO


This demonstration uses the ZYBO to apply several different linear filters and color space
conversions to a video stream. The stream is input from the bidirectional HDMI port, and output
to the VGA port. The video conversions are carried out in the programmable logic fabric of the
Zynq Z-7010 part.

The input video feed is provided from a GoPro camera at 720p resolution.


Changing the Linear Filter

The Linear filter being applied is selected by pressing one of the 4 onboard buttons (labeled
BTN0-BTN3). The following filters can be chosen

BTN0 = No filter applied

BTN1 = Bilinear filtering (smoothing effect)

BTN2 = Sobel filter (edge detection)

BTN3 = Enhancement Filter (sharpening effect)

Changing the Color Space Conversion

Three of the onboard switches, labeled SW2-SW0, select the color space conversion that is
currently being applied. There are eight possible selections, that each correspond to the following
color-space conversions (listed as the binary state of the 3 switches, ordered SW2,SW1,SW0):

000 = No conversion applied

001 = Grayscale

010 = Sepia

011 = Color Inversion

100 = BGR (Red and Blue channels swapped, Green channel normal)

101 = Red only

110 = Green only

111 = Blue only

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